
nickoeHello. I am working on a project on lp, and today a see a lot of bugs where it says "Branch unlinked ...". I don't immediately like that. What exactly does it mean? Is it a problem? What is the purpose?09:15
wgrantnickoe: Which bugs? That just means that someone's either deleted the branch in question or manually clicked the button in the UI to unlink the branch.09:33
wgrantThe email notification will have whoever performed the action in From.09:33
nickoeit looks like someone manually pushed the link09:34
nickoebut _why_ would one want to unlink?09:35
wgrantThey may have linked them by mistake, for example.09:35
nickoeThat does not seem to be the case.  But what is the purpose of the link? wgrant09:49
wgrantnickoe: Launchpad doesn't use them internally for anything special, just to show users which bugs are related to a branch and vice-versa. Some external tools might use them, though (eg. a merge robot could automatically include bug numbers in the commit message when merging a bugfix branch into trunk).09:59
wgrantLaunchpad will automatically create the links when a bzr commit has been created with '--fixes=lp:1234', where 1234 is the bug number.09:59
nickoeso there is absolutely no reason for people to remove the links wen the branch unlinked is the branch the bug is about10:01
wgrantYou'd have to ask the person who did it, but that seems unusual. The most likely possibility is that they deleted the whole branch.10:02
nickoewell, the guy did it on 30 bugs that I was subscribed to.10:06
nickoeHe do not have commit acces to the project.10:06
wgrantSounds like a deleted branch to me.10:06
wgrantDoes the branch given in the message still exist?10:07
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