
vitimitiHello, on Vivid Vervet the ubuntu-sdk won't install because it cannot resolve the needed dependencies and I can't find anything about this problem, I have tried also purging, updating + dist-upgrading, using the -f flag, but nothing will install it. Somebody can help me out of this?01:36
vitimitiThere's a moment where the dependencies say the problem is that 1.4.3-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 is going to be installed, too01:38
trismvitimiti: it is installing fine here, is this an upgrade? you might have some ppa or other older packages still installed conflicting, can you pastebin the results when you try to install it with apt-get?01:56
vitimititrism, I have the ubuntu-sdk ppa from the getting started page, I will pastebin all I got to (let me translate it since it's in Spanish)01:59
vitimititrism, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10349829/ <- In the end you find the translation02:04
trismvitimiti: what about: apt-cache policy liboxideqtcore0; don't worry about the translations02:06
vitimititrism, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10349878/02:07
trismvitimiti: sudo apt-get install liboxideqtcore0/vivid; if that works and doesn't try to remove anything, try installing the ubuntu-sdk again02:08
vitimitiLet me see02:09
vitimititrism, it will uninstall oxideqt-codecs-extra. But I don't remember installing that package, I must have installed it at some other point02:09
vitimitiIt will also isntall oxideqt-codecs02:10
redlama42I'm running 15.04 alpha right now, would turning on (vivid-proposed) break my system?02:11
trismvitimiti: try: sudo apt-get install liboxideqtcore0/vivid oxideqt-codecs-extra/vivid; instead02:11
trismredlama42: don't run proposed on development versions, package builds are tested there and it will break things on you02:11
vitimititrism, yes, that works, lets see if the sdk installs after that02:11
vitimitiOh, god, I love you, it does02:12
redlama42trism: Thanks.02:12
trismvitimiti: excellent02:12
vitimititrism, I'm guessing something went wrong in the upgrade and I didn't realise, thank you02:12
redlama42Also, is this the wrong place to ask about installing Unity8?02:12
trismvitimiti: nothing really went wrong, the problem was oxide in utopic is newer than vivid at the moment, sometimes the browsers fall behind a bit02:14
vitimititrism, oh, interesting, thanks02:15
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lordievaderGood morning.10:09
BluesKajHiyas all12:58
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knittlhi. eog is showing wrong colors for me. is this a known issue? (i.e. blue shows as purple)16:16
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