
=== Zic is now known as Guest21117
=== Guest21117 is now known as Zic
=== benonsoftware is now known as Guest33721
=== Abigor is now known as Pel
Pelcould somebody kindly cloak this account? https://launchpad.net/~kw-info-0a20:54
IdleOnePici Flannel elky ^20:54
IdleOnePel: you don't appear to be an Ubuntu member20:54
IdleOneAre you look for an @unaffiliated/pel cloak or @ubuntu cloak?20:55
elkyi was about to point that out20:55
IdleOneelky: I pinged before looking20:55
PelI just registered a new account, I'm not able to login to my old sterkebak account20:55
IdleOneAre you look for an @unaffiliated/pel cloak or @ubuntu cloak?20:56
PelUbuntu cloak, otherwise I would be in Freenode channel ;-) I used to have one, but my account got dropped.20:56
IdleOnewhat is your old launchpad account?20:56
elkythat seemed awful sus20:58
elkyonly just regd the nick too an hour ago21:00
elkyalso that metadata21:00
MooDooevening all21:01
elkythough it seems to be a legit site21:01
IdleOneregistered on launchpad 10 min ago21:01
elkyyeah just found that21:02
IdleOneGood thing we look before clicking buttons :)21:02
MooDoowe're supposed to do that? ;)21:02
IdleOneMooDoo: only on Sunday21:02
elkynot in #launchpad asking for help currently21:02
k1lnice try :)21:04

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