Doc-Saintly | Hello all, what is the preferred way of installing guest additions for Xubuntu as a VM client? | 00:22 |
Unit193 | Doc-Saintly: Additional Drivers in the settings manager does it nicely. | 00:23 |
Doc-Saintly | Unit193: ok, thanks :D | 00:47 |
Doc-Saintly | Unit193: is there a command line way? | 00:48 |
Unit193 | Doc-Saintly: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-dkms | 00:48 |
Doc-Saintly | Unit193: awesome, thanks :D | 00:50 |
Unit193 | Any time. | 00:51 |
timvisher | i just created a new user, and when i try to create a new xfce session, it flashes a black screen and then brings me back to light-locker. how can i diagnose what's going on? | 01:56 |
Doc-Saintly | Is there an easy way to forward a port to another computer in the network without SSH? | 01:57 |
Doc-Saintly | basically I only want to expose one linux server to the outside, but I'd like to use it to pass connections through to another server | 01:57 |
Doc-Saintly | basically, my router won't allow me to forward from one port to a different one, and I don't want to change the ssh port of the second machine, so I'm hoping to forward it with the first machine | 01:58 |
timvisher | i just created a different new user, this one is behaving properly. the original user had an encrypted home folder, which i then tried to delete (via Users Settings), is it possible something bad happened there? | 02:02 |
timvisher | wat? when i delete the users with the ui, they go away from the ui, but when i close it and reopen it, they return… | 02:04 |
chrispage1980 | Hi, I'm wondering if any one else has had issues installing Steam with the new 14.04.2 x64 release? | 02:26 |
timvisher | so the problem apparently was that the friendly delete user button in the gui didn't actually delete the user, just their home folder... hurray! | 02:52 |
diegoaguilar | Hello, I, trying to do aptget update | 03:29 |
diegoaguilar | but I get a lot of warnings complaning a connection couldnt be reached | 03:30 |
diegoaguilar | and the error E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. | 03:30 |
diegoaguilar | how can I fix this? | 03:30 |
timvisher | diegoaguilar: how's your connection? | 03:47 |
timvisher | if you `ping` do you get high latency/packet loss stats? | 03:47 |
diegoaguilar | yep I do timvisher | 03:47 |
Unit193 | diegoaguilar: Can you pastebin which ones are failing? | 03:47 |
diegoaguilar | sure Unit193 | 03:47 |
diegoaguilar | Unit193, you will accept hastebin | 03:48 |
diegoaguilar | right? | 03:48 |
timvisher | diegoaguilar: it's probably that you have a legitimately bad connection then :\ | 03:48 |
Unit193 | That's fine. | 03:48 |
diegoaguilar | this is my apt-get update output Unit193 timvisher | 03:49 |
timvisher | diegoaguilar: link coming? also it would be useful to see a paste of your ping stats | 03:51 |
Unit193 | ping -c13 | pastebinit | 03:53 |
Unit193 | Err... helps to add an address. | 03:53 |
timvisher | Unit193: :) | 03:54 |
diegoaguilar | lol sorry | 03:54 |
diegoaguilar | | 03:54 |
diegoaguilar | here you have the link | 03:54 |
timvisher | diegoaguilar: that appears to have been successful? | 03:56 |
timvisher | you're welcome :) | 04:00 |
Unit193 | Welp. And yeah, no errors there. | 04:00 |
Unit193 | timvisher: userdel -r USERNAME to remove users. | 04:01 |
timvisher | Unit193: yep. figured that out eventually. that doesn't explain why the delete button in the gui doesn't work, even though it appears to until you reopen it :) | 04:02 |
timvisher | but hey, the most recent upgrade healed my little acer's brightness acpi buttons so i shouldn't complain too much | 04:02 |
Unit193 | I'd say run users-admin from the terminal to see if it has any output, but it doesn't appear to give any. | 04:03 |
erchamion | I just installed Xubuntu 14.04, and after all the updates I got locked out of my account, had to reboot, then I got an internal error | 05:02 |
erchamion | Is that a serious problem? | 05:02 |
erchamion | I also noticed there was a lot of deleting of packages during the latter stages of my last two installs | 05:21 |
erchamion | Another problem is Xubuntu is not recognizing any of the drives I have hooked up to the USB slots | 05:22 |
erchamion | the only thing that works in the USB slots are the keyboard and mouse | 05:22 |
erchamion | I have never had any problems with any of my USB slots before | 05:23 |
erchamion | I looked in the file manager, but there's not evidence of the external drive, nor of the jump drive I hooked up to USB slots | 05:24 |
erchamion | Does Xubuntu 14.10 work better than 14.04? | 05:25 |
Doc-Saintly | I have an SSH server listening on 2222, netstat seems to agree - but the connectionis refused. am I missing something? | 06:43 |
chrislp | Hey, I was wondering. I'm using the proprietary nvidia driver. I've heard I can set the DPI in xorg.conf. If I buy a 24" 4k monitor, can I set the DPI in xorg.conf and everything will scale properly without problems/fuzziness? | 10:48 |
cyris212 | Seems like the xubuntu live cd isn't able to handle my graphics card | 11:05 |
cyris212 | Is there anyway around that so I could install xubuntu and add the proprietary driver later on? | 11:06 |
xubuntu57w | Hello. I have connected my computer to TV display and extended it. I cannot drag video player on to the TV screen fully to play video in full screen on my TV. Is there something I can do to fix this? | 11:33 |
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pjotter | hello everybody | 14:52 |
pjotter | I wanted to ask you a question about Xubuntu 14.04 that I haven't been able to figure out. | 14:53 |
elfy | pjotter: just ask it - if someone can help they will | 14:57 |
pjotter | It's about the screensaver, lightlocker or power management. No matter what I do, my monitor always goes to blank after 10 minutes. Even though all settings are in 'off' or 'none' position. | 15:03 |
elfy | pjotter: mmm - well I've seen so many different versions of that I've lost any clue tbh - I'm not on 14.04 anymore | 15:13 |
elfy | but I would start with removing either lighlocker or xscreensaver - probably not best to have both | 15:14 |
pjotter | I was thinking the same. Maybe there is some kind of conflict between those | 15:14 |
elfy | yep | 15:15 |
elfy | for what it's worth lightlocker and power manager did work for *me* | 15:15 |
pjotter | hmmm... it appears I don; t have xscreensaver installed | 15:15 |
pjotter | Julst lightlocker | 15:16 |
elfy | is this desktop or laptop? | 15:16 |
pjotter | desktop | 15:16 |
pjotter | But my laptop has the same problem | 15:16 |
elfy | mmm yea - as I said "I've seen so many different versions of that I've lost any clue tbh" | 15:16 |
pjotter | Think I already found it... it seems an upgrade to a newer version of power manager would solve this bug? | 15:17 |
pjotter | | 15:17 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1193716 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Xfce Power Manager does not override the screen saver timeout (X11 Screen Saver extension)" [Medium,Fix released] | 15:17 |
pjotter | ubottu: What does 'fix released' mean? Is it going to be fixed any time soon? Or do I still need to upgrade power manager? | 15:18 |
ubottu | pjotter: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:18 |
pjotter | Sorry to hear that ubottu :) | 15:18 |
zorro | hello people | 15:30 |
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belal122 | I need to ask, how come there isn't a official xubuntu icon for the panel's "start" button? | 18:54 |
pleia2 | there is, it's the mouse head | 18:56 |
belal122 | but that's XFCE's icon, no? | 18:57 |
pleia2 | no, it's a variation on the Xfce icon, which only includes the head | 18:57 |
pleia2 | our branding info: | 18:57 |
belal122 | ohhh | 18:57 |
pleia2 | the Xfce icon is a whole mouse :) | 18:58 |
belal122 | lol i see it now. | 18:58 |
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paolo | hello, i'd like to disable the wheel-button paste feature | 21:10 |
paolo | i've been able to do that with this command: xinput set-button-map 12 1 0 3 | 21:11 |
paolo | how do i set that permanently? in which init file? | 21:11 |
id-furqon | hello | 23:15 |
knome | hello | 23:15 |
id-furqon | hm,. i'am beginner to use Xubuntu , I want to know , What is the most prominent advantages of Xubuntu ? | 23:29 |
nomic | its fast & small | 23:43 |
nomic | robust, not susceptible to malware/viruses | 23:43 |
nomic | also its xfce a stable desktop | 23:43 |
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