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pittijibel: can you please shut down http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/computer/wazn-adt/ ?12:06
pitti(I can't with my privs)12:06
pittijibel: all tests on it fail now because it can't access ftpmaster.internal, this needs to be investigated12:06
pittijibel: s/shut down/disable/12:07
jibelpitti, I don't think I can12:32
jibelpitti, I cannot12:33
jibelpitti, however I can kill the slave process on the server12:33
pittijibel: ah ok, I can do that too12:33
pittijibel: I thought you had a magic "disable" button; we used to in the past12:33
pittionce it's disabled, I can re-enable it12:33
jibelpitti, not anymore. I don't have more privileges that you now.12:34
pittijibel: oh wait, I don't have root on the thing, so I can't kill the slave proces12:34
jibelpitti, I was too dangerous for CI :P12:34
jibelpitti, killed12:35
pittijibel: thanks; restarting failed jobs12:35
jibelpitti, only wazn doesn't have access to ftpmaster?12:36
elfyjibel: did anything come of looking at the ubiquity stuff on jenkins last week (ish) - still nothing since December12:36
pittijibel: yeah, the others seem to work12:36
elopiogood morning people.14:16
elopiobrendand: can I help you with something for today's meetings?14:17
brendandelopio, no that's fine14:19
elopiobrendand: alesage: fgimenez: please review https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/ubuntu-sanity-tests/remove1423359-screenshot-workaround/+merge/25064416:01
fgimenezelopio: ok on it16:04
flexiondotorgelfy, Hello 😃19:36
flexiondotorgelfy, I'm taking some time off work on Thursday and Friday this week.19:37
flexiondotorgCould you spare sometime either of those days to give me an intro to QA stuff?19:37
elfyflexiondotorg: as far as I am aware you'll not be able to do anything with the tracker until you've got rights to it19:37
flexiondotorgelfy, And who should I approach for that?19:38
elfyballoons would be the one to sort that - I get my rights as member of Xubuntu and Ubuntustudio release team19:38
elfyflexiondotorg: ummm - what t/z are you?19:38
flexiondotorgballoons, Hello. I am the lead for Ubuntu MATE.19:39
knomeor if your flavor has a release team, you probably just need to get to that team19:39
flexiondotorgelfy, GMT19:39
elfythat's what I said :p19:39
elfyflexiondotorg: that makes life a bit easier to decipher things :)19:39
elfyflexiondotorg: so ... I am too, drive for a living though - so IRC is a bit awkward - am about in the evening :)19:40
elfynormally would be about all day Friday - workinig this one though19:41
flexiondotorgelfy, I'll stay in touch over this week.19:41
flexiondotorgelfy, Sounds like my first job is to establish a release team. Although it is a team of me right now.19:42
balloonsflexiondotorg, howdy!19:42
elfyflexiondotorg: ok - try and bear in mind that we're doing beta this week and not only am I worrying about me but I put myself down for checklist tracking19:43
flexiondotorgelfy, Understood.19:44
flexiondotorgelfy, I'm just super motivated now ubuntu-mate is on cdimages.19:44
elfybut where I can help you I'd be happy too19:44
flexiondotorgelfy, I'll give you a clear run this week and catch up next.19:45
knomei'm never willing to help anybody.19:45
balloonsflexiondotorg, elfy is correct. Get a release team on launchpad (even if you are the only member) then we can setup that team with permissions on the tracker19:45
flexiondotorgballoons, How do I get a release team establish for Ubuntu MATE with access to the tracker?19:45
flexiondotorgballoons, OK19:45
* flexiondotorg heads off to LP19:45
elfyflexiondotorg: ack19:45
balloonsonce you have tracker access you can manage your tests, and hopefully help maintain the common tests we all use :-19:47
elfythere's this odd bloke takes as much care of the manual testcases as he can19:52
flexiondotorgballoons, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-release/19:53
flexiondotorgballoons, I'll sort the branding etc later.19:54
flexiondotorgballoons, elfy I am hoping to get some others involved in testing and would be happy to contribute to the effort.19:54
balloonsflexiondotorg, let me get you setup now19:56
flexiondotorgballoons, Cheers.19:57
elfyflexiondotorg: and welcome to the fold :)20:04
flexiondotorgelfy, Thanks for your help.20:04
* flexiondotorg is glad to be here.20:04
balloonselfy, flexiondotorg so I created the basic products for ubuntu mate and added links to the images. I'll assign the base testcases now as well, but I can't assign the owner it seems20:09
flexiondotorgballoons, Thanks for your help.20:10
elfyballoons: just for the moment - so flexiondotorg has more who can help him - would him adding me to the mat release team give me admin rights on it?20:11
elfyflexiondotorg: that's up to you then :)20:12
flexiondotorgelfy, balloons I need to run some errands.20:12
flexiondotorgelfy, Oooh.20:12
flexiondotorgWhat do I look at?20:12
elfyadd elfy to your release team - then I can help you with the tracker :)20:13
flexiondotorgelfy, Will do.20:17
balloonsflexiondotorg, elfy the basic version is online now in daily20:17
flexiondotorgballoons, Thanks.20:17
flexiondotorgelfy, You're in 😃20:17
elfyballoons: mmm - ok - so not getting rights to their products currently20:23
balloonselfy, right, I can't set that it seems20:24
balloonsso no one has rights20:24
elfymmm ok20:25
balloonselfy, so we need stgraber to help out there20:25
elfyyea - guessed20:25
elfyanyway - I've got a full plate for a couple of days anyway :) so no rush for me at least20:26
elfyand if mate gets added properly to Beta 1 - as long as they're able to mark ready on Thursday20:26
knomerights to what?20:27
elfytracker admin20:28
knomeelfy, balloons: i'm an admin..20:29
elfyadd me as admin for Mate please20:29
* knome looks20:29
elfyand anyone else needing it I guess :D20:30
knomeactually, that i might not be able to do...20:31
knomelooks like it might be a db hack20:31
balloonsknome, it is20:32
knomeboo :P20:33
balloonsknome, err well.. it's just for the site admin of the installation20:33
balloonsI believe.. I can't remember and my test instance isn't handy to check20:33
elfyballoons: question on something entirely different - boot an image with kvm and it just sits there at the boot menu, waiting for language to be selected20:35
elfyis that expected?20:35
balloonselfy, is it Monday? if so, yes it's expected20:35
* balloons attempts humor as a means to not be sad20:35
balloonselfy, do you think it locks up at that menu?20:36
elfyand that should be a Friday gag balloons - never buy a car built on a Friday, never ask what day a plane was built on :p20:36
elfyballoons: see the same with ubuntu and xubuntu in kvm20:40
wxlwhoa, balloons, don't get too excited about beta 1. it's not tuesday yet :)20:46
Letozaf_balloons, hi20:48
elfyhi wxl Letozaf_20:53
wxlyo ho ho elfy20:53
Letozaf_elfy, hello :)20:54
wxldo YOU know the timeframe for images tomorrow?20:54
wxli know balloons erroneously said "soon" XD20:54
wxlalthough if we have them today, no complaints from moi20:54
elfywxl: as Laney and I are both in the same timezone - it's all likely to be based on that20:55
elfyLaney is expecting images to be done tomorrow morning UK time20:55
elfyUK time = UTC currrently :)20:55
wxlokie dokie20:55
wxlso then, approximately 12 hours or so?20:56
elfyif you'd have waited I was going to tell you ;)20:56
elfywxl possibly sometime within the next 16 hours - that'd be 12ish UTC :p20:56
wxlthat sounds good20:56
wxlat that point i might actually be awake XD20:57
elfyand I'll be looking to wrap everything up at a sensible time on Thursday20:57
wxland sensible time == ~1700 UTC?20:57
elfyand one last point - I drive for a living - I'll be about in the morning and in the evening20:57
elfypeople can ping me as much as they like during the day - I'll read them when it's safe :)20:58
wxlwhat kind of driving?20:58
elfywxl: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2015/02/04/interview-with-kev-elfy-of-the-ubuntu-community-council/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=interview-with-kev-elfy-of-the-ubuntu-community-council20:58
wxlah makes sense now21:00
* wxl used to be a bike courier21:00
* elfy has plans for a bike again this year - after ~20 without 21:02
wxlelfy: i do offer discounts to ubuntu members via bikefriday.com but shipping/vat/duties are not something i can discount21:03
elfyI meant with an engine :p21:04
wxlelfy: i can get you an e-bike XD21:04
elfyflexiondotorg: ok - I can see admin for Mate now on tracker - speak to you later in the week more21:06
balloonswxl, you are a part of bikefriday?21:35
wxlballoons: yep21:35
balloonswow, small world21:35
wxlballoons: oh? i know you're not XD21:36
knomeballoons, http://xubuntu.org/21:36
balloonswxl, lol, no I'm not. I just know of them, and years ago I thought of buying one21:37
balloonsI ultimately did no21:37
wxlwell, if you ever want one balloons :)21:37
balloonswxl, indeed, I'll keep that in mind!21:38
balloonsknome, wow, this looks amazing21:38
wxli made a general announcement to ubuntu-cyclists btw21:38
* balloons peruses21:38
knomeballoons, thanks ;)21:38
balloonswxl, did they ever get into offering an e-bike option?21:46
wxlballoons: we just became a bionx deal3er. actually just released it yesterday :)21:46
wxloh fuck21:47
* wxl hangs his head in shame21:47
* balloons tries to scrub the log21:48
* wxl moonlights as a sailor21:49
elfybad bad wxl21:49
wxlforgive me, father, for i have sinned :)21:50
elfycan cope with profanity ...21:50
wxlseriously, i'm usually not one to throw such things on a public channel21:51
elfyI know :)21:51
wxland i personally know of active members that are under age so21:51
wxlnot like when i was underage, i couldn't handle it either XD21:52
* elfy chose xubuntu for the colour really 21:53
wxlum, lubuntu uses the same colour, silly21:54
wxlsame *GENERAL* color21:54
wxli think there needs to be a new flavour based on Canonical Aubergine ;)21:54
elfydidn't someone use purple?21:55
wxlwell ubuntu has used it a bit in the past but not exclusively21:55
wxli don't know of anyone else that has, but i could be wrong21:55
elfydon't think so21:55
elfyanyway - time for me to wander off - night all :)21:56
wxlsee ya21:56
elfyyou will :)21:56

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