
sgclarkshadeslayer: welp had to put in ninjas due to rejects on 85% of them. evidently sitter uploaded 5.7.0 utopic with different contents and Riddell deleted it.00:16
manchickenWhich branch was vivid on for the muon-notifier?01:19
soeegood morning07:19
MirvScottK: sitter: so I needed to rekick khtml autopkgtest, after which qtbase now finally migrated to release pocket07:40
Mirvthere were some problems in the autopkgtest infrastructure07:40
tsdgeossitter: ping?08:13
tsdgeosMirv: Riddell: sitter: do you guys think we can get https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/106409/ in our packages? otherwise quassel crashes08:16
tsdgeosMirv: Riddell: sitter: do you guys think we can get https://codereview.qt-project.org/#/c/106400/ in our packages? otherwise konvesation disconnects because it thinks you're not connected (if using ethernet cable)08:16
sittermy konversation isn't disconnecting08:17
tsdgeossitter: you're not on ethernet?08:18
sitterI am on ethernet08:19
tsdgeossitter: then you don't have wifi and ethernet?08:19
sitterah, I see08:19
tsdgeosthe QNetworkConnectionManager still is not good08:19
tsdgeosbut basically the issue is: lots of stuff happens on start of the class that was missed because there's nothing connected to it08:20
tsdgeosthen the wifi backend found a network i was not connected disappeared and told the manager08:20
tsdgeosthen the manager said "wait there's no network at all, let's tell the app i'm disconnected"08:20
tsdgeosif you don't have wifi, the manager will be happily empty and never report it's disconnected08:21
Mirvtsdgeos: mm, I have joins/parts hidden and I guess you just joined? I was just explaining how my yesterday's landing now landed after kicking autopkgtests... https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/5.4.0+dfsg-4ubuntu308:21
Mirvthat konversation patch of course would need a new landing08:21
tsdgeosMirv: i just joined yes08:22
Mirvand being in networkmanager backend that will need actual testing, I marked yesterday's as "desktop only" so it was a quick one08:23
Mirvtsdgeos: just LP bug please, it's nicer that way. do you think it has impact on phones?08:23
MirvI think it clearly could have, ie 3G + wifi08:23
tsdgeosMirv: it's code we are using in the phones but i don't think it has impact08:24
tsdgeosbut obviously testing helps08:24
tsdgeosok, i'll LP them08:24
* sitter preps MR08:25
Mirv5.4.1 will be sooo outdated when it actually comes out08:26
tsdgeosyeah :/ sad those bugfixes actually didn't make it to 5.4.108:26
sitterRiddell: is jenkins lying or does your prison not actually build? :P08:28
tsdgeosSo i just reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/1424957 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtbase-opensource-src/+bug/142496008:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424957 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Fix crash in quassel when hovering links" [Undecided,New]08:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424960 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Fix konversation disconnected every now and then" [Undecided,New]08:30
sitterMirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~apachelogger/kubuntu-packaging/qtbase-opensource-src-fixkonvi/+merge/25072108:33
sittertsdgeos: the quassel fix should have landed earlier today08:33
tsdgeosshould it?08:34
tsdgeosoh right08:34
tsdgeosi can't read08:34
tsdgeosit's there on the changelog08:34
tsdgeosi read it three times this mornning and didn't see it08:35
tsdgeosi guess i need more orange juice :D08:35
* sitter finds orange juice suspicous08:36
sitterRiddell: you also forgot wrapandsort... fixes in unstable branch08:36
Mirvtsdgeos: :D08:38
Mirvthanks tsdgeos + sitter08:38
lordievaderGood morning.09:13
kfunkyay for Plasma 5.2.109:34
soeedo you also have that baloo_file uses 25% cpu all the time ?09:41
soeeand all the time KDEInit can't run '/usr/bin/ksysguard'09:43
soeeRiddell: would be good idea to post some info on G=/twitter about 5.2.1 for Vivid10:26
RiddellI don't know the status of it10:27
Riddellsgclark uploaded much of it I think10:27
Riddellhas it compiled?10:27
soeeRiddell: oh so not all packages landed already in Vivid ?10:28
Riddellshe got blocked on a few by upload permissions and it looks like some need retries to finish them off compiling looking at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html10:28
soeeok, i thought all are released already10:29
Riddellupstream hasn't released it yet (and I should know cos it's next on my todo list to do so)10:32
Riddelloh it's blocked on my prison changes10:33
Riddellso my fault all over :)10:33
soeeprison ?10:33
Riddelllibrary so klipper can make barcodes out of stuff10:33
soeenice name :)10:34
Riddellooh beta 111:12
Riddell!testers | beta 1 candidates11:12
ubottubeta 1 candidates: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley, alket, SourBlues, sgclark, neo31  for information11:12
yofeltime flies @_@11:12
Riddellany with beta freeze in place I guess plasma 5.2.1 won't be getting out of -proposed soon11:21
ScottKRiddell: The packageset permission issues are all fixed now.11:31
RiddellScottK: lovely thanks11:31
Riddellsitter: hmm seems I did push the wrong version of the prison packaging to git, thanks for fixing11:46
soeeRiddell: but we have already come 5.2.1 packages in archive right ?11:48
soeeso why beta freeze migth block it ?11:48
Riddellsome are in vivid and some are still in vivid-proposed11:48
Riddellbeta freeze will block moving from -proposed to vivid11:49
soeeRiddell: roger, so when they might be published ?11:49
Riddellthey'll be published in -proposed when they compile (plasma-workspace is compiling away now the rest will start when it's done)11:50
Riddellthey'll move to vivid after beta is out11:50
tsdgeosQt 5.4.1 is out 11:51
tsdgeosrebuild all the things :D11:51
Riddellwas about to say the same thing11:51
sitterhooray \o/11:51
Riddellnew abi is it?11:51
tsdgeosah don't think so11:51
tsdgeosjust mean all the qt packages11:52
soeeRiddell: so isos with beta have to be released, than those packages can be moved to vivid ?11:53
Riddellsoee: yes11:54
soeeRiddell: i can test isos later at home after work11:58
Riddellsoee: lovely, thanks11:59
BluesKajHiyas all12:14
soeehiho BluesKaj12:15
BluesKajhey soee12:17
mitya57Qt 5.4.1 \o/12:17
* mitya57 starts packaging it for Debian12:18
BluesKajsystem monitor freezes the desktop including the VD pager, at least alt-tab gives access to the close button on system monitor and restores the pager etc12:22
mitya57Mirv: what is the PPA/branch you used for 5.4.1 snapshot builds?12:33
mitya57Mirv: ignore, found it, landing-01212:36
Mirvmitya57: yeah but I didn't really progress it with so far. but at least I've some symbol updates ready for the final 5.4.1 tarball.12:37
Mirvso instead of forcing the version I thought now to simply start "normal" 5.4.1 test builds12:38
Mirvoh, right, it's out, I'll start in a bit :)12:39
Mirvand install files were updated too12:41
BluesKajlooking for a site to download themes from that doesn't want your life history and your grandmother's maden name etc...what gives with kde-look ?12:42
mitya57Mirv: btw in that PPA, adding QtNetwork/private/qssl_p.h to qtbase5-dev.install-common is wrong, as it is private header13:04
Mirvmitya57: yeah, I already noticed, I'm committing soon a WIP commit13:13
Mirvmitya57: or here it is currently http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10388936/13:14
Mirvoh, no, that's partial, a second13:15
Mirvmitya57: this one http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10388944/13:15
mitya57Mirv: with the new simplified qtbase5-private-dev.install from Debian you don't need to edit it :P13:19
mitya57And I've already committed the parts I need to Git, based on your previous changes & build logs.13:21
Riddellsitter: do we have any images with Plasma 5.2.1 on them?13:23
sitterRiddell: friday's ISO?13:24
sitterwhy you ask?13:24
Riddellsitter: for plasma 5.2,1 release announcement13:28
Riddellsitter: so friday's iso is 5.2 not unstable plasma?13:29
Mirvmitya57: oh, ok, I need to sync up a bit then, maybe after the first Debian upload13:29
mitya57Mirv: I hope I'll be able to do "the first Debian upload" today, in worst case tomorrow13:32
Mirvmitya57: great! and congrats for getting qtdeclarative out of NEW!13:33
sitterRiddell: oh true, that's unstable, we don't have one with 5.2 xD13:33
mitya57Riddell: Thanks should go to ScottK, not me :)13:33
mitya57Oh, sorry, this was for Mirv, not for Riddell13:34
sitterRiddell: also due to vivid transition and bluez5 not being available it's not trivial to roll one unfortunately. I can poke things if you feel it's useful though13:34
Riddellsitter: no I'll just point to kubuntu daily13:35
RiddellI wonder if fedora have anything13:35
sitterRiddell: dvratil might have a copr repo13:36
Mirvmitya57: ok :)13:39
Mirvthanks to ScottK then for getting qtdeclarative out of NEW13:40
soeegigo sgclark14:06
soeewrr, hiho14:06
ngaiohi everyone, is the the correct place to ask about a possible bug in Kubuntu 15.04? 14:07
soeengaio: i think #kubuntu is for support14:07
ngaiosoee, for alpha versions of Kubuntu too?14:07
soeengaio: hmm probably no :)14:08
soeeso ask here i think14:08
ngaiosoee, okay!14:08
ngaiothe first problem I've noticed is that when I plug in a PTP class camera, nothing happens. Gudev is reporting the addition, gvfs-mount -l shows the camera, but nothing appears on the KDE desktop14:09
Riddelldepends if you want developers to make snarky remarks telling you to fix it :)14:09
Riddell(but hopefully we wouldn't do that, being friendly and all)14:10
QuintasanGenerally PTP was pretty much broken if you didn't use Digikam14:10
QuintasanI'm not sure how it is now14:10
ngaioI see14:11
ngaiothe second problem is that an MTP device (my smartphone) is showing up in Dolphin, but it does not report to GVFS/GIO that it's mounted. Should it? 14:11
sitterit doesn't mount it14:12
QuintasanNot sure, I'm using mtp with the kio-mtp and it works without any problems. Do MTP mount anyways?14:12
QuintasanI'm pretty much sure MTP is there to avoid mounting since some application could be moved to SD card and mounting it made them inaccessible14:12
sitterRiddell: PTP probably should be raised to plasma ... I am not certain that the kamera IO slave actually will display as an option in the device notifier when one plugs in a camera (what with the slave being kio4 still)14:13
sitterQuintasan: you can mount anything really14:14
ngaiositter, I want to do the equivalent of (1) monitoring when an MTP device has been virtually "mounted" by KDE and then (2) "unmount" it so libgphoto2 can access it14:14
sitterKIO slaves just don't do it, what with being inferior to the KIO concept14:14
sitterngaio: there is no KDE software that mounts mtp devices I think14:14
ngaiositter, but there is a KDE process blocking libgphoto2 from accessing the MTP device14:15
sitterclose dolphin?14:16
sitterI dunno, that's a support question really :P14:16
ngaiositter, okay! so it's expected behavior then14:16
ngaioso to sum up: nothing should happen when a PTP device is inserted, and when an MTP device is inserted, KDE can work with it but it's never mounted14:17
sitterI have no clue if it is expected, it certainly doesn't sound optimal14:18
ngaiositter, thanks, I'll see if I can join an appropriate KDE mailing list and ask what is expected14:19
sitterplasma-devel or kdegraphics lists might be best14:20
ngaiofinally, only under KDE does this call fail from python: os.getlogin()14:21
ngaioit should return the user name14:21
ngaioinstead I'm getting OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory14:21
sitterworks here14:22
sitterpython -c 'import os; print os.getlogin()'                                                                                                    14:22
ngaioInteresting.  It definitely doesn't work here!14:25
ngaiobut it works when I login into the Unity session14:26
ngaiositter, should I file a bug report?14:34
sitterubuntu-bug python I suppose14:34
Riddellmorning manchicken_ 14:43
manchicken_It spent last night getting muon to build.14:44
manchicken_I have too many things to do.14:46
* Riddell gives manchicken_ a head massage15:03
BluesKajmanaged to install marble colour theme on Vivid. Copied the script from the download page to a textfile and named it marble.colors and imported into systems settings>colour. The downloader couldn't down load the .color file for some reason, but opened a page with a script instead. 15:04
Riddellovidiu-florin: oor web server seems to be down, do you know anything about it?15:31
Riddell"present a yet unspecified known hardware problem with your product exists." says the web interface15:37
Riddelloh well15:37
BluesKajcan somone tell what is so active in this room that it causes my cpu to jump to 100% usage on one core and not move or share the load with the other core ?16:22
sitter#konversation can16:23
BluesKajsitter , it's only in this room , the others I have loaded don't suffer from that kind of usage on the cpu, it's only about 10%16:24
ngaiohi again, I mentioned earlier that in a KDE session that this raises an exception: python -c 'import os; print os.getlogin()'17:06
ngaioit turns out people have run up against this since at least 2002 - 13 years ago!17:07
ngaioThere a developer writes "This is not a Python bug.  Python is just calling the platform getlogin().  On my Linux box, a C program that calls getlogin() reports exactly the same error."17:07
ngaioI have no idea why it works under a Unity session and not KDE17:08
_Groo_ngaio: do you have any errors in dmesg? might be a permissions or group problem17:34
ngaio_Groo_, no message in dmesg17:41
mparilloI have been testing 32-bit Vivid Beta RC1 (http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89657/testcases) and I noticed something. If I boot (Virtual Machine or Netbook), and I get the sign-in panel (used to be LightDM) and just click the power button, it counts down, and keeps counting down to negative numbers. Can anybody try that?18:30
sgclarkmparillo: I have seen that before, don't recall what caused it.18:45
mparilloTY sgclark: I am happy to raise a bug, but do you know if the sign-in panel is still LightDM?18:46
sgclarkRiddell: kdevelop has been in ninjas a few days and folks want it, at what point can we upload it, if ever.18:46
sgclarkmparillo: no, sddm18:46
sgclarkshadeslayer: can you remind me where I need to copy kf5 backport.18:47
mparilloAnd sddm bugs are on B.K.O., not Launchpad, correct?18:47
sgclarkkdevelop 4.7.1 in ninjas needs !testers18:51
sgclarkthat never works for me lol18:51
ubottuKDE bug 344538 in general "Boot to sddm; immediately select power off; countdown goes negative and never powers off" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:59
mparillohttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Beta1/Kubuntu  is available for your comments / fixing. I will update the bug list at least one more time.19:17
BluesKajwhere is thew beta 1 image ? the bootable image on the above url is still alpha1 and 219:51
mparilloBluesKaj: I got my 32-bit one from: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89657/testcases19:53
mparillo64-bit: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89656/testcases19:54
mparilloThe links from the wiki will not be live until the Beta is announced.19:54
lordievaderiso.qa allways has the newest images ;)19:55
lordievaderBut getting the daily would work too.19:56
BluesKajthanks mparillo19:56
BluesKajmaybe the beta 1 will fix some annoyances I have with the present install19:57
Quintasanwhat the..19:58
BluesKajor create new ones, but that's what testing is about :p19:58
QuintasanAnyone still on trusty?19:58
mparilloQuintasan: I think I have my 14.04.2 still up.20:01
mparillo32-bit VMware image.20:01
Quintasanmparillo: Can you see what happens if you don't have package 'rar' installed and try to compress something to a RAR file?20:01
mparilloSure thing. Logging off Vivid.20:02
mparilloI will ping you when on Trusty.20:02
mparilloQuintasan: I am at a brand-new 14.04.2 VM.20:07
QuintasanSo yeah, make sure the rar package is not installed and try compressing something with Ark to RAR20:07
mparilloapt-cache policy rar?20:08
QuintasanNot really, sudo apt-get purge rar20:08
QuintasanJust make sure it's not installed20:08
mparilloThey both agree. policy returns   Installed: (none) and purge returns Package 'rar' is not installed, so not removed20:10
mparilloNow I have used Ark to uncompress something because dolphin calls Ark. 20:11
QuintasanTry to compress something into a RAR archive20:12
mparilloWhen I type ark filename into the konsole, I get    Bus::open: Can not get ibus-daemon's address. and an ark GUI appeared, but it seemed to want to uncompress, not compress.20:14
Quintasanmparillo: No no, just use dolphin, Right click on something and use the context menus20:15
soeeRiddell: ping20:15
QuintasanGenerally I want to see what will Ark do with the rar binary is not available and the user wants to compress something using RAR20:15
mparilloOK, so I picked a small text file, right clicked, selected compress, picked the RAR option, and got a box titled Error - Ark with the message failed to locate program rar on disk.20:17
Quintasanmparillo: Now make sure the package zip is uninstalled and try compressing something into a ZIP archivet this time20:20
soeeok im zsyncing iso, will test amd6420:20
mparillozip was   Installed: 3.0-8. Purging now.20:21
mparilloIt said: Removing kubuntu-desktop (1.308.1.2) ...20:22
BluesKajyeah, gonna install beta 1 64bit image on this old amd pc, then later I may install it on the laptop. We'll see how it goes.20:24
mparilloAnd Removing zip (3.0-8) ... Now from dolphin, it looks the same. Right click, Compress, Pick the As ZIP Archive, and it pops up a box titled Error - Ark with the message failed to locate program zip on disk.20:24
Quintasanmparillo: Actually the behaviour is correct but it creates a tar.gz archive here instead of regular zip20:25
Quintasanmparillo: Thanks for testing that.20:25
soeesomeone knows if teh window lag bug has been fixed in QT 5.4.1 ?20:28
mparilloQuintasan: My pleasure. I wonder if it is that I have such a vanilla 14.04.220:33
mparillovanilla means (at least in the USA) plain, ordinary, not customized. Out-of-the-box.20:35
mparillovanilla ice cream is generally regarded as the most boring flavor.20:35
Quintasanmparillo: I do realise that :P20:38
QuintasanGenerally I tried reproducing that on my machines and was able to20:39
QuintasanYour clean install actually makes me sure that something's wrong on my end20:39
mparilloAnd I did not mean to insult you by my explanation. I just realized in a global channel that idioms are dangerous.20:41
mparilloBTW, did I really remove kubuntu-desktop?20:42
soeeisos does not work with virtual box, problems with displaying 20:44
mparillosoee: Not at all? I did fine with Alpha 2 and Beta 1 on VMware Player (limited to 800x600 IIRC until I install the tools).20:48
soeemparillo: i have fancy dancy colors only visible no normal screen :)20:48
soeeill share a screen, one moment20:49
soeeBluesKaj: activities switching works nice in 5.2.1 :)20:49
soeemparillo: after system reboot VB works :)20:56
soeesomeone can post again link to isos ?20:56
mparilloI got my 32-bit one from: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89657/testcases20:58
mparillo64-bit: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89656/testcases20:58
Quintasanmparillo: Yeah you did, it's just a meta-package to pull in everything kubuntu-related.20:58
mparilloBut once pulled in, I do not really need it? Unless I do a dist-upgrade (which I never do on an LTS anyway)?20:59
soeewrr, VB broken again20:59
mparillosoee: Usually when I complain about VMware Player, I get a 'use VirtualBox' reply.21:00
BluesKajmparillo, I tried kvm-qemu yesterday with Windows 7 as the guest and it ran fine,but windows networking didn't see any other pcs on LAN21:03
BluesKajmust have mucked up the settings in viirt before installing 21:06
mparilloBluesKaj: I am backwards from you. On my Win7 work laptop, I run Kubuntu as a guest. VMware presents networking (even wireless) to the guest as wired eth021:06
BluesKajheh 21:07
soeecorrect me f im wrong but with Kubuntu thers no this ubiquity step: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89656/testcases/1303/results21:08
soeeiso just boots to live session in EN21:08
soeeright ?21:08
mparillosoee: This is what I wrote in my test result: Note that I did not have to wait on the screen Press "Try Kubuntu" and wait for the Live session to start. Technically a bug, but I prefer skipping this screen. But, perhaps a non-English speaker would disagree as I was also not presented with the option to Select A Language.21:19
shadeslayersgclark: I think kubuntu-ppa/ppa , but I'd recommend sending a email to kubuntu-devel to make sure21:48
yofelcertainly not, that's the update ppa. Please never put backports there21:49
BluesKajhmm, not much difference from the previous install, the beta 1 has all the same annoying bugs as the alphas 21:53
sgclarkclear as mud ;p21:56
BluesKajoh well, enough for one day, time to change to the boob toob ...see you tomorrow, I hope.21:56
sgclarksee yas21:56
sgclarkyofel: shadeslayer: ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports ??21:58
yofelsgclark: what release are we talking about?21:58
shadeslayeryofel: but KF5 5.7 isn't a backport21:58
shadeslayerit's meant to be SRU'd21:58
sgclarkyofel: ^21:58
sgclarkit is in ninjas but needs to go somewher ewith more exposure to get tested21:59
yofelok, so we're talking about the 5.7 SRU for utopic. Then  /ppa is ok21:59
sgclarkcool thx21:59
yofelFWIW, you could put it into both /ppa and /next, as /next probably has more kf5 users than /ppa22:04
sgclarkyofel: actually next sounds like a better place.. for that reason, all we need is exposure22:15
shadeslayerlol https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=910372622:20
* ahoneybun just found that you can install steam from the terminal 23:12

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