
darthanubiscan't find where to put amarok scipts00:08
TheHallo zusammen00:53
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snwr34p3rok i need help setting up 4 screens, my hdmi screen won't display, if i set mirrored mode all 4 screens work, xrandr sees all 4 screens i can change setting thru xrandr and see like resolution changes etc, i have 2 seperat gpus, i can get 3 screens working no problem with vga, dvi, vga the hdmi seems to crash the display manager01:33
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TheRingerhey is the option to download plasma widgets from the desktop not enabled yet ? I'm getting a Network error (203)03:41
TheRingerAlso, how the heck do i access preferences for the konsole on 15.0403:42
TheRingerI liked being able to scroll my mouse while holding control to increase the font size03:42
Coldfusionstormhi everybodu04:12
Coldfusionstormi isntalled KDE on top of Ubuntu04:12
Coldfusionstormand im stuck with the Ubuntu Login Manager04:12
Coldfusionstormhow would i go about changeing this?04:12
jussiColdfusionstorm: system settings, startup and shutdown, login screen I think is the correct place04:48
Coldfusionstormthat dosn't work04:49
jussiColdfusionstorm: ahh, you could then try from the command line, sudo dpkg --reconfigure lightdm04:50
jussierr wait04:51
jussiColdfusionstorm:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm04:51
Coldfusionstormthat command vies me not output04:52
Coldfusionstormand i think i already tried it ealier04:52
jussiColdfusionstorm: sudo dpkg-reconfigure sddm04:52
Coldfusionstormdpkg-query: package 'sddm' is not installed and no information is available04:52
jussiahh, how did you install your kubuntu? with the kubuntu desktop package?04:53
Coldfusionstormi don't quite remember that is some time ago04:53
Coldfusionstormvyt ueah04:53
ColdfusionstormBut yeah i think04:53
Coldfusionstormi did not use a CD,USB, device04:54
jussimaybe try reinstall it to ensure you have all the dependencies04:54
Coldfusionstormjust the login imanager or the entire Kubuntu package?04:55
jussithe entire kubuntu (it wont reinstall everything, just the meta package and any missing deps)04:57
jussisudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop04:57
jussiColdfusionstorm: did it help at all?05:03
Coldfusionstorm2 sec05:03
Coldfusionstormlet me restart05:03
Coldfusionstormdid not seem to work05:05
Coldfusionstormi think il try downloading the Plasma 5 release and do a full install05:06
jussiok, and if you reconfigure lightdm now?05:06
Coldfusionstormfrom a Kubuntu05:06
Coldfusionstorm750JW:~$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm05:06
ColdfusionstormStill no output05:06
jussiyes, although you may want to also install the sddm package, as kubuntu now uses sddm05:06
Coldfusionstormif i download a bootable Plsama 5 disk05:07
Coldfusionstormi assume everything is configed correct from the get go right?05:07
jussiI beleive so :)05:07
jussiIf you reinstall from that disk05:08
Coldfusionstormi looked at the bug list05:08
Coldfusionstormi think im better off waiting for next release05:08
Coldfusionstormand then do a full install there05:08
Coldfusionstormto get rid of Old Ubuntu deps05:09
jussiyeah, likely05:09
ColdfusionstormThanks for the Help Jussi :)05:16
jussiColdfusionstorm: youäre welcome  :)05:26
=== Dhan is now known as Coldfusionstorm
Coldfusionstormim crying inside05:45
Coldfusionstormso a application05:45
Coldfusionstormfails to boot properly05:45
Coldfusionstormand the only way to get to desktop is to reboot05:46
Coldfusionstormbecause LigthDM ( i guess) just does not work05:46
ColdfusionstormAt least in windows the driver can restart05:46
Coldfusionstormim not sure if it's X or Lightdm i hate there05:47
Coldfusionstormit's proprely X05:47
valoriewhat kubuntu version, Coldfusionstorm?05:48
valorieit caused me problems too, so I switched to SDDM05:48
Coldfusionstormim switching right now then05:48
Coldfusionstormbecause everytime a graphic app hicksup a little05:49
Coldfusionstormligthdm goes sdrfgkjdthsgkdjsg05:49
valorieI had to purge lightdm as well05:49
valorieevidently it doesn't play nice with others05:49
Coldfusionstormhow did you do it?05:49
Coldfusionstormcommand line only05:49
Coldfusionstormor Ubuntu software center05:49
valorieI did commandline, as I recall05:50
valorieoddly enough, I had to remove KDM as well05:51
valoriealthough afaik it was never installed05:51
valoriebizarre, even05:51
valoriebut things worked fine once SDDM was alone05:51
Coldfusionstormusing apt-get isntall SDDM05:52
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Coldfusionstormdid not get me anywhere05:52
valorie`sudo apt install sddm` didn't work?05:52
valoriewhat was the output?05:53
valorieplease do `sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade`05:54
Coldfusionstormjust did05:54
Coldfusionstormsame result05:54
Coldfusionstormnot availlable05:55
Coldfusionstormbut is refered byt another package05:55
valorieok, sudo apt install -f05:55
valoriedid upgrade, or do a fresh install?05:55
Coldfusionstormsudo apt install -f05:55
Coldfusionstorm0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:56
valorieoh good lord05:56
valorieupgrade, or a fresh install?05:56
valorieand this is not plasma 5, correct?05:57
valoriejust vanilla 14.1005:57
Coldfusionstormwell, i did start on a plasma 5 guide once05:58
Coldfusionstormbut it just updated to 14.1005:58
Coldfusionstormand i just ditched it there05:58
Coldfusionstormit did not seem it actually intalled any 5.0 stuff05:58
Coldfusionstormwhen it updated to 14.1005:59
valorieso do you have plasma-next ppa?05:59
ColdfusionstormUnder "other softwares" in Software sources06:00
Coldfusionstormunder muon manager06:00
Coldfusionstormonly 2 checkboxed are checked06:00
Coldfusionstormand no06:00
valorieso the canonical source says:06:00
valoriesudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next06:00
valoriesudo apt update06:00
valoriesudo apt install kubuntu-plasma5-desktop06:01
valoriesudo apt full-upgrade06:01
valoriesudo reboot  [save any work first, sorry no elegant way to reboot]06:01
Coldfusionstormplasma 5 is not referenced06:01
Coldfusionstormthis is how it looks06:02
valorieI"m not sure what to advise06:05
Coldfusionstormalright, well im downloading the 14.4 LTS Kubuntu iso now06:05
valoriewhen I did my upgrade I had already gotten rid of the neon I was using previously, but I figured left-overs from that caused my difficulties06:06
Coldfusionstormhopefully that will make stuff work reliably06:06
Coldfusionstormthen was it?06:06
valorieI just had to go through the above steps two or three times06:06
Coldfusionstormwell, il just reinstall06:06
Coldfusionstormthis distro started out as ubuntu06:06
jussiColdfusionstorm: quick question, when you tried to install sddm, you did use lower case sddm, not SDDM ?06:06
valoriebut I have a working install, and it has been working well ever since the opening weekend of release06:06
jussi[07:52:21] <Coldfusionstorm> using apt-get isntall SDDM06:07
jussineeds to be sudo apt-get install sddm06:07
Coldfusionstormfrederick@frederick-G750JW:~$ sudo apt-get install sddm06:07
Coldfusionstormit is06:08
Coldfusionstormstill not working06:08
jussiok, good, just checking06:08
valoriedo you have any suggestions, jussi?06:08
jussidid you purge lightdm as well, as valorie indicated?06:08
* valorie is out of ideas06:08
jussisudo apt-get remove --purge lightdm06:09
Coldfusionstormim using lightdm right now06:09
Coldfusionstormwould purging not be bad if im running it?06:09
Coldfusionstormi love my new 4g connection06:12
ColdfusionstormEven at 3g speeds (cus im in the contry) i still get 25/mbit down06:12
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smrtgyzzlooking for kubuntu nvidia drivers for 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM108M [GeForce 840M] (rev a2)06:47
hateballsmrtgyzz: Are there none in Driver Manager?06:48
smrtgyzzmsg me if you can help06:48
smrtgyzzenjoying kubuntu 14.0406:48
_shaun_how do i attach my usb devices to my kvm virtual machine? there aren't any examples for spice or for tcp06:55
Coldfusionstormi think i might have installed over on my Data partition07:16
ColdfusionstormThe Nix one07:16
soeegood morning07:19
BernhardShey, does anyone know in which package the KF5Plasma dev files are?08:25
lordievaderGood morning.09:12
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BluesKajHiyas all12:14
BluesKajnice nick :)12:43
rottingdeadYeah, I get that a lot, lol..12:43
mparilloDownloading the 32-bit RC ISO.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Beta1/Kubuntu is drafted.13:25
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Guest96493how i change server?14:48
Guest96493and nick?14:48
lordievaderGuest96493: Read the documentation of your client.14:49
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hitmancodename47моля да ми помогнете15:07
lordievader!ru | hitmancodename4715:07
ubottuhitmancodename47: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:07
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ty812I have an issue involving the IM services. I get two notifications for every inbound message, and if I click the wrong one, I get a grey telepathy window (and subsequently have to close the account and reopen it to chat)16:45
Arenok, got the ubi-partman exit with error 14117:44
Arencurious why this has been allowed to remiain unsolved given that it affects every distro & version17:49
lordievaderAren: I've rarely seen that error, if at all. Some special disk setup?17:50
Arenreally? i found it every where with a quick web search...17:51
Arenno, standard install on a hp sleekbook 4 windows 8.1 stable ubuntu, kubuntu, & vivid17:55
lordievaderAren: Bug 1302694?17:56
ubottubug 1302694 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "ubi-partman fails with error code 141 during install (14.04 beta 2)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130269417:56
Arenwas listed multiple times under diff bug reports, maybe i should have written them all down17:58
lordievaderAren: Please do confirm it for 14.04(?) too.17:58
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Arenread that link, seems what is happening is permissions / ownership issues unable to wwrite to create logs files etc18:05
lordievaderAren: "UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 " is not a permission error.18:11
lordievaderAren: Add your findings ;)18:12
Arendistro installation error prtman crashed exit error code 141, would like to chat with somebody about this to solve19:00
mparilloIs anybody dual+ booting. I loaded Kubuntu on a machine with Linux Mint, and GRUB knew all the details about Linux Mint, but listed Kubuntu first as Ubuntu. Is this normal? Yes, I know there is a GRUB editor, but it is mostly curiousity, as I have not installed Ubuntu since Unity.19:02
lordievadermparillo: Yes, supposedly it is rather cumbersome to get that to say Kubuntu.19:05
keithzgmparillo: Kubuntu being listed as Ubuntu is normal. In many sense they *are* the same distro, after all (just a different primary desktop metapackage, but in theory you could have both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop installed)19:05
lordievadermparillo: Ask sitter.19:05
keithzgI thought we did get it saying Kubuntu at one point, though?19:05
lordievaderkeithzg: Yes, but it was too much effort to continue that trend.19:06
keithzglordievader: Ahhh, fair enough19:06
keithzgThere *are* a lot of interlocking parts to deal with.19:06
* keithzg is content to just see "Ubuntu" and mentally read "*ubuntu" ;)19:07
Arenpartman crashed on kubuntu ubuntu & vivid installation on HP sleekbook4 running windows 8, stock machine. Partman crashed with exit coded 141.  Has been reported under multiple bug reports but no definitive resolution has happened19:09
Arenwould like to get my install straight & work with someone on a better installation script to improve options clarity documetation, any interest? A goog contct?19:10
mparilloTY keithzg and lordievader. I commented on that in my Beta 1 RC 1 test report, but I did not want to open a bug until I knew more about it.19:12
ArenI can't imagine ubuntu kubuntu or vivid getting to much of a following with all distros replicating the same installation bug being so mishandled & unaddressed everywhere, shame because other than a successful boot taking forever it's pretty solid19:22
keithzgAren: Vivid ain't exactly been released yet.19:23
Arenagreed, but the stable version should be19:23
Arentried all the distros to see if this problem existed in all & it does19:24
keithzgAren: Well, I haven't had issues with installing 14.10 on systems personally, so it's not *universal* at least. Do you have a bug report in particular that details the issues as you've experienced them?19:25
BluesKajAren, I haven't encountered that bug during 15.04 installation , either via iso or network upgrade19:25
Arenthere have been mulitple bug reports filed with all distros & i believe they have been marked as solved (or not) in error.  Do you want me to go find all the bug reports related to the part man exit 141 error?19:26
keithzgAren: If you want us to help at all, pointing to at least *one* would be useful.19:27
ArenI have eproduced it consistently on a stock hp envy sleekbook 4 laptop running standard windows 8 with no virus protectio installed19:27
ArenOK, I can do that.  I 'm here to help too19:28
lordievaderAren: Wait, you keep explicitly saying Windows 8, do you use Wubi?19:28
Arenwas trying to understand what was needed.19:28
Arenwubi is in the install script for install I guess, but as far as I can tel it should not be called. I don't even care too much about preserving the current windows install19:30
keithzgAren: Naw, Wubi is an install method where you run the installer from within Windows, rather than rebooting into the installer directly.19:30
ArenIt seems to be a problem with ownership and permissions values because it can't create write to directories and files during install so exits19:31
Arenno, running from iso usb during restart or reboot19:31
keithzgOkay, are you using UEFI or legacy?19:32
Arenbooting up, going to boot selection picking usb drive19:32
mparilloAren: Anytime I see Win8, I think https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:32
mparilloWhoops: keithzg beat me.19:32
keithzgIt's possible the installer is having issues then if the drive is using GPT, since if you boot the installer in legacy rather than UEFI it can't actually understand that last time I checked (I could be remembering wrong though).19:34
keithzgAren: So I'd definitely try booting from the install disc as UEFI, see if that allows it to actually manipulate the partitions. I'm not 100% sure that's the issue, but I wouldn't be surprised.19:38
Arenthanks i'll check that out now,19:41
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whac-a-retroikonia: Is it possible for us to discuss things?21:54
Scunizican I batch rename in dolphin and add a sequencing number to the beginning of an existing filename.  File names are all over the board and I don't want to change them.. just prepend a number22:11
mparilloScunizi: Sounds like a fun perl / shell scripting exercise.22:19
Scunizimparillo: my google-fu must be working today.. krename seems to be pretty powerful.22:21
Scunizieven offers an "undo" while experimenting.22:22
mparilloWow. I have shot myself with perl before. Undo would have been nice.22:24
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magmanhello all23:01
keithzgYeah, I remember using krename back in the day, quite a useful little utility (although I normally do indeed just do these things with one-liners in bash or such).23:02
magmanlooking for help on NVIDIA drivers for kubuntu23:02
keithzgmagman: what's your current situation, software and hardware wise?23:03

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