
mssbrghow stable/unstable is Vivid? would it be a bad idea to upgrade?03:58
lordievaderGood morning.09:13
BluesKajHiyas all12:14
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
ngaioI would like some help determining under which component I should file a bug relating to python raising a FileNotFoundError when calling os.getlogin(). The odd thing is that it happens when running in the KDE session, but in Unity it works as expected. There are no problems with os.getenv('USER') under KDE.16:45
lordievaderngaio: What is calling that function?16:46
ngaiolordievader, my code :-)16:47
lordievaderngaio: Could you pastebin it?16:47
ngaiolordievader, python -c 'import os; print os.getlogin()'16:48
lordievaderngaio: What is the full traceback you get?16:49
ngaioTraceback (most recent call last):16:50
ngaio  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>16:50
ngaioOSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory16:50
lordievader!paste | ngaio16:51
ubottungaio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:51
ngaiolordievader, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10391745/16:51
lordievaderHmm, that is strange. Do you get the same behaviour in python3?16:51
ngaiolordievader, yes, but of course I have to change the print statement to be in python3 format first16:52
ngaioand as I say, it works fine under a Unity session16:52
lordievaderThat is very strange...16:53
ngaiolordievader, and why this works, I don't know: python -c "import os; print os.getenv('USER')"16:54
lordievaderThat reads the $USER environment variable.16:54
ngaioI guess the other call tries something else first! I haven't looked at the python OS module code16:55
lordievaderngaio: Python finds this not a Python bug: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-bugs-list/2002-July/012691.html16:56
ngaiothat's from 2002!16:57
ngaiothanks for picking that up - I should have googled that myself16:57
lordievaderngaio: From where are you calling this?16:58
ngaiolordievader, I'm the author of Rapid Photo Downloader and I'm porting it from PyGtk + python multiprocessing to PyQt + 0mq17:00
lordievaderSo you are running it from a mortal user?17:00
ngaiowhat is a mortal user?17:00
lordievaderNormal user without any real permissions, i.e. not root.17:01
ngaiolordievader, yes, a regular user17:01
lordievaderNo idea, really... -.-17:02
rww"i assume the + in +1 won't break it" -> Turns out it does :(18:06
lordievaderrww: ?18:12
* rww points at his last comment before then in scrollback18:13
lordievaderrww: Ah, fancy.18:13

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