
aeorildarkxst arrrggghhh!  All this time I have been working on the icon bug with plain old Ubuntu, not Ubuntu-Gnome!  Anyway, I got everything to boot and ran a compiled Ubiquity install from the live CD in a VM, but the info icon was fine *before* I included the fix in my compile for regular Ubuntu - now I have to do it all for Ubuntu-Gnome!  Teach me to read the bug report better ... I'll03:33
aeorilwork on it again tomorrow.  Made good progress on learning the ropes, though03:33
aeorildarkxst note that I had to do "sudo apt-get -f install" to fix up the ubiquity dependencies after "dpkg -i ..." for the compiled .deb files03:35
aeoril(but it seemed to work fine)03:35
aeorildarkxst can I use a ubiquity build done with debuild/sbuild on an Ubuntu machine (the .debs) to test out ubiquity on an Ubuntu-Gnome livecd?  Or do I have to do the build originally on a Ubuntu-Gnome machine?04:36
ScottKaeoril: You can do it on an Ubuntu machine.04:37
aeorilScottK ok, thanks - then my problem now is trivial.  What a relief! How does sbuild determine "flavours" for builds?  Or does that only matter if you are building the livecd for the "flavour?"04:38
ScottKIt determines if the package build dependencies in debian/control have been satisfied.04:38
ScottKUbiquity is built with different front ends sometimes for different flavors, but it's all one build from the same source.04:39
aeorilScottK speaking of dependencies, when I ran "bzr debuild" to get the source package built before I could run sbuild, it could not find some dependencies.  However, I looked in debian/control and the missing packages seemed to be there (pyflakes, pep8 and d-i, I think - something like that).  I had to manually install them before I could do the build.  I wonder why?  When I made a recipe04:45
aeorilon launchpad, it failed as well because of dependency issues.04:45
aeoril"bzr debuild -S" actually ...04:47
ScottKdebuild won't install build-deps.  You have to do that yourself.04:58
aeorilScottK I wonder why the recipe failed though?05:03
aeoril(I could paste the log)05:03
ScottKNo idea.  I've never done anything with LP recipes.05:03
aeorilwell, just point you to it ...05:03
aeoriloh, ok05:03
aeorilScottK do many people use recipes at all?05:04
ScottKI've known of a few.05:04
ScottKI think they are mainly used by upstreams trying to do things like nightly builds on LP.05:04
aeoriloh, ok - do most people use sbuild?05:04
aeorildarn, my VM seems to have locked up installing dependencies using "sudo apt-get -f install"05:06
aeoril(for the ubiquity I compiled)05:06
pittistgraber: ah yes, that must be an ancient bug which nobody saw so far as we install it by default05:39
pittiGood morning05:40
pittisarnold, stgraber, dobey: bug 777224 sounds like ^, I duped/triaged it05:43
ubottubug 777224 in ureadahead (Ubuntu) "package ureadahead 0.100.0-11 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77722405:43
pittistgraber: ureadahead does work on an SSD in principle, it just doesn't make much sense05:47
pittibdmurray: hm, ubuntu-release-upgrader build failure, why does it build-dep on itself?05:52
* pitti removes the -proposed version05:52
pittiI removed all of its  binaries from -proposed05:54
Mirvpitti: I rekicked khtml autopkgtest, it showed as "Test in progress" since yesterday while it was not06:23
darkxstaeoril, the only real difference in ubiquity between Ubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME is the slideshow, the icon issue will be the same for both06:50
pittibdmurray: FYI, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader/1:15.04.9 built now, after cleaning up the previous botched binaries07:06
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dholbachgood morning07:42
ari-tczewhello dholbach07:49
dholbachhi ari-tczew07:50
LocutusOfBorg1hi folks!08:20
LocutusOfBorg1do you have any advice for bug 1424769 ?08:20
ubottubug 1424769 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "virtualbox-guest-x11 uninstallable with mesa-lts-utopic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142476908:20
LocutusOfBorg1the problem is that it needs a rebuild08:20
mlankhorstLocutusOfBorg1: in general vm's should use the unrenamed stack, and trusty 14.04.108:39
mlankhorstyou can still use the lts-utopic kernel if you want08:40
LocutusOfBorg1mlankhorst, I'm the virtualbox maintainer lol08:40
LocutusOfBorg1I'm asking how to (if possible) fix the "bug"08:40
mlankhorstcreate a virtualbox-x11-lts-utopic :P08:40
LocutusOfBorg1yes, I was thinking about something like that, how to trigger the rebuild with the -lts-utopic packages?08:41
LocutusOfBorg1and how can I be sure users will pick up it?08:41
LocutusOfBorg1seems a big trouble08:41
mlankhorstthey won't pick it up, you need to create a rename for the -lts-utopic package08:41
mlankhorstyou need to create a separate virtualbox-lts-utopic package08:42
LocutusOfBorg1and maintain it ;)08:42
mlankhorstor advise users to stay on 14.04.1, they can upgrade the kernel if they want08:42
mlankhorstthe problem is that newer xorg may break the x11 api, so you can't just rebuild the old virtualbox against a newer xorg in some cases08:42
LocutusOfBorg1I guess I need (in case of breakage) to patch the code like I do with the kernel08:54
LocutusOfBorg1can I quote the irc conversation or can you please just reply there?08:54
mlankhorstsure quote if you want08:55
ricotzLocutusOfBorg1, hi, what is up with the vbox driver inclusion in vivid kernel?09:00
LocutusOfBorg1ricotz, sorry I don't get the question09:01
ricotzLocutusOfBorg1, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-vivid.git;a=commit;h=8180b966d33c0551503f6cd362d573c69d9b7d8009:02
LocutusOfBorg1thanks I saw on -devel mail list something about it, apw what is that supposed to do?09:03
LocutusOfBorg1to avoid the dkms package?09:04
ricotzmeaning how are you dealing with that? (regardless the network module is failing here)09:04
ricotztainting the kernel by default doesnt seem a good idea09:04
LocutusOfBorg1nobody ping'd me about it, so I presume if they want to integrate the driver in the kernel, they will also patch vbox to stop producing the dkms package09:06
LocutusOfBorg1I guess once the kernel team finished the work somebody will ping me about it09:06
LocutusOfBorg1(I hope at least)09:06
ricotzright, and of course slipping out the ddx as well09:06
ricotzwhich i would assume mlankhorst heard of ;)09:06
ricotz*even "splitting out"09:07
ricotzLocutusOfBorg1, i see, i was hoping you are already aware of it09:07
LocutusOfBorg1(un)fortunately I really try to avoid the kernel stuff, and the dkms is already making me loose so much time in rebuild and patch vbox at each kernel-lts update09:08
LocutusOfBorg1I have a new breakage with kernel 4.0rc109:09
ricotznot much of a surprise ;)09:11
apwLocutusOfBorg1, that is to do with vagrant images, to have a single image which works on all clouds you need those drivers without a compiler09:15
apwLocutusOfBorg1, those are exactly the same as the dkms module and built literally from it09:16
LocutusOfBorg1so apw should I change something on virtualbox side? I presume not09:20
apwLocutusOfBorg1, no i don't think we would want anything to change with how that works no as things are09:20
LocutusOfBorg1;) wonderful! thanks09:21
apwLocutusOfBorg1, things seem to be working rather well with it to be honest, and i assume that is all your hard work09:22
LocutusOfBorg1s/hard/cherry-picks/ :)09:22
apw:) that is the kind of work i like09:22
LocutusOfBorg1I hope one day I'll be an ubuntu developer, to stop bothering people about my cherry-picks09:26
apwLocutusOfBorg1, sponsors you mean?  do feel free to poke me with them09:27
LocutusOfBorg1fortunately dholbach is a nice sponsor ;)09:28
LocutusOfBorg1(and I started my debian NM process, so I hope to become a DD soon and start soonafter the ubuntu process)09:29
mlankhorstDD can take a while :P09:29
LocutusOfBorg1if my AM doesn't send me the questions I presume yes ;)09:33
pittisarnold, dobey, stgraber: ureadahead -19 uploaded with the upgrade fix09:34
mlankhorsttook me half a year even after AM was done09:34
LocutusOfBorg1so you think I have any chance to start also the ubuntu one?09:37
Riddellricotz: bdmurray: looks like there were still problems from the pyflakes tidying I did in release-upgrader, I'll fix and do an upload09:39
apwLocutusOfBorg1, there is no reason you can't start ubuntu in parallel imo09:41
LocutusOfBorg1I guess I need some advocate, right?I guess there isn't anything for Debian Maintainers, even if in DM list09:42
apwLocutusOfBorg1, normally you work with a sponsor or two for a bit, and they then recommend whne you should go for rights for yourself, mostly when you annoy them by being right all the time09:47
mlankhorstwhat if they start uploading without checking? :P09:52
xnoxmlankhorst: then i will notice that.09:52
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flexiondotorginfinity, Are you available?10:09
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=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: beta 1 freeze, feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Can I pick your brains for a sec?10:51
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: Better to just ask rather than asking to ask10:52
flexiondotorgcjwatson, There are some new packages in the official Ubuntu MATE images.10:53
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I'd like to try an understand how they've been pulled in.10:53
flexiondotorgFor example, xterm is included. 'aptitude why' tell mes it is required 'xorg'10:54
flexiondotorgxorg says is can be satisfied by 'xterm | x-terminal-emulator'10:54
flexiondotorgmate-terminal provides x-terminal-emulator.10:54
darkxstflexiondotorg, they only work with tasks10:55
flexiondotorgWhat only work with tasks?10:55
darkxst'xterm | x-terminal-emulator'10:55
flexiondotorgSo the livefs is not built using tasks?10:55
cjwatsonIt is built using tasks10:56
cjwatsongerminate output is better than aptitude why for investigating this stuff10:56
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I've read your comment about blacklisting.10:57
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Does blakclisting actually do anything?10:57
cjwatsonI mean only in very subtle ways that you should not attempt to use10:57
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Can you elaborate a little?10:58
cjwatsonYou can read germinate(1) in which I elaborated10:58
darkxstflexiondotorg, you should really be fixing the deps that cause problems10:58
flexiondotorgcjwatson, OK.10:58
darkxsthacks, will just break again sometime10:59
cjwatsonThey probably won't even work to start with :)10:59
cjwatsonAnyway let me actually investigate please10:59
cjwatsonSo your problem here is that you're attempting to use your "core" seed to provide things that are needed by the desktop-common seed10:59
cjwatsonSuch as mate-terminal, which is in ubuntu-mate.vivid/core, but satisfies a dependency of xorg which is in platform.vivid/desktop-common11:00
cjwatsonBut germinate works seed by seed from the inside out11:00
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Ah. So I should fold core into desktop to resolve this?11:01
cjwatsonThat won't make the slightest difference11:01
cjwatsonCan you give me a few minutes please?11:01
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Sure.11:01
cjwatsonThere's something very confusing going on here11:03
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: I don't know yet whether this is connected, but why does your cloudtop seed declare the exact same Task-* headers as desktop?  That isn't legitimate and can only cause confusion.11:07
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I'll just take a peek...11:07
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: It should surely at least declare that it generates a different task name with a different key package and description.11:07
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Yes, that is an error.11:08
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flexiondotorgcjwatson, I am more than happy to make some changes to the seeds.11:45
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Or are you still looking at the Ubuntu MATE seeds?11:46
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: I'm still working on it, pdb on germinate is slow11:51
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Thanks very much for helping.11:51
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: ah, here we go, I see the problem11:52
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: so mate-terminal is only in core indirectly, rather than being seeded explicitly: it's a dependency of mate-desktop-environment-core11:53
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Ah.11:53
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: when germinate is processing desktop-common and encounters xorg Depends: xterm | x-terminal-emulator, it does look through "nearby" seeds to find something it can promote to satisfy that, for preference11:53
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: but it only looks through directly-seeded entries (this is sort of analogous to some similar behaviour in apt)11:53
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: adding an explicit entry for mate-terminal to your core seed fixes this11:54
flexiondotorgcjwatson, OK.11:54
cjwatsonso I suggest you do that, and fix up the cloudtop seed headers11:54
flexiondotorgcjwatson, What is the authoritative bzr repository for Ubuntu MATE seeds now that Ubuntu MATE is official?11:54
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Do I also need to submit a new meta package for upload?11:55
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: hasn't changed, lp:~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-mate.vivid11:55
flexiondotorgIf I change the seeds.11:55
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: in general you should do that reasonably frequently, although I believe that it happens not to be necessary in this case11:55
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I'll make those changes now.11:56
cjwatsonjust changing the seeds and waiting a bit should be enough to fix the Task fields in the archive, which should be sufficient here11:56
flexiondotorgcjwatson, We'd like to target PowerPC for Ubuntu MATE 15.04. My merge proposal include PowerPC. What needs to be done to enable PowerPC images?11:56
cjwatson(because apt will mark all the packages with matching Task fields for installation and only then attempt to fix any broken dependencies, and by that point mate-terminal will be marked for installation so it won't consider xterm | x-terminal-emulator as broken)11:56
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/ubuntu-cdimage/mainline/revision/1499, done now11:59
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Thanks!11:59
strikovHi guys. Should this be theoretically possible to run daily 15.04 inside virtualbox? I just pulled the latest bits from cdimage.ubuntu.com but display is broken with and without 3d acceleration enabled in vbox. Display is broken == pixels of different colors fill the screen, resolution is very low (300x200 or something). Does it make sense to try older12:02
strikovimages or just forget about vbox?12:02
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I've pushed those seed changes.12:03
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I've also noticed that some packages are being pulled in a 'recommends' even though I believe I've requested recommends should not be followed.12:05
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: Not following Recommends is usually a recipe for pain.  Are you sure?12:08
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: Some of the lightweight flavours do it, but it seems a bit odd for MATE.12:08
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Well, if recommends are followed I ended up with most of Unity and GNOME3 being pulled in.12:09
cjwatsonAnd you can't fix the recommends to avoid that?12:09
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Well, I could but that might break Ubuntu proper.12:09
cjwatsonWe can make livecd-rootfs handle this if necessary (it needs more than just the seed configuration), but I'd like to make sure there's no plausible alternative.12:09
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Are you saying that currently the livefs will follow recommends, regardless of my seed headers?12:10
flexiondotorgcjwatson, OK. Then this is interesting.12:10
cjwatsonAlso, "feature no-follow-recommends" in STRUCTURE doesn't actually work yet, although this is a germinate bug IMO.  It'll need " * Feature: no-follow-recommends" in at least some individual seeds too (probably core, desktop, cloudtop).  Compare lubuntu.12:11
flexiondotorgcjwatson, In which case there are only a few packages being pulled in that Ubuntu MATE really doesn't need.12:11
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I did follow what lubuntu did.12:11
cjwatsonNo, you didn't.12:11
cjwatsonOr at least not successfully. :-)12:12
cjwatson<cjwatson@amber ~/src/ubuntu/seeds/lubuntu.vivid>$ grep follow-recommends *12:12
cjwatsonSTRUCTURE:feature no-follow-recommends12:12
cjwatsoncore: * Feature: no-follow-recommends12:12
cjwatsondesktop: * Feature: no-follow-recommends12:12
cjwatson<cjwatson@amber ~/src/ubuntu/seeds/ubuntu-mate.vivid>$ grep follow-recommends *12:12
cjwatsonSTRUCTURE:feature no-follow-recommends12:12
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: BTW there is no need to remove packages not yet in the official archive from your seeds, if you intend them to be in the official archive in the nearish future.12:13
flexiondotorgcjwatson, That is the hope but the upstream Debian team are super busy so it may not happen.12:13
flexiondotorgcjwatson, I've pushed the no-follow-recommends changes.12:28
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: Ah, I see that livecd-rootfs in fact already has the necessary --no-install-recommends code.12:30
cjwatsonSo this may be enough.12:30
flexiondotorgcjwatson, Should I revent my change to the seeds?12:31
cjwatsonflexiondotorg: No, I mean that this may be enough in combination with your seed change.12:31
cjwatsonDon't revert it.12:31
aeorildarkxst no, the icon issue does not appear to happen in Ubuntu.  Witness:  http://i.imgur.com/rI96eJP.png It does in Ubuntu-Gnome, however.  Witness: http://i.imgur.com/QTyVJ1W.png12:31
flexiondotorgcjwatson, OK12:33
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mlankhorstI uploaded a package to debian-experimental, but it's stuck in the NEW queue there, can I sync this package to ubuntu somehow?13:13
mitya57mlankhorst: unfortunately no13:14
mlankhorstmeh I'll just upload 0ubuntu1 for now then13:15
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aeorildarkxst this is the new icon for gnome info, I guess:  http://i.imgur.com/MbotQ24.png  A lightbulb?  That seems odd ...14:04
aeorildarkxst looks like that is correct:  http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Desktop_icons#mediaviewer/File:Gnome-dialog-information.svg14:08
flexiondotorgLaney, regarding debdiffs for GTK2 in Trusty etc. Do you want complete debdiffs which debian/changelog updated?14:25
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Laneyflexiondotorg: that's easiest14:56
flexiondotorgLaney, Thanks.14:56
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: did you get my message yesterday about mate-tweak missing an upstream branch for 3.4.4 ?15:02
flexiondotorgcyphermox, No, I missed that.15:02
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Morning BTW 😃15:02
cyphermoxmakes it a little hard to build ;)15:02
cyphermoxmorning ;)15:02
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Crap http://status.bitbucket.org/15:03
flexiondotorgcyphermox, When they are back I'll make sure the build is tagged.15:03
jfmcarreiraheyyy guys15:12
jfmcarreiracan anyone guide me on how to build nightly package for a personal app15:12
jfmcarreirai would like them to be compatible with lauchpad15:12
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flexiondotorgcyphermox, I see a tarball for mate-tweak 3.4.4 here - https://bitbucket.org/flexiondotorg/mate-tweak/get/3.4.4.tar.gz15:26
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Upstrem releases are tagged, not branched.15:26
flexiondotorgOnly the 'debian/' folder is in a branch.15:26
cyphermoxok, but I meant on the git branch on alioth -- you should have a upstream/3.4.4 import of the upstream git version 3.4.415:27
cariboubdmurray: Hi, any chance of having the CUPS SRU completed for trusty ? it got released to -updates only for Utopic15:29
cariboubdmurray: LP: #135280915:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1352809 in cups (Ubuntu Trusty) "/usr/bin/lp on Trusty using -h option doesn't work as expected" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135280915:30
stgraberutlemming: ubuntu-cloud packageset created15:37
utlemmingstgraber: most appreciated :), thank you15:37
flexiondotorgcyphermox, The upstream branch is 'ubuntu/15.04' and just includes the 'debian' folder.15:41
flexiondotorgcyphermox, The upstream branch on alioth that is.15:41
cyphermoxflexiondotorg: right, you also need an upstream/3.4.4 branch if you want to release 3.4.4, otherwise we can stick to 3.4.315:41
cyphermoxanyway, for releasing with git-buildpackage15:42
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Only the 'debian' folder comes from git. The upstream project is a tarball.15:42
flexiondotorgcyphermox, Excuse my ignorance.15:42
flexiondotorgsunweaver, Can you interpret for me? ^^^^^^^15:43
cyphermoxthere's also an import of the upstream code so that there tarball can be generated :)15:43
bdmurraycaribou: bug 1386241 needs verification too.15:55
ubottubug 1386241 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Trusty) "Add the full IPP Everywhere support from Utopic to Trusty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138624115:55
bdmurraycaribou: oh, no sru-report is wrong. Okay, I'll sort it out.15:56
cariboubdmurray: np15:57
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LocutusOfBorg1shame on you ubuntu developers!16:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1424769 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "virtualbox-guest-x11 uninstallable with mesa-lts-utopic" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:28
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plmHi all16:34
plmThis is right place for ubuntu core? Anyway, how I install vim on it?16:34
ogra_plm, do you mean snappy ?16:35
ogra_there is a #snappy channel16:35
josephtplm: #snappy might be better16:35
plmogra_: yes.16:36
plmjosepht: ok16:36
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* ejat brb17:15
infinityflexiondotorg: I'm around now, but I'm guessing Colin sorted out what you were going to ask me?17:15
flexiondotorginfinity, Yes Colin did help with some stuff 😃17:18
flexiondotorginfinity, mate-menu is in the upload queue is it possible for you to review it? It has the updated copyright.17:19
infinityflexiondotorg: Yup, I'll look at it in a second.17:20
flexiondotorginfinity, Many thanks.17:20
alexbligh1rbasak, any chance you got anywhere with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/apache2/+bug/1366174 ?17:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366174 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "apache2 SEGV with multiple SSL sites" [High,Triaged]17:26
rbasakalexbligh1: thank you for the reminder. It's now top of my list.17:27
alexbligh1rbasak, thanks :-)17:27
rbasakI'm not sure it's worth starting it right now as I finish in half an hour, but I'll do it tomorrow.17:27
alexbligh1rbasak, thanks once more17:28
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xnoxelmo: if i can get ipv6 tunnel, configure it and use it to get ipv6 internets, so can you. Could you please please make http://start.ubuntu.com/ ipv6 accessible? This should unbreak ubiquity on ipv6-only networks.20:03
elmoxnox: dude, are you high?20:03
elmoxnox: the problem isn't me needing to get an IPv6 tunnel20:04
xnoxelmo: i didn't do tunnel however. I vpn in native ipv6 =)20:04
elmoxnox: as should be evidenced by the fact that things like archive.ubuntu.com are IPv6 enabled already20:04
xnoxelmo: i'm not high, but clueless.20:04
xnoxelmo: the start.ubuntu.com search box default provider is google which also has ipv6 connectivity.20:05
elmoxnox: well I'm just not sure why you'd choose to start a conversation with such an aggressive tone ("If even *I* can do this, surely you can too").  it's not constructive20:05
xnoxelmo: right, a constructive feedback would be - given that there is ipv6 on some *.ubuntu.com could you please serve http://start.ubuntu.com/connectivity-check over ipv620:06
xnoxelmo: sorry about the non-constructive opening.20:06
elmoxnox: so, there's several bugs an RTs about this; but I can't find a public one right now.  unfortunately adding v6 support for stuff behind our firewalls is non-trivial; ti's been on our todo list, but it's not been a huge priority20:09
mdeslaurxnox: please don't get elmo mad :)20:09
elmoxnox: part of that is because I'm not convinced anyone actually uses IPv6 only networks in the real world.  I mean what could you do with a v6 only internet connected machine?  go to google and look at all the sites you can't visit?20:10
xnoxelmo: ok. i think connectivity-check lives there out of convenience rather than necessity.20:10
elmoxnox: it lives there because it's a URL we (Canonical IS) have committed to holding to a very high SLA20:11
xnoxelmo: how hard would be to serve the file http://start.ubuntu.com/connectivity-check somewhere else which has ipv6 & ipv4?20:11
xnoxelmo: hm, right.20:11
xnoxelmo: i also believe there are very little ipv6 only machines, but there are some that are ipv6 only at install time, as there are bug reports that did tickle down to ubiquity about that.20:12
elmoxnox: well20:12
elmoxnox: the thing is I would argue that ubiquity is doing the right thing20:13
xnoxelmo: and it didn't look like "i am a hipster who finished growing beards and testing ipv6-only environment for giggles"20:13
elmoif the check is "Do you have access to the general internet?" and your connectivity is v6 only, I would say "no" is the correct response20:13
sarnoldbut ipv6 is sufficient to get ubuntu updates, right?20:13
xnoxelmo: in practice we use it to do $ apt-get update; download language packs; download updates; possibly live ugprade installer20:14
elmosarnold: only if you have a v4 to v6 DNS translation; our nameservers also don't do v620:14
sarnoldelmo: ahhh20:14
elmothis is what I mean20:14
xnoxelmo: thus accessing archive.ubuntu.com only.20:14
elmothe whole 'v6 only' thing strikes me as house of cards built on a bed of lies20:14
elmoyou're already not true v6 only if you can resolve start.ubuntu.com20:15
xnoxelmo: at the moment failure to resolve start.ubuntu.com -> prevents in ubiquity to access archive.ubuntu.com on ipv6-only.20:15
elmoxnox: well, hang on20:15
xnoxelmo: and archive.ubuntu.com has ipv6 resolution.20:15
elmoxnox: which is it?20:16
elmoxnox: no, dude, it doesn't20:16
elmoxnox: you're confusing different things20:16
elmoxnox: archive.ubuntu.com has quad-A records20:16
elmoxnox: but ns{1,2,3}.c.c don't20:16
infinityarchive.ubuntu... What he said.20:16
elmoxnox: so in a true v6 only environment you can't even *resolve* archive.u.c's AAAA20:16
infinitySo, arguably, one shouldn't make connectivity-check available over v6 until after the nameservers also are, or it's a bit of a lie for our use-case.20:17
xnoxelmo: i see - $ host archive.ubuntu.com -> shows ipv6 address; $ host -6 archive.ubuntu.com does not20:17
maswanelmo: you might have a dual stacked resolver on a v6-only host though20:18
xnoxelmo: are 2001:67c:1360:8c01::18 2001:67c:1360:8c01::19 some kind of special v4->v6 things?20:18
xnoxelmo: i'm seriously considering to change ubiquity connectivity check to curl http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/$release/Release.gpg and check that it starts with -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----20:19
elmomaswan: sure and I think most people do.  but again, my overarching point is that I believe a true 'v6 only' environment is a magical unicorn.  it's a nice idea, but they're not useful in practice and I'm not even sure they exist20:19
xnoxelmo: because all i need is downloadable archive.ubuntu.com rather than working start.ubuntu.com20:19
elmomaswan: because you inevitably add compromises like "oh, we're v6 but, we need v4 to actually resolve stuff"20:20
* maswan has a few non-production servers on v6 only, v4 space getting constricted in a few places. but can put in a proxy and reslover and stuff in place when needed. real servers are dual-stacked.20:20
maswanelmo: yeah20:20
xnoxmaswan: yeah, i haven't seen things ipv6-native and _without_ NAT64 gateway -> thus start.ubuntu.com would work for those.20:22
elmoxnox: well, you can do what you like to ubiquity, but personally I think it's a bit silly.  the connectivity-check thing is well established and adding load of all ubiquity users to archive.u.c for this tiny handful of v6 only people because you're not patient enough to wait for a proper fix, is, IMO a bad trade off20:22
xnoxelmo: i just think that start.ubuntu.com will never bubble up the priority to get ipv6 connectivity. =(20:23
maswanxnox: yeah, at least for proper end users. If I bring up a few v6-only VMs, I should be clueful enough to know which archive mirror to point them to, etc.20:23
infinityIt's also mostly a non-bug, since ubiquity works Just Fine offline.20:24
infinityAnd then you reboot, and if you can see archive.ubuntu.com, you can update.  No big deal.20:24
elmoxnox: well, I don't know what you want me to say.  it almost sounds like you're threatening to make a bad decision unless I somehow commit to fixing your issue in a specific time.  if that's what's happening, I'm afraid I'm not going to play that game20:24
xnoxelmo: i don't think causing mischief will get things moving either.20:25
elmoxnox: I mean do you have *any* way to quantify this?20:25
elmobecause my gut feeling is that this is a tiny fraction of our userbase20:25
elmoand if that's true, I don't think it not being a priority to fix is actually the wrong call20:25
xnoxelmo: well, i want to say - i could log a recoverable ubiquity bug report, and whoopsie would upload it post install..... but daily.ubuntu.com is ipv4 only as well.20:27
xnoxelmo: i think daisy.ubuntu.com is actually a bigger one - we get no info from ipv6 users.20:27
xnoxev: ^20:28
xnoxelmo: i concur. if it becomes a priority, and start.ubuntu.com gets enabled all releases will retroactively work.20:33
smoserpitti, are you still around ?20:50
aeorildarkxst I have fixed the bug, and am preparing to do a merge proposal.  I get the following lintian error as I check the build one last time:  "E: ubiquity changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file vivid" - here is I believe the line it does not like I added:  "ubiquity (2.21.13) vivid; urgency=medium" - I assume I can ignore this error because vivid is a valid, but new, distribution?20:59
aeorilHere are the full lintian errors and warnings - should I worry about any of them?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10395889/20:59
aeorildarkxst that line is in debian/changelog ...21:00
darkxstaeoril, maybe because you are building source on trusty21:02
darkxstother warnings are harmless21:02
aeorildarkxst should I build on vivid to make sure?21:02
aeorilor just submit21:03
darkxstits probably ok21:04
darkxstaeoril, and the ubuntu icon theme still has legacy icons I suppose,21:08
aeorildarkxst well, I have not tested that - I could always check ... it did before the fix ...21:09
aeorilI assume therefore it will now ...21:10
darkxstaeoril, just check that all icon names you are replacing are symlinks to your new names (in Ubuntu icon theme)21:12
aeorilin /usr/share/icons? darkxst21:18
darkxstaeoril, ^icons/Humanity21:19
jdstrandsarnold: thanks for the review! fyi, the loop you mentioned is actually basically the same as before, except now it is now under the 'for ext in ["additional", "override"]:' loop21:34
aeorildarkxst all the Ubuntu icons for dialog-information.svg point to legacy icons (gtk-info.svg).  I changed from gtk-dialog-info.svg to dialog-information.svg.  However, all the icons for dialog-warning.svg appear to be correct, which I changed from gtk-dialog-warning.svg21:34
jdstrandsarnold: but yes, I had to look at the 'for i in tmp_json' bit too. the idea is it will skip individual keys but still try ok ones21:35
aeorildarkxst I guess nothing breaks, then, just that the Ubuntu icons remain legacy ...21:35
jdstrandsarnold: really, I could just drop the 'invalid entry' bit, but I wanted to be helpful. Ill give the issubset() some thought21:36
aeorildarkxst all of the original referenced icons (gtk-dialog-info.svg) point to dialog-information.svg except two, which specifically point to gtk-info.svg, so really I think for Ubuntu my changes have no impact, all the info icons will remain legacy ... from what I can tell21:38
aeorildarkxst I am getting nervous!  I have commitment issues!21:40
darkxstaeoril, ok create a bzr branch with your changes and link to the bug21:51
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darkxst aeoril humanity does use icon-naming-utils, so should be fine22:00
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sarnoldjdstrand: yeah, it's not exactly -new- code, but it does take some time to think it through, and that often leads to problems ;)22:45
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jfmcarreiraheyy guys23:35
jfmcarreirais it possible to make bzr branch lp:playuver for example in a branch that was imported from git?23:35
aeorildarkxst should I follow these instructions?  http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/fixing-a-bug.html#committing-the-fix23:54
aeoril(just want to make sure because of my fear of committment)23:55
darkxstaeoril, yes23:55
aeorildarkxst ok, cool - will do.  Thanks.23:55

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