
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
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axisysis there a way to test install/upgrade a pkg in a way to revert should there an issue? I guess installing in a VM would work somewhat.. but would not be exact work load as production system... I guess ubuntu snappy or solaris 11 bootadm offer complere OS snapshot.. but is there something like that for ubuntu server people do?01:44
rbasakaxisys: a fundamental issue with that is that an upgrade might change stored state (eg. a database) in a way that a downgrade wouldn't take it exactly back.01:49
rbasakSince you're generally expected to handle your own persistent state, it's not really possible for package management to make it work automatically. Not even Snappy, since your stored state would not roll back.01:50
rbasakSo disk or btrfs snapshots are really the only way to do it. A VM can help with that but isn't necessary (eg. LVM).01:50
rbasakBut I don't think anyone really does that for testing. Instead relying on backups.01:51
rbasakOr reverting manually.01:51
rbasakOr testing a parallel system with a duplicate dataset or something.01:51
axisysrbasak: wonder what PCI team expecting from us01:57
rbasakNo idea.01:57
axisysrbasak: asking how you make sure to revert if application breaks something.. do we have a test environment.. no likey pci01:57
rbasakPresumably you want a rollback plan anyway, PCI or not.01:58
axisyswell, what would be a rollback plan, besides fixing it.. we have multiple systems.. so usually dont care much..01:58
rbasakDatabase backup + transaction log?01:58
axisysso we usually apply upgrade on few and then apply to rest01:59
rbasakSeparate database from everything else so you can roll one back without messing with the other.01:59
rbasakAutomated tests on dedicated test system.01:59
rbasak(running from a DB clone)01:59
rbasakFor the database, transaction logs so you can replay02:00
axisysrbasak: yes, database being backed up02:00
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axisysand have replication setup too02:01
axisysbut most of our systems (ubuntu) do not have any database presence02:01
rbasakThen make their deployments scripted.02:02
rbasakEasy to roll back then. Do it at entire machine level.02:02
axisysrbasak: we use puppet, but doing it with puppet will be lot of work03:06
axisysrbasak: we do build VMs with foreman/puppet.. but these physical boxes are not built that way03:06
axisysrbasak: so build a deployment script from scratch would be fun, unless there is tool that can do that03:07
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elmargolHi is there a decent webinterface to manage kvm on ubuntu? Something similar to http://virt-manager.org/07:25
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henkjanelmargol: https://www.webvirtmgr.net/ ?07:28
elmargolhenkjan, are you using this?07:29
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henkjanelmargol: no, just did the googling bit for you :)07:32
elmargolwell it looks fishy07:33
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lordievaderGood morning.09:13
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jamespagezul, coreycb: compute needs a blkid filter ...14:08
jamespagecan't boot no instances....14:08
* jamespage sighs14:08
zuljamespage:  we should go through all of them to make sure they are kosher14:09
jamespagezul, its in the baremetal filters14:09
jamespagebut not compute14:09
zuljamespage:  lovely...ill propose something14:09
jamespageto late - https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/142405414:09
jamespagearges is already on it14:10
coreycbthanks arges14:11
jamespagecoreycb, zul: picked and uploaded to vivid14:13
jamespageblocking my zeromq testing - hrump14:14
coreycbok thanks jamespage14:14
zuljamespage:  coolio14:14
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ppetrakistrikov, sup14:50
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YamakasYhi guys! I have a startstop script which calls another bash script. The issue is that the called bash is running on a different PID as there is written by my startstop script... how can I match them ?16:10
bekksYamakasY: You cannot have two processes with the same PID.16:10
YamakasYbekks: not the same PID, I need to update my created one by my start-stop with the running one16:11
YamakasYso my pidfile differs from the running one16:11
YamakasYthe running proces is 2 higher16:12
lordievaderYamakasY: Embed your script in the upstart script?16:12
YamakasYlordievader: so place my second .sh in my start-stop ?16:13
lordievaderYamakasY: The code, yes.16:16
YamakasYlordievader: okay, I thought it was dirty again :D16:16
lordievaderYamakasY: Trying to get the same PID is even more strange, let alone impossible.16:16
YamakasYlordievader: yes I thought so16:17
YamakasYlordievader: but where can I do a en export for JVM in my start-stop ?16:17
lordievaderWhat do you mean?16:17
lordievaderWhy do you need them to have the same PID anyways?16:17
YamakasYI need to run some export JVM_OPTS="..."16:17
YamakasYno not the same pid, just one16:18
lordievaderTwo processes with one pid == same pid...16:19
rberg_cant you do a "echo $$" to print the pid of the script?16:19
lordievaderJVM sounds like Java, I don't know Java.16:19
YamakasYrberg_: how do you mean ?16:20
YamakasYrberg_: and place it inthe pid file ?16:20
YamakasYor start the process with that pid?16:21
YamakasYI have only one pid but the running process has 2 digits higher than in my pidfile16:21
rberg_yeah maybe you can write the second scripts pid to a pidfile16:21
lordievaderI have no idea what you are trying to achieve, but it sounds very nasty.16:21
rberg_but it sounds like you should convert the script into a upstart job16:22
rberg_and not do a fork and exit type thing16:22
lordievaderThat would be better, indeed.16:22
YamakasYno, I call from my upstart script an shell script that first exports my Java opts and than runs my default sh script.16:23
YamakasYso the upstart p ID is lower than the running proces16:23
YamakasYso I cannot kill it16:23
rberg_so you need the 'stop' command to work?16:24
YamakasYbut I actually would like to have the pid ID in my pid file matched to the running process16:25
YamakasYthat would be nicer16:25
rberg_since you cant change the PID of a process you will need to overwrite the pid file I would think16:25
YamakasYrberg_: yap16:26
rberg_do you know where the pid file is?16:26
YamakasYbut can I ?16:26
YamakasY /var/run16:26
lordievaderDoesn't make it nicer.16:26
rberg_in the second script try adding "echo ?? >/var/run/pidfile"16:27
rberg_replace pidfile with the real name of the file16:27
YamakasYin my second bash I actually do a exec....16:27
YamakasYand ?? would be the pid ID ?16:27
YamakasYbut the bash will handle that ?16:27
YamakasYin front of after my exec ?16:28
rberg_wait are you trying to get the pid of the second shell script of the java it calls at the end?16:28
rberg_sorry .. or the java process16:28
rberg_if you need the pid of the java process it might be as easy as "pidof java >/var/run/pidfile" after the exec16:30
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YamakasYthe reason why is because I need to set options otherwise in my start/stop script... I don't like that16:31
rberg_the usual Debian/Ubuntu way is to source a /etc/defaults/ file16:32
YamakasYrberg_: mhh nope, pid doesn't get updated16:34
YamakasYmhh always 2 higher16:35
YamakasYrberg_: kinda odd :S16:38
YamakasYI see, it happens because of the second sh16:44
RoyKrberg_: $! is the pid of last process16:49
rberg_yeah I didnt think we wanted the pid of the last process I though we wanted the pid of the script called by the init script.16:52
RoyKrberg_: yes, that's the same thing. inside the init script, check $!, something like echo $! > /var/run/mypidfile16:59
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masarsakrHi Charmers, I have a subordinate charm that connects to a principal charm (and ofcourse its master). I was wondering if there is any way to make it so that when the subordinate charm baeaks the regular relation, it can then call the broken hook of the master charm. I tried using hooks.execute(<relationbrokenname>) to no avail21:23
masarsakrAny help would be appreciated thanks21:23
jamespagesmb, another one for you - this time with 3.16 - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/142528821:33
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