
confused_noob_13I just installed ubuntu today. I set up Thunderbird to work with gmail, but I can't seem to get any kind of new email notifications to display anywhere visually on the screen. Is there a generally accepted way to do that?03:46
Saviqtsdgeos, in MUC atm, flying back in 2h and will be mostly around rest of the afternoon08:13
tsdgeosSaviq: oki :)08:13
tsdgeosand my notifications are crazy again :/08:14
tsdgeosSaviq: somehow our autopilot tests regressed wildly again :/08:38
tsdgeosi'll dedicate some time this morning to see if i can see them failing here08:38
tsdgeosnow that CI team wants to gate on them08:38
tsdgeosSaviq: do you know if CI uses mako or krillin on the autopiloting?08:39
Saviqyeah, do that08:39
mzanettitsdgeos: hey, I have one failing AP test on the silo09:39
mzanettitsdgeos: and one failing qmltest. I've commented on the branch09:39
tsdgeosyou lucky man :D09:39
tsdgeosonly one AP failing!09:39
mzanettitsdgeos: yes, only one09:39
tsdgeosmzanetti: you mean the card creator? updated it09:39
mzanettiwill rebuild09:39
tsdgeosmzanetti: about the AP one, which one is it? and which error do you have?09:40
mzanettiindex 0 != 1 or so09:41
tsdgeosok, give me a few mins09:41
tsdgeosi'm running  phablet-test-run -n -A --timeout-profile=long -v unity809:41
tsdgeoswant to see what's the total output09:41
tsdgeoswondering if those09:42
tsdgeosDynamic exception type: N5boost16exception_detail10clone_implINS0_19error_info_injectorISt11logic_errorEEEE09:42
tsdgeosare real bad or not09:42
tsdgeosand you have to run tests in english09:42
tsdgeostesttools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 'So' != 'Sound'09:42
mzanettiund you have to set the display blank timeout to >= 5mins at least09:43
tsdgeosah you can do that better09:43
tsdgeossudo powerd-cli display on09:43
mzanettitsdgeos: this is the whole output of the failing test here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10386221/09:44
mzanettiI do have that boost thing too09:44
tsdgeosso changing the scope failed09:45
tsdgeosthat was supposed to be fixed after i made it always be a multiple of 1009:46
tsdgeoscan you actually reproduce it?09:46
mzanettitsdgeos: reproduce in what sense?09:48
mzanettitsdgeos: running ap multiple times?09:48
tsdgeosmzanetti: run it more than once and always fails09:48
mzanettiyes, it keeps failing here09:48
tsdgeosmzanetti: and can you see it dragging the scope but failing to change?09:48
mzanettineed to retry... the logs are from yesterday before I EOD'd09:50
mzanettibut I ran this 4 times at least and it failed with the same09:50
mzanettitsdgeos: it wants to flick to the right, but seems its not strong enough09:53
mzanettiand bounces back09:54
tsdgeosand this is why we all dislike autopilot09:58
tsdgeosmzanetti: what is werid is that only one is failing?09:59
tsdgeoswe have more tests that do move from scope to scope09:59
tsdgeosand those work for you?09:59
tsdgeoswhat i don't understand is why unity8-dash is at 100% cpu while running that test10:02
tsdgeosmakes no sense10:02
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tsdgeosmzanetti: what silo is it that the landing is on?10:06
Cimido we really need those tweaks inside apps to save battery?10:08
Cimior it's just for the dash because it is a particular app?10:08
Cimi(other apps using location for example will suspend)10:08
CimiI am wondering if we need this approach or it should be done by app lifecycle10:09
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tsdgeospstolowski: pete-woods: ↑↑↑↑↑10:12
pete-woodsCimi: this is specific to the dash. apps are put to sleep by the lifecycle management, the dash is not, as it is a focal point for middleware comms between the scopes10:13
pete-woodswe already excluded the dash from app lifecycle management, as it is simply not a regular app10:14
pete-woodsand putting it to sleep broke all kinds of things in the middleware10:14
greybackmzanetti: could I trouble you for a quick review: https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/qtmir/fix-lifecycle-exempt-keeps-wakelock/+merge/25045911:00
mzanettigreyback: ack, putting it on my list. hipefully I'll get to it today11:01
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dandradertsdgeos, could you review my latests commits to https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtubuntu/port-to-mirclient/+merge/245164 and re-approve + top approve if it's all fine?12:34
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greybackdandrader: with the feature freeze in place, we've to wait for a while more sadly12:35
greybackto land it12:35
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tsdgeosdandrader_: yep, i had the tab open to review13:38
tsdgeosdoing now13:38
dandrader_tsdgeos, thans13:42
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mterrymzanetti, thanks for chasing down design for the lockscreen swipe thing14:21
mzanettimterry: no prob14:22
mterrymzanetti, I saw the "bug fix only" email go by -- does that affect your in-flight unity8 landing?14:22
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tsdgeosmterry: it's all bug fixing14:27
mterrytsdgeos, eh...  I wouldn't have described -refactor like that unless I was trying to pass a filter14:27
mterrytsdgeos, although it does happen to contain a few bug fixes I fixed along the way14:28
mterrytsdgeos, it just fixes them partly by doing an enormous refactor  :)14:28
tsdgeossee, it is bugfixing :D14:28
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
tsdgeosdandrader: the only change is that you're calling14:38
tsdgeos mir_wait_for(mir_surface_set_state(d->surface, qtWindowStateToMirSurfaceState(d->state)));14:38
tsdgeosinstead of14:38
dandradertsdgeos, yeah, that's the core of it14:39
tsdgeosdandrader: what was the bug that was being fixed?15:06
dandradertsdgeos, fullscreen apps were not getting started as fullscreen, such as camera-app and media-player15:07
dandradertsdgeos because setVisible(true) was setting then back to "windowed"15:08
tsdgeosdandrader: yep i understan the issue wanted to check if was fixed too :)15:10
elopiotsdgeos: mzanetti: is there something we can do to help you with the failed autopilot tests?15:51
elopiolast time I looked was with paulliu's branch, a week ago. And it got 3 good runs in a row.15:51
tsdgeoselopio: make CI have the same results i have locally ^_^15:51
tsdgeoselopio: sure, last week all was fine15:52
mzanettitsdgeos: define "locally"15:52
mzanettigermany or spain?15:52
tsdgeostwo or three days ago it decided to go bezerk again and fail like crazy15:52
elopiotsdgeos: so if you flash, and then run with phablet-test-run, you still get green?15:53
tsdgeoselopio: yes15:54
elopiotsdgeos: and devel-proposed, the same device as jenkins is using??15:55
tsdgeoselopio: yes15:55
elopiotsdgeos: ok, can you report a bug for ci so they investigate what their lab is doing differently?15:56
tsdgeoselopio: tbh it's not even CI15:56
tsdgeoselopio: mzanetti and i were getting different results15:56
tsdgeosand both had the same hardware and version too15:56
tsdgeosand not ocasional results, it failed always for him and always worked for me15:57
elopiotsdgeos: even last week when jenkins was all green?15:57
tsdgeoslast week is a long time ago15:57
tsdgeosthis was today :)15:57
Saviqmzanetti, thanks for clearing up our merge queue15:58
elopioso we need more information to see if it's a lab issue, mzanetti's phone issue, a problem with the tests, or a problem with one of the things that were released recently.15:59
tsdgeosi spent all my morning on this and dindn't get any usable conclusion16:01
elopiotsdgeos: was that because you are missing more information about the failures? like logging, or videos of the run?16:03
tsdgeoselopio: that's probably because i'm not so fluent in autopilot nor in python16:04
tsdgeosmterry: did the refactor add new messages?¿16:15
mterrytsdgeos, messages?16:16
tsdgeosseems it adds Retry and tap to unlick16:16
mterrytsdgeos, oh...  it may have marked them translatable, but they aren't new16:16
mterrytsdgeos, a bug fix!  :)16:16
mterrytsdgeos, also, you can never unlick something16:17
tsdgeosmterry: the problem with the bugfix is that it forgot to renegerate the pot /:16:17
mterrytsdgeos, ugh.  Because I had forgotten I had actually fixed that  :-/16:17
mterrytsdgeos, also I hate our current pot-generation system16:17
tsdgeoswe all do :)16:18
mterrytsdgeos, well I guess they can remain untranslated until the next pot-generation16:19
tsdgeosi guess16:19
tsdgeoselopio: see, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-vivid-mako/1334/? 25 failures16:28
tsdgeoswhich is like, i get all those to pass here16:28
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tsdgeosgreyback: do you mind if i put https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity-api/surfaceSizerCallback/+merge/231698 and https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/qtmir/initialSurfaceGeometry/+merge/231725 to WIP as https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/unity8/initialSurfaceGeometry/+merge/231726 is to clear a bit the dashboard/queue?16:45
greybacktsdgeos: go ahead16:45
tsdgeostx :)16:46
tsdgeosMacSlow: waiting for your fix on https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/unbreak-notification-positioning-fix-1422711/+merge/24999816:47
MacSlowtsdgeos, the jenkins-failure are all in non-notification parts and the open issues I addressed... did I not?16:56
tsdgeosMacSlow: you said you'd remove some code, i'm waiting for you to remove it :)16:56
MacSlowtsdgeos, doh.... sorry... onc sec16:57
MacSlowtsdgeos, change/fix pushed17:04
elopiotsdgeos: what I see there is that the greeter failed to swipe.17:08
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elopioAssertionError: Greeter cover page still up after 10s17:09
elopioalso there seems to be problems with the test apps, but it's likely related to swiping from the right too.17:10
elopiotsdgeos: have you used tvr?17:10
elopiomzanetti: on your device, do you see problems with the greeter too?17:12
tsdgeoselopio: trv?17:12
elopiotsdgeos: jenkins attaches a subunit file as an artifact.17:12
elopiowith trv you can see the subunit file. It's a lot easier to understand the results with it.17:13
elopiothe video description has the ppa and stuff to install it.17:13
mzanettielopio: no, all other tests passed fine here17:14
mzanettielopio: there was one which I had to run a second time. but then it passed17:14
tsdgeoselopio: ok, i'll investigate tomorrow17:14
* tsdgeos EOD17:14
pete-woodsSaviq: hi, was trying to run unity8-dash from trunk on 14.10 (after having built the few deps like new scopes)17:26
pete-woodsand wondered if you might know what was going wrong here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10392237/17:26
pete-woodsit kinda looks like it can't see the unity8 share directory17:27
pete-woodsbut I don't know why that would happen17:27
* pete-woods guesses someone is on holiday given the normally Clint Eastwood -like response times of pinging you17:29
pete-woodsperhaps need some updated version of the SDK I guess17:33
pete-woodsobviously something screwy is going on with the PageHeader class17:36
pete-woodsguess it's time to install a vivid VM17:37
* pete-woods builds slightly older version17:39
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josharensonmterry: so I have unity8 kind of running on my spare laptop, but there are two issues.. The mouse/touchscreen doesn't work, and I can't find the lightdm.conf file to edit.. do I need to create it?19:18
mterryjosharenson, yeah you may have to create it20:10
mterryjosharenson, /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:10
mterryjosharenson, and as for mouse, you enabled the hardware mouse?20:10
josharensonmterry: only line is type=unity?20:11
mterryjosharenson, uh, one moment20:11
josharensonmterry: hadn't yet20:11
mterryjosharenson, put a [SeatDefaults] line before that20:11
mterryjosharenson, once you do, you should have a mouse again20:11
josharensonmterry: ack20:11
mterryjosharenson, I mean, once you enable the hardware mouse that is20:11
josharensonsure sure20:11
josharensonmterry: hummm, now I select unity8 session at the greeter, type my pw, and it just hangs20:26
mterryjosharenson, that's.. worse20:27
josharensonmterry: nothing interesting in the unity8 log, let me check usc20:27
josharensonmterry: ah it doesnt like my hw cursor argument, probably a typo?20:28
mterryjosharenson, $ cat /usr/sbin/unity-system-compositor.sleep20:29
mterrysleep .120:29
mterryexec /usr/sbin/unity-system-compositor --disable-inactivity-policy=true --on-fatal-error-abort --enable-hardware-cursor=true $@20:29
josharensonmterry: my file looked exactly like that, but the log says "Failed to parse command line options: option --cursor cannot be specified more than once" quadruple checking for typos20:34
mterryjosharenson, huh...20:35
mterryjosharenson, you have archive versions of usc and friends?20:35
mterryjosharenson, what's in /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/ ?20:36
josharensonmterry: well there were weird issues installing unity8, I had to manually install/build some deps to get it to work.... but  xserver-xorg-xmir and unity8-desktop-session-mir came from archive20:37
* josharenson checks20:37
mterryjosharenson, also check unity-system-compositor20:38
josharensonmterry: greeter-wrapper, guest-wrapper, ubuntu.conf, unity-greeter.conf, xserver-command.conf, unity8.conf20:39
josharensonusc _is_ installed20:39
josharensonmight not be starting though20:40
mterryjosharenson, those are the same files I have, so good.20:40
mterryjosharenson, and USC is archive version/20:40
josharensonmterry: definitely  from archive20:40
mterryjosharenson, nothing suspicious in /var/log/lightdm/unity-system-compositor.log?20:40
mterryjosharenson, or ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log20:40
* josharenson clears logs and tries again, did weird things and they logs are lying 20:41
josharensonmterry: uploading the log, there is some wonky stuff right where you'd expect (like after user authorization)20:44
josharensonmterry: sorry had to get creative to get the log online http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10395793/20:49
mterryjosharenson, huh ok, so that's lightdm.log and it shows USC crashing or early-exiting or something20:51
mterryjosharenson, what does unity-system-compositor.log show?20:51
josharensonoh I'm dumb... usc log says same thing about bad args... when I remove the hardware cursor arg, unity8 starts, but as expected, I can't click anything20:52
josharensonmterry: ^20:52
mterryjosharenson, I have 0.0.5+15.04.20150209-0ubuntu1 of USC20:52
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josharensonmterry: I have the same20:54
mterryjosharenson, humph20:54
josharensonmterry: how did you install unity8? I built it from trunk yesterday... relevant?20:54
mterryjosharenson, I doubt it?  This seems to be a USC error, not a unity8 one20:55
mterryjosharenson, (my u8 was from archive)20:55
josharensonmterry:  thought so.... when I tried installing from archive, I started getting weird dep issues, let me try rearranging my arguments to usc... can't hurt20:55
josharensonmterry: I'll keep messing with it, I'll let you know if anything interesting happens... I hate when nothing works20:57
mterryjosharenson, yeah sorry  :(20:58
josharensonmterry: np, thanks for the help so far20:58
mterryjosharenson, but unity-greeter and unity7 work?20:58
mterryjosharenson, oh no, they wouldn't...  usc is crashing20:59
mterrywell, maybe they work in a fallback mode lightdm has for usc?  I forget what usc does in that case20:59
josharensonmterry: uhhh works fine20:59
josharensonlet me see whats running20:59
mterryjosharenson, ok cool.  makes sense.  It's just the pure Mir ones that can't work because no USC21:00
josharensonmterry: something called unity-fallback- is running21:00
josharensonand obviously X21:00
mterryjosharenson, yeah OK.  So lightdm fell back to an X session I guess. I'm not familiar with the phrase unity-fallback but OK21:01
josharensonmterry: me either... just showed up in `ps`21:01
dandradermterry, I'm getting two failing tests in tst_Shell.qml, int trunk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10396487/21:34
dandradermterry, do you get the same?21:34
mterrydandrader, hrm21:34
mterrydandrader, probably, let me check21:34
mterrydandrader, huh, everything passed with both xvfbtestShell and testShell21:40
mterrydandrader, maybe it's just flaky -- do you get reliably?21:40
dandradermaybe my trunk or not clean or something21:41
dandraderlet me double check things21:41
dandraders/or not/is not21:41
mterrydandrader, I'll clean my build and try again too21:45
dandradermterry, it still fails in exactly the same way... :/21:48
dandradermterry, well, will investigate it tomorrow. EOD21:48
josharensonmterry: if you are still around http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10398186/23:56
josharensonthe dependency error I get when trying to install unity8-desktop-session-mir23:56
josharensonthis is off a fresh install23:56
mterryjosharenson, hi23:56
mterryjosharenson, to get more information out of that, try sudo apt-get install unity823:57
josharensonunmet deps: qtdeclartive5-ubuntu-web-plugin23:57
josharensonand installing that give another dep error23:57
josharensonmterry: only way I managed to get it working before was to manually install most of the deps23:58
* josharenson thinks back to having to build things from source w/o any dependency managment23:58
mterryjosharenson, that way lies madness!23:59

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