
maimsterKimboo: When the move scrolls outside the browser does it just disappear?00:00
maimsterKimboo: move=mouse00:00
Kimboosometimes maimster, especially if im in system settings00:01
Kimbooit blinks like crazy im in anything else other than the web browser00:01
maimsterKimboo: Can you run top to see the processes? Maybe there's one using a lot of CPU usage. Just guessing here.00:04
Kimboohm... lemme try00:04
Kimboonah, it's not that, also im on a 4770k...00:05
maimsterKimboo: I have seen systems run funky on LiveCDs. However once the CD spin catches up all is fine.00:05
Kimboowell, everything is running from the USB stick00:06
Kimboomaimster, damn i keep forgetting to tag, long time since i used IRC...00:06
maimsterKimboo: What's the speed of the USB stick?00:06
maimsterKimboo: No problem.00:06
Kimboomaimster: well, 30MB/s i think00:07
maimsterKimboo: Jeez plenty fast enough.00:07
maimsterKimboo: I have a few HDDs not running at that speed.00:08
Kimboohm... well, as i said, it worked prefectly before i made it presistence...00:08
maimsterKimboo: The LiveCD worked fine without persistent mode.00:09
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maimsterKimboo: Not mouse issues.00:09
Kimboomaimster: correct!00:09
maimsterKimboo: Interesting...00:09
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
Kimboomaimster: it's weird, ain't i?00:09
maimsterKimboo: Bigtime.00:10
Kimboohappend both with Kali and Ubuntu, on 2 different sticks00:10
maimsterKimboo: I fail to see what persistent mode has to do with it.00:10
redemptionsongaye, I need to use macchanger and to use the -r (random) flag. That flag sets the entire mac random (rather than jsut the first half of it). When I attempt to use the -r, the -b, or the  - rb flag it returns the same mac I have (the factory one). What am I doing wrong here?00:10
maimsterKimboo: Sounds almost like persistent is using resources differently.00:10
redemptionsongIt does work with the -A flag but that only sets the first half of the address Inot the whole thing).00:11
Kimboomaimster: but all i did was to use the unallocated space of the stick to make it a seperate partition, so the ubunu/kali partition was never touched00:11
maimsterKimboo: What's the computer's processor?00:12
Kimboomaimster: 4770k00:12
maimsterKimboo: Ahh you said that, sorry.00:12
KimbooMaimster: so i got plenty of power! both on ram/gpu and CPU side00:12
maimsterKimboo: Jeez a beast chip.00:13
maimsterKimboo: I wish.00:13
Kimboomaimster: well, i sold my car to afford it, hehe00:13
maimsterKimboo: Jeez man...00:13
Kimboomaimster: The car was too expensive for me to have, so i sold it and bought myself a beast machine00:14
maimsterKimboo: Hardcore.00:14
maimsterKimboo: I like the way you think.00:14
KimbooMaimster: im not really in need of a car either way so00:14
maimsterKimboo: Xubuntu would sly with a chip like that under her. Then again any OS would.00:14
KimbooMaimster: haha yea, any OS would00:15
arkanais there a way to resize my ubuntu partition from windows?00:15
KimbooArkana: i just used a tool, lemme check he name of it00:15
KimbooArkana: http://www.partitionwizard.com/free-partition-manager.html00:16
maimsterarkana: Is Partition Magic still around?00:16
KimbooArkana: If you're not able to do it from that i don't know00:16
arkanaKimboo: thanks a lot00:16
arkanai hope that i can do it00:16
arkanai know i could make a live usb with eh i just forgot what it's called00:17
arkanathere we go00:17
ChubMcGrubHey, does anyone have a second to help me with ubuntu install?00:17
KimbooWhat the hell, i jus noticed that if i press both muse buttons at the same time i works?00:17
maimsterKimboo: I just parted for most of that stuff.00:17
arkanai know how to do it with a live usb with gparted, but my flash drive just died00:17
Kimbooseemed it was only a one time thing...00:18
maimsterKimboo: Have you tried to use another mouse?00:18
arkanai made the mistake of allocating the entire terabyte to ubuntu00:18
Kimboomaimster: yea, event 2 different comupters00:18
ChubMcGrubthe install went well, but when I rebooted it just starts windows without giving me the option to start ubuntu.00:18
maimsterKimboo: Got it.00:18
arkananow i'm running vms which are much better00:18
* maimster should start downloading those isos....00:19
arkanait would be cool if you could vm gparted and resize your physical partition00:20
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ScuniziWhat program/package will allow me to view and fill out a pdf form that includes numbers.  It must also show/allow the form to calculate the numbers (simple add/subtract/divide/multiply stuff)00:31
daftykinsthat is not what PDFs do00:33
Scunizidaftykins: they can (fdf) with imbedded java script.00:33
daftykinsso.. not a PDF? :)00:34
daftykinsa lot of office apps export to PDF.00:34
Scuniziit's opened in a typical pdf viewer.  I have no issues opening a form and filling it out.. it's just the math that's embedded in the form won't function.  It WILL work on acrobat on a windows or mac machine.. I don't like acrobat so I'm looking for something else.00:35
qxtI'm using xfce on ubuntu. Looking at " grep -i driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log " it looks like the ast video driver did not load correctly. For some reason though I still have graphics. Is there a definitive way to see what video driver I am using?00:35
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daftykinsScunizi: yeah, editable fields ones typically only work in Adobe official, even in Windows land.00:39
omgitsmitqxt: lsmod will list all the kernel modules which are currently loaded, you can pipe to grep and try to figure out whats in use.00:39
omgitsmitqxt: i.e. lsmod | grep nvidia00:39
omgitsmitqxt: also hwinfo -gfxcard or lspci -k00:40
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)00:40
qxtyeah I did that. Found a few video modules. Been looking at them with modinfo too. Just dont know the one I am using atm =P00:40
j_tI am trying to apt-get update, but it is going to an invalid ip address. It's not the same ip address as when I do say host mirror.mydomain.com00:40
j_tHow can I find out where apt-get gets this ip address from?00:40
omgitsmitqxt: lsmod will show whats loaded00:40
qxtwas a big list00:41
qxttired lsmod |grep -i vga00:41
Scunizidaftykins: and they recently removed the old outdated adobe reader from their download section.. still available through ftp but still .. it's seen no love in a long time. probably rather vulnerable to bugs/bad guys.00:41
qxtomgitsmit, the problem is that I dont now what all the mods do00:42
omgitsmitqxt: sudo lspci -k00:42
daftykinsScunizi: every PDF reader is00:42
omgitsmitqxt: my driver is shown under "VGA compatible controller"00:42
omgitsmitqxt: grepping it will miss it00:42
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Scunizidaftykins: yep.. more so with a 2yr out of date version.00:43
qxtomgitsmit, thx found it in lspci =)  Kernel driver in use: ast00:44
omgitsmitqxt: yay!00:44
hplchi, on the recieving end of Growl messages, i have a kubuntu box, the sender works as should, but on ubuntu i dont get any pop-ups / notifications about a Growl alert message, i installed "notify-osd", a mac-clone for linux to recieve growls, firewall on ubuntu is off, so why doesnt the growls (wich is a push service) go thru?00:53
redemptionsongno one is into macchanger round' here eh?00:57
daftykinsdidn't see you ask about it.00:57
daftykinsredemptionsong: macchanger -c interface ; is how it goes i thought00:58
redemptionsongI'll try that00:58
daftykinsredemptionsong: why not just read the man page which tells you how to use it? also why are you changing MAC...00:59
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: You want a random mac address?00:59
geniichanging your mac address is pretty useless in most instances01:00
zhuweilinHi everyone here, I am experiencing big problems to add a windows computer printer to different ubuntu flavour computers, basically the browse button  on config printer is grey and stucked, any idea to solve it?01:03
uRockI just created an encrypted volume and when I go into it, I have found that it is owned by root. How do I chown it?01:04
zhuweilinchmod 777 ?01:05
daftykinszhuweilin: no, and never advise that.01:05
uRockzhuweilin, do I cd to /media and do it from there?01:06
RevEckzeffeven I know that's wrong...and I've only been tinkering with Ubuntu for less than a week01:06
uRockdaftykins, I know better than 777. It'll be 77001:06
zhuweilinwait, seem dafty know it01:06
daftykinsownership is nothing to do with octal perms01:06
uRockdaftykins, Do I cd to /media, then chown it?01:07
zhuweilinthen help uRock, and say it how01:07
uRockthanks zhuweilin01:07
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daftykinszhuweilin: you do not need to tell me how to assist someone, back off please :)01:07
daftykinsuRock: run this please "ls -al /path/you/are/talking/about | pastebinit"01:08
daftykinsmight need sudo if it's root owned and you can't look in. you may also need to install pastebinit01:08
zhuweilinlol, im waiting someone helping me with horrible printing manager dafty, take it easy01:08
daftykinsyes i know what your question is.01:08
t0nt0osis- dovah ribasushi OerHeks tirengarfio Geom Wujiheng Rory Hexeon spinza AB49K yuitimothy dsol RedPenguin kantlivelong sn2015 foolhardy niko ninsei mogreen01:10
t0nt0leepypc PriceChild freyes jamietech Isolol Ripazha47 duoi impeldown Visual` Laogeodritt Daemoen retoaded Jake0720 crazybotsmoker thewisenerd clakes camako nicholasalipaz Guest33911 jemark Ben42_ frobware rymate1234 KerrangYarAlers Hw2k MrZodiac redbarn__ Kins yells_ faltaDeF1ix gac beasty Mellett68_ essi__ arcsky erry nikis jamesd_01:10
redemptionsonggr33n7007h: Yeah that's it. I've used macchanger -A wlan0     before but this time I need the completely random (burnt in option too would be nice but not critical) option and it's screwin up on me.01:10
duoit0nt0, what?01:10
OerHeks 01:10
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: macchanger -r wlan0 # or whatever your interface is01:11
uRockdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10380468/01:11
redemptionsonggr33n7007h: Well, by "completely" I mean all the bits not just the first half of em (would like vendor bits changed too)01:11
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: set your own mac then01:12
redemptionsonggr33n7007h: Right, I did that and I get the following output ... hang on01:12
daftykinsuRock: so what folder are we talking about...01:12
daftykinsuRock: 'truecrypt1' ?01:13
uRockdaftykins, truecrypt101:13
daftykinsalso, i hope you are using the last trusted version of truecrypt :P01:13
uRockyes, using their last01:13
daftykinstheir last was taken over though 0o01:13
daftykinsuRock: sudo chown -R ronnie: /path/to/truecrypt101:14
uRockdafty, thanks01:14
uRockdaftykins, that worked, thanx01:15
zhuweilinyes uRock i readed it that USA NSA likes people use truecrypt01:15
redemptionsonggr33n7007h:  http://pastebin.com/pBTi3dse01:16
daftykinsi should hope so ;)01:16
uRockzhuweilin, I don't trust any software maker when it comes to encryption01:16
zhuweilin: ) ok then01:16
redemptionsonggr33n7007h:  Will any made up numbers (provided they follow the format exactly) - actually work/function?01:17
RedWarI have telepathy.  All I have to do is wrap aluminum foil on my head.01:17
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: try this: "ip link set wlan0 down && ip link set wlan0 address 00:11:22:33:44:55 && ip link set wlan0 up && ip link ls wlan0"01:17
redemptionsonggr33n7007h:  I'll never get back from that in the future if I don't use a program for it like macchanger (sorry man)  :s01:18
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: is your interface down?01:19
redemptionsongnot at this exact moment but it was when I tried the -r earlier01:19
redemptionsongI get that it needs to be though01:20
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redemptionsonggr33n7007h: Well, macchanger does have a flag for setting your own address, I can try that - I just didn't know if using just anything would actually function on the internet. If you give an example of 00:11:22:33:44:55 then probably so I guess. I can try it though and find out.01:22
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: Have you tried setting a mac manually using: "macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0"01:23
OerHeksIf network-manager is running, it will override those mac changes i guess.01:25
gr33n7007hOerHeks: It won't01:25
dinduksAfter reverting to an old kernel version (3.13.0-45 to 3.13.0-45), I lost networking, graphic drivers (Intel) and touch screen support. Is there anyway I can tell Ubuntu to run the magic it does when it's installed for the first time in order to set up everything?01:30
daftykinsthose numbers are the same01:30
dinduksdaftykins: 45 to 4401:31
zhuweilini will try tomorrow same question, sleeping time here, have a good time developers and forum helpers01:33
freeroutehi, how do I create a new /boot partition if I don't have enough free space? http://imgur.com/e71ojW901:35
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daftykinsfreeroute: you don't need a /boot01:36
jmadero1hi all - I have an Acer machine running Ubuntu, speakers work fine but I'm getting horribly low volume from headphones01:36
freeroutedaftykins: but... http://imgur.com/5SalhOx01:37
uRockjmadero1, have you went into settings>sound and turned up the max volume?01:37
jmadero1uRock: yes - and checked alsamixer01:38
daftykinsfreeroute: oh yeah because of encryption. so delete the partition / and recreate01:38
daftykinsor just don't use foolish encryption :)01:38
freeroutek, erasing data on /01:39
freerouteencryption should always be encouraged01:39
daftykinser, no01:39
daftykinsnot given how many people come in here after breaking it :)01:39
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freeroutebreaking the encryption or losing their data because of inadequate knowledge of how to encrypt their data?01:40
gidimI have full disk encryption on my system, and I have no issues.01:40
daftykinsbreaking their encrypted setup01:40
uRockfreeroute, there's a reason law enforcement knocks nicely on the door when serving warrants on cyber criminals. They trick you away from your system while it is logged in and don't let you get back near it.01:41
daftykinsgidim: anecdotal evidence of one person is pretty useless :)01:41
gidimAlso true. :)01:41
daftykinsalright - back to support only thanks people. it's not story time01:41
t0nt0io Geom Wujiheng Rory Hexeon AB49K yuitimothy dsol RedPenguin kantlivelong sn2015 foolhardy niko ninsei mogreen calcmandan r0b0r Jordan_U kiwicam lowryder matthewvz Atlas01:42
t0nt0paYoshi bipolar arif-ali ogra_ vegetablesalad19 trapni jmunschl jmunsch|afk Stmeter aloril kvm2k brandon__ anon9384__ jc1 makije rww Loshki bhldev CPUID_ FoxDemon2 glaucon tolecnal rotzbub bandroidx KeelOfSteel chiluk andyfied htyei White_Light svip Afforess joevandyk tabris|away Reshesnik01:42
freerouteuRock: I think there are solutions to that once considered.01:42
redemptionsonggr33n7007h: Thanks man. I'll get back to it. Sure it'll be fine. I just got too much going at once right now (priorities)  :)01:43
luvenfunautilus is not responding, what is the problem?01:44
daftykinsluvenfu: can't tell from here01:44
luvenfudaftykins, i just open and it freeze01:44
uRockfreeroute, there are, but I also agree with daftykins on the high number of folks who "locked" themselves out of their encrypted volume. If you know what you're doing then go for it. Just take all of the safeguards to know you can recover should somthing go wrong.01:44
gr33n7007hredemptionsong: np :)01:44
freerouteuRock: luckily things like tomb (https://www.dyne.org/software/tomb/) make things much more easier.01:45
luvenfuhow i fix it/01:45
debzlhello everyone, could you please give me the full dd command for disk partition erase?01:46
uRockfreeroute, I'll have to bookmark that link.01:46
freerouteit's pretty cool, basically a wrapper for LUKS01:47
gr33n7007hdebzl: if=/dev/sdX of=/dev/urandom01:47
debzlis this one correct:  sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=4k conv=noerror   ?01:47
debzlis this one correct:  sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=4k conv=noerror   ?01:47
debzlsorry I mean the second one01:47
uRockdebzl, look hear for good text on dd and cleaning a disk01:48
gr33n7007hdebzl: yeah thats right always get it wrong way round :)01:49
debzlI did this before, I only need to know if this command is correct01:49
gr33n7007hdebzl: yep :)01:49
debzlgr33n7007h, thank you!01:50
uRockdd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdX bs=409601:50
debzluRock, thank you!01:50
gr33n7007hdebzl: use either /dev/zero or better /dev/urandom fine01:50
luvenfutell me another good file manager for ubuntu01:52
uRockluvenfu, nemo01:52
debzljust curious, does the duration change when /dev/zero or /dev/urandom is used?01:52
uRockI use it and love it01:52
debzli mean time to complete the erase01:53
somsipluvenfu: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_managers01:53
Rorydebzl: they both give bytes forever01:53
Rorydebzl: /dev/urandom gives random bytes, /dev/zero gives null bytes01:53
uRockdebzl, if you're asking which would take longer, then I'd say urandum would take longer.01:53
luvenfusomsip, thanks01:54
luvenfuuRock, thanks01:54
Rorydebzl: /dev/zero probably gives more bytes per second, because zero is easier than random probably01:54
debzlRory, I see, thank you!01:54
debzlthat was why I thought it might take shorter with zeros01:55
Rorydebzl: not shorter, unless you're saying "read for 10 seconds" from both - in that case you'd get more bytes out of /dev/zero in that time01:55
gr33n7007hdebzl: realistically both are with milliseconds so no real effective difference01:56
Rorydebzl: Indeed. You won't see any difference in real life, probably. If you want a more specific answer you'll have to share what you're trying to do01:56
trinqueI have a huawei modem which usb_modeswitch can switch, but only after two attempts01:57
trinqueis there a way to increase the 20sec wait?01:57
uRockdoes anyone every use the insert key on purpose? Aside from walking by and hitting it on someone else's system?01:57
nahuel_hi, i nned the dir of the spanish chanel please, thanks01:57
Rory!spanish | nahuel_01:58
ubottunahuel_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:58
debzlRory, gr33n7007h..I was just wondering if there would be any perceivable difference.01:58
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gr33n7007hdebzl: not that you notice lol01:58
t0nt0gr33n7007h: This channel is a LOL free zone....01:58
debzlif it is negligible, then lol, too :)01:58
t0nt0debzl: This channel is a LOL free zone....01:58
RedWarRory, como te puedo ayudar?01:58
debzlis t0nt0 a bot?01:59
RoryRedWar: I do not speak Spanish01:59
RedWarTenemos canales si en espanol, pero si es algo que se.. ohh LOL01:59
t0nt0RedWar: This channel is a LOL free zone....01:59
somsip!ops | t0nt0 (is a bot)01:59
ubottut0nt0 (is a bot): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang01:59
t0nt0tonyt: This channel is a LOL free zone....01:59
RevEckzeffI'm at a loss....trying to get my DSL connection connected...I've tried Network Manager and sudo pppoeconf...both did not work01:59
trinquetonyt: LOL01:59
t0nt0trinque: This channel is a LOL free zone....01:59
RedWaroh mmyy..01:59
RedWarOh ok.. never mind.  This is what I get for only paying half attention02:00
RedWarMy apologies all. I will never laugh again.02:00
daftykinsphunyguy: looks like it's spammy enough now ;)02:00
trinqueusb_modeswitch is black magic02:00
mneptokwe'll try this again ...02:00
RoryuRock: I heard this channel is a lol free zone02:01
RedWarwhat the heck was that lol02:01
uRockdon't get kicked02:01
* RevEckzeff stopstesting02:01
RoryuRock: nono, the bot that was saying "this channel is a lol free zone" got kicked.02:01
uRocklol, I know02:01
RedWarOh, no, I am laughing in real life. I nearly spilled my tea on my keys02:02
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uRockRedWar, I almost spit water on my screen when I read that02:02
RedWaruRock: I tell you what, never a dull moment in here.02:02
daftykinsok lets grow up and move on now please people. you can continue to waste time discussing this incident over in #ubuntu-offtopic if you like02:03
uRockwhen there is a spammer comes along to wake things up02:03
RevEckzeffNever a dull moment...guaranteed something will be way over your head02:03
RedWarProbably RevEckzeff02:03
phunyguysorry daftykins, thanks for the heads up.  Went afk for a second, but I was watching.02:03
trinqueanyone want to get down to business and help me hax usb_modeswitch?02:04
trinqueI just need it to wait a bit longer than 20s02:04
trinquethe second time I run it, it always brings the modem to life02:04
uRocktrinque, what is the hardware?02:05
freeroutedaftykins: I erased the partition but it still appears to be there02:05
trinqueuRock: Huawei 12d1:1c0702:05
daftykinsfreeroute: ok, i'm leaving now though02:05
freerouteah no problem, thanks for the help so far :)02:06
uRockfreeroute, put ubuntu on a thumb drive and install nautilus whipe and secure delete.02:07
uRockThe Gparted image should be able to get it done as well02:08
freerouteso should I quit out of the netinstall setup?02:08
uRocktrinque, From the searching I did, I could not find anything useful.02:12
trinqueuRock: thanks for looking for me :)02:13
uRockfreeroute, to go those other routes, yes, but that sounds counter intuitive to what it looks like you're trying to do.02:13
freerouteuRock: I'm just trying to setup encrypted FS (except /boot I suppose), and if that fails just encrypted /home.02:14
gr33n7007htrinque: try with '-s <seconds>'? maybe or try wvdial02:15
trinquegr33n7007h: I'm using wvdial, seemed like it ignored -s 3002:16
trinquewvdial doesn't switch the thing from storage to modem mode, afaik02:16
gr33n7007hah, haven't dabbled with these for years :(02:17
gr33n7007htrinque: what is exactly the problem?02:22
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xkcrohanaHow can I open vim session within vim? (equivalent to vim -S session.vim but from within vim).02:24
gr33n7007hxkcrohana: #vim it's a friendly place :)02:25
xkcrohanagr33n7007h: I don't have a freenode account so I talk there02:26
somsip!register | xkcrohana02:26
ubottuxkcrohana: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode02:26
xkcrohanaYeah that's not the problem I just don't want to do it right now..02:27
xkcrohanaI was hoping someone here knows the answer02:27
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xkcrohanastupid me, you simply do "source session.vim"02:30
freerouteeven if I do 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1 conv=notrunc' those encrypted volumes still persist... serious wtf moment here02:41
freeroutehi IPJunkie02:41
freeroutethat sda2_crypt and sda5_crypt... how do I remove them?02:42
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jangorangHey all. I'm getting started developing for my ubuntu desktop, running unity.  What is the preferred/standard stack for writing desktop apps with user interfaces?03:03
specialspecialswoohoo amirite03:17
sennni need maelstrom browser download code03:17
Freeder_Hi, I'm following http://pcengines.info/forums/?page=post&id=E25612E9-84F0-4DCF-A876-1E92FD1D065C to install ubuntu on an APU4, and while I get the install prompt (titled uetbootin), the install option listed doesnt do anything- just resets the timer and stays on the same screen03:20
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bazhang!info maelstrom | sennn03:20
ubottusennn: maelstrom (source: maelstrom): An arcade-style game resembling Asteroids.. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.4.3-L3.0.6+main-4 (utopic), package size 817 kB, installed size 2599 kB03:20
bazhangsennn, install from the package manager03:20
FreederAny ideas what would cause a 'loop' of an install option?03:20
sennnbazhang, i mean mealstrom browser .the web browser!!!03:21
bazhangsennn, from where03:22
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somsipsennn: nothing to do with ubuntu http://blog.bittorrent.com/2014/12/10/project-maelstrom-the-internet-we-build-next/03:23
bazhangcontact the maelstrom people for that sennn , not an ubuntu issue at all03:23
pedrodiashello everyone03:24
pedrodiascan i have some assistance please ? Xubuntu Hotspot03:24
pedrodiasi cannot find the option to start using my ethernet connection as a hotspot03:25
pedrodiaswhy ?03:25
bazhang!ics | pedrodias you mean this?03:25
ubottupedrodias you mean this?: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing03:25
pedrodiaslet me see, brb03:26
pedrodiasthats some network knowlodge needed O.o03:27
pedrodiasisnt there a option somewhere ?03:27
pedrodiasor a terminal code ?03:28
gr33n7007hpedrodias: network settings03:28
pedrodiasit only shows me my ethernet connection ...03:28
pedrodiascan i place screenshots here ?03:29
gr33n7007hAnd I think it can only done with wireless :)03:29
pedrodiasi dont think so, right ?03:29
pedrodiaswait ... i cn only share my wireless connection ?03:29
pedrodiasthats not right ...03:29
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pedrodiasi mean, i have only 1 ethernet connection ... i want to transform my xubuntu machine, into a wifi hotspot for my android phone to connect, simple03:30
gr33n7007has a hotspot yes03:30
pedrodiason win7, i used to use virtual router03:31
pedrodiasi dont seem to be able to use anything, because it seems to be built in xubuntu03:31
pedrodiasbut i cant find it03:31
Passive-I would like to know how to do that as well!03:33
gr33n7007hpedrodias: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/09/3-ways-create-wifi-hotspot-ubuntu/03:33
pedrodiasi mean, this is a simple thing and i bet common to do ... but i can never get any help on this ...03:34
pedrodiasgr33n7007h, i try the ubuntu way ... but xubuntu seems a low cost edition, i dont have the same options neither the same icons03:34
gr33n7007hpedrodias: xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce that is all03:35
bazhangpedrodias, did you read the link he *just* gave you?03:35
pedrodiasyeah, thats what i thought too03:35
FreederHi, I'm following http://pcengines.info/forums/?page=post&id=E25612E9-84F0-4DCF-A876-1E92FD1D065C (modifying the boot menu to work via console, mostly) to install ubuntu on an APU4, and while I get the install prompt (titled uetbootin), when I choose the install option listed, nothing happens- the selection timer just resets and it stays on the same screen. What could be a source of problem?03:36
pedrodiasbazhang, i im going to try the hack .. brb03:37
aaronjgrDoes anyone here have any experience with UFW?03:45
tewardaaronjgr: i have some, but i have more experience with the underlying netfilter/iptables that ufw manipulates03:45
bazhangaaronjgr, tried using gufw for a gui front end with that yet?03:45
tewardaaronjgr: rather than asking if someone has experience, either use gufw for a GUI, or ask your real question03:46
bazhangteward, perhaps !details in this instance03:46
aaronjgrI want to know if it's possible to filter _outgoing_ requests /to/ a specific destination port.03:46
tewardbazhang: indeed03:46
tewardaaronjgr: filter how03:46
aaronjgrI want to only allow outgoing TCP requests to a destination port 44303:47
tewardaaronjgr: and nothing else03:47
aaronjgrNothing else outgoing. I want to allow incoming on 22, 80, 443, 3080, and 3443. All those are set up.03:47
tewardaaronjgr: well, you just nuked the computer's ability to find remote web addresses (port 53 udp, DNS)03:48
tewardand the ability to use HTTP (port 80 tcp)03:48
tewardso unless you explain your use case i question the implementation03:48
aaronjgrteward: Ha! You are right to question my implementation; I'm new to this stuff. It's just a basic web server, which is listening on ports 3080 and 3443. I have rules set up in /etc/ufw/before.rules that forward requests from 80 to 3080 and 443 to 3443. The web server needs to be able to make outgoing HTTPS requests to a 3rd party service. Does that help?03:51
tewardaaronjgr: does the 3rd party service reside at a hostname that does not have an entry in /etc/hosts and is not static03:51
teward(if it is NOT a static IP, or the hostname is not defined in /etc/hosts, you have to open DNS udp/53 outbound)03:52
tewardaaronjgr: and note I would prefer to do this via iptables - you can make sure RELATED,ESTABLISHED traffic can go outbound as well03:52
teward(rather than assume ufw is that smart)03:52
tewardbazhang: there's a manpage for ufw right?03:53
tewardpublished under manpages.ubuntu.com?03:54
teward(I can't find one, unless it's just Chrome derping)03:54
aaronjgrThe hostname doesn't have an entry in /etc/hosts, and I'm not sure whether the IP it's static. The service is Stripe.03:54
aaronjgrThere is a manpage, but it wasn't specific enough for me03:54
MarconMhow i can mount a shared folder linux to linux automatic on boot03:54
confused_noob_13I just installed ubuntu today. I set up Thunderbird to work with gmail, but I can't seem to get any kind of new email notifications to display anywhere visually on the screen. Is there a generally accepted way to do that in linux? Is there a better place to ask questions about cosmetic things?03:54
MarconMi mount with mount -t cifs // /mnt/archives -o rw03:54
tewardaaronjgr: i'd leave DNS outbound allowed, DNS on its own can't be harmful, especially if you lock down the outbound03:54
tewardaaronjgr: lemme dig into the manpage first though03:55
MarconMahs a way to mount on start up03:55
aaronjgrOkay sure03:55
aaronjgrAnd yeah, I will allow outgoing on 53/udp03:55
mssbrgHow stable is Ubuntu 15 Vivid? Would it be a bad idea to upgrade?03:55
bazhangmssbrg, bad idea, support in #ubuntu+103:56
tewardaaronjgr: ehh, FWIW, ufw is not intended to provide complete firewall functionality via its interface, which is why i referenced iptables03:57
tewardaaronjgr: any particular reason you want to do this with ufw other than the fact it's easy and exists on your computer03:57
eddydbodecho "hello all"03:58
aaronjgrteward: Nope, those are the only reasons. I have iptables too, but ufw seemed easier to learn (given that I haven't ever set up a firewall). To your knowledge, is what I'm trying to do capable with iptables? If so, I'll just learn how to use that.03:58
tewardaaronjgr: I mean, I've done *some* things like this, but typically I haven't restricted outbound on a server, only inbound03:59
tewardaaronjgr: and the reason i do it that way is because, well, you have issues with RELATED,ESTABLISHED traffic03:59
HeyOhhhello all03:59
eddydbodhi heyohh04:00
tewardaaronjgr: if you restrict all outbound traffic in the manner you're looking to do, you may have unexpected side effects when trying to relay data to the clients who are poking at your web server04:00
eddydbodi also recommend iptables, hard to use but it's industry standard even on the red hat side of things04:00
aaronjgrteward: What do you mean by RELATED,ESTABLISHED traffic? Is that a technical term? I'm not familiar.04:00
aaronjgreddydbod: I will probably take a look at iptables and see if it can accomplish what I'm trying to do.04:01
fazeelahai, I have installed fontforge on ubuntu, when i type fontforge o terminal, it is showinf this error http://pastebin.com/DGGCaNAh and it opens a white rectangular box for font forge04:01
tewardaaronjgr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo  <--04:01
tewardaaronjgr: i'd look at the "Basic iptables options" section it explains what those mean04:01
tewardaaronjgr: especially #4 under that04:01
tewardaaronjgr: my only consideration point here is you have to keep in mind there's connections outbound from your server to the requesting IP04:02
aaronjgrteward: Cool, thanks for the tips. Not even sure I need to restrict all outbound traffic; unsure of the security win. Only reason I'm doing it is because I read some article about hardening a server (last one got hacked)04:02
tewardaaronjgr: in that if I request data from local:12345 (web browser port opened automatically), to your server at remote:80, it has to respond outbound as well over port 80 to the remote04:02
tewardaaronjgr: you can probably do what you want to do with iptables over ufw, but I can't guarantee it'll work the way you need it to.  if you give me a minute I'll write up a ruleset that you can use04:03
aaronjgrteward: That would be super helpful, thank you very much04:04
tewardaaronjgr: PM?04:04
tewardaaronjgr: since i need more data than you probably want to share here :)04:04
fazeelahi, any one have any suggestion on fontforge error that is coming while installing04:05
bazhangwhy not pastebin it04:05
pringles2014tbI used ubuntu a lot of time and I been using windows but I just change back to Ubuntu on my Dell laptop and it works so Great I love it :)04:05
tewardbazhang: ports and such04:05
tewardoh wait04:06
* teward feels stupid04:06
bazhangteward, we ask for pastebin in support here, not taking it off the grid PM as a general rule of support04:06
tewardbazhang: true04:06
tewardbazhang: i'm not fond of port forwarding internally though i actually hate it04:07
tewardbazhang: but he already answered (most) of my questions04:07
pringles2014tbTeward: Hello04:07
aaronjgrteward: Er, yeah...how can I do that from webchat?04:07
aaronjgrteward: What other information do you need?04:07
tewardaaronjgr: can you pastebin your /etc/ufw/before.rules?04:08
tewardwant to make sure i capture your required port forwards too :P04:08
teward!pastebin > aaronjgr04:08
ubottuaaronjgr, please see my private message04:08
Rahul__Mayer, hii04:09
aaronjgrteward: Here it is, only the *nat block is changed from the default: http://pastebin.com/vbYq70Cy04:09
tewardaaronjgr: right, i still needed that though :p04:10
tewardoh hey this is what i needed04:10
pedrodiasok, i need to edit a file belonging to root04:11
pedrodiasand it does not recognize me as root04:12
pedrodiasi have tried with gsku ... and going with nautilus.. nothing04:12
tewardaaronjgr: do you have a specific URL/hostname you have to reach out to for Stripe04:14
pedrodiascan someone help me , please ?04:14
tewardaaronjgr: 'cause otherwise i'm guessing04:14
somsippedrodias: what file, what command are you using to edit it?04:14
pedrodiasa wifi network connection filme i just created04:15
pedrodiasnow i need to edit some lines04:15
pedrodiasand it does not open04:15
somsippedrodias: what is the command line you are using to edit the file04:15
tewardaaronjgr: the other question: I assume you need ssh access :P04:16
pedrodiasno command line... im using the option open with gsku on nautilus04:16
aaronjgrteward: Let me check on that really quickly—gonna dive into node-stripe for a second. The actual API request is handled by that script04:16
aaronjgrYes SSH access would be good for me to have!04:16
pedrodiasit asks me the passsword, i insert it .. it spins and nothing04:16
somsippedrodias: what is the file name?04:16
pedrodiasi made up a name for the new wifi connection04:17
somsippedrodias: ok...what is the full path to the file?04:17
pedrodiaslet me check04:17
aaronjgrteward:api.stripe.com, port 44304:17
somsippedrodias: open a terminal and type 'sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/testezito' what happens?04:18
pedrodiasit asked me for the password04:19
somsippedrodias: and after you type it in?04:19
pedrodiasand now its opened on terminal, i guess i can make edit now04:19
somsippedrodias: do you understand how to use nano?04:19
tewardaaronjgr: i assume v4 only?04:20
tewardaaronjgr: or is there v6 on your server04:20
tewardIPv4 / IPv6 *04:20
aaronjgrteward: Yeah, v4 only04:20
somsippedrodias: make your changes, use the arrow keys and pg-up pg-down to move around. To save do CTRL-O, press Enter, then CTL-X to exit04:21
pedrodiasthx gonna try04:22
tewardaaronjgr: i strongly suggest that you install iptables-persistent as well04:23
tewardand disable ufw04:23
tewardaaronjgr: if you're going to use this iptables ruleset04:23
somsippedrodias: this quick guide will tell you more https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Nano/Basics_Guide04:23
tewardbut you should review it first, and i'll explain it if you want04:23
tewardone moment while i export it somewhere04:23
aaronjgrteward: Yeah, will definitely not use ufw if I decide on iptables. Will check out iptables-persistent too.04:24
tewardaaronjgr: do you also want the Ubuntu Update SErvers to be reachable04:24
tewardbecause that can expand the ruleset quite a bit04:24
aaronjgrteward: Yes! It just clicked why I keep getting errors when I run sudo apt-get update!04:25
aaronjgrteward: Ah. Well I someone else has probably posted that ruleset somewhere, right? I can probably figure out that part...04:26
tewardaaronjgr: ok do you know which mirror(s) your server is using?  (if unsure, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list.)04:26
tewardaaronjgr: yeah that's not hard, but i can probably add it if you really want04:27
tewardi think i wrote a ruleset xD04:27
pedrodiasi guess someone understood me wrong ... im not trying to create an AP hotspot ... im trying to creat an Infrastructure one, so my Android can see it04:27
pedrodiasit will not see AO's04:27
aaronjgrteward: Don't worry about it the mirrors for the ruleset, it will be a good learning exercise for me.04:28
pedrodiasthe link with the 3 ways to create networks on ubuntu ... showed me how to create AP's ...04:28
tewardaaronjgr: okay, so there's 6 links i'm going to give you.04:28
tewardaaronjgr: first the IPv6 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10382651/ (rules.v6 which you do ip6tables-restore with) | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10382661/ (resultant IPv6 rules - note the first ACCEPT rule on INPUT and OUTPUT is local loopback and such) | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10382679/ (resultant v6 nat table)04:29
tewardaaronjgr: this way internal v6 works, but external which you don't have doesn't04:29
pedrodiashow come i can allways see a simple button on Ubuntu screen ... on Network Connection edit ... that says Use as hotspot...04:30
tewardaaronjgr: alternatively, leave the ipv6 tables alone04:30
pedrodiasand i dont have it on xubuntu, but everyone says its the same thing ...04:30
tewardaaronjgr: now for IPv4 - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10382708/ (rules.v4 which you do iptables-restore with) | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10382715/ (resultant IPv4 rules - note the first ACCEPT rule on INPUT and OUTPUT is local loopback / localhost) | http://paste.ubuntu.com/10382718/ (nat table - the two REDIRECTs are just to accept on port 80 and redirect to 3080)04:31
tewardaaronjgr: do you want me to go line by line and explain what each of the actual rules does?04:31
tewardaaronjgr: (in that first v4 link)04:32
tewardaaronjgr: and ignore the packet counts, those got included in iptables-save by default, they're irrelevant in the short term04:32
tewardaaronjgr: that ruleset does NOT include rules that allow outbound to the repository servers04:33
aaronjgrteward: This is great! Thanks very much. What do you mean by those second two links being resultant? Are they generated by running the first through iptables-restore?04:34
tewardaaronjgr: the first link there is the actual rules file04:34
tewardaaronjgr: the resultant rulesets are the `iptables -L` and `iptables -t nat -L` output04:35
tewardaaronjgr: and yes, that's what the 'resultant' links are - what it looks like when you run `iptables -L` and such04:35
aaronjgrteward: Okay I see04:35
tewardaaronjgr: however, this restricts outbound such that it WON'T permit outboudn to the ubuntu repository servers04:35
tewardaaronjgr: for that i have to expand the ruleset, and i need to know the mirror(s) and servers you reach out to for updates04:36
teward(including any extra sources.list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and such)04:36
tewardaaronjgr: effectively, ufw is a 'simple firewall' but it just adds/removes rules to netfilter / iptables in the backend04:36
tewardit's just a nifty way to manage simple rules04:36
tewardaaronjgr: when it comes down to it, understanding iptables tends to help a lot, since that's the standard.  ufw is just an easy-to-use frontend to the thing04:37
tewardwith some default rules and such04:37
aaronjgrteward: Right. I'll try to figure out how to expand the ruleset to permit outbound to the Ubuntu repository servers.04:37
aaronjgrteward: Yeah, it sounds like I need to do some reading up on iptables04:37
aaronjgrteward: Thank you so much for all your help, this has been invaluable. Let me just ask—did you write the first of those files, and then automatically generate the second two?04:39
aaronjgrteward: Hazarding a guess, it looks like maybe you ran some iptables commands, then did an iptables-save to generate the that first file. And then somehow that was used to generate the second two files?04:40
aaronjgrteward: I will figure out exactly what those lines mean from the documentation, since that should all be freely available.04:41
tewardaaronjgr: indeed - i did this in a VM04:41
tewardaaronjgr: i keep VMs around for various things :)04:42
tewardaaronjgr: but yes, ultimately, I ran iptables commands, saved the rules, and just ran `iptables -t nat -L` and `iptables -L` and what not to generate the output for 'resultant' links04:42
buddd /msg Nickserv identify password704:44
tewardis it normal to need libc++ and such *after* a program has been compiled04:44
tewardbuddd: time for a new password04:44
budddoh well04:44
aaronjgrteward: Okay, got it. Thank you so much! You've been a huge help. Cheers!04:45
budddhow do you end an ssh session?04:45
somsipbuddd: CTRL D or 'exit'04:47
budddexit seems to end the vagrant box as well04:47
wafflejockbuddd, vagrant will keep running unless you do vagrant halt or run a shutdown command, exit will just exit the vagrant ssh connection04:56
budddwhen i just did halt it turned off my computer04:57
wafflejockbuddd, yeah so "halt" by itself is a system command "vagrant halt" is a command to stop the vagrant virtual box instance04:59
wafflejockbuddd, when you do "vagrant up" it just tells it to start the virtual box image and, if it hasn't already run the provisioning script04:59
wafflejockbuddd, if you do "vagrant ssh" then it'll ssh into the virtual box instance that's running (assuming you did "vagrant up") when in that ssh connection if you were to run "halt" you would just stop the virtualbox instance, if you do exit it will exit the ssh connection, but once you're back at a local terminal "halt" would stop your computer and "exit" would close the terminal05:01
wafflejockall the vagrant commands assume you're running them in a terminal on the host machine not connected via SSH and you're in the folder with the Vagrantfile05:02
budddwafflejock: thx. also, do you need to vagrant up into the directory where the files are that you want to use?05:02
wafflejockbuddd, you can only "vagrant up" in a folder with a Vagrantfile and it should specify what shared folders are mapped into the virtual machine, if you install virtualbox manager you can use the GUI to see/modify things as well but usually a quick googling comes up with how to modify the Vagrantfile to make changes to settings too05:03
freerouteso, I've dd'd /dev/sda with zeroes, so can anyone please explain why these /dev/sda?_crypt still exist? http://imgur.com/hqrOasv05:06
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cfhowlettfreeroute, crypt is a partition.  you may very well have wiped the data, but the part's remain.05:09
freeroutebut isn't that partition on /dev/sda as well?05:09
cfhowlettfreeroute, seems so ...05:10
freerouteso wouldn't that be weird then?05:10
cfhowlettfreeroute, nope.  dd doesn't wipe partition.05:11
cfhowlettfreeroute, more precisely, dd doesn't remove partitions05:11
rolobrohey, were do i install the bootloader on an windows 7 dual boot? Ubuntu 14.1005:12
freeroutecfhowlett: but if every bit of data is a zero... how can there still exist a partition on it?05:12
cfhowlettfreeroute, you'll have to ask someone smarter than I.  sorry.05:12
freerouteah no worries, it's a baffling situation for sure05:14
gvijaijoin #rhev05:14
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest50956
RevEckzeffI don't know why my DSL isn't connecting, I've used Network Manager GUI and sudo pppoeconf05:22
citroniks /msg nickserv identify citroniks 123405:29
somsipcitroniks: oops05:30
jamesd_citroniks: hiem for a new password perhaps  567805:31
[Gore]is that your ATM code?05:32
[Gore]your pin?05:33
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FenixxxxNewbie here...is this the place to ask about how to fix unicorn upgrade failure fixes?06:11
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: can you tell us what goes wrong06:12
FenixxxxI havent used linux for at least 10 years. Installed uBuntu 2 dayS ago. 14.04. Upgraded today and now just blank screen with cursor i. Upper left corner06:14
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: well upgrades are tricky sometimes, the safest way is to fresh install..but you can try the recoverymode from grub06:15
lotuspsychje!recovery | Fenixxxx06:15
ubottuFenixxxx: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode06:15
FenixxxxIs it still like this? This kind of thing is why i have  been using mac and microsoft os systems for the past 10 years06:16
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: ubuntu has improved alot the last years, you upgraded from an LTS to non-LTS06:16
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: if you want stable, stay at 14.04 if you want latest choose 14.1006:17
FenixxxxLts to non lts...guess i should have read up before trying linux again, huh?06:17
lotuspsychje!lts | Fenixxxx06:18
ubottuFenixxxx: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)06:18
FenixxxxOk. So just install again from dvd and ignore upgrades...got it.06:19
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: i would reccomend 14.04.2 yes, then updates on not upgrade to 14.1006:20
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: then in the year 2019, you will be able to upgrade to a new LTS06:21
FenixxxxNot sure if it is worth it. Spent last day and a half getting it like i liked it...do you think it is worth the time investment?06:21
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: yes because 14.04 is stable06:21
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FenixxxxHow do i remember to ignore upgrade offers for 5 years? I cant remember why i went to the fridge a few minutes ago06:24
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: there's a difference to update or upgrade to newer version06:25
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lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: you will see a big window showing if you want to upgrade to a newer version06:25
lotuspsychjeFenixxxx: the way i do it, is sudo apt-get update manually from terminal once in a while06:26
Bray90820How would I install multipal apps at once with sudo apt-get06:30
hateballBray90820: sudo apt-get install package1 package2 etc306:31
ianorlinBray90820, be warned if you misspell a package name into one that doesn't exist it will says pacakge not found and not install everything06:32
Bray90820ianorlin: hateball Thanks06:33
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EriC^^well, hp laptop is fried apparently, won't even turn on anymore, anyone recommend a good laptop that works well with ubuntu?06:38
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: most laptops work with ubuntu mate, i would just check wifi chipset, no broadcom or realtek06:40
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: check the system76 website for ideas on hardware06:40
EriC^^ok thanks06:40
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: i find also dell laptops work very fast with ubuntu06:41
hateballEriC^^: far as brands themselves go, HP are linux friendly06:41
hateballas lotuspsychje said, just avoid crappy wifi like Realtek... Broadcom works alright for the most part these days. but intel is the way to go imo06:41
EriC^^hateball, actually it was superb performance wise, the battery only lasted for 2 hours though and it was a pain to get the hardcoded bios to work with efi06:41
EriC^^hateball, i see06:42
lotuspsychjetrue, intel wifi's rock06:42
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: and i would rather check laptops without a hd, and put a samsung evo 850 pro inside06:43
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: ssd will spice up your ubuntu needs06:43
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: 8sec boot/3 sec halt on samsung ssd here06:44
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_shaun_ow do i attach my usb devices to my kvm virtual machine? there aren't any examples for spice or for tcp06:59
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ianorlin_shaun_, are you using virt-manager?07:01
ianorlinin the hardware for the virtual mahicne that has an i icon there should be an add hardware button at the bottom and then try usb redirection for the device07:03
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_shaun_hi ian ive tried redirecting virt-manager's usb to my flash drive . but my windows install doesn't register it. i've also added some spice based redirectors in the virt-manager details. there is also a tcp option as a possible alternative but i don't know how to use it. i also haven't come across any documentation to describe it or any examples. could u perhaps advise me07:14
_shaun_my ubuntu install does register my flash drive and displays its contents07:15
_shaun_ubuntu is my os and im running windows in my virtual machine within it07:15
gangtrhi @ all07:25
gangtrdoes anybody run ubuntu dualboot with win8?07:25
IPJunkie1gangtr: yeah07:27
honey21i have installed sarg squid report generator in ubuntu but i coudnt browse from browser in onther  computer it generate the error "Not Found  The requested URL /squid-reports/index was not found on this server."  but iam sure i put it in the correct address please any help?07:39
gangtrAfter a couple of errors i managed to install ubuntu 14.04 alongside win8, it seems to work now but i have weird problems with the software center and skype, if i download something from the software center it turns grey and doesnt respond anymore, likewise with skype but after i try to log in it turns grey and tells me i'm already logged in on this computer; do you think this has something to do with the win8 dualboot or is the ubu07:41
honey21i have installed sarg squid report generator in ubuntu but i coudnt browse from browser in onther  computer it generate the error "Not Found  The requested URL /squid-reports/index was not found on this server."  but iam sure i put it in the correct address please any help?07:42
rozicaHi there07:42
IPJunkie1Hello rozica07:42
rozicaI really need help :( I mistakenly installed sudo apt-get remove --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic on ubuntu 14.04 and now my broadcom BCM43142 is not working anymore. I had to install bcmwl-kernel-source in the first place so my card would work.07:44
rozicahiker_: IPJunkie1 junkie07:44
rozicaI tried then to remove linux-generic-lts-utopic and reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source but I get an error:modprobe: FATAL: Module wl not found.07:45
rozicaplease help :( I relly messed up07:45
rozicaDid I brake my system? :/07:46
budddwhat is the best way to install postgresql07:48
budddand by best I mean easiest and least prone to error07:49
somsipbuddd: use the official repo07:49
budddand the easiest way to update flash?07:50
somsip!info flashplugin-installer | buddd (depending on your browser)07:50
ubottubuddd (depending on your browser): flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 7 kB, installed size 137 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)07:50
budddthat doesn't seem that useful07:51
somsipbuddd: it's a perfectly cromulent way to install flash07:51
rozicaplease help?07:52
budddit didn't give me links or any suggestions, just a bunch of version stuff07:52
somsipbuddd: you install the package 'flashplugin-installer'07:53
budddfrom where07:53
somsipbuddd: from the repos07:53
budddso just go the the flash website?07:54
somsipbuddd: you install everything from the repos unless you have a very good reason not to and know what you're doing07:54
somsipbuddd: no, from the ubuntu repos. Use Software Centre or apt-get07:54
honey21Not Found  The requested URL /squid-reports was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at my host Port 80 how can i solve this please help me07:55
somsiphoney21: what version of ubuntu are you running?07:55
budddit asked if i was root. i pressed y. and now the terminal is spamming y's07:56
somsipbuddd: you've run the 'yes' command. press CTRL-C to stop it07:57
somsiphoney21: weird how your error message is reporting Debian... What is it exactly you are trying to access?07:57
budddso i have the flash plug in installer, how do I find it?07:58
rozicaCan someone please help me out? I don't know how to reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source (drivers for my wlan card) ? It gives me FATAL: Module wl not found.07:58
somsip!bcm | rozica (is the only advice I can give you)07:59
ubotturozica (is the only advice I can give you): Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:59
honey21somsip:infact iam trying to retrive from debian server but currenntly iam in ubuntu 12.04 verstion07:59
somsiphoney21: so it's a server-side issue and nothing to do with your computer07:59
IPJunkie1buddd: type "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer" (w/o quotes) into your terminal07:59
honey21somsip:yeah so can you assit me then07:59
budddits installed08:00
somsiphoney21: it's a problem with your Debian server. Nothing to do with ubuntu08:00
budddhow do i find it08:00
_shaun_is anyone here familiar with kvm and virt-manager and the attachment of usb devices to the virtual machine? im not getting any success. my ubuntu install does register my flash drive and displays its contentsubuntu is my os and im running windows in my virtual machine within it.08:00
IPJunkie1buddd: find your terminal?08:00
fidel_hi - i got a non closeable - empty window on my gnome desktop which is above all other windows. Its titled 'Archive manager' and xkill wont let me close it. any ideas how to get more informations about the possible source and how to close the related process?08:00
somsipbuddd: it will have installed, so when you access a page in your browser that needs flash, it should kick in automatically08:00
budddno the plugin, so it updates flash08:00
honey21somsip:so how can i  solve that mostly they are the same iwth ubuntu08:01
budddsomsip: it didn't08:01
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budddsomsip: I'm using chromium08:01
somsiphoney21: 'mostly they are the same' is not the same. It's Debian. It's possibly the sysadmin's issue with that server. Nothing to do with ubuntu, and I'm ignoring you as from now08:01
fidel_xwininfo seems to not see the window - as it reports Desktop if i click it08:01
budddgod i hate flash08:02
somsipbuddd: if you're suing chromium, read here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash08:02
fidel_nevermind - alt+f2 + r solved it.08:02
honey21somsip: sorry  i realy need help iam sysadmin please!08:03
MrokiiHello. How can I rename workspaces in Ubuntu 14.04?08:04
rozicasomsip: I did follow that link before and I installed  bcmwl-kernel-source  and my bcm43142 started working. Unfortunatelly I mistakenly installed --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-utopic and my wlan stopped working. I then tried to remove newly kernely by apt-get remove linux-geeric-lts-utopic and I tried to reinstall drivers for wlan by apt-get remove bcmwl-kernel-source && apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source and I get FAT08:04
fritzroy15hello, i need someone to help me debug this issue i get when trying to install java on my ubuntu 14.04:   tzdata-java : Depends: tzdata (= 2014b-1) but 2014e-0ubuntu0.14.04 is to be installed ... ii googled around but couldnt find anything significant on it :(08:06
rozicasomsip: do you have any ideas how can I resetore my working wlan?08:06
gr33n7007hMrokii: right click on the workspace => preferences08:07
somsiprozica: no08:07
budddsomsip: these instructions tell me to install the pepper flash player, but when i go to software center, there is no install option, and "more info" takes me to error page08:08
somsipbuddd: the instructions also tel you to enable some repo first. Did you do that?08:08
honey21somsip:which part can check even the same problem hapen in ubuntu?08:09
budddyes, i turned off software restricted by copyright or legal issues, and the system scnalled to learn of new packages08:09
msbuildone other stupid question without me comparing the kernel source unziped tar with the linux-kernel-headers.. folder what is the purposes of the distinction between the 2 . why split the headers from the sources.. would this be just so user programmers can access the headers in there programs if they don't want to modify the kernel08:11
IPJunkie1buddd: you want to check, not uncheck, the repos08:11
somsipbuddd:  so what do you see. I haven't used Software Centre for years so not sure hat it should look like. Paste a screenshot maybe08:11
somsip!paste | buddd08:11
ubottubuddd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:11
budddlooks like ipjunkiel got it08:11
msbuildbecause if you have the kernel source you should have as a subset the kernel headers sources found in /usr/src/linux-headers-xxxxx08:12
msbuildin it08:12
ufAre you trying to compile Linux?08:13
msbuildso is the header package just for people not wanting the complete sources08:13
rozicaIs anyone familiar with kernels? I apperantly have to remove linux-headers-generic-lts-utopic and I don't know how. I tried with apt-get remove --purge but I still see that kernel listed if I do:  sudo dpkg -l | grep linux-headers | grep ii08:13
rozicaAny ideas how to rollback my kernel?08:13
honey21somsip:when i try  to >tail /var/log/apache2/error.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/10385223/08:13
rozicaI have a bunch of kernels installed and I don't like that particular because it break my wlan drivers08:14
msbuildno if i wanted to compile linux i need the linux kernel source... i am just curious on what the linux-headers source folders alone is for08:14
rozicaanyone familiar w ith kernels?08:14
fritzroy15hello, i need someone to help me debug this issue i get when trying to install java on my ubuntu 14.04:   tzdata-java : Depends: tzdata (= 2014b-1) but 2014e-0ubuntu0.14.04 is to be installed ... ii googled around but couldnt find anything significant on it :(08:14
budddi installed postgresql through the repos, but how do I find it now08:14
somsipbuddd: it probably runs as a service. do 'ps aux | grep -i postgres'08:15
somsipbuddd: or sudo service  postgresql status, maybe08:16
fritzroy15buddd: dpkg -l | grep postgres08:16
rozicaI will ask in a other way. How do I select kernel from grub? The problem is I don't see grub because it boots so quickly. Can at least someone help me on this one?08:16
somsipfritzroy15: Suggestion here to do this "sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata --force" http://is.gd/twzcVR08:16
fritzroy15buddd then dpkg -L <postgres_package_name>08:16
fritzroy15budd will show you all the files that are installed on your system08:17
fritzroy15somsip doesnt work, it's a version issue08:18
somsipfritzroy15: beg pardon. I read that a bit too quick and thought I saw the same error messges, but no.08:18
fritzroy15the issue is i need to fix this or re-install ubuntu, but the later is a pain because it's a work station08:19
marushello, i have a Problem with resolution when i plug my laptop to the docking station, where to see the logs08:19
fritzroy15and i have a bjillion custom stuff on it08:19
budddwhere is usr08:22
somsipbuddd: /usr08:22
buddd> cd /usr08:23
budddbash: /usrcd: No such file or directory08:23
marushello, i have a Problem with resolution when i plug my laptop to the docking station, where to see the logs08:24
marusi'm using ubuntu 14.1008:24
fidel_marus: logs are usualy found unter /var/log/08:24
fidel_whatever log you are refering to08:25
somsipmarus: there is .xsession-errors in your ~/ home too08:25
marussomsip: thanks you get me ;-)08:26
marusbut nothing to see on the logs :S08:27
bcvery1Using Ubuntu 14.04, just installed AMD Catalyst 14.20, display is not coming on after restart "Cannot open display 'default display'", lspci output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1038532808:30
denny_hi guys i have a problem08:49
jac0bz1Hi! I have a cronjob set to run each minute (*/1 * * * *) This job executes a bashfile as root (root sh /var/www/html/player/bin/lib/screenshot.sh)08:49
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Guest75095anyone know why the ignore-carrier doesnt work on ubuntu?08:49
jac0bz1Problem is that the file dont execute08:49
jac0bz1but if i run it in the terminal, everything works08:49
somsipjac0bz1: path issues or env not being picked up by cron.08:51
jac0bz1can it be path issues when I'm able to run it in the terminal? same path08:52
jac0bz1what do you mean with env not being picked up?08:53
somsipjac0bz1: not all environmental variables and paths are made available to cron. Can you paste the script?08:54
jac0bz1two sec08:54
jac0bz1paste it here or pastebin?08:54
EriC^^jac0bz1, try DISPLAY=:0 sh blabla/script.sh08:55
somsipjac0bz1: pastebin08:55
somsipEriC^^: good call08:55
EriC^^jac0bz1, try DISPLAY=:0 gnome-terminal -e " sh /var/www/html/player/bin/lib/screenshot.sh"08:56
jac0bz1EriC^^ in the cronjob?08:57
bcvery1Using Ubuntu 14.04, just installed AMD Catalyst 14.20, display is not coming on after restart "Cannot open display 'default display'", lspci output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1038532808:59
jac0bz1get an error in the syslog about bad username09:02
EriC^^jac0bz1, did you type root before DISPLAY ?09:03
jac0bz1ehm, no.. :D09:03
jac0bz12 sec09:03
EriC^^btw you shouldn't use /etc/crontab , if you want root to run it run sudo crontab -u root -e09:03
EriC^^and add it there09:03
jac0bz1EriC^^ When running that command, it opens up /tmp/crontab.oGC88f/crontab09:07
adacIs there a better way to send back a 'static' param from within the form then "hidden_field_tag"09:07
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jac0bz1and adding root infront of DISPLAY=:0 didn't help :/09:08
Utsav hi i have installed android studio in 32 bit ubuntu os . i get this error when i try to run the app09:08
UtsavAny workaround for this?09:08
adacuh wrong channel09:08
Utsavokay ! thanks :)\09:10
littlebithi people, I have an hp officejet 6500 connected to my avmfritzbox via usb. I intalled the printer on xubuntu without any problems. but I cannot reach the scanning functions of it. Any ideas?09:16
k1l_littlebit: you need to setup the driver on the fritzbox too09:17
littlebitk1l: how do I do that?09:18
k1l_start the fritz.box router menu and follow the instructions09:18
jac0bz1To run a cronjob every 5 minutes, is it */5 * * * * or 5 * * * *09:23
mcphailjac0bz1: the former - see "man 5 crontab"09:25
OpenTokixjac0bz1: */5, 5 * * *... will run every xx:05 every hour every day of the week09:27
Mrokiigr33n7007h: Sorry, didn't see your reply regarding my workspaces-question. But I don't know what you mean. I don't see any kind of context-menu anywhere regarding workspaces.09:30
Edlerhey guys09:31
Edlerneed some help in a very small bash script09:31
Edlermy php line is executing09:31
Edleris NOT EXECUTING09:32
Edlerbut the variable assignments are working because if i echo them i see all the values the loops passes by09:32
Edlerany idea why ?09:32
MouzzEdler: Try executing the command (php /var/w...) on the cmd line as the users under which the script runs. any output?09:34
EdlerMouzz: actually here's something that might help09:36
Edlerif i put:09:36
Edlerphp /var/www/webstatreports/app/console --env=prod webstats:stats $z -v09:36
Edlerthe command executes09:36
Edlerif i put09:36
Edlerphp /var/www/webstatreports/app/console --env=prod webstats:stats $z $j -v09:36
MouzzEdler: try typing on one line :)09:37
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EriC^^jac0bz1, sorry  got dc09:43
jac0bz1it's ok09:43
jac0bz1still confused :)09:43
drag0niushow do i start sshd with system?09:45
Mouzzdrag0nius: It should be configured to start automatically after installation of "openssh-server:09:46
drag0niushmm looks like it failed to install or sth09:47
k1l_drag0nius: install the sshd on ubuntu and it will be started automatically09:47
MrokiiI wanted to install unity-webapps-service but got this error: "unity-webapps-common : Depends: unity-webapps-service (>= 2.3.8-0ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed." Can anybdoy help?09:51
umbra_purusHow do i install a tar.bz2 file?09:53
umbra_purusI'm trying to install sublime text 209:53
k1l_umbra_purus: read the readme09:53
umbra_puruswhich one?09:53
[Gore]use 7zip09:54
k1l_on the page where you got that package or inside that package09:54
umbra_purusI've read this one but it didnt help http://askubuntu.com/questions/25961/how-do-i-install-a-tar-gz-or-tar-bz2-file09:54
ppfumbra_purus: did you google that?, there's a ppa for that09:54
umbra_puruswhat is a ppa?09:54
[Gore]config > make > make install09:55
k1l_umbra_purus: you are going to compile that source.09:55
ppfumbra_purus: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas09:55
k1l_umbra_purus: that is not an beginners task. so take the time and read what sublime write on their webpage where you got that package from or look inside that package and read the readme09:56
[Gore]make a deb out if it09:56
jac0bz1EriC^ in the syslog I see that the bash file is beeing executed09:56
jac0bz1but i cant see the output09:56
k1l_[Gore]: and that is where your makeinstall is just bad09:56
jac0bz1No MTA installed, discarding output. I guess that is because there is not mail09:57
mcphailumbra_purus: a tar.bz2 file is just an archive file which contains other files (like a .zip file on windows). There could be any files inside that file so there is no standard way to "install" it. There should be some documentation in the .tar.bz2 archive (usually a file marked "readme" or "install" which tells you what to do.09:57
umbra_purusmcphail: okay thanks09:57
EriC^^jac0bz1, yeah you need to install postfix and check your mail09:57
jac0bz1can i just write the output to a file ?09:58
mcphailjac0bz1: if you pipe the output to a file you don't need an MTA. Again, read man 5 crontab which explains these things well (note you need the "5" in that command to get the right page)09:58
drag0niushow does ubuntu handle installing nginx when having apache already?09:59
mcphaildrag0nius: you can only have 1 listeining on an individual port but both can coexist happily apart from that10:00
drag0niusmcphail:  does it try to use both on same port by default?10:00
mcphaildrag0nius: i can't remember but suspect they're both set up for 80 as default10:00
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drag0niusare they both configured to run on install or i've to enable them?10:03
jac0bz1EriC^ There! I found the error, my bashfile returns "scrot command not found"10:04
mcphaildrag0nius: iirc, they both run on install but it is a long time since i played with nginx. Of course, one will fail if they both try to bind to the same port10:05
mcphailjac0bz1: set a PATH at the top of your crontab10:05
jac0bz1I have, PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin10:06
drag0niusyeah, i just don't like the part everything runs on install in ubuntu ;(10:06
mcphailjac0bz1: and is "scrot" within that path?10:08
jac0bz1well, I dont know where scrot is located10:08
mcphailjac0bz1: what is the output of "which scrot"?10:09
jac0bz1returns /usr/bin/scrot10:10
jac0bz1so the path should be correct?=10:10
mcphailjac0bz1: yep10:10
mcphailjac0bz1: can you paste the bash script somewhere?10:12
bumbar_i'm trying to install codelite but am getting an error (i think it says i have newer dependencies than ones that are needed) https://dpaste.de/Gip710:12
EriC^^mcphail, http://pastebin.com/6jbAMfR810:12
EriC^^jac0bz1, try echo $PATH in the crontab, or modify the script to use the full path10:13
EriC^^give echo $PATH a shot just for the sake of curiosity10:13
jac0bz1echo $PATH returns /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin10:14
EriC^^odd, what happens when you supply the full path?10:14
jac0bz12 sec10:14
mcphailjac0bz1: I'd certainly try changing "scrot" to "/usr/bin/scrot" in your script but don't know why it isn't being found automatically10:15
jac0bz1ok, changing the path I'm able to run the bash in the terminal, waiting for cron to run10:15
EriC^^jac0bz1, try echo $PATH > /tmp/path in the script itself10:17
EriC^^when you  get a chance10:17
* mcphail wonders whether $PATH must be exported at the top of the crontab10:18
jac0bz1echo $PATH > /tmp/path  dont return anything10:19
jac0bz1and running scrot with /usr/bin/scrot returns giblib error: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?10:20
mcphailjac0bz1: definite progress!10:20
jac0bz1but it does what it's suppose, sortof, the file is beeing created and moved, but the filename is blank10:21
EriC^^jac0bz1, try running it from the logged on user's crontab10:22
mcphailjac0bz1: what sets the $f variable?10:22
EriC^^jac0bz1, i just tried DISPLAY=:0 xterm from a root logged in tty and it didn't open either10:23
jac0bz1God I'm going insane! All I need is the bloody thing to take a screenshot every 5 minutes!10:24
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mcphailjac0bz1: you're most of the way there. All that is left is to smoothe the syntax of the command. At least the command is firing now. I need to get back to work but good luck with the tweaking10:26
EriC^^jac0bz1, ok, type su <user> -c "sh /var...../script.sh"10:29
EriC^^jac0bz1, that should work, tried it in the tty10:29
EriC^^jac0bz1, you'll need to modify where it gets saved though, as it will be run by the user10:30
hassoon_flieswhat are you up to? executing a script in sudo mode ?10:30
EriC^^hassoon_flies, espionage10:31
mackstingI've got this hot new AMD video card, but installing the drivers required me to break and uninstall Wine. I'd really like to get Wine going at the same time. Forums seem to indicate to me the Wine folks suggest the incompatibility comes down to Debian/Ubuntu packaging ("Is there a bug report on this? wine should not depend on one specific version of libopencl. It should depend on a virtual package that allows for different OpenCL implemen10:32
StevenTheHorsePretty sure it's unacceptable to ban someone from the operator help channel10:32
mackstingThat is, without losing my hard-won Catalyst and my running copy of Wasteland 2.10:32
[Gore]isnt wasteland linux native?10:34
mackstingYes. Did I phrase that poorly?10:34
mackstingI mean I've GOT Wasteland 2 running, but ONLY because I broke Wine.10:34
[Gore]so why do you need wine?10:34
mackstingI need Wine for, well, lots of other stuff.10:34
OpenTokixjac0bz1: I solved your screenshotproblem if you still need the help?10:34
mackstingWasteland 2 didn't work for me until I installed the proprietary drivers, and the proprietary drivers required some kind of OpenCL thing which the version of Wine from apt-get and aptitude didn't cope with.10:35
OpenTokixjac0bz1: As the user running xwindows: xwd -display :0 -root -out s.xwd"10:36
mackstingLooked that up online, and the Wine forums blame Debian/Ubuntu, so here I am.10:36
[Gore]try wine channel10:37
OpenTokixjac0bz1: in cron for that user: */5 * * * * * /usr/bin/xwd -display :0 -root -out `date +%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S`.xwd10:37
mackstingAh. Okay, I'll try. Any point in returning here if they prove vicious?10:39
macksting'Cause that forum post doesn't make me optimistic about their response to the query.10:40
* macksting glances at the timestamp. Starting to think that's, "No, no point in coming back."10:46
nabnhi. not sure what i did, but i can't login to gnome from  my usual account, but can from the other(non-superuser) account. i reinstalled gdm, but it didn't do the trick. any help?10:47
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MagePsychohow to install ssl certificate in server? i have the purchased .pem file11:39
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PriceyMagePsycho: Depends on what application you are using? Apache httpd?11:42
MagePsychonginx server11:43
MagePsychoit’s for ecommerce11:43
MagePsychopayment of course11:43
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PriceyMagePsycho: If you're handling payments on this then I'm worried for you and your customers.11:45
PriceyMagePsycho: Regardless, most CA's have their own documentation, e.g. https://www.digicert.com/ssl-certificate-installation-nginx.htm11:45
Pricey(I found that by googling 'nginx pem')11:45
MagePsychoCA ?11:45
PriceyCertificate Authority.11:45
MagePsychoyes we are using digicert11:46
MagePsychobut that link doesn’t contain how to install11:46
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Priceyhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nginx also has an example config.11:46
PriceyMagePsycho: It does? Which bit are you having difficulty with?11:46
MagePsychoi got the .pem file after purchase11:46
MagePsychonow what’s the next step11:46
PriceyMagePsycho: Ok, so step 1 of hte guide says to skip to step 4.11:47
PriceyMagePsycho: It pretty much boils down to putting the file on your server and adding 4 lines to your nginx configuration. That page shows what's required.11:47
MagePsychoso it’s just adding the .pem file and adding four lines of code in nginx?11:48
PCatineanHey everyone, I'm having some issues using a font in ubuntu, I opened up the trutype font and clicked install, all is well but when I try it in the browser it does not load it11:49
PriceyMagePsycho: And I guess restarting the server. It's all there in that page.11:49
PriceyMagePsycho: Again, if you really are handling payment information then I think this is a bad idea and you should hire a professional..11:49
CardiffPCatinean: installed from where11:51
MagePsychoPricey: I have only .pem file, from where to get the .key file?11:52
PriceyMagePsycho: To get the pem file you should've previously generated a key & csr, then sent the csr to the CA.11:53
Ben64i'd have to agree with Pricey, you should hire a professional11:53
MagePsychoPricey: what is .crt file then?11:54
PriceyMagePsycho: I don't want to try and replicate the wealth of documentation & examples out there... but you generate a key (.key) & a certificate signing request (.csr). You send the csr to the CA who reply with one or many certificates. (.pem or .crt)12:01
MagePsychoPricey: just the naming convention for .pem u mean12:02
PriceyMagePsycho: I don't understand the question.12:03
H3ruShow can i set apt-cache from other shared machina with all the packages installed12:05
H3ruScan i put the path on source.list ?12:05
H3ruSdeb file:/machine/folder distro main contrib12:06
k1l_H3ruS: can you explain the setup and intention a bit more? i dont unterstand the setup12:06
k1l_H3ruS: are you talking about debian?12:06
H3ruSk1l_| ok12:06
H3ruSnope ubuntu12:06
Priceynardev: I'd look into apt-mirror.12:06
k1l_ubuntu doesnt have contrib repos12:07
Priceynardev: That or apt-cacher.12:07
H3ruSk1l_| 10 machines but i want setup the other to one machine like download server12:07
H3ruSshared de /var/cache/apt/archives12:07
k1l_yeah, apt-mirror or apt-cacher should do12:07
fidel_i am using apt-cacher-ng here - nice & easy setup12:07
MagePsychoPricey: i mean .pem and .crt are the same file with different extension12:08
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest85662
PriceyMagePsycho: Probably not. Read them and see. The pem probably contains both the certificate you've paid for and an "intermediate certificate".12:09
freerouteso, I've dd'd /dev/sda with zeroes, so can anyone please explain why these /dev/sda?_crypt still exist? http://imgur.com/hqrOasv12:10
bekksfreeroute: Whats was the exact dd command you used?12:10
MagePsychoPricey: How to upgrade SSL3 to TLS 1.312:11
MagePsychosome of API has sent us email on upgrade to TLS protocol..12:11
PriceyMagePsycho: Sounds difficult.12:11
freeroutebekks: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=100M conv=notrunc12:11
freerouteaccording to my logic, this shouldn't be possible at all12:12
bekksfreeroute: And you booted a live cd, for running that command?12:12
freeroutebekks: I did it inside the 14.04 netinstaller (switched to another tty)12:13
bekksfreeroute: Reboot the netinstaller.12:14
freerouteoh ok12:14
BluesKajHiyas all12:14
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
menaceHi, i want to use libvirt usermode(hostbased) networks and bridged networks side by side. but i have difficulties to implement the network bridges.. does anyone have an working examples (with vms connected to these different networks)? or could give me a guide/hint?12:18
menacei suspect somehow, that libvirt atm really can do only one thing or the other, but not both12:19
ikoniano it can do both12:20
ikoniaI find that defining host networks in the host template configuration and then defining user network with virsh (or another tool) works well12:20
ikoniabut you can do it any way you are comfortable really12:20
menaceah, okay.12:21
menaceand did you have complications with the network-manager, or did you deactivate it?12:21
freeroutebekks: all back to normal now, thanks :)12:22
freeroutestill strange that "Detect disks" didn't let it show as normal12:23
oussamahaw can i use gcc12:23
bekksfreeroute: Because it was in use by the netinstaller.12:23
bazhang!compile | oussama12:23
ubottuoussama: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first). Also read !checkinstall12:23
freerouteah ok12:23
freeroutewould you say that 200 MB for a /boot partition is enough?12:24
bekksfreeroute: No.12:24
blackrooti set mine 25612:24
blackroothas about 46mb free space12:25
bekksfreeroute: I'm using 512M, for being able to keep up two old kernels, while a third one is being build inside.12:25
freeroutebut a kernel is around ~45MB right?12:25
bekksfreeroute: And the initrd has to be compiled and compressed.12:26
bekksfreeroute: So you need space for doing that.12:26
freerouteah I see12:26
oussamabazhang;ubottu thanks you12:26
=== drag0nius_ is now known as drag0nius
xeon123what is the name of the program that we can use to filter data from a program. Eg. , pcol top12:31
Pythhi, i have a big problem. my ubuntu server is not booting anymore. minimal grub is booting. I have a mdadm raid1 with a /boot parition. can anyone help me boot from that partition with minimal grub?12:31
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freeroutexeon123: grep?12:40
xeon123freeroute, I have found it. It is percol.12:40
xeon123I have installed redmine, but I don't know how I start the program. Any help?12:41
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freeroutecool it's like interactive grep12:41
bazhang!info redmine12:41
ubotturedmine (source: redmine): flexible project management web application. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.5.2-1 (utopic), package size 4451 kB, installed size 13475 kB12:41
zagazahi, is it enough to install sendmail in order for my vps to send emails?12:46
xeon123I installed redmine, but the programs it is not running. How do I run the program?12:46
White_CatI am reading through https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Linux12:47
White_CatIt mentiones "The idea is to run these in a nightly cron job."12:48
freeroutedoes anyone know if migrating .Skype is the only thing required to have the backlog of conversations?12:49
freeroute~/.Skype/ to be more precise12:49
gezmobilei think skype keep the logs on their servers12:50
White_Catso I just run crontab -e and add to that file?12:50
White_Cat30 2 * * * here is minutes hours weeks months years ?12:50
gezmobilei've installed a couple of times and always found my logs intact12:50
White_Cat*30 2 * * * here is minutes hours days weeks months ?12:50
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freerouteWhite_Cat: http://www.corntab.com/12:51
gezmobileos reinstalled12:51
freeroutegezmobile: I did that too but found only the recent convos there12:51
White_Catfreeroute what would my command look like? 3 individual commands?12:52
gezmobilewell just clicked the clock icon and went back to begining of time and have convs from early 201412:52
gezmobileso i pretty sure you dont need to12:53
freerouteWhite_Cat: I think it's just one entry in the crontab, but you could also put all of your commands in a script and simply run that script from the crontab.12:53
freeroutehmm all right, I'll try and check it out12:53
White_Catfreeroute I think I'd like that12:53
White_Catcan you provide a sample or documentaiton link? I have never done this so I dont want to mess up12:53
freeroutewell just put your commands in a script, then add the full path to the script in the crontab like so - bash /path/to/script.sh12:57
freerouteWhite_Cat: if you want it nightly then it's just '* 2 * * * bash /path/to/script.sh'12:59
freerouteagain, see that link I gave you12:59
=== stijn_ is now known as Stijndg
White_Catfreeroute thanks13:04
Aphroditethis is AWESOME!!13:04
White_CatI kind of see the syntax of crontab13:06
White_Cat.sh is just a list of commands?13:06
White_Catlike /path/to/pg_backup.config ?13:06
bekksWhite_Cat: it is a shell script.13:06
White_CatI never wrote one so I am googling for documentation13:07
White_Catthe only thing that i am curious about is how ocnfig would be transfered to other commands13:07
hazzardousHi, i would like to use android app in my ubuntu. What emulator should i use?13:07
White_CatI understand these things are trivial for you guys but I am still a beginer :(13:08
White_Catyeah, its like a .bat file from windws13:09
White_Catlooks prety trivial indeed13:09
freerouteWhite_Cat: a .sh implies a bash script. A bash script can just be a collection of commands yeah.13:09
freerouteyeah, it's very similar13:09
White_Catso how would pg_backup.config transfer to pg_backup.sh ?13:09
White_Cator would pg_backup.sh pull the info from the config?13:10
imdeaHi, I have a linux machine configured with pam-ldap in order to allow users to login using their LDAP credentials. I've also configured pam_mkhomedir in order to their $HOME directories be created when their first login into the server, when this is done some directories structure is copied from /etc/skel. However I'd like to change some permissions to the directories copied, any ideas how could I achieve this?13:10
Ben64White_Cat: what config13:10
White_Catsource $SCRIPTPATH/pg_backup.config13:10
White_CatI was overanalysing for no reason13:10
bekksWhy do you need to source that file?13:10
White_CatBen64 I am looking at https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Automated_Backup_on_Linux13:10
freerouteWhite_Cat: although (Bash) scripting can be very extensive, see this documentation - http://scripting.kpaste.net/78a19495f13:10
bekksWhite_Cat: Looking at your link, you do not need to source that config file manually.13:11
bekksWhite_Cat: You have to pass the config file as a parameter to pg_backup.shj13:12
bekkswithout the trailing j13:12
White_Catah so pg_backup.sh pg_backup.config13:12
bekksWhite_Cat: No.13:12
bekksWhite_Cat: Please read the link you posted on how to use pg_backup.sh13:12
White_Catbekks I imagine $2 is the second parameter13:14
=== Steven__ is now known as k1ng
White_Cat$1 is its directory?13:14
White_Catit doesnt appear to be13:14
bekksWhite_Cat: No. Please look at the script in the link.13:14
blackroothazzardous: ubuntu archon13:15
White_Catmy educated guess would be -c then file ?13:15
White_Caterr no directory13:15
bekksWhite_Cat: -c is the first parameter, followed by the configuration file specified by its full path13:15
hazzardousblackroot, thanks i will take a look... do you use it to emulate android with your ubuntu?13:16
blackrooti never tried it myself13:16
blackrootbut i've heard of it13:17
baumsomehow unetbootin always seems to corrupt my drive - by chance anyone could recommend a good alternative? (all the tool has to do is "burn" iso files on usb drives)13:17
Ben64how do you determine it is corrupt13:18
cfhowlettbaum, ubuntu startup disk creator.  they do NOT create the same outcome.13:18
baumBen64, well, the boot fails each time i used unetbootin - using win32imger (on my win system) with the same iso file worked fine13:19
baumcfhowlett, what do you mean by they do not create the same outcome?13:20
JuJuBeeI am having trouble with apt.  I tried installing codeblocks a while ago and now I cannot apt-get upgrade due to errors referring to codeblocks.  I tried purging codeblocks but get this ... http://pastebin.com/8Rhcm3Nv13:20
cfhowlettbaum,  they both create bootable ubuntu's but not identical.  specifically, the /pools were different13:21
baumcfhowlett, uhm alright, thanks13:23
White_CatI am getting a permission denied.13:25
White_Catshould I go as far as to have a dedicated backup user?13:25
White_Cator would that be an overkill?13:25
bekksWhite_Cat: "I am getting a permission denied" doesnt tell very much without telling us what you are doing exactly, using which user, etc.13:29
keepthelightonbaHas anyone purchased for example a laptop from Newegg i know they use other vendors although I am being specific about Newegg13:33
k1l_keepthelightonba: that will better suit into #ubuntu-offtopic13:33
fschuindtGuys, I have already set PasswordAuthentication no in my Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS sshd_config, but it keeps asking password if no key is found. Any help?14:03
xeon123I am using planner to draw my Gantt chart. I have set a project from 2013 to 2016, but when I want to print the chart, it shows from 2013 to 2020. How do I make the planner only print from to 2013 to 2016?14:07
jac0bz1Back again, had to go out and yell a bit.. Still having problems running my cronjob.14:12
jac0bz1This is my line: */1 * * * * root DISPLAY=:0 scrot 'screenshot.jpg' -q 75 -d 5 -e 'mv $f /var/www/html/player/temp/screenshot.jpg' > /home/promo/tmp/log.txt 2>&114:12
jac0bz1Error i get is: No protocol specified14:12
jac0bz1giblib error: Can't open X display. It *is* running, yeah?14:12
jac0bz1this was my guide http://www.tecmint.com/take-screenshots-in-linux-using-scrot/14:14
OpenTokixjac0bz1: Why not use the  solution I gave you, that works?14:14
jac0bz1OpenTokix: I tried that, but I got an error on every line, and i was so frustrated at that point I just whent outside14:15
OpenTokixjac0bz1: ok14:15
SiilwynHi folks, I'm running Ubuntu 14.04, not running any special apps, sometimes when a user logs out it 'nothing happens', pressing shutdown does work. How can I troubleshoot this? Any logs that I can look into?14:15
OpenTokixjac0bz1: you just copied my script and ran it?14:15
jac0bz1Perhaps i should try it again?14:15
Siilwyn*logs out 'nothing happens'14:15
OpenTokixjac0bz1: you should not run random scripts from dudes on the internet without understanding what they do.14:16
Emmanuel_ChanelI want to customize Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS for installing it to HP ML310e G8 v2.14:16
Emmanuel_ChanelHow can I install PPA manually?14:16
Ben64!ppa | Emmanuel_Chanel14:17
ubottuEmmanuel_Chanel: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge14:17
jac0bz1OpenTokix: I'm aware of that.. And I do know what it does, I just dont know how to fix the error14:17
OpenTokixjac0bz1: probably permissions - the user you are sudo:ing to - needs write access to a folder where the screenshots are stored.14:18
EriC^^jac0bz1, i told you earlier the error is due to trying to take a screenshot from the root user on a different user14:21
EriC^^jac0bz1, use DISPLAY=:0 su <user> -c "sh blabla/script.sh"14:22
jac0bz1EriC^^ But the cronjob says to use root, and I'm using the root cronjob14:22
EriC^^jac0bz1, exactly, on a user's DISPLAY14:22
OpenTokixuse sudo -Eu user14:22
OpenTokixinstead of su14:22
OpenTokixsince, su will mess up your own shell14:23
EriC^^OpenTokix, he'll need the password for that14:23
OpenTokixEriC^^: nope14:23
OpenTokixEriC^^: root never need password to sudo to another user.14:23
jac0bz1Ok, so in my cronjob, it would be like this: */1 * * * * root DISPLAY=:0 su promo -c "sh /var/www/html/player/bin/lib/screenshot.sh" > /home/promo/tmp/log.txt 2>&114:23
EriC^^jac0bz1, run it as the user, type */5 * * * * <user> sh blabla/script.sh14:23
EriC^^OpenTokix, oh ok14:24
EriC^^jac0bz1, still though, run it as <user> */5 .... that way the cronjob can't be removed cause it is in /etc/crontab14:25
EriC^^or just put it in the user's cron if that's not an issue14:25
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
Faylitehi there14:27
MagePsychowhich tool you use for documentation14:28
jason__This isn't in man.14:29
jason__Problem running medusa -M ssh14:29
jason__Couldn't load "ssh" [/usr/lib/medusa/modules/ssh.mod: undefined symbol: libssh2_banner_set]. Place the module in the medusa directory, set the MEDUSA_MODULE_NAME environment variable or run the configure script again using --with-default-mod-path=[path].14:29
jason__Can this be fixed without recompiling medusa?14:29
jason__fenix_: help with what14:31
fenix_help for config wi fi14:31
topdownjimmyI can't figure out why this grep isn't working; I want to find all lines of output that *don't* start with "User":14:36
topdownjimmyeyeD3 file.mp3 | grep '(?!User).*'14:36
geirhagrep -v ^User14:36
topdownjimmyThanks geirha; what if I want to find all lines that don't start with User but *do* contain 'xyz'?14:38
geirhaeyeD3 file.mp3 | awk '!/^User/ && /xyz/'14:39
topdownjimmygeirha: I think this works:14:39
topdownjimmygrep -P '(?!.*User)xyz'14:39
phre4kjust got an error in apt for http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-backports/universe/i18n/Translation-en because the checksum is wrong. What do I do?14:39
geirhatopdownjimmy: If you say so. I don't grok perl; I stick with standard regexes.14:39
topdownjimmygeirha: How would you do what I did with standard regex?14:40
topdownjimmyOh sorry, didn't see your previous answer. Thanks!14:40
t5un4m1wondering if14:40
t5un4m1wondering if anyone could offer any insight: Ubuntu 14.10 restarts instead of shutting down on a laptop14:41
tomodachit5un4m1: sounds like a bug to me14:41
tomodachigoogle if someone else has similair issues14:41
tomodachiyou could also try acpi=force14:41
tomodachion the kernel line in grub14:41
tomodachithat usually does something14:42
t5un4m1tomtomodachi: i've spent a couple of hours googling this issue yesterday, and found the suggestion about acpi=force, however it didn't work. Out of the box it behaves properly, but slap all the updates on it, and it misbehaves14:42
XenophonFhey all, anyone running 14.10 on macs?14:45
XenophonFi've just done a minimal install, but when ubuntu boots, it crashes after remounting root read-write14:46
ubottuA !ppa can be added using a single command «  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:user/ppa-name » See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu#Adding%20PPAs for more details14:46
XenophonFall i get on screen are two short, pixellated blue bars on the top right of the screen14:47
cfhowlett!mac | XenophonF14:47
ubottuXenophonF: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages14:47
t5un4m1tomodachi: i'll try it again (acpi=force); does the placement matter i.e. before or after "queit" ?14:47
XenophonFi've already rtfmed, didn't see anything there that might help14:48
tomodachit5un4m1: nope14:48
t5un4m1tomodachi: will try. did a clean install again, so i'll try that after updates if it acts up14:49
tomodachit5un4m1: perhaps trying a newwer kernel could help14:50
tomodachithe are fairly easy to install14:50
Emmanuel_ChanelWhen I want to add officially unsupported drivers to Ubuntu installation media, how can I do?14:50
XenophonFthe mac crashes hard enough that the caps lock led doesn't work14:51
t5un4m1t5un4m1: like a nightly build? i usually update via command line with dist-upgrade, so it usually gets newer stuff that the gui software update it seems14:52
topdownjimmyWhen the output of some command includes formatted text (e.g. bold), how can I grep for that?14:53
joaocheyyy guys14:53
joaoccould anyone guide me on how to make nightly packages to upload to lauchpad?14:54
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garethdaineAnyone know how to force install Varnish 3 instead of 4 on Ubuntu 14.04?14:54
t5un4m1gremlins in the network today14:56
phre4kwhat do I do when apt complains the checksum for a backports repo is wrong?14:58
MarvinMicekCan you guys help me with this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/589341/dual-boot-windows-8-1-ubuntu-14-0414:58
k1l_phre4k: can you pastebin all the output so people in here can have a look at it?14:59
cfhowlettphre4k, change to a more updated mirror or wait for mirror maintainers to correct it.14:59
phre4khow do I change output to english again? LC_ALL=C?15:00
OpenTokixphre4k: yes, or LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 will cover most15:01
phre4kapt-get update, pasted: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10390365/15:01
geirhatopdownjimmy: You go find a tool that has output that is actually parsable15:01
topdownjimmygeirha: haha, thanks. do you know of an id3v2.4 reader? i can't seem to find one.15:02
k1l_phre4k: i had some issues on the translations on the german mirrors too, yesterday or the day before. just wait for it to get sorted. or change to another mirror or the mainservers if you cant wait15:02
geirhatopdownjimmy: I'm afraid I don't.15:03
balancehi, im on xubuntu and would like to know if theres a preinstalled tool for opening images from terminal?15:04
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geirhabalance: if there is,   xdg-open imagefile.png   should pick it15:05
balancegeirha, thanks15:06
phre4kk1l_: k, I'll wait. ty15:07
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valleydaddy78My ethernet and,wireless are not working ubuntu 14.0415:07
abadayHi, I have a directory with lots of subdirectories. If I have enabled AllowOveride in apache and am using a .htaccess file, will that impact the webserver alot?15:09
balanceand whats the shortcut for getting directly to desktop? Like win+d on windows?15:11
phre4kbalance: I think it's even Win+D or Ctrl+Alt+D. RTFM ;)15:12
balancephre4k,  thx15:12
EriC^^balance, hold super for a list of shortcuts15:13
balanceEriC^^, thx15:13
mbeasleyis there a way to set up user-level cron directories, such as $HOME/cron/cron.daily/<script> that would execute automatically similar to those in /etc/cron.daily/... ?15:14
phre4kbalance: Applications → Settings → Keyboard Settings → Shortcuts15:14
balancephrek4k thx15:14
EriC^^mbeasley, yeah, use /etc/crontab and make your own dirs15:15
Walex2mbeasley: 'man 1 contrab'15:15
phre4kmbeasley: crontab, but not recommended because of security issues. Use /etc/cron.daily. What do you even want to do exactly?15:15
MarvinMicekI need some help with: http://askubuntu.com/questions/589341/dual-boot-windows-8-1-ubuntu-14-0415:16
EriC^^MarvinMicek, hp / toshiba laptop?15:16
MarvinMicekEriC^^: sony vaio15:16
phre4kshould I change user/pw in my LXC containers?15:17
EriC^^ok, press esc or something and see if you can get a boot options menu15:17
phre4kwhy do they even have a default PW?15:17
mbeasleyphre4k: I have multiple webservers running off of a box, and each server is setup within a specifc user environment. I want to have a set of scripts that run via cron for a particular user -- and I know I could do this via /etc/cron..., but I'd prefer to have something more generic that is scoped to just a user's home directory15:17
EriC^^mbeasley, you could make your own /etc/crontab, copy and edit its contents into the user's cron and make the dirs that will run15:18
phre4kmbeasley: scripts meaning: PHP?15:18
MarvinMicekEriC^^, Sony Vaio Laptop15:19
phre4kmbeasley: you could make a directory which isn't served to the WWW but only accessible via SFTP. In there, put the scripts you want to execute and point the crontab to it.15:19
mbeasleyphre4k: no, generally just some bash scripts to watch for certain processes to start and to then take appropriate action once they have done so15:19
EriC^^MarvinMicek, try pressing esc15:19
mbeasleyphre4k: that makes sense. i'll explore that root. thanks for the help15:19
MarvinMicekEriC^^, when?15:19
mbeasleyEriC^^: thanks for the help as well15:19
EriC^^MarvinMicek, when the pc boots15:20
EriC^^mbeasley, no problem15:20
MarvinMicekEriC^^, i gotta restart15:20
EriC^^MarvinMicek, ok15:20
MarvinMicekEriC^^, brb15:20
MarvinMicekEriC^^, okay15:20
EriC^^if it doesn't work, boot a live usb15:20
EriC^^and come here15:20
MarvinMicekEriC^^, okay15:20
=== dtigue_ is now known as WillieDaPimp
t5un4m1anyone have any suggestions to fix 14.10 restarting instead of shutting down besides acpi=force? Didn't work. Using an HP Elitebook laptop. google searches are fairly inconclusive15:23
=== ubuntu is now known as MArvinMicek
MArvinMicekEriC^^, back15:23
MArvinMicekEriC^^, no luck i am on a live usb15:24
EriC^^t5un4m1, sudo poweroff restarts it?15:24
t5un4m1shutdown -h does, and so does powering off via gui15:24
EriC^^MArvinMicek, np, type sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit15:24
t5un4m1EriC^^: tried poweroff aslo, and it just restarts it15:25
t5un4m1EriC^^: it seems like it's a bug with kernel 3.16.0-30 - as teradichi pointed out earlier, but I was wondering if there may be a workaround that anyone found15:27
EriC^^t5un4m1, i just thought of something, you could modify the shutdown to touch a file, and when the pc starts you could have grub check if it's there, and rm it then halt from grub, very ugly but it would work15:28
chris92hey there, short question. my VPS is running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Plesk 12... Is there a way to update to PHP5.5/5.6 and stay on Apache 2.2? Apache 2.4 is not yet supported by Plesk 1215:28
EriC^^makes me feel like puking, but i think it'd work15:28
MArvinMicekEriC^^, Could not stat device -l - No such file or directory15:28
EriC^^MArvinMicek, sudo parted -l does that?15:29
MArvinMicekEriC^^, i believe is gparted ? no?15:29
k1l_chris92: best is to ask the hoster company for a solution with that vps setup.15:30
t5un4m1EriC^^: holy cow lol; i'll say this much: that's pretty creative!15:30
MArvinMicekEriC^^, oh mistake wait15:30
EriC^^MArvinMicek, try sudo blkid15:30
chris92k1l_, well it's not a managed VPS, I have full root access. anyways, I'll try with them regardless15:30
phre4kis there a Seafile package or do I have to install the binaries from the official page? I don't like bypassing apt15:31
MArvinMicekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10390764/15:32
EriC^^t5un4m1, :D15:32
EriC^^MArvinMicek, sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt15:33
EriC^^MArvinMicek, type sudo efibootmgr -v | pastebinit15:33
MArvinMicekEriC^^, sudo: efibootmgr: command not found15:34
MArvinMicekYou are trying to send an empty document, exiting.15:34
EriC^^sudo apt-get install efibootmgr15:34
cnnxi want to run a scr as my regular user at boot, where do i put the script?15:34
cnnxnot as root15:34
t5un4m1EriC^^: k so i'm wondering if I should file a bug report...I just thought of popping my laptop (HP Elitebook 1040) out its docking station, and voila, no more problems; regardless if it's on ac or not15:34
cnnxrun a script15:34
MArvinMicekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10390802/15:35
EriC^^cnnx, after you login lightdm?15:35
cnnxEriC^^: yes15:35
t5un4m1EriC^^: so something to do with the docking station is causing this problem with -30 kernel15:35
cnnxEriC^^: im running lubuntu15:35
cnnxnot sure if its lightdm15:35
cnnxbut once x starts yeah15:35
EriC^^cnnx, you could put it in ~/.profile , and use if $DISPLAY; then <run script>; fi to make sure it runs only if you're in the gui15:35
cnnxEriC^^: whats the exact command ?15:36
EriC^^cnnx, it will still run if you open another login shell while in the gui though15:36
EriC^^so know that15:36
cnnxEriC^^: its a script that starts vncserver15:37
EriC^^MArvinMicek, kind of odd there's no win8 entry there15:38
EriC^^MArvinMicek, sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/boot/efi15:38
MArvinMicekEriC^^, done15:39
EriC^^for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done15:39
EriC^^MArvinMicek, type ls -R /mnt/boot/efi | pastebinit15:40
MArvinMicekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10390876/15:40
EriC^^MArvinMicek, sudo chroot /mnt15:41
MArvinMicekEriC^^, done.15:42
EriC^^MArvinMicek, try efibootmgr -v again, does win8 show up?15:42
MArvinMicekEriC^^, root@ubuntu:/# efibootmgr -v15:43
MArvinMicekFatal: Couldn't open either sysfs or procfs directories for accessing EFI variables.15:43
MArvinMicekTry 'modprobe efivars' as root.15:43
EriC^^try modprobe efivars15:44
EriC^^did you run the for i ... done command btw?15:44
MArvinMicekEriC^^, it was for me? you did not tag me15:45
EriC^^oh, yeah15:45
EriC^^type exit and run it15:45
SilexI have a weird problem: "apt-get install foo" refuses to install because "xorg" is not installable. But "apt-get install foo xorg" works perfectly15:45
EriC^^then sudo chroot /mnt15:45
Silexhow do I make apt-get *really* tell me what conflicts?15:45
Silexapt-cache depends for hundreds of packages is not fun15:45
MArvinMicekEriC^^,after sudo chroot /mnt?15:45
Silex(foo is a custom package of ours that depends on xorg)15:45
EriC^^Silex, apt-cache depends <package> lists some dependencies and conflicts15:46
EriC^^MArvinMicek, no, before15:46
MArvinMicekEriC^^, yeah i understand that.after the sudo chroot command?15:46
EriC^^try efibootmgr -v again15:47
MArvinMicekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10390966/15:48
EriC^^efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 3 -d /dev/sdb15:49
EriC^^efibootmgr -c -w -l \\EFI\\ubuntu\\shimx64.efi -L "Ubuntu" -p 3 -d /dev/sda15:49
MArvinMicekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10391003/15:50
EriC^^then efibootmgr -v again15:50
MArvinMicekEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10391019/15:50
EriC^^MArvinMicek, ok, give it a shot, if it doesn't work we could switch the efi files to boot ubuntu instead of windows15:51
EriC^^MArvinMicek, type exit, then restart15:51
MArvinMicekEriC^^, brb thanks15:51
SilexEriC^^: yes, and it's pointless as xorg installs perfectly15:52
MarvinMicekEriC^^, nothing15:52
MarvinMicekEriC^^, oh i forgot.i should boot to a live usb,right?15:53
MarvinMicekEriC^^, i boot to a live usb15:53
SilexEriC^^: what likely happens is *one* of my package depedency wants kdm, then wants to install xorg and stops there15:53
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SilexI want "apt-get install foo" to tell me which package conflicts with which15:54
Silex"apt-get install xorg; apt-get install foo" works, so it cannot be xorg15:54
artisanIndiawhile installing php5-fpm I get error > php5-fpm : Depends : php5-common(= 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4) but 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.6 is to be installed15:54
k1l_Silex: what is the output of the the "apt-get install PACKAGE"? please in a pastebin15:54
artisanIndiak1l_ while installing php5-fpm I get error > php5-fpm : Depends : php5-common(= 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4) but 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.6 is to be installed15:57
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cr7pt7ccr7pt7c => Your appoximate location is: ["53.5000,-2.2167"]15:59
k1l_artisanIndia: sudo apt-get update16:00
cr7pt7ckamdard => Your appoximate location is: ["33.0812,-96.8133"]16:00
artisanIndiak1l_ still same error16:01
k1l_artisanIndia: what ubuntu is it? what mirror do you use?16:01
artisanIndiaits my dedicated server16:02
WetWiredCan anyone help with this error? mipsel-rawgcc: error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory16:02
k1l_artisanIndia: see http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/php5-fpm  it depends on php5-common (= 5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.6) and not ...1ubuntu4) like your packages list thinks. so i think your mirror is not updated yet.16:03
k1l_artisanIndia: so either wait or tell the mirror guy to get uptodate, or use another mirror16:03
mbeasleyanother cron question: i see a lot of default crontabs that use times other than the top of the hour or the start of the day to execute the scripts in the cron.daily, cron.hourly, etc directories. instead of using `0 0 * * *` i see a lot of `04 20 * * *` or something like that. is there a good reason for that that I might be overlooking?16:03
artisanIndiayou mean reinstallation of the server with different image ?16:04
k1l_artisanIndia: no16:04
k1l_not even close16:04
artisanIndiawill running an apt-get upgrade work ?16:04
k1l_artisanIndia: please pastebin the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"16:04
artisanIndiaok hold16:05
emilwHi, I have an audio issue. I swapped motherboards and now my cards are recognized I fail to change my default output device. I've run though every google search and help page I could find but I'm still stuck ... is there anybody who could help me along? Running Ubuntu 14.04.216:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:05
artisanIndiak1l_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/10391191/16:07
qwertz15Hello, I am using Broadcom 4352 driver for my computer but it is too slow to load things up, the speed changes from time to time, I get 40% slower than what our wifi provides.16:09
emilwqwertz15: what solution do you expect? quicker speeds? :)16:10
qwertz15yes, getting very slow speeds16:11
qwertz15sometimes not loading even16:11
emilwand ping latency slow too?16:11
qwertz15when I was on windows I get stable speed16:11
emilwdo you have a USB wifi device to test another adapter at the same location (are you sure it's the device and not the environment)16:11
emilwqwertz15: quickest fix could be to get a good supported USB wifi stick for your linux environment.16:12
qwertz15I have another ubuntu machine, it is slow too. I have a windows computer which works fast.16:12
qwertz15hmm ok16:13
emilwdefine slow, are you still talking about the wifi speed/latency?16:13
k1l_artisanIndia: does that sort of sources list have some meaning?16:13
qwertz15Speed and latency16:13
emilware you running the latest version of all drivers/kernel ?16:13
emilwlastest version of ubuntu too ofcourse16:13
qwertz153.13 for the kernel, latest driver16:13
artisanIndiaI added http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/php5-fpm/download and seems like it is working16:13
artisanIndiaI am in between the installation will update if it is successful16:13
k1l_artisanIndia: i mean you are missing trusty-security universe16:13
k1l_artisanIndia: yes, but this fix will not make the issue go away, just the actual symptome16:14
artisanIndiathen what should I do16:14
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k1l_artisanIndia: add atleast: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security universe deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu trusty-security universe16:15
qwertz15Ok I appreciate all your help, I will look for a supported USB wifi. Have a great day! :)16:15
emilwqwertz15: i'm sorry but I will not be able to help you further16:16
emilwgood luck!16:16
emilwis anybody here able to help me with an ALSA sound card issue?16:16
glu3 16:17
glu3 /part16:22
omgitsmityou can never leave!16:22
charly1wo bin ich hier?16:22
lyzecharly1, ubuntu support channel :)16:23
charly1no answer?!16:23
omgitsmit!de | charly116:23
ubottucharly1: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!16:23
lyzecharly1, use #ubuntu-de if you want to receive german help. or use a different one via /list if you want to search for something specific16:23
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*16:24
todd___Can anyone tell me if, and in what version. ubuntu ships libpcre compiled with JIT support in versions newer than 14.04 ? (I have 12.04 installed and 14.04 installed, and JIT support is not present)16:25
sblHi everyone. I have Ubuntu 12.04, I installed PHP-FPM 5.5.22 from repo. I try to install php5-memcached but is only 2.2 version. How can I install php5-memcached in 2.1.0 version?16:29
sbl2.2 have bugs16:29
lyzeso i got notified that xchat (irc client) is dead. does somebody has a alternative which also works with the message indicator plugin?16:32
PCatineanSomeone please help, I clicked on a .ttf font and clicked install16:32
PCatineannow I want it removed and I don't know how to do it16:32
PCatineanI couldn't find it anywhere16:32
illizianPCatinean: try using font-forge16:33
PCatineandid not find it in apt repository illizian16:33
illizianwait sorry... it's font-manager16:33
PCatineanI used some type of font-manager or something16:33
PCatineanand I can't find it16:33
illizianjust run font-manager from a terminal16:33
PCatineanIt does not find it, it's crao16:33
illizianit's in the normal repos:16:34
illizian  Installed: 0.5.7-416:34
illizian  Candidate: 0.5.7-416:34
illizian  Version table:16:34
illizian *** 0.5.7-4 016:34
illizian        500 http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 Packages16:34
PCatineanI installed it, I ran it and it does not find the font16:34
PCatineanocr-b which is installed16:34
=== raja_ is now known as raja
emilwis anybody here able to help me with an ALSA sound card issue?16:35
emilwor does anybody know another alsa specific channel?16:36
ubottuUbuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)16:36
xxaviany package like this one: https://agoravoting.com/ ?16:37
PCatineananyone with any other idea?16:37
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sky_netjoin #kali-linux16:38
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emilwHi, I'm looking for help regarding my ALSA sound card configuration in Ubuntu 14.04.2. In alsamixer in can verify I have 3 cards registered but from my unity desktop I am unable to select the corect output. I read all google searches and tried many different things, talked to people and removed hardware. I am completely stuck.16:39
omgitsmitsky_net: why are you always here advertising kali?16:41
=== UKn0Me is now known as HerpTheDerpWhale
=== HerpTheDerpWhale is now known as UKn0Me
sky_netsry bro i didnt add in favorite kali chet16:45
sky_neti am complite lol16:45
=== artisanIndia is now known as artisanIndia|afk
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=== lyze_afk is now known as lyze
link0802Hi. I use ubuntu 14.04. I have nvidia 310m and use x.org x server nouveau display drive. When system load I see splash screen,then black screen for 5-10 seconds, and then desktop load. Can I remove black screen and leave only splash screen when system load?16:53
cluelesspersonmy server has suddenly just stopped responding on port 8016:53
cluelesspersonI have no idea why16:53
blackflowcluelessperson: ssh to it and see why?16:53
cluelesspersonblackflow, I am, nothing in logs, seems to be fine, restarting now16:54
blackflowcluelessperson: was the service running?16:54
cluelesspersonblackflow,  yes16:54
blackflowcluelessperson: which one? apache? nginx?16:54
cluelesspersonblackflow, yes apache16:56
blackflowcluelessperson: so, apache was running, but wasn't responding and there's nothing in the logs?16:57
cluelesspersonblackflow, it seems so, pages just will not load16:57
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cluelesspersonblackflow,   I was being a retard... nevermind.16:59
WilliamDotSIi just setup a server with 14.0416:59
WilliamDotSIwith 2 HDDs in SW RAID16:59
cluelesspersonblackflow  Ther server is 10* local private network, I was proxying my browser through my home connection to bypass firewall.16:59
WilliamDotSI1000MB RAID for /boot, 1TB RAID for / and 16GB SWAP on each hdd16:59
WilliamDotSIinstall went through fine16:59
WilliamDotSIbut it does not boot16:59
WilliamDotSIi only get a blinking cursor16:59
bekksWilliamDotSI: Which RAID levels did you use?16:59
WilliamDotSIno grub prompt16:59
WilliamDotSIRAID1 bekks16:59
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, I HATE that.  I was getting that.17:00
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, let me guess, you did a USB install?17:00
bekksWilliamDotSI: Where did you install grub to?17:00
WilliamDotSIbut grub was correctly installed on /dev/sde and /dev/sdf17:00
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cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, I was able to get it up and running by rescue booting a live cd and reinstalling GRUB, but the moment ubuntu updated grub, it reverted its configuration and failed to boot again17:00
WilliamDotSIthe installer automatically installed on this 217:00
bekksWilliamDotSI: And what are sda, sdb, sdc, sdd?17:00
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, I had to install via a freaking CD for it to work17:01
WilliamDotSIempty HDDs17:01
WilliamDotSIwith no partition table17:01
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, I think there's an issue with grub being install from a USB flash drive for live cd17:01
bekksWilliamDotSI: So your system is trying to boot from sda.17:01
cluelesspersonbekks, ^17:01
WilliamDotSIbekks, no it is not17:01
WilliamDotSIi already tried to override this via bios17:01
WilliamDotSIi can select one of the other HDDs there and get a failure when booting17:01
bekksWilliamDotSI: Which failure?17:02
WilliamDotSIno bootloader found17:02
WilliamDotSIif i select one of the 1TB RAID members17:02
WilliamDotSIit shows me only this blinking prompt17:02
WilliamDotSIso there is something on them17:02
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, Also, when this occurred to me, my HDD had superblock read failures shortly after.17:02
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, HDD died.17:02
WilliamDotSIhm i doult not doubt that the HDD might be broken17:02
WilliamDotSIgnah all this is too much work17:02
WilliamDotSIi just use an SSD i have here17:02
WilliamDotSIand run no RAID17:02
cluelesspersonWilliamDotSI, I suggest a smart test, but seriously, I had to install by CD to get the GRUB thing to work properly.17:03
cluelesspersonI know it's stupid, and you might be able to reconfiure grub properly without the CD, but I didn't want to have to, so I just reinstalled via cd, works fine17:03
=== tcpman is now known as Guest9535
link0802Hi. I use ubuntu 14.04. I have nvidia 310m and use x.org x server nouveau display driver. When system load I see splash screen,then black screen for 5-10 seconds, and then desktop load. Can I remove black screen and leave only splash screen when system load?17:05
cluelesspersonlink0802, it's probably the card initializing, so probably not.17:06
cluelesspersonlink0802, I believe by default it starts on the integrated graphics, loads drivers for GPU, then switches over.17:06
link0802cluelessperson: oh..understand..Thank you :)17:08
Chunk2is there a way to install an apache mod without automatically enabling it in apt-get?17:08
cluelesspersonChunk2, just install and remove from  /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/   ?17:10
Chunk2cluelessperson: That's not acceptable.  I am preparing for a config change on a live server.  If apt-get enables the mod and restarts apache like normal, it'll take the site down.  I need to deploy a configuration change in a controlled way.17:11
cluelesspersonChunk2, multiple modules?  or one? if so, which?17:15
WilliamDotSInow i installed on the SSD17:18
WilliamDotSIsame problem17:18
Chunk2cluelessperson: I'm switching from mod_php to php5-fpm.  I need to get mod_fcgid installed, but on my test server I can't figure out how to make it happen without triggering an apache restart.  The server takes a good minute to be totally operational after a restart.17:19
cluelesspersonChunk2, my guess is that when you do  sudo apt-get install *something*     that it downloads an install script for that something, and runs that to get everything it needs17:20
cluelesspersonChunk2, I would assume you could download the install script, modify it yourself to NOT enable it, and NOT restart apache17:20
Chunk2I see, so it isn't something built into apt-get17:20
cluelesspersonChunk2, I don't think17:20
somsipChunk2: bring up a second server, bring it up to date, swap DNS entries to point to new server, disable old server.17:20
blackflowdoes anyone have any idea how to install roundcube on a server with nginx and php5-fpm?  it pulls in apache and of course that breaks.17:21
Chunk2somsip: I'd do it that exact way, except maybe I'd even do a reverse proxy17:21
Chunk2As well17:21
Chunk2But I'm being asked to do a lot with a little, and under constraints that border on superstitious17:22
valleydaddy78HOW DO I FIX THIS USB                         Unable to detect file system! Possible reasons are:17:22
valleydaddy78- The file system is damaged17:22
valleydaddy78- The file system is unknown to GParted17:22
valleydaddy78- There is no file system available (unformatted)17:22
valleydaddy78- The device entry /dev/sdb1 is missing17:22
valleydaddy78Unable to open /dev/sdb read-write (Read-only file system).  /dev/sdb has been opened read-only.17:22
cluelesspersonChunk2, http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/i386/php5-fpm/download17:22
Chunk2thank you17:22
cluelesspersonChunk2, somewhere around there, I believe you can get the script  alter it, run it custom17:22
emilwremember that guy who had audio problems with ALSA?17:23
* emilw <- that guy17:23
emilwwell he had the wrong cable plugged in for 5 hours while troubleshooting the issue.17:23
emilwso, problem solved :/17:23
Piciemilw: yay17:24
cluelesspersonemilw, I just freaked out because I could access my 10.* work application server from chrome17:24
cluelesspersonwhile using my home proxy to get youtube. ;)17:24
Chunk2you know it might be easier to just get everything in place manually, then let the install script do the restart for me :)17:24
JFlashhi. why I'm getting "You dont have access to this file" error when using sudo17:27
JFlashand the file has been chmoded to root:root?17:28
JFlashI mean , has been chowned17:28
llutzJFlash: how do you use sudo?17:28
JFlashsudo yo meanjs17:29
JFlashsomething like that17:29
zertyuiohi there17:31
cluelesspersoncan I get opinions/criticisms on this script?17:31
zertyuioi got a basic question, when i do ls -rtl on my see lots of files and folders, each files and folders taking size, i m expecting a command to show on final the size after adding the file and folder size17:35
llutzzertyuio: du -sxh path/17:35
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zertyuioyes i kow that du can do that17:44
zertyuiobut i would like to this way17:44
zertyuioadd the sum of everything which is present on a folder17:45
llutzzertyuio: pipe ls output into awk, summarize size-column, print totals...17:46
k1li dont think ls can do that. without you doing more magic. what about ncdu or such?17:47
zertyuiounfortunately not working : ls -rtl | awk summarize size-column, print totals17:49
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llutzzertyuio: ls -lrt path/ | awk '{ print; sum += $5 }; END { print "size: ",sum }'17:51
=== aman is now known as Guest38180
sblHello. How Can I install php5-memcached in version 2.1.0 in Ubuntu 14.04 (PHP 5.5.22)17:55
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest81364
l9my sound is broken, what needs a reset?17:56
sblphp5-memcached 2.1.0 is depends to 5.5.9 :< but php5-memcached 2.2.0 has bugs17:56
p01s0non my 14.04 server arch shows it as i686 how can i know if its 32 bit or 64 bit17:58
llutzp01s0n: uname -m17:59
p01s0nit also shows i68618:00
llutzp01s0n: to check cpu: grep -o ' lm ' /proc/cpuinfo18:00
jhutchinsp01s0n: You have a 32b kernel.18:00
llutzp01s0n: i686 is 32bit18:00
jhutchinsp01s0n: cat /proc/cpuinfo will tell you about the actual hardware.18:01
p01s0ni have a 64 bit hardware,but i think its 32 bit OS18:02
jhutchinsp01s0n: You are correct.18:02
PCatineanI have a python framework with a web frontend and when I use top I briefly see python having 99.9% of proccessor power, is that normal?18:05
=== Whitor_ is now known as Whitor
TimeVirusnot really impressed with this Lubuntu DE - Miss Xfce18:11
TimeVirusshould have gotten Xubuntu18:11
TimeVirusi no18:11
k1lTimeVirus: install xfce4 package or xubuntu-desktop package18:13
TimeVirusI did that on Mint with Mate and Xfce and a lot of Xfce parts showed up when I'd boot into Mate DE - is that not going to happen if I have the two options with Lubuntu?18:15
TimeVirushard to predict?18:16
* tommylommykins waves... Running sudo apt-get dist-upgrade on my machine has just cause a lot of my SSL certificates to be replaced... Is this expected? Why are they being replaced?18:23
k1lyou can select on the login screen if you want lxde or xfce18:23
=== pochito_ is now known as pochin
TimeVirusI'll give it a try18:24
EriC^^TimeVirus, some parts might show up, namely the notify-send and other stuff18:24
EriC^^TimeVirus, if you purge most of the lubuntu specific stuff you should be ok18:24
TimeVirusrgr tht thanks eirc18:25
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=== pochito_ is now known as pochito
ponyofdeathhi, how do i remove all gcc packages from a system?18:35
fosstererHi! I am running Lubuntu 12.04 with 3.2.0-23-generic kernel. Can I install 2.6.33 kernel on it?18:35
daftykinsfossterer: why?18:36
fosstererBecause, I have some patches to be applied that require 2.6 kernel18:37
=== lololol is now known as franco123
iuza89fossterer, maybe there  is  a less traumatic method18:40
daftykinsfossterer: patches for what?18:40
Seveasponyofdeath: /win 27018:40
Seveaserr oops18:40
daftykinsfossterer: as iuza89 suggests - perhaps if you gave us the full story we might be able to advise better :)18:40
Seveasponyofdeath: echo sudo apt-get remove $(dpkg -l 'gcc*' | awk /ii/'{print $2}')18:40
Seveasponyofdeath: if that does the right thing, remove the 'echo' :)18:41
fosstererI need to enable 802.11p mode communication.. I have readymade patches that are built on 2.6.33-6 kernel18:41
daftykinsah i see, gonna be car hacking huh?18:42
daftykinsyou'd be better off running a supported debian using that kernel i would say.18:42
Seveasfossterer: that's going to be ... tricky to say the least.18:42
ponyofdeathSeveas: haha wow wants to remove 561 packages18:42
Seveasponyofdeath: hmm, that's... odd. Can you pastebin?18:43
fosstererdaftykins: Why Debian?18:44
daftykinsbecause that kernel version is stock in their stable release18:44
daftykinsor, a very close one at least18:44
ponyofdeathSeveas: https://bpaste.net/show/f7e86e1a735018:44
daftykinsfossterer: messing with lubuntu to go back to a kernel that isn't supported - you won't get much help in here.18:45
fosstererdaftykins: "that kernel version"?? Are you referring to any specific Debian release?18:45
daftykinsgo chat to #debian18:45
Seveasponyofdeath: I mean the echo version18:45
ponyofdeathsudo apt-get remove gcc-4.6-base:amd64 gcc-4.8-base:amd64 gcc-4.9-base:amd6418:46
v_SullyAfternoon all.18:48
mysupper_I'm trying to install vsftpd. but I can't find vsftpd.conf in /etc.18:48
mysupper_I did nothing excecpt sudo apt-get install vsftpd. what's the problem I can't find vsftpd.conf ?18:49
Seveasponyofdeath: ah doh. The -base packages are actually fairly critical :)18:49
Seveasponyofdeath: on the other hand, that echo show you only have those, so there's nothing to remove :)18:49
ponyofdeathi removed the other's manually18:50
Seveasmysupper_: pastebin the output of apt-cache policy vsftpd18:50
v_SullyI'm having an install issue as well. Trying to install node.js18:50
Seveasponyofdeath: then you're done :)18:50
Seveasv_Sully: sudo apt-get install nodejs18:50
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v_SullyYeah I have done that and checked version and also installd the Npm but having issue with the npm -g18:51
v_SullyI had tried sudo nmp install npm -g but was told it was not found18:52
slentzenI have ubuntu installed with LVM and full disk encryption, at boot I see the field to enter the passphrase, but when I type it appears as cleartext in upper left corner and not in the field18:53
slentzenanyone know of this bug?18:53
daftykinshit tab? :)18:54
slentzendaftykins, tried tab, doesn't work. It's the typical thing with if I press arrow keys I see things like [[[^B19:00
daftykinsoh right19:01
daftykinsno experience with encryption other than seeing people have hassle with it :) so can't help unfortunately19:01
daftykinsroot: you probably don't want to be on IRC as root :)19:01
k1l!rootirc | root19:01
ubotturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.19:01
rootwhy not19:01
daftykinsbecause it's unsafe19:01
=== root is now known as Guest31391
daftykinsi could make you run something that wipes your system.19:01
daftykinsbut i 'm a friendly fellow, so i won't19:01
mysupper_solved. purge and reinstall vsftpd.19:01
Guest31391eh, don't really care, im on a linux vps with xrdp and xfce419:02
Guest31391and remote desktop connection19:02
k1lGuest31391: running everything as root is just a bad habbit and will likely lead to you breaking your system19:02
daftykinsok well, just take it onboard that what you're doing is utterly ridiculous :)19:02
Guest31391ok thanks19:02
Guest31391i have one problem though19:02
Guest31391i can't run wine on ubuntu here19:03
daftykinsi hope you don't SSH in as root.19:03
daftykinscan you be more specific?19:03
daftykinswhat are you trying to use wine with?19:03
k1lrunning a desktop as root is the even worse. and on ubuntu it will break a lot things19:03
Guest31391It installs successfully, but nothing after.19:03
Guest31391It wont work with anything.19:03
Guest31391i did apt-get install wine19:04
k1lGuest31391: first: make another user. loginto that user on the desktop, not root19:04
portnhi guys i did something smart and now i can't boot into my windows partition19:04
daftykinsportn: heh :) and it's an ubuntu issue because... ubuntu still boots? :)19:04
k1lGuest31391: ubuntu desktop is made to not work with root. so there is a lot of things that might not work.19:04
portni did sudo rm -rf --no-preserve root to uninstall ubuntu, but because of gnu boot manager thing i can't boot into widnows anymore, windows is on a separate hdd19:05
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!19:05
Guest31391im running ubuntu with 10 gb ssd and 512mb ram19:05
bekksportn: Thats not "uninstalling Ubuntu" but randomly deleting stuff and harming your system.19:05
Guest31391i'm afraid if i make more users, it'll use up more ram19:05
portnso what do i do now?19:05
Guest31391reinstall windows19:05
daftykinsportn: so this sounds like a Windows boot issue only to me.19:05
daftykinsportn: ##windows19:06
portnwell i can't boot into windows19:06
portnbecause of gnu19:06
portngnu uninstalled19:06
Guest31391open up a support ticket at microsoft.com19:06
bekksportn: you did not uninstall anything.19:06
portnwhat did i do then?19:06
Guest31391you deleted the boot sector probably19:06
bekksportn: you randomly deleted files until Ubuntu doesnt work anymore.19:06
bekksGuest31391: Nope.19:07
bekksportn: Reinstall Windows.19:07
Guest31391not sure what he deleted, he didn't say.19:07
Guest31391so im just guessing19:07
nikithahi, someone help, trying install of oracle 11g on ubuntu 14.04  struck at  at oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.startup(DBInstaller.java:114)19:07
nikithaat oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.main(DBInstaller.java:132) ,                        it wont open installer window .... on press enter it comes out  to command line back...19:07
portni ran sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve root on my hd that has ubuntu installed, windows is installed on a separate drive19:07
bekksnikitha: Installing Oracle 11g on Ubuntu isnt supported.19:07
nikithabekks: i dont have anyother option , what to do19:08
bekksnikitha: Use a supported linux derivative instead.19:08
daftykinsportn: can you explain your disk setup? Windows was on one physical disk and Ubuntu on another?19:08
Guest31391root is like administrator on windows right?19:09
nikithabekks: using this   linux_11gR2_database_1of2.zip and  xxxxx2of2.zip19:09
k1lGuest31391: no19:09
Guest31391then why is it dangerous to run root as a desktop if people run administrator on windows?19:09
bekksnikitha: It is not supported on Ubuntu. Whatever you are using there :)19:09
portndaftykins: my hard disk with windows is a 128 gb ssd19:09
portni loaded ubuntu into my 1tb hdd19:09
omgitsmitnikitha: http://blog.whitehorses.nl/2014/03/18/installing-java-oracle-11g-r2-express-edition-and-sql-developer-on-ubuntu-64-bit/19:09
portnit's on my laptop19:09
daftykinsGuest31391: they are not directly comparable.19:09
omgitsmitnikitha: i was able to get oracle installed using that article19:09
k1lGuest31391: even windows says now you dont be logged in as administrator but just give the user admin privileges when needed19:09
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k1lGuest31391: its like having a loaded gun all the time. instead of just load it when needed. its just more dangerous.19:10
Guest92150can anyone help me gzip certain files in a folder?19:10
bekksnikitha: I'd rather setup a VM running Oracle Linux and install Oracle RDBMS in a supported environment.19:10
Guest31391ah alright19:10
Guest92150for example: ls |  grep rth_nyabos_428640319:10
Guest92150I want to gzip evety file from that output19:10
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daftykinsportn: so disconnect the 1TB, then test the Windows boot19:11
portni really can't do that19:11
nikithaomgitsmit: you want me to use oraclexe19:11
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daftykinsportn: what are you typing from now? live session?19:11
Guest31391port, try using a boot program in a usb drive or cd, then boot.19:11
omgitsmitnikitha: no19:11
Guest31391and it should ask you what os you'd like to boot in19:11
nikithaomgitsmit:  express edition of oracle19:11
portni'm at a computer lab in my college19:11
omgitsmitnikitha: i added the custom ppa and installed it with the java installer19:11
portni'm going to try to download gparted live and format the drive and hope that works19:11
daftykinsportn: so do you have an ubuntu bootable flash drive with you and the laptop?19:12
portnthat's my first instinct19:12
daftykinsportn: terrible idea19:12
daftykinswaste of time. make up an ubuntu flash drive then we can talk19:12
portni lost my ubuntu flash drive :(19:12
daftykinsso do you have one at all?19:12
portndaftykins: it's already 'deleted'19:12
Guest31391just redownload ubuntu on it19:12
uponatreeHi guys, just a little networking question: Is there any difference in amount of broadcasts between 150 clients in than 150 clients in I assume it depends on the number of clients in the network. Am I right?19:12
daftykinsportn: yes but you don't know what i'm thinking :)19:12
nikithaomgitsmit: u mean to use java part of article and proceed with my installation with oracle 11g , u mean to say that ?19:12
portndaftykins: i ran the sudo rm -rf / --no-preserve-root command19:13
daftykinsuponatree: ##networking19:13
uponatreedaftykins: thanks :)19:13
daftykinsportn: yes i saw that 3 times now, but if you want to get help fixing a Windows boot issue in an ubuntu channel, this is how it's going to be done :) so either follow my instruction and make up an ubuntu flash drive or go to ##windows please.19:13
omgitsmitnikitha: i followed that article to get oracle java installed. what are you trying to do?19:13
portndaftykins: okay, i am downloading ubuntu... it's going to take 4.5 hours :(19:14
portnmy connection at home is a lot faster19:14
portni get 120 mb download speeds...19:14
nikithaomgitsmit: article is clear says about oracle-xe installation, which is express edition.     oracle 11g enterprise edition  is different from express edition19:15
omgitsmitnikitha: ah i was unaware of that, was just sharing what worked for me :)19:15
Luigimsg nickserv identify taffy19:16
omgitsmitLuigi: tsk tsk19:16
daftykinsportn: better to wait 'til then, then19:16
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nikithaomgitsmit: with express edition, i doubt i could avail all oracle functionality or not, is there someone who could help us with this19:16
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omgitsmitnikitha: since its not supported by #ubuntu, you should check other channels19:16
omgitsmit!alis | nikitha19:16
ubottunikitha: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:16
portnthis is ridiculous19:17
supermariobroQuestion:  Which is more likely to be compatible with Ubuntu -  AMD Radeon HD 6450 or the nVidia GT 61019:17
qwebirc42776I may have found an issue with the new point release of Ubuntu
portnokay after i get a live usb of ubuntu, what do i do?19:17
omgitsmitqwebirc42776: bug report?19:18
jfeffwhenever I open Chrome I get a message box for a password to open "default" keyring. I do not know what this is and none of my passwords work. How to I get it to go away?19:18
daftykinsportn: i want to see some command output so there's not much point talking about that until you get there19:18
omgitsmitjfeff: google-chrome --password-store=basic so that it won't ask use the gnome keyring19:19
daftykinsportn: is it 8 or 7 on this SSD btw?19:19
jfeffjust put that in the terminal19:19
portndaftykins: it's windows 8.119:19
omgitsmitjfeff: there is a more perm fix here, http://askubuntu.com/questions/25974/how-do-i-change-the-default-password/25999#2599919:19
portnin the ssd19:19
qwebirc42776 Currently the "Additional Hardware" or "Additional Drivers" isn't working correctly when the open source drivers don't support the hardware.19:19
daftykinsportn: tried changing the default boot entry to 'Windows Boot Manager' instead of the hard disk then?19:20
daftykins(in BIOS/EFI)19:20
portni tried19:20
omgitsmitqwebirc42776: doesnt sound like a bug to me, sounds like you dont have supported hardware.19:20
daftykinsportn: and?19:20
portnnothing :(19:21
daftykinsportn: a lot more than nothing happens when a system boots :)19:21
daftykinsdetails please19:21
portnpxe exiting rom19:22
omgitsmitportn: daftykins: whenever i bork an installation (i do it quite often) i use this to fix my boot "things" because i honestly have no idea how it all works - http://sourceforge.net/projects/boot-repair-cd/19:22
daftykinsomgitsmit: that's built into ubuntu and isn't relevant here19:22
omgitsmitwhoa really?19:22
omgitsmitwhere would i find that in ubuntu?19:22
daftykins!info boot-repair19:22
ubottuPackage boot-repair does not exist in utopic19:22
daftykinserr, something like that19:23
ubottuBoot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.19:23
omgitsmitbut thats after the fact19:23
omgitsmitwhen i dont have a system that boots, how do i install a package :/19:23
daftykinsthis is from a live session though19:23
omgitsmitah you didnt mention live cd19:23
daftykinsno, didn't think it necessary19:23
daftykinsportn: definitely seems like a very happy Windows install then - i don't think this issue can continue in this channel because it's not really ubuntu related.19:24
omgitsmitdaftykins: does the boot-repair package also handle windows boot problems?19:24
daftykinswell, i don't know actually19:24
omgitsmitdaftykins: hm, the boot-reapir-cd says it does, i wonder what they're using that ubuntu boot-repair package isnt.19:24
portndaftykins: you know the boot menu that shows up each time after installing ubuntu?19:24
portnthanks for the link omgitsmit19:24
qwebirc42776Proprietary drivers for NVIDIA Geforce GTX 750 Ti are okay at version 331.x (included with mythbuntu disk).19:24
daftykinsbut it can tell you the status of Windows bootloadering etc. to tell you what's up19:25
qwebirc42776It would be better if the select could display a message by the open source (or proprietary) driver option (when hardware incompatible) with a reason. But still list other options with the incompatible ones (possibly proprietary drivers or open source).19:25
daftykinsomgitsmit: i doubt it's different, depends what kind of issue there is i guess19:25
omgitsmitdaftykins: yeah man, thanks for mentioning that. i never knew there was a pack for it.19:26
omgitsmiti use the cd more often than i'd like to admit ;)19:26
daftykinsqwebirc42776: i can't tell what you're suggesting. but this isn't really the place for 'suggestions' because nobody that's a developer is going to see them19:26
daftykinsportn: GRUB?19:26
daftykinsthe white text on black background19:26
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qwebirc42776Is it possible for a message to be displayed for the incompatible hardware on "Additional Hardware" stating when the open source (or proprietary) drivers are incompatible?19:29
daftykinsqwebirc42776: nope19:29
fattanehhi all, what does second column in "ls -l command" its a number. is it the number of hardlinks or number of files in a directory?19:29
daftykinsbut those newer card issues will go away soon enough once a newer ubuntu comes out19:29
qwebirc42776Could it be added to an update?19:29
daftykinswhy are you asking?19:29
daftykinsjust deal with the problem and all is well *shrug*19:30
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qwebirc42776The reason being the Geforce GTX 750 Ti is more powerful and efficient the several of the earlier cards. It is also much less expensive in the UK than the Geforce GTX and GT 900 series graphics cards.19:31
daftykinsqwebirc42776: that has nothing to do with why you think that 'feature' should be in Ubuntu19:33
daftykinsthe Linux kernel up until 3.18 has issues with Maxwell cards right now, so nouveau does not work with the 750 Ti, simple. not gonna change until 15.04 is out19:33
qwebirc42776Also if the proprietary drivers support the newer hardware and open source doesn't. There should still be the option to switch to the proprietary drivers, for new users having switched from windows. Needing to manually go through the rigmarole of installing each of the drivers packages on proprietary drivers, could prove off putting.19:35
daftykinsqwebirc42776: the relevant people know of this issue, you're not telling us anything new :)19:35
bekksAnd the opensource drivers are installed by default. :)19:36
daftykinsi think the alleged point is the fact nouveau doesn't work on the Maxwell cards19:36
daftykinsbut yeah, not going to change that by talking to anyone here19:36
qwebirc42776All it would need to do is say for an unsupported card on a incompatible driver is: "Sorry, but current hardware isn't supported by this driver.". The driver option would be disabled but visible and other options when compatible would be visible also but in addition selectable.19:39
fattaneh hi all, what does second column in "ls -l command" its a number. is it the number of hardlinks or number of files in a directory?19:39
daftykinsqwebirc42776: so file a bug and suggest that, this isn't the place to do it :)19:40
qwebirc42776Which instance of the bug tracker would be needed?19:40
j_tFOr ubuntu trusty, where ist he first boot script. eg, if I want to execute something on the first time the box boots.. where can I do them. when making an image in packer say.19:40
bekksfattaneh: Did you take a look here?: "info coreutils 'ls invocation'" ?19:41
fattanehbekks: yes but that didn't help19:41
daftykinsqwebirc42776: there's only one...19:42
bekksfattaneh: Well, your question is fully answered there.19:42
fattanehbekks: sorry, i could't find it19:43
bekksfattaneh: Take a look at the section where "-l" is described19:43
qwebirc42776Which package handles the display for "Additional Hardware"?19:44
fattanehbekks: thanks :)19:44
daftykinsubuntu-drivers or something19:44
daftykinsqwebirc42776: but your point is useless, because you can't boot ubuntu on Maxwell cards without specifying nomodeset19:44
daftykinsor at least, some don't boot - just stay blank19:44
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
Robert_LabrieI'm getting an app complaining SSH_AUTH_SOCK not set even though ssh-agent is running. Does ssh-agent set this env var?19:53
j_tIs there some way to have something execute on the first first boot of an ubuntu VM? then never again19:53
j_tso on a second boot, it won't execute19:53
Robert_Labriej_t just put in your script to check if a file exists (/etc/foo or whatever) then in your script touch that file19:54
Robert_Labrieyou're doing a run once for newly cloned VMs right?19:54
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j_tRobert_Labrie: yes19:54
j_tok, that's a good idea19:54
j_tI'll do that.19:55
Robert_Labriecool, good luck19:55
ararobi have a problem with Google Earth, every time i try get direction from A to B i get this http://postimg.org/image/5prbyyznr/20:00
piglitwhen will the new flash sale be ?20:12
piglitof the ubuntu phone ?20:12
piglithttp://www.bq.com/gb/ubuntu.html ???20:12
daftykinsnot relevant here20:12
piglitwhere can i ask ?20:13
bynarieflash phone?20:13
ubottuInformation about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:13
daftykinsyou can try there20:13
OerHekstry #ubuntu-touch for phone issues, follow bq on twitter i guess20:13
piglit<bynarie> flash sale is a stupid way to make ppl hysterical so they buy stuff20:14
piglitstart looking every day at the site20:14
piglitbut i havent got the time for that20:14
daftykinsthat's nice but nothing to do with this channel so please take it elsewhere, piglit20:14
bynariepiglit, oh ok.. i had no idea20:14
FayliteI have a bunch of folders with source code and compiled executables, is there a command/script I can use to recursively delete all the executables before I cp over to a windows shared folder?20:15
piglitthank you <daftykins> I will take a look at #ubuntu-touch20:17
bynarieFaylite, make clean dont work?20:17
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Faylitebynarie, It's a bunch of one-file projects, I would rather not write makefiles.20:24
bynarieoh ok.. i thought it might be a gnu makefile project, in that case typically make clean will do the trick.. must be something totally different20:26
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=== Guest93283 is now known as sysop2
sysop2how can I move the mouse to a certian position on the screen using  the command line?20:30
jhutchinssysop2: sudo apt-get install xdotool20:32
jhutchinsxdotool mousemove 500 50020:32
Jordan_Usysop2: What is your end goal?20:32
jhutchinssysop2: http://tuxradar.com/content/xdotool-script-your-mouse http://danielj.se/2011/06/29/control-keystrokes-and-mouse-from-the-command-line-with-xautomation/20:35
sysop2just need to move the cursor to off screen at a certain time.20:40
thunkeesysop2: found that https://jinurajan.wordpress.com/2011/08/18/xdotool-command-line-x11-automation-tool/ but be careful dont know this20:43
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arya1I would like to know the differene between /bin and /usr/bin directory.20:45
hellhoundI have a desktop using Ubuntu 14.04 and have been having issues getting suspend to work. If I reboot the machine suspend will work fine the first time, but after that the computer will only lock the screen but not power the monitor or hard drives down. The screen will flash off and than back on every few minutes though. Can anyone give me any suggestions?20:46
OerHeksarya1, /bin : For binaries usable before the /usr partition is mounted, /usr/bin : Same as first, but for general system-wide binaries.20:48
Jordan_Uarya1: It's more of a historical artifact now than a practical difference, as can be demonstrated by the current move to mege the two (along with everything else in /usr/) http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/TheCaseForTheUsrMerge/ .20:50
andy__What about jobs working with Ubuntu Linux20:53
andy__Are there many in Ohio?20:53
KhaledSalemHello there , I have server HP proliant DL380p Gen8 with array module P420i on it 3 physical hard drives with total logical volume 558GiB with Ubuntu server 14.04 , I need to add 2 physical drives and expand the storage of the logical drive20:53
bekksKhaledSalem: So you are using a P420i with three disks (which RAID level?) and you want to expand the arrays logical volume by two disks?20:55
KhaledSalembekks: Raid 520:55
KhaledSalembekks: yes I'll add 2 more disks20:55
darthweezercould help me with a problem20:57
Jordan_Uandy__: Try #ubuntu for questions not directly related to Ubuntu support.20:57
Jordan_Uandy__: *#ubuntu-offtopic :)20:57
KhaledSalembekks: as far as I searched I'll add the physical disks and use hp utility called  hpacucli to add the disks to the array "hpacucli> ctrl slot=0 ld 4 add drives=2:3" , this will expand the logical volume automatically ?20:57
darthweezerWhen I try to switch my user account so that I have to use passwd to login it just says login and asks for key passwd20:58
andy__Jordan_U, I've been looking for that chatroom or channel.  I could not find it before.20:58
Jordan_Udarthweezer: "passwd" is a command for changing your password, not for logging in. What are you trying to accomplish, what commands are you using to do so, and what is their exact output?20:59
bekksKhaledSalem: no, the volume will not be expanded automagically. See this post pleasE: http://dmatwork.blogspot.de/2013/04/extending-hp-smartarray-raid-array-and.html20:59
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darthweezerI tried going into user settings and setting a password and it lets me do it but when i log out and go to the login screen it just says login and does not ask for my password. I am using ubuntu 14.0421:00
Guest52633Hola buenas a todos21:00
darthweezerDoes that make sense?21:01
Guest52633hi there21:01
Guest52633anyone ??21:02
darthweezerI tried the terminal and setting passwd that way and it works but still when i am at the login screen it just says login and no password21:02
Jordan_Udarthweezer: Does the login screen list the user in question? When you click that user what happens? Can you take a picture of what you're seeing with a phone/camera and post it?21:03
k1ldarthweezer: what ubuntu is that exactly? what *dm?21:03
darthweezerYes I can do that. It does list user which is me. Personal computer and account. I will take a picture of it and be back21:03
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k1l!away > mhenrixon|afk21:04
ubottumhenrixon|afk, please see my private message21:04
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O_OniGiriHi there, I am looking for a PDF reader, since evince isn't showing my existing bookmarks. Please help me out.21:05
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mhenrixonSorry dudes and dudettes21:06
mhenrixonHopefully won't rename myself again21:07
Tyroanyone knows how to handle and manages GVFS in ubuntu?21:07
KhaledSalembekks: thanks (y)21:07
k1lO_OniGiri: adobe, evince, okular, mupdf, qpdfview and zathura can handle bookmarks21:08
O_OniGirik1l: adobe isn't supporting linux anymore, you can install it though21:09
O_OniGirik1l: okular requires a lot additional packages from KDE?21:09
hellhoundI have a desktop using Ubuntu 14.04 and have been having issues getting suspend to work. If I reboot the machine suspend will work fine the first time, but after that the computer will only lock the screen but not power the monitor or hard drives down. The screen will flash off and than back on every few minutes though. Can anyone give me any suggestions?21:09
O_OniGirik1l: evince, isn't showing my existing bookmarks21:09
O_OniGirik1l:  I will have a look at the remaining options21:09
darthweezerHow do I upload them here or do I have to go somewhere else?21:10
k1lO_OniGiri: are you sure its not the other pdf viewer that make different stuff with that bookmarks?21:11
link0802https://askubuntu.com/questions/589403/my-unity-launcher-has-changed-has-yours I have same problem in fresh ubuntu 14.04. Any help plz? :)21:11
k1l!paste | darthweezer21:11
ubottudarthweezer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:11
vjDoes anyone know how to list only files and folders that contain specific characters?  $ls *v* and variations are what I've tried to no effect21:11
O_OniGirik1l: it is possible21:11
darthweezerOkay thank you21:12
Jordan_Uvj: "ls *v*", or even "echo *v*" should list all of the files in the current directory that contain the letter v. Please pastebin your file list, the exact command you're running, and its complete output.21:12
k1lvj: ls | grep ?21:13
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Jordan_Uvj: Note, if you're trying to write a script, *never* use ls. ls is for human use only.21:13
vjI'm not trying to write a script at the moment21:14
vjand I don't know what pastebin is21:14
Jordan_U!pastebin | vj21:14
ubottuvj: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:14
webhello guys, I am having a dilema, I am running windows 8 and ubuntu in dual boot/uefi mode. previously I had ubuntu in virtual box that I had as a dual boot, basically I used real partition as a virtual partition, since I have gone uefi, I have problem with it. any ideas if i should give up because I couldnt find solution for a long time alread21:16
darthweezerThat is the login screen and I have two others that show I have a password set up and the keyring password it asks for when I reach desktop21:16
k1ldarthweezer: well, emperor weezer is the username?21:18
vjweb: I had the same problem after buying a del xps8500.  I ended up with Ubuntu as the main operating system and made a windows 8.1 virtual machine which works fine, but I had to buy Windows21:18
darthweezerYes correct21:18
webvj sounds painful :P ubuntu as main OS, if all the features worked on laptop :\ I wish21:19
TJ-web: If you're using kvm/libvirt as the hypervisor, you can use the UEFI firmware boot option21:19
webTJ- I dont know what those are :s21:19
webI am using virtual box21:20
k1ldarthweezer: what does "groups" list?21:20
link0802https://askubuntu.com/questions/589403/my-unity-launcher-has-changed-has-yours I have same problem in fresh ubuntu 14.04. Any help plz? :)21:21
k1ldarthweezer: support please only here. type "groups" into the terminal and show the output here please21:21
k1ldarthweezer: while logged in with the user where no password is shown on lightdm21:22
darthweezerdarthweezer@sithempire:~$ groups21:22
darthweezerdarthweezer adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin nopasswdlogin sambashare21:22
TJ-web: If VirtualBox supports UEFI firmware booting you should be able to do it21:23
k1lthere we go. the "nopasswdlogin" group is the issue21:23
webTJ-: which one do you recommend, KVM or libvert ?21:23
darthweezerHow do I change that?21:24
k1ldarthweezer: either use the user and groups gui to remove the group or use "sudo gpasswd -d $USER nopasswdlogin "21:24
FayliteFinally found the command I was looking for, "find ./ ! -iname "*.*" -type f -print -delete" :D21:24
FayliteOr rather close enough XD21:25
TJ-web: kvm is the Kernel Virtual Machine, it can be managed via the QEMU/KVM packages, or by the higher-level libvirt which has a command-line and GUI management option, virt-manager.21:25
darthweezerAnd that should fix the problem?21:25
webTJ- I am super noob in this field, I dont understand any of that terminology I have used virtual box and have heard of Vmware thats it heh21:26
hellhoundI have a desktop using Ubuntu 14.04 and have been having issues getting suspend to work. If I reboot the machine suspend will work fine the first time, but after that the computer will only lock the screen but not power the monitor or hard drives down. The screen will flash off and than back on every few minutes though. Can anyone give me any suggestions?21:26
=== Risc is now known as Guest15002
TJ-web: If you're already using VirtualBox your first research should be into whether/how it supports UEFI booting of guests21:27
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ph88can anyone tell me why i need root resizing?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/RaspberryPi#Usage21:27
webTJ- I actually just did it, I ticked the box for EFI option, it started booting but it went to the UEFI shell, now what -.- :(21:28
k1ldarthweezer: yes.21:28
k1ldarthweezer: for every user then21:28
darthweezerThank you very much for the help :)21:28
webI really need to run dual boot ubuntu in VM ;\21:28
daftykinsweb: #ubuntu-arm if you get no replies here21:29
Jordan_Uweb: Are you trying to run Windows as a VM under Ubuntu, Ubuntu as a VM under Windows, or both?21:29
webJordan_U: ubuntu virtually on windows while using real partition21:30
Jordan_Udaftykins: When was arm mentioned?21:30
Fayliteweb: Wouldn't it be easier to just format the drive and put a dynamic virtual drive on it?21:30
TJ-web: You'd need to find out how to add a permanent UEFI Boot Menu option that VirtualBox will save21:30
daftykinsoh yeah, wrong user21:31
daftykinsignore me21:31
webFaylite: meaning? what would I put on it?21:31
FayliteAn virtual drive created in VirtualBox21:31
ALFA sono federica21:31
ALFA ho 14 anni21:31
ALFA mora e pelosa21:31
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webTJ- you mean I could manually type in things in shell and it would boot? and the problem is how to automate it every time ?21:31
Guest18434chi mi vuole?21:32
Jordan_Uweb: Try downloading Super GRUB2 Disk and making that the boot device in your VM, it should be able to boot Ubuntu. If that works, we can make a more convenient / permanent solution.21:32
Guest18434 coda di cavallo21:32
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:32
webFaylite: the problem is that I wouldnt be able to use it on dual boot then, I would be stuck only with VM21:32
Jordan_Uweb: Go with the latest SG2D beta.21:32
thunkeeweb: only for info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qye1QxLHS2021:32
FayliteSo you use both dual-boot and vm with the same partition?21:32
Kiwiusermornig fellows, could someone tell me how high the pid count on a fresh system is? just booted and top has a pid of 5600 which seems a little bit high.21:33
webok thank you guys, Jordan_U will take a look at grub2 as well x)21:33
TJ-web: Correct; the UEFI shell allows you to start any other UEFI boot loader or file, including that installed by grub-efi21:38
cabelDoes anyone use the pam_mysql module or know if it is still supported?21:38
Jordan_Uweb: Note that you're using GRUB2 either way, Super GRUB2 Disk is a boot disk with grub2 and useful grub scripts for finding and booting existing OSs at boot time.21:38
doomlord_1if you have an i7 with integrated graphics, and a discrete graphics card, can ubuntu's desktop environments use both21:38
webI found a suggestion to rename grubx64.efi to bootx64.efi, will that kill everything or does it have a chance to work?21:39
Jordan_UKiwiuser: Not a direct answer, but bootchart can give you a good idea of what processes are being run at boot.21:39
weband I have no syntax idea of efi shell, it looks like hell21:39
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Kiwiuserthx Jordan_U ill note that21:40
Jordan_Uweb: Since you have Windows installed, you already have a BOOTX64.efi in your EFI System Partition, which contains Windows' bootloader.21:40
webJordan_U: but I am supposed to use ubuntu/grub bootloader which probably is called grubx64.efi, i am never using windows bootloader21:42
jaequeryhi, i have two ubuntu servers, one with faster hardware and other with very old hardware., same network.   but for some reason, some operations are faster on the older hardware,  like all the apt-get* commands for one. even ssh login takes longer on the new hardware. any ideas?21:42
leeyaais it possible to add a random 1 minute delay for daly cron job21:42
leeyaacron jobs*21:42
geom_doomlord_1:  You should be able to, it is called hybrid graphics.  search on that   Perhaps this will help?21:42
Guest41428Anyone know where i can get a list of commands that work with grub rescue?21:43
doomlord_1i seem to remember people telling me things like 'it only works if both are the same chipset' etc21:43
doomlord_1but that was ages ago21:43
daftykinsjaequery: probably DNS configuration21:43
doomlord_1compulsory integrated graphics in intel looks a lot less dumb if i can use both21:43
doomlord_1i do have a tonne of monitors :)21:44
daftykinsdoomlord_1: hybrid doesn't mean they work together :)21:44
daftykinsthey won't both work to run a game, for instance21:44
lyzexfce4 is there a way to force minimize all apps to show the desktop?21:45
lyzeperhapse per keypress21:46
TJ-Guest41428: see https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Commands.html21:46
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Guest41428Thanks TJ21:47
thunkeelyze: http://askubuntu.com/questions/325765/what-is-the-terminal-command-to-show-desktop21:48
lyzethunkee, does this force show the desktop?21:48
thunkeelyze: keys for desktop commands ctrl alt d should do21:49
freerouteleeyaa: this might help - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9049460/cron-jobs-and-random-times-within-giving-hours21:49
webTJ-: you are my hero! Supergrub helped, I chose ubuntu and it worked, I am in! but is there a way to make it choose automatically?21:51
SamsaraSoupI've got both    vmlinuz-3.16.30-generic and vmlinuz-3.16.31-generic in my /boot       is that normal21:54
SamsaraSoupand I have the option to boot either21:54
leeyaafreeroute: hm so sleep before the "cd" here should work? 17  *    * * *   root    cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly21:55
freerouteI'm guessing so yeah21:57
leeyaafreeroute: thanks ill have a go testing it tomorrow21:58
=== surf is now known as rasdf
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rasdfhi guys a friend of mine had a login freeze-> he inserted the user:pwd and then just freeze. I told him to useradd a new user and it worked, now he can login via gui with the new user. He tried to mv .Xauthority but didn't help. Any clue on what to do next? thx22:00
Mchammerdadhas anyone ever seen a server load of 78 on one of their servers, but still not use 100% of their cpu?22:02
jonneload isn't just cpu22:03
jonneusually i get high loads because of swapping / high i/o22:03
rasdfhe also sent me a xorg log: http://piratepad.net/K1u13kSLYJ22:03
jonne78 is a lot, though22:03
rasdfmaybe the problem is in the video card drivers?22:03
MchammerdadI've never seen 78 on this computer, although it does constantly run at 6-8 on its quad core.22:04
MchammerdadI don't know what else it could have been.22:04
daftykinsMchammerdad: perhaps it was IO waiting22:06
jhutchinsMchammerdad: How are you measuring "load"?22:06
intraderIs there a channel to discuss security issues in ubuntu, or should I use this channel? Specifically Superfish?22:07
k1lintrader: ask here.22:07
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Jordan_Uintrader: This channel is fine for discussing concrete security issues, though I don't see how Superfish relates to Ubuntu.22:07
Mchammerdadwell the load I was looking at was in the top command22:07
JTechnoI have autologin to xfce from bash and I will like to execute something just after X server starts but before xfce does, is there any way I can do that?22:07
MchammerdadI didnt' know it measured anything besides the CPU load.22:08
kassperI got a HFS drive, which didnt mount on a Mac. I could read it in Windows with HFSExplorer, but painfully! slow. Now with Ubuntu I tried mounting, but no luck so far. Any help?22:09
jhutchinskassper: Do you have hfsutils installed?22:10
thunkeeJTechno: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/xprofile22:11
kassperthunkee: I tried hfsplus, should I get hfsutils?22:11
jhutchinskassper: If it's hfsplus you might want hfsprogs.22:11
JTechnothunkee: just what I was looking for, thank you22:11
kassperYeah I did apt-get hfsprogs22:12
kassperOh, and I meant you jhutchins22:12
kassperI am not sure what it was, I cannot remember. Any way to see?22:12
kassperjhutchins: here is my fdisk -l http://i.imgur.com/Y87ICfP.png22:15
daftykinskassper: did you disable the journal?22:16
kassperdaftykins: don't know. I'm running live USB22:16
jhutchinskassper: fhs and hfsplus have the same ID.  I think blkid will tell you something.22:16
daftykinskassper: you typically have to disable journalling on HFS to be able to use it with other OSs, is the thing22:16
_DBanyone here familiar with r-studio?22:20
daftykinsyes but only from running it on Windows 0o22:20
_DByeah im on windows myself right now22:20
kassperjhutchins: using sudo blkid /dev/sdc just gives a blank line in terminal. Nothing happening so far22:21
_DBim wondering If I save scan information will it not have to scan it next time?22:21
daftykins_DB: then why are you asking here in an ubuntu channel?22:21
Jordan_Ukassper: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid".22:21
kassperdaftykins: Is it safe to disable journaling? The data is important..22:21
jhutchinskassper: Try just sudo blkid22:21
_DBbecause I dual boot linux and windows so im always connected to this channel22:21
daftykins_DB: alright but your query isn't of ubuntu support, that program is pay for so i'd suggest giving them a shout22:22
NymeriaFrHi guys22:22
kassperJordan_U: jhutchins: also still thinking. Should it take long?22:22
NymeriaFrIs someone know cassandra or mongodb ?22:22
bekksNymeriaFr: What if?22:23
NymeriaFrI'm just wondering if  mongodb or cassandra is a good way for create a decentralized database22:24
NymeriaFror if I am totaly wrong22:24
kassperjhutchins: there we go! http://i.imgur.com/CSTsNBi.png22:25
daftykinsah a WD My Passport22:25
kassperI think they are pretty good22:25
Jordan_Ukassper: No, it should be almost instant. Please pastebin the output of "dmesg".22:26
kassperJordan_U: could it be because of live USB?22:26
Jordan_Ukassper: No.22:26
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kassperEhm, too much data, so it fills up all terminal22:27
kassperJordan_U: But I can pastebin only the WD drive lines?22:27
daftykinsjust throw a bunch of it into a pastebin22:28
Jordan_Ukassper: Yes, or just run "sudo blkid | pastebinit" to pastebin the entire output easily.22:28
kassperJordan_U: here http://pastebin.com/TDzes0UM22:30
rasdfhi guys a friend of mine had a login freeze-> he inserted the user:pwd and then just freeze. I told him to useradd a new user and it worked, now he can login via gui with the new user. He tried to mv .Xauthority but didn't help. Any clue on what to do next? Here is the xorg log: http://piratepad.net/K1u13kSLYJ22:30
=== pat__ is now known as pmcgowan
daftykinsrasdf: if the login manager comes up, Xorg log is irrelevant. a pastebin of "ls -al ~/" for the affected user would be handy22:31
rasdfdaftykins, ok I see what I can do22:31
Bashing-omrasdf: 2 other things to check. ~/.ICEauthority and who owns /home as well as the files in /home/<username> .22:33
Jordan_Ukassper: OK, I'm still waiting for the "sudo blkid" output.22:33
kassperJordan_U: sry, that was here: http://i.imgur.com/CSTsNBi.png22:34
Jordan_Ukassper: sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /mnt/22:35
rasdfBashing-om, what you mean by check? just ls -al and see the permissions?22:35
Bashing-omrasdf: Yeah .. should all be <username> .22:36
kassperJordan_U: I get: mount: warning: /mnt/ seems to be mounted read-only.22:37
rasdfBashing-om thx guys hope to get back with the results soon. But then the solution would be just to chown those files?22:37
kassperJordan_U: and I still cannot see the drive in Devices22:37
Jordan_Ukassper: It's not accessible via "Filesystem" then "mnt/", or in the terminal via "/mnt/".22:38
Jordan_Ukassper: *now accessible.22:39
Bashing-omrasdf: IF and only IF that is the condition -> sudo chown USERNAME:USERNAME .ICEauthority <- . for instance .22:40
kassperJordan_U: Uhhh! I can see the files!22:40
kassperJordan_U: Now I'm doing:  cp -r /mnt/* /media/ubuntu/42027AE9027AE0F9/Lars/lars1/ This should work right?22:47
tnkhanhsometimes my menu bar is on top of screen22:48
tnkhanheven when the program window is in the middle22:49
tnkhanhhelp I want my menu bar to be on top of my program window22:49
Jordan_Ukassper: As long as all of the files you're copying have permissions such that they're world-readable, yes. If that is not the case, then you may need to use sudo.22:51
kostkontnkhanh, http://www.howtogeek.com/187999/how-to-enable-local-menus-in-ubuntu-14.04/22:51
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Jordan_Ukassper: Also, what is your end goal? If you're just trying to save your own documents then you probably don't want to copy OSX's system files, and instead should be only copying files found in /Users/you/. If you do want to save OSX's system files, then you will be dissappointed by cp losing important permissions information, and may also have issues with some hfsplus attributes not being representable at all in ext4.22:53
kassperJordan_U: And I'll get a message if that happens? Thank you sooo much!22:53
Jordan_Ukassper: You'll get an error message if there are files that can't be copied. You will *not* get an error message about permissions and attributes not being preserved.22:54
kassperJordan_U: Ehm.. well they are going to be sent to my dads Mac afterwards. so no problems there?22:55
tnkhanhkostkon: wow, thanks a lot!22:55
kostkontnkhanh, np22:55
tnkhanhkostkon: what a miracle :D22:55
JethroTuxguyz, what kind of error is this? FFlags.ht.92: #21: Out of bounds. I've just installed i-nex and I get this error!22:56
CharlotteFieldsanyone manage to get byond and spacestation13 working on ubuntu 14.04..meant to just click a link in the browser that launches the application but i installed it following directions in the readme file :/22:56
kassperJordan_U: But it is still going painfully slow, is there nothing to do about that?22:59
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Jordan_Ukassper: Where you're sending them isn't relevant, what's relevant is why you're copying them in the first place. What is your end goal?23:00
kassperHe needs the files. And he cannot open the drive on his Mac.23:00
Jordan_Ukassper: What files does he need? For what purpose? Why can't he access the files fromm the drive on his Mac?23:01
kassperJordan_U: He needs the files. And he cannot open the drive on his Mac. And I do not have access to his mac - unless I go remote, but I don't know how to use Macs23:01
Jordan_Ukassper: You have answered none of the three questions I asked.23:02
CharlotteFieldsI just realised byond for linux is hosting only23:03
terrylmAnyone know how to fix minicom so it saves it's config files?  Says it is, but is not.23:03
kassperJordan_U: End goal is to get him the files. He needs all of the files on the drive - 40gb of pictures clips and work. And he cannot access it because it does not mount on his Mac. I tried to do it on his Mac, but they are really hard to figure out.23:04
Jordan_Ukassper: Why does he need OSX's system files?23:05
daftykinsrun disk utility -> fiddle -> success23:05
kassperEhm. I thought you mean files formatted in OSx format?23:06
Jordan_Ukassper: Or is that really a data only drive? (The existance of an EFI System Partition made me think it contained a full OSX installation).23:06
daftykinsyou'd have seen more i think23:06
kassperIt is an external drive, so no system files23:07
Jordan_Ukassper: OK, then using this method should be fine. Files like "pictures and clips" usually don't have any interesting file attributes that need saving.23:08
kassperJordan_U: But yesterday night for 8 hours it copied 1,3 GB. So far in what? 20 mins. It has copied 70 MB.23:08
kassperJordan_U: How about .ppt and .docx?23:08
Jordan_Ukassper: Please pastebin the output from "dmesg" again.23:08
kassperJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/TDzes0UM23:08
Jordan_Ukassper: Those won't need any file attributes preserved either.23:09
Jordan_Ukassper: I mean please run "dmesg" again and pastebin the new output.23:10
kassperJordan_U: And how do I make sure all of the lines are saved?  so the first ones dont get cut off23:11
Jordan_Ukassper: dmesg | pastebinit23:11
terrylmMy IRC client crashed ... so will ask again ...23:12
terrylmminicom says it saves it's config, but does not.  Anyone know how to fix this?23:13
kassperJordan_U: Here you go: http://pastebin.com/QXYB277J23:13
daftykinsline 1061, could be risky though23:15
Jordan_Ukassper: I don't know why it's copying so slowly.23:16
daftykinskassper: what's the copy destination?23:17
kassperIt is the laptops SSD23:18
kassperdaftykins: The laptops SSD23:18
zoliHi. Why cant I click on a games icon in ubuntu dash, when the program was installed as a wine program, and the link should be probably a .lnk file?23:18
kassperdaftykins: But I'm also running from a Live USB. However it was also slow on Windows with HFSExplorer.23:18
llama052__Accidentally selected all, and then terminate in AWS instead of one server.23:18
daftykinskassper: ah. i'd have probably glanced at this disk with 'Disk Utility' on the Mac23:18
lyzezoli, thats a windows thingy not a linux thingy :)23:19
daftykinsyeah live session won't affect it23:19
zolilyze: sure but it works for some of my friends, so it should work23:19
lyzezoli, right click -> open with wine or something?23:19
zoliwine programs are and should be integrated normally well23:19
kassperdaftykins: no Mac here :) And his Mac is in the other side of the country23:19
lyzezoli, yeah but thats a link  not a exe23:20
* daftykins looks at OS X VM23:20
zolilyze: the same .lnk works from my desktop, since the icon is placed there as well. Im just curios how this should work in ubuntu dash?23:20
zolisince it works for my frined there as well23:20
jiridoHi i try to login as root in phpmyadmin but get. You don't have permission to access /phpmyadmin/index.php on this server . i have https enabled and have no problem loging in to mysql true cli. Where could i expect to find the relevant logfile23:21
zolion the same ubuntu LTS version 14.0423:21
lyzejirido, see the file and make a ls -la23:21
lyzejirido, *go into the directory and make a ls -la srory23:21
kassperWell. I'm letting this sit for the night again, thank you so much.23:21
lyzejirido, pastebin or pm23:22
Jordan_Ukassper: One last check before you go...23:22
baumjirido, pastebin and post the link here =)23:22
lyzebaum ^^23:22
Jordan_Ukassper: Please pastebin the output of "mount".23:22
ebennhello, I am trying to install GCC 4.9 on a ubuntu 12.04 system, I succesfully did this using the 'ppa' repo, but that repo does not contain the 'multilib' package (i need to compile for x86 and amd64). Could I have some assistance?23:26
terrylmAnyone familiar with mimicom?23:30
jfmcarreiraheyyy guys23:31
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jfmcarreirais not possible to clone a bzr branch imported from github in lauchpad»23:32
baumjfmcarreira, hey guy23:32
jfmcarreirablackhat: ola ;)23:33
faraim-i had a boyfriend named ubuntu once23:33
faraim-he used to "play the bongos" on my ass23:33
* baum wonders what launchpad is?23:34
k1lbaum: a website for ubuntu bugs23:35
baumk1l, the more you know - thanks (quite new to ubuntu)23:35
jfmcarreirai am aslo quite new to this services. i want to bump my head against a wall :D23:37
garrieI'm in the UK, so I've set my keyboard to UK layout. However, at the login screen, my computer reverts to US layout.23:37
garrieHow do I ensure that the keyboard layout is UK throughout?23:37
garrieP.S. I'm on Xubuntu.23:37
jfmcarreirano one here familiar with bazar?23:38
baumgarrie, just remove the US layout? atleast that's what i'm always  doing23:39
garriebaum, from where?23:39
baumgarrie, in your system settings at the keyboard layout options23:40
garriebaum, it's not there. All I have is "English (UK)" in the list.23:40
jiridolyze baum https://pastee.org/csxs423:41
baumgarrie, uhm strange, no idea sorry23:42
garrieStrange indeed.23:42
jiridoIt seems to be al root23:43
jiridobaum: https://pastee.org/csxs423:43
jirido baum: I had .htaccess protection on but took it away23:45
nukleuzHi. Could anybody help me with an issue I got after upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10? Im getting an notice that g++ and gcc-multilib is kept back while upgrading. Have tried dist-upgrade etc, but it doesnt help.23:45
baumjirido, oh alright, means you are fine now?23:45
jiridobaum: no23:45
baumjirido, what file are you trying to open again?23:46
Bashing-omgarrie: Just a thought; what is "XKBLAYOUT="???" in ' /etc/default/keyboard " file ?23:46
jiridoI can come to the login site but when submitting login as root..23:46
jiridobaum: phpmyadmin23:47
baconwichsandI am trying to set an environment variable but it is not getting recognized...can someone help? Really frustrating http://pastebin.com/s7my253M23:47
EWBhey, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but I'm trying to install ubuntu onto a macbook and I can't figure out how to boot from the flash drive. I made the flash drive by using dd on another computer. I googled around and found out I have to use refit to boot from linux. However, this is an old laptop and I fogot the password so I can't log in23:47
EWBcan anyone help?23:47
jiridobaum: just trying to login, works fine with wysql in command with same password23:47
jiridoEWB thats baad23:49
garrieBashing-om, 2 secs!23:49
EWBjirido: how bad?23:49
baumjirido, uh, i know i had the same problem about a month ago......not sure how i fixed it anymore23:50
garrieBashing-om, XKBLAYOUT="gb"23:50
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:50
jiridoEWB: :) I dont know.. I guess that gives you hope .23:51
Bashing-omgarrie: That is correct, so much for that thouhgt. lemme see what else I can come up with.23:51
garrieBashing-om, thanks!23:51
WangWLHola a todos / Hi everyone,  I would like to know if as the filled launchpad ubuntu bug says, we are 6 ubunters having a big problem trying to access a windows computer printer from ubuntu 14.10; or out gthere there are more people suffering it23:51
jiridobaum: hmm do you know where it could be logged?23:51
EWBjirido: found out you can just boot into single user mode and get free root, yay23:52
jiridoEWB: Yey23:52
jiridoEWB: U on u way!23:52
EWBi feel like a 1337 haxor23:53
jiridobaum: all i get when googling is about "log" in..23:53
baumjirido, if i recall it right i just reinstalled it (within a normal account - not root)23:53
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Jordan_UWangWL: Please state the exact problem your're having. Please also link to the bug report you're referencing.23:54
thunkeebaconwichsand: its not set for root ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8633461/how-to-keep-environment-variables-when-using-sudo23:54
jiridobaum: can one do that?23:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1181078 in print-manager (Ubuntu) ""Browse" button to add a Samba printer is disabled" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:54
WangWLHi Jordan_U, that is the bug, basically we can not add any samba printer23:54
jiridobaum: dont apt-get always install like root23:54
baumjirido, oh - i compiled it from source23:55
Bashing-omgarrie: ubuntu as your DE ? Have you seen : http://www.wikihow.com/Change-Keyboard-Layout-in-Ubuntu ?23:56
jiridoBut i guess I will give it a try. Shit my rats fighting in the wall. /ahh Ok23:56
Jordan_UWangWL: Are you using Kubuntu?23:56
goose_So, my pc isn't reading a flashdrive. What can I do>23:57
garrieBashing-om, DE?23:57
garrieBashing-om, I'm on Xubuntu.23:57
garrieBashing-om, if you mean distro.23:57
WangWLJordan_U  here ubuntu-mate 64, same error/bug on ubuntu openbox 32bits(salentOS) , xubuntu and trisquel which is based on ubuntu too23:58
jiridobaum: strange to have to do that on ubunty :) As user you said but still dont you have to make a "sudo make install"23:58
serendependygarrie, So you're DE is XFCE (+ Ubuntu = Xubuntu)23:58
garrieserendependy, ah, desktop environment.23:58
garrieYes, XFCE.23:58
Jordan_UWangWL: I have no problem adding Samba shared printers from Xubuntu 14.04 using system-config-printer .23:58
Bashing-omgarrie: DE == Desktop Environment. ( back to look'n as ypou are running xfce) .23:59
jiridobaum: is your user owner of phpmyadmin folder then?23:59
WangWLnice to hear it Jordan_U, but can I try?23:59
WangWLwhat can I try?23:59

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