=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 [04:52] rww: lol, discuss by ops talking, and him not listening again? [04:52] >< [05:14] so, he still hasn't figured out that he is _still_ doing the nickchanging thing he agreed to stop doing? [06:19] elky: it appears so. [06:19] elky: actually no. He knows what he is doing. That is the way I see it. [06:20] so, he has to sleep in that bed.... you know... the one he made for himself. [08:56] I'd like to discuss my inappropriate behavior in the Ubuntu channels. [10:23] @mark #ubuntu MHell reminded him to follow the guidelines. known troll from other channels [10:23] The operation succeeded. [10:31] MSHELL: hi, how can we help you? [10:33] why do ubuntu channels spread on this network like a virus? [10:34] MSHELL: awesomeness is contagious [10:34] Good answer [10:36] bb [10:36] hello MSHELL [10:37] hacking assholes [11:03] Hiyas, just letting you know to possibly watch out for MSHELL. (Was on #ubuntu-youth and shouted something about it "nazi youth") [11:03] Anyways, have a good day everyone. :) [11:04] benonsoftware: thanks, noticed him there (: [11:04] benonsoftware: yes thanks we already know that problem user. [11:04] Cool :) [11:04] * benonsoftware disappears [11:53] I think I'll give them a /msg [11:53] Ah, long gone, nevermind. [12:44] never heard of ulatencyd. but it just proves that the "get more perfomance" things to break more stuff [13:01] belkinsa called the ops in #ubuntu-women () [13:09] cfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (asstick, channel spam) [13:09] done === AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell [13:50] hi all [13:51] can someone with sudo access on ubottu run an apt-get dist-upgrade at some point, quite a few updates to pull [13:51] think that would be jussi or tsimpson [13:52] or rclark (who?) [13:53] rclark aka dendrobates [14:46] "accidentally removed all the kernels" [14:46] ruhroh [16:44] oops [19:17] HELLO I HAVE THE PROBLEM WHIT CAMSTUDIO [19:17] escusme [19:17] Samurairm, not the right place [19:17] escuse me [19:18] this is the question gstreamr0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse [19:18] error [19:18] This is #ubuntu-ops, if you're looking for support please ask in #ubuntu [19:18] Samurairm, this is not the correct channel for that [19:19] BUT? [19:19] Samurairm: you know this is not a support channel. and since you have issues to behave in other support irc channels what about you try askubuntu or ubuntuforums or mailinglists? [19:19] but [19:19] ops [20:12] Results for oerheks on Google: [20:12] thats annoying in the extreme [20:15] ask them to turn it off or leaev? [20:17] did the first [20:28] PrisonerofAfghan> hello everyone [20:28] oy ve3y [20:28] -3 [20:32] Heh. " Hi it's me semitones!" [21:04] rww: around? [21:05] Anyone know if the retroispresto issue is resolved? [21:06] not as far as I'm aware [21:06] still banned as far as I can see [21:07] I see "discussed recent behavior, agreed to leave chu alone, stop changing nick, tone it down a bit in general " in the BT, but that was over 10 days ago, I thought I remembered seeing recent discussion of it here. [21:08] that was an old ban [21:08] he used two differnt nicks to continue his behaviour [21:08] john something [21:08] got banned from #ubuntu #ubuntu-offtopic #xubuntu #ubuntu-ops [21:08] (I removed the #ubuntu-ops one to give him a chance to come back when he grew up) [21:09] http://ubottu.com/bans.cgi?sess=f9fb5e71a279b06abd1810d3eb1200d9 [21:09] When he joined last night, he joined quite a few of the other channels from webchat. [21:09] arse [21:09] ikonia: wrong link [21:09] expire that session [21:09] sorry] [21:09] Pici: totally [21:09] meant to do steventhehorse!~steventhe@ppp118-208-125-135.lns20.bne4.internode.on.net [21:09] yeah I am not aware of the newest ban being resolved [21:09] (retroispresto) [21:09] that still in place on his old IP [21:09] so he is evading? [21:09] probably why he's using web chat [21:09] yes [21:10] he was asked not to try to evade a day ago with his other nick [21:10] someone either needs to sort it out with him or also ban the IP for webchat mask [21:10] I banned the webchat mask [21:11] fair enough [21:11] He isn't really interested in resolving it. [21:11] no, hence why he makes idiot comments like "I need help fixing the floor" [21:11] and hit 4 other channels with the same attitude comaplining about #ubuntu after being banned [21:12] I just don't see value in these guys using the channels until they participate rather than just act up [21:12] yeah. [21:12] I believe he may have some medical requirements to stablising from one of the other conversations I've seen him have [21:12] but it may be the wrong person [21:13] I can't remember.... but sounds familiar. Either way, not a good fit for the channels right now. [21:13] He has mentioned medication recently so you may be correct [21:14] ikonia: Set an IP ban and it'll work on hostname and webchat. [21:14] I thought that didn't work well on webchat [21:14] Unit193: there is an IP ban on him already [21:14] ^ [21:14] ahh it's because it's on the DNS name for the IP [21:14] oh [21:14] rather than the actual IP [21:14] Right. [21:14] so is needed [21:15] so I am wrong? [21:15] updated offtopic too [21:15] phunyguy: I thought it was supposed to work but didn't see it work in this case [21:16] however Unit193 is write the ban is not on the IP but the DNS host name of the IP [21:16] ikonia: no I mean that webhat and ip bans don't mix sometimes [21:16] it just happens to contain the ip details in it [21:16] easy to miss if not paying attention [21:16] phunyguy: does work if you set the IP [21:16] okay... [21:16] I've fell into this trap before [21:16] be intersting to see if it works [21:17] worth mentioning if he comes back [21:17] indeed [21:17] I just thought it was a known bug [21:17] never seen that [21:17] could be wrong... been wrong many times before, and will be wrong many more times, :) [21:17] only time I've ever heard it fail is in the situation we've just discussed which is user error [21:18] I know the one I just set handles all webchats from them, whether it be freenode or kiwiirc, etc [21:18] because the ident is a hash of their IP [21:18] yeah, thats a fair point too, but it won't get the other non-web chat stuff, but it is a fair point and may want to put it back [21:19] we will see if just the IP works first [21:19] no sense in wasting a ban slot if it works. [21:19] be nicer if he'd get with the program a bit [21:19] then all the bans on him could go [21:19] yep. iirc he is very young also. [21:19] 16? [21:19] so he says [21:19] no idea [21:19] never seen an age on him [21:21] phunyguy: It's nice because it also works through hostmasks. [21:21] Thanks for handling it, guys :) [21:21] Unit193: yeah I just remember hearing some rumblings about it not working well for webchat users. [21:21] Work is really distracting recently [21:21] that's all. [21:22] Pici: yeah blast that paycheck. [21:22] :P [21:22] how dare it get in the way of something that doesn't pay! [21:22] I know! [21:40] bazhang: looks like a distribution http://www.loculinux.org/ [23:32] Glorfindel called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic () [23:33] hi guys i don't know what i did wrong [23:33] i changed my nickname 3 times to accomodate people [23:33] !ops [23:33] Thanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently [23:33] cherrypopper called the ops in #ubuntu-ops () [23:33] what about you trolling and insulting in pms? [23:34] that's irrelevant [23:34] that's not on the channel [23:34] there's /ignore for that [23:36] if you think that you just proved that you dont suit into the ubuntu community. [23:36] now please leave. thanks [23:36] now, i did nothing to break the guidelines [23:36] you can't ban me because you don't like me [23:36] idiot [23:37] I agree with the ban [23:37] hggdh: on what grounds? [23:37] first i didnt ban you on #ubuntu-offtopic. so you insulting me and stepping over the rules on #ubuntu didnt even touch the ban in #ubuntu-offtopic. [23:38] now you still having offending nicknames and insulting me is again more proof that you dont fit with the ubuntu community. so please leave, the bans stay. [23:39] hi [23:39] serously, how is this nick offensive? [23:39] I agree with it as well. [23:40] what you need to do is man up and grow a pair of balls [23:40] cherrypopper: are you retroispresto? [23:40] no, sorry [23:40] okay. [23:40] sounds like a cool name though [23:40] if there is nothing else we can do for you, please /part the channel. [23:41] cherrypopper: please leave the channel [23:41] i'm not leaving until i get unbanned [23:41] i did nothing to deserve the bans [23:41] or you can get banned here. [23:41] i complied and changed my nicks [23:41] you may discuss with the ircc if you feel mistreated. [23:41] what is that? [23:41] link please [23:42] !appeal [23:42] If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page. [23:43] also, you are not banned in #ubuntu-offtopic, unless you are referring to another IP/user. [23:43] you were simply removed. [23:43] oh [23:43] thanks guys [23:43] you're nice [23:44] you were never banned, unless you are evading [23:44] the other guy, k1l needs to grow a pair, but that's about it... later! [23:44] are you evading? [23:44] i thought i was banned [23:44] but i guess i was removed [23:44] thanks a lot [23:44] definitely retroispresto. [23:47] so now we wait... [23:47] what the fuck [23:48] see? right there. [23:48] how was my other nick offensive??? [23:48] you are not helping your cause. [23:48] indeed. I was going to say 2 minutes, and I would have lost [23:48] phunyguy: why did you ban me? [23:49] let's take a different approach.... why do YOU think I banned you? [23:49] because you had been warned, and asked to change the nick to something else. You refused. [23:49] or that. [23:49] i don't ask redundant questions [23:49] i was just changing it when you banned me [23:49] you didn't even give me time [23:49] no, you were arguing with me, and that wasn't the first offensive nick. [23:50] frankly we gave you enough of a chance. [23:50] how is cherry popper offensive? [23:50] http://gta.wikia.com/Cherry_Popper_Ice_Cream_Factory [23:50] just because something is both offensive and not offensive doesn't make it any less offensive [23:50] it's still offensive. [23:50] you make no sense [23:50] okay. [23:50] how can something be offensive AND not offensive [23:51] * hggdh wonders about wasting time [23:52] also, the link you posted is to a fictional ice cream shop in a known-offensive game. [23:52] so I stand by the ban. [23:53] what? [23:53] you get offended by grand theft auto??? [23:53] fuck grow a pair you fucking retard [23:53] icefactory: please leave the channel [23:54] go fuck yourself [23:54] icefactory: you do realise that the IRCC will read the logs, do you not? [23:54] you do realize that at this point i don' [23:54] i don't give a fuck about being unbanned [23:55] so go fuck yourselves you fucking spineless cunts