[00:00] I don't think this can be worse [00:01] Assuming we got the tars two weeks https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-backports COULD be 5.2.1 [00:05] Quintasan: that is because I deleted the new release as it was obviously causing issues [00:06] Quintasan: something ius odd, when I was looking at the ppas earlier, the latest updates in the next ppa were from about the past 24 hours [00:06] right [00:06] sgclark: gotcha [00:06] I uploaded last night, but have sinse deleted [00:06] oops, have errors [00:07] Please don't do that again. IIRC the source packages remain and reuploading that is a pain but things might have changed [00:07] 5.2.1 is only vivid at this time [00:07] not sure how to get those to pastebin [00:07] claydoh, valorie: I think it would be better to scrap that and install vivid if you want to live on the edge [00:07] Quintasan: I still have in ninjas and can copy over [00:07] sgclark: Please do that [00:07] 17 broken, 5971 new [-1] [00:08] something went wrong, packages may not have been reverted [00:08] valorie, claydoh: hold on then. [00:08] Quintasan: err but everyone broke .. [00:08] sgclark: Bringing the packages back is not going to make even worse, will it? [00:08] And we could actually try debugging this [00:08] Quintasan: I have vivd on my daily driver, :p utopic is on my Kodi box, so it does not really matter, but gives me something to use as reference for those going that route [00:09] I would like to help others who are in the same boat [00:09] otherwise, vivid for me [00:09] I've been not doing it because of time issues [00:10] TBH I see little merit in debugging that since installing vivid would be faster. I'm not sure what's our policy on that PPA [00:10] If we said we support that then I'm willing to help debug this [00:11] as a Councillor, this is what I'm seeing: we need some higher-level planning, and we don't have the man-power atm [00:11] yah [00:11] Breaks: kde-workspace-data [00:11] so, tell me how I can best help now [00:11] is kubuntu-plasma5-desktop which led to your madness valorie [00:11] Currently I'm feeling like an outsider more than a developer since I have no effing idea how the infrastructure works now. [00:11] Quintasan: maybe that's a good thing [00:12] I am a current developer and I have no effing clue anymore [00:12] perhaps an outsider is needed [00:12] And it to me it feels like CI brings more trouble than it's worth [00:12] or two [00:12] :-) [00:12] And to me it feels* [00:12] Christ [00:13] * valorie passes around coffee and cookies [00:13] tea is on yon table [00:13] my brain hurts [00:13] sgclark: Truth be told this happened mostly because there was to testing from our side I believe. [00:14] medicine cabinet in the back bath [00:14] next to no* [00:14] I can't even type. [00:14] :-) [00:14] sgclark: Let me know when you're done with copying the magic [00:15] Quintasan: any use of the ppa-purge errors? [00:16] valorie: Not really, this chain or breakage results most likely form the version mixup [00:16] of* [00:16] ok [00:16] I can't type. [00:16] * valorie adds chocolate on the side-table [00:16] Quintasan: right, I asked where to put this so it can be tested as it is to be an SRU, and next was the place [00:16] that fixes most problems, IMO [00:16] sgclark: :DDDD [00:17] I really need to get back on track. [00:17] we need ya, man [00:17] plus I miss you [00:17] nice to see sgclark around again, too [00:17] I would have to start not going to lectures. [00:17] argh [00:18] no no [00:18] real life first [00:18] I really need to go for the first two weeks though, [00:18] this second [00:18] really, school is your foundation [00:18] no shorting on the school [00:19] I feel like I'm wasting time though. [00:19] Most of the stuff they teach is not even remotely useful [00:20] Quintasan: copy done, unfortunately I have no email as I was in the middle of working on my email server when this exploded [00:21] Alright, thanks [00:21] so i have no clue of failures [00:21] valorie: pft it is your fault for sending me to bcooksley for the sok project lol [00:22] hue [00:22] sgclark: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next/+packages [00:22] Look at dem errors [00:22] sgclark: blame accepted [00:22] not sorry though [00:23] fixing things upstream is where it's at [00:23] it's just that we need more high school kids with time on their hands to run *this* place [00:24] like it used to be [00:25] Quintasan: ick [00:25] did not quite work as I hoped [00:26] I feel like we should stop doing stuff like this (backporting new software stacks to older versions) unless it's really necessary. [00:27] yeah seems like something always goes wrong [00:27] I think it's mostly because we lack manpower to do everything and test stuff [00:27] I don't have time anymore to deal with it :( [00:27] yep [00:27] exactly [00:27] It is one thing with kde bits in the same major version, this is a bigger jump [00:28] claydoh: Well, if it's an incremental update then no problem, but if you try backporting something that's backwards incompatible then you WILL run into problems [00:29] * claydoh cheated and won... replaced the next-backports with ci-stable [00:29] now thats the way to fix stuff muashahah [00:29] oh cool [00:29] ci-stable? [00:29] instead of vivid? [00:29] Why is this even named stable? [00:29] valorie: quicker, and woth the shot [00:29] mmm [00:30] well, I think I'll wait for Quintasan or sgclark to suggest that [00:30] no offense [00:30] You can try this to recover [00:30] lol [00:30] But it might get even worse [00:30] Quintasan: actually it usually is, they roll out CDs with that ci-stable branch. there is something sersiously mucked with this next branch [00:30] I will attempt an upgrade to vivd soon, the hd in the PC has been upgraded successfully since raring at least, wanna keep a run on that [00:30] this is my bottom line today: I'd like to help out [00:30] sgclark: I'll be frank, I think this whole backport effort is a waste of time [00:31] so whatever is helpful, I will do [00:31] If you want stable then stick to stable [00:31] if you want to live on the edge then either use vivid or ci repos [00:31] I wanted to test, but at the time had only the one laptop [00:31] Quintasan: we have some poeple asking for plasma 5 for 14.04, so.... [00:31] backporting plasma 5 to 14.10 which is still running plasma 4 isn't a good idea IMO [00:31] (not many) [00:31] so ppa next seemed the ticket [00:31] I was asked to.. I don't even use utopic :( [00:31] I used to do neon, but that's gone [00:32] I have no idea what's next even supposed to be [00:32] valorie: neon is replaced by CI repos afair [00:32] perhaps the vision that created that is gone/muddled [00:32] not sure [00:32] it is not consistant that is for sure as folks have a mix of 4 and 5... [00:32] by https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable IIRC [00:32] but for vivid, we should clean up and clarify [00:34] Vivid is supposed to run Plasma 5 by default so there is nothing to clean up [00:34] valorie: at this time if you want a stable plasma5 on utopic go with ci-stable. I don't see it happening with next until we get it cleaned up and some sort of plan... [00:34] ok, so I should just upgrade to vivid [00:34] no reason to clean this mess up [00:34] even better plan [00:34] right? [00:35] yeah [00:35] valorie: Clean install seems like the best way out of this [00:35] oh, well [00:35] claydoh: I'll take the forums then [00:35] with my ssd and stuff it's rather complicated [00:35] I'd rather upgrade [00:35] even if it takes time [00:36] Quintasan: cool [00:36] I have a split /home/, and windows, etc. [00:37] gads, upgrade from p5 not supported [00:37] :( [00:50] off to dinner, dunno what to do [00:50] maybe time to visit my son [00:51] upgrade from p5? [00:51] not supported, and there is such a mess now I dunno [00:51] maybe after dinner I'll try [00:51] I dont understand sorry [00:52] sgclark: http://pastebin.com/8CbfTcAG [00:53] Let me know if that summarizes the situation adequately [00:53] Quintasan: perfect, thank you [00:54] valorie: where is exactly are you getting "not supported" [01:02] blah [01:02] bed time [01:02] 4 hours of sleep [01:02] lol [01:02] eek, sleep well, thanks for the help [02:13] sgclark: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VividUpgrades/Kubuntu says not supported [02:13] I'm removing next also to see if I can boot and then upgrade [02:24] grrrr, how do I list extras in apt-add-repository -r to remove it [02:47] valorie: eck seems konversation stopped notifying me when highlighted. dunno that I have ever used that to remove repos. I open /etc/apt/sources.list directly [02:48] valorie: ahh, I guess with the mess of qt4 and qt5 you have going it is probably good we don't support it. [02:48] yes [02:49] I'm going to download the beta, assuming that's the best to DL? [02:49] I ppa-purged ppa-next, but still couldn't boot [02:49] so screw that [02:50] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/vivid/ only has the alphas [02:50] which is the link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Beta1/Kubuntu has [02:52] I tried running kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade from the cli, but it said that wasn't supported or something [02:53] valorie: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds [02:54] oh excellent, thank you [02:54] np [02:58] best of luck with your mail server [03:01] ty === rdieter_ is now known as rdieter [06:51] anyone here? [06:51] o/ [06:51] how are you, ovidiu-florin [06:52] hey valorie [06:52] I have a headake, but other than that quite happy [06:53] the Sprint was awesome and productive [06:53] excellent [06:53] I logged in, but long after y'all were done [06:54] my main computer did updates today and then lost the ability to login [06:54] installing vivid to it tomorrow [06:55] tonight, backing up /home if possible from console [06:56] valorie: do you know if I can post on planet kde my post about the kubuntu sprint? [06:56] since it's not KDE directly related [06:57] kubuntu IS kde-related [06:57] yes, but it's not even OS releated code [06:57] so yes, please do it [06:57] it's web [06:57] ok [06:57] thank you [06:57] KDE is a community [06:57] the kubuntu community is part of it [07:02] how can I make planetkde follow 2 feeds? the KDE-en tag and the Kubuntu-en tag? [07:38] just use #kde [07:38] although I tag quite freely, since people use tags in searches too [08:11] sitter: I just got querried by kubuntu-ci bot that I'm suggested to have broken vivid. Not cool! [08:22] mgraesslin: perhaps you have? :P [08:22] not cool to break vivid! [08:24] sitter: no, complete false positive [08:24] sitter: I got link to http://kci.pangea.pub/job/vivid_unstable_plasma-desktop/96/ [08:24] interestingly enough I also got it [08:25] "jenkins - much brains" [08:25] mgraesslin: disabled [08:25] thanks [08:25] from using jenkins in the past: it notifies everybody who "contributed" to the failed build [08:26] and I think that's also the reason why KDE's jenkins doesn't send out mails [08:30] mgraesslin: yeah, chances are everyone who had a commit in the touchpad import is considered an offender [08:30] which interestingly enough I havn't had anything to do with [08:30] serves you people right... importing a pile of madness like that into plasma-desktop :S [08:30] it's like kde-workspace and kde-runtime had a lovechild [08:30] on that point I agree ;-) [08:31] ah, it's possible that the build that puleed touchpad in also had other changes from yesterday [08:31] * sitter just wished jenkins notification was more configurable [08:31] s/notification// actually [08:31] but I also cannot remember to have pushed to plasma-workspace recently... [08:31] sitter meant: "just wished jenkins was more configurable" [08:32] mgraesslin: desktop [08:32] that's what I meant [08:32] last commit on Dec, 2nd [08:32] hm [08:33] mgraesslin: looking thorugh it I really can't find anything that would make you a culprit of the break [08:33] jenkins... [08:33] moving on xD [08:34] :-D [08:37] btw. you got praise for your upcoming release from the one true expert on the world. Luckily your installer is to broken to have him make benchmarks [08:37] oh god no :O [08:39] ctrlf-f -> 'kde5' -> ctrl-w [09:36] sitter: jpwhiting says he's being queried by kubuntu-ci, is this your cunning plan to get him to become a kde developer? [09:36] see backlog [09:46] Good morning. [10:01] ooh beta tests mostly done, nice [10:01] Mamarok: can you remember how you were getting a crash with swiss german keyboards? was that during install? [10:06] Ah, the testing window is still open :) I'll fire up a testing VM in a bit. [10:07] great :) [10:07] and mparillo has made https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Beta1/Kubuntu [10:07] go go kubuntu team! [10:08] the link doesn't go to the beta however [10:14] thanks for the beta page mparillo :) [10:14] Riddell: My pleasure. [10:15] Riddell: Also I added comments to some test cases. I doubt bugs are really warranted unless you believe they are, and I will be happy to add them in that | those cases [10:30] mparillo: Did you start firefox in a live session of Vivid Beta1? [10:31] Parts of the home page are in arabic. [10:33] Screenshot: http://corellian.student.utwente.nl/files/VividBeta.png [10:34] funky, we're going multi-cultural [10:34] Sure looks like it ;) [10:35] I wonder if that's google using your ip address [10:35] Google: Hmm, he is coming from Holland. He'll probably speak Arabic :P [10:37] claydoh_: ping [10:37] claydoh_: bug 1424379 [10:37] bug 1424379 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Access forbidden to Kubuntu forums" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1424379 [10:37] claydoh_: I don't really know whom to ping [10:38] lordievader: I know for certain that I ran FF in the installed version. [10:38] Never noticed the Arabic there. [10:39] But I am mostly running rekonq. [10:41] adjam promised (https://adjamblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/12/rekonq-2-4-2/comment-page-1/#comment-3911) a preview version on KF5. [10:46] ooh exciting [10:46] but it'll probably need a lot of work to get qtwebengine working with it [10:56] In the actual install FF doesn't display Arabic. [10:57] I cannot launch the partition manager from the start menu? Is this known? [10:59] lordievader: I still have my usb. I will test live mode [11:00] Also, the OEM prepare for shipping ain't on the desktop, it is in the menu. [11:06] But that menu entry does nothing. [11:06] lordievader: No Arabic on my 32-bit live USB. Only the standard Ubuntu box around a google search with Ubuntu help, shop, and community under and outside the box. [11:06] Odd. [11:07] And my locale is en_US.UTF-8 [11:08] Seems to match yours. [11:08] I guess Google does something funky, indeed. [11:09] But that was well spotted...I could have easily missed those three iitems at the bottom. You are not using some kind of VPN that hides your location, are you? [11:18] mparillo: I'm natted behind my server. Perhaps that the University does something strange since they are an ISP. [11:23] today beta 1 should be released ? [11:26] yep [11:26] Quintasan: what's up with plasma 5 in utopic today? [11:30] Riddell: all isos are tested already ? [11:32] soee: looks like there's a few gaps in the tests still http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds [11:37] soee: Oem in 64bit. === kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch [11:48] "Plasma 5, the next generation of KDE Software is still a work in progress, but is stable enough for everyday use and it keeps getting better as new versions drop frequently." this sounds a bit too pessimistic [11:48] I wonder what we can say which sounds more optimistic [11:48] mparillo: ^ [11:49] change the order [11:49] tell that it's stable and still getting better with frequent upgrades [11:50] now it likes "we're not done yet, but it works" [11:50] ...aha, maybe it exactly is that but word right there [11:58] How about I drop the work in progress part? I think today (and this may change with 5.2.1) it does not feel as stable as Plasma 4, and full feature parity will probably not happen until 5.3 or even 5.4, right? [11:59] mparillo: can the but be dropped too? [12:00] mparillo: I just rewrote it a bit, what do you think? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Beta1/Kubuntu [12:01] I like it, but to an American ear, "The second updates to Plasma 5" sounds a bit off. Perhaps "The second set of updates to Plasma 5"? Maybe the Commonwealth folks can opine. [12:02] you're right, nothing different over the atlantic there [12:02] * Riddell fixes [12:04] hmm, anyone tested upgrades for beta? I'm wondering if extras still needs to be removed [12:06] On my fully updated 14.10 box, /etc/apt/sources.list still has extras in it. [12:07] right but I think the upgrade tool is now fixed to remove it for you [12:07] hopefully [12:07] I'll install 14.10 and do a test upgrade [12:08] morning [12:08] Launchpad encountered an internal error during the following operation: copying a package. It was logged with id OOPS-6957e378859cd77e4b5b0bf47d34a072. Sorry for the inconvenience. [12:08] >.< [12:09] wgrant: I suppose you might be interested ^ [12:09] happend during mass async copy [12:09] hi sgclark [12:10] sgclark: claydoh_ and valorie are saying an update broke their utopic installs, do you know what happened there? [12:12] Riddell: yeah I was here last night. kf5 backprt happened. Utopic next users somehow have kde-workspace-bin that now requires kde-workspace-data which breaks kubuntu-plasma5-desktop [12:12] the real question is why would they have qt4 workspace... [12:13] I deleted the the backport till it is sorted, I just don't know where to start [12:13] sgclark: so you put kf5 5.7 into kubuntu-ppa/next (or kubuntu-ppa/next-backports) ? [12:14] next as suggested by yofel, niether of us expected it would breaks things this badly [12:15] in theory it should not have.. [12:15] I did not even know about next-backports.. [12:17] next-backports was for plasma and applications updates, but kf5 it due to go into vivid proper so kubuntu-ppa/next is probably the right place [12:17] tho in this case I don't think that would have been any better [12:18] sgclark: is kf5 5.7 still in a staging PPA somewhere? [12:18] * Riddell spots some bits in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/next-staging [12:18] do you also get random 2-3 seconds lags (i.e. plasma freezes for this amount of time) in Vivid? [12:19] kfunk: I don't [12:19] just started with the latest upgrade to 5.2.1, I'll keep an eye on it [12:21] Riddell: it is in ninjas [12:21] Riddell: did I mention that parts of .1 are in vivid and parts aren't? [12:21] or maybe I was imaging things [12:21] Riddell: next-staging failed because someone had put a version of in there in the past and deleted it, contents changed errors [12:22] gosh there's a new https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ninjas/+archive/ubuntu/frameworks but it's empty [12:23] why do we need that? [12:23] sitter: that's expeected there's a beta freeze on so not everything transitioned in time [12:23] yofel: I've no idea, I don't think we do [12:23] sgclark: hm, when I said that I assumed you had done at least a bit of testing on a default setup. [12:23] blame me for making assumtions I guess [12:24] now now, no blame needed [12:24] on a general note: never put untested updates into PPAs that people are using [12:24] (which is a bit time consuming :/) [12:24] I'll install kubuntu-plasma5 utopic and see what happens if I upgrade and add ninjas [12:24] thanks [12:24] yofel: I did not have said issues but I do not have bits of kf4 on mine either. I was not blaming.. [12:25] alright guys I am done screwing up here, sorry for all the trouble [12:25] don't be, it happens [12:26] yofel, Riddell: we need ppa:frameworks ppa:plasma ppa:applications ppa:misc [12:26] oh jings [12:26] to stage independently [12:26] FOSDEM 2015 videos are online: http://video.fosdem.org/ [12:26] yeah [12:26] sitter: right, but do we need that in frameworks? [12:26] hmm ignore that [12:26] sitter: right, but do we need that in ninjas? [12:27] unless we start working in ppa exclusively we need that in ninjas and ~kubuntu-ppa [12:28] kfunk: not 2-3 secons but liek 0,5-1 sec yes [12:29] kfunk: check https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-40207 === soee_ is now known as soee [12:29] Hiyas all [12:30] Hooray: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=kubuntu-1504-preview&num=1 === kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik [13:01] fresh utopic kubuntu-plasma5 has no kde-workspace-bin or kde-workspace-data installed [13:02] Riddell: so it was successful right? [13:02] sgclark: that's me just installed the iso image I downloaded [13:03] updating now to whatever updates are in [13:03] Riddell: right, same here. [13:03] but they folks with issues had the above installed [13:03] for some reason [13:03] apt full-upgrade installs plasma 5.1.1 and no kde-workspace [13:04] next step is to add kubuntu-ninjas [13:05] nothing really bad happening in a chroot here either :/ [13:16] if I add kubuntu-ninjas and do apt full-upgrade it says these want to be removed kubuntu-plasma5-desktop plasma-desktop plasma-workspace [13:17] which seems quite important [13:18] I wonder if it's something like networkmanager-qt that's confusing it [13:19] that did not happen here for some reason o.O, maybe because I just used a debootstrap chroot [13:19] I was also in chroot : / [13:19] doh [13:20] guess I need to make a vm to test in, my bad [13:21] libkf5globalaccel-data : Breaks: plasma-workspace (< 4:5.2.0-0ubuntu2~) but 4:5.1.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa1 is to be installed [13:21] chroot's usually work fine [13:21] clearly you need to add backports? [13:21] yep libkf5globalaccel5 not happy [13:21] sitter: but this is intended for SRU so no backports allowed [13:22] ah vivid [13:22] Oo [13:22] no utopic [13:22] I am confused [13:22] Riddell: SRU kf5? [13:23] sitter: yes [13:23] in that case kglobalaccel needs to get adjusted [13:29] * Riddell adjusts [13:31] oh fwiw [13:31] plasma-workspace in next-backporst and vivid might need adjustments as well [13:32] oh no, nvermind [13:32] daemon is in an own package anyway [13:33] when can we get fix for this KDEInit cant run '/usr/bin/ksysguard' [13:33] when vivid unfreezes [13:33] actually [13:33] what [13:34] soee: how do you get that? [13:34] sitter: imply start ksysguard and close it [13:34] and you will get that warning message [13:39] soee: how do you start it [13:40] ah, got it [13:40] soee: did you file a bug about that? [13:43] sitter: no i did not, som people mentioned it here already so i thought it is known to devs :) [13:43] It's odd that some claim that systemd can't be used. Seems the ps -p 1 command must be mistaken, since it outputs systemd as in use. [13:43] soee: I'd file a bug [13:44] sitter: sure [13:44] sitter: against what component ? [13:45] ksysguard [13:45] its desktop file says it registers a dbus address, except it doesn't [13:49] sitter: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344595 [13:49] KDE bug 344595 in ksysguard "Closing ksysguard ends message KDEInit can't run /usr/bin/ksysguard" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [13:50] sitter: can you confirm in bug page ? [13:50] BluesKaj: maybe you to also ? [13:52] yes, soee I can confirm that here [13:52] sitter: I just removed the overlapping files from kglobalaccel, do you think that's fine? [13:52] BluesKaj: comment please on bug report [13:54] oh wait [13:54] Riddell: actually, plasma-workspace needs adjusting, not globalaccel [13:54] it's why I complained about the way the move was done [13:54] kglobalaccel cannot be SRUd without also modifying plasma-workspace [13:54] can't it? [13:56] how would you? [13:57] by removing the overlapping files from kglobalaccept 5.7 [13:57] and possibly having another kglobalaccel 5.7 in kubuntu-ppa/next-backports which adds them back [13:57] Riddell: then kglobalaccel needs to depend on plasma-workspace [13:57] it's not kglobalaccel 5.7 if it doesn't come with the daemon [13:58] soee, I did comment , use dbus-launch kysysguard. That works and I put that in the comment. [13:58] BluesKaj: cool, thank you [13:58] soee, np [13:59] err ksysguard btw [14:00] sitter: that's what happened with kglobalaccel 5.3 no? [14:00] Riddell: yes, except you want to SRU kglobalaccel 5.7 [14:01] so here I am as developer... I find_package(globalaccel 5.7) because I know that otherwise I'd need plasma-workspace to be installed in some form or fashion which 5.7 fixes [14:01] ok, I'll add the depends [14:01] all is well, until a user complains that my app doesn't work on ubuntu [14:01] I go :O [14:02] and then I discover that what kubuntu claims is kglobalaccel 5.7 is not actually 5.7 compatible [14:02] and then I go and tell all my users to use opensuse instead [14:02] I complained about this kind of move for a reason :P [14:03] with kde sc it'd have been fine [14:03] with frameworks != plasma it isn't anymore [14:03] nooo! not opensuse! (and besides isn't some Arch derivative more alite now?) [14:03] alas, I doubt it's going to be the last non-backwards compatible change we'll see [14:05] Riddell: i have added raport for amd64 oem http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/334/builds/89656/testcases [14:05] critical bug, same as for i386 [14:05] oem-config all broken, I'll have to look at that soon [14:08] if we run this iso, we should first see ubiquity or live desktop ? [14:09] in testcases it is abut ubiquity but we have live session running by default and we can click on the icon to install kubuntu, than ubiquity shows up [14:11] new libre office http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2015/02/26/libreoffice-4-4-1-fresh-is-available-for-download/ [14:11] will it land in Vivid ? [14:11] soee: In my test results, I note this, but I actually prefer the live session by default. [14:12] Riddell: "hmm, anyone tested upgrades for beta? I'm wondering if extras still needs to be removed" If you have not started, I am willing to test this. [14:13] mparillo: ok but is this valid behaviour ? [14:13] soee: In test driven development absolutely not. [14:13] If I felt strongly about it, I would have opened a bug. [14:14] Like I said, I would prefer to change the test case, but, as I documented in the results, I wonder how this works for a non-English user. [14:19] mparillo: I'm just about to start on amd64, i386 would be good to test [14:24] Good, I have a nice clean 14.10 32-bit ISO. [14:29] mparillo: see if you can follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VividUpgrades/Kubuntu but missing out the stuff about extras [14:30] mparillo: can you confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1425968 ? [14:30] Launchpad bug 1425968 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu 15.04 isos loads live session by default not ubiquity" [Undecided,New] [14:37] soee: yes, we havn't added back the ubiquity-dm stuff [14:40] oops, googlemaps on firefox caused a crash to the login [14:40] mparillo: meh if I run the upgrade it doesn't show the GUI but it does go ahead in the background (you can read logs at ~/.cache/upstart/startkde ) [14:41] altho it didn't drop my vpn connection [14:41] foo "can't load DistUpgradeViewKDE (unorderable types: str() >= int())" [14:41] Riddell: but this is a bug ? [14:42] soee: which? [14:43] soee: no ubiquity-dm is a bug yes, it's already reported somewhere [14:43] soee: Confirmed, but as I say, I prefer going straight to a live session. It matches a frequent use case of mine, with is to run off a live USB for higher-risk activities, like on-line banking. [14:43] Riddell: sorry, totally overlooked that. But no, I don't remember how that happened [14:44] Riddell: Clean 32-Bit 14.10 loaded. Following the page, first step is to apply updates. Running now. Alas $work will start to take priority soon. [14:44] Riddell: oh, i created bug report, so please mark it as a duplicate if yuo have other [14:51] Can somebody confirm: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344538 [14:51] KDE bug 344538 in general "Boot to sddm; immediately select power off; countdown goes negative and never powers off" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [14:54] Second, (perhaps with the new kwallet), has something changed with the network manager widget? I never could connect during install (something to do with it being WEP), but it used to be that once I connected using the widget in the System Tray, it would 'remember' my network and password. Do I need to do it in System Settings? [15:13] ok I worked out a fix for release-upgrader [15:14] hmm no I didn't, further problems [15:14] this qt5 port is quite problematic :( [15:16] but at least it removes extras :) [15:16] :) [16:24] ovidiu-florin: nice blog post :) [17:02] I'm off out now, I'll be back in 3 or 4 hours [17:02] Riddell: Started the 32-bit upgrade. No GUI for me either. Will look at the log later. [17:03] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344600 [17:03] mparillo: I think I worked out the problem and a fix is being uploaded [17:03] KDE bug 344600 in System Tray "Network Manager Widget does not 'remember' to connect to previous WEP network" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [17:03] mparillo: so infact if you can kill it (use ps auxf to work out which process) and restart once the new one is in the archive that would be great [17:04] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-release-upgrader needs 1:15.04.10 to get into vivid [17:04] beta 1 will probably come out in a couple of hours, if anyone fancies putting that on the website it would be lovely [17:04] how to open system-settings as root?, kdesudo systemsettings doesn't launch from krunner or the terminal [17:05] BluesKaj: whyever would you? [17:06] to setup the fonts for apps run as root on this big screen ..they're unreadable otherwis. Ive been doing it for yrs [17:07] err otherwise [17:08] Riddell, I use our tv as a monitor and I'm 10ft away from the screen [17:12] Riddell: I can post to the website. Do I wait for the formal announcement? [18:22] The images are published!! http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-vivid-beta-1 [18:26] \o/ [18:36] :] [18:36] So now when beta is released [18:36] the issing 5.2.1 packages can be released from proposed ? [18:36] sgclark: ^ [18:37] BluesKaj: the ksysguard bug has been already fixed :o [18:40] mparillo: would be good idea to post some info about beta 1 release on g+ and twitter [18:52] ok soee installing the upgrades as we speak [18:55] BluesKaj: WHAT UPGRADES ? [18:59] thanks mparillo [19:04] oh firefox 36 [19:04] soee, there's a fairly large upgrade and a small dis-upgrade available http://pastebin.com/D6dUrAb7 [19:05] BluesKaj: yes, the missing 5.2.1 packages etc. [19:07] looks like a reboot is needed [19:08] yay, all of 5.2.1 is in [19:09] missing packages? [19:10] what was still in -proposed [19:10] plasma-workspace and the bits that need it [19:10] I dont have control over that do I ? [19:11] nope [19:11] k [19:11] back to my server [19:11] sgclark: no it's automated tests that need to pass before it can move from -proposed to release [19:11] gotcha [19:11] and they've all passed now :) [19:11] woot [19:12] hmm, KDEInit could not launch '/usr/bin/ksysguard' ...seems it's not fixed here yet, soee [19:12] BluesKaj: fix created but will be in 5.2.2 [19:17] Does anybody have info on how to post on g+ and twitter? I suppose I could e-mail distrowatch. [19:17] e-mail distrowatch also. [19:18] mparillo: I think none of the other flavours have announced yet so best hold off on wider announcements until they have [19:18] mparillo: join #ubuntu-release to find the in-crowd [19:20] mparillo: are you able to test the new release upgrader from 14.10 ? [19:20] mparillo: if you give me your facebook account name and g+ account name I can make you admins on the kubuntu accounts [19:23] gstreamer 1.0 - this is some new release or it was before ? [19:24] we've been using 1.0 for a while [19:25] where while = a year or so [19:27] shame qtmultimedia didn't get the memo [19:29] Riddell: When I tried to replicate my release upgrader steps, muon-upgrade seemed to 'know' about Plasma 5. As if the apt sources had been updated. So, I could not really start at the beginning. Could that be the case. I would be happy to at the devel-upgrader script, or re-creaet the VM all over again. [19:30] Riddel: Now I have a reason to go to FB: mparillo@yahoo.com. G+: maparillo [19:30] mparillo: yes it could be the case [19:32] Glad to know I am not totally clueless. Can I restart, or should I re-create a clean 14.10 VM, update 14.10, then run the script. [19:36] "Vivid Vervet Beta 1 Released" it's out! [19:37] mparillo: run the upgrade tool again if you want to finish it off, or reinstall 14.10 if you have time to test it from the start [19:38] Sorry for announcing as soon as I noticed the images hit /releases/ and I will try to finish it off this afternoon, and maybe end-to-end test tomorrow morning (UTC -5). [19:39] mparillo: facebook can't see you, I think you'll need to like the https://www.facebook.com/kubuntu.org page first [19:41] mparillo: what's your g+ page? there's a few marco parillos [19:42] just post in the kubuntu community on g+ and you'll reach most people [19:43] it does confuse me why we have two and that seems to be more popular [19:43] (1) Liked; I am surprised there is more than one, but I am maparillo@gmail.com [19:44] mparillo: invited your baby photo [19:44] (2) https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MarcoParillo/posts [19:44] Yes, $work uses GMail / GDrive / Hangouts, so I have a different pic there. Makes it a bit easier to avoid wrong posts. [19:45] Riddell: I thought we only had one community? There is the Kubuntu account as well that you're using, but that and the community are different things [19:46] yofel: right, and it confuses me that they're different [19:46] but I'm easily confused :) [19:46] the user has posts from that person, the community is a collation of posts of different people [19:47] facebook is proving harder, I sent your a friend request mparillo maybe that'll help [19:50] kubuntu-devel-release-upgrade has a GUI. [19:51] FB Confirmed. [19:52] mparillo: added to facebook, that's you with powers to all three social media networks, use them wisely :) [19:52] and go forth and promote beta 1 [19:52] mparillo: ooh you're testing 14.10 upgrade? [19:54] The 14.10 VM I created this morning, Got the 14.10 updates, Started the upgrader with no GUI and killed it. Now restarted the upgrader with a GUI. If successful today, tomorrow morning (before all the neighborhood starts streaming) I will try to test end-to-end. [19:57] shouldn't be a need, if it works like so it'll work from the start too [19:58] I can try it too in a bit, I still have a utopic vm around [20:01] sgclark, yofel: next seems to upgrade now, I'll try and move over the kf5 update again [20:01] k [20:05] Riddell: OK, I restarted the upgrade, only 1300 files to fetch ;-) Believe it or not, that was my first FB post ever. [20:06] mparillo: now you're down with the cool kids :) [20:06] and mark zuckerburg has your soul [20:07] He does, but in an incognito window. Previously only in a guest session or live usb. === claydoh_ is now known as claydoh [20:13] * yofel informed the g+ community [20:16] https://plus.google.com/107577785796696065138/posts/KuxXz6RLwqp [20:16] mparillo: lovely [20:18] And that might have been my first public G+ post: rest only to family. What is the third evil empire? P.S. 800 files remain to be fetched on the upgrade. [20:21] Linked In? No baby picture: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/public-profile-settings?trk=prof-edit-edit-public_profile [20:21] mparillo: I msg'd you the twitter details [20:25] sgclark, yofel: error when copying "Launchpad encountered an error during the following operation: copying a package. frameworkintegration 5.7.0-0ubuntu2~ubuntu14.10~ppa1 in utopic (binaries conflicting with the existing ones)" [20:25] which I'm confused about as that package isn't in kubuntu-ppa/next currently [20:25] meh, there's a reason I couldn't be bothered with these updates :( [20:27] o.O [20:28] Launchpad loves making your life hard [20:28] mm hmm [20:32] meh, trying to upgrade in my VM aborts with BAD SIG from the archive, guess I'll wait [20:54] Tweeted. [20:54] Upgrade finished fetching files. Now applying changes. [20:55] I am ready to post to LinkedIn. [20:59] peoplel loves it https://jira.typo3.org/browse/NEOS-1043 :) [21:00] https://plus.google.com/107577785796696065138/posts/KuxXz6RLwqp [21:00] ignore first link :) [21:01] Anybody using WEP for [weak] wireless encryption. If so, can you confirm: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=344600 [21:01] KDE bug 344600 in applet "Network Manager Widget does not 'remember' to connect to previous WEP network" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [21:04] mparillo: the kubuntu linkedin page can't find you if I try to add an admin, maybe you haven't done whatever linkedin does for Like ? [21:04] mparillo: thers is not post on community page https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108139456908538054874 ? [21:07] Riddell: I am now following Kubuntu on LinkedIn. Maybe that is what was needed. soee: Hmm, I posted on the individual G+. Maybe I need to post to the community separately. I will try. [21:09] mparillo: are you "Consultant at Independence Blue Cross" ? [21:10] That is me, yes, thank you. Old postiion, as a condition of my new one was not to update LinkedIn. [21:10] that's a weird condition [21:10] wait.. are you a GCHQ spy? [21:11] soee: I joined the community on G+. Is it a breach of protocol to post as myself, but I can see if I can post as Kubuntu. [21:11] Riddell: Contractor. Nothing special. [21:11] mparillo: connected, maybe you need to respond [21:11] mparillo: maybe you can share the g+ post on the kubuntu page to the kubuntu community? [21:20] mparillo: ok you're now an admin on the linkedin page [21:26] The G+ post is shared with the Kubuntu community. It went out under my name. Next time, I will try to get it out under the Kubuntu name instead. [21:28] The upgrade died at the end. Something about invalid condition. [21:29] Riddell: ping [21:29] hi soee [21:30] Riddell: the package to have QtCurve theme for GTK2 apps is not installed by default ? [21:32] upgrade died here too :/ [21:33] <_Groo_> guys is there a ppa for calligra 2.9? [21:33] <_Groo_> wanted to test it out [21:34] vivid has 2.8.90... [21:35] hm, baloo doesn't get replaced with baloo-kf5 on upgrade. kubuntu-desktop depends on baloo-kf5 and fails to configure [21:36] _Groo_: I'm compiling it now [21:36] soee: no that's on the todo list to fix [21:37] oh great, now apport-kde crashes (thanks to the incomplete upgrade I guess) [21:39] Hmm, the upgrade did die with an error dialog box, but when I force-powered-off my VM, and restarted it, I got Vivid. [21:39] dpkg --configure -a runs without errors? [21:39] wibble [21:40] what's in /var/log/dist-upgrader/ ? [21:40] the upgrade did pass mostly so the system should still run [21:40] Riddell: probably what I just posted [21:40] filing a bug just now [21:42] lp 1426132 [21:42] Launchpad bug 1426132 in baloo-kf5 (Ubuntu) "baloo is not replaced by baloo-kf5 on dist upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1426132 [21:44] virtual packages are confusing :/ [21:44] yofel: baloo-kf5 is not installed [21:44] what was the package name to get breeze look for gtk2 apps ? [21:44] mparillo: yeah, that's the problem [21:45] Looks like I was two minutes late ;-) [21:45] nah, good to have confirmation :) [21:47] hm, didn't the iso tracker have upgrade testcases in the past...? [21:48] yofel: I think whoever was running it forgot to add them for this beta [21:48] ah ok [21:48] yofel: but better would be to add it to the beta1 wiki page [21:48] good point [21:49] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/Beta1/Kubuntu [22:06] <_Groo_> Riddell: what ppa? [22:07] _Groo_: not got that far yet [22:07] still working on it on my local machine [22:10] <_Groo_> Riddell: ah ok :)