=== _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [06:38] nik90: alarm, ring-ring [07:46] t1mp: a pop over review for you https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/paperChase/+merge/251038 [07:54] bzoltan_: nik90: I found the cause of teh Alarm regression, might take few hours to get a clean solution [07:55] zsombi: rock baby, rock! [07:55] bzoltan_: it's an ugly one... [07:55] zsombi: I believe [07:56] bzoltan_: we wouldn't have this if we would not use the QtOrganizer stuff... [07:57] charles: we need to talk about the Toolkit alarms vs. datetime indicator common backend! [08:02] zsombi: yeps .. we knew that it is a dangerous track [08:02] zsombi: ooh nice [08:03] nik90: nice to see you [08:03] nik90: this organizer is killing me :D [08:04] zsombi: same...once this bug is fixed I need to look at why the alarm switch is not working in vivid alone [08:05] nik90: if you don't use the alarm.date in a Label binding or any binding to show the date, the date saving works [08:05] Good morning [08:05] nik90: if you use it in a binding, it doesn't [08:06] zsombi: oh [08:07] nik90: and this because the alarms are cached, but the individual field changes are not synced to teh cache until the save() is called [08:08] nik90: but, the date change causes the property to be changed, however the items using teh AlarmsModel fetch the data from the cache, and that restorews the original date [08:08] Ah ok [08:09] nik90: so I have to update the cache as well on each existing alarm update... [08:10] nik90: I bet the same goes with the switch... [08:10] zsombi: would that have any performance implication or would the user not notice since it is done in the background? [08:11] good morning [08:11] nik90: the cache update is a pretty fast operation, however you will still need to save() in order to get the backend synced [08:11] nik90: so teh model will see the changes real time, but the save will do its job async [08:12] zsombi: ok [08:13] nik90: and this situation was not catched as we did not have the binding kind of test yet... [08:14] zsombi: well I need to also have an edit alarm test added to clock ap qml test suite [08:16] nik90, zsombi sorry, what's the bug you're talking about? Because this morning I found a critical bug: yesterday night, before going to sleep, I rebooted the phone and all alarms disapperead from the indicator, but I didn't see it so this morning I didn't wake up :/ [08:16] also now alarms are listed in the clock app but not in the indicator [08:17] rtm r18 [08:17] (the last one, right?) [08:17] rpadovani: we are talking about a bug in the alarms back end in vivid alone [08:18] nik90, so the bug I found isn't known? [08:18] rpadovani: although in your case if indicator date time loses its alarms then it won't ring since it is the service that does the job [08:18] rpadovani: I am seeing a silo assigned for indicator date time in rtm related to a crash [08:19] May be that might fix your issue [08:19] Let me check [08:22] davidcalle, you might have seen that already, but if not, check this out: https://forums.oneplus.net/threads/wip-ubuntu-touch-for-oneplus-one.266170 :) [08:24] dpm, yes, seen that last night, this is great :) [08:27] rpadovani: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-datetime/+bug/1424966 [08:27] Launchpad bug 1424966 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/indicator-datetime/indicator-datetime-service:5:reset_timer:unity::indicator::datetime::LiveClock::Impl::on_timerfd_cond:g_main_dispatch:g_main_context_dispatch:g_main_context_iterate" [Critical,In progress] [08:27] dholbach, I'm thinking of getting a phone for Estelle, but every time I tried to propose her something different for her laptop, things went not so great. (Last time was an EeePC with a finicky Nvidia and 1Gb of ram, it didn't help ^^) [08:27] rpadovani: not sure if this is the same bug that you face as well although it looks like a critical crasher that started only recently [08:29] davidcalle, right - it'll take some getting used to - on the other hand: phones have a long history of everyone trying to be different, with the result that everything worked differently on every phone I had in the last 15 years :) [08:29] nik90, could be. Unfortunately I'm at uni atm without usb, so I cannot read the logs. I'll take a look tonight, if my log is different I report a new bug! Thanks for the head up :-) [08:29] so "some getting used to" will probably be all right :) [08:29] rpadovani: yw [08:29] dholbach, heh, maybe :) [08:34] davidcalle, I did a fast read of the porting guide, as soon as I have time I want to try a porting for the Galaxy S4. As first feedback, I think the step "Add your device specific git repositories under phablet/device" needs some more information (like where I can find repo (yes, I see you linked them at the start of the guide, but I think is good if you report them also in the specific step) and how I add a new repo there (git [08:34] submodules or what?)) :-) [08:46] rpadovani, true, thanks! [08:48] davidcalle, thanks to you for the guide! I'll report more feedbacks as long I do the porting (not soon, I fear, unfortunately) [08:49] rpadovani, no worries, in the meantime, it will keep improving ;-) === oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN [09:04] qml question, is there a way to do some computation before an object is built? [09:04] like I would like to sort a list before using it in a grid repeater [09:05] nik90: I think I have the fix [09:08] ok, found a way, I use model: function( [09:08] ) [09:12] dholbach, sorry I got distracted by something else, but I'm testing the help app branch now. So it builds as expected, and I'm looking at the missing links part. One thing I don't understand is this syntax: [09:12] [Take me to the FAQ!]({filename}faq.md) [09:13] why is the {filename} prepended to the actual file name of the .md file? [09:32] dholbach, I've reviewed the branch and added a comment re: the broken links [09:32] good luck at the dentist :) [09:51] Good morning all; happy For Pete’s Sake Day! :-D [09:51] dpm: hi, quick question, how does one copy translations from one branch to another? For clock I have the rtm branch which is used for click packaging atm, but there is also the vivid branch which I intend on switching to once the platform itself switched in vivid in 2-3 weeks time [09:53] nik90, I guess if you just push to the vivid branch the .po files should be added as any other file in the branch. In any case, once translations are enabled for the vivid branch in LP then they'll be autocommitted (and overwritten) [09:53] dpm: ah ok [09:54] anyone (ogra?) know what triggers this disk space indication? http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-02-26-095318.png [09:57] popey, ciborium [09:57] thanks seb128 [09:57] popey, yw [09:57] that icon is a bit nasty [09:57] popey, coborium IIRC [09:58] hmm, that "clear all" looks kind of weird in this usecase [09:58] popey, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/ciborium/trunk/view/head:/cmd/ciborium/main.go#L256 [09:59] errorIcon = "error" [09:59] I guess they need a better icon to use :-) [10:02] ya [10:11] mzanetti: ping! [10:11] popey, pong [10:11] \o/ [10:12] yeah, this is good, thank [10:12] s [10:12] np [11:03] Elleo: if I manually delete podcasts from /home/phablet/.local/share/com.mikeasoft.podbird/podcasts - will podbird get "confused"? [11:06] popey: possibly, it'll still have the file listed in its database, so will try to play that instead of streaming [11:06] popey: file a bug and I'll add a check for missing files [11:06] well, might be more useful to have a "get rid of shows older than "n days" [11:07] because I'm manually deleting stuff to recover space [11:07] should do both really [11:36] thanks dpm [11:39] dpm, hum... I thought we came to an agreement regarding en_US? [11:39] dpm, what is your objection or what else do you propose? [11:40] dholbach, I was not objecting against it, I just meant I wasn't sure myself what the best solution is. [11:40] ah ok [11:40] right, me neither :) [11:50] hah, I think I found the issue [11:59] dpm, the links issue is fixed now - thanks a lot for the review [12:09] dholbach, re-reviewed and commented, thanks [12:22] dpm, the links were added automagically by pelican - I'll see what we can do and file a separate bug if that's ok [12:23] dpm, I think we're now at the point where we can start adding content, fixing the styling and everything else === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:34] dpm, shall I fix it in the same branch or in a separate branch? [12:43] dholbach, yeah, let's do a separate branch [12:43] ok cool [12:44] I'll land the other one, ok? [12:44] dholbach, yeah. Also daker mentioned last night that he'd be looking at the app [12:44] nice! [13:00] * dpm hugs dholbach [13:00] good work, thanks for keeping at it! === rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|lunch [13:06] * dholbach hugs dpm back [13:10] dpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-devices-help/1425924/+merge/251076 :) === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:19] dpm: the only i can think of is to have an index.html that will call some .js file, the .js file will have detect the locale and redirect to the appropriate index file [13:19] daker, I filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-devices-help/+bug/1420406 [13:19] Launchpad bug 1420406 in Help for Ubuntu for devices "Set up an independent index.html" [High,New] [13:19] maybe we can re-use that bug? [13:19] yes [13:19] daker, oh and I brought your package to the post office today :) [13:20] wow :) [13:21] let's see when it makes its way over to you :) [13:22] daker, yeah, that's what I was mentioning on bug 1425025, but I wasn't sure if it's a hack, and I wasn't sure of the proper way to do this redirect (or loading) of another page [13:22] bug 1425025 in Help for Ubuntu for devices "Automatically load translated pages according to the user language" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1425025 [13:23] dholbach, yeah, I think we're talking about the same thing, sorry for having missed your bug. So we might need to have an index.html + translations after all [13:24] * dpm goes really really for lunch now [13:30] dpm, enjoy! === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [13:44] balloons, we're soon in business with the help app :) [13:56] charles, hi, any progress on the alarm bug? [13:56] charles, I have some time now to help you [14:05] dpm, are you working on the bug already? shall I add a stop-gap index.html for you, where you can just then add your javascript magic? === rmescandon|lunch is now known as rmescandon [14:15] dpm, did we already check if the translations settings of help are already set correctly? [14:19] mhall119: My nexus died, you know when will it be approximately the next flash sale for bq? I'd love to keep developing/testing apps on real hardware :/ [14:22] snizzo: there's one on just now [14:28] snizzo: hurry and see if there are still some available to buy! [15:02] balloons, popey, how are you getting on with the testing bugs? [15:03] dpm: i have a few more to file [15:04] balloons, maybe you can give lp:ubuntu-devices-help a go as well and let me know how it goes? [15:06] dpm, next I'll start work on enabling a second build for online use [15:06] popey, do you have a tag that you've been using? [15:06] dholbach, great [15:07] dpm: needs-autopilot-test [15:08] popey, so essentially, this is the list of bugs, correct? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone-coreapps/+bugs?field.tag=needs-autopilot-test [15:08] its a start :) [15:08] we should probably add dekko in there too [15:09] i.e. as part of the ubuntu-phone-coreapps superproject [15:12] nik90: ready for a check? https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarm-regression-fix/+merge/251096 [15:13] kalikiana: t1mp: anyone of you up for an alarm regression review? https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarm-regression-fix/+merge/251096 [15:19] dholbach, sure thing [15:19] cool, thanks [15:20] and there's another MP up for review [15:20] dpm, do you want to make dekko an official member of the lp team? [15:20] dpm, shall we give the themes names? I'm not sure "online" and "offline" will be distinct and self-explanatory enough - maybe "phone" and "web" or something? :) [15:21] I had not planned to review it [15:23] dholbach, sounds good to me [15:23] cool [15:23] balloons, yeah, that's what I was thinking, popey, thoughts on adding dekko to the ubuntu-phone-coreapps superproject? [15:24] dpm: ask DanChapman, it's his project :) [15:24] (not being obtuse, but it technically is) [15:33] zsombi: I'll take it [15:33] popey, if he doesn't see this ping, could you have a chat with DanChapman to see what he thinks? [15:33] sure [15:35] zsombi: what do you mean by "The returned object is not guarantied to remain valid, it should not be used in property bindings." Does this mean in the "Edit Alarm" page I cannot set the label to be alarm.name and so on? [15:53] dholbach, just a minor tweak otherwise it looks good and works for me [15:56] balloons, fixed [15:57] balloons, thanks for the testing - I think we can mark the "set up app infrastructure" as "closed" now :) [16:00] woot! === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun [16:02] balloons, the index.html will come back [16:02] in fact I pushed a small branch to start work on bug 1425025 [16:02] bug 1425025 in Help for Ubuntu for devices "Automatically load translated pages according to the user language" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1425025 [16:02] can I merge the prerequisites branch now? [16:03] dholbach, yep go for it [16:03] * dholbach hugs balloons [16:03] thanks popey [16:06] dpm: for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1354466, I got the basic work done I think...I just need to now manually transfer the 200+ cities from xml into the new format now.. [16:06] Launchpad bug 1354466 in Ubuntu Clock App "Cities and Countries are not translatable in the timezone selection dialog" [High,In progress] [16:06] dpm: however before I start, I wanted to inform you that the city list will be defined in a .cpp file and I used the tr() function call to mark it for translation [16:07] * dpm is on the phone, but will read the backlog [16:07] dpm: however after building it, I don't notice the city or country name appearing in the pot file...do I need to do anything special to gettext to make it look through the cpp files as well? [16:08] dpm: np, just let me whenever you are on your computer :) ... I will start after I get the assurance that the city names are indeed getting translated before starting the huge conversion process. [16:27] balloons, dpm: new MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-devices-help/1425984/+merge/251116 :) [16:29] go go go! [16:29] balloons, it's quite beautiful how easily pelican can handle different themes/output directories, etc [16:29] the pain we had to go through beforehand seems to pay off [16:32] wow, look at that html [16:32] balloons, all stolen ;-) [16:32] dpm: you around for reminders hangout? [16:33] rpadovani, ^ [16:33] popey, conflicting call, sorry [16:39] thanks balloons! [16:47] dpm: nevermind I figured it out...the pot file now shows the city and country names ready for translation :) [16:48] awesome, good job nik90 - happy to review the branch if you want me to [16:49] mihir, I had a test fix for kunal's branch but I placed it against trunk now since I haven't seen him merge it: https://code.launchpad.net/~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/fix-infloop-ap-trunk/+merge/251122 [16:49] dholbach, it seems I should do phone calls more often, the two pings I got got solved while I was afk :) [16:49] dpm: I still need to do some code cleanups..will let you know when its rdy for review [16:49] dpm: thnx [16:49] great [16:50] balloons: okay , i'll try to catch him and ask him to merge your branch. [16:51] dpm, one still outstanding: translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-devices-help [16:51] mihir, well I was thinking it would be better at this point to just fix it, so I did a new branch against trunk so it's not depending on his [16:52] if it merges to trunk it'll fix his issues too :-) [16:52] balloons: okay , have you withdrawn your older branch which merge to his branch ? [16:52] I will now [16:53] okay , great :) === rmescandon is now known as rmescandon|afk [17:32] charles, nik90, I think I have a fix for the alarm bug, could you guys help me to test it? https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/qtorganizer5-eds/fix-1424924/+merge/251129 [18:16] renatu: Should I test this on rtm mako? Or on vivid? [18:18] Hey guys, So if I have a click with the arch of 'all' it should appear in the x86 store right? or does it have to be 'any'? ... note it is a pure QML app (the music-app :P ) [18:23] ahayzen_: for flashback, the manifest file shows "all" and it appears in the x86 store [18:24] nik90, cool thanks ... maybe jouni just hasn't checked in the store and assumed we needed a fat click ... [18:24] I gues [18:24] s/gues/guess [18:24] yw [18:41] nik90, vivid [19:20] nik90: uhm... that's not entirelly true... I have to remove that comment as I realized there was a different thing that was causing the regression! [19:20] nik90: thx for pointing it out! [19:25] nik90: ehh, the MR got merge into staging, so I will correct it later [19:25] +d [20:10] mhall119, can we talk about fixing the mass mailings for ubuntu core apps drivers teams? [20:12] what's the matter, not getting enough? [20:12] * mhall119 subscribed balloons to more mailing lists [20:12] *subscribes* [20:12] mhall119, hah.. there's some folks not wanting to be spammed with so much email. I want to try and solve it for them and there's a proposed solution [20:12] I haven't actually done it [20:12] balloons: what's the proposal? [20:13] scroll down and have a read of #11 and #12 https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/810229 [20:13] Launchpad bug 810229 in Launchpad itself "no way to be both official-reviewer on a project and not recieve email (without using an external mailing list service)" [Low,Triaged] [20:14] mhall119, so it *seems* like just setting a contact address for the team could end the mass emailings [20:15] mhall119, so my thoughts are to maybe set up a reviewers mailing list that we can set to catch all this noise [20:22] mhall119, so if you are "ok" with that, I will create the team and mailing list and edit the drivers team so the mailings stop [20:27] balloons: I don't want to make these changes without popey's input, I don't want emails to just suddently stop for him or the coreapp devs and them not know what's going on [20:27] but otherwise I'm fine with the proposed changed [20:31] so long as it's possible to opt back in, i dont mind [20:38] right, I created https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers which has a mailing list also [20:39] I'm going to set things to ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers@lists.launchpad.net [20:46] k popey mhall119, I'll finish making the changes. Core app devs who are direct members of the project should still get mailed directly, but otherwise the review spam email should cease. I'll let the core-apps list now as well [21:04] ahayzen_, you about? [21:13] popey, mhall119 so I removed test writers from all the devs teams, and they now get access via the new reviewers team. Everything seems to be working. The next step is to remove the drivers team, and swap the admin status to the new reviewers team instead. [21:33] * mhall119 notes the irony that balloons's effort to cut down on main spam has caused a flood of emails to his inbox [21:33] mzanetti: hey, I added you as a reviewer to https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/predefined-world-city-translation-fix/+merge/251180, can you review just the new c++ subclass I added..I implemented it as we discussed it in the afternoon. Just around 30-40 lines of code. [21:35] mhall119, popey should be complete now.. the spam now goes here: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-coreapps-reviewers/maillist.html [21:36] ofc, you guys are directly subbed to some dev teams, so you'll continue to get those mails as a direct sub [21:47] balloons, yo whats up? [21:48] balloons: stop sending me so many emails :P [21:48] lol [21:48] nik90, i was just deleting those :) [21:48] kenvandine: hehe :) [21:49] kenvandine, nik90 I hope those are the last of the mails; I just sent what I was up to, to the list. In short, the mass emails should be gone now [21:49] ahayzen_, I was going to have you test out the changes to the teams to stop the mass emails, but I found someone else. Thanks though! [21:49] balloons, haha cool :) [21:50] balloons: so I am the admin of the ubuntu-clock-developers team, would I still get emails about MPs, bug reports in the clock app? [21:50] nik90, yep you'll still get everything about clock. And I suspect you are directly subbed to some other teams also [21:51] balloons: ok...so whichever team I am directly part of, I will receive emails from them [21:51] look at https://launchpad.net/~/+participation to see how it works out [21:51] maybe I should have mailed that.. if you don't see anything in the 'via' column you will get emails still [21:52] looks like weather, calendar and clock for you nik90 [21:52] yup [21:54] ahayzen_, nik90 while I have you two however, popey and I are on a mini crusade of filing bugs for testing needs. Can you make sure your apps have bugs for any needs you have? [21:54] I use needs-autopilot-test or needs-qml-test tags [21:55] balloons: sure..on it [21:55] balloons, yup will do :) === salem_ is now known as _salem [21:57] balloons: quick question..I see milestones like ww09-2015..do we follow those same milestones for apps as well? I am pretty pickky about keeping clock up to date in those aspects as you may have noticed with the amount of milestones I created for clock app. [21:58] balloons: also I take it we have shipped OTA-1 with the insiders event [22:02] nik90, I suppose you could say that, since the insiders have there devices :-) I was going to say until we have devices in the wild, there's no OTA :-) [22:03] balloons: ok, I will correct the milestone names [22:03] so barring the insiders, after folks get there devices they can certainly expect an OTA. As far as core apps, I wouldn't say it's impossible to get a bug in a milestone that requires you to work it before the milestone, but thus far you've been free of such things [22:03] nik90, are you trying to correlate your milestones for clock is that it? [22:04] balloons: yeah it helps me focus on the most important for that milestone and postpone others to later milestones [22:04] if so then right, what's happening now will end up being an OTA update [22:05] nik90, ahh I see you have ota-1, ota-2, etc [22:06] balloons: yup, although post-rtm needs to be renamed to something like backlog [22:10] nik90, I would say you could stay more or less independent in your milestone naming. Whether or not OTA1 is called as such is irrelevant. Consider every big push to the image with clock changes to be your own milestone I'd say [22:11] or if you do want to sync, follow along with ci on ubuntu-phone.. the milestone will be three weeks apart [22:11] balloons: ah ok..ack [22:13] I hope that made sense, heh.. I'm guessing you could even target bugs if you wish into there milestones [22:19] yup I understand. I am just contemplating if I should stick with ota or rename them to somethiing that makes sense within the clock app. [23:55] hello