
veebersthomi: hey, I know that you've changed teams already, but can you do me a favor? Can you review/approve this MP so that I can unblock the current landing for AP?00:43
thomisure, link me?00:43
thomithe name makes me sad already00:44
veebersThe current plan is to revert this, get the current stuff landed and getting the actual fix for this issue is on the backlog of the projects team up (so I hope to get that on the books next week)00:44
veebersthomi: aye, I knew that it would, I'm not happy about it either00:44
thomiso, you're going to release with the CPO extension class bug ?00:45
veebersthomi: right, the current fix doesn't actually ffix it in the wild00:46
veebersi.e. with the fix a _bunch_ of tests fail, without the fix they pass00:46
veebersthen next week we'll be working on getting the proper fix in plae00:46
thomiso it's not a fix, my point is, if you do that you're releasing a known bad autopilot00:46
veebersthomi: right, but it's an issue that already exists in autopilot00:47
veeberswe're releasing an autopilot that doesn't have a fix for that _yet_00:47
veebersit's not the optimal position to be in, but I didn't realise that it was a bigger issue until this sprint was already underway00:48
thomiso why release at all?00:48
thomi(approved, BTW)00:48
veebersthomi: cool thanks.00:49
veebersthomi: To release the doc improvements (incl the enablement of the json for doc publishing) now00:49
thomioh, is that work done?00:50
veebersheh, enablement :-P I like making words up00:50
veebersthomi: For the publishing? Not complete but needs these changes to go forward00:50
veebersthomi: see, you've only just left and the quality of the autopilot code is already going downhill ;-)00:53
thomianyway, that's inaccurate, it's just not going uphill :D00:54
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowrhuddie, elopio: how can I make sure an AP-test is run against a locally compiled unity8 from within the source-tree?14:31
rhuddieMacSlow, I'm not entirely sure, but you might want to look at: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/unity8/__init__.py#L7514:36
rhuddieseems to look in a particular path for the unity8 binary in the source tree14:37
MacSlowrhuddie, if that's the only way, I'll use that14:37
elopioMacSlow: I think you have a make task in your project.14:44
elopiolike make-autopilot. It's documented on the README or CODING file.14:45
MacSlowelopio, I know these bits of info... but I still don't seem to get the local unity8 being executed14:47
MacSlowelopio, that's the reason I was asking14:48
elopioMacSlow: I almost never change things in unity8, last time I did it was months ago. mzaanneti or saviq should know.14:56
MacSlowelopio, ok14:56
elopiothere is a way, and I think it's to run the build script, get into the build dir, and make autopilot in there.14:56
elopiobut I'm not really sure about the steps.14:56
SaviqMacSlow, you need "make install"14:57
MacSlowSaviq, I did14:57
SaviqMacSlow, then PYTHONPATH=tests/autopilot autopilot run foo14:57
SaviqMacSlow, should run the tests on the local build14:57
MacSlowSaviq, that's what I use14:57
MacSlowSaviq, but when I let it dump the qml-item tree the source: line for the shell is Shell.qml where it should be OrientedShell.qml14:58
SaviqMacSlow, what makes you say that it runs the wrong unity8 though?14:59
SaviqMacSlow, -vv will be verbose and say what is launched etc.14:59
MacSlowSaviq, no wonder I've problems trying to grab objectName="shell"14:59
MacSlowSaviq, -vv not for autopilot?!15:01
SaviqMacSlow, yes, for autopilot15:01
MacSlowSaviq, as a parameter for run?!15:02
SaviqMacSlow, autopilot -vv run foo15:02
MacSlowSaviq, autopilot and autopilot3 only spit out version information with this15:04
SaviqMacSlow, right, sorry, yeah, autopilot run -vv foo15:04
MacSlowSaviq, tried that in the meantime too :)15:05
SaviqMacSlow, and what makes you think it's trying to run the wrong binary?15:06
MacSlowSaviq, the fact that there's no single qml-item with objectName="shell", which is the one used for the OrientedShell.qml15:08
SaviqMacSlow, that doesn't sound like proof enough, what does the autopilot log say about which BINARY is used?15:09
MacSlowSaviq, which would be written where?15:10
MacSlowSaviq, I only know of the stuff in ~/.cache15:11
SaviqMacSlow, "Starting job unity8 with arguments..."15:11
SaviqMacSlow, on your console15:11
SaviqMacSlow, it's the output from autopilot run -v15:11
MacSlowSaviq, I don't have that in the output of autopilot (tried 1.4.0 and 1.5.0)15:18
SaviqMacSlow, pastebin your whole console output please15:18
Saviqwith the command you used15:18
MacSlowSaviq, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1043056115:22
SaviqMacSlow, and if you run any of the existing tests? I tried unity8.shell.tests.test_lock_screen.TestLockscreen.test_can_unlock_pin_screen15:23
SaviqMacSlow, most likely you're not using the base testcase that actually takes care of setting the right binary15:23
* MacSlow tries...15:23
SaviqMacSlow, tests/autopilot/unity8/shell/tests/__init__.py15:24
Saviqyou want to inherit from tests.UnityTestCase15:24
MacSlowSaviq, doing that15:25
MacSlowSaviq, the issue seems to be the the args passed to restart_unity() from process_helpers.py15:41
SaviqMacSlow, is it working for the previous tests?15:42
Saviqlike do you get the correct BINARY mentioned in the log if you're running one of the previous tests?15:42
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... for e.g. one of thre greeter-tests it spits out a very long option-list from process_helpers.py which has the "BINARY=..." bit in it15:43
MacSlowSaviq, and i nmy case it's only 'QT_LOAD_TESTABILITY=1', and nothing else15:43
SaviqMacSlow, so look at the other test and see what it's doing differently than you15:45
MacSlowSaviq, yup... fyi http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10430933/15:46
veebersthomi: are you keen to approve another ap mp for me? I need to find a replacement :-)21:27
thomiveebers: maybe, but you really need to start asking people in QA21:28
veebersthomi: fair enough, I'll do that now21:28
thomiveebers: maybe save me for when others don't have the necessary experience to reviwe the code?21:28
thomiveebers: like, introspection internals, for example21:28
veebersnuclearbob, alesage, elopio: Could I get a review please? Just an updated changelog for the current release (so we get something sensible out of it)21:28
veebersthomi: sure, makes sense to me. Sorry to bother you, it's muscle memory :-)21:29
thomiheh, no worries.21:29
thomiveebers: want to review my launchpad branch? :P21:29
veeberslol, point taken. But I would take a shufti just out of interest21:30
thomiwill let you know when the diff is generated21:30
nuclearbobveebers: the 1.5.0+15.04.20141031-0ubuntu1 looks a little funny to me21:30
veebersnuclearbob: oh, so that'll be coming from 1.5 when I merged it back into trunk21:31
nuclearbobveebers: the same changelog is under five people, and elopio is named twice21:31
nuclearbobveebers: ah, okay21:31
veebersnuclearbob: to clarify I merged the changelog from 1.5 back into trunk then added the topmost entry21:31
* veebers updated MP desc21:31
nuclearbobveebers: ah, okay.  Sounds reasonable to me, then21:31
veebersnuclearbob: if you're cool with that do you mind approving the mp? :-)21:36
nuclearbobveebers: done21:37
veeberssweet ,cheers21:37
thomiveebers: https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/launchpad/devel-fix-editemails-link/+merge/25117621:44
veebersthomi: very cool. Ah, what's it like writing non-pure python3 code again?21:51
thomiveebers: it's actually not too bad21:51
thomiveebers: but zope is mental21:51

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