=== _salem is now known as salem_ === salem_ is now known as _salem [05:19] bdmurray: sure, that's probably simple enough === doko_ is now known as doko [06:31] Good morning [06:39] pitti, test mess ... [06:41] doko: yup, on it [06:42] thanks [06:42] doko: we have a few actual regressions (linux, click, etc.); I'll wave through gcc etc. after the beta freeze [07:09] jamespage, good morning [07:25] pitti: The linux failure isn't a regression, it can be badtested. I'll do that. [07:26] infinity: right, thanks; I talked about badtest'ing it with Laney yesterday, and he agreed too [07:27] infinity: I meant a regression in the britney sense, in that it's not just a CI glitch (it's not a regression in the actual kernel, just new tests) [07:27] pitti: Right. badtest committed now. [07:29] cjwatson: Seems to be some version confusion between series' ... vivid's update_excuses is talking about linux_3.16 (utopic's version). Fallout from integrating SRU britney? [07:51] Would it be possible to add powerpc sub-architectures, much like arm+xx and the old amd64+mac builds? [07:51] ev: hi! i saw that you originally wrote the ubiquity panel a few years back and i have a question related to the struts it sets, do you still recall that part? [07:51] I don't want to do this for 15.04, bit would be interested for 15.10. [07:53] The reason being Ubuntu MATE has a vibrant (and growing) PowerPC user community. I'd particularly like to add supprt for Amiga X500 and X1000 architectures, which as far as I understand require a slightly different initial ram disk to iBooks, Powermacs etc. [07:53] cjwatson, ^^^^^^ Thoughts? [07:57] Laney: chmod -R g+w /home/groups/ubuntu-dev/htdocs/ubuntu-sponsorships on alioth, please [08:11] good morning [08:39] flexiondotorg: I'd rather work with people to figure out why they need a different initrd and consolidate. [08:39] flexiondotorg: Can you figure out what level of "different" is required? [08:39] infinity, Agreed. [08:39] infinity, If there is a willingness to support the hardware. I can do the leg work 😃 [08:39] flexiondotorg: Or ask someone who knows to talk to me about it? [08:39] infinity, OK. [08:39] Thanks. [08:40] flexiondotorg: All my PPC kit is IBM and very, very, very ancient Apple, so most of my non-server PPC work is blind, but I'm happy to make it go with help. [08:41] infinity, At some point I'd like to get PPC64 builgs going for POWER 8. [08:41] MATE with X2go is a platform IBM are pushing for remote terminal server solutions. [08:42] In 15.10 we are going to get Ubuntu MATE fully X2go ready. [08:42] IBM sponsor the X2go gatherings. [08:42] I talking with a vendor to get sometime of POWER 8 servers for testing. === freeflying__ is now known as freeflying === oSoMoN_ is now known as oSoMoN [09:05] tumbleweed: oho! [09:06] why is that even owned by me? [09:07] hm, launchpad.net seems AWOL from here; is that just me? [09:07] ah, as usual asking helps, it just came back [09:08] One of the DCs was AWOL. [09:13] * apw has the feeling it was "bigger" than a DC [09:27] ochosi: unfortunately not - that was years and two jobs ago [09:30] bdmurray: done [09:30] Laney: ta [09:38] ev: very understandable :) thanks for your answer anyway! [09:39] can someone look at the xorg-server 1.17 ffe? [10:17] infinity: best ask jibel about that, I think, since it's in the autopkgtest layer [10:34] jibel: Any idea why update_excuses for vivid seems to list tests for linux_3.16 instead of linux_3.18? [10:36] infinity, no idea, but I'll have a look. [10:40] jibel: As a hint, the version it's talking about (3.16.0-23.31) is from utopic-release, rather than what I'd expect, which would be vivid-proposed. [10:41] jibel: Though the actual tests linked are vivid's. So, whee. [10:41] The links are hardcoded by britney.py. [10:42] They don't have very much to do with the versions that get passed back by adt-britney :) [10:42] Fair enough. === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [12:26] I have been maintaining ubuntu-mate-settings here - lp:~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-mate/ubuntu-mate-settings [12:27] But there is now also - lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-mate-settings [12:27] What is the correct way for me to merge with lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-mate-settings [12:27] Or request a merge with? [12:28] lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-mate-settings is auto-imported; you can just ignore it if you prefer [12:29] cjwatson, Auto imported from where? [12:30] The archive [12:30] Should I just file needs-packaging bugs to create a new version? [12:30] What? No. [12:30] needs-packaging is for entirely new versions. [12:31] So, if I've got a new version of the package what is the process for requesting an update? [12:31] You can subscribe ubuntu-sponsors to ask for new uploads. [12:31] But you should be working to get upload privileges yourself. [12:31] It's not sustainable to have an entire flavour maintained solely through sponsorship. [12:32] cjwatson, I have been. But I was told I needed to do work with sponsors before that process can start. [12:32] My comment above was confusing, sorry. What I meant to say was that needs-packaging is for entirely new *packages* - ones not in the archive at all. [12:32] Certainly. [12:32] Anyway, you can request updates by subscribing ubuntu-sponsors or working directly with sponsors in the same way you've been doing. [12:33] lp:ubuntu/ubuntu-mate-settings probably has unhelpful history that has nothing in common with your existing branch. I'd ignore it. [12:33] We should be able to do better once we have git hosting support. [12:35] cjwatson, Thanks. Understood. Git. Oooh, lovely. [12:42] Trevinho, Please could you take a peek at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/compiz/mate-recommends/+merge/250855 [12:43] flexiondotorg: ok [12:43] Trevinho, Thanks. === _salem is now known as salem_ [13:31] Good morning === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow === kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1 === kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk === doko_ is now known as doko [14:59] mvo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeradius/+bug/1187742/comments/11 looks right to me. Do you want to apply it? [14:59] Launchpad bug 1187742 in freeradius (Debian) "[patch] upstart job for freeradius" [Unknown,New] [15:00] As long as we're carrying the upstart delta... [15:03] rbasak: sure, I take care of it [15:04] Thanks! [15:14] mvo: did you mean vivid? [15:14] (freeradius upload) [15:16] rbasak: *cough* yes [15:17] rbasak: if you are an archive-admin, please reject [15:17] rbasak: but I guess we could SRU this fix actually [15:18] mvo: no, I'm not an archive admin. I just spotted the unapproved notice in #ubuntu-release. We could SRU I guess. I'm not sure it's worth it unless people actually want it though. [15:20] mvo: need a reject or want to keep in the SRU queue? [15:20] didrocks: please reject [15:20] * didrocks flushes [15:20] didrocks: even if it gets a SRU it needs a proper version number [15:20] thanks didrocks! [15:20] mvo: yeah, proper version seems it worths it, yw! [15:37] darkxst now that I have used gnome, I like it better at first blush - do you have any other good bugs I can work on? That last one was great! [15:40] tumbleweed: thanks === Guest62484 is now known as rcj [15:54] bdmurray: I'm trying to upload release-upgrader but it fails on a test test_sources_list.py", line 161, in test_extras_removal [15:54] bdmurray: this is needed for beta upgrades to work so I could do with it uploaded toot sweet, are you able to take a look and see if you can work out what's wrong? [15:55] # [15:55] Riddell: sure, I guess [15:59] bdmurray: also some of the imports in the current version in the archive don't seem to match the bzr repository, are you sure you did a bzr update? [16:01] Riddell: gah, it looks like I didn't === Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> utopic | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: === Guest58774 is now known as jono2 [17:40] seb128: Do you have a versioning plan in libpwquality needs another SRU? [17:42] bdmurray, yeah, 1.1utopic1 [17:42] could have done that for this one [17:44] seb128: okay [18:48] hello [18:48] who here is 'jml?' [18:51] atlaspaine: jml isn't in this channel; /wii jml will show you if you share any channels in common with him. (I don't have any in common..) [18:53] arges: I know it's not your SRU day, but FYI I just uploaded the SRU for bug 1366174 that we discussed in Austin (finally!). I can't imagine a few days will make a difference now, so please could you review when you can? [18:53] bug 1366174 in apache2 (Ubuntu Trusty) "apache2 SEGV with multiple SSL sites" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1366174 [18:53] arges: it would probably be easiest for you to look at it as you're familiar with the issue already,. [18:53] alexbligh1: ^^ [18:54] who here is jml? [18:54] alexbligh1: thank you again for your work and your patience. I'm still busy training up teammates so we'll be able to process these without getting blocked on me. [18:54] alexbligh1: although based on the quality of this patch, I don't feel that I'll need to review your patches any more :) [19:12] hello all humans! [19:12] and computers [19:12] I am requesting assistance for a terminal 'add-on' called "undistract-me" [19:13] Anyone familiar with it? I was told to 'ping on Freenode' and know not what it mean. [19:13] Requesting system guidance. [19:18] hallyn: is the vd2 upload in the lucid SRU queue still relevant? [19:18] unknown @bdmurray [19:22] bdmurray: vd2? [19:22] vde? [19:22] * hallyn looking [19:23] vde2 actually [19:23] oh i see :) [19:24] bdmurray: yeah i think it is [19:24] okay [19:28] hallyn: oh then, the version number will need to be changed [19:33] oh i see. that exist sin precise [19:33] on it [19:35] tricky one. should it be 2.2.3-3ubuntu1~ ? [19:35] heh [19:35] 2.2.3-3ubuntu1~ [19:35] 2.2.3-3ubuntu1~10.04.1 [19:39] bdmurray: uploaded === roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk === roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr [20:01] aeoril, bug 1422176 [20:01] bug 1422176 in Ubuntu GNOME "Missing icon for new bug report" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1422176 [20:49] aeoril, and bug 1425349 [20:49] bug 1425349 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Don't pass configure events on the composite overlay window to MetaStackTracker (aka: STACK_OP_RAISE_ABOVE: window not in stack)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1425349 [20:51] darkxst ok, thanks - You'll make a GNOMEer of me yet ... :) [21:18] cyphermox, cjwatson, Laney, infinity, stokachu, pitti - Thank you! https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-vivid-beta1/ [21:18] didrocks and dholbach are not onlin, but thanks to them too. [21:19] yw [21:19] good luck with ongoing development :) [21:31] flexiondotorg: awesome! [21:32] flexiondotorg: cool! [21:32] 😃 [21:33] cyphermox, Thanks man. [21:33] Really, thank you! [21:33] i like that achievement unlocked [21:33] :) [21:34] slangasek: man that bugproxy on bug 1358835 is annoying [21:34] bug 1358835 in numactl (Ubuntu Trusty) "numa_node_of_cpu() returns warning when cpu_index > 79" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1358835 [21:34] Someone go a jab distrowatch. Even with Marks personal assurance Canonical weren't going to sue Ubuntu MATE or anyone covering them they point blank refused to list the distro ;-/ [21:35] wow really... [21:35] they list every distro under the sun [21:35] I know. [21:36] wish i could help i dont know anyone at distrowatch :( [21:36] hallyn: heh sorry [21:45] distrowatch is so irrelevant now anyway [21:50] dobey: Was it ever not? [21:50] dobey: At least, the "popularity" thing always was just a fanboy challenge, not a metric. [21:51] infinity: it was slightly more useful 10-15 years ago. [21:51] yeah, the popularity thing was always completely worthless [21:54] there are people that do not understand what the stats at distrowatch represent. A CS lecturer at a local uni recommended Mint "because distrowatch"... [21:55] probably an excuse, really. === salem_ is now known as _salem [22:05] Agree with you say about Distrowatch. But, for a new dstro it is about discovery.