[04:30] M ore almal [04:41] morning all [04:52] morning mazal barrydk [04:58] Môre oom [05:09] Kilos , ThatGraemeGuy, barrydk and other minetesters : Minetest section of this wiki is finished , your comments/inputs/corrections please https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Fun_On_Ubuntu [05:10] hehe [05:11] the bug has got you hey [05:21] sjoe [05:24] Hoe lyk dit oom ? [05:25] jy het baie gedoen daar seun, lyk goed, net baie lees [05:26] is/are moet jy net onthou. ek het dit verander bu ubuntu is [05:29] are is meervoud ek dink is die woord they are going away en he is going away [05:30] maar goeiei job so ver ek dink [05:30] sjoe [05:30] goeie [05:31] goosie sal beter dit kan deurkyk [05:31] hi Jacques_Stry [05:31] Morning [05:34] Morning Jacques_Stry , thanx for adding your info in memberlist [05:37] Pleasure [05:37] Busy making a ubuntu-za wallpaper for myself, will show you guys when it's finished [05:37] cool [05:40] nice [05:48] would be nice if they put the ubuntu wiki on a static site, it is very slow at times [06:08] morning [06:08] morning Webtricity [06:17] How are you Kilos? [06:17] im good ty Webtricity and you? [06:17] tell us a bit about yourself, only andrew seems to know you [06:17] NOTE that most mods and subgames requires the latest version of minetest. So it is good practice to always use the latest stable release at the very least. [06:18] that's not really true, latest stable will work alright for a few weeks after release, and then slowly things will start breaking [06:18] mazal ^^ [06:18] the popular games/mods track the source in git for the most part [06:22] hi ThatGraemeGuy arent you going to join us on trello? [06:24] i have no idea what a trello is [06:25] we are here https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco [06:25] you have to install trello i think [06:25] Maaz google trello [06:25] Kilos: "Trello" https://trello.com/ :: "Log in to Trello" https://trello.com/login :: "Trello Tour" https://trello.com/tour :: "Apps and Platforms | Trello" https://trello.com/platforms :: "Trello - Organize Anything - Android Apps on Google Play" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trello&hl=en :: "Trello - Organize Anything on the App Store on [06:25] iTunes - Apple" https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/trello-organize-anything/id461504587?mt=8 :: "… [06:27] its a goodie that runs in your browser hehe [06:28] looks suspiciously like work [06:28] i just followed pro and fly [06:29] its a place where we get together and help each other get things going, the aim being to improve/advance ubuntu in za [06:29] ah [06:29] yep, definitely sounds like work [06:30] lol it helps save some of the getting tired gaming syndrome [06:46] trello is web based only , doesn't install it [06:47] ThatGraemeGuy: Yeah that be true , but I am unsure how to phrase it. I'm always cautios to reccomend dev software. Although in minetest it does seem to be ok [06:47] ok that thing [06:48] it's a game, not an ERP system :) [06:48] Especially with the changes comming to 0.5.x that we were warned about , they actually warn to go back to stable for now on servers [06:49] yeah will see how that works out [06:49] I asked the question if server and client is 0.5.x if that will be ok , but wasn't answered [06:50] I have a feeling you will need to track the changes eventually anyway, they may be starting to use branches for the engine/minetest_game, but I don't see most modders doing the same [07:19] Load SHedding starts at 10am [07:20] and Good Morning [07:31] ... [07:32] Why Eskom why... [07:34] oh no, the lights are going dip for 7 seconds, woe is me! [07:34] massive generator FTW! :-D [07:35] lol [07:36] from next week i can be off for days at a time. pta eletricity department are coming to do underground cabling in the area [07:44] sjoe we gonna fly [07:44] http://newsletters.mybroadband.co.za/lt.php?c=406&m=419&nl=2&s=bf7acfe2dfd656e64c262fe9165a0e17&lid=9236&l=-http--mybroadband.co.za/news/cellular/119582-7-5gbps-5g-mobile-data-speeds-demoed.html [07:44] sorry for not shortening it first [08:03] Kilos: yep [08:03] ThatGraemeGuy: Heh [08:03] laptop ftw [08:04] and at work we have enough UPS power to last us about 4 hours [08:13] Also switched to a laptop at work [08:33] Power just went out - net was of till generator kicked in [08:37] ai! [08:38] wb mazal [08:38] ^&$&^$^%*& loadshedding again [08:38] ai! [08:40] stage 2 guys , check your schedules [08:40] incompetant morons !!! [08:42] i can never find the correct shedule for this area, so just let them kill it when it suits them. [08:46] On the day my fav game get's a big update too :( [08:46] When do they think I must do that now [08:46] lol [08:47] maybe tomorrow. so that gives more time for trello stuffs [08:47] im busy trying to contact ubuntu in burkina faso atm [08:48] Will have to do it late tonight [08:48] Here comes very little sleep tonight :( [08:48] And lots of babelas tomorrow [08:48] ai! [08:49] Their schedules are so wrong usually that I can't take a chance to start the update. Will have to wait till I am sure they are done [08:49] whereabouts in the country are you? [08:50] Cullinan , should be only now until 12:30 and then not again tonight , but I have seen that schedule before and then they switched us of 3 times in the same day :( [08:50] must say city of cape town has stuck to schedule quite well [08:51] Currently the power is off according to schedule , but ya , big chance they switch us off tonight again [08:51] sometimes start 15 mins after designated time, but i think that's becuase they turn off in sections [08:51] And that specific update is big , takes long , and if interrupted you start over from fresh install [08:54] Which means roughly 5 nights of work , depending on how much time you have and how fast your connection is [08:55] So I will rather wait till way past 8 before I start. 8 is usually the latest one for us [08:56] stickyboy you back? [08:56] ai! just took a while to show afk [08:56] loadshedding? what's that? [08:56] I must move to center of Cullinan , they never get loadshedding due to the mine [08:56] dont you get power cuts superfly ? [08:59] lol power came on again, so generator switched again. Was wondering why power went out - we are scheduled for 2pm-5pm === jacques_ is now known as Jacques_Stry [09:00] Jacques_Stry: those idiots can't do anything right [09:00] can't even read a watch [09:01] mazal: Yep [09:20] hi magellanic [09:29] heya [09:35] Kilos: at home, yes, at work, no [09:35] Cape Town keeps large parts of the CBD on [09:41] aha [09:43] heya superfly [09:43] hi magellanic [09:44] how's it going? are they load shedding there? [09:44] nope [09:44] if you wanna get work done, maybe come to our offices ;-) [09:45] haha [09:45] hehe yeah [09:45] we are not load shed yet, we are supposed to be from 10-12:30, but they haven't cut us [10:00] heh you guys are heading to where we are in Kenya [10:00] every house as a backup genset [10:01] heh and a lot of them have inverters and auto-switches and battery banks to keep things going while the gensets kick in [10:13] office has a generator, but most use desktops, and the switch cuts us off momentarily [10:15] good mornings [10:18] heya inetpro [10:18] Ok hopefully we are done for today [10:20] hi inetpro [12:19] hmm... [12:56] * Squirm looks around [13:11] hehe [13:23] well that sucks [13:23] what happened now [13:23] I wanted to look into getting a pet, turns out tarantulas are not legal to keep in the western cape [13:23] lol [13:24] ThatGraemeGuy: seriously? [13:24] yes :-/ [13:25] that's weird [13:25] but... [13:25] no, that's just weird [13:27] tropical fish are lekker pets you never have to clean up their mess or discard chewed up pc parts and shoes [13:27] http://blog.rozzerstarantulas.co.za/product/blue-spider-combo/ [13:27] and the creepy crawlies keep the tank clean [13:27] how could you not want that as a pet? ^ [13:28] R400 for a spider [13:28] Awwww, eight-legged kittens. :D [13:28] hehe [13:28] precisely [13:28] What's their lifespan, though? [13:29] Fish are OK, because fish are kind of an aggregate pet. Fish die; you get more fish; you have "fish", plural. [13:29] I wouldn't keep rodents as pets, though. Too depressing. [13:29] lol [13:30] females can get get quite old, I think males don't live all that long [13:30] very fascinating watching fish in a nice tank [13:30] Tarantulas may live for years; most species take two to five years to reach adulthood, but some species may take up to ten years to reach full maturity. Upon reaching adulthood, males typically have but a 1- to 1.5-year period left to live and will immediately go in search of a female with which to mate. Male tarantulas rarely molt again once they reach adulthood. [13:30] http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/pets/tarantula.htm [13:30] Females will continue to molt after reaching maturity. Female specimens have been known to reach 30 to 40 years of age, and have survived on water alone for up to 2 years. [13:30] Not bad at all. [13:31] yeah [13:31] same mileage you get from a cockatiel [13:31] less annoying squawking though :D [13:32] I guess if you *really* want value for money you can get a Galápagos tortoise. [13:33] lol [13:33] lol [13:33] A legacy for your great-grandchildren. [13:36] not legal? I know someone use had some [13:37] People keep all kinds of pets that they shouldn't. If nobody reports them, nobody will know. [13:38] If your tarantula is confined to a terrarium, I doubt your neighbours will notice. [13:39] It doesn't look like these people care ;) : http://www.gumtree.co.za/s-western-cape/tarantulas+for+sale/v1l3100001q0p1 [13:40] yeah [13:40] info is pretty scant, but from what i gather they used to be allowed with relevant paperwork, but at some point became disallowed [13:43] expensive spider.. [13:45] wow - You have reached your quota for directly contacting other Launchpad users. You can try again in 19 hours. [13:45] spammer! [13:46] They have tarantulas in Butterfly World. I should go there: http://www.sareptiles.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=23111 [13:46] no man contacting or trying to other african ubuntu locos [13:46] most seem to have died out [13:48] this project ThatGraemeGuy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AfricanTeams [13:49] confluency: yeah they have quite a lot, I think they got a special permit to house alien species found/confiscated [13:50] kids never tire of butterfly world, but i've pretty much had enough for a lifetime :D [13:53] They're a zoo; zoos can keep animals members of the public can't. [13:53] that's true [13:54] The exotic pet market is pretty dodgy. :/ [13:54] yeah :-/ [13:54] At least sleazy tarantula dealers are probably breeding them locally and not smuggling them onto planes duct-taped into their underwear. [13:55] snake might be a better option [13:55] but for now i'm going home, ttfn [13:55] Cheers! [13:58] superfly did they send you youre membership certificate yet? [13:58] or must one apply for that [13:58] haha hi mopkop [13:59] Hello all :) [13:59] welcome to ubuntu-za [13:59] Thank you! What are you guys talking about? [14:00] just now was exotic pets [14:00] but if you need linux help just ask [14:01] hoe het jy hierdie kanaal gevind mopkop ? [14:01] tarantula's [14:02] Ek't hier gekyk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList [14:02] new distro? 8-legged-linux anyone? [14:02] aha [14:02] wel jy is welkom hier by ons [14:02] Dankie :) Praat ons Afrikaans of Engels hier? [14:02] engels eintlik [14:03] Ok, nee dis reg, sal dan by my beste engels hou ;-) [14:03] van ons mense verstaan nie afrikaans nie [14:04] Ek dink ewenwel ek het 'n groter kans om gehelp te word as ek Engels praat... [14:04] ons het n afrikaanse kanaal ook #ubuntu-afr [14:04] Ok, ek sal hom ook join :) [14:05] watse hulp het jy nodig? net met engels? [14:08] Lol nee, eintlik wil ek net weet watter programerings taal die beste werk vir linux? [14:08] Of moet ek sommer voortgaan met c# en net 'n oopbron weergawe vir .NET download? [14:08] python so ver ek hoor [14:09] confluency can you advise him please [14:09] Ek't ook so gehoor. weet jy of Ubuntu 'n ingeboude Python Interpreter het? [14:10] Ok, over to English, sorry... [14:10] np ubuntu has lots of python built in [14:11] Ok, I'll just have to learn it then... [14:11] look at byteofpython [14:11] Maaz google byteofpython [14:11] Kilos: "A Byte of Python - Swaroop CH" http://www.swaroopch.com/notes/python/ :: "A Byte of Python - Swaroop CH" http://files.swaroopch.com/python/byte_of_python.pdf :: "A Byte of Python - Ibiblio" http://www.ibiblio.org/g2swap/byteofpython/read/ :: "A Byte of Python (PDF) - Ibiblio" http://www.ibiblio.org/g2swap/byteofpython/files/120/byteofpython_120.pdf :: "A [14:11] Byte of Python" http://www.byteofpython.info/ :: "Free PDF: A Byte of Python by Swaroop C H… [14:12] print 'Thank you' :) [14:13] you are welcome [14:16] you are also welcome to add this channel to your favourites [14:17] maaz google google python class [14:18] magellanic: "Google's Python Class - Google for Education — Google Developers" https://developers.google.com/edu/python/ :: "Python Introduction - Google for Education — Google Developers" https://developers.google.com/edu/python/introduction :: "Python Strings - Google for Education — Google Developers" https://developers.google.com/edu/python/strings :: [14:18] "Baby Names Python Exercise - Google Developers" https://developers.google.com/edu/python/ex… [14:18] magellanic do you know python [14:19] No Notepad++ for linux? [14:19] yes, work with it [14:20] we need someone to rewrite our ibid bots so they are python3 [14:20] from 2.some change [14:21] mopkop hang around there are other things you can use [14:22] http://askubuntu.com/questions/313973/what-are-the-alternatives-to-notepad-on-ubuntu [14:22] you are using ubuntu hey? [14:23] or linux at least [14:23] why? [14:23] why what magellanic ? [14:23] Yes, Ubuntu. [14:23] why rewrite for 3? [14:24] cool [14:24] mopkop see the above link [14:24] because it doesnt work in a 3 environment [14:25] but it works, why fix it :D [14:25] lol maaz is old and running on an old server [14:25] so come upgrade time no more maaz [14:26] Thank you :) I'll try GVim. I'm just surprised such a popular open-source project is not available for Linux. [14:27] Is Maaz a bot? [14:27] yes [14:27] Interesting... [14:27] hosted in germany [14:27] Maaz Google "Notepadd++ alternatives" [14:27] mopkop: Wow! Google couldn't find anything [14:28] python 2.x is still around on all distro's.. [14:28] latest versions of them [14:28] Maaz google notepad++ alternative for ubuntu [14:28] Kilos: "Notepad++ Alternatives for Linux - AlternativeTo.net" http://alternativeto.net/software/notepad-plus-plus/?platform=linux :: "What are the alternatives to Notepad++ on Ubuntu? - Ask Ubuntu" http://askubuntu.com/questions/313973/what-are-the-alternatives-to-notepad-on-ubuntu :: "[SOLVED] Linux notepad editor alternative to Notepad++ - Ubuntu Forums" [14:28] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2205190 :: "Notepadqq: Notepad++ Alternative For Linux -… [14:28] Yes I think Python 2 is like IPv4. Available everywhere, but everyone is trying to upgrade. [14:29] I see, no Quotation marks. [14:29] Maaz /? [14:29] mopkop: *blink* [14:29] Maaz help [14:29] mopkop: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff. [14:29] Ask me "help me with ..." for more details. [14:29] Wow, I like Maaz... [14:30] bbl [14:30] ibid was written by our guys years ago [14:31] now silicon valley has stolen them [14:31] Our guys? You mean the Linux team? Yes I heard Microsoft now has Corona or something. [14:32] no i mean guys from this channel [14:32] from the south african community [14:32] Interessant :) [14:33] ons het slim mense hier [14:33] net ek wat dom is [14:33] Ek sien so, lol. [14:33] Ek het dan die regte Channel gekies :) [14:33] ja [14:34] Where is everyone from? I'm from Pretoria. [14:35] go see our wiki page we are building [14:35] let me find the link [14:35] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Members#preview [14:36] still many we havent put in yet [14:37] oh and you can look at our static site [14:37] https://ubuntu-za.org/index.html [14:37] you can leave off the index part i think [14:39] O wow, I like this community :) [14:40] What projects do you guys usualy work on? [14:42] you can go see what we are doing atm if you get trello [14:42] Maaz google trello [14:42] Kilos: "Trello" https://trello.com/ :: "Log in to Trello" https://trello.com/login :: "Trello Tour" https://trello.com/tour :: "Apps and Platforms | Trello" https://trello.com/platforms :: "Trello - Organize Anything - Android Apps on Google Play" https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.trello&hl=en :: "Trello - Organize Anything on the App Store on [14:42] iTunes - Apple" https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/trello-organize-anything/id461504587?mt=8 :: "… [14:42] then you look here https://trello.com/b/GKXXiBxU/ubuntu-south-africa-loco [14:44] ubuntu.za.org was just rebuilt by superfly and some helpers [14:44] nice and fast hey? [14:47] Indeed! [14:50] you might like openlp in the repos also by one of our team [14:53] The Church program? [14:53] ya [14:55] hi SDCDev [14:56] Yes I've seen that program before, I had no idea it was you? [14:56] no me [14:56] Yes I mean This team :) [14:56] hehe the same guy that did our site [14:56] hehe [14:56] Superfly? [14:57] yip our resident python master [14:57] ola [14:57] you'll be happy to know the backpackers I'm staying at uses ubuntu :D [14:57] wasn't even me :P [14:57] and other languages too [14:57] was just here [14:57] 13.10 though [14:57] and no one knows the sudo password [14:57] so can't upgrade... they want me to reinstall :| [14:58] lol point them here [14:58] bnut you do the hard work first [14:58] but [14:58] lol :P [14:58] Wonderful, if it was written in Python, I assume it will work on Windows just as well? [14:58] ? [14:58] the backpackers is called WildSpirit [14:59] point them to us for ubuntu help SDCDev [14:59] http://www.wildspiritlodge.co.za/ [14:59] where are you now [14:59] same place [14:59] :) [14:59] ai! [14:59] just outside nature's valley [15:03] GTG, I'm supposed to be doing an Assignment, but ended up playing around with my new OS. Good bye all! [15:05] nice place SDCDev [15:05] yeah :D and they accept bitcoin :D [15:05] lol [15:06] get them onto 14.04.2 [15:07] you might as well do some work instead of just enjoying yourself for so long [15:13] ha [15:16] hi qwebirc43086 wb [15:18] Good day to you all [15:19] are you the same guy that was here earlier today? === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org || pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Tue, 24 March 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1De5Gad [15:24] i was on last night then eskom Killed my connection [15:24] oh sorry [15:24] they enjoy doing that seems like [15:25] and at the wrong time because i am hooked to these SPY Cables from Aljezeera sinc they came out and i was readin gone when they cut me off [15:26] ai! [15:28] inetpro you never stop, you gonna plof my kop [15:29] hehe [15:29] what just happened? [15:30] he gave me more work [15:30] i have a lot of WHOIS querries on my screen, is this normal? [15:30] nope [15:31] get a proper irc client installed [15:31] you using ubuntu hey? [15:33] ty for updating the topic bar inetpro skelm [15:36] i am using from ubuntu-za.org [15:37] where do i get the client from? [15:37] oh not running ubuntu on your pc? [15:37] i am runnigng 14.04 [15:37] in the repos you will find xchat and hexchat [15:38] can you use the command line? [15:38] terminal? yes [15:38] sudo apt-get install hexchat [15:41] Freenode network? [15:42] yes then click on it and choose edit on the right [15:42] and enter the channels you want to join in there with a , between them [15:43] then IRC.Freenode.net? [15:43] yes [15:43] nono sorry [15:43] chat.freenode.net [15:44] you might have to add that [15:45] now i have chat.freenode.net/+6697 [15:45] thats good [15:46] im trying to remember what hexchat setup looks like [15:46] anymoor settings? [15:46] you entered this channel? [15:47] if you have a freenode password use it there or leave till later [15:47] it will connect here [15:49] i have alot of things on my screennow, and its showing 11015 available channels [15:49] didnt you click on freenode and then tick edit on the right? [15:50] yes i did that [15:50] then i got that chat.freenode.net/+6697 [15:50] on your left once connected do you see ubuntu-za [15:51] hi Dirtydeedsman [15:52] i made it, thank sKilos [15:52] yw [15:52] i had to look for Ubuntu-za under the chanells list [15:52] if it shows the irc.freenode.net as well you can go back and delete it [15:53] it should connect here directly [15:56] i struggle a bit with settings if i dont see the app in front of me [15:56] i had to select SSL encrytpion, is this encrypted? [15:56] it should work without that [15:57] but if it works then leave it [15:57] i never knew about this, this is awesome [15:57] when i ticked ssl i couldnt login the next day [15:58] i am going to switch off and check if i can come back again. Have auto login setup etc [15:59] i think i turned the auto thing off [15:59] otherwise you dont see it to setup again [15:59] wb [15:59] it worked [15:59] so you good [16:00] and it works including the chat history is stil there [16:00] yes [16:00] you can set how much it saves as well [16:00] and alerts [16:01] if you look in settings preferences i think you will see lots you can do [16:01] I liking this are very much [16:02] good [16:05] eish the wiki is slow [16:07] nuvolari ping [16:16] Kilos: log a fault! [16:17] ai! [16:17] i cant delete off the last agenda page [16:18] oh i have to be in edit mode [16:25] inetpro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150224 did i miss something [16:25] yes [16:26] what? [16:26] im not sure what it is supposed to look like man [16:27] hi Neo31 [16:36] Kilos: that is the previous month [16:36] uh oh [16:43] sigh [16:44] inetpro and now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150224 [16:51] hi nlsthzn wb [16:51] uncle Kilos , alo :) [16:58] I was thinking to write up a wiki page detailing the reporting process so that anybody could do it if needed and also improve and edit the procedure... [16:58] * nlsthzn hates wiki mark-up however :/ [16:58] whats the markup thing [16:58] mazal has become good at wiki stuffs [16:58] go see our trello [17:00] i go eat [17:01] mind off-line currently... will worry about trello and other related shenanigans when I have had more sleep ;) [17:01] lol [17:11] nlsthzn do you know how to log a fault! about the wiki being so slow? [17:11] takes forever to open pages like where we put our meeting stuff in [17:23] this is a known issue for many years... I would suggest we grin and bare it... [17:25] * nlsthzn busy breaking PC *might be back later* [17:27] hmm... [17:27] na we nag till its fixed [17:41] hmm... he broke it [18:04] load shedding people will have to be back later my battery never lasts more than 10min [18:04] later all [18:04] cheers [19:19] Kilos: sorry... was at work until now [19:19] np inetpro [19:19] * inetpro going home [19:20] go safe [19:26] https://flic.kr/p/r4vp96 [19:27] what is that box for? [19:29] or off? [19:30] Kilos: that's called Google Cardboard [19:30] Kilos: you put your phone in it, and you get a Virtual Reality headset [19:31] lol [19:32] whew zak is big hey [19:33] wow the baby has beautiful eyes [19:34] yes, we're hoping she keeps them [19:36] who got the roasties [19:51] eeeek they eat green peppers raw [20:00] haha hannah can pull faces hey superfly [20:05] hi clr [20:05] hi, anything happening around here? [20:06] me looking pics [20:06] ok, pics of what [20:06] https://flic.kr/p/r4vp96 [20:06] lotsa flies === clr_ is now known as clr [20:13] sorry my laptop just froze, so bad I had to hard reset it [20:13] np [20:13] and that is with ubuntu 14.04.2 don't like that [20:13] oh my [20:14] i dont have that problem i use kde [20:14] hee hee [20:14] fly and pro taught me well [20:15] hehe well kinda difficult to pinpoint it [20:15] lol [20:15] maybe cat or tail will show what is was [20:15] must be unity's fault [20:15] ya [20:16] you need some patience, unity sometimes needs to think for a while [20:16] cat what? [20:16] tail /var/log/syslog [20:16] dunno cat what [20:16] ha [20:16] man cat [20:17] this is off the top of my head, memories from somewhere [20:17] . [20:17] wb inetpro [20:17] .. [20:17] uh oh [20:18] new code chat [20:19] tail /var/log/syslog only shows events after restart, not before [20:20] hmm... [20:20] I need to know what caused the machine to freeze up, any ideas [20:20] inetpro fixit [20:21] but don [20:22] don't worry, it happens very seldom, feels like it happens when I type to fast sometimes. [20:22] lol [20:22] you hit the kill button [20:22] but only half killed it [20:23] you type too fast [20:23] anyway just popped in to say hi, must go again. hhehe I'll have to avoid that button in future then [20:23] lol go well [20:23] [20:24] you like typing so do sudo shutdown -h now [20:24] aw [20:24] i type too slow [20:37] i go sleep too, night all. sleep tight [20:49] uh === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org || pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info/ || picpaste: http://pasteboard.co/ || Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com || Next Meeting: Tue, 24 March 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1De5Gad === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-za to: Ubuntu South Africa https://ubuntu-za.org | pastebin: http://bin.snyman.info | picpaste: http://pasteboard.co | Logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Next Meeting: Tue, 24 March 20:30, Agenda: http://bit.ly/1De5Gad [21:31] inetpro: are there supposed to be polls here? Cause I don't see anything: https://ubuntu-za.org/poll.html [21:31] superfly: hmm... [21:32] when I tested locally it was working [21:32] inetpro: at a guess, it's the https vs http [21:32] inetpro: exactly [21:32] ah [21:32] don't specify the scheme in urls [21:32] use // [21:33] /example.com/my-web/page.html [21:33] ag [21:33] //example.com/my-web/page.html [21:33] superfly: was captine who did that [21:33] that tells your browser to use the same scheme as the site it's currently one [21:33] of course if the source site doesn't offer https, then you probably shouldn't use it [21:33] * inetpro takes note [21:35] superfly: as mentioned on Trello, I think it would be best if we actually point to a generic poll site [21:35] somewhere where we can change polls independant of our site [21:36] but that will have to be done another day... [21:37] superfly: btw, I approved your latest changes [21:37] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-za/+bug/1426130 [21:37] ta [21:39] should I merge that> [21:39] ? [21:39] hah, much better [21:39] inetpro: already merged and deployed [21:39] cool [21:39] alright, past my bed time [21:39] ty [21:40] Updated to revision 23 of branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/+branch/ubuntu-za [21:41] inetpro: if someone who is not core, ie not you or me, proposes a merge, BOTH of us need to approve it [21:41] interesting [21:42] I would have caught that poll bug before it went out if I'd looked at the merge proposal [21:42] so you changed the rules now? [21:42] nope, I just never told you the rest of them at the time [21:43] because only you and i were committing at that stage (well, only me) [21:43] np [21:43] inetpro: that's how we do it in OpenLP [21:44] since there are only 2 of us in core, the other core needs to approve. for non-core, both cores need to approve [21:44] it's a way of making sure we stay on track all the time [21:44] also, sometimes one of us catches something the other didn't [21:44] superfly: makes sense, only problem I can see is if one of us is not available, what then? [21:44] you wait [21:44] and ping [21:45] cool [21:45] how many core members do you have on openLP? [21:45] wb Neo31 [21:47] superfly: ^^ [21:50] ahh, I see four [21:50] inetpro: 2 [21:51] since there are only 2 of us in core [21:51] anyway, I need to get to bed [21:51] night all [21:52] good night superfly [21:52] * inetpro hits the sack as well [21:52] hi inetpro :) [21:52] how are u doing? [21:53] Neo31: good and yourself [21:53] * Neo31 feels tired but good ^_^ [21:53] * inetpro needs to go [21:53] bye [21:53] inetpro [21:53] wait [21:53] superfly, [21:53] uh [21:53] ok? [21:53] any idea about a good way to make a custom ubuntu CD ? [21:53] there are a bunch of methods to follow [21:53] but what do u recommend? [21:54] * inetpro has never had the need to do it [21:54] but kilos does something... lemme think [21:56] ai! [21:56] * inetpro can't find it now [21:56] Neo31: please ask Kilos in the morning [21:57] i will [21:57] thanks you inetpro [21:57] sorry... good night [21:57] thank* [21:57] good night [21:57] sweet dreams :)