
ovidiu-florinRiddell: thank you00:17
Riddellde nada00:18
Riddellwhat for?00:18
Riddelloh the blog :)00:19
* jussi waves00:21
Riddellg'day sport00:22
Riddellwell calligra uploaded but it needs work, still at least this fixes krita00:31
jussiheya Riddell, long time no speak01:08
jussiis anyone else getting screen corruption when using a second screen with plasma 5?01:13
=== hue is now known as Guest89478
lordievaderGood morning.09:12
Riddellhola chicos10:00
Mirvsitter: how was the kdelibs4support horridness btw, was it a one time "rebuild for Qt 5.4", or should I keep it on the list of "rebuild whenever landing a new Qt"?10:05
RiddellMirv: it's only for qt 5.410:07
Riddellactually why did it have to be rebuilt?10:08
sitterMirv: one time thing10:08
sitterRiddell: it was using a static method from qtbase that wasn't public API10:09
sitterthe method then got dropped in favor of an implementation with public API. so kdelibs4support was trying to use a symbol that didn't exist anymore10:09
MirvRiddell: sitter: thanks!10:10
Riddell"h2222080@gmail.com has been successfully subscribed to kubuntu-devel" hmm real e-mail address or spammer?10:14
Mirvhmm, but kwin newly uses private headers and I should add that?10:22
mgraesslinMirv: what? kwin is not using any private headers (yet)10:23
Mirvmgraesslin: kwin binary package has obtained dependencies on qtbase-abi-5-4-0 and qtdeclarative-abi-5-4-0, meaning it'd somehow use symbols marked as private10:24
mgraesslinMirv: it shouldn't. Can you see which one they are?10:24
mgraesslinMirv: might it be that the dependencies got set, because kwin had ifdef Qt 5.4 code?10:25
Mirvmgraesslin: no, sorry. I'm not sure what'd be the easiest way to do that.10:25
Mirvmgraesslin: it shouldn't be because of that, only if during package build debhelper finds using certain symbols10:26
beluga_hi, anyone want to try and reproduce https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8969710:28
ubottubugs.documentfoundation.org bug 89697 in Installation "Cannot successfully install LO on Kubuntu 14.04" [Blocker,Unconfirmed]10:28
beluga_http://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-fresh/?type=deb-x86_64&version=4.4 Instructions he used are here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Install/Linux10:29
beluga_speaking about WollMux.. Munich?10:29
beluga_I have to leave office now, back in 1 h.. you can add a comment to the report directly, if you want10:32
Mirvmgraesslin: ok, I ran dpkg-shlibdeps -v -v -v etc manually after building kwin. and found at least _ZN13QOpenGLWidgetC1EP7QWidget6QFlagsIN2Qt10WindowTypeEE@Base 10:43
Mirvthat only explains qtbase-abi-5-4-0 though, I don't see qtdeclarative-abi-5-4-0 in that output10:44
mgraesslinbut KWin doesn use OpeNGLWidget10:44
Mirvmgraesslin: oh, I've better output now when using dh_shlibdeps to handle the listing of files, 10 symbols: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10446388/10:47
Mirvnow again I don't know how to find how they get into use if it's not directly in code10:47
mgraesslinMirv: QQuickRenderControl became public API in Qt 5.410:47
Mirvok, that would be a bug in our Qt packages then10:48
mgraesslinQQuickRenderControl is used in KWin, but only if built against Qt 5.4 because it's public API there10:48
Mirvmitya57: ^ that seems to be a bug in Debian packages too10:50
MirvI guess mark_private_symbols.sh doesn't take care of unmarking now-public symbols10:50
Mirvso that would solve qtdeclarative but that qtbase symbol remains a question mark10:51
Mirvmgraesslin: kcm_kwin4_genericscripted.so + kwin5_aurorae.so are the ones using that qtbase symbol10:52
mgraesslinthat just doesn't make sense10:53
mgraesslinI just did a grep for QOpeNGL10:53
Mirvthe binary files match too for grepping that symbol10:53
mgraesslinAurorae has some usage but not kwin4_genericscripted10:53
mgraesslinit links Qt5::UiTools - maybe that pulls it in10:54
mitya57Mirv, I commented on the bug you filed11:42
Mirvmitya57: thanks, wow you're quick in fixing :)11:43
Mirvthat should be very useful11:43
Mirvotherwise similar things might lurk there indefinitely11:44
BluesKajHi all12:19
soeeRiddell: http://news.softpedia.com/news/Kubuntu-15-04-Beta-1-Feels-Like-It-Awakened-KDE-from-a-Long-Slumber-Screenshot-Tour-474442.shtml12:39
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
soeemparillo: small suggestion, when posting news about beta or other release, would be good idea to add some picture to post, statistics says that posts with nice pictures have ~ 40% more recipient that read it :)13:00
mparillosoee: TY. Will see if I can edit.13:00
soeemparillo: nah this one has been posted already, just small tip for the future :)13:01
mitya57Mirv, with two fixes to mark_private_symbols.sh, the diff is quite impressive13:06
Mirvmitya57: eh, I agree upon that... huge13:13
Mirvsymbols fun13:13
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
Riddellsoee: nice :)13:30
Riddellsoee: fancy writing a kubuntu write article about it?13:32
Riddellkubuntu wire13:33
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
Riddellor maybe mparillo can write a kubuntu wire article now that he's the social media master :)13:46
mparillohttp://wire.kubuntu.org/ does not seem to have a post button.13:47
mparilloDo only elite folks see it?13:48
Riddellmparillo: yep, but you're now elite13:55
Riddellmparillo: you should have an e-mail13:57
Riddelltime for Spanish, adios, hasta luego14:32
BluesKajmparillo, have you tried netrunner lately ?14:37
mparilloBluesKaj: Yes, and I keep coming back to Kubuntu15:11
mparilloI do like they way they map the "super" key, but I am now used to <alt><F1>.15:12
mparilloIIRC, they default to double-click, and include lots of CODECs, and way too many FF customizations for my taste. It also feels more sluggish, but not as sluggish as Fedora. Fedora, especially with rekonq, is unusable.15:14
BluesKajmparillo, ok thanks for the heads up. I tried it a while back and it was ok , but wasn't enough to hold me.15:15
mparilloI agree.15:19
BluesKajrunning 14.10 plasma 4 atm, and it's interesting how little memory and cpu is used under the same open apps/load conditions compared to 15.04 and plsama 5 17:46
=== Drangue is now known as alket
_Groo_Riddell: hi Riddell did you compiled calligra 2.9? do we have an experimental ppa yet to play with?18:29
shadeslayeryou'll probably have to wait a bit before he answers18:31
_Groo_shadeslayer: will do18:32
_Groo_kio-mtp is still broken in ci18:33
_Groo_for kde 4.x dolphin18:33
_Groo_you guys need to drop the hard dependency18:33
_Groo_kio-mtp is for kde 4.x, kio mtp for kf5 is in kio-extras, but they should be instalable, both of them18:34
Riddell_Groo_: not yet I'm afraid, it's quite complex with new bits and arm failures19:23
_Groo_Riddell: np :) how about kio-mtp?19:24
Riddell_Groo_: they're both installable no? what's the problem there?19:26
_Groo_you cant install kio-mtp, they ARENT both installable19:27
_Groo_and its broken for some time now19:27
Riddell_Groo_: are you on vivid or utopic?19:29
_Groo_utopic, ci19:29
Riddellah right, yeah it'll need backported to utopic19:29
_Groo_i need to backport kio-mtp OR change plasma-desktop/workspace meta packages?19:30
_Groo_by I i mean YOU lol19:30
Riddellbackport kio-mtp from vivid should do it19:30
Riddelljoin us! you know you want to19:30
_Groo_hmmm gonna test that and ill let you know19:30
_Groo_if it works ill upload to my padoca and you can copy from there19:30
_Groo_i want to join, but i dont have a fix schedule19:31
_Groo_i dont know if i would do more harm then good19:31
_Groo_sometimes i have the entire week , sometimes i "disappear" for days because of my work19:32
_Groo_if thats acceptable fine,if not, ill contribute as much as i can, as usual19:32
Riddelloh that's totally fine19:34
Riddellit's a volunteer project, we're just happy with what we can get :)19:34
Riddell_Groo_: what's your interest in calligra out of interest? do you use it as an office suite?19:43
Riddellmparillo: thanks for posting the wire post19:43
mparilloMy pleasure. Thanks for making me one of the cool guys.19:58
mparilloIf you want a user's .02 on Calligra (which it was Kalligra, but no matter). I would put up with it being a blt clunky feeling versus LO, but it must export MS-proprietary formats. Otherwise, I have to install LO anyway.20:03
_Groo_Riddell: yes i do, i love the flow app and i play around with krita a lot20:52
_Groo_flow is the most underrated app from the entire suite20:52
ejatyofel: i wanna try the kubuntu-ppa-ubuntu-next-backports-utopic ... but why its try to remove the whole unity8 ? 20:55
_Groo_Riddell: so what do i need to do to get going? i couldnt attend the last meeting20:56
Riddellejat: qt incompatibilities, I'm afraid that's not going to change20:58
Riddell_Groo_: have you done packaging before?20:58
ejatouch 20:59
ejatRiddell: is it the same in vivid? 20:59
_Groo_Riddell: you kidding me right?21:00
Riddellejat: nope, everyone uses the same qt in vivid21:00
Riddell_Groo_: want a tutorial?21:01
ejatso it will be ok in vivid to have those 2 DE .. 21:01
_Groo_Riddell: are you the same riddell?21:02
_Groo_Riddell: recently for you guys i did, bluestack, touchpad, pulseaudio, just to mentiona few21:02
_Groo_Riddell: i maintain the padoca ppa (used by phoronix and others)21:02
_Groo_Riddell: are you confusing me for someone else?21:03
* ejat wondering is there any other Riddell :)21:03
_Groo_Riddell: we are out of sinc here :D21:03
_Groo_ejat: he pulled my packages like 2 months ago, and we always talk... me thinks he forgot about it :D21:04
Riddell_Groo_: sorry :)21:04
_Groo_Riddell: im from the time you still were a canonical eployee21:04
_Groo_Riddell: https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias/21:05
Riddellit's late, I'm busy speaking spanish 21:05
_Groo_Riddell: maybe this refreshes your memory21:05
_Groo_Riddell: im portuguese:P21:05
ejat_Groo_: he not forgot .. just a bit dizzy .. 21:05
_Groo_im hurt now :/21:05
Riddellaww sorry, I have head trauma, my mind doesn't always focus21:06
ejatday n nites looking at the codes ... 21:06
_Groo_Riddell: you even invited me to the last meeting for admission of .. hu... 21:09
RiddellI know, I'm sorry! brain breakage :(21:10
* Riddell hugs _Groo_ 21:13
* soee thinks Riddell shoudl sing in spanish for _Groo_21:14
* Riddell puts on Manu Chao Me Gustas Tu21:14
_Groo_Riddell: :D relax i was over reacting21:17
_Groo_Riddell: anyway who do i need to spank to start the "lets get more slave work to kubuntu ranks" process?21:17
KDDAhi all, I have been running Kubuntu15.04 for a few weeks now and found it very stable.  However I have run into a problem.  For some reason when I log in Im getting a blank desktop, no kickoff menu or anything.  if I move my user account folder and log in, everything is fine again.  But when I copy over my files, it stops working again!21:17
soeesome configuration problems, did you upgrade from other version ?21:18
soeeKDDA: ^21:18
KDDAI came from 14.10, but clean install21:19
soeeKDDA: but you had .kde .config fodlers backed up ?21:19
KDDAit was working fine until about an hour ago (I was trying to install TileMill)21:19
ejatsoee: u mean after upgrade need to clean up the configuration .kde folder ? 21:20
_Groo_try removing .cache21:20
_Groo_and relog21:20
_Groo_leave theconfiguration files21:20
ejator only the .cache folder .. 21:20
_Groo_just remove .cache21:20
soeeejat: i had a lot of problems after upgrading21:20
KDDA_Groo_: I have just tried that21:20
_Groo_KDDA: and?21:20
_Groo_btw after removing .cache run kbuilsycoca521:21
KDDAcan get in, but no kickoff menu21:21
KDDAI renamed the .cache folder21:21
soeeRiddell: nice track :)21:21
_Groo_k, open a terminal and run plasmashell, and paste the output in pastebin21:21
_Groo_KDDA: dont rename, .cache is dispendable21:21
_Groo_remove it, run kbuilsycoca5, relog21:21
KDDAdoes it need sudo?21:22
KDDAplasmashell output is one line21:23
KDDAkf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"21:23
KDDAkbuilsycoca5 = command not found21:24
_Groo_and its with your user21:26
_Groo_no sudo needed21:26
KDDAok, that did something21:26
KDDAIll relog#21:26
_Groo_run plasmashell21:26
_Groo_before relogging21:26
_Groo_any difference?21:26
KDDAsame output21:27
_Groo_only one line?21:27
_Groo_what does it show?21:28
_Groo_any wallpaper? anything?21:28
KDDAkf5.kiconthemes: "Theme tree: (Breeze)"21:28
KDDAmy wallpaper is showing since I renamed the .cache folder21:29
_Groo_no, visually21:29
_Groo_so, just no kickoff21:29
KDDAthe coloured triangles21:29
_Groo_if you click the right mouse button do you have a menu?21:29
KDDAno kickoff or running apps, or clock, taskbar21:29
KDDAthats how I was able to load browser and come here21:30
KDDAshould I try a relog?21:31
_Groo_aparently the old configurations arent working at all21:33
_Groo_i would start fresh :P21:33
_Groo_thats what i did when i migrated21:33
_Groo_too much differences to make it work21:33
KDDAI did start fresh21:33
KDDAmy "old" user account was Kubuntu 15.0421:34
_Groo_Riddell: ping21:34
KDDAI rebooted and it stopped working :/21:34
_Groo_do an apt-get update then, might be missing a package or whatever21:34
KDDAit was after an update, this problem started!21:35
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
_Groo_so... might be missing stuff...21:35
_Groo_wont hurt21:36
KDDAhas anyone else rebooted recently?21:36
_Groo_KDDA: hu?21:36
KDDAwell it only started after a reboot21:37
_Groo_KDDA: ok, try to see if there is an update21:38
_Groo_KDDA: you said that if you start with a new account everything works?21:38
KDDAand when I move my user account and force it to make a new one, it works, just missing all my settings and files21:38
KDDAthe launcher works, but all my applications done!21:38
_Groo_KDDA: what you mean the applications dont?21:39
KDDAKontact, IRC chat, Skype, all the stuff I use 21:40
Riddellhi _Groo_ 21:40
_Groo_KDDA: you are obviously missing stuff21:40
_Groo_KDDA: do an apt-get dist-upgrade21:40
_Groo_KDDA: and paste the results21:41
_Groo_Riddell: so how do i start to become a kubuntu valiant minion? 21:41
KDDAif I moved the user account again and overwrite the new files into my old account would that fix it?21:41
_Groo_it you cant even open a kde/qt file , something is more wrong then just the config files21:42
_Groo_run kontact from the command line, does it open?21:42
KDDAoh there is a kernel update21:42
KDDAis that just released?21:43
Riddell_Groo_: do more useful stuff like backporting kio-mtp and apply for kubuntu-ninjas and apply for kubuntu-membership and apply for kubuntu-dev 21:43
* ejat kudos _Groo_21:43
_Groo_Riddell: i have all 321:43
KDDA_Groo_: Kontact works fine, just no kickoff menu etc21:44
_Groo_Riddell: https://launchpad.net/~paulo-miguel-dias21:44
Riddell_Groo_: you have kubuntu-ninjas but not kubuntu-membership or kubuntu-dev21:44
_Groo_KDDA: just start fresh, make a backup of the old account and configure it manually21:44
_Groo_Riddell: must have expired21:45
KDDAIve moved back to the main archive, maybe the Ireland mirror is slow updating21:45
valorieever since seeing Guardians of the Galaxy, _Groo_ is mapped to Groot21:54
_Groo_valorie: i AM groo(t)21:58
valoriethe little Groot, dancing - fantastic way to end the film21:59
_Groo_valorie: thanos as always my favorite anti hero of the marvel universe22:01
_Groo_valorie: the old, conqueror thanos22:01
_Groo_valorie: he killed half the universe to give the souls as a present for his girlfriend, death itself22:01
_Groo_valorie: most romantic thing ever!22:02
Riddellcalligra compiling away in https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages22:06
mparilloAhh, http://wire.kubuntu.org/ feeds https://planetkde.org/22:07
valorieso _Groo_ has a dark side, I see22:07
mparilloThe Force is like Duct Tape. It has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together.22:09
_Groo_Riddell: can you move it to ci after?22:11
_Groo_Riddell: or a fresh ppa just with calligra?22:11
_Groo_Riddell: or i could do it myself i suppose :D22:11
_Groo_valorie: not dark, just grey (pun intended)22:11
valoriebleah, bad news about my laptop: series of unfortunate events will leave me with shiny new vivid beta and nothing else - all data from rather old backup22:11
Riddell_Groo_: that PPA does only have calligra in it (the other stuff is vivid)22:11
Riddell_Groo_: ci is mostly only for frameworks stuff22:12
valoriebut first world problems, I guess22:12
_Groo_Riddell: ah yes,i didnt noticed it was vivid22:12
_Groo_Riddell: ill upgrade from there and let you know22:12
soeewhat about new LO ?22:12
Riddellnot out department22:13
Riddellnot our department22:13
soeeubuntus ?22:13
soeeah, ok :)22:13
soeeVivid will have QT 5.4.1 ?22:13
KDDA_Groo_: still no kickoff menu :/22:14
KDDAIve even tried overwriting the newly created files into my older account22:15
* Riddell out, buenos noches22:15
KDDA:) Its back!22:24
KDDAI deleted the plasma files in .config22:31
KDDAlost a few customiations, but can live with that22:31
KDDAthanks for your help _Groo_ 22:36
_Groo_KDDA: np, good to know you are up on your track again22:43
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter
KDDAare you on the dev team?22:48
valorieKDDA: any of us who contribute are part of the dev team22:55
valoriejoin us22:55
valorieand yes, _Groo_ is part of the dev team22:56
KDDAcoding isnt really my thing22:56
_Groo_KDDA: this isnt coding, its packaging, we code because we have to :P22:56
KDDAdo you reckon MIR will take off?23:00
valoriewe not only package, we code, write, have a website, documentation, promo and outreach and on and on23:05
valoriewe very much need help on the documentation for vivid, especially great screenshots23:05
valorieand as far as I know, we have no Vivid banner for the website yet either23:06
KDDAwell if you need mapping done, Im your man!23:06
valoriewhat sort of mapping do you do, KDDA?23:16
valorieare you involved in OSM?23:16
valorieoh very cool23:16
KDDAmapping townlands in Ireland23:17
valorieplease be sure that a coruña is really detailed where we'll be for Akademy23:17
valorieooooo, that is so excellent for Ireland23:17
valorieI've not done genealogy research there yet, but townlands are so important23:18
valorieI know that much23:18
valoriedo you work with the Marble team?23:18
KDDAdo genealogy too23:19
KDDAnope, reasearch and draw the townlands and other features23:19
valoriewell, marble would be the obvious KDE team to network with23:20
valorieI know nicolas alvarez is really active in OSM too23:21
KDDAhavent come across him23:21
valorieI hope the missing bits we need for Gramps to display mapping will work in 15.0423:22
KDDAis gramps still being developed?23:22
valorieunfortunately, it uses gtk23:22
KDDAI use a PHP app called webtrees23:22
valoriebut yup, devels are still active on the list and forums, not so much in #gramps23:23
valoriemost of my efforts right now are sucking census images from myheritage, and adding to stuff in wikitree23:23
valorieI did a 23andme kit, and am trying to get all the segment match groups collaborating together23:24
KDDAany matches?23:24
valorieloss of all my data is going to set me back a bit23:24
valorieover a thousand, actually23:25
KDDAwhat part of the world?23:25
valorienot all are interested in working, or collaborating, naturally23:25
valoriemy dad is half Scots, half Swedish, so he's pretty easy23:25
valoriemy mother is heinz 57 from all over northern europe23:26
valoriebut her McBees are scotch-irish, as they are called here23:26
valoriea branch of my dad's Cowans went from Stirling SCT to the plantation in Ireland, and that is confirmed by yDNA matches23:27
KDDAwhat part?23:27
valoriehmmm, I'd have to dig that out23:28
valorieI guess I'll need to anyway, to help out the matches23:28
valorieone thing at a time - I've lost all the recent data that was on my machine23:28
valorieso the next weeks will be recreating what I can23:28
KDDAhow did you lose it?23:29
valoriewhatever isn't online23:29
valorieseries of unfortunate events, starting with no recent backup23:29
valoriethen a upgrade that left my laptop unbootable23:29
KDDAthat happens me a lot!23:30
valorieand then forgetting to bring the backup drive to my son's so he could try to do a backup anyway before proceeding23:30
valorieI've never had a bad upgrade before23:30
valorienow I'll be more religious of backing up23:31
valoriemy biggest loss was a text file of my 23&me matches interlaced with gedmatch folks23:32
valoriebut I can recreate it23:32
valoriewill just take some days of work23:32
KDDAoh sorry, was reading!23:34
KDDAKolab 3.4 was released today!23:34
KDDAyeah, its important to backup regularly23:34
valorieI've always been ~good23:39
valorienow I'll be *good*23:40

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