[01:02] I wouldn't be asking but I forgot. I changed the setting in system settings for desktop effects/all effects/and enabled the desktop cube animation. What is the macro-key combo to flip between screens [01:05] Scrolling the the mouse on an open desktop is how mine work. [01:08] yea, thats one way to do it, but I remember the cube animation being a lot slower. using the scrollwheel, it flips by so fast you can barely make out the effect [01:09] i remember there used to be a cube pop up center screen and you could move it around like a rubiks cube [01:11] i think I found it, alt-F11 [01:11] then you can grab it with your mouse and move it around or use arrows [01:12] sry ctrl - F11, is the correct keys === lhorace_ is now known as Horace === kubuntu is now known as JamesT === JamesT is now known as Tagmanrpo === kubuntu is now known as Guest75253 === Guest75253 is now known as Primula1380 [05:24] ok, I am logged in as my user account with sudo rights. I need to give www-data user read and execute rights on a folder. What is the correct syntax to get that to work under terminal [05:25] I was trying sudo chmod 777 directory/ www-data, but doesn't seem to work. man chmod doesn't specify that granular === kevin is now known as Guest9175 [09:11] Good morning. [10:04] oh noble warriors of Kubuntu, the LibreOffice tribe calls for your help once again https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=89697 "Cannot successfully install LO on Kubuntu 14.04" [10:04] bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 89697 in Installation "Cannot successfully install LO on Kubuntu 14.04" [Blocker,Unconfirmed] [10:23] beluga_: #kubuntu-devel probably has a better chance of reaching someone who can look at it [10:24] beluga_: any idea where he's getting the packages? [10:25] Riddell: I'll find the wiki page [10:28] Riddell: well the packages are in the main LibO website http://www.libreoffice.org/download/libreoffice-fresh/?type=deb-x86_64&version=4.4 instructions he used are here: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Install/Linux [10:30] ug, download a tar of .debs and install them, messy :( [10:31] Saves compiling the beast ;) [11:13] hello, can someone please help me? some shortcuts dont work in firefox? [11:14] (I dont think they are set at KDE otherwise - so they "should" work.. but they dont. the do diffent stuff than supposed to) [11:19] STRG+D doesnt bookmark stuff but strangewise scrollls down one page like spacebar should. I cannot use any shortcut for bookmarking things! (help?) === tornadoNIT_ is now known as tornadoNIT__ [11:27] simon_: look at the Firefox "Customizable Shortcuts" extension to check what your shortcut bindings are. === tornadoNIT__ is now known as nessa_ [11:28] simon_: also 'kcmshell4 standard_actions' and 'kcmshell4 keys' [11:31] Walex2: well, customizable shortcuts tells me that bookmarking a page would be "ctrl+d" but it doesnt work.. [11:31] Walex2: how to I check the kcmshell4 things are those shell commands? [11:32] yes, run them in a terminal [11:32] or find them in settings via gui [11:33] terminal is easier.. will check that . thx. [11:36] kcmshell4 standard_actions opened a window showing kde shortcuts, bookmarks are ctrl+b..so they dont interfere with mozilla bookmark shortcut - right? [11:39] simon_: you need to check in both whether anything is a global binding for c-d, not what is bound to "add bookmarks" [11:40] oh - thx [11:43] no bindings for ctrl+d ....strange... can I check the keykodes somehow? maybe my computer just "sucks"? and there are wrong keycodes submitted to the OS ?.. [11:44] simon_: run "xev" in a terminal [11:45] (its an acer V3-111p netbook... and sometimes before the keyboard hat errors, doing wrong actions, muting sound when pressing cursor or disabling touchpad .. or strange stuff) [11:46] have you made sure it's not mapped a weird keyboard layout? it's in keyboard settings as well [11:46] apparently there is a setting for "acer laptop" [11:49] hateball: well... i cannot find my keyboard-settings :) [11:49] (its not the previous kcmshell stuff) [11:49] (must be at kde systemsettings?) [11:49] simon_: alt+f2 -> type "keyboard" [11:50] or whatever you've bound krunner to, alt+f2 is default [11:50] I have no idea where stuff is in menus, I only type to find :p [11:50] it launches "kcmshell4 kcm_keyboard" apparently [11:51] i like typing to find also better.. [11:51] okay, it shows 101generic-keyboard.. seems to be wrong.. [11:52] you can try changing, but I don't know if it helps [11:52] doesnt hurt to try at least :) [11:52] yes.. checking now.. [11:52] not sure if you need to restart your plasma session after doing so either [11:52] okay.. was about to ask if i need to restart.. [11:58] simon_: no. [12:01] okay. this acer computers suck so bad! now (no restart of plasma) ctrl+f doesnst work no more.. (seriously?) [12:02] :\ [12:04] (brb. restart plasma) [12:06] soo... thank you guys for your help (a lot) but i think this computer is just some crap with a crappy stupid keyboard. -_- [12:10] current situation brings another question to my mind: has anyone an idea of an affordable small linux-supported laptop? (I know linux-on-laptops already but am not satisfied with it) [12:10] simon_: that's more of a question for #kubuntu-offtopic I guess [12:12] simon_: or perhaps ##hardware even more so [12:18] thx i'm new to this irc thing.. will visit other chancels then.. merci. [12:19] Hi all [12:27] I just changed my firefox shortcut for adding-bookmark to ctrl+o ... and then it brings me to the recently visited site (line alt+leftcursor).. even that doesnt help... i'm screwed. [12:28] simon_: use 'xev' to check what is actually being sent and decoded [12:29] simon_: otherwise it must be some peculiar Firefox issue [12:29] yeah, does the keyboard misbehave in Qt/KDE apps as well? [12:30] Walex2: is there a table with mapping keys to the keycodes displayed by xev? [12:31] Walex2: [12:31] Walex2: sorry my fault [12:32] the keys are mentioned in braces at the console-output of xev.. thx. so.. linux shows me the correct keys, soooo -> keyboard has no hardware malfunction! (i thought it'd be broke..) [12:35] list === kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch === kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik [13:17] Walex2: hateball: if you're interested in the "solution".. for my problem.. since you helped me find out that the keyboard is not broken and it is likely to be a firefox problem.. the firefox plugin "vimperator" for vi-like keyboard-usage fucked up the shortcuts!... anyway thanks again for your help! wouldnt have gotten it otherwiese (I guess).. [13:18] simon_: :) [13:18] simon_: glad it's solved ! [13:19] me too.. now i can save bookmarks and use ctrl+f again :) === kubuntu is now known as Guest84545 === kevin is now known as Guest73343 [16:56] whats going on guys how is everybody doing today? === kubuntu is now known as Guest42340 [18:05] how do I restart the desktop environment from cli? Coming out of sleep I get a black screen with a mouse cursor. [18:05] 'service lightdm restart' [18:06] rberg_: thanks === Drangue is now known as alket [18:15] Is someone out there that can give me an ear for a few minutes that knows about simlinks? I can follow the simlink in dolphin, and terminal but not in a basic basic default install of apache2 on Kubuntu. Im in a laughable state right now trying to figure this out [18:15] I believe the word is Please [18:17] Wherever the symlink points to needs to be owned by the user which apache runs as. [18:17] So www-data [18:17] do you have "Options FollowSymLinks" enabled and is the user apachee is running as allowed to read the linked file? [18:18] I did add www-data as a user with 777 rights to the full physical directory [18:19] the apache2.config shows /var/www/ as the following [18:19] Options Indexes FollowSymLinks [18:19] AllowOverride None [18:19] Require all granted [18:19] [18:19] sorry, didn't mean to put in on there with 5 lines [18:19] !paste [18:20] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [18:20] I am not sure how to check to see if user apachee is runnign as allowed [18:20] Should also check the 000-default [18:20] in sites-allowed? === shaman is now known as Guest23307 [18:21] VolUTFan: Apache on Ubuntu/Debian usually runs as www-data:www-data [18:21] you mean the service itself? [18:21] Yep === Guest23307 is now known as solipsism [18:21] please forgive me ignorance on apache. This is the first time with me working with apache. Let me see if I can locate that genii === solipsism is now known as {shaman} [18:25] ok, how do I check to see what user its running under? I can't figure it out [18:25] I feel like such a noob [18:30] ps aux | grep apache [18:30] * genii wanders back to work [18:31] yes, its running as www-data. How do I change it to apachee [18:31] You don't [18:32] ok which 000-default config should I check? the one in sites-enables or sites-available? [18:33] VolUTFan: Login as that www-data user and see if youu can traverse to that directory. [18:33] lordie, you mean to log out of the x in kubuntu and log back in as www-data in the terminal? [18:34] VolUTFan: No, "sudo su www-data" [18:34] ok, let me check [18:34] thanks for clarification [18:35] it said that this account is currently not available [18:36] try "sudo su -s /bin/bash www-data" [18:36] VolUTFan: Hmm, I believe I never changed anything, but use rberg_'s command. [18:37] www-data has its shell set to "/usr/sbin/nologin" [18:38] ok, under my "own" user account in the terminal I can browse through the simlink into the physical directory, however using rbergs command I was able to switch to the www-data user prompt and I get bash: cd: ubuntu: Permission denied [18:39] VolUTFan: Right, go back to / and see where the trouble starts. [18:39] you mean browse all the way from root? [18:39] VolUTFan: From /, yes. Not from /root. [18:41] in this case I am ok up to the point of /var/www/html/archive.canonical.com but then I can browse to the ubuntu simlink into the physical directory [18:41] that is when I get permission denied [18:41] can't browse the ubuntu simlink *** not can *** [18:42] Leonard Nimoy 1931-2015 http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1skuhq6 [18:42] A pastebin of ls -l from there might be helpful [18:42] was you talking to me genii? [18:42] Yes. [18:43] ok, standby 1 and let me grab that. [18:43] VolUTFan: I meant to the path to which the symlink points. [18:43] oh, lordie, your asking if I can browse directly to the physical path that the simlink points? [18:44] VolUTFan: As www-data, yes. [18:45] the answer is no sir.. I sure can't. I can browse to /media/mustang, but it can't get into my external usb drive which is where the physical data path is located [18:46] drwxr-x---+ 5 root root 4.0K Feb 26 19:25 mustang this is the ls -lach on the directory /media/mustang for your reference lordie [18:46] VolUTFan: Precisely, fix that and you probably fix your entire problem. [18:46] so sudo chmod 777 /media/mustang? [18:46] No [18:46] VolUTFan: chmod 771 [18:47] ok, let me try [18:47] VolUTFan: Never do 777. [18:47] oh wait, it should be 751. [18:47] logged in as www-data, its asking for a sudo password [18:48] VolUTFan: www-data isn't and shoudln't be in the sudoers group. Run the "sudo chmod" from your own user. [18:50] ok, I switched back to my user, run sudo chmod 751 mustang/ and then switched back to the "sudo su -s /bin/bash www-data" to browse the physical path again. This time I could get into /media/mustang, but not below it [18:51] is there a recursive switch maybe that could carry the permissions all the way through the directory structure? [18:51] VolUTFan: There is, but you don't want to use it. [18:52] hmm, any other ideas? [18:52] lol [18:52] Because the last 1 in 751 gives anyone access to peruse your directories. They may not read anything, but do get to see metadata. [18:52] thats much better than I could come up with since I am a noob at apache [18:52] ok, let me try restarting apache2 service and hitting the webpage [18:53] VolUTFan: Just continue the same way, see if you can access the next folder. If not, set the execute bit for other. [18:54] this is what I have now [18:54] drwxr-x--x+ 5 root root 4.0K Feb 27 13:46 mustang [19:00] lordie, wouldn't permissions 0751 set the execute bit for other? [19:01] VolUTFan: Yes, for that folder/file. [19:02] ok, I think we may be onto something here, now I can access the directory from the webpage [19:02] let me try simlinking another directory [19:02] 1 sec [19:09] ok lordie, I tried adding another simlink for another repo, but running into the permissions denied again on /media/mustang [19:10] I went back into www-data prompt and couldn't get past it [19:10] I swtiched back to user and chmod 751 /media/mustang, and still permissions denied on www-data [19:12] VolUTFan: That likely makes sense. [19:12] VolUTFan: To what dir is the symlink pointing? [19:13] What filesystem is on that /media/mustang ? [19:16] Lordie, its pointing to /media/mustang/Mirror_Repo/UbuntuRepos/mirror/linux.dropbox.com/ubuntu. OerHeks... its a USB drive of which I have formatted to ext4 [19:16] VolUTFan: Right, does www-data have read/traverse rights anywhere after /media/mustang? [19:18] its a good question, how can I check? [19:18] I figured at the start of this that its something with permissions [19:19] VolUTFan: You should know, you've done it some 10 minutes ago ;) [19:20] well, I know that I set the 751 permissions on the mustang directory, but from what I understood it would set the permissions on that folder, but not carry down? [19:21] VolUTFan: So you know how to set permissions, what shows permissions? [19:21] ls -lach? [19:23] VolUTFan: ls -l already shows them, but yes ;) [19:23] one sec lordie [19:24] VolUTFan: So now you can start checking, 'does user www-data have access here' ;) [19:24] you mean switch to www-data user and run ls -lach? [19:28] VolUTFan: No, the output of ls -l is the same for each user. [19:28] VolUTFan: Sorry, need to go. Good luck ;) [19:28] thanks lordie === daek_ is now known as Daekdroom [20:24] what is the ultra quick way to recurse a directory structure to remove a specific user from permissions on all folders and files [20:34] VolUTFan: I would start with a 'find' command that matches the files you are after then add a -exec that does what you want to those files.. be careful. [20:38] rberg, the thing is, during the course of me trying to get apache to follow these simlinks, I added www-data to every folder in my directory structure and I want to remove it [20:38] I know what path the user is added to [20:39] did you change the user or group or both? [20:48] i have the user:group set to mustang:mustang however there was an extra user that was manually added www-data in dolphin to the directory structure. I am just trying to figure out how to get that user out of the permissions [21:00] hi, it seems Ubuntu netinstall has some GPG issues - http://imgur.com/59id2FO - admittedly I didn't import the sur5r key yet, but what's that other one? Is it safe if I upgrade? [21:05] hi, is the a chat for Kubuntu 15.04? [21:35] hello [21:35] None of the power management settings (auto dim screen, auto turn off screen, auto suspend, etc) are working on my laptop [21:36] the battery monitor applet does appear to be configured correctly, though [21:36] what's the best way to diagnose this? I'm on Kubuntu 14.10 on KDE4 [21:44] rberg, I will take a snapshot and paste it [21:47] http://picpaste.com/nameduser-v5SXJrUM.png [21:48] this named user is what I am trying to remove from every directory and file in the /media/mustang/Ubuntu_Repos/mirror path [21:49] wow I dont even know what that is [21:49] if you do a 'ls -l' on one of those file who is it owned as? [21:50] likely www-data [21:50] basically what I did last night, was go into dolphin, into that screen you see, and add the www-data user, then push the permissions down [21:50] all of the files and folders are mustang:mustang. I am just trying to get rid of the "extra" named user www-data [21:54] well I am learning some new stuff here.. I did that to a file on my system and it looks like "getfacl" will tell you the other user perms on a file [21:55] so what dolphin is setting are called ACL's [21:58] here is what I get with the getfacl [21:58] http://pastebin.com/u2wRhbcq [22:00] its just a subdirectory I picked at random, but its like that in the entire directory structure. I tried reversing it the same way I created it, and it simply won't do anything. it just sits here and spins lol [22:00] so I am not sure yet if you should run "setfacl -x u:www-data $file" to remove www-data or if you should run "setfacl -b" to clear all ACL's anyone here have a option on that? [22:00] I was going to suggest to use setfacl -bR on the parent directory. [22:02] I feel like "setfacl -x u:www-data $file" is less risky.. if any files are suppose to have ACL set [22:02] Pici, if I do that setfacl -bR on the parent, are you suggesting that it will remove the www-data server on all of the recursive directories down the tree? [22:02] with a R in there for recursive [22:02] yeah it will.. but it will also remove all ACL controlls [22:02] VolUTFan: It should... but if you feel like there might be other acls set on those, then rberg_'s suggestion will work too. [22:03] let me try [22:03] one sec [22:06] the setfacl -x u:www-data didn't seem to do much, so I fell back to setfacl -bR. According to man, the b does not remove user/owner rights, so I tried that. its working, so lets see what happens [22:08] I think that worked!!! [22:08] it looks like it cleared the named user and mask [22:10] it sure the hell did!!!!!! Woah.. that is amazing.. Pici, you hit the nail on the head on that one [22:10] huzzah, thank rberg_ too :) [22:10] that was like hitting a bulls eye from 3 miles away [22:10] oh yea, rburg and lordie have been lifesavers [22:10] I am going to have to research those 2 commands, getfacl and setfacl [22:11] I don't need to get granular with this little project I am working on, but it would be nice to know how to do it in the future [22:12] I've never really had a need to set ACLs, and I run a bunch of Linux servers. [22:13] well for the most part, I would imagine, if you needed to set an ACL, you would most likely be working in a secure vault where classified projects are run out of, where you would need to limit eyes [22:13] or in a situation where your vlan access for users might me on the same vlan, but where they shouldn't have access to the directories [22:18] Again, Pici rberg and lordie, I really really appreciate the help [22:23] np VolUTFan.. I learned something new today so thats cool === ubuntu is now known as Guest88560 [22:59] I have an oddball question [22:59] if it's to do with kubuntu, it's welcome here [22:59] must I have the deb-src lines in the sources.list file? [23:00] and specifically what are they used for [23:02] VolUTFan: pulling source packages [23:02] ok, for what specific purpose? so I can custom build applications on kubuntu? or does the deb installers need those source packages [23:03] VolUTFan: some people may want the source packages [23:03] many reasons [23:03] in other words, if i do sudo apt-get install packagename does it install it from deb or deb-srv [23:03] src I mean [23:04] ok, so I don't really need the deb-src lines, if I don't specifically want the source code of the packages for building [23:04] VolUTFan: installs pre-compiled binary deb packages [23:28] has anyone here ever used apt-mirror to mirror a local repo? I was doing some mods to my sources.list file to point to my and it looks like some of the parts are still trying to reaach out to the remote servers [23:28] I can do a printout on paste if needed [23:33] !mirror [23:33] Kubuntu can be downloaded in various formats from here: http://kubuntu.org/download.php [23:33] pfff [23:34] !info apt-mirror [23:34] apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1-1 (utopic), package size 13 kB, installed size 110 kB [23:34] fine, give us no info [23:34] VolUTFan: have you tried man apt-mirror ? [23:35] might have some switches you can fiddle with [23:35] im here, sorry was doing a paste output for whoever could look at it [23:36] http://pastebin.com/nRSthLze Here is what my sources.list looks like along with the output of the sudo apt-get update [23:38] the problem overall isn't with apt-mirror I don't believe, but rather how apt-get update looks at the repos. I have already mirrored the repos to the local drive and setup with apache2 === ubuntu is now known as Guest59774 [23:38] I had a bit of problems earlier that rberg lordie and Pici helped me resolve [23:39] yes, I just read up [23:39] good detective work there [23:40] thanks, what I am trying to figure out. It still looks like the apt-get update is somehow still reaching out to the remote servers (in some cases) and not always at the [23:40] can you see what I am talking about in the output of apt-get update [23:40] I'm afraid I don't have any insight [23:41] I can tell you this much. When I disconnect my network connection, the apt-get update freaks out and errors [23:41] even though I can still see the webpage at and browse the site [23:44] VolUTFan: I know people successfully do this for all kinds of reasons, so I assume some googling will bring insight [23:46] ive googled a lot of things, but the problem is, I don't know what to ask google about this. I have spent hours reading about apt-mirror at this point, and have a good grip on that aspect so far, but the apt-get update looking at remote servers, when I have the sources.list file pointing at the localhost is confusing. [23:46] I wish I knew what to look for [23:49] oh wait.. I think I just had an Epiphany [23:49] one sec valorie [23:49] http://www.tecmint.com/setup-local-repositories-in-ubuntu/ will help? [23:51] I googled for how to set up offline ubuntu repository using apt-mirror [23:53] valorie, thats good intel. I will read that over [23:54] I need to take a break. my eyes are crossing lol [23:55] * valorie passes around the coffeepot [23:59] Yay, caffeine! [23:59] * genii sips