=== dasm|afk is now known as dasm | ||
dholbach | hiya | 10:00 |
dholbach | could it be that loggerhead is dead? | 10:00 |
dholbach | https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/ubuntu-devices-help/trunk/files | 10:00 |
dholbach | 503 Service Unavailable | 10:00 |
cjwatson | nagios shows it as down, indeed | 10:07 |
wgrant | Ah, just poked webops. | 10:07 |
cjwatson | Good, I was just trying to work out whether it was codebrowse on babaco or haproxy on taotie | 10:08 |
cjwatson | Couldn't immediately find much in the way of useful logs | 10:08 |
wgrant | It could conceivably be either. | 10:09 |
wgrant | But one is a few orders of magnitude more likely. | 10:09 |
cjwatson | Yeah, was just surprised to find nothing in babaco's logs if it had crashed | 10:09 |
cjwatson | But I guess it's loggerhead, it could just have wedged for no reason | 10:09 |
wgrant | Usually just stuck, yes. | 10:10 |
wgrant | dholbach: Should be working now. | 10:10 |
wgrant | It may be another pygments pathology. | 10:10 |
wgrant | If it happens again it's worth debugging. | 10:10 |
dholbach | thanks cjwatson, wgrant! | 10:12 |
jonas-k4 | hi | 15:43 |
KaZeR | hi there. i am looking for a way to automate the upload of my translations .pot. a few years ago there was a toolkit for that, but with the change in how the auth works it was broken | 17:53 |
KaZeR | is there another solution nowadays ? | 17:54 |
ricotz | cjwatson, hi, is the proposed git-support for launchpad usable/testable already in some way? | 18:01 |
cjwatson | ricotz: Not yet | 18:03 |
cjwatson | ricotz: We're still building up the pieces | 18:03 |
ricotz | alright, and yeah I am following things a bit here https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1032731 | 18:04 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1032731 in Launchpad itself "Support for Launchpad-hosted Git repositories" [Low,In progress] | 18:04 |
cjwatson | Although many of the database and webapp pieces are in place now, we still need to deploy the actual hosting backend, and put a number of things in place to deal with communication between the two | 18:04 |
cjwatson | Not to mention webservice API, web UI, and a whole load of features above and beyond bare hosting | 18:05 |
ricotz | ok, this is a quite interesting feature which of course should be integrate well, so better no rush here :) | 18:07 |
cjwatson | ricotz: that's understating it :) | 18:10 |
cjwatson | but going as fast as we can | 18:11 |
ricotz | cjwatson, yeah, since bzr development kind of stopped, git support is a most wanted on the list | 18:12 |
cjwatson | That's one of the driving reasons, yes. | 18:13 |
cjwatson | Anyway, that's enough fighting with juju for today. Night. | 18:22 |
ricotz | cjwatson, heh, good night! | 18:30 |
ssalenik | Hi, I just succesfully uploaded a package using dput, but it was afterwards rejected with the following message: Unable to identify '<my user name>':<my user name@hostname> in launchpad | 19:49 |
ssalenik | where I replaced my user name and hostname of my pc above | 19:50 |
cjwatson | ssalenik: You'll need to fix the address used in debian/changelog to correspond to one registered in Launchpad. | 19:52 |
cjwatson | (On https://launchpad.net/~ ) | 19:52 |
ssalenik | ah, oups | 19:53 |
ssalenik | thanks | 19:53 |
ssalenik | Another question, if I want to update a ppa I have uploaded of a package... is it better if I upload with a new version name, or should I upload with the same version name (which I assume will just replace the previous one)? | 19:54 |
cjwatson | You may never reuse a version within the archive. Launchpad will reject the upload if you try. | 19:55 |
cjwatson | Using a new version each time is good practice anyway. | 19:56 |
ssalenik | ok | 19:56 |
cjwatson | https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/BuildingASourcePackage#versioning | 19:56 |
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