Saviq | guys, was mir 0.12 accepted into vivid after all? | 12:28 |
anpok_ | Saviq: no idea, didnt pay much attention yesterday.. saw some discussions | 12:38 |
anpok_ | alf_, alan_g: shouldnt libmirserver hide the graphics platform api/abi? | 12:38 |
alan_g | What do you mean by "hide"? | 12:39 |
anpok_ | well it might be enough to have no access to it through mir::Server | 12:40 |
anpok_ | while looking at the module_type_detection code, and christophers suggestion to make it support an older ABI of mir_server_platform_graphics | 12:41 |
anpok_ | i thought that this is pointless since shells can for examples access Diplay and DisplayBuffer and related classes directly | 12:41 |
anpok_ | hm ok we could still provide have a wrapper around an older version of .. e.g. mir::graphics::Display | 12:43 |
* alan_g has no idea what you want to achieve | 12:44 | |
alan_g | the pltaform lib provides the symbols, how can the server lib "hide" them? | 12:46 |
anpok_ | sorry I was mixing stuff above | 12:46 |
anpok_ | I am not concerned about our graphics platform entry points | 12:47 |
anpok_ | more about the object structure it exposes through the mir::graphics::Platform interface | 12:48 |
anpok_ | alan_g: last night I tried to provide a newer mir with the same MIR_GRAPHICS_PLATFORM symbols, but incompatible changes in it | 12:50 |
anpok_ | which failed because for example Display is different now, and qtmir needs to access.. | 12:52 |
alan_g | So what you're suggesting is that libmirserver-dev shouldn't depend on libmirplatform-dev | 12:53 |
alan_g | Sounds reasonable | 12:54 |
anpok_ | it would at least limit the problem to a mir internal one | 12:55 |
anpok_ | problem of supporting multiple graphics platform versions | 12:55 |
anpok_ | not sure if I make much sense today.. really need more sleep today | 12:56 |
alan_g | Actually, it wouldn't be "mir internal" once we try to support 3rd party platforms | 12:57 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch | ||
Saviq | kgunn, hey, do you know if mir 0.12 got accepted to vivid after all? | 13:26 |
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kgunn | Saviq: yo, it appears it's migrating ? it was only 1 bug fix for deadlock issue so it was a good one....why do you ask? | 14:10 |
Saviq | kgunn, just I wasn't sure 0.12 was getting in due to FF | 14:11 |
kgunn | Saviq: ah, was on purpose | 14:11 |
camako | Saviq, @mir 0.12, yeah it got accepted, the process wasn't any different than before (at least so far, it's still in proposed) | 15:26 |
Saviq | camako, yeah, I can see that, and am wondering why it's taking so long... | 15:28 |
Saviq | mir-client-platform-mesa-dev/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: mir-client-platform-mesa (= 0.12.0+15.04.20150224.1-0ubuntu1) | 15:28 |
Saviq | camako, ok, that thing's not gonna migrate | 15:29 |
Saviq | since there's no mir-client-platform-mesa any more, it's ...-mesa1 | 15:29 |
attente_ | hi, i'm trying to run a qt app under mir, but it seems to use some features that are unsupported by the qpa, specifically QQuickWidget, window masks, and propagateSizeHints() | 15:30 |
Saviq | attente_, greyback_'s been working on enabling all of that recently | 15:30 |
Saviq | it's not yet all integrated, but I imagine you can get some pointers from him, or an ETA at least | 15:31 |
attente_ | Saviq: oh awesome | 15:31 |
attente_ | greyback_: hi, any idea when ^ will be available? | 15:32 |
Saviq | AlbertA, ↑↑ you aware Mir is blocked in proposed? | 15:34 |
camako | kdub ^^ | 15:34 |
Saviq | because ...mesa-dev deps on not-existing -mesa | 15:34 |
AlbertA | camako: ^ kdub ^ | 15:34 |
camako | Actually, wasn't it alf_ that made that change ^ | 15:36 |
AlbertA | camako: we need to fix it in devel too | 15:36 |
camako | sure | 15:37 |
alf_ | camako: AlbertA: want me to fix it? | 15:38 |
camako | alf, yes please | 15:39 |
kdub | and then what do we do? | 15:39 |
camako | alf_, ... on both branches | 15:39 |
alf_ | camako: lp:mir , lp:mir/ubuntu? | 15:40 |
camako | kdub, rebuild everything, do sanity, release | 15:40 |
AlbertA | alf_: in 0.12 branch and lp:mir | 15:40 |
greyback_ | attente_: am adding such abilities when we notice they're needed. If you could add bugs for those features, then I'll consider them noticed and work on them | 15:40 |
camako | alf_, yeah what AlbertA said | 15:40 |
greyback_ | attente_: but yes the plan is to enable all the QPA features that QWidget based apps rely on. I was working on enabling all the qtbase5-examples first | 15:42 |
camako | Saviq, are you anywhere close to landing silo 19? | 15:42 |
Saviq | camako, I'll need to wait for yours anyway, since otherwise I'd overwrite qtmir and you'd have to rebuild and.... meh | 15:44 |
camako | Saviq, yeah that's why I was asking... Thanks | 15:44 |
camako | kdub ^ | 15:44 |
attente_ | greyback_: sure, thanks | 15:46 |
greyback_ | attente_: is it an app I can try, or something private? | 15:47 |
attente_ | greyback_: it's a bit of an unusual case. i've ported fcitx-qimpanel to qt 5 which provides the input method widget for cjk text input | 15:49 |
attente_ | i have a branch here: | 15:49 |
attente_ | i'll file a bug though with the requirements | 15:50 |
greyback_ | attente_: please do. Mir's needs better support for input methods so it may take time. But definitely please log bugs as it'll show us where to start | 15:51 |
alf_ | camako: AlbertA: | 15:57 |
alf_ | camako: AlbertA: If we are OK with the change, I will push it directly to mir/0.12 also | 15:57 |
camako | alf, shouldn't it now depend on -mesa2? | 15:59 |
AlbertA | alf_: isn't it customary to have the headers depend on the library the headers are for? I mean in debian parlance? | 15:59 |
camako | alf, note that 0.12 is behind (-mesa1) | 15:59 |
AlbertA | alf_: I see all other mir dev packages follow that convention | 16:00 |
alf_ | camako: AlbertA: mir-client-platform-mesa is not a library, it's a plugin for Mir | 16:01 |
AlbertA | alf_: ahh true | 16:01 |
alf_ | camako: AlbertA: i.e. 3rd parties are not going to ever use mir-client-platform-mesa directly | 16:01 |
tedg | dednick, So as part of the trusted session loosing focus thing, was there API added for that to Mir? | 16:08 |
tedg | dednick, i.e., do we need to implement another callback there? | 16:08 |
dednick | tedg: not sure about the losing of focus. that part of the whole thing? | 16:24 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352251 in unity8 (Ubuntu RTM) "Reverse trust prompt hosting" [High,Triaged] | 16:25 |
tedg | That's more confusing. | 16:31 |
tedg | Saviq, You're going to have explain your comment there, what's the broker? | 16:32 |
tedg | Something to broker the pid of the dash? | 16:32 |
tedg | Is there a case of scope data being displayed by more than one pid? | 16:33 |
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alan_g | alf_: did you break my build? "The following packages have unmet dependencies: mir-client-platform-mesa-dev" | 17:05 |
mlankhorst | alan_g: that -dev package needs to depend on mir-client-platform-mesa2 :P | 17:06 |
alan_g | mlankhorst: I think alf_ was changing the test script to detect packaging errors. My build got caught. | 17:08 |
mlankhorst | ah | 17:08 |
alf_ | alan_g: yes, and fixes it again | 17:33 |
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alan_g | alf_: I vote for pushing that directly to trunk and not waiting for autolanding | 17:37 |
camako | @pushing directly to trunk, +1 | 17:49 |
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tallnerd1985 | Hi everyone | 19:56 |
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