
cjwatsonkamal: That powerpc build is just finishing now.00:57
kamalcjwatson, nice, thanks again for the help with that00:57
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Laneyelfy: well done, thanks for your help09:14
sil2100Hello release team! We have an FFe for the Qt 5.4 QML-cache feature in vivid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/141806009:17
ubot93Launchpad bug 1418060 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[FFe] QML compilation cache patch needs adaptation for Qt 5.4" [Critical,In progress]09:17
sil2100The packages are ready to be published, we just need a final ACK09:17
Laneysil2100: done09:19
sil2100Laney: thanks!09:19
sil2100Mirv: ^ \o/09:19
MirvLaney: thanks!09:31
=== Termana is now known as Guest49006
bdmurrayslangasek: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian-murray/ubuntu-archive-tools/fix-max-pup/+merge/25128216:15
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tewardif someone wants something looked at for consideration for addition to vivid prior to release (but post-feature-freeze) where to we direct that request to?  (It arrived in #ubuntu-bugs asking for Bug Control to look at it for inclusion)17:50
slangasekbdmurray: merged18:07
slangasekteward: is this a new feature?18:10
tewardslangasek: not my bug, but i'd be glad to point you to it18:14
tewardslangasek: not sure where to direct the person / bug for attention18:14
tewardslangasek: second consideration: pkg the bug is against is Universe18:14
tewardslangasek: however ScottK suggested the freeze wouldn't affect the bugfix as it's not new features being added - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gramps/+bug/142614418:14
ubot93Launchpad bug 1426144 in gramps (Ubuntu) "Python 3 database upgrade renders gramps unusable for languages other than English" [Undecided,New]18:14
teward(first comment is ScottK's)18:14
tewardin other news, LP is timing out for me again :/18:14
tewardslangasek: however, it's still not bug control's choice what gets in / doesn't get in - hence asking where i should send the user.  i'm happy to proxy the reqs to here but i'm lazyish too18:16
slangasekteward: correct, bugfixes are not affected by feature freeze.  normally I would say #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel for this, but as this just requires a sync of a new Debian package version I'll JFDI18:19
tewardslangasek: i'm not fluent in acronyms - expand JFDI for me please18:19
* teward is also extremely tired o.o18:19
slangasekjust friggin' do it :)18:19
tewardah okay18:19
tewardyeah i'm tired, and i think i need more espresso :/18:19
tewardslangasek: i'll advise the user to poke -devel or -motu next time about it, since Bug Control doesn't have any true release control18:20
tewardand let them know you're looking at it right now18:20
tyhicksSome i386 autopkg tests failed while my dbus upload was migrating from -proposed18:39
tyhicksthey look to be unrelated to my changes18:39
tyhickscould someone here trigger the tests to run again?18:39

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