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sarthorHI, Can we install python_bidi on ubuntu-server 14.04? is there any howto, if Yes.00:33
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Fieldyhello, how do I stop a process (in this case nginx) from starting at boot?01:04
sarnoldFieldy: if it has an upstart configuration file in /etc/init/nginx, echo manual > /etc/init/nginx.override01:08
sarnoldFieldy: details here: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#override-files01:08
Fieldysarnold: unfortunately it doesn't01:09
sarnoldFieldy: sysvinit scripts?01:09
Fieldysarnold: it has a file in /etc/init.d/01:09
sarnoldFieldy: there's some friendly little utility to manage those symlinks but I can never remember the name of the thing. I think if you delete all the /etc/init.d/rc*.d/S*nginx  scripts it ought to do it.. sigh. it's been long enough I've forgotten details :)01:11
Fieldymight have been update-rcsomething01:11
Fieldysketchy memory here01:11
sarnoldupdate-rc.d sounds familiar, but maybe that was only for postinst script use. :/01:11
sarnoldI thoght it was like chkconfig .. but I don't see that on my system. heh. :)01:12
Fieldyupdate-rc.d nginx disable01:13
Fieldyinsserv: warning: current start runlevel(s) (empty) of script `nginx' overrides LSB defaults (2 3 4 5).01:13
Fieldyinsserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) of script `nginx' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6).01:13
Fieldyi'll be honest, that means nothing to me ;/01:13
lhorace_Looking for update-rc.d?01:13
sarnoldFieldy: that's fine, just warnings. it shouldn't start now :) hehe01:14
Fieldyalright i'll reboot it01:14
lhorace_"stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6)"? wha01:15
Fieldyheh yeah i know01:15
sarnoldlhorace_: that means sysvinit would stop nginx when entering any of the runlevels 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 if it was running in the old runlevel01:15
Fieldyit's no longer running on boot01:15
Fieldyso that was it, thanks for the pointer01:15
lhorace_I know what it means01:15
lhorace_Did you set that up manually?01:16
lhorace_Or the script was shipped like that by default01:16
Fieldycame like that by default01:16
sarnolddebian's policy says daemons should be started by default once they are installed01:17
lhorace_Well, it's not a bug persay, but whoever wrote the LSB default line... Didn't know what he typed01:18
sarnoldin what way?01:18
lhorace_It's saying that the services should be stopped on runlevel 0 1 2 3 4 5 and 601:19
lhorace_with no default start levels01:19
lhorace_If a program was obey it, how would the service start ?01:19
sarnoldlhorace_: I think you misread; the LSB defaults come _afterwards_: "insserv: warning: current stop runlevel(s) (0 1 2 3 4 5 6) of script `nginx' overrides LSB defaults (0 1 6)."01:20
lhorace_Oh my01:21
lhorace_I think you misreading me01:21
lhorace_It says that in the /script/, the current stop levels are 0 1 2 3 4 5 601:21
lhorace_That's why inserv complained01:22
sarnoldlhorace_: heh, the current stop levels are set that way because Fieldy ran "update-rc.d nginx disable"01:22
lhorace_Oh okay, makes sense01:23
lhorace_I've worked with sysvinit scripts before01:23
lhorace_In openSUSE, the symlinks would just be remove, that's it.01:23
sarnoldyes, that's likely what it did here, too; either remove them or rename them from Snn.. to snn... I forget the details.01:24
lhorace_Well, it looks like, it also modified the INIT script01:25
lhorace_LSB default line01:25
sarnoldif it did that, then the script would never be updated on package upgrades01:25
sarnoldthere'd be no reason for it to modify the init script, and doing so would be a serious inconvenience01:25
lhorace_So, update.rc-d dosn't modify the init script when it disable it ?01:26
sarnoldno, just the symlinks01:26
lhorace_Okay, so the script is shipped with LSB default stop runlevel as 0 1 2 3 4 5 601:26
lhorace_innserv is saying that's what nginx init script has01:27
sarnoldlhorace_: http://sources.debian.net/src/nginx/1.6.2-5/debian/nginx-common.nginx.init/01:27
sarnold# Default-Start:     2 3 4 501:27
lhorace_Is that is Ubuntu repo? Because I asked Fieldy and I think he/she said it was shipped like that01:29
sarnoldlhorace_: there's no similar corresponding service for ubuntu's packages, but it's unlikely to be changed between them01:29
sarnoldlhorace_: apt-get source nginx if you want to compare with what your system would install01:29
lhorace_I use NGINX on arch01:31
lhorace_Fieldy: What Ubuntu version are you running ?01:31
lhorace_That of Default line like that ?01:33
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lordievaderGood morning.09:12
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haitharRe all! (Disclaimer: I'm a noob.) Repost: I'm still after bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid3/+bug/1336742 (14.04.1 LTS has a broken squid) after I've checked out a bit older proxy of us (14.04.0 LTS) and it seems that squid works well there!10:26
haithar1) Can this bug be a regression between 14.04.0 (squid3 3.3.8-1ubuntu6) and 14.04.1 (squid3 3.3.8-1ubuntu6.2), affecting everyone upgrading their proxy OS from 12 or from 14.04.0?10:26
haithar2) Do you think I can downgrade my squid3 on the newer machine to squid3 3.3.8-1ubuntu6? (Tried apt-install going for that version, seemed to do no actual downgrade.)10:27
haithar3) Even if that downgrade succeeded, is my understanding right that that forced version squid3 3.3.8-1ubuntu6 won't be supported and I'd have to wait until that bug gets fixed in 15 and then in 14?10:27
Walex2haithar: you trade the lack of an optimization with no security updates. Not so sure it is a good trade.11:20
Walex2haithar: also this seems a very long standing bug. one of the links points at this mailing list message: http://www.squid-cache.org/mail-archive/squid-dev/201207/0100.html where that bug happens with
haitharWalex2: thank you. I'm contemplating what to do; since 14.04.0 LTS is not widely available at VPS companies, and can't really say when the patch gets into vivid and trusty, I'm leaning to roll out 12 LTS for our proxies.12:11
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igno818hello, any feedback using LEMP vs LAMP?12:47
dave65when are the security updates and reboots going to slow down guys?13:07
dave65flipping nusiance13:07
dave65also when is ubuntu going to address the headless server timeout -1 issue13:09
dave65vent vent :)13:09
dave65scared to boot my servers these days before checking grub, and reboots are frequent and getting more so13:10
rbasakdave65: about security update frequency, don't shoot the messenger maybe? Vulnerabilities typically come from upstreams.13:12
rbasakdave65: for your headless server timeout -1 issue, what's the bug number please?13:12
dave65yeah, pain tho13:12
rbasakYou don't have to take the security update. You also don't have to reboot :)13:12
rbasakI use unattended-upgrades and don't notice.13:13
dave65rbasak:  not updating a server with regards to security is foolish13:14
dave65rbasak:  I saw that update this morning13:14
dave65not used it before is it new?13:14
dave65I like to test updates first tho13:15
rbasakdave65: indeed not doing security updates is foolish :)13:15
rbasakunattended-upgrades has been around for years13:15
dave65virtualmin which I use has an auto update feature but it worries me :)13:15
rbasakThere's always a risk. But I can't remember a security update which in hindsight I wish I hadn't applied.13:16
dave65might wake up one morning and a load of servers broke, sod that13:16
dave65hast a postfix problem once but that was a longtime ago13:16
rbasakOccasionally there is a regression (often in the upstream fix) but the vulnerability was always real and the choice is generally only to leave the hole there.13:16
dave65I know they are complicated vulnerability but I like to keep everything upto date anyway13:17
rbasakbug 797544 is marked fix released, with no additional bug tasks open.13:19
rbasakYou shouldn't expect any further work on that bug.13:19
dave65it aint fixed I think13:19
rbasakComment #11 might be relevant.13:20
dave65mind you check grub everytime now out have habit and always change the timeout to 1013:20
dave65yeah but the comments go on13:20
dave65I lost confidence13:21
dave65I have 2 test servers with 12.04 and 14.04 next time I will just boot without looking at grub13:22
dave65easy fix just booting to rescue mounting and edit and reboot, but is a pain13:23
dave65setting grub timeout error warning to less than zero, why does it still show?13:25
bekksWhy do you set it to less than zero?13:27
dave65Ubuntu does it13:27
dave65on upgrade of kernel13:28
bekksWhich parameter exactly, and where exactly?13:29
dave65terminal_output gfxterm if [ "${recordfail}" = 1 ] ; then set timeout=-1 grub.cfg13:32
dave65its the -113:32
bekksAnd why is that line actually concerning you?13:32
dave65because if you dont change -1 the server can wait for a keystroke on reboot13:33
bekksThat entry is exactly doing what it should - it stops on that boot entry, when booting fails.13:33
dave65but servers can hang13:34
dave65well not hang13:34
bekksThats intended when using recordfail.13:34
dave65it just waits for a keystroke13:34
dave65on a remote headless what do you do?13:34
bekksI use a remote console.13:34
dave65no magic wand here13:34
dave65I have too but a reboot from console and no joy13:35
bekksYou can take a look here, too: http://wiki.hetzner.de/index.php/Grub2_recordfail/en13:35
dave65ty, will take a look, have a few with hetz13:36
bekksThat article is not dependant on that ISP.13:36
rbasakutlemming: looking at bug 797544. Shouldn't GRUB_RECORDFAIL_TIMEOUT be some positive number on all servers?13:36
rbasak(by default)13:36
dave65but why would a commanede reboot fail?13:36
bekksBecause you installed a messed up kernel and you are trying to boot it, e.g.13:37
bekksLike a selfcompiled kernel with missing hdd controller drivers, etc.13:37
utlemmingrbasak: incidently was later fixed in grub with that exact solution13:38
* utlemming goes looking for the fix13:38
rbasakutlemming: ah13:39
rbasakutlemming: I found /etc/default/grub.d/ I looked only in /etc/default/grub before13:39
rbasakI see 50-cloudimg-settings.cfg that sets it13:39
rbasakutlemming: but this doesn't come from a package. What about the server ISO install?13:40
dave65I thought that13:40
dave65not an expert here13:41
utlemmingrbasak: i did worked to enable the 50-cloudimg-settings.cfg in the cloud images, but also I had a patch for grub to support it.13:42
utlemmingrbasak: I'm looking for the bug that captures that whole conversation13:42
dave65yeah sorry I have this habit apparently13:43
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rbasakutlemming: bug 669481 maybe?13:49
utlemmingrbasak: yeah, this look like the one...I didn't think it was done that long ago13:50
rbasakutlemming: so am I right in thinking that the default is still -1 if installed from a server ISO?13:51
rbasakIf so that seems unacceptable to me.13:51
rbasakServers are expected to be headless, and so booting should always be attempted by default IMHO.13:52
utlemmingrbasak: I thought that that conversation was captured in the bug...but there was some concern about the desktop13:52
utlemmingrbasak: I'm +1 on that...it should be a default that is set in the postinst13:52
rbasakMaybe we need to drop in a file supplied only by the server seed?13:52
rbasakHave a package called "headless" or something if necessary.13:52
rbasakutlemming: do you remember who was concerned about the desktop?13:53
utlemmingrbasak: rbasak: the problem right now is that /etc/default/grub.d only supports a single file13:53
utlemmingrbasak: cjwatson13:53
dave65more like handless as it needs a finger, at the moment its the middle one :)13:53
rbasakutlemming: OK I'll ask cjwatson in #ubuntu-devel13:54
rbasakutlemming: my reading of /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig suggests that /etc/default/grub.d should work with multiple files. At least in Trusty.13:57
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mgagnehallyn: ping18:46
pmatulisanyone having mirror problems?18:51
geniiNo, but I'm using the local one cor Canada18:53
SchrodingersScatI'm using US18:53
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hallynmgagne: not in today20:30
mgagnehallyn: ok, will follow up on monday. I managed to fix the migration issue from QEMU 1.5 to QEMU 2.0. I'm looking for help to get this fixed upstream.20:31
hallynmgagne: awesome, thank you20:31
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