guest05 | How can I compile C++ source using Qt Creator on Ubuntu OS without command terminal manually. | 02:29 |
guest05 | like debugger | 02:29 |
dobey | mhall119: it's not an exact match no, but it's 1000x better than the win95 look :) | 02:51 |
nhaines | dobey: I agree. The default GNOME icons don't match Suru either! | 02:51 |
nhaines | And at least it's recognizeable! | 02:52 |
dobey | nhaines: eh, i am not of a fan of the concept of having all the app icons be big squares. really don't like that :-/ | 03:06 |
nhaines | That's... not what Suru is? | 03:06 |
dobey | nhaines: suru icons are the ones on the phone, no? | 03:15 |
nhaines | Yeah, like the ones in the indicator menus or System Settings. | 03:16 |
dobey | no, those are just indicator and system-settings specific designs. suru includes the app icons as well | 03:17 |
dobey | the way unity8 displays icons, they really have to be full frame square images | 03:18 |
nhaines | No they don't. See: indicator icons. | 03:21 |
dobey | again | 03:21 |
dobey | APP icons | 03:21 |
nhaines | Well, that's been the story since 11.04. I don't see it changing any time soon. | 03:21 |
dobey | what? | 03:21 |
nhaines | Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is that neither the Ubuntu GTK theme nor the default matches Suru and (which is the design style the indicators and rest of the toolkit uses) and so the Ubuntu theme would be better. | 03:24 |
dobey | nhaines: i think you're either already asleep, or drunk. i'm not sure which. :) | 03:26 |
nhaines | I wouldn't mind either. :) | 03:26 |
nhaines | Basically I don't care about and am not discussing the launcher icons. They have nothing to do with how ugly LibreOffice looks on a phone. :) | 03:26 |
dobey | 21:50 < nhaines> dobey: I agree. The default GNOME icons don't match Suru either! | 03:27 |
nhaines | 18:51 < dobey> mhall119: it's not an exact match no, but it's 1000x better than the win95 look :) | 03:27 |
dobey | the ubuntu gtk+ theme, yes | 03:27 |
nhaines | mhall119's argument was that they're not using it because it doesn't match Suru. | 03:27 |
nhaines | And I assert that this is a silly reason. | 03:28 |
dobey | it wasn't an argument | 03:28 |
dobey | he said it wasn't on the image, which has nothing to do with it matching suru or not. | 03:28 |
dobey | it also doesn't match suru, but it at least makes the colors 90% closer to what they would be for a qml app | 03:29 |
nhaines | Yes, that's what I'm saying too. | 03:29 |
dobey | running a plain qt app under xmir probably doesn't look very good either | 03:29 |
dobey | why did you mention the icons then? | 03:29 |
nhaines | Because the icons are part of the theme. | 03:30 |
dobey | the toolbar icons in libreoffice are part of the libreoffice theme; they don't come from gnome. but again, they're much better than the stock icons | 03:30 |
dobey | any traditional app UIs are going to look completely out of place anyway, because they've got menus and toolbars and all kinds of other things, which don't fit in with the phone/tablet "design" | 03:32 |
dobey | and i can't imagine libreoffice having a ui that matches the uitk design. it would be incredibly weird | 03:33 |
dobey | anyway | 03:33 |
* dobey goes back to not being on the computer | 03:33 | |
nhaines | \o/ | 03:33 |
aarobc | HI! | 03:47 |
aarobc | So, stupid question: with android I have adb for debugging and such, but how can I do something similar with ubuntu touch? | 03:48 |
nhaines | Define "similar". I don't know how adb works. | 03:55 |
aarobc | nhaines: oh. well, with android, you plug the phone into your computer, then type "adb shell", and then you have a shell that's of the phone and stuff | 04:01 |
nhaines | If you put your phone in developer mode and type 'adb shell' or 'phablet-shell' you have a phone shell. | 04:05 |
aarobc | how to put ubuntu touch in developer mode? | 04:36 |
aarobc | nvmnd, think I found it | 04:37 |
nhaines | aarobc: System Settings > About this phone > Developer mode (at the very bottom) | 04:43 |
RobbyF | wow | 04:53 |
RobbyF | ubuntu touch seems snappy on pop | 04:53 |
RobbyF | resolution is amaizing | 04:54 |
nhaines | On what now? | 05:00 |
RobbyF | sorry oneplus | 05:02 |
DonkeyHotei | pop = opo ? | 05:02 |
RobbyF | yeah | 05:03 |
RobbyF | I was excited to key that in | 05:03 |
DonkeyHotei | i'm excited for a different reason | 05:04 |
RobbyF | whats that | 05:05 |
DonkeyHotei | i'm not sure i want to type it in the public channel yet, but: | 05:06 |
DonkeyHotei | ping ChickenCutlass rsalveti | 05:06 |
RobbyF | lol | 05:06 |
nhaines | DonkeyHotei: whatever it is, congrats. | 05:06 |
nhaines | RobbyF: yeah, I figured once the porting guide came out it wouldn't take very long. | 05:07 |
RobbyF | is there web access to the ubuntu store atm? | 05:10 |
nhaines | There's an unofficial catalog but not otherwise. | 05:11 |
RobbyF | looking for an exchange mail client | 05:11 |
DonkeyHotei | nhaines: /notice | 05:11 |
nhaines | DonkeyHotei: oh, I don't think I heard about that. But good job! | 05:12 |
DonkeyHotei | nhaines: i consider that rather premature | 05:13 |
DonkeyHotei | that's why i didn't type it in the channel | 05:14 |
nhaines | DonkeyHotei: naturally, but a good first step. | 05:15 |
DonkeyHotei | what was her name, again? | 05:16 |
nhaines | I don't remember anything about SCALE. I can't even remember which day I met my own editor. | 05:16 |
aLeSD | hi all | 07:24 |
aLeSD | I'd like to port ubuntu touch on my device ... | 07:24 |
aLeSD | how to get the kernel for my hw ? | 07:25 |
aLeSD | Do I have to ask to the maker the sources ? | 07:25 |
aLeSD | Do it have to puplish the sources ? | 07:25 |
jgdx | aLeSD, I don't know, but maybe this can help? | 07:26 |
aLeSD | and .. is it possible to install ubuntu on a smart tv ? | 07:26 |
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dholbach | good morning | 07:53 |
Tm_T | hola | 08:52 |
Mirv | hola | 08:52 |
Tm_T | is there way to search people in Telegram? | 08:52 |
Mirv | Tm_T: you mean like the "global search" in addition to phonebook? good question, I'd like to know too! | 08:55 |
Verc | HELP! My Nexus 4 does not boot. It shows "GOOGLE" and then nothing. I can turn it to recovery/bootloader mode but nothing else. I can see it in my Dekstop's terminal using "fastboot". | 08:56 |
Verc | I had 15.04 devel. Yesterday I have typed in my telephone's terminal "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get upgrade". There was some error with "deb" but I didn't know what to do so I rebooted the device. Now it's as I've said before :(((( | 08:58 |
ogra_ | ugh, why did you do that ? | 08:59 |
ogra_ | ubuntu on phones doesnt use apt ... | 09:00 |
ogra_ | better re-flash then | 09:00 |
Verc | ok :<<< | 09:02 |
Verc | I wanted to install the nevest image | 09:02 |
Verc | *newest | 09:02 |
ogra_ | for that you use the system-settings update function | 09:02 |
Tm_T | ogra_: so no software installing with apt-get as the software store selection is incredibly limited still? | 09:03 |
ogra_ | you also get a neotification if there is an updated image, just tap on the system settings icon on the riht in that notification and it will update | 09:03 |
ogra_ | Tm_T, there will never be full support for apt ... | 09:03 |
Tm_T | like, where's irssi | 09:04 |
popey | in the click store | 09:04 |
popey | like every other app | 09:04 |
popey | (once someone adds it) | 09:04 |
Tm_T | right | 09:04 |
ogra_ | as a developer you can install single packages, but the two systems are contradicting each other, a system-imae update will revert your apt changes, apt-get update will break system-image | 09:04 |
Tm_T | makes sense | 09:05 |
Tm_T | maybe some kind of sandboxing would avoid issues with that, maybe not | 09:05 |
ogra_ | eventually the phone will switch to snappy as a base | 09:05 |
ogra_ | that doesnt ship the apt binary at all | 09:05 |
Verc | karol@lenovo:~$ ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel 2015/02/27 10:04:32 Expecting the device to expose an adb interface... device cannot be detected over adb | 09:05 |
ogra_ | Verc, boot to recovery and add: --device mako | 09:06 |
ogra_ | to your command | 09:06 |
Tm_T | heh, to me "smart phone" is computer, I tend to do stuff a lot on the road | 09:06 |
ogra_ | snappy will enable you :) | 09:06 |
Verc | ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel=devel --device mako | 09:06 |
Verc | ? | 09:06 |
ogra_ | yeah | 09:07 |
ogra_ | Tm_T, snappy is that "convergence" thing everyone talks about on the plumbing layer ;) | 09:07 |
ogra_ | it will eventually drive the desktop too ... | 09:08 |
Tm_T | ogra_: I understand, I'm more referring to the software selection and possible arbitary limitations | 09:08 |
ogra_ | so you will have an irssi snap then ;) | 09:08 |
Verc | is it OK, that is started to push something without downloading? | 09:08 |
jgdx | yeah | 09:08 |
ogra_ | Verc, if there is no newer image on the server it uses what it has cached | 09:08 |
jgdx | Verc, means you've probably done this before and the image is cached | 09:08 |
ogra_ | the devel channel is only updated very rarely | 09:09 |
Verc | GENIUS! | 09:09 |
Tm_T | but yeah, telegram user search is current issue I am facing, hard to use it if I cannot find any users | 09:09 |
Verc | I was scared that I have to wait a few hours to fix my phone | 09:09 |
popey | Tm_T: connect it to your address book | 09:09 |
Verc | where is the cache? | 09:09 |
Tm_T | popey: how? | 09:10 |
popey | it'll figure out who your friends are | 09:10 |
popey | in the app | 09:10 |
Verc | on my phone? | 09:10 |
ogra_ | somewhere in your homedir under .cache | 09:10 |
popey | Verc: no, pc | 09:10 |
Verc | or my dektop? | 09:10 |
ogra_ | on the PC | 09:10 |
Tm_T | popey: I tried adding users from phone's contact but I couldn't figure it out, it just goes to phone app | 09:10 |
Verc | OK because I've wiped cache in recovery mode | 09:10 |
popey | are your contacts synced to the device Tm_T ? | 09:10 |
popey | Verc: not the same cache | 09:11 |
Tm_T | popey: from several sources yes | 09:11 |
Verc | Ok, thanks for your help <3 | 09:11 |
Verc | it's flashing | 09:11 |
popey | Tm_T: so open contacts app, do you see lots of them?> | 09:11 |
Tm_T | popey: a lot of people yes | 09:11 |
popey | Tm_T: ok, in telegram on the phone tap the burger menu top right, contacts, add contact (top right), from address book, contacts, select all, tick | 09:13 |
Tm_T | popey: ok, will try thanks | 09:13 |
Verc | I'm back :) The telephone works :) | 09:14 |
Tm_T | popey: aaaaa previously that selection thingy didn't even appear | 09:14 |
Verc | thanks! | 09:14 |
Tm_T | popey: now after few tries it came with some delay | 09:14 |
popey | ogra_: see this? | 09:14 |
Tm_T | still no global search though | 09:15 |
ogra_ | Tm_T, btw, there is kiwiirc and a freenode webclient in the store .... (both not optimal since if you background them you need to reconnect at some point, but better than no IRC at all :) ) | 09:15 |
Tm_T | ogra_: indeed | 09:15 |
ogra_ | popey, lol | 09:15 |
ogra_ | i wonder how stuttery it runs :) | 09:15 |
Verc | but I've lost my console programs | 09:16 |
Verc | Music On Console | 09:16 |
Verc | I'll have to install it :) | 09:16 |
popey | Verc: hang on. | 09:17 |
popey | Verc: lets not go down the road of breaking the device _again_ | 09:18 |
popey | Verc: what app are you after? | 09:18 |
Verc | I have to leave home now | 09:19 |
Verc | cya later | 09:19 |
anpok_ | popey: i guess he meant | 09:20 |
jgdx | Everything Verc does should be made into a wiki page | 09:20 |
anpok_ | but I doubt he was serious.. | 09:20 |
lotuspsychje | | 09:44 |
popey | ooh | 09:44 |
popey | want | 09:44 |
lotuspsychje | :p | 09:44 |
lotuspsychje | looking nice spec mate | 09:44 |
ogra_ | popey, you sure ? it might be locked down :) | 09:44 |
popey | hah | 09:44 |
popey | i have some paper on my desk which needs holding down | 09:45 |
ogra_ | haha | 09:45 |
lotuspsychje | ogra_: you know why 14.09 rtm doesnt install image on n7 and 14.09/rtm-proposed does? | 09:45 |
ogra_ | well, rtm isnt really for tablets ... so they dont get QAed or promoted in RTM | 09:46 |
popey | i have vivid on my n7 | 09:46 |
lotuspsychje | ah, but the proposed one runs much smoother on my n7 on the channel=devel | 09:47 |
ogra_ | (would cause more work to disable the tablet builds than to just let them run along) | 09:47 |
lotuspsychje | popey: and working nicely? | 09:47 |
lotuspsychje | ogra_: wich version do you reccomend to run best on n7? | 09:48 |
ogra_ | hard to say since we really dont focus on tablets atm (i suspect that wil change soon) but i guess i'd take devel or devel-proposed | 09:49 |
lotuspsychje | i was on devel, and nhaines told me rtm is being worked on alot these days, and it runs very smooth on my n7 indeed | 09:50 |
ogra_ | sure, it just doesnt get any testing on tablets | 09:50 |
lotuspsychje | i see | 09:50 |
lotuspsychje | ill stick to rtm-proposed then until something better will come out :p | 09:51 |
lotuspsychje | tnx | 09:51 |
ogra_ | devel does at least get one smoke test before we promote stuff from devel-proposed ... | 09:51 |
lotuspsychje | overal speed is nice on rtm on my n7 | 09:52 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Friday, and happy Strawberry Day! :-D | 09:53 |
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lotuspsychje | | 09:58 |
seb128 | hum | 10:03 |
seb128 | is "here" displaying details about places for others? | 10:05 |
seb128 | I just get "Couldn't show you this place now" | 10:05 |
seb128 | trying on different places, including some in London | 10:05 |
popey | seb128: how do you trigger that? | 10:06 |
seb128 | popey, just search for something and click on small "pin" on the map for it | 10:07 |
seb128 | like I searched for "burger" in London and click on "honest burgers soho" | 10:07 |
popey | i searched for walldorf then clicked the town | 10:07 |
seb128 | popey, | 10:08 |
popey | seb128: yes, reproduced | 10:08 |
seb128 | popey, thanks! | 10:09 |
popey | np | 10:09 |
seb128 | popey, do you know where to report "here" bugs? | 10:09 |
popey | i don't. | 10:09 |
popey | victorp might | 10:09 |
jibel | seb128, if it's a problem with the webapp report a bug against webapp-applications, if it is a problem with the location report it against location-service | 10:15 |
jibel | webapps-applications* | 10:16 |
ogra_ | seb128, it is the buioltin health monitor ... it checks your body mass index and decides for you if you should have a burger or not ... its a feature :) | 10:18 |
popey | ah, every time you search for "burger" it returns the results for "salad" instead :) | 10:18 |
popey | WONTFIX: Not a bug. | 10:18 |
ogra_ | :D | 10:18 |
seb128 | ogra_, call me fat?: | 10:18 |
seb128 | ! | 10:18 |
ogra_ | LOL, how did i know you would say that :) | 10:18 |
seb128 | bah | 10:19 |
ogra_ | indeed i dont ... your phone is just mis-calibrated ;) | 10:19 |
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victorp | popey, under espoo project | 11:03 |
ogra_ | seb128, ^^^^ | 11:10 |
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davmor2 | seb128: and co has anyone brought up having a 3g data tracker in system settings? It would be nice to be able to have 3g data auto turn off when 5% of your allowance is left for example | 11:58 |
oSoMoN | Saviq, hey, in the shell-rotation branch, what happens to the indicators in landscape orientation? | 12:17 |
Saviq | oSoMoN, that's kinda the point, they keep to the top edge | 12:18 |
Saviq | as in the "new" top edge | 12:18 |
Saviq | the whole of shell rotates to keep bottom where bottom should be | 12:18 |
oSoMoN | Saviq, ok, that’s what I thought, just wanted confirmation, thanks! | 12:18 |
davmor2 | Saviq: I'll tell you he was worried they would leap out and attack him for stealing away their top edge ;) | 12:19 |
Saviq | ;0 | 12:20 |
seb128 | davmor2, no, but it's not a settings thing, rather an indicator one, settings is only a frontend, it doesn't run all the time so can't enforce changes during a session like that | 12:38 |
davmor2 | seb128: okay thanks for that | 12:39 |
seb128 | davmor2, yw! | 12:40 |
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nik90 | rsalveti: ping | 13:10 |
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matv1 | just flashed to latest devel-proposed on my mako and I can only get 2g data and no 3g (while 3g should definitely be available). Is that a known issue? | 13:23 |
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jgdx | matv1, bug 1422928 ? | 13:40 |
ubot5 | bug 1422928 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "[cellular] Not possible to select 3G on ril_1 after "Erase & Reset Everything"" [Undecided,New] | 13:40 |
* matv1 reading up on that bug | 13:41 | |
jgdx | matv1, might be a new bug if it persist. | 13:42 |
matv1 | jgdx doenst look like the other one. That implies (if iḿ reading right) that 3g isnt even an option in the UI | 13:44 |
matv1 | that is not the case with me | 13:44 |
matv1 | jgdx and it does persist over reboots | 13:44 |
jgdx | matv1, oh. What are the symptoms? | 13:44 |
jgdx | how do you know you're not getting 3g e.g? | 13:44 |
matv1 | jgdx I am going by what the top menu is saying. | 13:46 |
jgdx | matv1, are you able to ssh into the phone? | 13:46 |
jgdx | matv1, could you paste the output of [1] and [2]? [2] contains personal information, so it's best if you remove some of it. [1] /usr/share/ofono/scripts/get-tech-preference [2] /usr/share/ofono/scripts/list-modems | 13:47 |
jgdx | s/some/all | 13:48 |
matv1 | jgdx sure | 13:48 |
jgdx | thanks | 13:49 |
matv1 | jgdx might be a few hours before i get to it. i am at my dayjob :) | 13:49 |
matv1 | jgdx i will do a LP bug and attach the files | 13:49 |
matv1 | jgdx I will notufy yiu when i've done that | 13:50 |
matv1 | jgdx and thank you too | 13:51 |
jgdx | matv1, that'd be great. Thank you, in advance, for your bug report. | 13:52 |
jgdx | matv1, maybe file it against ofono ? | 13:53 |
matv1 | jgdx yup will do | 13:53 |
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jgdx | bfiller, $ gsettings list-keys com.ubuntu.touch.sound | 14:40 |
jgdx | bfiller, try this one | 14:52 |
jgdx | bfiller, othervibrate on vivid is slated to land next week | 14:55 |
bfiller | jgdx: so this command shows silent mode is true, but is not getting updated when I change the UI. And the UI seems to loose it's state after making a change and returning. UI is always showing false | 14:55 |
bfiller | kenvandine: ^^ | 14:55 |
jgdx | bfiller, vivid? | 14:57 |
jgdx | I am not seeing that on krillin@vivid.. | 14:58 |
bfiller | jgdx: vivid latest yes, on N4 | 14:58 |
kenvandine | bfiller, i'll check too | 15:00 |
kenvandine | readwrite b SilentMode = false; | 15:09 |
kenvandine | bfiller, seems to be changing for me | 15:09 |
kenvandine | readwrite b SilentMode = true; | 15:09 |
kenvandine | bfiller, so my setting is changing, but i am getting the beeps for notifications even when false | 15:10 |
bfiller | kenvandine: strange, wondering why I'm not seeing that. will reflash | 15:10 |
jgdx | bfiller, wwwait | 15:10 |
kenvandine | bfiller, NO! | 15:10 |
kenvandine | :-D | 15:10 |
jgdx | :D | 15:10 |
kenvandine | bfiller, reboot... | 15:10 |
* kenvandine hopes a reboot doesn't change this | 15:11 | |
jgdx | bfiller, $ tail -f .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log # and change the settings, could yield some useful information | 15:11 |
kenvandine | bfiller, and what image #? | 15:11 |
kenvandine | i'm on 113, so not the latest | 15:11 |
kenvandine | bfiller, also... you are changing it in settings right? not in the indicator? | 15:12 |
simosx | I want to make changes on the phone. Where do I install 'git' from? | 15:15 |
kenvandine | bfiller, the setting is changing properly from the indicator and settings... i'm updating to 114 now | 15:16 |
bfiller | kenvandine: I'm on 112 but have some updates installed, let me reflash with latest and try again | 15:18 |
bfiller | kenvandine: and yes was changing from settings not indicator | 15:19 |
kenvandine | bfiller, still working fine on 114 | 15:20 |
kenvandine | well, the setting is changing | 15:20 |
bfiller | jgdx, kenvandine: I'm seeing this in the log when I load the sound page 2015-02-27 10:19:54,223 - WARNING - file:///usr/share/ubuntu/settings/system/qml-plugins/sound/PageComponent.qml:72:50: Unable to assign [undefined] to bool | 15:20 |
kenvandine | but the push notifications are still ignoring it | 15:20 |
bfiller | (still on 112) | 15:20 |
bfiller | might be nothing | 15:20 |
kenvandine | property bool serverChecked: soundActionGroup.silentMode.state | 15:21 |
kenvandine | bfiller, so line 72 is for silent mode | 15:21 |
kenvandine | bfiller, looks like it's failing to get the state from the indicator | 15:21 |
kenvandine | bfiller, reboot first | 15:21 |
jgdx | bfiller, is there an indicator? | 15:21 |
jgdx | for sound | 15:22 |
kenvandine | good question :) | 15:22 |
kenvandine | maybe the indicator crashes | 15:22 |
bfiller | jgdx, kenvandine : it's not there must have crashed | 15:22 |
kenvandine | bingo | 15:22 |
kenvandine | so that's a different issue though | 15:22 |
bfiller | yup | 15:22 |
kenvandine | the push notifications are still ignoring that setting | 15:22 |
kenvandine | can you file that bug for push notifications? | 15:22 |
bfiller | kenvandine: yup, doing that now | 15:22 |
kenvandine | and please double check that it isn't doing that on rtm | 15:23 |
kenvandine | if you have an rtm device handy | 15:23 |
adrian47 | kernel printk is needed for ubuntu touch? when i disable it UT does not boot | 15:25 |
bfiller | kenvandine: | 15:26 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1426418 in ubuntu-push (Ubuntu) "push notification ignoring silent mode" [High,New] | 15:26 |
ogra_ | adrian47, shouldnt | 15:26 |
ogra_ | probably somethin transitional if oyu disable it | 15:26 |
why_banned_studi | hi | 15:39 |
adrian47 | ogra_, it gives me 0.3MB it's really much for me now, i am getting bootloop without it :( | 15:40 |
cwayne | oh man, i need to write a myfitnesspal app with this now | 15:42 |
why_banned_studi | will there be in the future a vsftpd for the ubuntu-touch (armhf)? | 15:44 |
popey | !guidelines | why_banned_studi | 15:50 |
ubot5 | why_banned_studi: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 15:50 |
adrian47 | i tried to ude lzma compression but it didn't worked too with it | 16:03 |
adrian47 | use* | 16:04 |
mariogrip | I need to learn how to make youtube videos :P I see that now, it's not the best... | 16:10 |
popey | it was better than most | 16:11 |
popey | needs more cats though | 16:11 |
mariogrip | hehe, I said so much wrong :P | 16:12 |
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beidl | hello fine folks | 16:22 |
davmor2 | beidl: hello | 16:25 |
ogra_ | adrian47, tyr xz | 16:26 |
ogra_ | *try | 16:26 |
adrian47 | ogra_, the same, I don't know why... | 16:38 |
ogra_ | did you enable XZ support everywhere in the kernel ? | 16:38 |
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adrian47 | ogra_, yes | 16:40 |
peat-psuwit | Excuse me, if opening /dev/console gives ENODEV, what does it mean? | 16:52 |
ogra_ | most likely that your kernel didnt create it | 16:53 |
ogra_ | or that you havent enabled devtmpfs in the kernel | 16:53 |
peat-psuwit | I'm sure that devtmpfs is enabled and the device file is there. | 16:56 |
ogra_ | do you have the kernel cmdline point to a proper console device too ? | 16:57 |
ogra_ | console=tty0 | 16:57 |
ogra_ | somethin like that | 16:57 |
peat-psuwit | I'm not quite sure. It says "console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8". I don't know if it's correct | 16:58 |
peat-psuwit | Don't know what else it should be either. | 16:59 |
ogra_ | try appending console=tty0 additionally at the end | 16:59 |
peat-psuwit | I'll try. | 16:59 |
seb128 | is anyone else seen some sort of flicker/jerky animation when selecting/opening a photo in gallery? (or once it's open when touching it to display the header)? | 17:02 |
seb128 | that's on rtm 247 | 17:02 |
* ogra_ never uses gallery :P | 17:02 | |
seb128 | oh, seems like om26er reported it as | 17:03 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1425563 in gallery-app "Gallery flickers when going fullscreen" [Medium,New] | 17:03 |
ogra_ | i actually got used to open the camera app to use the photo roll there :) | 17:03 |
peat-psuwit | Thanks ogra_, that works! | 17:04 |
ogra_ | :) | 17:04 |
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader | ||
why_banned_studi | thanks. | 17:39 |
why_banned_studi | i would like to ask "again", will there be in the future a ftp-server like vsftpd for the ubuntu-touch device (armhf)? | 17:58 |
butz | Greetings, is it possible to build Ubuntu touch for x86 devices? | 17:59 |
DonkeyHotei | it is not, currently | 18:00 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
lotuspsychje | butz: check the XDA forums for your device maybe someone ported it | 18:00 |
lotuspsychje | !devices | 18:01 |
ubot5 | You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at | 18:01 |
butz | just went through that list - all devices are Android/ARM | 18:01 |
popey | butz: i think someone has, willcooke demonstrated it on an intel tablet | 18:01 |
lotuspsychje | yeah omgubuntu has video on it | 18:01 |
popey | why_banned_studi: someone could make a snappy package of vsftpd perhaps | 18:01 |
why_banned_studi | thanks ;) | 18:02 |
popey | why_banned_studi: not sure why someone would put an ftp server on a phone, but you could. | 18:02 |
lotuspsychje | butz: | 18:02 |
why_banned_studi | it is not just a phone it is ubuntu | 18:02 |
popey | right, so yeah, someone could package it | 18:04 |
lotuspsychje | why_banned_studi: unlock your device and use apt-get install an-ftp-prog | 18:04 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | I installed ubuntu on my OnePlus One, it was unbeleivibly hard to uninstall it and re-install android, gosh, ((I needed to re-install android for audio, and cellular, couldn't text, phone, or do anything really under ubuntu) but it killed me to remove ubuntu xD I think that says you're doing something right, either that or I'm crazy? | 18:05 |
butz | lotuspsychje: yeah, I came here after wathing that video :) | 18:05 |
why_banned_studi | @lotuspsychje, thanks for advise, but i prefer vsftp | 18:06 |
why_banned_studi | another question, how to get an icon from firefox after intalling firefox? | 18:07 |
mhall119 | ChloeWolfieGirl: the first bootable image is always rough, hopefully mariogrip will keep working on it and it'll get more and more usable | 18:08 |
mhall119 | why_banned_studi: firefox won't run on Mir, so you'll have to figure out how to launch it under XMir and make a custom .desktop file | 18:08 |
why_banned_studi | ok, was wondering that is was possible with apt-get install firefox | 18:09 |
mhall119 | it should be, assuming there's an armhf build of it | 18:10 |
why_banned_studi | ? | 18:10 |
mhall119 | phones mostly use ARM CPUs, not x86, so you need binary apps to work with it | 18:11 |
why_banned_studi | i installed firefox with apt-get install firefox, but after installation there was no icon in the "desktop" to run it | 18:11 |
mhall119 | why_banned_studi: right, Unity 8 only uses apps with a specific field (X-Ubuntu-Touch I think) | 18:12 |
mhall119 | so you'd need to edit Firefox's .desktop file to include that, but even that won't be enough because you need to run it under XMir, so you'd have to change the Exec line too, and I'm not sure what needs to be done there | 18:12 |
mariogrip | mhall119, I will! I have been working all night trying to get wifi working, i actually fell asleep at my laptop while it was building xP | 18:13 |
mhall119 | why_banned_studi: long story short: It's currently possible (at least in development branches) but it's not easy or well defined yet, so be patient and it will get easier | 18:13 |
DonkeyHotei | if firefox won't run on mir, what will be the new browser on unity8? | 18:13 |
mhall119 | mariogrip: ah, don't over-do it, slow and steady wins the race :) | 18:13 |
mhall119 | DonkeyHotei: default browser is Ubuntu's webbrowser-app, which is built on Chromium | 18:13 |
ryan_evos | mariogrip, did you have any luck? | 18:14 |
mhall119 | Firefox might eventually run on Mir, but that's going to take work from the Mozilla devs | 18:14 |
mhall119 | Chromium (and our browser, which is based on it) have been made to run on Mir | 18:14 |
mariogrip | mhall119, i'm to stubborn to give up without any result :P | 18:14 |
mhall119 | :) | 18:14 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mhall119 I wouldn't say its rough, what I've played with works much better then I expected its just that I had to reinstall android for text, calling etc xD mariogrip you're doing amazing work! :D | 18:14 |
DonkeyHotei | i'm curious: would a port to a phone with a locked bootloader be possible using safestrap? | 18:16 |
mariogrip | ryan_evos, I think it got it, just need to edit some code i hope. | 18:16 |
why_banned_studi | @mhall119, ok, i'll wait with the firefox ... | 18:16 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | It feels like mariogrips like "Today wifi, tomorrow sound, in 3 days a stable daily driver" | 18:16 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | x'D | 18:16 |
why_banned_studi | but i have another problem, how to mount a ext4 formated sd-card permanently in ununtu-touch? | 18:17 |
mariogrip | I hope it was that easy :) but i think it will be some more days then 3 days :) | 18:17 |
ryan_evos | what is working at the moment? I know you got Mir/UI working | 18:18 |
mariogrip | what i have tested that works is Graphics, Boot process, Touch, Suspend/Resume, click packages | 18:19 |
why_banned_studi | @mariogrip, /media and fstab are tempsf, so what do i have to do to mount it permanent? | 18:19 |
ogra_ | di you add the apparmor patches already ? | 18:19 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mariogrip haha xD I'm just saying about how fast working you are and "stubborn" xD Its admirable | 18:21 |
mhall119 | ChloeWolfieGirl: day 4: take over the world? | 18:23 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mhall119 haha YES xD | 18:23 |
peat-psuwit | Is it possible to add file in Ubuntu root from Android system.img? | 18:23 |
ogra_ | peat-psuwit, what do you need to add ? | 18:24 |
mariogrip | ogra_ it seems to work, i haven't do a lot testing with click, but i did a quick test, and it seems to work... I will do some more testing on it | 18:24 |
peat-psuwit | ogra_, udev rules and display.conf | 18:25 |
ogra_ | it is possible to bind mount files from the container on top of a file in the rootfs ... but for that the target file needs to exist | 18:25 |
ogra_ | ah, we have generic files that you can use as mountpoint for this | 18:25 |
ogra_ | peat-psuwit, just make sure to put your udev rule as 70-android.rules into ubuntu/lib/udev/rules.d in your tree | 18:26 |
ogra_ | for the GRID_UNIT_PX you want ubuntu/etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/android.conf | 18:27 |
peat-psuwit | ogra_: Isn't it named after device codename? | 18:29 |
ogra_ | not anymore | 18:33 |
ogra_ | that way you dontn need to make any changes to the rootfs | 18:33 |
peat-psuwit | ogra_: Ok, rebuilding system.img | 18:35 |
mariogrip | I guess getting ubuntu touch work with multirom, i can make a flash-able bootimage, then flash that as a new multirom. then copy system.img into the data folder of the multirom rom. this is idea, don't know if it will work | 18:35 |
mariogrip | Tassadar ^ will that work? | 18:36 |
peat-psuwit | By the way, do you have any clue about powerd-config.xml? | 18:36 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mariogrip if ubuntu touch worked on the opo with wi-fi, would I beable to update the device software etc via the updater in system settings, or would there still be flashing images every update which isnt from canonical? | 18:37 |
Tassadar | mariogrip: not as is, no. | 18:38 |
mariogrip | ChloeWolfieGirl I will setup a ota server when it getting closer to stable, then you will get updates directly to your device from me | 18:38 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mariogrip you super star x3 | 18:39 |
Verc | is it a bug if gmail app does not work. It shows black screen and gmail icon and breaks. Calculator the same | 18:39 |
mariogrip | ChloeWolfieGirl you super girl x3 | 18:39 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mariogrip oh gosh xD not even | 18:41 |
mhall119 | you are both awesome, and don't even argue otherwise | 18:41 |
popey | Verc: sure, is this a clean install? | 18:43 |
ogra_ | works fine here | 18:43 |
mariogrip | mhall119, don't worry, she is just flirting with me :P | 18:44 |
l3on | Hi, I think this guide is confusing and wrong in examples: | 18:44 |
Verc | Yea. Ive installed devel today from PCs cache. Since then those apps have not worked | 18:44 |
l3on | against which package can I file a bug ? | 18:44 |
ogra_ | Verc, did you make the system writable at any point ? | 18:45 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | mariogrip OMG I'm not flirting xD you both shush about this x'D mariogrip mhall119 OMG x'D | 18:45 |
mariogrip | hehehe :P | 18:45 |
ogra_ | lol | 18:45 |
mhall119 | that's okay mariogrip, *I'll* still flirt with you ;) | 18:46 |
Verc | I don't know whar are you talking about | 18:46 |
mariogrip | lol :D | 18:46 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | :,D I love you guys xD omg | 18:46 |
popey | wise. moving on. | 18:46 |
popey | Verc: did you make the phone read/write? | 18:47 |
Verc | Not that I know of | 18:51 |
popey | interesting, wonder what changed | 18:52 |
Verc | I have reinstalled it and the same happens | 18:54 |
Verc | Should I report a bug? | 18:57 |
labsin | Hi, I'm getting "Invalid clone.bundle file; ignoring." errors when executing phablet-dev-bootstrap. Should I just let it run? | 19:13 |
mariogrip | Shuld upstartPropertyWatcher is spaming this in logcat with this: I/UpstartPropertyWatcher( 625): Property changed: | 19:28 |
mariogrip | I/UpstartPropertyWatcher( 625): Property changed: is that normal? | 19:28 |
mariogrip | correct: Should upstartPropertyWatcher spam logcat with this: | 19:30 |
why_banned_studi | no idea for today? | 19:40 |
why_banned_studi | @mhall119, can you give me an advise how to make a custom .desktop i am still missing a thunar or nautilis in my default image, there is also no terminal in the default image ... :( | 19:58 |
mhall119 | why_banned_studi: can you install the terminal from the Click store? | 19:59 |
popey | thunar or nautilus won't work on the phone | 19:59 |
why_banned_studi | without an account, no | 19:59 |
popey | you can get the source and build a click yourself and install it | 20:01 |
why_banned_studi | where do i get the source? | 20:01 |
why_banned_studi | that is what i am missing on the ubuntu-touch, git clone, make, make install ... | 20:02 |
why_banned_studi | @popey, how? | 20:06 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|afk | ||
popey | why_banned_studi: source for the terminal is at | 20:11 |
mariogrip | 1,145 views on my video :O so many has seen my bad video! | 20:12 |
popey | yay1 | 20:12 |
why_banned_studi | @popey, i don't understand that, how do clone the git and make a "make"? | 20:14 |
popey | why_banned_studi: we dont use git | 20:15 |
why_banned_studi | ok, how to install that on my device? | 20:15 |
mariogrip | | 20:15 |
kenvandine | tedg, what is mir-connection-demangler in pay-service for? | 20:15 |
mariogrip | ah, never mind, just forget my post, i didn't read all of the it... | 20:17 |
popey | why_banned_studi: probably easier to get grab a click from my mirror | 20:17 |
popey | why_banned_studi: | 20:17 |
popey | why_banned_studi: for example | 20:18 |
why_banned_studi | @popey, i was happy to install the ubuntu-touch without help from bq or this channel on my device. I also figured out how to change the "image-channel" without help, but now i need help, because there is not terminal/nor filebrowser in the "default" image. Now i can just make adb shell ... | 20:21 |
tedg | kenvandine, Gets the FD from the service to the client | 20:21 |
sebokie | hello | 20:21 |
tedg | kenvandine, Basically you need to transfer the FD using the kernel so that it gets from one FD table to the other. | 20:21 |
popey | why_banned_studi: get that click package I just linked to | 20:21 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
tedg | kenvandine, The service throws it to the kernel, the demangler pulls it back out. | 20:21 |
sebokie | is it possible to install normal ubuntu packages on ubuntu-touch? | 20:22 |
tedg | kenvandine, Then it exec's the actual client so that it inherits that FD table | 20:22 |
why_banned_studi | @popey, there are only png? | 20:22 |
popey | | 20:22 |
popey | why_banned_studi: ^ that is not a png | 20:22 |
why_banned_studi | how to install | 20:23 |
why_banned_studi | ? | 20:23 |
tedg | popey, | 20:23 |
tedg | Bother | 20:23 |
popey | why_banned_studi: pkcon install-local --allow-unauthenticated | 20:23 |
tedg | kenvandine, Does that make sense? | 20:23 |
popey | no, thats wrong | 20:23 |
popey | why_banned_studi: pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted | 20:24 |
tedg | The question is whether some random guy name after a cartoon sailor can be trusted :-) | 20:24 |
popey | :) | 20:24 |
why_banned_studi | @popey, sorry, i do not understand that :( | 20:25 |
popey | why_banned_studi: wget | 20:26 |
popey | why_banned_studi: pkcon install-local --allow-unauthenticated | 20:26 |
popey | job done | 20:26 |
why_banned_studi | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ | 20:27 |
why_banned_studi | bash: No such file or directory | 20:27 |
why_banned_studi | ? | 20:27 |
popey | you didnt do what I said | 20:27 |
* ogra_ lols, seeing popey makes the exact same mistake with --allow-untrusted | 20:29 | |
ogra_ | happens to me all the time ... we really should rename the option | 20:30 |
ogra_ | (or have an alias) | 20:30 |
why_banned_studi | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ pkcon install-local --allow-unauthenticated | 20:30 |
why_banned_studi | Failed to parse command line: Unknown option --allow-unauthenticated | 20:30 |
why_banned_studi | phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ | 20:30 |
why_banned_studi | ? | 20:30 |
ogra_ | --allow-untrusted | 20:31 |
kenvandine | tedg, oh... so it needs more than just MIR_SOCKET=fd://19 or whatever | 20:33 |
tedg | kenvandine, Well, that's all it needs. That number just needs to be a valid FD. | 20:34 |
popey | why_banned_studi: right , so wget | 20:34 |
kenvandine | oh... wait... you do that to actually query the pay-service to get that | 20:34 |
tedg | kenvandine, But it's an index to a table. So the kernel is the one that you need to get the index from. | 20:34 |
why_banned_studi | thanks !!! "pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted" worked !!! | 20:34 |
popey | then pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted | 20:34 |
popey | super! | 20:34 |
popey | why_banned_studi: you can do that for any of the clicks in that directory on the website | 20:34 |
popey | (any armhf or multi ones) | 20:35 |
kenvandine | tedg, i'm passing that in APP_URIS | 20:35 |
why_banned_studi | i was allwas looking for a .deb. ipk or thometing like taht .... | 20:35 |
tedg | kenvandine, You can't | 20:35 |
tedg | kenvandine, The number is different for each process | 20:35 |
kenvandine | that's what mardy was doing... | 20:35 |
tedg | kenvandine, Mardy was execing the process out of the main service so it inherited his whole file table. | 20:36 |
kenvandine | that's what he ended up doing | 20:36 |
kenvandine | but first he tried to use ubuntu_app_launch_start_multiple_helper wit MIR_SOCKET in the uris | 20:37 |
kenvandine | with | 20:37 |
kenvandine | i liked that approach... | 20:38 |
why_banned_studi | ok, now it is under utilities ... big thanks :) | 20:38 |
tedg | popey, Why do you have all those clicks on your webserver? | 20:38 |
popey | tedg: why not? | 20:38 |
mhall119 | tedg: popey has *everything* on his webserver | 20:39 |
kenvandine | tedg, because i find it useful to download old clicks for update testing in settings :) | 20:39 |
mhall119 | that's why he needs to many sub-domains | 20:39 |
tedg | popey, That's a mighty big webserver you have. | 20:39 |
kenvandine | tedg, popey probably has a copy of your kids photos on his web server :) | 20:39 |
popey | haha | 20:39 |
popey | It's an HP Microserver | 20:39 |
why_banned_studi | @popey, thanks !!! | 20:39 |
mhall119 | tedg: little known fact, both the Ubuntu archives *and* the Debian archives are just mirrors for popey's server | 20:40 |
popey | why_banned_studi: no problem | 20:40 |
mhall119 | is based on the true story of popey's server | 20:41 |
Verc | excuse me but I was out. Was any reply posted here to my previous post about gmail app? | 20:41 |
tedg | The entire NSA data collection program was created to try to one-up popey, they failed. | 20:41 |
mhall119 | tedg: yeah, popey actually has a copy of that NSA program, on his server | 20:41 |
mhall119 | it was the recursion that their code couldn't handle | 20:41 |
kenvandine | tedg, so i'm going to need my own mir-connection-demangler | 20:42 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yes, or you can steal mine. | 20:43 |
kenvandine | well, i'd have to copy it :) | 20:43 |
* tedg quickly patents it | 20:43 | |
kenvandine | tedg, you have a dbus call to pay-service in there, what does that return? | 20:44 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | is popey 's server still ontop of his fridge? | 20:44 |
tedg | kenvandine, It transfers the file descriptor. I found using DBus easier there. | 20:44 |
popey | \o/ no | 20:44 |
popey | its now next to me | 20:44 |
popey | so i have the disks spin down | 20:44 |
tedg | kenvandine, You can do it with a different socket type if you want. DBus was just easy. | 20:44 |
popey | then I know when someone is hitting my server because the disks spin up again | 20:44 |
ChloeWolfieGirl | Haha xD fair | 20:45 |
kenvandine | tedg, dbus is probably good, i'll just need to add a dbus api to retrieve this | 20:45 |
kenvandine | tedg, so PAY_SERVICE_MIR_SOCKET is argv[0] on exec-tool | 20:48 |
kenvandine | where does that come from? | 20:48 |
kenvandine | and the demangler uses that | 20:48 |
kenvandine | tedg, is that the FD from the service? and the service looks that up and passes the real FD back? | 20:50 |
Verc | Now besides gmail app the telephone reboots when it wants | 20:51 |
tedg | kenvandine, Mir creates and FD via the trusted session. Then that FD is what the client needs to connect to. | 20:53 |
tedg | kenvandine, Getting the FD: | 20:54 |
tedg | kenvandine, Sending it over DBus: | 20:55 |
tedg | kenvandine, All in all, really wish Mir would give us a socket instead of an FD. But couldn't talk them into that. | 20:57 |
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
* jgdx gets 0.10 avg cpu usage on vivid in textual mode | 21:05 | |
kenvandine | tedg, yeah, this is more complex than i thought... i guess i'll be adding another dbus function here | 21:05 |
tedg | kenvandine, I put it on a unique path just to make harder to guess in the microsecond it's available. | 21:08 |
tedg | kenvandine, Not sure if a real security implication, but eh, someone could slip in and... not really sure what. | 21:08 |
lotophagos | hello | 21:27 |
mardy | tedg, kenvandine: right, now I remember that the fact that I would have had to implement fd passing was the reason why I finally opted for using just QProcess instead :-) | 21:43 |
kenvandine | mardy, now we figure it out :) | 21:44 |
tedg | You can do it kenvandine! | 21:44 |
mardy | tedg, kenvandine: since my original code was based on QProcess, I decided that it was easier just to continue working with that | 21:44 |
kenvandine | i think this is still a better solution for content-hub | 21:44 |
* tedg gets out the cheerleader outfit to encourage kenvandine | 21:44 | |
mardy | kenvandine: yeah, sorry, I blame my bad memory | 21:45 |
kenvandine | mardy, well your old branch was much nicer to work with than looking at what pay-service does :) | 21:45 |
tedg | Ouch! | 21:45 |
kenvandine | hehe | 21:45 |
kenvandine | tedg, i've become more accustomed to the Qt way... than your g_ way :) | 21:46 |
kenvandine | what have i become :) | 21:46 |
jgdx | pitti, thanks for python-dbusmock 0.13! :) | 21:46 |
kenvandine | mardy, so basically this branch didn't really work right? almost did though | 21:47 |
kenvandine | i assume | 21:47 |
tedg | kenvandine, That code is a little tricky as it's multithreaded C++ using GLib. | 21:47 |
kenvandine | yeah... | 21:47 |
kenvandine | i already have a dbus service running, which is what's creating the session to start with | 21:47 |
kenvandine | so i just need to add a GetMirSocket function to look it up by index and get the handle | 21:48 |
kenvandine | so the service passes 19 to the untrusted helper, which calls the demangler to call GetMirSocket with 19 to get the handle for the FD | 21:48 |
kenvandine | tedg, right? | 21:48 |
tedg | Yeah, file handles are interesting beasts. Generally they're so abstracted in most platforms you don't realize how they really function. | 21:49 |
kenvandine | yeah, i've never needed to | 21:49 |
tedg | kenvandine, Kinda, it's important to remember what is 19 to the service could be 5 for the helper. | 21:49 |
kenvandine | yes | 21:49 |
kenvandine | but it's going to return the handle right? | 21:49 |
tedg | You're not passing the number per se | 21:49 |
tedg | Yes | 21:49 |
kenvandine | i'm passing the number in though | 21:50 |
tedg | You're passing the pointer in, and getting a pointer out, but they are in different memory spaces even if they point to the same thing. | 21:50 |
kenvandine | humm | 21:50 |
kenvandine | i get CONTENT_HUB_MIR_SOCKET as argv[0] in my helper | 21:51 |
kenvandine | which is just the int | 21:51 |
kenvandine | then call the demangler to get the handle | 21:52 |
kenvandine | tedg, oh... so the demangler becomes the exec | 21:53 |
kenvandine | prepending the actually APP_EXEC | 21:54 |
tedg | kenvandine, Sorry wife called | 21:57 |
tedg | kenvandine, Yes, it runs first. The key is that it's confined. | 21:57 |
kenvandine | yeah | 21:57 |
kenvandine | i think i'm understanding | 21:57 |
tedg | kenvandine, So exec-tool is unconfined, demangler is confined. | 21:57 |
kenvandine | yeah | 21:57 |
adrian47 | Can someone help with usb (and adb), I am building UT on this notebok but i need to use other notebook for adb and fastbot flashing.... | 21:58 |
adrian47 | When i connect phone to usb, i don't see it at lsusb | 21:59 |
adrian47 | I tried many method's that i found, nothing worked | 22:02 |
Azelphur | Hey folks, Running Ubuntu touch on my Nexus 7, do bluetooth keyboards work? Mine shows up in connect a device but I can't click on it or do anything, maybe user error though | 22:32 |
jgdx | Azelphur, you could check if a bug is filed for that in bluez: — There's a bunch of keyboard bugs reported. | 22:36 |
TEP | Hello everybody. Is it a good time ? | 22:47 |
TEP | are there any good friend that have some time spending for helping an confused soul tonight ? | 22:49 |
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Azelphur | jgdx: if it's a problem in bluez, would it be worth testing the keyboard with my laptop running Xubuntu? | 22:51 |
Azelphur | since in theory they are both running bluez and would thus both have the same fault? | 22:51 |
TEP | is it possible a kind person here can connect remotly to my computer and set up ubuntu to my desktop and show me a bit? | 22:54 |
Azelphur | TEP: It's impossible, you'd need KVM/IP hardware. You should read a guide and be sure to take backups, besides that, this is for Ubuntu touch, not Ubuntu desktop. | 22:55 |
TEP | Thank you for information. | 22:55 |
ChloeWolfieGirl_ | Azelphur would this channel also be for the unity8 with mir desktop since its the same code and convergence etc? | 22:56 |
Azelphur | ChloeWolfieGirl_: no clue | 22:57 |
ChloeWolfieGirl_ | Azelphur fair enough :P | 22:57 |
=== salem_ is now known as _salem | ||
Verc | Have you got any idea what is that: | 23:09 |
Verc | | 23:09 |
=== zapa_ is now known as zapa_|sleep | ||
=== _salem is now known as salem_ | ||
=== lazyPower is now known as lp|away | ||
matv1 | just loaded the latest devel proposed on my mako but i cant get the phone to mount when connected to my comp with usb, i've enabled developer mode and the device isnt locked. I must be missing something obvious?? | 23:58 |
matv1 | i can however adb shell into it | 23:59 |
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