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Saviqgreyback_, icanhastest for setFullscreen(false) please?10:48
greyback_Saviq: setFullscreen?10:53
Saviqgreyback_, uhm10:53
greyback_I saw the comment10:54
greyback_I was going to, then thought it a lightly ridiculous test10:54
greyback_ofc setFocused(false) should not grab a wakelock10:55
Saviqgreyback_, why? can't you have a test that reproduces what we saw yesterday?10:55
Saviqgreyback_, well, it does, currently, doesn't it ;)10:55
greyback_yeah, was bad code10:55
Saviqgreyback_, and what if we get bad code again? why can't there be a unit test failing then?10:56
greyback_I know you're right, but the test I'd write would effectively be "test if an "if" statement works"10:57
Saviqgreyback_, can it not be a more high level test, testing that if you launch a lifecycle-exempt app and unfocus it, that there's no wakelock held?10:57
Saviqwhich is what we saw happen yesterday?10:58
greyback_yeah alright10:58
greyback_Saviq: pushed11:07
Saviqgreyback_, tx11:07
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dandraderSaviq, ping14:19
Saviqdandrader, here14:19
dandraderSaviq, do you think we would need a feature freeze exception to merge qtmir/port-to-mirevent2.0 + qtubuntu/use-mirclient?14:20
Saviqdandrader, think it should be fine14:23
Saviqdandrader, one thing greyback_ pointed out yesterday is that might mean some changes to unity8 to still support mouse properly?14:23
dandraderSaviq, if you wrote something back I didn't receive it as my router stopped working and needed a reboot14:39
Saviq<Saviq> dandrader, think it should be fine14:41
Saviq dandrader, one thing greyback_ pointed out yesterday is that might mean some changes to unity8 to still support mouse properly?14:41
dandraderSaviq, yeah, some MouseAreas to avoid the regression where the indicators panel would not be draggable with a mouse14:42
dandraderSaviq, mzanetti has a a simple MP for that, which would be landed along with those other two14:42
dandraderSaviq, sounds like a plan?14:42
Saviqdandrader, sure14:42
dandraderSaviq, ok, after I'm done with my current task I will build all of those in my device and let you know it's working well. would that help you? (I don't have landing powers, so don't know how to help in getting it landed)14:44
dandraders/it's working well/if it's working well14:45
Saviqdandrader, just have MPs around and I'll build it all in silo14:45
mzanettidandrader, Saviq: I had a chat with Jouni yesterday. He'll get us some design on what to do with the dragarea in the indicators for the mouse case. for now we should just add that simple mouse area so we can open them by clicking.14:46
dandraderSaviq, so here they are: lp:~mir-team/qtubuntu/port-to-mirclient, lp:~mir-team/platform-api/expose-mir-connection, lp:~mir-team/qtmir/port-to-event-2.0 and lp:~mzanetti/unity8/indicators-mouse14:47
Saviqdandrader, ok, will put those in silos soon14:47
dandradermzanetti, do you still consider  lp:~mzanetti/unity8/indicators-mouse as "work in progress"?14:47
dandraderSaviq, ok, thanks14:47
mzanettidandrader, no... lemme change14:48
mzanettidandrader, Saviq: updated the branch14:50
dandradermzanetti, nice, thanks. will review it soon (today or on Monday). Unless someone else does it first :)14:53
Saviqhuh, mzanetti can you repro bug #1426399 ?14:53
ubot5bug 1426399 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Sheel freezes for a short time when pressing the "Play" key on a connected BT keyboard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142639914:53
* mzanetti tries14:53
mzanettiSaviq, can repro except the "short time"14:56
mzanettiah no14:56
mzanettiI hit the mouse accidentally14:56
mzanettiso it was doing the transition to windowed mode14:57
mzanettiSaviq, however, pressing the play buttin will probably activate the telephony stuff14:57
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, that's what I was thinking14:57
* tsdgeos has found a deadlock in qtbus on startup :/14:58
seb128mzanetti, hey14:59
mzanettiseb128, hi14:59
seb128mzanetti, on my current vivid/unity-desktop the launcher doesn't display when hitting the screen corner with a mouse, is that normal?14:59
seb128the package changelog suggest support for that has been added14:59
mzanettiseb128, yeah, need a update of mir15:00
mzanettiseb128, right now Mir doesn't give us Mouse events (except for silo0)15:00
seb128oh ok15:00
a1fahello.. is there anyway to benchmark 2d performance of unity?15:00
seb128mzanetti, thanks15:00
a1fai feel like my dekstop is lugging a bit15:00
seb128mzanetti, is that in mir 0.12 which is pending landing?15:00
a1faare there any built in counters, one can refer to?15:00
a1far9 290 with flgrx drivers15:01
mzanettiseb128, not sure exactly, I think it's this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/port-to-event-2.0/+merge/24806715:01
mzanettiand its dependencies15:01
seb128mzanetti, k, thanks15:02
a1faexample: resizing windows is very choppy15:02
mzanettiSaviq, this does happen here, but only on the first time you press that button after the device boots15:04
mzanettire play button15:05
Saviqmzanetti, can you comment on bug and get telephony folk to comment15:05
Saviqmzanetti, if anything, the function call we use to let them know about this should be async15:06
mzanettiSaviq, thing is, it has a return value15:07
mzanettiand we probably want that15:07
Saviqmzanetti, right, then we need to put it in a WorkerScript or something15:07
a1faresizing windows: very slow and bad...15:08
a1famoving windows around: fast, no chopiness15:08
Saviqa1fa, is that any app, or one in particular?15:09
a1fagood example file manager15:09
a1fawith no files on the screen15:09
a1famaybe 3-4 directories15:09
a1fa(Home Directory)15:09
SaviqTrevinho, any ideas for a1fa ↑? window resize is slow for him15:10
a1fait's most windows like that15:10
a1fai'm on 14.10 x6415:10
Saviqmzanetti, what was your issue with device-upgrade 0?15:10
a1fa16GB DDR315:10
Trevinhomhm... what driver are you using?15:10
Trevinhoa1fa: ^15:11
a1faTrevinho: flgrx15:11
a1fai tried flgrx-update15:11
a1fasame thing15:11
mzanettiSaviq, don't remember... I did normal dist-upgrades lately15:11
Saviqmzanetti, dude :P15:11
Trevinhoa1fa: that's weird, I didn't head of that since we introduced new decorations...15:11
mzanettieither those scripts work or they don't15:11
mzanettithis doesn't for me15:11
Trevinhoa1fa: does it happen for any window or just filemanager?15:11
a1faTrevinho: any window15:11
Saviqmzanetti, 100% success rate here15:12
mzanettiand doing normal upgrades does work and is not much more to type15:12
mzanetti98% fail rate here15:12
Saviqexcept it will break often15:12
Saviqmzanetti, so there's something you're doing differently15:12
mzanettididn't work for kgunn either, and for many others working on silo015:12
Saviqmzanetti, it's usually useful to _report_ a tool failure like that15:13
Trevinhoa1fa: mh, it's quite hard to debug.. but you might give a try to run callgrind with unity and compiz debug symbols installed... So we could have some measurement15:13
Saviqthat tool is supposed to work - if it doesn't, we should fix it, not silently go and do other things15:13
Trevinhoa1fa: as a workaround you can switch back to a different resize method in CCSM for now I guess15:13
a1faTrevinho: i think this is just 1 side effect15:13
a1faTrevinho: the entire experience feels a bit lagged15:14
* Saviq hates "oh it isn't working, but I don't remember why/how" >:[15:14
Trevinhoah, ok.. so that's another thing15:14
a1faoddly, shaking the windows around works fine15:14
a1fano lag what so ever15:14
a1faits mostly obvious in resizing windows15:14
a1famy rdp session also feels strange15:14
Trevinhomh, well, I've no experience with fglrx here, I've always used radeon driver... can you try to use that and check if you get the same?15:15
kgunnSaviq: there's a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/140882715:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 1408827 in Mir "citrain device-upgrade fails to install Mir" [High,New]15:15
kgunnin the wrong place :-.15:15
Saviqkgunn, yeah, was it the same with mir 0.12 (silo 7)?15:16
a1fabe in about 2-3 mintues15:16
a1fawaiting for download to finish15:16
a1faTrevinho: no need to reboot between driver switch? just cycle x?15:17
kgunnkdub: ^ did you test using ctrain device-upgrade?  or did you apt-add-repository with your testing ?15:17
kgunnah...and all was good, did you check the package names and verify everything you expected to be installed was ?15:17
kgunnkdub: ^15:18
kdubyes, and I think I just used dist-upgrade on my desktop check15:18
kdubwith apt-add-repository15:18
kduband citrain on the devices15:18
kgunnkdub: as long as you verified the pkgs installed...15:19
kgunni'm gonna close this https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/140882715:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1408827 in Mir "citrain device-upgrade fails to install Mir" [High,New]15:19
kgunnand open a new one15:19
a1faTrevinho: i also noticed a slight issue with the right menu bar.. when it hides, it does not want to show up sometimes.. you can hover all you want15:19
kgunnfor silo 015:19
kdubkgunn,  yep, I did check that the numbers were correct15:19
kgunnkdub: thanks for the extra effort15:19
Trevinhoa1fa: any app, same issue?15:20
Trevinhoa1fa: pressing Alt is the same?15:20
a1faalt works15:20
a1fasometimes its firefox, sometimes terminal15:20
a1fai switched the driver15:21
a1fado i need to recycle X or reboot?15:21
Trevinhoas for switching the driver, you can also do it without rebooting, but you need to unload/reload the proper kernel drivers, and I'm not sure whether it will work (I did this in the past, but I don't know how things are now)15:21
Saviqkgunn, so most probably what happened with the bug above was that mir had a new dependency that wasn't in the image, that citrain can't deal with yet (and why we have libevdev in silo 0)15:21
a1faok let me reboot15:22
a1fano biggie15:22
Saviqkgunn, btw, bug #137824515:23
ubot5bug 1378245 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "citrain could use a more accurate way to upgrade from silos" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137824515:23
a1fasame thing15:23
a1fait's not any better Trevinho15:25
Trevinhoa1fa: ensures you're on mesa, right /usr/lib/nux/unity_support_test -p ?15:26
Saviqmzanetti, so, please try citrain again next time you flash, and if there's an issue, let me know15:27
mzanettiSaviq, ok15:27
kgunnSaviq: mzanetti ...i'm gonna try it clean right now15:28
kgunnverify all pkg versions15:28
a1fai will re-enable the driver and try it again15:30
a1fahere it is with the driver enabled15:33
a1faTrevinho: should i disable tear-free desktop?15:35
Trevinhoa1fa: it's still using fglrx, not radeon (mesa)...15:35
Trevinhoa1fa: mh, no I don't think that's the thing15:36
Trevinhoa1fa: I guess you've to uninstall fgrlx not to make them to override mesa15:36
a1faTrevinho: i tried it with mesa15:36
Trevinhobut not sure...15:36
Trevinhoah, ok15:36
a1fai posted the pastebin earlier15:36
a1fait was the same issue if not worse15:36
Trevinhoyeah, sorry... missded it15:36
Trevinhobut well... a1fa that was not using the radeon driver either, but software rendering15:37
Trevinho(llvmpipe), maybe your card is not supported or there's some misconfiguration15:37
tsdgeoshttps://twitter.com/MEIZU/status/571329515391025152 :)16:32
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charlesSaviq, ping17:24
Saviqcharles, pong17:24
a1faTrevinho: i updated to 15.04, and same issue :(17:25
a1fa+ now there are more issues with Term17:25
charlesSaviq, I've been experiencing a launcher ui bug off & on this week and was wondering who would be the right person to report it to17:25
Saviqcharles, hit me17:25
charlesSaviq, the behavior is that sometimes the launcher can't be pulled onto the screen, even though other edges seem to work (eg, being able to drag the indicators down from the top of the screen)17:25
Saviqcharles, how about the right edge? and is that mako?17:26
charlesSaviq, right edge also fails. Yes, mako running nightly vivid images17:26
Saviqcharles, bug #140826317:26
ubot5bug 1408263 in android (Ubuntu) "Edge gestures still get lost (mako)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140826317:26
charlespersists if you go to lock screen and then unlock, the only workaround I found is a reboot17:26
charlesSaviq, cool, thanks :)17:26
Saviqcharles, unfortunately it's a mako input driver issue...17:27
Saviqcharles, for whatever reason the input area "grows" out of the device17:27
davmor2Saviq: that and vivid isn't very stable right now17:27
charlesugh, reading your writeup in comment #10 now17:29
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dandradermzanetti, you there?18:39
mzanettidandrader, about to leave18:41
om26erSaviq, Hi! on vivid I installed unity8, it does not start. I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10453316/18:41
om26erwhat am I missing ?18:41
dandraderah, no problem then. just to mention that I made this https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/controlTouchEmulationFromQML/+merge/25130818:41
dandradermzanetti, to test your branch18:41
dandraderom26er, that comes from qtmir18:42
dandraderom26er, where and how are you running it?18:42
om26erdandrader, on a desktop running vivid. I installed unity8-desktop-session-mir18:43
om26erdandrader, it installed all the deps but unity8 won't start18:43
om26erqtmir-desktop is also installed.18:43
dandraderhmm, sorry, can't help there. I don't even remember the last time I tried to run it in a desktop/laptop18:46
mzanettidandrader, cool stuff!18:47
mzanettiwill check it out on mon18:47
Saviqom26er, do you have qtmir-desktop installed>19:08
om26erSaviq, yes its installed19:09
om26erversion is 0.4.4+15.04.20150220-0ubuntu119:09
Saviqom26er, and `dpkg -S libqpa-mirserver.so`19:09
om26erSaviq, qtmir-desktop:amd64: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqpa-mirserver.so19:09
om26erSaviq, I would try silo0 but seems it got outdated19:10
Saviqom26er, ok, so something's weird, how are you trying to start unity8? just the session from lightdm?19:12
om26erSaviq, both ways. from command line `unity8` also tried to login from lightdm, just gave me black screen.19:12
om26erplus this is a clean install of 15.0419:13
Saviqom26er, and just going "unity8" on the command line gives you that error?19:13
Saviqin an X session?19:13
om26erSaviq, yes19:13
Saviqom26er, you got unity8-touch-session installed by any chance?19:14
om26erSaviq, I have unity8-desktop-session-mir19:14
Saviqom26er, `env | grep QPA`?19:14
om26erSaviq, QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=appmenu-qt519:15
om26ernothing else.19:15
Saviqom26er, okay, that sounds stupid19:15
Saviqom26er, ah, to run under X11, you want `unity8-fake-env`19:15
om26erSaviq, ok, that works. So black screen from lightdm is another issue then ?19:16
Saviqom26er, yes19:16
Saviqom26er, you want to clear /var/log/lightdm and ~/.cache/upstart/*, try logging in to the unity8 session and see if you got any new interesting failrues19:17
Saviqom26er, note that guest session doesn't work yet19:17
om26ertrying, brb.19:18
om26erSaviq, this time unity8 started from lightdm19:20
om26erdidn't find a graceful way to get back to X1119:21
Saviqom26er, that's bug #136031619:26
ubot5bug 1360316 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Logging out the desktop session just goes back to the Unity 8 Session Greeter" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136031619:26
Saviqom26er, if you confirm that you can't get it to start without unity8-fake-env, that would be a problem, please file a bug for us19:27
om26erSaviq, ok, let me try to remote that package and try logging into mir session19:27
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