
* xTEMPLARx pokes wrst in the side of the head16:05
* xTEMPLARx is amazed that everybody is asleep.16:47
wrstxTEMPLARx: !!!!!17:37
wrstwhere you been?17:37
wrstjust show up after all this time like you own the place or something why don't you???? :P17:37
xTEMPLARxnot sure why or how I got d/c'd18:36
xTEMPLARxoh yeah, now I remember18:36
xTEMPLARxi restarted the box18:36
* xTEMPLARx is slow18:36
wrstha ha how are you doing xTEMPLARx?18:57
* wrst is always slow18:57
xTEMPLARxtell me about it18:57
xTEMPLARxdoin okay18:57
xTEMPLARxa bit stressed but alive18:57
xTEMPLARxfamily's overall pretty good shape so there's that :D18:57
wrstif family is good that's the most important :)18:58
wrstwhat have you been into? long time no see18:59
xTEMPLARxjust workin' workin'18:59
xTEMPLARxnot much other than that18:59
wrstI know the feeling.... man that stinks18:59
xTEMPLARxwe're short-handed and the now-might-as-well-be-offshore execs don't really care too much about getting people in to help18:59
xTEMPLARxneeds to be lookin' for a job, but I detest the process. :(19:00
wrstI have considered that here lately not for any real reason other than a change would be nice but yeah the process...19:00
xTEMPLARxso, all that aside, things are decent19:01
wrstha ha that's good :)19:01
xTEMPLARxat least I *have* a job so there's also that XD19:01
wrstyes I have been reminded of that also19:01
xTEMPLARxhow's your family doin as of late?19:02
wrstgood, little girl is about to turn 4, that seems a bit unbelievable19:02
wrstbut doing well19:02
xTEMPLARxthat's craziness19:03
xTEMPLARxI find it hard to believe then in 7 short years my son will be an actual teenager19:03
xTEMPLARxthat's so not far away19:03
wrstthat's frightening19:04
wrstmy daughter acts like a teenager some times already19:04
wrstxTEMPLARx: I am working with an iPad right now doing a few musical things with it or looking at it19:04
wrstoh yeah probably not a good spot to say that :)19:05
xTEMPLARxwhat app are you tinkering around with on there?19:07
wrstbut finding a lot of cool things that can be done19:07
wrststarting there19:07
wrstthinking of hooking a keybaord up as a midi controller for some tinkering19:08
xTEMPLARxi got a trial version of ableton live trying to tinker around with it but I hardly ever seem to have time once the day is done, and if I do, i'm so exhausted all I wanna do is sleep19:09
xTEMPLARxI did some tinkering with garageband back when I first got it19:09
xTEMPLARxdidn't really do much actual RECORDING with it19:09
xTEMPLARxI have considered many times getting a nice add-on stereo mic setup for it, though19:09
xTEMPLARxseems like it would be good to record some live stuff19:09
wrstyes may do that also19:10
wrstand ableton is on my radar just not had the funding to get that set up going yet19:10
xTEMPLARxits hard to warrant the money Ableton costs at any price point unless you have absolute NEED of it as part of your usual day-to-day19:12
wrstI agree but would be cool19:14
wrstbut enjoying some of the synth sounds I'm able to make work even with garage band19:15
xTEMPLARxi had fun tying some of the built-in loops together and making songs out of'em.19:16
xTEMPLARxi have  a song on my computer at home that was a thing I did with my boy when he was barely talking... it actualy sounds pretty neat (even tho its very silly).19:16
wrstha ha nothing wrong with silly19:17
wrston sundays a lot of times we are limited musically so I have been using some pad loops but would like to put some of my own together19:18
wrstbut must get a controller keyboard, pushing piano keys on a tablet is not the most expressive way to do something19:18
xTEMPLARxno doubt19:18
xTEMPLARxi bought an 88-key M-Audio midi keyboard controller back on my wife and I's first date. I haven't used it at ALL really until I installed the ableton demo19:19
wrstbut looks likes most compliant ones should work19:19
xTEMPLARxno other softwares I've used have been even close to realtime19:19
xTEMPLARxyeah even a small 12 or 24-key jobber would be better19:19
wrstyeah I have seen some references of some keyboards without much latency on an ipad but I'm a little suspect of that19:20
wrstat one time I had an ardour setup with an maudio 4 track card setup took me forever to get the latency so it was usable19:21
xTEMPLARxI have the Moog synth app for iPad and it sounds pretty amazing.  Its supposed to be controllable via the midi keyboard, but I lost my USB adapter a long time ago so I can't try it. :(19:22
xTEMPLARxi bought one of those card-reader/USB adapter sets back around the time I bought my ipad219:22
xTEMPLARxI still have the card reader, but not the USB adapter :((19:22
wrstyes was looking at one of those right now19:23
wrsthmm interesting app19:24
wrst29 bucks!19:24
xTEMPLARxI lucked out when I got it19:24
xTEMPLARxit was available for free for a limited time19:24
wrstbut in the grand scheme of things if it scratches an itch it is well worth it19:24
xTEMPLARxone of THOSE deals19:24
xTEMPLARxbut man its got a lot of capabilities19:25
xTEMPLARxin the way of diff. sounds, that is19:25
wrstyes when I get a controller I may purchase that19:25
wrstsound guys hate me at church I'm always hooking something up19:25
wrstlast week just me and drummer so he had an iphone hooked up to his drum kit (electronic) and I had a keyboar with a pad and also my phone hooked up playing pad loops19:26
wrstbeen using tablets/ipads for music stands has been really handy too19:26
xTEMPLARxno doubt!19:27
xTEMPLARxi like using mine for that, although sometimes my poor eyes make that difficult to follow19:27
wrstyeah every sunday I have to give them a rundown19:27
xTEMPLARxesp. when its just chord charts19:27
wrstwhat do you use? we have been using unrealbook on ipads19:27
wrstthere just aren't apps that do a good job on android I tried19:27
wrstxTEMPLARx: I have an ipad first generation I have been using for chords, I just got a mini 2 going to try it out for chords19:31
wrstbut may stick with the old one and use this for more fun things, oh and have a bluetooth pedal for page turning that's what I really like about the entire setup19:31
xTEMPLARxfor chord charts I've just used OnSong19:32
xTEMPLARxand I'm using my ipad2 still19:32
xTEMPLARxit hasnt' died yet19:32
wrstmy wife has one but the screen is cracked19:37
wrsthave mentioned her upgrading but she sees no need19:37
wrstso guess we would bee looking for an air for her19:37
xTEMPLARxi have only run into a handful of apps that won't run WELL on the ipad2 so not much reason to upgrade.  I refuse to be one of those folks who upgrade just BECAUSE, ya know?19:38
wrstyes, it runs stuff well still not as fast as the mini but its several generations behind19:39
wrstthat is pretty amazing actually19:39
xTEMPLARxrare in terms of apple devices19:39
xTEMPLARxgenerally, there are huge leaps in performance improvements between different generations of iphones19:40
xTEMPLARxbut with the iPad, not seemingly as much.  Granted, I haven't used many of the newer ipad versions, so I don't have any in-my-hands experience to make mine seem slower19:40
wrstas long as apps open and perform20:42
wrstbut really apple devices are so much more lived than android devices for the most part20:43
wrstI know you can go cyanogenmod or something for android but for the most part ios just works20:43
wrstfor a while20:43
* wrst wonders if xTEMPLARx is here to stay for a while...20:53
xTEMPLARxI reckon i'm gonna try to be21:12
wrstabout time ;)21:15
xTEMPLARxis this channel mostly dade?21:17
xTEMPLARxi.e., deceased?21:17
Ubiknot yet21:36
Ubikbut someone is about to be when I get my hands on 'em21:36
wrstxTEMPLARx: it has seen days that is has been livlier :)21:38
xTEMPLARxoh lawd! Ubik's dun gon' murda somebody!21:47
xTEMPLARxwrst:  roger that21:47
wrstAnd like that he leaves :)22:49

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