
Kiloscremora minora04:58
Kilosmy fly you so early?04:58
Kiloshi mazal  05:45
mazalMore oom05:46
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  05:59
Jacques_StryMorning all06:01
Kiloshi barrydk  06:23
barrydkMore Kilos and every one06:25
Kiloshi andrewlsd  06:26
andrewlsdMôre julle almal06:26
andrewlsdI'll be lurking.06:26
Kiloshi Padroni  06:46
* Kilos shoots inetpro06:51
PadroniI am starting to take a professional disliking in Google06:55
PadroniOr rather, their inability to succesfully identify a phishing site.06:55
=== jacques_ is now known as Jacques_Stry
KilosMaaz  nickometer Jacques_Stry  07:00
MaazKilos: Jacques_Stry is 14.4% lame07:00
KilosMaaz  nickometer Jacques_07:00
MaazKilos: Jacques_ is 0.0% lame07:00
Jacques_StryHow does meter work07:01
Kilosit doesnt like to see text with other characters in between07:01
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  07:01
KilosMaaz  nickometer Jacques_Stry-07:03
MaazKilos: Jacques_Stry- is 14.4% lame07:03
andrewlsdMaaz nickometer andrewlsd07:11
Maazandrewlsd: andrewlsd is 0.0% lame07:11
andrewlsdmaaz nickometer maaz07:11
Maazandrewlsd: maaz is 0.0% lame07:11
andrewlsdmaaz nickometer nick07:11
Maazandrewlsd: nick is 0.0% lame07:11
andrewlsdI don't think Maaz thinks anything is lame. That dictionary needs to be updated.07:11
KilosMaaz  nickometer andrew-lsd  07:12
MaazKilos: andrew-lsd is 14.4% lame07:12
Kilossomeone was here a while ago that was 80% lame07:13
andrewlsdMaaz nickometer i-am-awesome07:23
Maazandrewlsd: i-am-awesome is 25.6% lame07:23
=== andrewlsd is now known as niknaks
Kilosamanicknacks la la la laa la07:33
ThatGraemeGuylo lo07:34
* niknaks sees images of that dude in the orange and yellow checked outfit with the huge pointy hat07:35
=== niknaks is now known as andrewlsd
* andrewlsd lurks again07:39
Kilosmaas seen smile07:50
KilosMaaz  seen smile07:50
MaazKilos: smile was last seen 5 days, 17 hours, 47 minutes and 46 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-02-21 06:02:36 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-02-21 11:21:16 PST07:50
Kilosmorning nlsthzn  08:02
Kiloshi mopkop  08:16
mopkopGood Morning! Just popping in to say hello!08:16
Kiloshello to you too have a good day08:17
Padronihi mopkop08:23
inetproKilos: why you kill me?08:23
inetprogood mornings08:23
* Padroni witnessed this unprovoked attack on inetpro08:23
* inetpro fortunately has many lives 08:25
mopkopHello Padroni!08:25
mopkopand inetpro08:25
* Jacques_Stry imagines inetpro having cat ears - 9 lives?08:26
inetprohi mopkop08:26
Kilosmaybe just shooting him off trello can help me a bit08:29
inetproKilos: please fix https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/2015022408:29
inetprowhy did you even modify that?08:30
Kilosoh my08:30
* Kilos calls Mr. fixit08:31
inetproKilos: you see, /me can still shoot back :-)08:31
Kilosya so i see :D08:31
inetproyou want me to fixit?08:32
Kilosyes please08:32
Kilospretty please08:32
Kilosmake a new template for us08:32
Kilosi give up so long on the wiki thing08:33
inetprorefresh man08:34
inetproit's fixed08:34
Kilosyay well done08:34
* inetpro reverted to revision 3 with the click of a button08:34
Kilosdont talk so much just make a new improved template08:35
inetprothe power of revision control08:35
Kilosi will only do basic edits from now on and then not often08:36
inetproKilos: no08:36
Kilosinetpro  no what08:36
inetpro02/27 10:36:20 <Kilos> i will only do basic edits from now on and then not often...08:37
Kilosthat statement is correct08:37
* Kilos looks for sjambok08:37
* inetpro switches back to invisible08:38
PadroniWell that escelated quickly...08:43
Kilosthese peeps that know how to do stuffs so easily and well then try pawn the task off on the greeter bot08:44
Kilospoor greeter bot08:44
Kilosnote greeter bot08:47
nlsthznmorning all08:48
mopkopGood Morning!08:49
nlsthznlike your handle mopkop :)08:49
mopkopYea, I really need a haircut :)08:50
Kilosjust buy a wahl hair clipper and do it yourself08:51
mopkopOne question. By signing this code of conduct, I do not yet bind myself to any projects, do I?08:55
nlsthznyou just say you will abide by the ubuntu code of conduct08:57
Kiloseverything here is done out of the goodness in your heart08:57
Kilosinetpro  heres one thats close, only minor fixing needed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ZATeam/Meetings/20150324#preview09:02
mopkopI can't seem to figure out how to generate a PGP key. I'm in Passwords and Keys, I clicked the plus sign and filled in the form, and then - nothing09:04
mopkopPlease help?09:04
Kilossjoe thats a heavy job09:07
Kilosmaybe mazal  did a how to09:07
mopkopThere is a How To on Launchpad, but I follow the instructions, but still nothing... https://launchpad.net/+help-registry/openpgp-keys.html#publish09:08
mopkopMaybe I'm using the wrong program.09:09
Kilosyou do it from terminal i think09:10
Kilosalmost everyone struggles with that09:11
mopkopThank you! Now I don't feel so bad!09:11
Kilosin your google searches add with ubuntu09:18
Kilosthen with luck you get ubuntu how tos09:19
Jacques_StryI did it in the passwords program but after clicking the plus sine and filling in the form you have to wait a while before the new key is desplayed09:31
andrewlsd... my biggest issue with signing the TOS, is that I don't used GPG often enough, and have lost my keys.09:31
Kilosand it only works from one pc09:35
Kiloshi drussell  hows davy?09:40
Kilosdavey too09:40
Kiloshi magellanic  09:50
mopkopWill it matter if I register a different full name on my PGP key as my Ubuntu-one account?09:53
Kilosi dunno09:57
Kilosyou a multi personality oke09:58
Kiloswhy would you want to do that mopkop  ?09:59
mopkopNevermind, I made a new one. In the one I did not include my second name.10:00
mopkopIt's Signed! Finally!10:02
Kiloswell done10:03
mopkopNow I feel like I've been though a trail of patients an intelligence in some RPG10:03
Kiloshard work that10:03
andrewlsd<suggestion> trial of patience and intelligence </suggestion>10:05
Kiloshahaha it tried everyone else patience when helping me do it10:06
Kiloswb Padroni  10:06
mopkopSorry :(10:07
Padroni it really works on my tits when my ISP changes my IP mid-stroke while in a SSH session10:11
Padroninow I have to go add my new IP to the hosts.allow file for EVERY server in the datacenter 10:12
Kiloslife on the internet10:13
Padronigot a nice surprise on my paycheck this month10:13
Padroniunannounced raise10:13
Padronithe boss seems to like me for a change10:14
Padronithe wife was so excited she immediately demanded 1/2 of it as pocket money10:15
mopkopIs there any way, other than coding, to contribute to the Ubuntu project?10:16
Kilossomewhere here should be the info https://ubuntu-za.org10:17
mopkopi'm Sorry, but all coding I know is c# and Web-languages. I'll have a lot of learning to do...10:17
Kilosdont be sorry just keep learning10:18
Kilosi cant code at all10:18
Kilosif anyone can provide some help with drupal please ping Neo31 when he pops in again or leave him a message with maaz10:23
Padroniwhat help?10:24
PadroniStress test to see where it breaks?10:24
Padronicoz that's all I can help with10:24
Kilosi dunno he just asked if i know anyone that can do drupal10:24
PadroniI'd rather use Wordpress10:24
Padronibut that is a matter of personal preference10:25
Padronias always10:25
Kilosmaybe he has some drupal stuff to fix10:25
Padronitell hiim to contact me so I can see where I can help10:25
Kilosdidnt you see him ask on #ubuntu-africa10:25
Kilosai! ek sukkel10:25
Padronimet wat?10:26
Kilosi told the bot there to tell him to ping you when he gets back10:27
Kiloswb mopkop  10:28
mopkopSoor, internet dopped :(10:28
Kilosmopkop  you see what to do there?10:38
Kilosyou are already here so join the mailing list too10:39
mopkopYes, that's the next step. Just joined Trello :)10:39
Kiloswhats your trello username?10:40
Kiloshmm... 10:42
Kilosmailto:prysdieheer@gmail.com? We don’t know that person. Add a name and click “Send” and we’ll add a virtual member and send them an invite email. They'll automatically receive access to the board once they sign up and confirm their email address.10:42
mopkopTry ashtonvanniekerk10:43
mopkop@ashtonvanniekerk 10:43
magellanicPadroni: https://mosh.mit.edu/ (if you're keen to try it)10:45
andrewlsdmagellanic, Padroni: mosh #ftw. 10:47
Kilosill let the pro do that mopkop  10:47
andrewlsdI usually alias it to 'mosh -a'10:48
andrewlsdso that it always does local echo.10:48
magellanicI haven't actually used it, looked interesting though10:49
PadroniThanx magellanic10:51
PadroniI will have to do a lot of testing on that before switching though10:51
PadroniWe do not trust that which we do not control.10:51
PadroniI can't run the risk of having my whole datacenter exposed due to vulnerabilities in a 3rd party SSH tool10:52
Jacques_StrySo i finished my wallpaper render - Not happy at all, starting over >.< http://s29.postimg.org/e20312rzb/Ubuntu_za.jpg10:52
PadroniJacques_Stry:  that looks nice10:52
PadroniCan I get that logo from you, incase I wanna make my own wallpaper?10:53
Jacques_Stryjust not working for me...10:53
Padroniif you have it as a transparent PNG, that would be awesome...10:53
Jacques_StryI'll make you one - it's a 3d render10:53
Padroniyou lost me at "I'll make you one"10:54
Padronithanx mate10:54
Jacques_Strydo you want it with the shadows or flat?10:55
PadroniAlso, if I could have long, flowing hair, that would be great.10:55
PadroniMakes me look more important.10:56
Padroniand make my eyes a darker blue10:56
magellanicPadroni: but you already have that with openssl ;) :p11:15
Padroniwe run a tight VPN at work11:16
PadroniSo we are good11:16
Padroni I love being able to speak to ubuntu users from other parts of africa11:22
Padroni It's good to know the whole damn CONTINENT is trying to figure out how to exit VIM, not just me...11:23
magellanicI've been a long time vi user11:23
* Padroni made a funnny11:23
magellaniconly because I can't figure out how to exit from it :p11:24
Padroninever gets old, that onoe11:24
Padroniso Jacques_Stry11:24
Padroniwhat happened to you?11:24
PadroniNo son, the other Jacques_Stry ....11:24
Jacques_StrySetting up a IPFire server11:25
Jacques_Stryand checking out free avast for business11:26
Jacques_StryI manage allot of win computers so unfortunately antivirus is still a reality for me11:27
PadroniYou should write a how-to for that11:28
Padroniin fact - you can put the how-to on my blog11:28
Jacques_StryIPFire is awesome - actually I should11:29
Jacques_StryBeen using it for 2 years now and has made my life so much easier11:29
Padroniwe must speak about this11:31
Padronimaybe I will just start a new blog for these type of how-to's?11:31
Jacques_StryBut the documentation is very incomplete some times - so your left guessing11:31
PadroniI should have a IT related domain lying around somewhere11:31
Jacques_StryI'll start writing the first setup how-to and let you know11:33
Padronicheck yer pm11:34
Jacques_CloneWent mobile11:54
Jacques_CloneFinished at work ;)11:54
* andrewlsd thinks IPliquid11:56
ThatGraemeGuywe all do12:06
andrewlsdanyone looked at google "inbox" app?12:15
andrewlsd... looks like their intended next version of gmail12:16
magellanicI used it for a week12:17
magellanicduring the very early days12:17
magellanicdidn't like it, but it has some very useful stuff12:18
magellanicI will probably try it again ;)12:18
* mazal peeks in12:29
ThatGraemeGuyoh look12:32
ThatGraemeGuyit's beer o'clock12:32
ThatGraemeGuyb'byeee all12:32
mazalBye ThatGraemeGuy12:32
nlsthznuncle Kilos- you can get an ubuntu member cloak now for IRC (you too superfly)12:54
Kilos-we have them i think nlsthzn  12:56
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Kilosnow just waiting to see about the membership certificate12:57
nlsthznI applied but suspect it for lost in the mail >.<12:58
Kilosoh do you have to apply?12:58
Kilosbetter to get it online then you can print it methinks12:59
nlsthznwell the one through the post is actually signed by Mark AFAIK :)12:59
nlsthzna real signature12:59
Kilosyes but he can sign them then they can scan and send13:00
Kilostrusting post aint wise13:00
nlsthznthen they can just ad a printout of his signature... not the same *wow* effect :p 13:01
nlsthznor you could just make your own then I guess13:01
Kiloswhere is the wow effect if its lost in the post13:02
nlsthznthe mystery, suspense... besides the cert isn't worth the paper it is printed on :p13:02
Kiloshaha was actually quite funny the first time i went to the loco council, first thing they said was "suppose you are here for your cloak"13:14
Kilosi said nono im here to discuss something else13:14
Kilosthats when i wantes #ubuntu-africa to be official13:15
Kilosdidnt even know what the cloak was then13:20
Kiloswhat a twit13:20
PadroniI think I have reached 'counterproductive 'o clock'14:00
Kilosi been there for years14:00
Padronigot one more hacked site to investigate14:02
Padronior at least see why it was hacked14:02
Kilosdid you guys ever get magespawn sorted with the hacking of his sites14:02
Padronihe never came back to me14:03
Padronibut we did speak about it at lenght at that point14:03
Kilosmaybe he has it done then14:03
Padronihe was gonna run it past the higher up's at work14:03
Padronicould be14:03
Kilosshame he struggled for months14:03
Kiloshmm... the clone arrived14:40
Kilosim sure hes lame too14:40
Kilosoh he left14:41
=== niknaks is now known as zerlgi
=== zerlgi is now known as niknaks
=== niknaks is now known as zerlgi
=== zerlgi is now known as andrewlsd
Kiloshahaha zergli caught out hey14:58
Kiloszerlgi too14:58
charlgood afternoon15:18
charlMaaz: coffee on15:18
* Maaz flips the salt-timer15:18
Kiloshi charl  15:18
KilosMaaz  coffee please15:18
MaazKilos: Okay15:18
charlhi Kilos 15:19
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!15:22
KilosMaaz  dake15:22
MaazKilos: What?15:22
KilosMaaz  danke15:22
charlMaaz: danke15:22
charlsehr gut, sehr gut15:22
* charl trinkt den kaffee15:23
nlsthzneish, little man has now been sleeping off all his rust and will be waking up in time for the rugby >.< :p16:51
Kilosteach him to watch17:18
nlsthznbrilliant try for cheetahs :)17:30
nlsthznbrilliant again17:44
Kilosuh oh hiding coming17:52
nlsthznugh and this is why I don't even want to bother watching rugby anymroe17:52
nlsthznI think that was a try17:52
Kilosno forward pass17:53
Kilossill hope17:55
Kilosstill too17:55
Kilosoh wow18:18
nlsthznwhat a try18:18
nlsthznhow can the opposition number 9 push the number 9 feeding the scrum away from getting the ball the whole time and the ref doesn't do anything?!18:23
Kilosthere are so many new rules i get lost18:24
Kiloshe lets them play the ball on the ground too18:25
nlsthznbludy refff18:27
nlsthznblerry refff18:28
Kilosthat too ya18:28
inetprowb nlsthzn18:42
inetprowhat's happening with the cheetahs?18:42
nlsthznquickly logged into awesome windows manager... logged out quicker18:42
nlsthzncheetahs slightly behind...18:42
nlsthzncan still make it18:43
nlsthznbut they scored a few very awesome tries18:43
Kilos4 mins of heavy defence ahead of cheetahs18:43
Kilos3 mins now18:43
nlsthzn1 min to go18:45
nlsthznno mistakes :!!1118:45
Kiloscheetahs ahead now 25/2418:45
inetprogo cheetahs!18:46
Kilosyay cheetahs win18:47
Kiloson the 4th ill be offline all day. no power18:48
* nlsthzn will be back too soon I suspect :p18:49
Kilos08.00 till 18.0018:49
Kiloseish man of the match gets a samsung galaxy s518:54
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:00
inetprowat nou?19:01
Kilosek bietjie seer oompie19:01
Kilosmaar as jy wil chat sal ek bly19:01
inetpronee is reg... 19:01
* inetpro moeg19:01
Kilosok dankie. lekker slapp19:02
Kilosslaap ook19:02
Kilosgaan slaap jy ook man19:02
kulelu88almal slaap nou??20:14
superflynot on your life20:27
kulelu88superfly: what are decent ecommerce options for python for a single-man startup?20:30
superflykulelu88: I am afraid I don't know of any. Have you looked at the official Python wiki?20:31
kulelu88no I haven't yet. 20:31
kulelu88it's hard to understand the different options20:31
superflyin general I've found open source e-commerce options lacking20:33
kulelu88in python or in general?20:33
superflya few years ago I looked at Ubercart in Drupal, and that was OK20:33
superflyin general20:33
kulelu88My needs are more leaning towards less code-writing but easier customization when I need it20:35

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