
daftykinsspaceindaver: it will have cleaned out all your program saved configs too, so if you go into ~/.configold and move programs back one by one (or just leave out the unity stuff) by moving back into ~/.config you'll be set :)00:00
spaceindaverdaftykins, great, that fix was a lot easier than I was expecting00:01
daftykinsno problemo00:02
daftykinsi just have to do the shotgun approach with desktops 'cause i don't know too much about them00:02
rpp601what's the difference between 'ls && ls' and 'ls; ls'?00:03
Dresk|WorkIs it normal right now for the latest Ubuntu LTS to not show proprietary drivers for NVIDIA 900 series GPUs?  I have to add a PPA manual from launchpad.net and install the packages manually, as opposed to the "Additional Drivers" tab, and it seems to always cause an error on boot00:03
daftykinsrpp601: both are pretty stupid, && means do command 2 if command 1 succeeds00:04
k1lrpp601: one of them only runs the second command if the first command is running fine00:04
daftykinse.g. i usually chain together "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"00:04
bekksDresk|Work: Which GPU do you have, in particular?00:05
Dresk|Workbekks, NVIDIA GTX 970, so Maxwell, PCI-E 16x00:05
daftykinsDresk|Work: launchpad? so xorg-edgers?00:05
daftykinsthere's no compatible driver built into ubuntu for the maxwell cards, no00:05
rpp601which is best to run 'super-long-job' && or ; 'notify-me' when it's over -- no matter the result00:06
Dresk|Workdaftykins, I never quite understood the naming; I started with xorg-edgers but I didn't see packages at that PPA, so I used a launchpad.net PPA (maybe they are the same?)00:06
daftykinsDresk|Work: the package names on the page differ from what's available, once you install it you apt-get update then it's nvidia-34600:06
bekksrpp601: When the result doesnt matter, use ;00:06
Dresk|Workdaftykins : Is there a reason for that?  The proprietary driver from NVIDIA has supported the 900 series since last September00:06
daftykinsDresk|Work: don't know why Canonical are so slow to package up a newer driver, it's just the way it goes.00:07
daftykinsbut yeah, don't just install a tonne of PPAs to 'make things work' that'll cause you drama in the future00:07
Dresk|Workdaftykins : Even after adding the PPA I assumed I'd see it under Additional Drivers; is there a reason why it doesn't detect a proprietary driver alternative?  Is that just hardcoded / a maintained database by Canonical about the PCI device ID and corresponding drivers?00:08
daftykinsDresk|Work: pass.00:08
TijGand what with some ATI Mobility cards? I always get ~5% CPU usage from Compiz, all the time00:08
Dresk|Workdaftykins : Well, so far I haven't had luck getting a smooth installation of the driver I need (every boot I get a dkms crash) - what would you recommend?00:08
daftykins14.04.2, clean install, update... add xorg-edgers, install nvidia-346. sorted.00:09
Dresk|Workdaftykins : At that point now, let me add xorg-edgers00:09
daftykinsDresk|Work: if there's something wrong even then, there's something up with your setup00:09
daftykinsDresk|Work: you haven't added any PPAs at all yet?00:09
Dresk|Workdaftykins : I just did a fresh install after being unhappy with what was going on prior (where I was using a launchpad.net PPA)00:10
daftykinsah ok00:10
TijGnothing on Compiz using CPU instead of the GFX card?00:11
Dresk|Workdaftykins : See this guy is suggesting this PPA : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates00:12
daftykinsTijG: they haven't been called 'ATI' for years, so maybe you're using some antique that uses the 'radeon' driver only? *shrug*00:12
daftykinsDresk|Work: yeah, no. would not touch.00:12
TijGdaftykins: good call, could be! how can I check?00:14
daftykinsthe device? "lspci"00:14
daftykinsdriver in use? read /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:14
TijGusing the AMD accelerator driver from fglrx-update00:15
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
=== BlackVenom is now known as BlackVenom|Away
TijGgot the Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Seymour [Radeon HD 6400M/7400M Series]00:16
daftykinsso that's fglrx then mmmhmm00:16
k1l!away > BlackVenom|Away00:16
ubottuBlackVenom|Away, please see my private message00:16
daftykinsi don't have a clue on the age of those mobile ones00:16
XenophonFdaftykins: hey daftykins00:16
TijGbought the laptop back in march 201300:17
XenophonFdaftykins: can i submit an update for the wiki entry for the macbookpro5,1?00:17
Dresk|Workdaftykins : After downloading the packages, you recommend using nvidia-xconfig to get it using the nvidia driver, or does it automagically adjust X somehow?  Last I checked Ubuntu tries to avoid a xorg.conf00:17
daftykinsdon't do it, no00:17
daftykinsLinux as a whole doesn't use a xorg.conf no, it's all auto detect for the most part00:17
XenophonFdaftykins: i got ubuntu desktop 14.10 to install and run, but i had to use legacy boot and nomodeset to do it00:17
daftykinsXenophonF: i win the prize \o/ be sure to sign up and record your progress on the wiki00:18
XenophonFdaftykins: i'm going to re-try Ubuntu Server 14.10 next00:18
XenophonFwill do00:18
Dresk|WorkBe right back, rebooting00:18
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
TijGeven when the system is idle, compiz is using ~5% CPU :/00:20
daftykins*shrug* use a non wasteful desktop00:21
Dresk|Workdaftykins : Cool, no error on start00:21
TijGit's a laptop :(00:21
daftykinsdesktop environment00:21
TijGsuggestions? compiz is a default in Ubuntu00:22
daftykinsfor unity, yeah00:22
daftykinsi'm saying ditch unity as a desktop environment (DE)00:22
daftykinswhat's the rest of the laptop spec?00:22
Dresk|Workdaftykins : So as long as I don't do a dist-upgrade, I can update all packages safely with this PPA?00:23
daftykinsnothing wrong with a dist-upgrade at all00:23
Dresk|WorkHm, seemed like I was warned to do a ppa-purge before doing a dist-upgrade00:23
daftykinsyou might be under the false impression dist-upgrade means an upgrade to a newer ubuntu, which is not what it means at all00:24
daftykinsyeah. that's not what dist-upgrade does00:24
Dresk|WorkI believe I was under that impression00:24
daftykinsi run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade all the time to keep current on a given release00:24
TijGdaftykins: Intel Core i7-2640M (2,8Ghz), 12GB RAM, 256GB SSD, ATI Radeon 6400M00:24
daftykinsit's really confusingly named00:24
daftykinsTijG: definitely not one of the hybrid graphics setups?00:24
Dresk|WorkAn ATI Radeon?  Is it really still an ATi?  I gotta look that up, AMD bought them like a decade ago00:25
TijGdaftykins: yup00:25
TijGDresk|Work: could be, it's a habit since I'm always used ATI/AMD00:25
Dresk|WorkTijG : As daftykins said, just a heads up, lots of people don't know that ATi used to be AMD's cards, so, that's an AMD card, best refer to it as such00:25
Dresk|WorkTijG : The ATi brand stopped completely I believe 7 years ago00:26
nonubyi have kboard shortcut ctrl+alt+t launch terminal, works fine, however after suspend and resume it no longer works, is this a known issue?00:26
TijGI'm getting old ;( thanks for the reminder00:26
TijGdreamcat5: although lspci still says AMD/ATI00:28
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crazyhead42Hey, is there any way to make the files GUI show hidden files, even temporarily?00:28
daftykinsthat's a kernel identifier, so they probably keep the legacy both names00:28
daftykinscrazyhead42: ctrl+H ?00:29
daftykinsit's in the settings00:29
crazyhead42Thank you.00:29
=== Spr0cket- is now known as Spr0cket
justaceIs there any way to save a certain settings config?00:31
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justacelike if I want certain settings to be on if i'm watching movies but a different set on for music and a different set for normal use?00:32
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crazyhead42I think you can do that if you use two different users.00:36
game0hey, ubuntu community, what's up?00:37
game0I have installed ubuntu server in my machine, and I'm having a problem in how to set the hostname?00:37
game0I have edited the file /etc/hosts00:38
TijGgame0: try 'hostname host.name.com'00:38
bazhang!hostname | game000:38
ubottugame0: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.00:38
kostkonjustace, what kind of settings00:38
daftykinsyou need to edit both /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname at the same time00:38
game0but it's still showing me the computer name everytime00:38
TijGgame0: did you reboot after the changes?00:38
daftykinsyeah you know it's not instant right?00:39
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game0I will reboot00:39
game0Actually I pressed Alt+ctrl+del00:39
game0and the system restarted00:39
daftykinsyeah that's... not common procedure00:40
justacekostkon: for instance, if im watching movies i dont want the screen to turn off or suspend00:40
TijGgood enough00:40
daftykinssudo shutdown -r 0 = reboot00:40
TijGsudo reboot00:40
justacekostkon: but if im listening to music i want the screen to shut off without suspending00:40
game0kostkon I tried sudo nano /etc/hosts00:40
game0then I have added the following line00:40
kostkonjustace, give caffeine a try then https://launchpad.net/caffeine00:41
game0<My IP> www.hostname.com00:41
game0then I did00:41
game0sudo service hostname restart00:41
secret-firehello, I am having trouble with my sound not playing00:42
TijGsecret-fire: it's not muted, right?00:42
secret-fireTijG: I went into settings and tried to test the sound no luck00:43
TijGsecret-fire: does your soundcard show up in 'lspci'?00:43
justacekostkon: will this allow me to turn off the screen without suspending too?00:43
kostkonjustace, probably00:43
secret-fireTijG: I can pastebin the results00:43
TijGsecret-fire: sure, go ahead :)00:44
justacekostkon: well, im sold00:44
secret-fireTijG: http://pastebin.com/viEwtAU300:44
XenophonFso... xfs or ext4?00:45
XenophonFi'm not ready for btrfs :)00:45
XenophonFor maybe i should give jfs a spin?00:45
game0still having the same problem after restarting00:45
game0what should I do?00:45
game0ubuntu people can someone help me?00:46
daftykinsgame0: "the same problem?" what does your prompt read, and run these please: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /etc/hosts" and "pastebinit /etc/hostname"00:46
daftykins!patience | game000:47
TijGsecret-fire: try 'sudo apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss'00:47
ubottugame0: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:47
secret-fireTijG: then try again?00:47
secret-fireTijG: still no sound00:48
TijGsecret-fire: after the install open 'alsamixer'00:48
TijGsecret-fire: and check if there isn't any channel muted (MM)00:49
secret-fireTijG: ok00:49
secret-fireTijG: one channel is muted under hdmi00:49
game0that's the link that came to me00:50
TijGsecret-fire: unmute by going to that channel and press m00:50
TijGsecret-fire: and try playing sound00:50
secret-fireTijG:ok, done but i cant raise beyond 0000:51
TijGsecret-fire: damn :/00:51
daftykinsyou would know if you were connected via HDMI.00:52
TijGsecret-fire: oh wait, you mean MM is now 00? that's normal, it's the bars that tell the volume00:53
game0I have opened the link : http://paste.ubuntu.com/1043897000:53
secret-fireno bars00:53
secret-fireTijG: not sure what to do00:54
TijGsecret-fire: sorry, but that's all i've got for now :/00:55
daftykinsgame0: are you trying to say that your system hosts those 3 websites?00:56
daftykinsgame0: that is not how you setup a hosts file :)00:56
game0daftykins> , <ubottu> I have pasted the link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10438970/00:56
daftykins*facepalm* yes i saw it, i'm talking to you about it XD00:56
game0no I'm not saying that00:57
game0I'm just testing00:57
secret-fireTijG: starting an update maybe that will help00:57
daftykinsalright well you can test elsewhere.00:57
secret-fireTijG: since its a new install00:57
daftykinssomeone else can take over this one, it's past my bed time :>00:57
game0daftykins all of them aren't working00:57
TijGsecret-fire: alright, let's hope so00:57
game0daftykins I was putting00:58
TijGi'm off btw, nn!00:58
game0one by one00:58
game0not all of them00:58
game0as you see00:58
daftykinsstop pressing enter and stop highlighting me, i gotta go \o00:58
game0daftykins OK, no problem, thanks any how00:59
game0can someone help me in this?01:00
bazhanggame0, changing hostname?01:00
game0I have installed ubuntu and tried to configure the host name but it's not working01:01
game0I tried to place it in the hosts file in many different places but all aren't working01:01
game0that's my file01:01
bazhanggame0, are you confusing changing hostname with setting up a server?01:02
game0I can fix the file, but it will not work01:02
game0I tried many times01:02
game0still giving me, when I right "hostname"01:03
game0this is weired somehow01:03
bazhang!hostname | game0 read this01:03
ubottugame0 read this: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:03
gcosminhi, how can I set my touchpad to work like on windows 8 ... if I tap once on it does not do anything, in windows 8 that means left click  ?01:05
secret-firecan anyone help me get my sound working?01:07
Fieldyhi, what's the proper way to stop something from starting at boot, in this case, nginx?01:08
bazhangsecret-fire, with pavucontrol and padevchooser?01:08
bazhang!info paprefs | secret-fire01:08
secret-firebazhang: I have no playback whatsoever01:08
ubottusecret-fire: paprefs (source: paprefs): PulseAudio Preferences. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1 (utopic), package size 60 kB, installed size 541 kB01:08
bazhangsecret-fire, so you have installed those two packages and configured them then01:09
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secret-firebazhang : getting pavucontrol and the other one01:09
bazhangsecret-fire, is PCM set to 100, or lower in alsamixer01:10
secret-firebazhang : which channel?01:10
akkadgetting 404's abruptly on this http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/universe/binary-i386/Packages01:10
akkadis precise no longer supported?01:11
secret-firebazhang: everything set to 0 in alsa01:11
bazhangsecret-fire, open a terminal and type alsamixer01:11
daftykins!12.04 | akkad01:11
ubottuakkad: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is a currently-supported !LTS release of Ubuntu.  Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/120401:11
game0OK, It's being changed but there is another message that comes out to me: Error:domain_name is required, how can I solve this?01:11
secret-firebazhang : the device is hda ati hdmi all at 0001:11
akkadwonder why that url stopped working01:12
bazhangsecret-fire, whats pcm set to01:12
game0it worked fine01:12
secret-firebazhang : 10001:12
codyrobbinsI’m installing the chef package and it includes a daemon that I would like to stop after the package is installed. However, neither ‘sudo stop chef-client’, ‘sudo service chef-client stop’, or ‘/etc/init.d/chef-client stop’ kill the daemon process. How do I go about figuring out what is wrong?01:12
bazhangsecret-fire, dial it down to 8001:12
k1lakkad: "sudo apt-get update"01:13
bazhang!info chef-client01:13
ubottuPackage chef-client does not exist in utopic01:13
codyrobbinsbazhang: The package is named chef01:13
secret-firebazhang: ok01:13
bazhangcodyrobbins, then why use chef-client in the command01:13
codyrobbinsBecause that’s the init script it installs.01:13
akkadthanks. I guess Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS is getting phased out now01:14
daftykinsno it's good until 2017.01:15
k1lakkad: no01:15
secret-firebazhang: still no sound01:15
k1lakkad: did you run the apt-get command i suggested?01:15
akkadthat's what is generating the error01:15
k1lcan you please pastebin that?01:16
akkadk1l https://gist.github.com/c1446f49cc5dea16b4b801:16
akkadk1l can you reach http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise/universe/binary-i386/Packages?01:19
* akkad moves to just using mirrors01:20
k1lakkad: seems like the server got some hiccup. you could try a mirror or just wait till its fixed01:20
* akkad loves rtfm used in cases of not rtfq01:21
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Thrasheridentify ranman01:35
Knight80Hello everyone01:35
Knight80Can anybody help me configure Lirc on Ubuntu 14.10?01:35
Thrasherrun xchat01:36
Thrasherapt-get xchat01:36
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fliphey, my audio was showing as dummy driver and i uninstalled alsa and reinstalled then restarted alsa and nothing.  THis is the second time it has happened.  any idea what to do? please?01:40
PlanckWalkFirefox 36 removed the "-remote" option and broke opening links from other programs in my xubuntu install.  Is there a workaround?01:42
flipi dunno if we can get help here PlancWalk01:42
daftykinsyou can, just be patient01:43
daftykinsit's volunteer run so be glad you even have somewhere to go :)01:43
=== linuxlite1983 is now known as Adrian1pro
Adrian1prohow are you guys01:46
Adrian1prosome how i was in a channel, aand they banned me01:46
fliplong day so far and im here so i can get help to get back to work so...you know, another day in paradise01:47
flipwhat happened01:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:47
Adrian1proi need help01:49
bazhangwhat is your ubuntu support question Adrian1pro01:50
Adrian1proi cant open a cd01:50
bazhangAdrian1pro, details01:50
DPensiveMindwhois bazhang01:52
Adrian1proi put a cd in the computer and i dondt no how to open it01:52
Adrian1procan i be a operator01:53
Adrian1proor be ops01:53
bazhangAdrian1pro, are you trying to rip it, play it, or what; what version of ubuntu, which music player or other program are you trying to access it with, what exact errors are you encountering01:53
Adrian1proits a game01:54
Adrian1proam trying to play it01:54
bazhangAdrian1pro, please place the entirety of your answer on a single line dont use enter as punctuation01:54
NikolaiToryzinbazhang: 'k'01:55
GraemeLionwhat game is it that you're trying to play?01:55
Adrian1proCubeworld, and its the cd, am trying to open it.01:55
bazhangAdrian1pro, what game, what version of ubuntu, what errors, etc etc01:56
Adrian1proCubeworld, i have linuxlite01:56
bazhang!find cubeworld01:56
ubottuPackage/file cubeworld does not exist in utopic01:56
bazhangAdrian1pro, is linuxlite some OS based on ubuntu or what01:57
GraemeLionLinuxlite is an ubuntu deriv, cubeworld is a windows only game01:57
Adrian1proohh k01:57
Adrian1prowill thks01:57
bazhangAdrian1pro, since linuxlite is not supported here, find their support channel, and #winehq for windows games via wine01:58
tripelbHello. How to find Nvidia's driver since nouveau (open source) driver errs in documented bug. NV42GL video card on Dell core2duo tower. Ubuntu 24.0401:59
tripelb=quadro fx 345001:59
Guest77720I want to upgrade to Ubuntu 24.04.  What repo is that in?01:59
tripelbbazhang: right lts02:00
bazhang24 wont be until 202402:00
Guest77720That's how cutting edge it is.02:01
NikolaiToryzinYou're so unique02:01
eddieftwI am having a problem. I am only hosting 2 minecraft servers currently and my ram usage is 311354MB out of 766 for some reason02:01
eddieftwthe servers only have 4GB dedicated to it. can someone please help ^^02:01
NikolaiToryzineddieftw: swap02:01
NikolaiToryzinYou're swapping so hard it isn't funny02:01
eddieftwthe swap has 4GB dedicated to it.02:01
eddieftwI don't understand. xP02:02
GraemeLionMinecraft servers are hefty beasts.02:02
NikolaiToryzinJust set limits on the jvm02:02
eddieftwwe need.02:02
eddieftwwe did I mean* java -Xmx4G -Xms4G  is the start02:02
NikolaiToryzinHoly fuck man don't xms02:03
eddieftwcould that be why? lol02:03
NikolaiToryzinThat sets out the amount of ram to allocate02:03
eddieftwso you're saying I should remove that line/02:04
NikolaiToryzinJava normally allocates memory as it needs it up to xmx02:04
eddieftwso just like this "screen -S mc java -Xmx4G -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -jar cauldron-server.jar nogui"02:04
NikolaiToryzinxms basically says start out using 4 gb of ram totally regardless of it we need it our not02:04
NikolaiToryzinThat's a bit more sane02:04
tripelbCorrection:. Where do I find Nvidia's driver since nouveau (open source) driver errs in documented bug. NV42GL video card ( =quadro fx 3450 )on Dell core2duo tower. Ubuntu 14.04 - I have tried to find it. Hints?02:04
eddieftwokay okay...what do I do to be exact NikolaiToryzin ? xD02:05
NikolaiToryzinXms 256 most likely02:05
eddieftwwat? 25602:05
eddieftware you sure? lol02:05
eddieftwscreen -S mc java -Xmx256M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -jar cauldron-server.jar nogui so like this?02:05
NikolaiToryzinJust drop xms to something that doesn't try to initially allocate 8 gb of ram all at once on a system with 402:05
NikolaiToryzinNo, -Xmx4G -Xms256M02:06
NikolaiToryzinYour max is just the most amount of memory it can use02:06
NikolaiToryzinXmx is max02:06
eddieftwNikolaiToryzin:  okay should I try running the server now?02:07
NikolaiToryzinGo for it02:07
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rpp601hey guys, sorry for the lame question but... what does this tell you?02:13
rpp601.... nevermind, i'm a moron02:14
GraemeLionrpp601, we've all done it.  Some of us in grand style02:17
rpp601i was about to ask why i couldn't reattach my screen - when i was IN the screen session.02:18
rpp601it says screen is running but i can't reattach! *facepalm*02:19
eddieftwNikolaiToryzin:  its onl at 4GB now which is...good :P02:20
NikolaiToryzineddieftw: urras joined to help you figure out some issues with it.02:21
eddieftwah okay cool. this has happened multiple times to me02:21
eddieftwI have a feeling it'll spike up as soon as I go back to sleep xD02:21
NikolaiToryzinMight want to set a lower xmx02:21
eddieftwit's fine02:22
eddieftwit was probably just the command line thing02:22
NikolaiToryzinSure, just know that swapping is going to hurt like hell and you're running 2 separate jvms02:22
eddieftwNikolaiToryzin:  are you saying that hosting 2 jvms on the same machine is a bad idea..?02:23
NikolaiToryzineddieftw: I'm saying that 4 gb of ram for 2 jvms allowed to use 4 gb of ram each is pretty bad02:24
NikolaiToryzinOn top of that you've got the OSes caching02:24
eddieftwbut oyu told me to use that?02:24
NikolaiToryzinElasticsearch recommends using only up to half of your systems ram under 32 gb02:24
NikolaiToryzinFor the heap02:25
NikolaiToryzinAlso jvm based so I reckon it applies02:25
eddieftwim only using 8GB in total02:25
eddieftw4316/27604 being used.02:25
NikolaiToryzinBut you've got 4 gb of ram man02:25
eddieftwim confused NikolaiToryzin. are you saying I should allow more ram02:26
eddieftwmy dedicated server has 32GB of RAM..02:26
NikolaiToryzinWait wait wait02:26
NikolaiToryzinYou have 32 gb of actual physical ram?02:27
NikolaiToryzinYou said 4 gb earlier02:27
eddieftwthere is literally 32GB of ram on my server..02:27
eddieftwno no I said 4GB allocated to my mc servers02:28
eddieftwunless I typed it wrong lol02:28
NikolaiToryzinShit, you're fine then02:28
NikolaiToryzinJust leave a low xms and don't let the xmx of both get over half your 3202:28
NikolaiToryzinSo 8 gb each if you're only running a minecraft server02:29
eddieftw2 servers. each server has 4GB :P02:30
spagettAre we talking about how many dedotated WAM it takes to run the serber?02:31
eddieftwsorry please repeat that question? oh oh DEDICATED RAM!02:32
NikolaiToryzinFucking love that video02:32
eddieftwso do I ::P02:32
NikolaiToryzinI... I bet you attended minecon02:32
NikolaiToryzinIt was a joke02:32
eddieftwwhat's a joke?02:33
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spagettDo you guys use any other variants of the GNU/Linux system aside from Ubuntu?02:33
spagettI'm looking for a new GNU/Linux distribution to test out.02:33
eddieftwDebian? :P02:34
NikolaiToryzinspagett: NixOS is great if you want innovation02:34
VesperoQuestion: Let's say I have an Ubuntu partition on a damaged harddrive. The superblock is dead and none of the suggested alternative superblocks work. What's the best option for data recovery?02:35
wtfoooooanyone know why this is happening? http://pastie.org/private/ljol4lqukfou6lakq0a1g i cannot run any iptables commands without this error. it's destroying my environment atm... please help!02:36
Bashing-om!testdisk | Vespero02:36
VesperoBashing-om: Testdisk can't read or write to the drive02:37
VesperoBashing-om: It can't find the partition table02:37
kelly69hello everyone i have an acer aspire laptop and it comes already with windows 8 in 500GB HDD, now i want to purchase a SSD and i will make the main drive and i want to install Ubuntu inside it, the Q is is it possible to dual boot between Ubuntu and windows each system in separate drive ? could you help me please02:37
NikolaiToryzinYou can write a new partion table man02:38
NikolaiToryzinNo idea how to do that on Linux, but if you used OS X I could help!02:38
VesperoTeskdisk asked for partition locations on the drive when I tried to do that02:38
Vesperowhich I don't know exactly02:38
Bashing-omVespero: Afraid there is not much hope. but a list of tools : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery02:39
NikolaiToryzinYou can use test disk to search for them02:39
VesperoTestdisk can't read the drive02:40
VesperoI can access another partition on it, though02:40
Vesperoso it's not 100% dead02:40
Bashing-omVespero: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15761/recover-data-like-a-forensics-expert-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/ .02:41
meatmanekhi all. I'm trying to build a 14.04 USB install drive with a custom preseed file. I've been mostly following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization, but I think the mkisofs command is out of date (for example, it doesn't create a hybrid ISO that works on USB drives, nor does it know about EFI.). Does anybody know where the actual Ubuntu build scripts live for building the install isos?02:41
VesperoSo what, delete the partitions and then try to recover the raw data?02:44
krabadoron pastebinit -h   ---->     -m [permatag] (default: none)      <--- how must i use it ?02:44
BornToBeAliveHello :)02:45
Bashing-omVespero: Noramlly, what one does if the data is important is to clone the drive and work on the clone; to preclude additional damage to the data .02:46
VesperoBashing-om: That's actually a really cool idea. I don't have an extra drive, though02:47
VesperoHuh, Disk Utility says "Disk is OK, 13 bad sectors"02:48
VesperoIt can see the partition and its size, but not the UUID02:48
Bashing-omVespero: Try following the .howtogeek.com guide, see what you can do ... testdisk is the industry stanadard.02:49
tripelbCorrection:. Where do I find Nvidia's driver since nouveau (open source) driver errs in documented bug. NV42GL video card ( =quadro fx 3450 )on Dell core2duo tower. Ubuntu 14.04 - I have tried to find it. Hints? I have tried apt-cache search nvidia to no good. And web pages and a suggested dpkg -l | grep  but when I confessed these commands were new to me I was rebuffed in #nvidia for not knowing my distro. (Ubuntu since 6.04 but never before a graphics car02:49
VesperoTestdisk can't read the drive though, would deleting the partition help that?02:49
mahasamootdevice-mapper: reload ioctl on  failed: No such file or directory02:50
mahasamoot Failed to open temporary keystore device.02:50
mahasamoot device-mapper: remove ioctl on temporary-cryptsetup-10457 failed: No such device or address02:50
peelouttripelb: software sources.02:50
mahasamootcryptsetup luksFormat  --verify-passphrase --cipher=serpent-xts-essiv:whirlpool --key-size=512 /dev/sda302:50
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peelouttripelb: their will be a tab in software sources additional drivers.02:51
VesperoWhat exactly would writing 0s to the MBR do?02:54
Bashing-omtripelb: Per: http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/59827/en-us ; that driver is 304 and is available in the software repository .02:54
peeloutVespero: wipe It. Secure erase. Sorta.02:55
meatmanekVespero: makes that drive unbootable,  usually also wipes the partition map.02:55
meatmaneknot really secure02:55
meatmaneksomeone clever could still get the files back02:55
HidemeIs it possible to install a package from 14.10 into 14.04LTS and if so... how?02:55
VesperoSome places say that that might help me get data off the partitions02:55
Raekwondoes repeatedly writing zeroes decrease the chances of data recovery02:56
Bashing-omVespero: What retuens form a liveDVD of terminal commands: sudo fdisk -lu , sudo blkid ?02:56
Vespero(not being able to boot from the drive is not an issue)02:56
peeloutRaekwon: http://www.dban.org/02:57
Bashing-omVespero: IF it is indeed a bad partition table, there are a number of backups one can move into place. What makes you think the partition table is corrupt ?02:58
Raekwonpeelout: thanks02:58
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peeloutRaekwon: Try erasing a audio tape. It will still play back but with some static. It needs random data multi writes.02:58
budddi used the repo to install postgresql, but I have no idea how to access it, or even where it is now02:59
VesperoBashing-om: Uhh, the superblock can't be read, I know that much. It came up somewhere in the course of the past week as I've been trying to mount this thing03:00
peeloutRaekwon: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dban/ Is the real link to the wiping iso03:02
VesperoBashing-om: I tried the back-up superblocks from mke2fs, but none of them worked03:02
Bashing-omVespero: Spare off the superblock : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2177756 .03:02
Raekwonpeelout: perfect analogy, totally get it03:02
Chelsea_Jurgensi have a question about openvpn client. Anyone familiar with it to help me out? As far as one files are needed in the etc/openvpn folder03:03
VesperoBashing-om: Fsck gives me "Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sda6 Could this be a zero-length partition?"03:04
peeloutRaekwon: did you get the correct link http://sourceforge.net/projects/dban/03:04
VesperoI've tried using e2fsck with the alternate block locations03:04
Vesperoe2fsck tells me that the superblock is corrupt03:05
Bashing-omVespero: Do not know further, I am out of ideas .03:05
VesperoBashing-om: Well, thanks anyway03:05
peeloutVespero: did you try formating03:05
peeloutBashing-om: the partition may of been involved in a crash with another OS. A reboot of the other OS May of fixed it03:08
edenisthey, has anyone else running a Kaveri APU on 14.10 or 14.04 with HWE?03:11
Bashing-ompeelout: Many things one could try . A proper application of testdisk is the more likely to resolve . Or so I think.03:12
peeloutedenist: what's hwe03:13
philwongI notice that there is a way to use 14.04 LTS in the KDE environment but it says to install Kubuntu-Desktop in order to do that... will this turn Ubuntu into Kubuntu?03:14
peeloutphilwong: if you do that. At the log in screen, you can select the desktop you want to run for your session.03:17
philwongpeelout: ya but if I install the KDE on Ubuntu 14.04 will it turn Ubuntu Into Kubuntu03:18
philwongaccording to this03:18
philwongit will, right?03:18
MisterMomphilwong, it may change the splash screen but you will be able to use ubuntu desktop or kde desktop your choice at log in screen03:20
philwongso it will still be "Ubuntu" right?03:20
philwongnot Kubuntu03:20
Guest77720You can still call it whatever you like03:21
peeloutphilwong: not really. Ubuntu runs UNITY desktop. Kubuntu runs KDE. During login you can select unity or kde. Log out now. Above your sign in name click on the little charm. You will only see unity.03:21
philwonghmmm, but then wouldn't it be the same as just installed Kubuntu then?03:22
peeloutphilwong: no.03:23
Bashing-ompeelout: HWE : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack .03:23
philwongso this just means that its using kubuntu's theme?03:25
ubuntu-mategood evening ladies and gents03:25
peeloutphilwong: just do it. It won't hurt.03:26
Guest77720g'day mate03:26
peeloutBashing-om: Thank you.03:26
peeloutphilwong: kde is not a theme.03:27
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peeloutphilwong: it's a complete desktop environment.03:30
philwongI like KDE03:31
philwongjust used to that layout03:31
peeloutphilwong: sudu apt-get install kde-base.         Is all it takes.03:31
philwongok and after that it will prompt me upon login03:32
philwongwhich one to choose03:32
peeloutphilwong: sudo.03:32
peeloutphilwong: it won't prompt you but at the login screen you can pick the desktop.03:33
edenistpeelout, HWE is Hardware Enablement stack. It basically upgrades you to the kernel version of the next release03:34
peeloutphilwong: if you don't pick one. It will use the last one used.03:34
peeloutedenist: Thank you.03:34
edenistfor example, in 14.04, the release kernel was 3.13. HWE enables me to now install kernel 3.16, which comes with 14.04.203:34
eazyi want to install viber and skype on my ubuntu 14.0403:35
philwonganother question I had, I understand you can run wine which runs windowds apps, but is it possible for those windows apps to run at ubuntu startup? for example I use a desktop reminding application which is windows based03:35
eazyany one pls03:35
edenistthe reason I ask, is that kernel 3.13 didn't officially support the AMD Kaveri APU's03:35
eazyexact procedure and commands03:35
edenistso now that I have upgraded to 3.16, I was expecting the features to now work03:35
edenistbut they dont. Most importantly, CPU temperature monitoring is still broken and does not work03:35
edenistIt was supposedly patched into the 3.14 kernel's k10temp module.... but it doesn't work03:36
edenistwas wondering if anyone else is running a Kaveri APU03:36
peeloutphilwong: I know it's possible even for wine apps. KDE has a user hidden startup folder to.03:38
philwongcool cool03:38
peeloutphilwong: the kde startup folder is similar to Windows startup folder.03:39
philwongok, will check that out03:40
peeloutphilwong: unity has startup items list buried in system settings03:40
FandroidAlright, attempting to boot a live disk with no luck.03:40
FandroidI got into ash by tweaking the boot args.03:41
FandroidBut I can’t figure out how to pull up a GUI.03:41
FandroidThe only way I could get it to do anything was to disable acpi. This is because the box I’m working on doesn’t support it. I also removed the first bit of the boot command, leaving only init.03:43
philwongpeelout are you there?03:47
philwongE: Unable to locate package kde-base03:47
eazyany one pls03:48
eazyexact procedure and commands03:48
eazyto install skype and viber on ubuntu 14.0403:48
Slade-so if i wanted to setup an application that could be started or killed (kill -9) by people of a specific group, is it best to just have them sudo to the same account?03:49
XenophonFubuntu server 14.10 on a macbookpro5,1 - i cannot get VESA powerdown to work on the text console. the screen saver will kick in, but the backlight won't shut off. i had to use the "nomodeset" kernel option in order to get the console to work in the first place. perhaps VESA powerdown won't work as a side effect?03:53
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XenophonFyeah - on the textmode console, not x03:55
FandroidThis channel needs more active users.03:58
root427so no one is in here or what03:59
Slade-root427, welcome to irc04:00
FandroidOh, and the message I get when booting normally is “unable to find a medium containing a live file system.”04:00
root427hello Slade wilson04:00
darktomasHey Guys :)04:00
=== Guest77720 is now known as IPJunkie
budddstupid question, how do I figure out my ip through the terminal04:10
corneliusbuddd: ifconfig -a04:11
edenistbuddd, or ' ip a'04:13
IPJunkiebuddd: or did you mean your external ip?04:14
budddI'm not entirely sure, I'm trying to connect the postgresql admin to my local server04:14
L0G0s /buffer Mechboards04:15
mekhamiis there an iterm2-like terminal for Ubuntu? I like having splittable terminal windows, can gnome terminal do that?04:19
kailasHi guys is there a good document viewer for Ubuntu04:20
FandroidLibreOffice or OpenOffice.04:21
jotterbotbuddd: curl ifconfig.me04:21
IPJunkieEvince is the default pdf reader for vanilla Ubuntu.04:22
IPJunkieIt's literally called "Document Viewer" in the title bar.04:23
kailasyeah, I have Libre Office and it doesnt quite work as well as I would want04:24
budddi used netstat to try to figure out my postgresql server, I found a path called /var/run/postg, which I assume is what I'm looking for. its streeam/listening/ 12442 1269/postgres04:24
budddhow do I figure out the ip to plug into postgresl admin04:24
GoatMilkingI have a computer with a windows 7 sticker/key etc so a legal copy of windows 7 home premium, a while ago i brought windows 8.1 and installed it and three times its stopped loading and I've had to keep reinstalling it after lots of blue screens etc... it just doesnt like the computer so now I want to go back to windows 7 home prem but i can't find the install dvd, what can I do?04:24
Ben64GoatMilking: ask ##windows04:24
kailasI need to write a lot of reports and was hopiing to find something newer than Libre Office04:24
FandroidWhy would you even ask here?04:25
GoatMilkingi want to use linux full time but my wife gets angry04:25
EriC^^kailas, pdf?04:25
FandroidSet Windows to the default.04:25
GoatMilkingi asked because it seemed like the most silly thing to do04:25
budddis there a way to figure out the ip here04:26
kailasEriC^^: Yeah pdfs04:26
EriC^^kailas, there's okular04:26
kailasEriC^^: Does Okular let me write PDFs04:26
EriC^^i think so, yes04:26
kailasEriC^^: Ahh nice, I will have to look into that then04:27
kailasEriC^^: Thanks04:27
EriC^^kailas, no problem04:27
IPJunkiekailas: writing PDF's is as easy as using the "export" or "print to file" functions in most Office writers.04:28
kailasIPJunkie: yeah, its just that i feel Libre doesnt have many features that I would have wanted, also everytime I close the odt file, all the formatting is gone, which is really very inconvinient04:29
IPJunkieWhat do you mean the formatting is gone when you close it?  The point of making a PDF is that it will look identical anywhere/way you open it.04:31
budddwhere is the etc folder04:32
budddgod my questions are newbish04:32
IPJunkie /etc04:32
budddyeah but how do I get there through the gui04:33
budddi need to open a file04:33
budddoh nm04:34
kailasIPJunkie: So when I create the odt file, I am still working on the report. Before exporting it to PDF, I add pictures to the odt file. If I close this ODT file, and then open the ODT again, all images, Bold text everything is gone. PDF is not really the problem. The odt file is.04:34
budddman i'm dumb04:34
budddbtw how do you open simple text files through the terminal04:34
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kailasbuddd: gedit file.txt &04:34
kailasbuddd: gedit is the program, the & at the end sends the process to the background, so that you can still typr commands on the terminal.04:35
IPJunkieunless you only need to read it in which case "cat file.txt."04:35
kailasIPJunkie: I think I am going to start using LaTeX :D04:36
budddit said no protocol specified04:36
budddthen a bunch of mumbo jumbo04:36
kailasbuddd: what did you type?04:36
budddgedit postgresl.conf &04:36
kailasbuddd: also do you have gedit installed???04:36
buddddon't remember uninstalling it04:37
kailasbuddd: try "cat postgresl.conf" no & here04:37
budddthat works but just spams over my terminal04:38
meatmanekso debian uses the 'debian-cd' program04:38
budddtheres no way to open it in the gui?04:38
meatmanekto build ISOs04:38
EriC^^buddd, are you in a gui?04:38
meatmanekbut ubuntu doesn't seem to use debian-cd. Anybody know what the Ubuntu Installer team uses to build the isos?04:38
budddso like open it into the gui from the terminal so I can edit it04:39
kailasbuddd: yeah, but you are using a Ubuntu system right? I mean is it a GUI session?04:39
IPJunkiebuddd: doas the file need you to sudo?04:40
EriC^^buddd, typing gedit in the terminal says no protocol specified?04:40
budddon ubuntu gui, but have terminal open04:40
budddi could just use the trackpad to navigate the folders, but that's annoying04:40
EriC^^buddd, are you ssh'd in?04:41
budddi am not that sophisticated. I have a laptop with ubuntu in front of me, everything is on this laptop04:41
budddsome day04:41
EriC^^buddd, are you running it as your user or root?04:42
kailasbuddd: I use vim, but it does have a curve, also check this out, might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85826604:42
buddderic^^ I don't know?04:43
Ben64buddd: what file are you trying to edit04:43
EriC^^buddd, open a new terminal and type gedit04:44
gtsnexpIdeas on how to rescale stuff to work with 4k monitors?04:44
budddthis is probably a dumb question, but hwo do you open a new terminal04:44
budddi only have one terminal i know of :(04:44
EriC^^buddd, press ctrl+alt+T04:44
gtsnexpsome apps don't use system fonts for their GUIs04:44
budddsweet jesus04:45
budddit opens gedit04:45
gtsnexpAnyone here working with 4k monitors at all?04:45
IPJunkiebuddd: do you remember remapping that shortcut?04:45
EriC^^ok, if the file you want to edit is in your home dir04:45
EriC^^just type gedit filename &04:46
EriC^^or gedit /path/to/filename &04:46
budddoh yeah, I tried to make sublime do that too, I didn't think I took out geddit tho04:46
EriC^^buddd, you should know something, type exit to close the terminal, if you press on the button or use alt+f4 it will close gedit as well04:47
EriC^^typing exit will leave gedit open04:47
budddthis shouldn't be this difficult, does anyone know how to figure out the ip of a postgresql server running on a local computer (my laptop)?04:53
kailasbuddd: that should be the ip of your system, you should be able to access it using
kailasbuddd: is the loopback address and points back to your computer, it is also called/used as localhost. So whether you use localhost,, or your computers ip its the same thing. However if you use your systems ip you will have to update it each time your ip changes.04:55
budddthanks. its now asking me for a password, but I didn't set up a password for postgresql. it just installed through the repo04:56
VolUTFanhey ya'll hate to ask this ? but can someone give me a hand with simlinking?  I know how to do it, but for some reason apache2 isn't liking it.  None of the users in the httpd channel are speaking up and wondering if any of you do anything with apache204:57
VolUTFanno errors in the apache2 logs btw04:57
CharlotteFieldsCUPS or my printer are rejecting jobs, CUPS instantly says job stopped after restarting or trying to get it to print04:57
VolUTFansomething tells me its a group that I am missing in apache2 for the simlink, but not quite sure04:59
caperHey guyz i am using the ubuntu 14.04 lts05:00
vpsdeali had a q05:02
vpsdealwhy is it.. that vps hosters claim05:03
vpsdeal"ddos protection" when impossible05:03
vpsdeali mean05:03
caperi have php designer 8 but i got some problem05:03
vpsdealthey are gooholds ok05:03
vpsdealup to 200 gb/s05:03
caperwhile writing my code on php designer it write something P H P05:03
vpsdealof packet pokes05:04
caperwhy is that can anyone plz05:04
caperHey anyone who know why this is problem occur05:05
caperon source code if i write something it's show me like H H H o  d05:06
capereach font with space05:06
caperany one who know that how can i solve this problem05:11
caperHey any one there05:15
viper05how do I set ulimit on startup?05:16
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tripelbBa...   Whooever answered thank you for the driver reference. I finally got there on my computer. Bitbit crashed before it could download it. Right now I am tethering from my phone so it was a 5 hour download. To the library tom9rrow?05:24
=== CharlotteFields is now known as Guest45046
Guest45046print queue says printer config error...I dont know how to trouble shoot it CUPS doesnt say anything05:25
Guest45046printer is on05:25
Guest45046has paper05:25
Guest45046connected, i dont know what else to do05:25
Secret-FireI have no audio playback through hdmi can someone help05:50
irris your hdmi integrated or a video card? install propietary drivers maybe?05:51
Secret-Fireirr : it is a video card r9 series05:52
Secret-Fireirr: i think it has to do with the kernel but I don't know how to update that either05:52
Secret-Fireirr: it wont let me install those drivers in this kernel05:54
Nothing_MuchI think archive.us.ubuntu.com is down05:56
cfhowlettNothing_Much, seems to be05:56
Nothing_Muchwell darn05:56
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5oh, it's not just me?05:58
Nothing_Mucht0t4ln00bsaUrU5: yeah, I can't install makepasswd06:00
Nothing_Muchor update anything06:00
Nothing_Muchapt upgrade doesn't work06:00
rwwit's us.archive.ubuntu.com06:00
Nothing_Muchrww: yeah my bad06:00
Nothing_Muchit seems to be working now06:00
rwwalso, that's an alias to multiple servers, and I guess one of them might be/have been wonky for a minute06:01
lesmoHi... I have a weird problem. I can't switch to the tty (not sure how to call them) consoles using the CTRL + ALT + F1 or F2 combination.06:03
lesmoMy desktop works fine, but I can't switch to that. Nothing happens. Keyboard is correctly mapped, though.06:04
Squall5668lesmo: laptop?06:04
lesmoUbuntu 14.10 btw.06:04
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5do you have function keys enabled/disabled in bios?06:06
Squall5668lesmo: perhaps one of those requires a fn key? Can't recall any that would, but...06:06
lesmot0t4ln00bsaUrU5, Squall5668 it cannot be enabled/disabled on BIOS. They're working fine for switching brightness, and keyboard backlight.06:07
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5boy, sure having a lot of problems fetching from archive tonight06:07
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Jerkgo bill gates!06:09
cfhowlettJerk, this is ubuntu support.  ask your questions & stay on topic.06:10
crc32can't seem to update off us.archive.ubuntu.com.06:10
crc32Why so slow06:10
crc32I'm just waiting for headers06:10
cfhowlettcrc32, maintenance06:10
crc32was this maitenence happening yesterday too?06:10
lesmo-phoneSorry, I locked my self out and couldn't do gdm restart because CTRL ALT F1 didn't work.06:11
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5must be some serious maintenance06:11
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5no complaints here though, just gotta refetch a lot06:12
crc32yea too bad apt-cacher-ng isn't used to cache updates too06:13
Squall5668lesmo-phone: can you verify the F keys are working fine? For example shift+f2 should open firefox's console06:13
lesmo-phoneI have no idea why, but restarting this machine like 6 times since my problem occurred solved the issue.06:13
Squall5668lesmo-phone: glad you got it :)06:13
lesmo-phoneSure, let me try. Everything worked fine except CTRL ALT F1 before now.06:14
Squall5668lesmo-phone: There is no point now that it works. The keys are obviously working. But now you also can't find out what was wrong06:16
lesmoEverything's working awesomely. Damn. Sorry guys... apparently this is a lesson for me to never let my laptop run out of battery.06:16
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5yeah, suspending to ram on critical doesn't seem to do it for me06:16
lesmoFunny thing is I was just about to plug it to the wall.06:17
lesmoThe exact moment I plugged the cord to the laptop, it started shutting down.06:17
david___i'm trying to access my samba share that i created on my ubuntu server that i just setup yesterday. i've been fiddling around with the smb.conf file after googling all around trying to find the answer. i am able to access the share on both my laptop and desktop but i don't have write permissions06:17
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5give yourself write permisions my friend06:18
david___i added 'force user = username' to my smb.conf file but it still doesn't seem to like me06:19
rbckhow do i jail a user?06:19
rbcki use the guest option?06:20
cfhowlettrbck, that would be the most assured way ...06:20
david___i suppose i should clarify. i've chmod-ed 777 the shares and tried to give myself permission to write, but i'm getting the access denied message on my win7 machines06:24
rbckdont use windows 706:24
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5have you given inheritable permissions06:25
david___please explain06:25
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5and, rbck raises a good point, try and refrain from wingblows06:25
hateballAlso, even if you have 777 in the linux filesystem, correct permissions need to be set up in samba06:26
rbckit means the permission are handed down the directories path06:26
rbckrecursive permissions?06:27
david___they're setup for each directory. and yes, i've added the samba user06:27
david___to give me access in the first place06:27
crc32Is there a maitenance page for us.archive.ubuntu.org or something?06:32
yahello everyone06:32
crc32Is there a maitenance page for us.archive.ubuntu.com or something?06:32
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5wow failing to fetch left and right06:36
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5everybody else still having issues?06:42
Squall5668t0t4ln00bsaUrU5: if you are in that much of a hurry, just switch to another temporarily06:43
rbckubuntu is so stable now that it doent need support channel anymore06:46
rwwrbck: cut it out.06:46
newbieAlerthey hi, how can we make a new notification bar for xfce ??06:48
newbieAlertthat should be floating and can be made transparent ??06:48
pnathanHi, is us.archive.ubuntu.com down?06:49
crc32pnathan: Pretty much.06:49
=== BlackVenom|Away is now known as BlackVenom
crc32can't even do apt-get update effectivly06:49
pnathanSweet. I'm a SREish person at a company with 100s of servers. Is the admin of the servers providing a status feed?06:50
crc32thats what I'd like to know. Where is a status page for us.archive.ubuntu.com06:51
Squall5668pnathan: if it's an emergency, you can always change us.archive to something else, temporarily06:52
rwwcrc32: there isn't one06:52
pnathanIt isn't an emergency…. yet. But I need to identify if I should make changes now (i.e., introducing instability into the fleet), or if I should wait out the downtime06:53
Squall5668pnathan: I'd wait it out. Remember, it's a Friday. Not a good day to do anything to a server06:54
pnathan(I also don't want a cascade of executive attention screaming about how Customers Are Affected, etc, etc)06:54
crc32so how do we know us.ubuntu.archive.com is in maitenance without a status page?06:58
izbb_ 06:58
jpdscrc32: It's several machines.06:58
jpdscrc32: So if there was maintenance, it wouldn't matter.06:59
crc32jpds: how did  you distinguish that from a general outage?06:59
cfhowlettunless you have a crying need to update RIGHT THIS INSTANT, wait.  otherwise, switch to a different server and try again.06:59
jpdscrc32: "Can you get to google.com?"06:59
crc32jpds: Yes googling us.archive.ubunto.com yields really old articles.07:00
pnathanSo "wait" is not actually an actionable approach for a professional unless we have an ETA07:00
pnathanwaiting 8 hours isn't going to be a problem. waiting 80 hours isn't acceptable.07:00
cageYou gus know what the limitations are of google hangouts for business use?07:01
cageI guess you should pay if you use it atleast?07:01
cfhowlettcage, ask google?07:01
rwwpnathan: I know this doesn't help now, but for future pondering: if you have 100s of servers running Ubuntu, one of them should probably be running an apt mirror. Fixes this problem, and allows you to do patch management.07:01
jpdspnathan / crc32: I can get to us.archive.u.c just fine.07:01
crc32jpds: did it resolve to 91.189.91.*?07:02
jpdscrc32: Yes.07:02
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pnathanrww: yeah, I stuffed it into the backlog. I quite agree.07:03
jpdspnathan / crc32: And what rww said, you have a fleet of maschinen, you should either be using 1) squid-deb-proxy 2) a mirror.07:03
crc32jpds: Yea using apt-cacher-ng was useless for "apt-get update"07:04
jpdscrc32: Yes, apt-cacher-ng is useless.07:04
jpdscrc32: squid-deb-proxy is thousands of times better.07:04
crc32I take it us.archive.ubuntu.com has a high failure rate.07:06
jpdscrc32: Nope.07:06
crc32just for the last 48 hours I guess07:06
jpdspnathan / crc32: There's been a security update and everyone's trying to get to security.u.c.07:06
jpdscrc32: It usually dies down after a few hours as the updates moves to the mirrors.07:06
pnathanjpds: thanks for the root cause. I'll be looking into the corp mirroring solution soon. :)07:09
jpdspnathan: There's a package called ubumirror that has scripts in it.07:10
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omosojhow do i change permissions to -rw-r-----07:20
ki7mtomosoj, Nice tutorial here: http://linuxcommand.org/lts0070.php07:21
omosojso there are 3 sets of permissions?07:22
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5derp derp07:23
ki7mtomosoj, your looking for chmod 640 ./<some-file> I believe. Test it on a temp file to be sure07:24
cagecfhowlett I did, but it didn't really say what you get in the "free version"07:24
cageBut I guess our company has some deal already07:24
cageDoes anyone happen to know how secure "paid" hangouts is?07:25
omosojthanks for the help, ki7mt07:26
ki7mtomosoj, so: cd ~ ; touch temp.txt ; chmod 640 ./temp.txt ; ls -al ./temp.txt .. should yeild: -rw-r-----07:26
said_wi-fi ne marche pas qq07:38
cfhowlett!fr | said_,07:39
ubottusaid_,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.07:39
Secret-FireHello, I have a radeon gpu that is connected to my monitor via hdmi and there is no sound after a fresh install, can someone please help?07:40
nextechSecret fire install software from vcard manufacturer07:40
Guest72391anybody know what(if there is) the command for installing tor browser via terminal?07:44
cfhowlettGuest72391, https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en07:45
Guest72391so i have to add a respisotory right? then run sudo apt-get?07:46
Secret-Firenextech : I tried installing the driver and i get this error http://pastebin.com/mUfqeE6W07:47
poorvaHello I am new to xchat07:50
Secret-Firenextech : can you help me07:52
ki7mtSecret-Fire, at starting point would be to apt-cache search linux-headers .. but I dont think Kali is supported here.07:52
cfhowlettSecret-Fire, kali is not supported here.  sorry.07:52
LoveyouNiggahello all07:53
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5wow, totally wrong channel dude, pm me, i "pen-test" too when I'm not on my U.E.kubuntu07:53
LoveyouNiggahas anyone worked with wpa2 encryption before?07:53
tripelbEmergency! I was just moving files. They vanished 14.04 - dragging directory and where did it go? Huge too. Not in trash  was on USB drive. Just happened ls -RL | grep dirname did not show it. - and yes i did cd into that drive08:01
somsiptripelb: find -type d -name 'dirname' / (or change / for a lower path for a shorter search)08:03
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tripelbSomsip how could this happen. I saw this with only one small dir and ignored it as in must be there but I didnt remember the name of it. I moved many and they all worked. But this was a major thing.08:06
cfhowletttripelb, 20:20 hindsight  cp files, verify target in place then delete original :)08:06
tripelbThat might have happened before with all the music and movies a few I end gave me. Like a dream.08:07
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tripelbBoy that is hindsight. But the files must be there I have done nothing else but write an empty dirname to remind me.08:09
tripelbNot in the trash.let me try the suggestion.08:09
cfhowletttripelb, any chance the mv is still running in the background somewhere?08:09
tripelbI really hate the way unity changes focus to the target directory.08:09
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tripelbEverything else was fast.that is why I was doing all on the same uab drive so no actual writes would be needed..08:11
tripelbcfhowlett: ^^^^08:12
bekksmv needs actual writes, since the inodes have to be modified.08:12
tripelbWhen you do a write there could be a 2indow of process behind.08:12
cfhowletttripelb, I've learned to use the -verbose option so I can see things.  see ps -x    and look mv processes08:13
tripelbWhat does a USB drive use for trash? A hidden file?08:15
cfhowletttripelb, yes, hidden08:15
tripelb^^^^ fertile idea08:15
somsiptripelb: what filesystem?08:15
tripelbWhat is not t called. How to reveal hidden files?08:16
ki7mtWow, pbuilder-dist base updates from the archive are seriously slow this evening. Anyone else seeing slow responses from us.archive.ubuntu.com?08:16
felstripelb, ctrl+ H08:16
felsAnyone can help me with printer sharing ?08:17
felsSamba and cups are only options ?08:17
tripelbfels: all the .trash-1000 shoedbin trash already. Nothing new. How can things vanish?08:19
Ben64they can't08:19
felsthey really cant08:19
tripelbThis was enormous. Full of movies. I wanted to put it in the main (Root?)directory of the drive08:21
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cfhowlett!es | escorpion08:25
ubottuescorpion: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:25
escorpionQuisiera saber, que vlc he de descargar, para ubuntu o debian gnu. yo tengo el xubuntu. gracias08:26
tripelbFeels ben64 what is the L's command to search all volumes and subdirectories. Does it exist?08:26
tripelbI made a folder and have been trying to get it Ro vanish and I can't get it to.08:27
somsiptripelb: use find. Like my very first answer to you08:27
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elementaryHello. I'm having issues with my sound. No sound.08:28
maumhow can I exclude permission denied when find command?08:31
cfhowlett!sound | elementalest08:31
ubottuelementalest: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.08:31
somsipmaum: run it under a user that has +x permission on the directory that is being denied. 'sudo find ... ' will usually get round this08:31
cfhowlettelementalest, sorry elementalest ^^^08:31
escorpionHola, Tengo instalado xubuntu, y quiero descargar el vlc video, cual descargo para ubuntu o debian gnu. gracias08:34
bazhangelementary, is this ubuntu? what version; is anything muted in alsmixer, what is pcm set to, what do pavucontrol/padevchooser tell you08:35
Squall5668!es | escorpion08:35
ubottuescorpion: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.08:35
cfhowlettescorpion, no.  go to #ubuntu-es08:35
bazhang!info papfrefs | elementary08:35
ubottuelementary: Package papfrefs does not exist in utopic08:35
bazhang!info paprefs08:36
ubottupaprefs (source: paprefs): PulseAudio Preferences. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.10-1 (utopic), package size 60 kB, installed size 541 kB08:36
bazhangelementary, ^08:36
Mr_T-RSAhello, running 14.04 here. I would like to know how to spoof my mac.  For some reason my router stil detects my hardware mac08:36
somsipMr_T-RSA: lots of links and answers here http://askubuntu.com/questions/439459/change-mac-address-via-terminal08:37
Mr_T-RSAthankyou. ill have a look at that link.  tried everything but ill try again :)08:38
somsip!test | tripelb08:45
ubottutripelb: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:45
somsip!test | tripelbier08:45
ubottutripelbier: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )08:45
elementarybazhang, I'm on elementary. As I understand it, it is based on ubuntu. So, can I still receive help here?08:46
cfhowlettelementary, no.   sorry, ubuntu support only08:47
cfhowlett!flavors | elementalest08:47
ubottuelementalest: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.08:47
bazhangelementary, you should ask them, I have already given you many starter tips08:47
tripelbierfels ben64 I am on the computer. somsip I am on the computer now. would you mind repeating your find command for me. I would appreciate it.08:47
tripelbierThe phone is so flakey that the stuff vanishes and I have to copy it down on paper. but now I am doing wifi from thephone.08:47
elementaryokay. thank you.08:47
tripelbierelementary is interesting me. come talk to me on #ubuntu-offtopic08:48
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felstripelbier CTRL + H08:49
tripelbierelementary /join #ubuntu-offtopic08:49
user1how do i install windows on ubuntu machine? don't want to risk wiping it, so do i need to create a partition ahead of time?08:49
felsuser1, every1 would say that better install windows first, then near it u install buntu08:50
tripelbieruser1 windows must be done BEFORE linux08:50
cfhowlettuser1, yes, that would be best.  and after you install windows, you will need to reinstall grub to get your ubuntu back  OR08:50
cfhowlettuser1, install virtualbox to ubuntu.  put windows in a virtualbox08:51
user1cfhowlett: isn't that really laggy?08:51
cfhowlettuser1, depends on your hardware.08:51
user1cfhowlett: thinkpad x240, so yeah...08:51
cfhowlettuser1, yeah, perhaps not.  :)08:52
user1surely it's possible, like it is with mac OSX08:52
cfhowlettuser1, go ahead and install windows, then re-install grub.08:53
tripelbierfels control H is for hidden files. that I didnt forget. but I had asked for an ls command that would let me search on all partitions of all mounted volumes. ... I think he gave me a find command.08:53
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5I've actually run virtual machines inside virtual machines inside virtual machines08:55
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5just to see if it could be done08:55
tripelbier-verbose option so I can see things. see ps-x and look mv processes (from sfhowlett to me)08:55
tripelbiersomsip asked me "what filesystem" ubuntu 14.04 -- is that the answer?08:55
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5it felt like inception08:55
somsiptripelbier: only when you were asking where trash got stored08:56
White_Cathello EriC^^, around?08:56
tripelbierfrom somsip long ago. find -type d-name 'dirname' / (or change / for a lower path for a shorter search08:57
rbckhttp://cdn.arstechnica.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Attaque_Man_In_The_Middle.jpg  The MEN in the middle is a penguin?!08:57
somsiptripelbier: yes, except for the missing space after d in "-type d -name'08:57
hillaryI got this error "sudo: /usr/bin/sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set" when trying to run updates09:00
tripelbieris this correct? find -tupe d -name ReceivedTreasures /09:00
tripelbieris this now correct? find -type d -name ReceivedTreasures /09:00
tripelbiersomsip that didnt work. it said "paths must preceed expression"09:00
tripelbierI am devastated.09:01
hillaryIt came about when i was installing netbeans into usr/local folder09:01
hillarytried changing ownership of usr in order to allow writing into it09:01
Ben64hillary: what is the output of this command.... "ls -ln /usr/bin/sudo"09:02
hillarywhere could i have messed up?09:02
Ben64hillary: changing the ownership of /usr is a terrrrrrrrrrrrible idea09:02
hillaryBen64 -rwxr-xr-x 1 1000 0 156708 Feb 10  2014 /usr/bin/sudo09:02
somsiptripelbier: yeah -I often forget that. find / -type d -name 'dirname'09:02
Ben64hillary: netbeans is in the ubuntu repository, why install it manually? and looks like you did a recursive chown, congratulations, you broke your system09:03
wolterWould it be possible to rebuild dpkg databases according to the contents in my root partition, in some way?09:03
hillaryBen64 ops!09:03
hillaryBen64 so i do reinstallation?09:04
somsip!info netbeans09:04
ubottunetbeans (source: netbeans): Extensible Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.1+dfsg1-5ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 876 kB, installed size 1919 kB09:04
morizakihi guys,someone can help me to create an account in pidgin(XMPP)? pvt me09:04
Squall5668hillary: it might be possible to salvage this. Try to find the history of your chmod. Was it recursive?09:05
tripelbiersomsip, mothing. but now Imust sleep. so sad. there is some kind of derp that made this happen.09:05
hillarySquall5668 procedure?09:06
Ben64hillary: that would be easiest. things to keep in mind --- (1.) install things from the repository, manually installing should be your very last option (2.) don't change permissions of system files/folders (3.) be very careful with sudo, recursive commands, and the combination of the two09:06
hillaryBen64 Noted09:07
Squall5668type 'history' and look for your chmod command. Paste it here09:07
hillarySquall5668 sudo chown -R hillary /usr09:09
Squall5668hillary: heh.... sorry09:09
zetherootrying to mount an nfs share and am getting this message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10445042/09:12
zetheroohow do I check if statd is running or not ... ?09:12
wolterCan somebody with a fresh utopic install pastebin his $(dpkg --get-selections) ?09:13
zetheroook, I found out that rpcbind was not started, and is not being started automatically on boot09:14
zetheroohow do I get it to autostart with boot?09:15
tripelbiersomsip, mothing. but now Imust sleep. so sad. there is some kind of derp that made this happen.there is a directory that is over 500GB per properties. and yet, the entire drive is 412GB used. WOT?09:18
somsiptripelbier: use du -h to try to see where it has gone09:18
somsiptripelbier: sorry - df -h09:18
leeyaai need to manually upgrade logrotate package on several legacy servers. do you think it is a bad idea or it is a matter of rebuilding logrotate package for those systems ?09:18
avengerHow do i go to the settings of spiral tool?09:19
leeyaai am forced to keep those servers for legacy support of our app09:19
somsipleeyaa: it's a slippery slope, for sure09:20
leeyaasomsip: yes but if done properly will safe me tons of work09:20
Squall5668leeyaa: check backports. Manual install is not a very good idea, but it 'depends'09:20
somsipleeyaa: and later when something else needs 'fixing' the client will want the legacy OS updating again, and you will never be able to implement a real solution - upgrade09:21
avengerHow do I open the settings of spiral tool?09:21
leeyaasomsip: its only logrotate09:21
leeyaanothing else will need to be updated there09:21
somsipleeyaa: like I said, slippery slope. But your system, your call09:21
leeyaaSquall5668: its dapper, not sure if i will find backports09:22
somsip!info 6.0609:23
ubottuPackage 6.06 does not exist in utopic09:23
oierHello all09:24
Ben64leeyaa: you really really should upgrade... 6 years of no support, no updates09:24
oierCould anyone help me getting java working with firefox?09:24
leeyaaBen64: i already know that and we have already upgraded09:24
leeyaahowever i do need to keep some servers legacy09:25
oierI've tried every litttle thing09:25
Ben64leeyaa: impossible09:25
somsipleeyaa: customer-facing app?09:25
leeyaasomsip: yes. a few clusters are forced to be kept at legacy.09:25
Ben64nobody "needs" to be running an OS without support09:25
oierand don't know what else I can do09:25
somsipleeyaa: what's the URL for the app?09:26
Ben64oier: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java has the instructions you need09:26
leeyaasomsip: weird question ;p09:26
somsipleeyaa: yeah..you know it's not safe :)09:26
cfhowlett"what could go wrong?"09:27
oierthanks Ben64 but I've already tried what is explained in that site09:27
leeyaasomsip: which does not answer my question what is the best way to upgrade just logrotate. but i guess ill have to figure it out.09:27
Ben64oier: and what was the result09:28
Ben64leeyaa: you're missing the important thing... its not safe to be running something for 6 years without bug fixes09:28
oierI get the following error when testing java:09:28
Squall5668leeyaa: the best way would have been an existing backport. There is no good way after that. Anything else is an unstable hackjob. Sorry mate09:28
t0t4ln00bsaUrU5well it's been an eventful night guys, see yall tomorrow09:28
leeyaaBen64: this is not my decision.09:28
somsipleeyaa: this is OT, but your bosses/client really needs to understand that stuff like this happens, and they're asking for it is.gd/OrUrHC09:29
leeyaaSquall5668: where can i view the list of such backports09:29
leeyaai dont need latest logrotate09:29
oierLoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_55/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so [/usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_55/lib/i386/libnpjp2.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32]09:29
Ben64leeyaa: take initiative to fix this problem then09:29
somsiphttp://is.gd/OrUrHC anyway - OT so EOT for me09:29
leeyaaSquall5668: if done it loads of times on legacy centos servers, just not comfortable with ubuntu yet09:29
leeyaais there a list for such backports ?09:30
oierlooks like my browser expects a 64 bit jvm but I want the 32 bit version up and running09:30
Ben64leeyaa: good luck containing that mess when it explodes, you're not going to get support here for an EOL system09:30
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leeyaaBen64: i am aware09:30
Ben64leeyaa: you really don't seem concerned at all09:30
oierright now I think I have a proper installation of java, a 32 bit version actually, the (32 bit)09:31
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leeyaaBen64: i do. i have to find a way to do something and think out of the box. after that eol will be forgotten by me and let to rot.09:32
guest-te3Z4Shey there09:32
Ben64oier: you probably want your browser and your java plugin to match architectures09:32
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oierBen64: well, actually not. I have a 64 bit system (ubuntu) but I want and need a 32 bit jvm09:34
Ben64oier: then install 32bit firefox, might work09:34
oierBen64: actually some months ago it worked, but for some reason it doesn't any more09:34
oierBen64: you mean Ubuntu's default repository installs a 64 bit version of firefox?09:35
Ben64if you're on 64bit, everything you install is 64bit09:35
htqpoier: why do you think you need 32 bit java?09:35
DazaxHello, the module acpi_memhotplug was deleted from ubuntu 14.04 ?09:36
oierhtqp: because it is set as a compatibility requirement by some applet developers09:37
feodoranhi, is it save to upgrade my 14.04 kernel to the 14.04.2 one (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack)? or do I have to worry about technical issues?09:37
OpenTokixoier: If your java program need 32 bit java, dont runt hat program. You dont need that kind of negativity in your life.09:37
OpenTokixoier: Them developers are probably wrong, idiots or both.09:37
Ben64yeah, the way java works it shouldn't matter09:37
htqpor they want you to run JNI, which means more permissions09:37
oierOpenTokix: hahahaha. you might be right, but I need to run that kind'a applet09:38
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
htqpoier: google for debootstrap, create a 32-bit chroot and run firefox with DISPLAY=:0 firefox09:38
oierhtqp: thanks! I'll try that right now09:39
OpenTokixoier: it ddid not work on 64 bit java?09:39
htqpalso make sure you have the same uid in the chroot as outer (otherwise X is going to complain, and progbably you do not want to mess with the x host)09:39
oierOpenTokix: yeah, the applet I'm talking about didn't work with the 64 bit version of java09:40
oierhtqp: thanks, I'll try so09:40
OpenTokixoier: Its not an issue with java version instead? - ie you tried to run it on java 8, and the software only works on 6 (like many do)09:41
oierOpenTokix: no, I don't think so. I have already checked my java version, paths, told ubuntu about it etc.09:42
OpenTokixoier: What version are you running. - ie what does java -version say09:43
oierOpenTokix: java version "1.7.0_55"09:43
oierJava(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_55-b13)09:43
oierJava HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 24.55-b03, mixed mode)09:43
OpenTokixoier: And you are 100% sure the program run on java 7?09:44
oierOpenTokix: it's not just that I don't get it working with a specific applet, it's rather that I don't get it working on my firefox browser. I tried testing it on java.com 's default java test site09:46
OpenTokixoier: oh, you mean the java plugin09:47
oierplus I followed all the troubleshooting guide shown on java.com 's site09:47
htqpyea, you want icedtea whicih is in a separate package than the jre09:47
oierOpenTokix: yeah right09:47
oierhtqp: If I'm right, I think I want oracle java's plugin instead of icedtea's09:48
htqpwhy would you want it?09:49
OpenTokixoier: you need the plugin for your webbrowser, - I assume you have the firefox fromrepos?09:49
oierOpenTokix: yes I do. And I have already set the symbolic links09:49
oierOpenTokix: to the right paths, I asure09:50
OpenTokixoier: What links?09:50
OpenTokixoier: The thing is, you need the correct java plugin for your browser.09:50
oierOpenTokix: I guess so09:50
OpenTokixoier: file /usr/lib/firefox/firefox09:51
OpenTokixoier: will show your what arch your browser is09:51
oierOpenTokix: /usr/lib/firefox/firefox: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=0xbdd76582350cbbe4ab700295e822276be070ab48, stripped09:51
OpenTokixoier: then you need a 64 bit java plugin09:51
oierOpenTokix: really? ooohhh :P09:52
OpenTokixoier: yes09:52
oierOpenTokix: :(09:52
oierOpenTokix: Ok I see09:52
OpenTokixoier: Why? - just get the 64 bit plugin09:53
oierthank you guys. I'll set a 64 bit version and see if it works09:53
OpenTokixoier: it will, unless its ipmi/perc/ilo09:53
oierOpenTokix: thanks. Then I'll do that09:53
ArleneHi i was asked What is the process that runs the mouse on Linux and i was thinking of X09:53
Arleneis it correct?09:54
OpenTokixArlene: probably, yes09:54
ArleneOpenTokix: can you give me your reason please09:54
htqpArlene: what is the real problem? what are you trying to achieve?09:55
OpenTokixArlene: You can have mouse enabled in a text console to, but it is uncommon - if you havent messed around and running like more or less a standard graphical user interface, xorg will handle your mouse.09:55
Arlenehtqp: im actually preparing for a linux exam and i saw this question09:57
oierI'm back here10:22
oierI solved my java issue in the sense that now I get it working on firefox10:23
OpenTokixArlene: What is the exact question?10:23
OpenTokixoier: Awesome10:23
xanthSo I just switched over from Windows to Ubuntu and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to install programs. I'm looking into learning perl so I want to download Padre but can't figure it out hahaha.10:23
OpenTokixxanth: What is Padre?10:24
xantha text editor/IDE as I understand it.10:24
oierbut now I get an error with an applet...10:24
OpenTokixxanth: how is that related to perl?10:24
OpenTokixoier: Wich one?10:24
OpenTokixxanth: sudo apt-get install padre10:25
oierOpenTokix: [27/02/2015 11:20:26] [         com.openlandsw.dsp.base.utils.g] [                           run] [ERR] ERROR cargando la librería dinámica '/home/oier/dsiglibs/libNss4JavaLinux_1425032425813.so' (error loading dynamic library)10:25
OpenTokixxanth: I would suggest a more general editor - personally10:25
OpenTokixoier: eeik... - ok - You are missing "some library"10:26
xanthI'm open to all suggestions. I'm new to programming so I'm just trying to stay afloat y'know?10:26
xanthWhat would you suggest?10:26
oierOpenTokix: I also get this message: [27/02/2015 11:20:26] [com.openlandsw.ds...dule.applet.crypto.a] [                             a] [ERR] Problema al cargar la librería: /home/oier/dsiglibs/libNss4JavaLinux_1425032425813.so, Error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/oier/dsiglibs/libNss4JavaLinux_1425032425813.so: /home/oier/dsiglibs/libNss4JavaLinux_1425032425813.so: wrong ELF class:...10:27
oier...ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch)10:27
OpenTokixxanth: There is many editors out there10:27
OpenTokixoier:  wrong ELF10:27
OpenTokix                 class:...10:27
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oierOpenTokix: I just loaded the applet I'm supposed to run and it crashed returning me a message of uncompatibility with your system or browser... :P10:28
OpenTokixoier: nice10:28
oierOpenTokix: is there anything I can do to fix this? Should I maybe try to run a 32 bit version of the jvm?10:29
OpenTokixoier: what applet is it? Some inhouse thing?10:29
OpenTokixoier: If its an applet in your browser, you need a 32 bit browser + plugin - jvm can handle whatever.10:29
oierOpenTokix: yes, it's a thing of the Goverment of Navarre10:29
OpenTokixoier: http://sitevale.blogspot.se/p/estas-son-mis-anotaciones-sobre-como-he.html <-- Maybe this will help you, I dont understand the language10:30
oierOpenTokix: aha, I see. So it is related to the architecture10:30
OpenTokixoier: it is related to your java plugin arch10:30
OpenTokixoier: Your java plugin launches a java program in your browser. - However, it will also download libary infrasturcture for that program. - And if those libraries is 32 bit, your other stuff also needs to be 32 bit.10:31
oierOpenTokix: thanks again10:31
muni'm trying to run a python command in a screen without attaching to it. i'm using screen -d -m "python scrtip.py 123" but i can't resume the screen. perhaps it doesn't get created?10:31
OpenTokixoier: There is some java plugin apps I just gave up - only way to get em to run was in a windows vm, with IE and oracle java 610:32
OpenTokixoier: took _AWHILE_ to get to work10:32
oierOpenTokix: I find this so crazy... I don't know if I'll succeed with this holy thing. Actually I also have a smartcard reader and all drivers are configured for my 64 bit system so my guess is it will be really tricky10:33
oierOpenTokix: plus, get it working with 32 bit firefox, will be a pain in the hole10:34
OpenTokixoier: Good thing is you can have both 32 bit and 64 bit programs running in your ubuntu. - Its not as elegant, but it works.10:34
oierOpenTokix: I tried some months ago to do such thing and I couldn't, but I'm decided to try it again10:34
OpenTokixoier: Also there is the option of a virtual machine with 32 bit os, or something else10:35
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chulisi use lubuntu and can not see sound icon on my panel10:35
Squall5668mun: perhaps it completed it's process?10:35
chulishow can i see my soind icon?10:36
munSquall5668: hmm can't be. if i do it inside of a screen, it takes hours to complete10:36
g105bIs it safe to change a user's home directory permissions to drwxr-x--- , so 'other' can't see anything?10:36
oierOpenTokix: yeah... I know, but I'm not in the mood for doing that right now... :(10:36
EriC^^g105b, yes if you dont need anybody else to access something10:36
chulisits installed in miniapplets but cant see on panel10:36
g105bEriC^^: I just wondered if that was a good idea, whether any OS processes would barf.10:37
munSquall5668: screen -dm "python -c \"print 'test'\"" doesn't show 'test'10:37
OpenTokixoier: I dont think I have ever been in the mood to figure out java-issues =)10:38
oierOpenTokix: I see. Thanks anyway guy for your help and comments10:38
munSquall5668: oh, if i drop -dm, i get "python script.py..." no such file or dir10:39
Squall5668mun: haha10:39
munisn't screen "python script.py" supposed to get the screen launch python script.py?10:40
munwithout '-dm' that is10:40
EriC^^mun, try screen -d -m <command>10:41
EriC^^not -dm10:41
EriC^^oh, nevermind10:41
munstill no screen10:41
EriC^^how do you know10:41
munEriC^^: can't screen -r10:41
EriC^^type screen -list10:41
munno sockets found10:41
k1l_is screen -ls shwoing it?10:41
k1l_what is when you create a screen with "screen -S test"10:42
EriC^^mun, did you fix the file location?10:42
tos-1mun: Don't quote: screen python blah.py10:42
munEriC^^: the file has always been right10:42
munwithout quotes.. yes, i attach and the command is properly run10:43
munscreen -dm python ...10:43
mundamn quotes10:43
EriC^^is it working?10:43
Squall5668mun: so, 'python scriptname' works but 'screen "python scriptname"' doesnt?10:43
munyes, without the quotes10:43
munscreen python script works, screen -dm python script also works10:44
munbut not screen "python script"10:44
munor screen -dm "python script"10:44
munmy screen is failyr old10:45
munnot sure if that makes a difference10:45
k1l_what ubuntu is that?10:45
muni don't know why it's so old10:45
muni'll check10:45
k1l_"lsb_release -d"10:46
munmust be something i did10:46
RaiseYourKappaWhere you from?10:55
RaiseYourKappaInterimo adapare10:57
RaiseYourKappaAmeno Ameno10:57
senapswhat was the terminal's Editor name?11:05
k1l_senaps: nano is a basic one11:06
senapshuh thanks.... do we have more professional ones?11:06
k1l_senaps: its getting easier if you say what you want and not let others guess what you want :)11:07
senapskill_: i use sublime text but wanted to check out some other things:) some thing's from terminal...11:08
senapsi just want to know the options! :)11:09
Squall5668senaps: there is vim or emacs, but they are not easy to use. If you do learn one of them though, there is no coming back11:09
senapsSquall5668:thanks man.....11:11
blinky_ghost /j #theforeman11:14
blinky_ghost /j #theforeman11:14
fantafeanyone here familiar with bond interfaces?11:17
fantafeno one alive?11:19
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hateballfantafe: Usually it helps asking the real question rather than taking polls11:21
fantafehateball: sorry my first time here ok i will get to the point11:21
hateballfantafe: No need to be sorry, I'm just saying :)11:22
fantafeI want to bond two interfaces each one of them is connected to an ISP router. my question is, does the bond0 interface has to have an IP address within the same subnet of the interfaces?11:24
game0heyo guys, I have installed ubuntu server and I have set the hostname but there's a problem in setting the DNS11:26
game0can someone help in setting the DNS?11:26
fantafegame0: u want to make the new installed server a DNS server?11:27
game0just for local11:27
game0just to be able to use it inside my small network11:27
game0I didn't make a static DNS11:28
bekksgame0: Do you want to setup your own DNS server at home?11:28
game0this is my first time in doing this11:29
fantafegame0: install bind DNS Server11:29
linuxthefishhi, why was unity 2d removed?11:29
fantafegame0: sudo apt-get install bind911:30
k1l_linuxthefish: iirc was the gnome-base-code removed from gnome.11:30
game0OK, done11:31
game0fantafe, bekks done11:32
bekksgame0: Now you have to configure it :)11:32
fantafegame0: now u need to configure the /etc/bind files,11:32
fantafegame0: i recommend getting webmin11:32
bekksgame0: Like this: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/dns-configuration.html11:32
bekks!webmin | fantafe11:33
ubottufantafe: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:33
bekksDo not use webmin on Ubuntu.11:33
fantafereally i did not know webmin is not recommended for Ubuntu tbh11:34
linuxthefishk1l_ d you know why? unity is horrid on old machines11:35
linuxthefishand if I install xfce4 the network icon does not show up, and if I enable the indicator thing it shows the file menu etc11:36
k1l_linuxthefish: because gnome and unity (since unity is a gnome shell) use llvmpipe for machines not having 3d.11:36
k1l_for old machines i would go with Lubuntu anyway11:36
linuxthefishnot xfce?11:37
k1l_!lubuntu | linuxthefish11:38
ubottulinuxthefish: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.11:38
aavrugCan anyone tell me how to see the spaces of sda1 from termina?11:48
bekksaavrug: what do you mean by "spaces of sda1"?11:49
popefactospaces? like how much free space?11:49
k1l_aavrug: "df -h"11:49
aavrugyea using df -h11:49
kgkjggugjjj Is there a wi-fi sdcard that works with ubuntu, such as eyefi or flashair? http://www.toshiba-memory.com/cms/en/products/wireless-sd-cards/FlashAir/11:50
aavrugbut after that getting dev/sda1 and i want to see the structure of sda111:50
aavrugthat which file taking how much space11:50
k1l_run "ncdu"11:51
aavrugthat i have to install first11:52
aavrugbekks: i think sda1 is root and i want to see the root inner file structure.11:52
aavrugpopefacto: yes11:52
bekksaavrug: Then you can use "df" and "du".11:54
aavrugbekks: On my system sda1 is about 100% full so i am looking for command to make it a little empty.11:55
bekksaavrug: Run "sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoremove;" - but take a close look on what the latter command will be removing.11:55
White_CatI want to remove one of the gid and uid ranges11:56
bekksWhite_Cat: "uniq"11:56
White_CatI am following https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPk7EL1jja411:56
Harrowedkgkjggugjjj: You realise those devices don't create a wifi connection with the device right?  They only make the contents of the Card available over wifi11:56
aavrugbekks: already run both the commands.11:56
White_Catthat output was generated by grep lxcuser /etc/sub* 2>/dev/null11:56
White_Catwhich one should I seek removing11:57
White_Cat100000:65537 probably11:57
aavrugbekks: i just want to see the structure, is this possible?11:57
bekksWhite_Cat: Most likely none ,if you are asking that question, honestly.11:57
White_Catbekks but they overlap11:57
White_Catisnt that a problem11:57
bekksaavrug: ls -lha / shows you the structure of /11:57
White_Catone was generated by lxc and one was with my command11:57
bekksaavrug: Pastebin "uname -a; df -h" please and provide the URL.11:58
aavrugbekks: http://pastebin.com/GBQ7dAcq12:00
bekksaavrug: And pastebin "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" please.12:01
kgkjggugjjjah,, thank you Harrowed. Good point12:01
xneovo10da qui si puo scaricare?12:01
bekks!it | xneovo1012:02
ubottuxneovo10: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)12:02
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BluesKajHi all12:19
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BlasterIs there any smartphones that you can install Ubuntu on?12:33
Nimbus_LEMP vs Lamp any feedback?12:37
hamidkhanhi all12:38
cfhowlett!touch | Blaster,12:39
ubottuBlaster,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch12:39
MannerManNimbus_: You probably want #ubuntu-server, but both nginx and apache will serve you fine12:39
Homely_GirlGreetings holders of all Ubuntu knowledge! :) I am having trouble updating my Ubunti 14.04, and Flash is also not updating, please help!12:40
hamidkhani want to use monkey webserver, is it ok from security point of view ?12:40
PaRaD0xxRhi, I just updated my 12.04 system for the first time in months, now Thunderbird won't open...no idea how to fix this...can somebody help me out?12:41
geothomreinstall again the previous thundebird12:42
PaRaD0xxRhow do I do that?12:42
neurotI would see if it's hung up first12:42
geothomfor your flash google for repos for adobe flash plugin and your problem solved12:43
PaRaD0xxRwell, I get a window that pops up "Thunderbird Update", but it's blank12:43
PaRaD0xxRthink I'm low on disk space, sure that is not helping, down to 2.0g left on /12:43
geothomfisrt of all go to software center and search for thunderbird then choose to reinstall12:44
stevenmWhat's a good easy to use but lightweight (i.e. non-Wine, non-KDE, non-Java, non-Mono, you get the idea) XML file editor on Ubuntu?12:45
Nimbus_thank you mannerman12:45
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Blastercfhowlett, I don't care about touch, I'll control with a bluetooth mouse if I need to.12:46
igno818the server channel is vry quiet12:47
PaRaD0xxRhmm...still won't open12:52
PaRaD0xxRall I get is a "Thunderbird update" window, which is blank, and then it closes12:52
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Guest15192Hello. I have an issue with sound. There is no sound coming from speakers.12:56
makarahi. Today I can't access kindle fire HDX (always airplane mode) with adb. Tried kill-server. All sudo. Haven't been playing with android.rules (SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="22b8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev")12:57
PaRaD0xxRhrm...seems to be connected to pipelight...12:59
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rustinstalling sublime text!! I downlaodedit from website !! I extract it in a folder.later ??13:06
ActionParsniprust: why not use the PPA?13:06
ActionParsniprust: bit easier13:06
rustActionParsnip: How can I do that !!13:07
ActionParsniprust: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer13:07
PaRaD0xxRhrm, created a new profile, and it loads up (Thunderbird)13:07
ActionParsniprust: plus, when the PPA gets updated, you will get the update too13:07
rustActionParsnip: thanks but a doubt!! what is difference !!13:07
ActionParsniprust: the WebUpd8 guys are maintaning a PPA for this to make it easier for users to install the app as well as get updates13:08
ActionParsniprust: manual installs wont get the same updates and you will manually need to update the application13:08
rustActionParsnip: ok!!13:08
PaRaD0xxRsomehow my default Thunderbird profile is corrupt, or something13:09
rustActionParsnip: and other softwares which are in zip file any common method for install13:09
ActionParsniprust: if you want sublime2, use ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-2 as the PPA address13:09
ActionParsniprust: depends on the files, stating is a compressed archive doesnt tell us much13:09
ActionParsniprust: same in any OS.13:09
rustActionParsnip: I installed sublime 3 thx :)13:09
ActionParsniprust: how do you install a zip file in Windows?13:10
rustActionParsnip: just click on .exe13:10
rustafter extract13:10
ActionParsniprust: but there isnt one, its lots of source code....13:10
rustI mean13:10
ActionParsniprust: there are no binaries in my zip file...13:10
rustActionParsnip: ohh13:10
ActionParsniprust: see what I mean? it's nonesense13:10
rustActionParsnip: sorry!!13:11
ActionParsniprust: stating "its a zip file" doesnt tell you anything at all about the content13:11
rustActionParsnip: after extract!! I am asking13:11
ActionParsniprust: it could be a pack of desktop wallpapers, but its still just a "zip file"13:11
ActionParsniprust: after extract, you need to look at the contents13:12
rustActionParsnip: sorry!! I am saying I extract in some folder .later what ??13:12
rustActionParsnip: next!!13:12
ActionParsniprust: make a call, I cant see the daa. YOU will need to work out the next move13:13
rustActionParsnip:In windows after extraction there is .exe which is use for install the software.In linux is it already installed file in zip file ?13:16
rustActionParsnip: which is directly for use ?13:16
ActionParsniprust: not all archives have EXE files13:16
ActionParsniprust: as I just told you13:16
ActionParsniprust: try reading13:17
rustActionParsnip: yeah!!13:17
rustActionParsnip: thanks for your help!!13:17
rustActionParsnip: I am newb13:17
ActionParsniprust: you will learn with time13:18
rustActionParsnip:yeah!! I am on it!! you guys are always very respectful for me.13:19
White_Cat_anyone here experienced with lxc?13:27
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krambiorixhi, how can i see who logged in on my server via ssh the past month?13:28
SchrodingersScatkrambiorix: /var/log/auth.log #?13:28
xubuntu_hello. sound is not delivered through the speakers. No sound.13:29
SchrodingersScatxubuntu_: grep Accepted /var/log/auth.log  #although log rotate will put many auth.log. sometimes13:31
SchrodingersScatoops, that was for krambiorix13:31
bekksWhite_Cat_: Whats your actual question?13:31
krambiorixSchrodingersScat, thanks , i got it. A friend installed munin on my server. Any idea how i can block an IP?13:31
SchrodingersScatkrambiorix: I've used iptables, not sure what better solutions exist13:32
My_ChrisHas anyone here ever dealt with Intel RST on Linux?, I've got an Acer Aspire which comes with a 24GB SSD (You can't boot off directly),13:34
My_ChrisI'm kinda confused on how RST works and what steps I would need to take during the partitioning process to ensure it would work.13:34
krambiorixSchrodingersScat, i see that my friend also installed failed2ban , so that takes care of it :D13:35
zomgregHeh failed 2 ban13:36
ZadYreeHello! I would like to know how to generate a  ~/.cinnamon after an erroneous rm -rf :/13:36
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zomgregMy_Chris: can you just overwrite the partition table or erase it by booting from a live usb or something?13:37
krambiorixzomgreg, not a good tool?13:40
zomgregI was chuckling at the typo.13:41
krambiorixow yeah zomgreg :D13:41
krambiorixzomgreg, a free friday afternoon joke for you13:42
ActionParsnipZadYree: then log off and press CTRL + ALT + F1, rename the folder then reboot13:42
zomgregAfaik it uses iptables13:42
krambiorixhow could i send an email with the username in it when someone logs in ?13:43
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White_Cat_bekks I am trying to setup three lxc instances and am badly failing at achiving that13:49
houarihelo guys13:51
houariI ve dealt with ubuntu issu since yesterday, this is the rapport http://paste.ubuntu.com/10448770/ , if any one can help me thanks13:53
houariI ve dealt with ubuntu issu since yesterday, this is the rapport http://paste.ubuntu.com/10448770/ , if any one can help me thanks13:56
aphrodelet me see13:57
murchaI untared a tar folder to a specific destination ( using -C) in ubuntu but i lost the folder. df -h  shows that some is space is used13:57
skulltiprunning 14.01.2  lxde and even though updates show this: linux-headers-3.13.0-46    i'm still at 3.13.0-32 on reboot. is that normal?14:01
bekksskulltip: Did you run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?14:02
White_Cat_bekks namely to create a virtual network14:04
ActionParsniphouari: what is the issue?14:04
White_Cat_i want each lxc instance to have a seperate ip14:04
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houariActionParsnip:  this is the rapport  of the issu http://paste.ubuntu.com/10448770/  ;14:05
kk0710Hi guys, I am having a couple problems with 14.04lts on my new HP laptop.  The main one is with my wireless, I am constantly having to turn my wireless adapter on and off, My connection will be stable for a while then all of a sudden lock up while trying to load a webpage or stream, I will open up terminal and trying a ping and nothing.  It is only happening on the ubuntu side, I reset my modem and router to be safe but it is still happenin14:07
skulltiprunning apt-get upgrade.. would have thought dist-upgrade woudl have done it all14:07
murchaI untared a tar folder to a specific destination ( using -C) in ubuntu but the folder is missing. df -h  shows that some is space is used14:08
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houariaphrode: any idea to fix it??14:10
b-phi, help pls. i need to restart rsyslogd after _all_ my /etc/logrotate.d/* config files processed. sharedscripts do this? so if i have 3 log in ../postfix another 3 in ../rsyslog and many more i need to restart rsyslogd only once after all logs processed (?)14:14
ikoniayou shouldn't need to restart rsyslog14:14
ikoniasyslog behaves well with log rotate14:15
kk0710Hi guys, I am having a couple problems with 14.04lts on my new HP laptop.  The main one is with my wireless, I am constantly having to turn my wireless adapter on and off, My connection will be stable for a while then all of a sudden lock up while trying to load a webpage or stream, I will open up terminal and trying a ping and nothing.  It is only happening on the ubuntu side, I reset my modem and router to be safe but it is still happenin14:15
b-pi must restart rsyslogd after mail.log rotated because after logrotate runs i have a 0 byte mail.log but if i restart rsyslogd it writes to the mail.log14:16
b-pi dont know why :(14:16
bekksThen how does your entry for mail.log look like?14:16
bekksSeems like it is broken.14:17
ikoniait sounds like you are trying to move out an open file14:17
ikoniarather than archive it14:17
aphrodemaybe no14:17
b-phere is it14:17
c3lHow can disable window title and window border for new windows? Similar to what the script in http://askubuntu.com/questions/75284/remove-titlebar-from-maximized-terminal-window/103598 achieves, not that I want this to be the default behaviour. How do I fix that? (using xubuntu)14:18
b-pi write the not tabbes lines to it14:18
aphrodeI can't open it...14:19
b-pbut i have service rsyslog restart in another logrotate files: for the ufw.log, debug, messages, daemon.log, kern.log, user.log, lpr.log, cron.log, syslog14:20
b-pbut in another /etc/logrotate.d/ files14:20
b-pall the files has invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload14:25
ablest1980i cant update it says i dont have enough disk space14:25
houariI ve dealt with ubuntu issu since yesterday, this is the rapport http://paste.ubuntu.com/10448770/ , if any one can help me thanks14:26
cfhowlettablest1980, sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get autoremove        may help14:26
kk0710Hi guys, I am having a couple problems with 14.04lts on my new HP laptop.  The main one is with my wireless, I am constantly having to turn my wireless adapter on and off, My connection will be stable for a while then all of a sudden lock up while trying to load a webpage or stream, I will open up terminal and trying a ping and nothing.  It is only happening on the ubuntu side, I reset my modem and router  but it is still happening?14:27
ablest1980still the same cfhowlett14:28
b-phere is all my files contents in /etc/logrotate.d/: http://pastebin.ca/294483614:28
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ablest1980do i restart?14:28
cfhowlettablest1980, shouldn't have to restart.  do this:  df -H14:28
b-pso if i write sharedscripts to all files its globally shared?14:29
ablest1980how i do that?14:29
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cfhowlettablest1980, open a terminal and run that command14:29
ablest1980sudo df- h?14:29
cfhowlettablest1980, no14:29
Guest35525plz help me14:29
Guest35525im a windows user14:30
Guest35525hey anyone14:30
ablest1980ok i did that14:30
cfhowlettGuest35525, windows support in ##windows14:30
ablest1980i did df -h14:32
cfhowlettablest1980, pastebin it14:32
Guest35525after i installed ubuntu it cant detect my phone14:32
jeffreylevesquedoes ubuntu come with /var/www/html/ directory?14:32
jeffreylevesqueor just /var/www14:32
cfhowlett!details | Guest35525,14:32
ubottuGuest35525,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)14:32
jeffreylevesqueor neither?14:33
jeffreylevesquethe directory only becomes apparent when downloading a webserver like apache2?14:33
ablest1980cfhowlett http://pastebin.com/VZ3YpeBs14:35
cfhowlettablest1980, wait 114:35
b-pany idea about my logrotate question please?14:35
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cfhowlettablest1980, cannot see.  either point your .pastebinit.xml to paste.ubuntu.com or copy the output to fpaste.org14:38
houariI ve dealt with ubuntu issu since yesterday, this is the rapport http://paste.ubuntu.com/10448770/ , if any one can help me thanks14:38
ablest1980do i need to create a pastebin account?14:38
cfhowlettablest1980, line 7 of this example  http://fpaste.org/191377/14:38
pgpgpgpablest1980: no14:38
cfhowlettablest1980, skip lines 8 -1014:39
amine-apt-gethelp me plz---i just installed ubuntu and it doesnt detect my phone14:39
gswallowAm I crazy, or do wireless tools and the wpa-supplicant thingy actually come pre-packaged with Canonical's Precise AMI?14:39
cfhowlettamine-apt-get, more details.14:40
ablest1980cfhowlett http://pastebin.com/j03tBmuM14:41
amine-apt-geti tried installing gparted and it didnt work14:42
cfhowlettablest1980, no can see.  copy/paste to fpaste.14:42
cfhowlettamine-apt-get, you're using gparted on your phone???14:42
no_thumbnailsupgraded to 14.04 and now no video thumbnails are shown14:42
cfhowlettablest1980, df -h.  copy the output.  open fpaste.org   paste the output14:43
amine-apt-geton laptop14:43
amine-apt-getgparted didnt detect my phone also14:43
cfhowlettamine-apt-get, you are making ZERO sense.  if you want help, describe your issue IN DETAIL.14:44
cfhowlettno bread crumbs14:44
ablest1980cfhowlett http://ur1.ca/jtapg14:44
houariActionParsnip: anu new about the issu??14:44
Gentoochildhello dear gurus. I'm trying to build an upstart task that works for both start and stop events. Is that possible to do?14:44
cfhowlettablest1980, better14:44
cfhowlettablest1980, well you seem to have plenty of space ....14:45
amine-apt-getwhen i plug my phone to the computer....my laptop doesnt detect my phone14:46
cfhowlettablest1980, yep.14:46
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cfhowlettamine-apt-get, unlock your phone.  check storage options; try camera and storage device14:47
GentoochildI want to set up ipfilter rules with start and clear them out with stop. Any suggestion on that?14:47
xubuntu_No sound on xubuntu. I am running xubuntu Live on hp pavillion.14:47
pbxamine-apt-get, what specifically are you expecting to happen?  where are you looking? what resources and docs have you consulted online?14:47
no_thumbnailsupgraded to 14.04 and now no video thumbnails are shown14:48
cfhowlettablest1980, nothing in this printout explains why you are seeing "out of space" errors, so my idea doesn't help14:48
ablest1980should i try a restart?14:48
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cfhowlettablest1980, can't hurt to try14:49
ablest1980ok brb14:49
thunder_kki have brought a bluetooth keyboard its pairing up but its not receiving any keys except some like "p" which is detected as 6. please help14:50
amine-apt-getmy phone works perfectly  on other laptops but when i installed elementary os it didnt detect my phone then i installed ubuntu and still not working so i tried using gparted to mount usb's and it didnt even recognize my phone14:50
cfhowlettamine-apt-get, do not use gparted on your phone.  DO NOT ...14:51
amine-apt-geti used it on my laptop14:51
ActionParsniphouari: you havent said what the actual problem is....14:51
amine-apt-geti have all my backups on my phone14:52
thunder_kki have brought a bluetooth keyboard its pairing up but its not receiving any keys except some like "p" which is detected as 6. please help14:52
XenophonFhey all - so i think i've narrowed down my problems with ubuntu on my macbookpro5,1 to some kind of compatibility issue with nouveau (which of course gets disabled by nomodeset)14:52
XenophonFunfortunately turning off KMS means things like VESA powerdown don't appear to work14:53
houariActionParsnip: a black screen hang and I can t acsess  my desktop14:53
qwerkusHello, I have a weired wifi mini card: sometimes it works, and I can connect to the router, and sometimes it doesn't. All config remain unchanged. Under windows it works all the time. Really strange.14:53
no_thumbnailsupgraded to 14.04 and now no video thumbnails are shown14:54
qwerkus802.11n, chan 6, WPA2 PSK, AES encryption14:54
ActionParsnipthunder_kk: do you have numlock on?14:54
ActionParsniphouari: what GPU do you use?14:55
qwerkusdriver is ath9k14:55
ActionParsnipqwerkus: what make and model laptop?14:56
XenophonFmy approach at the moment is to disable nouveau via the modprobe blacklist14:56
ablest1980cfhowlett still the same14:56
ablest1980cfhowlett want be to fpaste.org the msg i get?14:57
qwerkusActionParsnip: no laptop, but a mini ITX mobo. I put the chip myself (AR9462) hoping to increase linux compatibility14:57
cfhowlettablest1980, afraid I struck out.  no fresh ideas.  ask again in channel.  lots of people smarter than me.14:57
ActionParsnipXenophonF: does it have an INtel GPU as well (Optimus technology)?14:57
ActionParsnipqwerkus: try: echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf. > /dev/null14:57
ActionParsnipqwerkus: reboot to test14:58
ActionParsnipqwerkus: wait14:58
alimjHello everyone. I wonder if would be possible to generate a beep sound from bash prompt. Something like "echo ^g" which we had long long ago in MS-DOS14:58
XenophonFActionParsnip: yeah, but i couldn't tell you exactly which - i'd have to look up the specs14:58
ActionParsnipqwerkus: try: echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf > /dev/null14:58
ikoniaActionParsnip: why does he need that14:58
ikoniait sometimes works14:58
ikoniawhy are you telling him to do that ?14:58
ActionParsnipikonia: ive seen some chips under ath9k need this, its free to try and easily undo-able14:58
ikoniaActionParsnip: why though14:58
ikoniait works14:58
O_OniGiriHi there, is it possible to delete an administrator account?14:58
alimjI would like to generate a beep after a command completes. Something like "sh command;beepcommand"14:58
ikoniaif it never worked, I'd see a point14:58
ActionParsnipikonia: so, why not?14:58
ikoniabut if it does work - why are you setting this14:59
ikoniaActionParsnip: because it's just a random blind guess14:59
XenophonFActionParsnip: this version of the macbookpro doesn't do the automatic graphics switching - should i boot into mac os x and switch to the intel gpu?14:59
ActionParsnipikonia: yes, it didnt work because the optionwasnt added14:59
ikoniaActionParsnip: it does work though14:59
ikoniaActionParsnip: it sometimes fails to connect14:59
a1faanyone else running flgrx drivers in here?14:59
ikoniait can't "need" that optoin14:59
ActionParsnipikonia: maybe but as I said, its free to try and easily undo-able14:59
qwerkusActionParsnip: will try, thanks14:59
ikoniaor it would never connect14:59
ikoniaActionParsnip: you're just trying random thins14:59
houariActionParsnip:product: Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 214:59
ActionParsnipikonia: ive seen it work many times, lets justtry ok14:59
ikoniaActionParsnip: if you do'nt know - don't help but don't just fire random things14:59
XenophonFi only want this mac for ubuntu server, so i don't care about the graphics drivers (want to try out openstack and this machine is handy)14:59
ikoniaActionParsnip: no, lets not just fire random things into peoples confis15:00
ablest1980someone please help i getting not enough disk space with update today15:00
ActionParsnipikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1746326   for example15:00
ikoniaActionParsnip: I'm not asking for a forum post15:00
ActionParsnipikonia: its not random at all15:00
ikoniaActionParsnip: explain to me how that settings impacts sometimes works, sometimes doesn't15:00
john_doe_jrI need to run a tar command in a script @ a particular file path and then output the tar to a specific location…is that possible?  This is what I have so far: " /bin/tar c -v -p -z -f $BACKUP_SHORT_NAME --exclude=$BACKUP_SHORT_NAME -C $BACKUP_TARGET . " …the command changes to the destination but the script creates that tar inside the path where the initial script lives but I would like to store the tar somewhere else…is that possible?15:03
ActionParsnipikonia: if the system cannot process the packets in hardware then it will need this option to make it work in software15:03
houariActionParsnip. is it correct the GPU I gave U, I found cammand line on google and it gave me what I send u15:03
ikoniaActionParsnip: why does it sometimes work for him15:04
ActionParsnipikonia: considering my points earlier, i dont understand your issue. If it doesnt help then no love lost15:04
ikoniaActionParsnip: if it cannot process packets - how is it working15:04
ikoniaActionParsnip: becaues just random guesses are not acceptable help15:04
ikoniaActionParsnip: and you cloud the issue with random guesses, and as someone on that post stated it can bring him in additional crashes, plus that post is for 11.04 - 4 years old,15:04
ikoniamore actual help, less random guesses15:05
ActionParsnipikonia: its all over the web, search it15:05
ikoniaActionParsnip: no15:05
ActionParsnipqwerkus: did it work?15:05
ikoniaActionParsnip: how can you tell if it "works"15:05
ikoniait's an intermittent fault15:05
ikoniait's already working15:05
ActionParsnipikonia: we'll see15:06
ikoniaActionParsnip: see what15:06
ikoniaActionParsnip: how are you judging this ?15:06
ikoniaActionParsnip: how do we know 'it's worked'15:06
ActionParsnipikonia: because the user will report it being ok more frequently15:06
ikoniaActionParsnip: you don't even know how much it drops15:06
ikoniaActionParsnip: you've done no research into the problem just fired a random parameter15:07
MikeJoneszDoes anyone know how I can enable root?15:07
ikoniathis is my whole point15:07
ikoniaMikeJonesz: you don't15:07
ActionParsnipMikeJonesz: you don't. Just ruse sudo15:07
cfhowlett!root | MikeJonesz15:07
ubottuMikeJonesz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:07
ActionParsnipMikeJonesz: this is how the OS is intended to be used15:07
MikeJoneszI want to use root though15:07
ikoniaMikeJonesz: you don't15:07
ikoniaMikeJonesz: you need to use the ubuntu security model15:07
ikoniaMikeJonesz: why do you need root and not sudo ?15:07
MikeJoneszcause sudo is for niggers15:08
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jakey2does anyone host zadmin on ubuntu?15:13
jakey2can they recommend this15:13
popefactoI can't seem to make ALSA k3.13.0-46-lowlatency play nicely with an NVIDIA G73M (GeForce Go 7600). I get video out of the HDMI but no audio. I've seen a few iterations of this (and similar) but haven't found any that made it work.15:13
ablest1980cfhowlett i think this is my problem and answer i dont know how to do it15:15
ablest1980cfhowlett http://askubuntu.com/questions/142926/cant-upgrade-due-to-low-disk-space-on-boot15:16
ablest1980cfhowlett my boot partition is fill with old kernals15:17
cfhowlettablest1980, sudo apt-get autoremove15:17
XenophonFablest1980: can you run the dpkg command in the linked answer and post the results to paste.debian.net or something?15:17
ActionParsnipablest1980: can you please pastebin the output of:    uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep generic | awk {'print $2'}15:18
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ablest1980just type dpkg in term?15:20
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ActionParsnipablest1980: copy the command I gave and hit ENTER then go to http://pastie.org and make a paste there15:21
cfhowlettablest1980,  uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image | grep generic | awk {'print $2'} | pastebinit15:21
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ActionParsnipablest1980: when the page changes, copy the URL in the address bar and paste that into the channel15:21
virusпривет всем руские есть15:21
cfhowlett!ru | virus15:21
ubottuvirus: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:21
GentoochildSo, can you give me any nudge on how to give an upstart task a "running" state without actually having an active process?15:22
ablest1980actionparsnip  http://ur1.ca/jtb0915:23
cfhowlettablest1980, I wouldn't say that's "full" but ...15:23
ablest1980cfhowlett i need to delete old kernals?15:24
ActionParsnipablest1980: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-3.13.0-24-generic linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove15:24
ablest1980actionparsnip ok15:25
cfhowlettablest1980, ActionParsnip has a handle on this.  work with him15:25
ablest1980cfhowlett ok15:25
ActionParsnipablest1980: you have 2 surplus kernels (its good to keep the one before the active kernel).15:25
ablest1980SAY 350+ space will be freed15:26
ActionParsnipablest1980: yes, 2 kernels and all its fluff15:26
ccanyone, i deleted windows 7 and install linux mint 17.1 but now i want to dual boot windows 7 and linux mint now. how do i do that.15:27
ablest1980ty guys15:27
cfhowlettcc, ask mint for support.  not ubuntu.15:27
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:27
houariwhat that mean that : product: Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 2 ???15:28
ablest1980ok ty guys updates are installing15:29
Knight80Hello everyone!15:29
ablest1980hello :)15:29
Knight80How are you doing today?15:29
ablest1980ok u15:29
OerHekshouari, it is just the description of your gpu15:30
houarioh sorry15:30
cfhowlettablest1980, what version of ubuntu are you on?15:30
Knight80Quite fine, thank you15:30
ablest198014.04 lts15:30
ActionParsnipablest1980: sweet, if your /boot is that small you will need to manage kernels in this fashion so the partition doesnt fill15:31
houariI means this : (glade2script:17817): Gtk-WARNING **: Attempting to store changes into `/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel', but failed: Failed to create file '/root/.local/share/recently-used.xbel.ZIFYUX': No such file or directory15:31
Knight80Only I'm having a problem with lirc and I'm looking for someone who can help me with it.15:31
cfhowlettablest1980, I'm surprised apt-get autoremove doesn't work.  it does for ubuntustudio 14.04.215:31
kaikasWhere can i find the rdma_cma.h in ubuntu 14.04?15:32
Knight80Can anybody help me configuring lirc on Ubuntu 14.10, please?15:32
ActionParsnipkaikas: sudo updatedb; locat cma.h15:32
ActionParsnipkaikas: sorry,    locate cma.h15:32
ablest1980im happy its fixed15:32
cfhowlettablest1980, well, go forth and conquer, young man: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:33
Knight80ablest1980 May I ask you where you are from?15:34
ablest1980is that to run ubuntu updater?15:34
ablest1980ny us15:34
ActionParsnipKnight80: seems to be new york15:35
Knight80Yes, I know15:35
ablest1980do you have cs?15:36
Knight80Can anybody help me with lirc, please?15:36
Knight80Or does anybody know what lirc is?15:36
ablest1980i use hexchat15:36
OpenTokixKnight80: ir-daemon?15:37
OerHeksKnight80, should be easy, sudo apt-get install lirc and go to #2 http://kodi.wiki/view/HOW-TO:Set_up_Lirc15:38
Knight80Thank you15:38
Knight80May I paste something here?15:39
ActionParsnipKnight80: if its many lines, use a pastebin]15:39
OerHeksKnight80, for multiple lines, paste.ubuntu.com15:39
Knight80ok, thank you15:39
ablest1980bbl bye all15:40
Knight80Ok, here it is-----> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10450499/15:41
OpenTokixKnight80: you're trying to run as your user? - do ls -la /dev/ttysS0 and check permissions of the serial port15:42
bishopstixplease help: have broken dependencies (it happens every time by the way): need to download linux kernel 3.13.0-46, and the software manager keeps repeating same error15:44
bishopstixand boot is full15:44
Knight80OpenTokix Ok15:45
OpenTokixKnight80: you need to add your user to dialout group15:46
Knight80OpenTokix How can I do that?15:46
OpenTokixsudo addgroup yourusername dialout15:46
OpenTokixand then relogin your user15:46
Knight80ok, thank you very much15:47
OpenTokixKnight80: That should work15:47
Knight80I'll be right back15:47
Knight80OpenTokix I did what you told me to do. This is what it says now: -----> http://paste.ubuntu.com/10450613/15:51
OpenTokixKnight80: have you started lircd ?15:53
OpenTokixand in that case, did you restart it?15:53
Knight80OpenTokix I think I have15:53
Knight80This is what I did:---> /etc/init.d/lirc restart15:53
OpenTokixwhat does: ps auxwf|grep lirc15:54
Knight80OpenTokix http://paste.ubuntu.com/10450662/15:55
uuhimheredoes aosp allow for drm/kms to bebuilt into the kernel15:55
uuhimherei.e. can i re-build my samsung bcm21664 kernel as such www.mindwerks.net/2014/09/videocoreiv-glamor-on-your-raspberry-pi/15:55
OpenTokix --device=/dev/lirc0 <-- Knight80, why are you trying to talk to /dev/ttyS0 then? ;)15:56
Knight80OpenTokix I don't know :(15:56
OpenTokixKnight80: check the config options for irecord15:57
OpenTokixKnight80: to specify device, and change to /dev/lic015:57
Knight80OpenTokix http://paste.ubuntu.com/10450740/15:58
OpenTokixKnight80: ls -la /dev/lirc015:58
Knight80OpenTokix ls -la /dev/lirc015:59
Knight80ls: no se puede acceder a /dev/lirc0: No existe el archivo o el directorio15:59
OpenTokixDont look like its running afterall, since it say "no such device"15:59
OpenTokixKnight80: you should check in /var/log/syslog and grep for lircd15:59
Knight80OpenTokix ok16:00
OpenTokixKnight80: Im leaving the office now - but anyway. - lircd is the daemon talking to your device, and creates a device-node in the filesystem that your applikations talk to. - That is the flow16:01
Knight80OpenTokix Ok, thankas a lot16:02
aphrodethanks a lot16:02
Knight80thanks a lot16:02
OpenTokixgood luck16:02
Knight80thanks again16:02
aphrodeOpen Tokix:thanks a lot16:03
Knight80irw isn't working either16:03
Knight80sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't16:03
aphrodeits true16:03
Knight80aphrode What is true?16:03
aphrodeyou say that16:04
Knight80you're a bot, aren't you?16:04
aphrodeno no no16:04
Knight80I'm kidding16:04
aphrodeyou are smart16:05
=== julien is now known as Guest5502
ciggarhelo ppl16:08
bynariehello ciggar16:10
aphrodehi ciggar16:10
ciggarany cnow how to do to work usb 2 on ubuntu 14.04.02 because i inabled on bios but alway say new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2 an the pc wont restar or shutdown16:11
bynarieciggar, so ur usb devices are not working?16:12
bynarieciggar, try "sudo lsusb" and "sudo dmesg | grep usb"16:13
aphrodecheck it again16:13
bynariesee what its showing16:13
demahumDoes anyone heard of issue that if you have dual-boot with both Windows 8 and Ubuntu you won't be able to turn off the computer (not laptop) the normal way because it will turn on itself automatically every time?16:14
aphrodewindows 8?16:17
demahumaphrode: Yes.16:17
aphrodei don't know...16:18
aphrodeplease try again16:18
demahumaphrode: haha.. it's not about trying... It's an issue. I am sitting in front of more than 10 that kind pc-s... My professor told me that it is an issue with dual boot (win8 and ubuntu). I am googling, but not finding anything...16:19
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages16:22
uuhimhereall u need is a gsm module and an altoid can and uve got youself a steampunk pi2 smartphone16:24
freerouteany idea why this happens? http://imgur.com/Cuc9GgE - the user tst is already added to the sudoers file.16:25
bynariefreeroute, did u edit visudo?16:26
geniifreeroute: Odds are it's entry is after some other rule16:27
genii( assuming that it's syntax is correct)16:27
freeroutethis is how my sudoers looks like - http://imgur.com/J1964p816:28
bynariefreeroute, thats odd16:28
freerouteI have to edit sudoers using 'sudo visudo', right?16:29
bynariefreeroute, have u tried changing to user "root" and executing?16:29
bynarieyes freeroute16:29
ActionParsnipfreeroute: the sudo doesnt traverse the redirect16:29
xtrumanxhello, world16:29
ActionParsnipfreeroute: you clearly dont understand security and the fact you changed your sudoers file just proves that16:30
freerouteI thought adding my user to the sudoers group was the proper method?16:30
bynarieActionParsnip, your sarcasm doesnt help him fix the problem16:30
ActionParsnipfreeroute: you need to run:   echo "blah" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/whatever.list16:30
xtrumanxi downloaded and installed deb package. what's the best way to keep it up to date? redownloading and installing the deb package everytime there's a new release?16:30
geniiActionParsnip: Good catch16:31
ActionParsnipbynarie: people "fixing" their computers to have zero security is a little tiring.16:31
ActionParsnipgenii: ;)16:31
xanguaxtrumanx: the best way is to stick with the official repositories software16:31
ActionParsnipxtrumanx: you will need to manually update it, unless the deb adds its own PPA16:31
ActionParsnipfreeroute: in your command, the only part of the command that had sudo access, was the echo command16:32
xtrumanxActionParsnip: manually update it entails just redownloading and reinstalling right?16:32
ActionParsnipxtrumanx: yes16:32
ActionParsnipfreeroute: I suggest you use the OS with sudo, as intended til you learn your OS a little more16:32
freerouteright, so the redirect is performed by the shell (with regular perms) instead of sudo.16:32
freerouteActionParsnip: this is one of the reasons I've set up this VM.16:32
xtrumanxActionParsnip: thanks... I don't think there's a PPA provided so I guess I'll have to handle it manually16:32
ActionParsnipfreeroute: the sudo doiesn't give access to the redirct part, so if you pipe to sudo tee, it will have access as the tee is ran with sudo16:33
freerouteok, makes sense. So how does adding my user to the sudoers (as I did) a bad security practice?16:33
freerouteshould I instead do "sudo adduser $username sudo"16:34
eFfeMhi, just upgraded from 12.04 lts to 14.04 lts, but now I get issues about unmet dependencies16:34
ActionParsnipfreeroute: because your user never has to type a password to get sudo access16:34
eFfeM gnupg : Depends: libreadline6 (>= 6.0) but it is not going to be installed16:34
bynariei was wondering the same thing ActionParsnip , because i also edit visudo16:34
eFfeMhow can I fix htat ?16:35
ActionParsnipfreeroute: and so does any malicious script or any nasty thing online16:35
ntspI have setup a ubuntu server, configured iptables and hooked it up with ethernet, it doesn't appear to connect autmatically how do I make it do so?(and preferrably at boot)16:35
ActionParsnipbynarie: ^16:35
ActionParsnipfreeroute: any process running as yor user has 100% system access without challenge16:35
ntspip addr shows the interface as down16:35
Crobertsif i use 15.04 beta can i upgrade to the final release when it comes out or do i have to reinstall?16:36
bynarieActionParsnip, im confused... i edited visudo the same way he did with user ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL and when i run a sudo command, it requires a password16:36
ActionParsnipfreeroute: so a malicious script in a web site could copy itself to the system and start running sudo this and sudo that and do whatever it wants. If you use the OS as installed, this wont work16:36
freerouteActionParsnip: but even with my sudoers file like that, it does ask me for the password when I do 'sudo touch bla' for example.16:36
bynariesame here16:37
ActionParsnipbynarie: why did you make such a change to your security when you clearly dont understand it...?16:37
* ActionParsnip researches briefly16:37
ActionParsnipahh yes16:37
ActionParsnipyou didnt add nopasswd16:37
bynarieActionParsnip, im not sure what i did wrong16:37
ActionParsnipso you added your accounts to sudoers using the file instead of using the sudo access group16:38
ActionParsnipbynarie: my bad :(16:38
ActionParsnipfreeroute: my bad16:38
bynarieno problem ActionParsnip , so is the method safe then?16:38
freerouteno problem. AFAIK adding the user to the sudoers file was the recommended way (instead of having only the root)16:38
ActionParsnipyou can add your user to the admin group and it will give access to sudo. I got confuse then realised you didnt add the no passwd option. You are safe :)16:38
CrobertsI want to try 15.04 beta but i am worried when it releases that I will have to reinstall, is that the case or is there an upgrade process? I know with fedora they make it not so easy16:39
freerouteActionParsnip: to the admin group or the sudoers group (ala 'sudo adduser $username sudo') ?16:39
bynarieok thanks ActionParsnip , honestly that was the way i have always done it and never knew another way, but now i do like you said, to add a username to the "admin" group16:39
ActionParsnipbynarie: absolutely, its just a trikier way to add users to sudo, if you use the 'admin' group you will get the same effect16:39
bynarieok great.. once again, thanks!16:40
ActionParsnipits been a long day16:41
freerouteno worries, Linux is tedious after all :)16:41
boodllebati have installed portaudio16:42
Crobertsor should i just wait till 15.04 drops for a final release?16:42
ntspMy interface doesn't seem to want to connect I added "auto p2p1\niface p2p1 inet dhcp" and restarted networking but it still displays as down?16:42
boodllebatbut i'm unable to find libportaudio.a on this path cp lib/.libs/libportaudio.a /YOUR/PROJECT/DIR16:42
freerouteActionParsnip: and re: admin vs. sudo group - http://askubuntu.com/questions/43317/what-is-the-difference-between-the-sudo-and-admin-group16:42
geniintsp: iface not niface16:42
Ben64Croberts: whatever you want, but support is in #ubuntu+1 until release16:42
ntspgenii I put \n ti represent a line break :p16:43
ntspit is iface16:43
CrobertsBen64: if i use the beta can i upgrade to the final release or do i have to reinstall the os16:43
Crobertsi dont usually bug irc for support :)16:43
Ben64Croberts: it will upgrade16:43
Crobertsok cool thanks16:43
geniintsp: Bring the interface down and back up again manually16:44
ntspgenii ah yes that worked derp16:46
Knight80Hello everyone16:53
ActionParsnipfreeroute: yeah, nicely put. Been a long day. brainfart :)17:01
azi`i have pluged an external USB disk that I would like to be accessible to all users17:03
azi`how can I do this?17:03
willwhhi folks, I'm wondering how I can remap the keys on my logitech g930 headset - the mute button doesn't seem to work at all :/17:03
lfoundis there a way to change what screen a certain window appears on by default17:08
lfoundusing dual monitors17:08
lfoundnevermind i got it17:09
ActionParsniplfound: devislpie can do that17:10
ActionParsnipwillwh: if you run:  xev   do the keys make events?17:10
willwhActionParsnip: hey , long time :)17:10
willwhActionParsnip: everything except the mute button produces output in the terminal17:11
stevenjamesi've tried addons, ubuntu-restricted-extras, lubuntu-restricted-extras, update, and i CANNOT get soundcloud tracks to play on firefox. using lubuntu 14.0417:11
ActionParsnipwillwh: well thats a good thing17:11
willwhActionParsnip: yeah thought so17:11
ActionParsnipstevenjames: have you tried other browsers, like chrome?17:11
willwhalthough I'm not sure how to proceed17:12
stevenjamesActionParsnip yes and they work fine17:12
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willwhstevenjames: anything in your console? (I guess firebug)17:13
nucuquestion: when I enable ufw, I want to auto-accept ufw's prompt, but ufw doesn't seem to have a -y like apt-get.. how do you non-interactively enable the ufw firewall from the shell?17:13
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lotuspsychje!firewall | nucu17:13
ubottunucu: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo17:13
ActionParsnipnucu: is that when you start the service?17:14
stevenjameswillwh one second i'm checking17:14
nuculotuspsychje: so far, no wiki shows/confirms non-interactive use17:14
nucu`ufe enable` will prompt for user input17:14
stevenjameswillwh Media resource https://*********************************** could not be decoded17:15
nucuActionParsnip: on a new host, in the cloud, I am running provisioning scripts, and start with `ufw default deny; ufw allow ssh; ufw enable`, but enable prompts for input and this hangs17:15
willwhstevenjames: sounds like a codec issue17:15
ActionParsnipnucu: what do you have to enter?17:15
nucuActionParsnip: y17:15
stevenjamesright bit where do i get the codec i googled and startpaged for 30 min17:15
x23i'm traying to install ubuntu 14.04 to hp elitebook 6930p, but i can't see HD in graphical installer17:16
Knight80Hello everyone17:16
lotuspsychjex23: did you disable fastboot and secureboot?17:16
Knight80Can anybody please help me configuring lirc step by step?17:16
ActionParsnipnucu: i'd ask the script author if this can be bypassed. I'd have thought that starting the service in the normal manner would be the way17:16
ActionParsnipnucu: or edit the script ;)17:16
willwhstevenjames: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/99916417:16
x23lotuspsychje, wait me a moment to check17:17
willwhstevenjames: try; apt-get install gstreamer-plugins-ugly17:17
lotuspsychjeKnight80: someone already pointed you to a link before17:17
Knight80Yes, but it didn't work17:17
Knight80I need help17:17
intraderI have noticed that the Xchat icon on desktop indicates that someone answered my question about security - however I don't know how to find the response - is there a way to search  for the thread and display all postings to me?17:18
lotuspsychjeKnight80: #lirc , small channel but maybe they can help?17:18
stevenjameswillwh unable to locate package17:18
Knight80lotuspsychje Thank you very much17:18
willwhstevenjames: are you running 14.04?17:18
xanguaintrader: scroll back or check in your logs/the channel logs17:18
stevenjamesyes lubuntu17:18
lotuspsychje!logs | intrader17:19
ubottuintrader: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.17:19
stevenjameswillwh yes lubuntu17:19
willwhlubuntu, ah, try: apt-get install gstreamer1.0-fluendo-mp317:19
willwh(I just did) apt-cache search gstreamer | grep mp317:20
lotuspsychjestevenjames: try running firefox from terminal, see what errors you get maybe17:20
stevenjameswillwh already newest version17:20
intraderxangua, lotus, thank you I will look in the irclogs17:20
Wally42Hello, I would like some help with a wireless connection in a new install of 1417:22
stevenjameslotuspsychje (process:27659); GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed17:22
lotuspsychjestevenjames: did you try to play a youtube17:22
stevenjamesyes youtube plays fine17:22
Wally42yes. nothing specific to my issue. unl;ess I missed it17:23
Wally42oh.. not me17:23
lotuspsychjestevenjames: only soundclouds not?17:23
DrGrovRunning 14.04 Xubuntu but installed kubuntu-desktop. How can I easily set up a virtual machine here so I can test the 14.10 Ubuntu regular ISO?17:24
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | DrGrov17:24
ubottuDrGrov: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.3.18-dfsg-2ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 15722 kB, installed size 59932 kB17:24
tewardDrGrov: What exactly are you trying to attain?17:24
stevenjamesright. it pops up with a dialog box that says There was a problem playing this track...and that's on any song17:24
ulehi guys.. I have q server with 16gb of memory and when I type free -m or htop or any other memory inspector command, it shows 15gb used. But When I check using htop for example, I can't identify which processes are using these memory..17:24
stevenjamesright. it pops up with a dialog box that says There was a problem playing this track...and that's on any song lotuspsychje17:24
uleCan anyone give me some tip?17:24
willwhstevenjames: try this maybe? https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/soundcloud?src=search17:24
stevenjameshahaha some tip17:25
tewardDrGrov: You don't need kubuntu-desktop to use virtualbox, and virtualbox is likely what you're going to need to look into17:25
stevenjameswillwh ok one sec17:25
DrGrovteward: I have downloaded the 14.10 regular Ubuntu ISO and want to give it a test run before I decide if I will install it.17:25
willwhActionParsnip: afk a bit, I'll come bug you about my mute button in a bit ;)17:25
tewardDrGrov: well, I don't recommend using VBox to 'test' Kubuntu - not uless you put a LOT of resources into it17:25
DrGrovteward: No, I know but I just wanted to state my current system installed as detailed as possible.17:25
tewardDrGrov: you should write to a USB, etc. and then run it in a LIve environment - that's the best way to test performance17:25
DrGrovteward: Resources are no issue. Running a Xeon E5-2620 a lot of RAM.17:25
DrGrovteward: *and a lot of RAM.17:26
stevenjameswillwh that's for android17:26
x23lotuspsychje, tks17:26
tewardDrGrov: then use VirtualBox.  ALso put as much video RAM as you can into it for the VM17:26
Wally42Newbie here. I would like some help with my wireless connection on a new install17:27
lotuspsychjex23: did it work?17:27
stevenjamesidk i'll keep doing some investigating hopefully something will come to me17:27
stevenjamesWally42 sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter17:27
lotuspsychjeWally42: ubuntu version and wifi chipset?17:27
DrGrovteward: How much is the required video RAM? Is 512MB enough?17:27
x23lotuspsychje, works!17:27
lotuspsychje!yay | x2317:28
ubottux23: Glad you made it! :-)17:28
tewardDrGrov: unknown - but if you want to test it as close to your system specs as you can, put as much as you feel comfortable assigning the VM within the settings17:28
x23ubottu, ;)17:28
DrGrovteward: Okay, I got 8GB of RAM and 1GB of video RAM. Not into gaming at all. But CPU is not a key issue here?17:29
stevenjamesWally42 also make sure wireless is enabled. one time i installed Musix on an acer and spent two hours trying to get the driver to work and had to press the physical button on the laptop17:29
Wally42before we get to deep. Seems like a simple problem. I have a device that appears to be working but it wil not connect. If I ping the router. Nothing.17:29
tewardDrGrov: how many cores do you have?  Assign as many as you can in multiples of 2.17:29
DrGrovteward: I have 6 cores and 12 threads17:29
tewardDrGrov: but leave at least 1 core (or 2 cores if possible) to your computer17:29
Wally42However Ubuntu says I am connected17:30
tewardDrGrov: you're asking someone to give you suggestions on setting up the VM - but the best thing you can do is just run it in a live environment and boot your computer to the liveusb to test performance and such17:30
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.17:30
DrGrovteward: But I am not having a working USB stick at the moment. My dear PNY 16GB USB 3.0 stick is completely out of bounds due to some failure, not sure what it could be ;/17:31
DrGrovteward: But I do have a 8GB microSD card which I could test with.17:31
tewardDrGrov: still not my issue - you could burn to a DVD and test too, but the point I'm making is, the live environment is likely to be most useful.  No idea if your computer can boot from a microsd card or not, but you get my point17:31
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intraderlotuspsychje, what does '!logs | intrader' mean?17:32
PythonideusHello, I'm trying to use two monitors on Ubuntu 13 and it will only mirror them, which limits my resolution on the monitor with the higher resolution. When I go to displays and turn off "Mirror displays" I get an error message "Failed to apply configuration: %s". I tried using catalyst control center (my cards are AMD) but literally nothing changed when I changed the settings on there.17:32
PythonideusHow do I fix this?17:32
lotuspsychjeintrader: it means i pointed you a trigger url where to find the logs you wanted17:32
DrGrovteward: It boots fine from USB pendrives. But yes, I do get you. Will test it out on Vbox first and see what happens.17:32
freerouteActionParsnip: apparently sudo bash -c 'echo blabla > bla' works as well. Shell is weird :/17:33
DrGrovteward: Thanks for the help :)17:33
xanguaPythonideus: if by ubuntu 13 you mean either 13.04 or 13.10, please make yourself a favor and upgrade to a supported ubuntu release17:34
erichfIs there a way to open chromium from the terminal -- and point the url to my current file directory?17:34
lotuspsychjeerichf: chromium-browser17:34
Pythonideusxangua if I do that will it affect any software I have installed? I have a bitcoin wallet on this OS17:34
xanguaPythonideus: you also have an unsecure unmantained OS17:35
Pythonideusxangua Will it affect my bitcoin wallet though? I just don't want to lose any files in the switch to 1417:35
intraderlotuspsychje, that is why ubottu posted - aha! However I find the logs difficult to search unless I write an app17:35
tewardPythonideus: you can transfer off the wallet.dat file17:35
lotuspsychjeerichf: and whereis chromium-browser17:35
lotuspsychjeintrader: copy paste the logs into an editor and use the search function?17:36
tewardPythonideus: copy your ~/.bitcoin/wallet.dat out to external media - you'll keep your private keys for your bitcoin addresses - but you will need to redownload the blockchain if you do a fresh install of a newer version17:36
tewardPythonideus: make sure bitcoind/bitcoin-qt is not running though when you copy out the file.17:36
Pythonideusteward do you know if that works with electrum? I lost the key that lets you recover the wallet, the 6 word thing it gives you17:37
intraderlotuspsychje, thanks - there is no ready-made tool17:37
erichflotuspsychje, ty17:37
tewardPythonideus: you can get the 'key' from the running electrum client you know17:37
Pythonideusteward I thought you only got it when you ran it the first time17:38
tewardPythonideus: you can obtain the seed for your wallet from the client - assuming you have the wallet, but that's not my point (FYI, when you say 'bitcoin wallet' be certain to specify the program - there's at least 50 programs for 'bitcoin wallets')17:38
pixelkatshello, i just did a syatem update, and when i restarted grub gave me a mac osx boot option17:38
pixelkatsanyone know why?17:39
lotuspsychjepixelkats: are you dualbooting ubuntu/mac?17:39
Pythonideusteward Thanks for the info, I'll try to recover the seed and write it down before I attempt to copy-paste the wallet.dat to my flash drive just in case anything happens during the transfer. Thanks for the help!17:40
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lotuspsychjepixelkats: you have ubuntu installed on a mac?17:40
pixelkatssays it is on dev/sda3 or something. when i tried to boot i got an error17:40
lotuspsychjepixelkats: grub shows mac os x on an intel pc? you sure max os x never was installed on it?17:41
Pythonideusteward xangua So do you think updating ubuntu will fix my monitor problem?17:41
pixelkatsweird huh17:41
lotuspsychjepixelkats: can you still boot ubuntu?17:41
pixelkatsyeah, im on it now17:41
lotuspsychjepixelkats: try a sudo update-grub and reboot maybe17:42
lotuspsychjepixelkats: thats the weirdest thing ive ever heard :p17:42
pixelkatslol, i know right?17:42
OerHekspixelkats, can you show us your grub? /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:42
d3ful7any one working on coreboot ore any linux bootloader ?17:42
OerHekspixelkats, use past.ubuntu.com17:42
OerHekserr paste.ubuntu.com17:42
bekksd3ful7: Whats wrong with grub2? :)17:43
tortuegood morning17:43
d3ful7no gurb is ok but need to kick  the bios out off my system ...17:43
lotuspsychjelets c :p17:44
d3ful7coreboot= open bios ...17:44
tortuesomeone knows where can i find a French channel17:44
ActionParsnipfreeroute: thats because the entire command is running as root17:44
DJones!fr | tortue17:44
ubottutortue: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.17:44
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: menuentry 'Mac OS X (32-bit) (on /dev/sde3)17:45
freerouteActionParsnip: but doesn't the shell then expand what's inside of the ' ... ' and then simply run that command (thereby encountering the redirect) ?17:45
TheBigDealthere's a little bit of ambiguity here in this page : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-kylin, wasn't called utopic unicorn the version 14.10?17:45
TheBigDeals/wasn't/wasn't it17:46
d3ful7any one working on coreboot ore any linuxbios ?17:46
pixelkats2 osx entries17:46
goose_hey guys17:46
pixelkatsduck duck17:47
lotuspsychjepixelkats: thats a weird puzzle lol17:47
goose_Anyone wanna help out? FOr some reason I can't access my phone on my laptop (14.10)17:47
imbezolanyone know of a workaround to run the fglrx drivers and have wine installed?17:47
pixelkatslol lotus, yeah.17:47
goose_It just won't mount correctly to allow me to do anything17:47
ActionParsnipfreeroute: there is another bash shel launched as root, the command is run then the shell stops. As the shell is running as root, any commands it spawns will inherit that access17:47
lotuspsychjepixelkats: you did not add those maclines yourself to grub, just to fool us right :p17:47
OerHekslotuspsychje, and line 379 'Mac OS X (64-bit) (on /dev/sde3)'17:47
pixelkatslol no, i did not17:48
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xanguaTheBigDeal: kylin is specific for china market17:48
lotuspsychjepixelkats: did someone ever own your pc before you?17:48
lotuspsychjepixelkats: this really smells like someone installed mac os x on it once17:49
pixelkatsim not sure. i bought refurbished model, but it should be factory clean17:49
OerHekspixel, pastebin the output of sudo lshw -short # as you should have a drive sde with osx somehowe17:49
pixelkatshow can you install osx on pc anyway?17:49
oussama_haw can i add sdl to gcc17:49
intraderJordan_U, I believe that Superfish is a virus ad manager placed by ubuntu17:50
OerHekspixelkats, it can, with tricks, but if it is a refurbished pc model, they might have put an refurbished apple drive in it. ( that is not bad, same hardware)17:50
freerouteActionParsnip: aah like that, yeah that actually makes perfect sense.17:51
pixelkatswell its weird, it never showed up before until i did latest update17:51
lotuspsychjeOerHeks: this looks like mac style: /dev/sdc    disk           xD/SD/M.S.17:51
freerouteI actually said to first learn the Bash shell before switching to zsh... but with this pace it will probably take at least a couple of years :p17:51
ActionParsnipfreeroute: Linux does :) It's very sensible17:52
freeroutesensible but tedious17:52
OerHekspixelkats, try to rerun sudo update-grub # and see if that apple partitions remain17:52
lotuspsychjepixelkats: where did your sdc drive come from?17:52
pixelkatsi dont know17:53
pixelkatsi dont have sdc....17:53
OerHekslotuspsychje, likely a multi card reader17:53
pixelkatsyeah, i had some micro sd cards i tried reformatting but disks said they were read only17:54
KruggerHi, imagine I have a SVN with a production branch and a quality branch and I want every night the quality branch to sync with production. Does SVN provide me with a mechanism to do this?17:54
Krugger\join #python17:54
OerHekssolved, sde is one of the cardreaders17:54
pixelkatsbut theres nothing in my cardreaders17:54
lotuspsychje!svn | Krugger17:54
ubottuKrugger: svn is Subversion: an open-source revision control system, which aims to be a compelling replacement for CVS. See http://subversion.tigris.org/17:54
OerHekspixelkats, now there is no card in it at all, try to rerun sudo update-grub # and see if that apple partitions remain17:55
pixelkatsand im pretty sure ive never installed osx to my micro sd cards17:55
pixelkatsonly linux fedora etc17:55
lotuspsychjepixelkats: try what OerHeks suggests17:55
pixelkatsi did update grub17:55
pixelkatsdont see apple partitions17:55
pixelkatsill reboot, brb17:55
lotuspsychjepixelkats: try reboot and check grub now17:55
pixelkats_grub update worked. booted straight to ubuntu17:57
lotuspsychjeOerHeks, pixelkats_ maybe some leftover from a drive in the past17:57
pixelkats_i was excited though, thought i might be able to dual boot to osx ;D17:57
PythonideusI'm about to update Ubuntu and I don't want to lose my Electrum wallet. I can't send the bitcoins to my new wallet because I won't have it until I update Ubuntu, so how do I copy the wallet.dat file onto my flash drive? I can't find the wallet.dat file from a search of my files.17:57
lotuspsychjepixelkats_: lol, better be excited to boot ubuntu single :p17:58
OerHeksso you have an sd card with multi boot osx apple 3 32+64 bit.17:58
pixelkats_can i dual boot osx and ubuntu on a mac?17:58
lotuspsychje!dualboot | pixelkats_17:58
ubottupixelkats_: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:58
pixelkats_sweet, thanks17:58
Kruggerlotuspsychje: Are you saying that the what I am looking for is basic branch merging?17:58
lotuspsychjepixelkats_: but i would reccomend single ubuntu17:58
OerHekspixelkats_, The UELA says you cannot.17:59
pixelkats_lol, thanks17:59
pixelkats_is this reliable?: http://drunkensloth.weebly.com/home/how-to-pimp-out-your-boot-menu-with-burg-ubuntu-140417:59
tewardOerHeks: s/UELA/EULA/ ?17:59
OerHeksthanks teward, i need glasses for that ;-)18:01
dotnettedhey all - I maually upgraded my kernel to 3.18.7 using dpkg to fix some intel graphics errors - noww when I do "aptitude upgrade" it wants to update my old not-in-use kernel - Will this set it as "active" and unload my newer kernel? Thanks! (ubuntu 14.01)18:01
dotnetted(aptitude is wanting to install 3.16.0)18:01
OerHeksdotnetted, i think that http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.18.7-vivid/ is vivid only.18:02
OerHeks= 15.0418:02
pixelkats_anyone use burg?18:02
dotnettedOerHeks: yeah it is - it is the only one with my intel fixes though and seems to be working fine18:03
OerHekspixelkats_, my ssd boots too fast to see a bootscreen :-D18:03
lotuspsychjepixelkats_: i would stick to good ol grub2 :p18:03
pixelkats_but... its not as pretty xD18:03
lotuspsychjepixelkats_: why do you wanna see grub if your not dualbooting?18:03
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TheBigDeali can't understand what's happening here : Ubuntu 14.10 = Utopic Unicorn or Kyline?18:04
pixelkats_well i was thinking of dual booting, maybe windows or fedora18:04
dotnettedis there a clean way to get aptitude to ignore only kernel updates?18:04
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pixelkats_most likely windows since i really dont have a need for another linux os18:04
lotuspsychje!14.10 | TheBigDeal18:05
ubottuTheBigDeal: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UtopicUnicorn/ReleaseNotes18:05
ubottuUbuntu Kylin is a variant of Ubuntu that focuses on Chinese users. It is a formal part of Ubuntu. For more information, see http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin18:05
PiciTheBigDeal: Kylin is not a codename, liken Utopic, or Precise is.18:05
TheBigDealPici: ok18:05
pokemonmasterhmm is this normal? kate on ubuntu keeps freezing.. and takes forever to open :/18:06
pokemonmasterlove it as an editor, and i'd hate to give it up :/18:06
OerHeksdotnetted, i am not sure if that van be fixed, you use a vivid kernel in 14.10, checkhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds18:07
lotuspsychjepokemonmaster: what happens when you start from terminal?18:07
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dotnettedOerHeks: thanks for the info18:07
boodllebatis their any APT for JACK audio connection kit ?18:11
PythonideusI'm about to update ubuntu, what version do you recommend?18:12
compdocdepends on your needs. I like the LTS versions18:12
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tnkhanhcan I use asterisk as wildcard character in PATH environment variable?18:16
SchrodingersScatthat makes me pause18:17
pokemonmasterlotuspsychje: i'm usually running it with the command "gksu kate" (partly because when i had previously run it from the launcher it doesn't have write permissions and i wasn't sure how to deal with that)18:17
tnkhanhSchrodingersScat: are u alive or dead18:17
compdocSchrodingers Scat means soemthing else altogether18:20
pokemonmasterPythonideus: i've been using 12.04 and no real complaints :)18:22
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PythonideusGuys I'm unable to copy files into my flash drive and I don't know why? Can someone help? dillon@GoldMine:~$ cp ~/.electrum/ /media/usb cp: omitting directory ‘/home/dillon/.electrum/’18:27
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PythonideusI tried using -r in the cp line and it didn't give me any message but it also didn't copy anything18:27
tewardPythonideus: did you mount your USB into /media/usb ?18:27
tewardPythonideus: also, ls -al the /media/usb18:28
tewardPythonideus: in the GUI, .blah files don't display - same for standard `ls` unless you include -a18:28
Pythonideusteward I did ls -al and I see all the files in the flash drive18:28
tewardPythonideus: in tha tlist should be a .electrum folder18:28
qwerkusHello, I remove my nvidia card, and would like to switch back to intel hd graphics. I purged nvidia and reinstall xorg. Login works and desktop with mouse - but unity fails. How do I reset it ?18:29
Pythonideusteward oh I see it now, thanks18:29
Pythonideusteward it still doesn't show up when I go to my file browser and click on the flash drive though, what's up with that?18:29
tewardPythonideus: if you look via the GUI you won't see . files - you have to view hidden files to see it - in the CLI, you have to do `ls`18:29
Pythonideusteward ok thank you18:29
tewardPythonideus: by default, .foobarbaz would be read as a "hidden" file18:29
tewardPythonideus: NEVER trust the file browser's display to be accurate - always check with `ls -al` on the directory, or even `ls -al | grep FILENAME`18:29
tewardwhere FILENAME is a file or directory name (including .)18:30
Pythonideuswhat does grep do?18:30
tewardPythonideus: filters out the output - searches the output from `ls -al` for the specific string18:30
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mesuioneHi. What is the amazon prime instant video stuff that appears out of nothing in the newest ubuntu?18:31
dowwieI'm running 14.04 -- just installed a clean, new build.  One of my hard drives doesnt automatically mount correctly.  Instead, I have to access it from the file manager before I can access it through the terminal.  How do I fix this?18:31
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qwerkusdowwie: edit your /etc/fstab file18:32
tewardPythonideus: while I don't use grep here, you can see what I mean about why it's not showing in the default 'file browser' settings (this is Ubuntu 14.04) - http://i.imgur.com/2Iw8IKK.png18:33
tewardPythonideus: grep is just a way to filter the output if you have a ton of files in the `ls -al`18:33
Guest13534Hey There,  I ask myself if someone can help me.     -   I have done some mess with my boot sequence.  I addeed an usb mount point and now when my pc boot up, the system ask me allways for this usb stick. is there anybody who know in wich file is this mountpoint, so that I can delete this entry??? Many thanks in advance!!!18:33
Pythonideusteward thanks for the help18:33
tewardPythonideus: also note my `ls` is aliased to be `ls -alhF` because i want extra crap :)18:33
tewardPythonideus: you're welcome18:33
dowwieqwerkus:  ah, ok let me look into that18:33
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Guest13534 Hey There,  I ask myself if someone can help me.     -   I have done some mess with my boot sequence.  I addeed an usb mount point and now when my pc boot up, the system ask me allways for this usb stick. is there anybody who know in wich file is this mountpoint, so that I can delete this entry??? Many thanks in advance!!!18:36
compdocGuest13534, you might look at /etc/fstab18:37
jhutchinsGuest13534: Did you make changes to grub?18:37
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tewardGuest13534: how did you add the USB mount point?18:39
milan385of course18:40
Guest13534teward -  I added this mountpoint in linux mint in the menue where you can config the usb drives18:41
tewardGuest13534: I'm confused - are you on Mint or Ubuntu?18:41
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:42
tewardGuest13534: Mint is offtopic here and not supported.  See ubottu's last statement on Mint18:42
tewardor alternatively the PM it's about ot send you18:42
teward!mint > Guest1353418:42
ubottuGuest13534, please see my private message18:42
jhutchinsGuest13534: Note that that's on a different irc network.18:42
Guest13534bok thanks teward18:42
pgnomehi, does anyone know how to remove/delete unused/old kernels?18:43
pgnomethe instructions I got - I used .* - so, not working?18:44
v_SullyGreetings all18:44
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v_SullyLooking for some help with sound mixer issues18:46
v_SullyIs there anyone who can give me a hand with some sound issues?18:48
hjkjhanyone know of a video editing tool for ubuntu, one that can help me focus on a licence plate?18:58
leon_hallo drohne18:58
hjkjhlike deblur18:59
leon_what is tha problem ?18:59
hjkjhi have a cctv footage of a truck hitting my car, but the licence plate is blurry19:00
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geniiGimp has such tools but you need stills first extracted from the footage19:01
hjkjhany tools like focusmagic?19:02
hjkjhits a video editing tool, couldnt get it to work with wine19:02
Vesperoanyone know a good (and basic) image editing tool? Gimp is way overpowered for things like cropping and resizing screenshots19:03
VesperoI used to use a KDE paint-clone, but running a KDE program without using KDE is a pain19:04
genii!info mtpaint19:04
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.40-2 (utopic), package size 440 kB, installed size 1872 kB19:04
VesperoOooh, I'll look into it19:05
geniiVespero: mtpaint is very simple but good19:05
cynicrusHey guys. Can you help me with ptrace? I don't understand. ptrace_peekdata - read only one byte or it can read a buffer by size? Should I read an integer in cycle or I can read integer like SizeOf(Integer)?19:05
VesperoOkay, let's say I have a folder of images and folders inside that folder with images. I want to (via command line) resize any images with a vertical dimension > my monitor size so that vertical dimension = monitor size.19:12
SeveasVespero: you need to look at identify and mogrify (from graphicsmagick) and xrandr.19:13
SeveasAnd then bash scripting.19:13
VesperoI've done mass image resizing before, but is there a way to specify only images beyond certain dimensions?19:13
VesperoOkay, so I guess identify finds images fitting the criteria, then use a script to feed them through mogrify19:14
Vesperothanks, didn't know about identify19:14
pythonideusAnyone have any idea how long it takes to install 14.04 from 13.10? I feel like it shouldn't be taking as long as it is, last time I updated it was only a couple minutes.19:15
pythonideusI just saw an error that said out of memory but I typed free -m in terminal and I still have several gb of free memory o.O19:16
daftykinspythonideus: minutes to change distro? no, no no19:16
pythonideusdaftykins how long do you think it'll be?19:16
daftykinsi wouldn't even risk a guess, nor would i even do an upgrade19:16
daftykinswhy are you only doing this now? :)19:16
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy19:16
pythonideusEverybody on here told me to upgrade :/19:16
daftykinsmonths late :)19:16
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daftykinsyeah but have you seriously been using that daily for the past 6 months?19:17
pythonideusI'm upgrading now because I usually only use this drive for bitcoin storage, I just opened it up today because I wanted to try coding python on ubuntu instead of windows19:17
pythonideusI've booted this drive maybe 6 times in the last year19:17
daftykinsprobably might as well have clean installed then19:18
pythonideusI don't suppose I can cancel it in the middle of installing lol19:18
burkmatYou could always try, but you'd likely blow something up. :D19:18
daftykinsthe power/reset button would have something to say about that ;)19:18
pythonideusI also just realized I have another hard drive I could have installed ubuntu to without messing with my bitcoin stuff or worrying about harddrive space19:18
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redemptionsongWhat am I supposed to do about this thing where you can't get updates anymore bc there isn't enough space? This is the second time it has bitten me. The first time I deleted some old kernels. Not sure I have anything left to delete! I have a default install of ubuntu 14.04 and it is my only o/s.19:37
TheNumbredemptionsong: how big is your root partition?19:38
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bg46zYou can clear out your .cache and /tmp directories.19:38
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redemptionsongTheNumb: I can look19:39
SchrodingersScatI also often use 'ncdu' for a quick view of where my space is being used.19:40
daftykinsredemptionsong: can you show us a "df -h | pastebinit" ?19:40
redemptionsongThis is what I see with df -h  : Filesystem                   Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on19:40
redemptionsong/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  450G  166G  262G  39% /19:40
TheNumbredemptionsong: do you have a separate /boot partition?19:41
winterchillzredemptionsong: just use paste.ubuntu.com19:41
redemptionsongSchrodingersScat: Right on. If it can't be resoved w/out more "stuff" bloatin this thing up then yeah19:41
daftykinsredemptionsong: that's obviously not every partition though is it.19:41
redemptionsongwinterchillz: k19:41
daftykinsyou need to show us the full thing.19:41
ErayHello, I changed my nvidia version. After this I restarted my computer. Ubuntu logo appears after black blank screen. With a white text cursor. How can I fix this ?19:42
redemptionsongdaftykins: oh no. I can paste it all tho19:42
daftykinsredemptionsong: yeah run my above command if "pastebinit" is installed19:42
winterchillzredemptionsong: please do so but on the pastebin url I sent you in case you don't have what daftykins mentioned19:42
daftykinsEray: wired or wireless network connection?19:42
Eraydaftykins: wireless19:42
daftykinsEray: what are you typing from now?19:43
Eraydaftykins: another PC19:43
redemptionsongHere's the paste - http://paste.ubuntu.com/10454256/19:43
daftykinsredemptionsong: "ls -al /boot | pastebinit" please19:43
ErayI disabled boot graphics with xdiagnotistic. But now, I have only black blank screen without text cursor19:43
pythonideusI set my resolution to 1080p and there are black bars on the sides of my monitor, how do I fix this?19:44
daftykinsEray: that was likely a fruitless change. do you recall the versions you switched between and what device you have?19:44
pythonideusOn Windows I remember clicking stretch to screen on catalyst control center but I don't see that on my catalyst on ubuntu19:44
redemptionsongoutput of ls -al : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10454286/19:45
Eraydaftykins: I can't remember nvidia version but my computer is ubuntu certificate. Dell Inspirion. I think I can find nvidia version in internet, wait a second19:45
daftykins!recovery | Eray try booting like this, run the command to remount / as read-write, then "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* "19:45
ubottuEray try booting like this, run the command to remount / as read-write, then "sudo apt-get purge nvidia* ": If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode19:45
daftykinsEray: don't worry.19:45
redemptionsongdaftykins:  ^19:45
daftykinsredemptionsong: does "uname -r" report -45 ?19:45
Guest26689i have and free kerio please give me19:45
redemptionsongdaftykins: lets see19:45
ErayOK I'm trying daftykins and ubottu . Thank you :)19:45
redemptionsongdaftykins: output of uname -r : 3.13.0-45-generic19:46
daftykinsredemptionsong: try "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-43-generic linux-image-3.13.0-44-generic"19:46
redemptionsongEray: I love it - we've all done it (ubotto is a computer program, not a person - but you prolly already knew that  :)19:47
ErayYeah, name is like bot :) My mistake sorry redemptionsong :D19:48
ErayIRC bots :D19:48
Erayok, I purged all nvidia packages. daftykins19:48
KeresChello everyone!19:49
daftykinsEray: now just reboot19:49
daftykinsand startup normally19:49
KeresCi need your help!19:49
Eraydaftykins: ok, thank you again :) How can I re-install my default nvidia ?19:49
daftykinsEray: well i don't have a clue which hardware this is, so if it boots in ok share a pastebin of "lspci"19:50
daftykins!ask | KeresC ok but we can't read minds :)19:50
ubottuKeresC ok but we can't read minds :): Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:50
KeresCthanks daftykins and ubottu :)19:50
adamhhttp://pastebin.com/gGW91vkd I cant update or upgrade packages19:50
ErayMy last question :D Everytime when booting its show Scanning Btrfs filesystems, What is it and is it necessary ?19:51
ErayIts fixed, thank you daftykins  :)19:51
daftykinsno problemo. btrfs check is probably just a maintenance thing at boot19:52
daftykinsadamh: reboot19:52
Erayok :)19:52
daftykinsadamh: you've got a mix there of trying to pull down packages for lucid in and amongst trusty, looks like your setup might be quite a mess19:53
Eraydaftykins: My `lspci` output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10454429/19:53
KeresCi have a mediacom 10.1 intel atom talbet with uefi bios. It's run win 8.1 x86 and i haved make ubuntu 14.10 x86 usb pendrive but uefi don't see my usb drive. I can run tablet i usb if the drive is GPT and fat32 fs... Can anyone help me?19:53
adamhIt has only just started doing it daftykins19:53
KeresCand sorry for orrible english...19:54
daftykinsadamh: yeah it's still not a good move. anyway like i say, try it again after reboot.19:54
EriC^^KeresC, how did you make the usb?19:54
daftykinsKeresC: there's also #ubuntu-it if you're from Italy.19:54
winterchillzKeresC: is your pendrive configured for Uefi? If I remember correctly, there's an option to specify that, I've seen people before having troubles because of that19:54
adamh daftykins it doenst seem to be coming back up after rebooting19:54
daftykinsadamh: some kind of VPS is it?19:55
raidgh0stHow do i get the displayport adapter to hdmi to work propperly?19:55
adamhno its a computer in a cupboard thats just used for TV stuff19:55
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raidgh0stIve insert the display port adaptor, Tried detect monitor, changed hdmi sources on the telly. But No Respond at all19:55
daftykinsadamh: i see, might have to dig it out and check it direct then19:55
KeresCi make usb drive with dd... dd if=ubutu.iso od=/dev/sdX bs=1M but this is only for bios pc? :D19:55
daftykinsraidgh0st: have you done a complete boot from power off with this adapter plugged in?19:56
raidgh0stSo its needed?19:56
EriC^^KeresC, no that's fine19:56
daftykinsraidgh0st: maybe, maybe not - this is my troubleshooting suggestion19:56
KeresCdaftykins, yeah there is ubuntu in italian but no one can help...19:56
raidgh0stThanks. Testing now;)19:56
Eraydaftykins: I have a package named with "Intel Graphics Installer for Linux". Its installed normally with my computer. This package come when I bought. Is that enough for installing ?19:57
KeresCwinterchillz, i think no...19:57
daftykinsEray: Ubuntu and Linux in general isn't Windows, i would not try and install anything for intel at all.19:57
daftykinsdrivers simply do not work this way in Linux land19:58
redemptionsongdaftykins: (or whoev was messaging) - sorry - phone calls and multitasking - it's off the hook!! Soln did work - thank you19:58
daftykinsredemptionsong: excellent, updates installing fine now?19:58
redemptionsongIs this what we're going to continue suffering w/ ubuntu?19:58
redemptionsongdaftykins: yes19:58
Eraydaftykins: I'm using linux distros(fedora, ubuntu, ubuntugnome, mint) in 6 months-1 year. I hate also Windows. :) Sorry for last question. Its my mistake.19:58
bg46zredemptionsong: apparently so.19:59
daftykinsredemptionsong: sounds like you installed with encryption, when the installer had some bug where it installs some tiny /boot partition that can't fit much. in future (and right now) run "sudo apt-get autoremove" occasionally to kill older kernels, that should keep you running along happily when updates crop up19:59
daftykinsbg46z: no, not at all19:59
daftykinsto both of you - a manual install with a larger /boot would've avoided this19:59
pythonideusI'm having some trouble updating my amd drivers, can anyone help?20:00
EriC^^KeresC, did you checksum the iso?20:00
redemptionsongbg46z: I see20:00
TheNumbpythonideus: what are you trying to do *exactly*?20:00
redemptionsongdaftykins: (or anyone) - what about resizing it with lvm2 - is that possible?20:01
redemptionsongnot now, but just asking20:01
daftykinsi have no experience with LVM20:01
ErayThank you for all help daftykins :) Have a nice day20:01
TheNumbredemptionsong: it's not a part of the lvm.20:01
daftykinsEray: you too!20:01
KeresCEriC^^, checksum is ok, i can install fron downloaded iso in virtualbox and usb installer run in my laptop20:01
redemptionsongdaftykins: right on - thanks for your help today - God bless20:01
TheNumbredemptionsong: you could try resizing the /boot/efi partition (500 megs lol)20:01
pythonideusTheNumb Well the only thing I really want to do is fix my resolution. At the moment it's on 1920x1080, which according to google is my monitor's native resolution, but there are black bars on the sides of my screen and I don't know how to make my display fill the screen.20:01
daftykinsredemptionsong: no problem :)20:01
TheNumbpythonideus: proprietary drivers?20:02
KeresCEriC^^, i think mediacom uefi start only windows...20:02
pythonideusTheNumb I have Catalyst Control Center but it's a bit outdated. When I downloaded the new one and tried to open it in the software center I was given the error message "conflicts with fglrx updates"20:02
abadaytjena.. vilka färger har denna klänning http://cdn.idigitaltimes.com/sites/idigitaltimes.com/files/styles/large/public/2015/02/26/what-color-dress-gold-white-blue-black-color-blind-why-do-i-see-twitter-tumblr.jpg?itok=_bEb22QD20:02
daftykinsTheNumb: you mean shrinking it? since it has no use20:02
TheNumbIt has a use20:03
EriC^^KeresC, did you disable secure boot?20:03
abadaysorry wrong channel20:03
TheNumbbut It doesn't have to be that big.20:03
daftykinsTheNumb: no disk use.20:03
daftykinsjust poor wording as i was lazy ;)20:03
EriC^^KeresC, can you get a boot options in which you can select uefi usb to boot?20:03
KeresCEriC^^, yes disabled secure boot and fast boot20:03
KeresCEriC^^, yes but only with efi's windows boot20:04
freeroutek, this is a leap but, is there kind of like a pastebin which gets you a easy to remember URL and raw text?20:04
KeresCEriC^^, tomorrow i wanna try a frankestein usb installer20:05
pythonideusDoes anyone know how to update AMD drivers? When I tried I saw "Conflicts with the installed package fglrx-updates"20:06
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KeresCis there any java developer here?20:06
tewardpythonideus: i don't think you can use fglrx-updates from the repo when using the upstream drivers you have to compile by hand20:06
KeresCjatt, thanks!!!20:07
leptonewhat are the standard things i need to do for configuration after a fresh install of ubuntu 14.04 LTS20:07
tewardany GUI tool that works with exFAT partitions20:07
leptonecan anyone like me to an article20:07
tewardleptone: depends on the needs for the system20:07
tewardleptone: and what you want to do with the system20:07
pythonideusteward so how do I update my drivers? :/20:08
leptonejust a lightweight laptop20:08
leptonenothing special20:08
tewardpythonideus: why do you need to update the drivers?20:08
tewardleptone: then you probably don't need to do any additional configuration other than the fresh install20:08
pythonideusteward my display resolution doesn't fill the screen20:08
pythonideusteward it's 1920x1080 but there are black bars on the sides and according to google that's the native res for this monitor20:08
tewardpythonideus: so change your display resolution?20:08
leptoneteward, i don't need to download drivers or anything?20:08
pythonideusteward this is the maximum resolution listed20:09
tewardleptone: if your installer was connected to the internet it should have automatically identified the drivers that it knows exist and installed - if there's a hardware thing NOT working, then you can ask and we can try and find you drivers to install/compile manually20:09
tewardpythonideus: if you're going to update with AMD upstream drivers, you have to download the tarball (if AMD has one for Linux), and then run the installation instructions from there to get it working and set up and compiled20:10
winterchillzMy clock freaked out - suddenly it went 3 hours and 10 minutes into the future20:10
pythonideusteward the only file I see is a .deb20:10
tewardwinterchillz: sounds like it's thinking your hardware clock is in UTC20:10
tewardwinterchillz: there's ways to fix that, one moment20:10
darthkaossup, testing out the ubuntu mate 15.04 beta on VMWare.  Really liking it so far.20:11
tewardpythonideus: then download it.  uninstall fglrx-updates.  try and install that .deb via `sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb`20:11
tewarddarthkaos: #ubuntu+1 for anything 15.04 related20:11
pythonideusteward what's the command for uninstall on terminal20:11
winterchillzteward: I fixed it manually then set it back to Internet time and it's currently showing the real time20:12
tewardwinterchillz: in the terminal, `sudo cat /etc/default/rcS` - look for "# assume that the BIOS clock is set to UTC time (recommended)" and tell me the line right underneath it.20:12
tewardwinterchillz: ok20:12
tewardpythonideus: `sudo apt-get remove fglrx-updates`20:12
winterchillzteward: It says 'UTC=yes'20:12
tewardwinterchillz: if you restart your system, does it jump ahead again?20:13
winterchillzI just installed Ubuntu a couple of hours ago, let me see, teward20:13
winterchillzbe right back20:13
Bashing-ompythonideus: teward :: If you installed the driver from the ati site, you can remove it by running the following;Code:sudo sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh , sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx , fglrx_* , fglrx-amdcccle* , fglrx-dev* ....20:14
john_doe_jrI have a folder w/ subfolders that have similar content but some files are newer…..how would I get a list of files that have a newer creation date between the two folders?20:14
tewardBashing-om: i'll let you help pythonideus, while I help winterchillz - I hate graphics driver issues :020:14
Bashing-omteward: K, They can be a real pain .. I still in that process of learning !20:15
tewardBashing-om: yes, they can be :P20:15
Bashing-ompythonideus: ^^ one can do the "apt-get remove" as one command if the commas are removed  :)20:17
pythonideusBashing-om sh: 0: Can't open /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh20:18
Bashing-ompythonideus: That could be a good thing .. how did you install the ATI (AMD) Graphics driver to start with .20:18
pythonideusBashing-om downloaded the .deb from ati's website and then double clicked it20:19
winterchillzteward: The time is still correct after the reboot20:19
tewardwinterchillz: then you're all set - if it jumps ahead or backwards randomly then it might be the hardware clock isn't the way it should be - but letting the system sync with internet time definitely will help keep things updated :)20:20
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Bashing-ompythonideus: That file should exist .. what returns -> ls -al /usr/share/ati <- ?20:20
winterchillzteward: Kudos, thanks for your time :)20:20
pythonideusls: cannot access /usr/share/ati: No such file or directory20:20
pythonideusbut I just did sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle*  fglrx-dev* a second ago20:20
pythonideusso that's probably why20:20
Bashing-ompythonideus: Hummm .. Things have changed ? That is the way OEM did install/remove is from that script ... lemme look about .. see that we do this right .20:22
Bashing-ompythonideus: Befire we remove.re-install.. in this present driver install, did you run -> sudo amdconfig --initial <- ? to configure the config file .20:25
pythonideusBashing-om dillon@GoldMine:~$ sudo amdconfig --initial Found fglrx primary device section  Unable to find any supported Screen sections20:26
winterchillzSo, I kidnapped a PC at work today, hid it under my desk and spent hours installing Ubuntu server on it20:26
winterchillzAnd the server just won't boot up LOL20:26
bekkshours? Thats done in half an hour usually :)20:26
winterchillznot on the PC I kidnapped it seems ;)20:27
winterchillznothing would happen after the BIOS check, like literally - nothing20:27
winterchillzjust black screen with blinking underline on it20:27
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:28
winterchillzThank you, bekks, I'll look into it tomorrow when I stop by the office20:29
winterchillzif not, I'll just steal a better PC lol20:29
Bashing-ompythonideus: Hummm ... stranger and stranger ... what card are we working with ? -> lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | pastebinit <- .20:30
pythonideusBashing-om I don't even care about the driver.  I just want to set my resolution to 2944x108020:32
pythonideusBashing-om How do I do that? I googled it and the answers are less than satisfactory20:32
imbezolpythonideus: use xrandr to list the supported modes20:32
imbezolpythonideus: if it's not there, add it20:32
imbezolpythonideus: you can calculate the modeline with cvt20:33
imbezolpythonideus: once it's there and added to the display, simply change to it20:33
imbezolpythonideus: this is all assuming you can't just do it with the system settings gui20:33
pythonideusimbezol Bashing-om | sudo xrandr --addmode VGA-0 2944x1080_60.00 | what do I replace  VGA-0 with? I'm using HDMI not VGA20:33
imbezolpythonideus: xrandr with no params will list the displays20:34
pythonideusimbezol DFP5 instead of vga?20:34
imbezolif that's the one you want to change20:35
imbezolpythonideus: is 2944x1080_60.00 listed as an available mode already?20:36
pythonideusimbezol No it wasn't. I did "sudo xrandr --addmode DFP5 2944x1080_60.00" and got "GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._gnome_2drr_2derror_2dquark.Code2: could not set the configuration for CRTC 147"20:37
imbezolpythonideus: use cvt to build your modeline to add20:37
pythonideusimbezol I already did "cvt 2944 1080 60" "sudo xrandr --newmode "2944x1080_60.00" 265.50 2944 3136 3448 3952 1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync" "sudo xrandr --addmode DFP5 2944x1080_60.00"20:38
pythonideusimbezol those are the commands I used20:38
imbezolah ok20:38
imbezolpythonideus: pastebin the output of xrandr20:40
pythonideusimbezol http://pastebin.com/CJ62iMkC20:41
imbezolpythonideus: try doing all that without sudo20:44
imbezoli have no issues doing that on my system and i *know* the monitor i'm trying it on can't do that resolution20:44
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ice-cubeI have lost my pretty gnome-session-fallback after I restarted my laptop :(20:46
ice-cubenow im on lxde :(20:46
pythonideusimbezol http://pastebin.com/zqmzDwJA20:46
freerouteseems Ubuntu netinstall has some GPG issues - http://imgur.com/59id2FO - admittedly I didn't import the sur5r key yet, but what's that other one?20:47
aeorilI have a bug that kills a process.  But apport only comes up to report the bug once, then does not do it again.  Is that the way it usually works?20:47
ice-cubecan anyone help me :(20:47
imbezolpythonideus: try "xrandr --newmode 2944x1080 265.50  2944 3136 3448 3952  1080 1083 1093 1120 -hsync +vsync"20:47
imbezolpythonideus: the first parameter is just a name so it can be anything20:48
pythonideusimbezol okay now what20:48
imbezolpythonideus: did it work without an error?20:48
pythonideusimbezol yes20:49
imbezolpythonideus: ok great. maybe it doesn't like periods in the name20:49
pythonideusimbezol tried changing my resolution, still got "GDBus.Error:org.gtk.GDBus.UnmappedGError.Quark._gnome_2drr_2derror_2dquark.Code2: could not set the configuration for CRTC 147"20:49
ice-cubethis is what I get20:50
poops3please help! ubuntu after reboot stuck in fsck. http://i.imgur.com/vEjmV0u.png20:50
poops3how do I cancel it?20:50
imbezolpythonideus: you did "xrandr --addmode DFP5 2944x1080" ?20:50
pythonideusimbezol yes20:51
imbezolpythonideus: paste "xrandr" again20:51
pythonideusimbezol http://pastebin.com/Q9Ywhddm20:51
imbezolpythonideus: and you're doing "xrandr --output DFP5 --mode 2944x1080" ?20:53
pythonideusimbezol "xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed"20:54
ice-cubeanyone here to help me ? :(20:54
imbezolpythonideus: perhaps that's an indication the driver or the monitor can't do it?20:55
pythonideusimbezol it does on windows though20:55
imbezolpythonideus: then it's likely the driver20:55
geomice-cube:  Will try, what is the issue?20:56
pythonideusimbezol how do I update the driver?20:56
imbezolpythonideus: what card is it?20:56
pythonideusimbezol amd radeon hd 785020:56
pythonideusimbezol I tried to update it earlier and it was just a massive pain in the ass20:56
imbezolapt-get install fglrx-updates20:56
ice-cubegeom thanks20:57
ice-cubethis is my error20:57
ice-cubeI cant get gnome classic I dont know where is it :(20:57
pythonideusimbezol what do I do after that?20:57
imbezolice-cube: try apt-get -s install gnome-session-flashback20:57
imbezolice-cube: might tell you why it's not going to be installed20:57
imbezolpythonideus: reboot20:57
imbezolice-cube: it looks like that package needs to be brought in as a dependecy of gnome-session-fallback, but there's a conflict preventing that from happening20:59
ice-cubeimbezol I got this now20:59
imbezolice-cube: and now try unity-settings-daemon20:59
ice-cubetry install it ?20:59
imbezolice-cube: somewhere along the line something is conflicting20:59
imbezolice-cube: with -s20:59
ice-cubeE: Unable to locate package unity-setting-daemon21:01
ice-cubeI didnt work21:02
ice-cubeThe following packages have unmet dependencies.21:02
ice-cube unity-settings-daemon : Depends: gnome-settings-daemon-schemas (< 3.10) but 3.12.2-0ubuntu1~trusty3 is to be installed21:02
ice-cubeE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:02
bekksice-cube: So pastebin (not into this channel) the output of "apt-cache policy gnome-settings-daemon-schemas" and provide the URL (in this channel) please.21:03
ice-cubebekks sorry21:03
cynicrusice-cube: sudo apt-get install gnome-settings-daemon-schemas= and after than you can try install ubuntu-desctop again.21:03
pythonideusimbezol Okay I rebooted and I still can't use that resolution. I just realized though that it was supposed to be 2944x1848, not 2944x108021:03
solsTiCehi. I have installed openjdk-8(-jre|jdk|jre-headless) and used update-alternatives --config java to switch to java 8 but updata-alternatives --get-selections shows many other utilities still use java 7. When I try to purge/remove java 7, apt-get wants to remove a lot of packages! and install java 6!! how can I make java 8 the real default version so that I can remove java 7 (and not remove a lot of package and not isntall java 6) ??21:03
ice-cubecynicrus it says it's already there21:03
pythonideusimbezol But I tried the same steps with those numbers and it still gave me Configure crtc 0 failed21:04
cynicrusIce-cube: just try this: sudo apt-get install gnome-settings-daemon-schemas=
imbezolpythonideus: sorry but not sure how to help from here21:06
ice-cubecynicrus I think it's downgrading ?21:06
bekksice-cube: Did you pastebin the command I mentioned?21:07
ice-cubeyes bekks21:07
bekksice-cube: And which URL is it?21:07
bekksice-cube: Thats not the command I told you.21:08
bekksice-cube: pastebin: sudo apt-cache policy gnome-settings-daemon-schemas21:08
newuser789I have a micro-sd card, when I insert it using a micro-sd to sd adapter then it says filesystem is read only and cant be written or formatted even with sudo and when I insert it using a micro-sd to usb adapter then its working fine, its writtable and formatable! why so ? and how to correct it ?21:09
v_SullyAfternoon, Is there a way to refresh your device list without rebooting?21:09
bekksv_Sully: device list of what?21:09
ice-cubeI this the problem is solved bekks :321:09
bekksice-cube: Well, that PPA is breaking things, apparently.21:10
v_Sully@bekks having sound issues I used the alsamixer and set the correct playback device and want to refresh as it's not showing in sound settings.21:11
hydeHi, does Ubuntu do any automatic touch screen calibration stuff (without user knowing) when it is installed from USB stick?21:11
bekkshyde: No.21:11
ice-cubebekks how do I get rid of the broken ppas ?21:11
ice-cubeI seem to have plenty of them21:11
newuser789I have a micro-sd card, when I insert it using a micro-sd to sd adapter then it says filesystem is read only and cant be written or formatted even with sudo and when I insert it using a micro-sd to usb adapter then its working fine, its writtable and formatable! why so ? and how to correct it ? Is it a ubuntu problem or anything else ? how to correct it ?21:12
bekksice-cube: using ppa-purge21:12
hydebekks: ty. thought as much, my case must be a case of some touch screens (the hardware) being uncalibrated, while others are calibrated.21:12
ice-cubejust ppa-purge ?21:12
bekksice-cube: http://askubuntu.com/questions/307/how-can-ppas-be-removed21:13
hyde(they *should* be identical models, but apparently reality doesn't quite match)21:13
v_Sully@bekks and not the fist time I changed it to the right sound card but each time I restart my system I have to re set with alsamixer and still no sound..21:14
ice-cubethank u bekks21:14
newuser789anyone ?21:15
hydenewuser789: so you have a built-in SD card reader in your PC? Sounds like it is recognized as read only device. you could try: sudo mount -oremount,rw /path/to/mount/point21:17
v_Sully@newuser789 I am not sure with Ubuntu but with widows in a situation you could go to its properties and edit to allow read and wright21:17
hyde(check mount point with just mount, find the card mount point from the list it prints)21:17
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v_Sullyso bekks any Idea bout my sound card issue?21:19
newuser789hyde: already tried mount -o remount /dev/mmxxx0 stated here http://askubuntu.com/questions/197459/how-to-fix-sudo-unable-to-open-read-only-file-system but no use21:20
newuser789v_Sully: tried changing its write permissions with sudo chmod +x and sudo chmod +777 /dev/mmxxx0 but no use21:21
hydenewuser789: does it give some error? did you remember to add the rw option for remount (I believe it is needed)21:21
newuser789hyde: no not with rw option, let me try again with rw21:21
newuser789is it with a comma between remount and rw ?21:22
hydenewuser789: yeah21:22
Cruizer61hello guys :)21:22
hyde(there may be several allowed syntaxes, not sure, but I always use -oremount,rw21:22
newuser789and doing /dev/mmxx0 is ok or should I do it /media/ubuntu/name ?21:22
nathan__i have a problem with mz computer21:22
hydenewuser789: doesn't matter21:23
newuser789few days ago I did a cp -v file /dev/sda1 and my partition is not mounting, its a big problem for me21:23
Cruizer61really hard to follow up the chat here21:24
hydenewuser789: as root?21:24
imbezolnewuser789: that would write over the partition21:24
ntspnewuser789 uhhh... you *might* have verwritten the partition table21:24
imbezolnot the partition table, the partition21:24
ntspah didnt see the 1 sorry :p21:24
Churchntsp: not partition table, but beginning of partition21:24
Churchoh, i type too slow :)21:25
imbezolnewuser789: i'm assuming sda1 is your boot partition?21:25
imbezolso is your system booted now?21:26
newuser789but now how to repair that partition ?21:26
newuser789or recover files and folders ?21:26
hydehmm... what does copying a file over /dev/sdxN actually do? I don't really want to try ;)21:26
imbezolhyde: it's the same as dd onto it21:27
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hydewith luck you just overwrote the directory entry, and nothing happened your partition21:27
imbezolhyde: no, it wrote over the partition guaranteed21:27
imbezolhyde: assuming he did it as root21:27
hydeimbezol: doesn't cp replace the file, not truncate and write to same file?21:27
Guest9244has someone experience with xcalib? I would like to blacken my screen with green text21:27
imbezolnewuser789: is the system booted at the moment or no?21:27
newuser789hyde: it was a small file of few kb's, I don't remember what but nothing of a larger size21:28
newuser789I'm on live ccd now21:28
adrian_1908Sorry this is a torrent-client question, I ask here because nobody answers on the other channels. Does anyone know whether I should/shouldn't use the same ports for incoming and outgoing traffic?21:28
newuser789partition is shown but not getting mounted21:28
hydenewuser789: what does ls -l /dev/sda1 say?21:28
hydenewuser789: and also command: file /dev/sda121:28
imbezolnewuser789: you'll need to recreate the filesystem on it, then put your kernel and grub back on it21:28
newuser789brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 Feb 26 14:11 /dev/sda121:29
hydeyeah, it's the device21:29
hydenot regular file with that name21:29
imbezolhyde: cp file /dev/sdX will write the contents of the file to that device21:29
newuser789how to repair it ?21:29
imbezolhyde: same as if you went cat file > /dev/sdX21:30
newuser789yeah, now I know it....very meaningfully21:30
hydeimbezol: ok, good to know. I've always used cat (or whatever) and redirecting21:30
imbezolnewuser789: you need to "mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1" to create a new filesystem21:30
imbezolnewuser789: then put the required files back on it21:30
newuser789imbezol: 1st I need to recover the files from it21:31
hydenewuser789, imbezol: wouldn't there be a repair tool?21:31
newuser789which one >21:31
hydeif it was a small file, it might not have overwritten any actual data21:31
imbezolnewuser789: you need to create the filesystem first21:31
newuser789if I'll do anything then files will be overwritten21:31
imbezolnewuser789: there's nothing there you can't recover easily21:32
newuser789there is gb's of data in it21:32
imbezolnewuser789: do you have your main partition mounted?21:33
imbezolnewuser789: paste the output of "mount"21:33
imbezolnewuser789: at pastebin.com i mean21:33
hydenewuser789: and not on the channel, use a pastebin!21:33
newuser789its a 1TB hdd with a single 1TB partition21:34
ntsppaste.ubuntu.com , not pastebin :p21:34
imbezolnewuser789: hmm.. try this first then.. "fdisk -l /dev/sdb"21:34
imbezolnewuser789: that just lists the partitions21:34
imbezoler.. sorry, sda21:34
newuser789cannot open /dev/sda21:35
ntspwith sudo21:35
imbezolnewuser789: fdisk -l /dev/sd[a-z]21:35
imbezolnewuser789: yes.. with sudo21:35
newuser789yea, with sudo its showing but without it nothing21:36
hyde(also, as you probably learned, when doing things as root, think twice, because you sometimes can press enter only once)21:36
cfhowletthyde, dude!  great quote!21:37
ntspI have run 5 different commands that were a single character away from wiping my main data drive :p21:37
newuser789the greatest would be the final solution cfhowlett21:37
imbezolnewuser789: ah.. so you didn't overwrite your linux boot drive.. you overwrote an NTFS partition?21:37
killerspecGreetings all21:37
SohanDoes anyone know if it's possible to get an ubunti cloud server from linode etc, and install a desktop to connect to remotely?21:37
cfhowlett... mind = blown!21:37
hydealso, now I can see why you gave that command... you wanted to copy a file over, then when it didn't work you did it as root.21:38
hydedon't do that again ;)21:38
ntspSohan you *can*, not recommended tho21:38
newuser789but now what ?21:38
hydeyou need to recover the NTFS partition21:39
hydeI don't know what tools you might use.21:39
imbezolnewuser789: you probably need to use a tool like Zero Assumption Recovery or something to get the data21:39
imbezolnewuser789: it's likely going to cost you money to recover it21:39
imbezolnewuser789: either that or there's a free tool that i don't know about21:39
sohan_ntsp why not? we're currently using windows servers but the price diff is 8x more21:39
ntspor... he has a backup(hopefully)21:40
imbezolnewuser789: you could try ntfsfix from the ntfs-3g package21:40
imbezolnewuser789: but i think without the start it's going to say it can't do it21:40
hydeSohan: do you want to run full desktop, or do you just want to run individual GUI Linux apps?21:40
imbezolnewuser789: there's also testdisk, but again, i think it will fail21:40
sohan_full desktop21:40
newuser789I tried copying backup partition table to main partition table using test disk but didnt help, again tried gparted but it said that use windows and do file check but no windows here21:40
imbezolnewuser789: and windows chkdsk probably won't work either21:40
ntspsohan_ there is X11 tunneling if you want to configure it, you can do that but I dont see a reason on why21:40
imbezolnewuser789: look into ZAR (zero assumption recovery)21:40
Guest9244what is the best adblocker?21:41
ntspGuest9244 adblocker for what? youre in a channel about an operating system21:41
newuser789dosfsck ? vfat ?21:41
sohan_ntsp i've installed a desktop on the server, however i'm not sure how to get to the desktop version instead of terminal21:41
Guest9244ntsp, for my firefox browser. are there any open source ad blockers?21:41
cfhowlettGuest9244, yes.  look in the firefox addon page21:42
ntspsohan_ some kind of remote desktop program?21:42
imbezolGuest9244: adblocker plus is available as an addon within firefox21:42
newuser789suggest anything regarding repair and not going for recovery21:42
sohan_i've tried using rdp and it won't connect21:42
ntspno idea then never tried to run a desktop enviroment on a headless server :p21:43
hydenewuser789: this channel might not be best place find advice about recovering an NTFS partition21:43
newuser789where ? channel ?21:43
a_newuser789, I don't know the amount of damage done, but you can try to make a Windows PE and run tools like Recuva, WinHEX ...etc21:43
imbezolnewuser789: this is an open source irc network. google might be better21:44
ntsp5 hours later... ext4 lazy init is still going o.O21:44
a_its also recommended to make an image of the hard disk to prevent furthur damage21:44
hydenewuser789: some Windows channel maybe? or, indeed, google21:44
cfhowlettnewuser789, ask ##windows21:45
newuser789making an image of a 1TB hdd is a huge task in itself21:45
hydenow that you know your exact problem: corrupted start of NTFS partition by copying a file over it21:45
hydeif you have spare disk, one thing you can do from Linux is to take full backup of the partition21:45
hydeor whole disk21:45
hydewith dd21:45
newuser789cfhowlett: problem is that corrupted partition was NTFS but the OS is ubuntu and they will push me back here on #ubuntu21:45
imbezoli just went through this with a 320 gig harddrive from a win 7 laptop. took 2 weeks to get an image onto an NFS share with gnu ddrescue and then a couple days worth of hitting copies of the image with various tools21:45
ntspwhy dd ... noone loves car anymore?21:45
imbezolfortunately you aren't dealing with a drive with bad sectors so thing should go faster.. but unfortunately it is 1 TB :P21:46
imbezolntsp: gnu ddrescue is much better because it will skip block with any sign of errors21:46
newuser789its brand new, 1st day of use and its already fucked up :(21:47
imbezolntsp: it gets all the data it can get without damaging the drive first, then it goes back and tries a bunch of things to get data off the bad sectors21:47
imbezolntsp: cat will just get stuck at the bad spots until it hits max errors21:47
imbezolntsp: probably destroying the drive in the process21:47
Guest9244who is using xcalib?21:48
cfhowlettGuest9244, why?21:48
hydenewuser789: brand new? does it actually contain valuable data?21:48
newuser789hyde: yes, all my 10 years of digital backup, plus banl passwords etc21:49
newuser789bank,etc passwords21:49
ntspand thats why you keep backups folks21:50
Guest9244cfhowlett, because I having some problem to understand how it works. Currently I use the following command in dark rooms: xcalib -invert -alter. I would like to know how to use the colors to get a better look21:50
newuser789ntsp: when time goes wrong then backups dont help21:50
hydenewuser789: when you ask help in another channel, you don't have to tell how it got corrupted21:50
cfhowlettGuest9244, instead of asking "who uses this" better to ... actually ask the important questions with pertinent details.21:50
hydeif you're worried they get stuck on such an irrelevant detail21:51
newuser789this hdd was meant as backup, did cut paste from older drives and shredded them21:51
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newuser789now older ones are gone and new one is fucked up too21:51
Guest9244cfhowlett, thank you for your suggestion21:51
cfhowlettnewuser789, family friendly channel here = no profanity.  thanks.21:51
bekksnewuser789: After shredding the old drives, you had no backup anymore, since your "backup" turned out to be the only copy of your data.21:51
hydenewuser789: if you have any option to do so, I would definitely take a backup of the raw drive at this point21:51
ntspnewuser789 we cant really help with NTFS, its windows filesystem and there are not many tools available in linux for it21:52
a_newuser789, if its so important, go buy another 1TB hd, clone it using clonezilla21:52
hydewith that ddrescue which was mentioned, probably21:52
a_beaten by hyde21:52
newuser789cfhowlett: ok, I'll keep in mind21:52
cfhowlettGuest9244, is it possible that your system color calibrations are off?21:52
a_newuser789, after that do as i mentioned, winhex+recuva on a windows pe image21:53
a_newuser789, you can also use a hex editing tool to browse the raw cloned image and search for text info, like bank passwords21:53
Guest9244cfhowlett, don't know how where to look for. But the invert works for me. I only want to change the white colors when inverted21:54
IPJunkie"test post, please ignore"22:04
daftykinsno, don't enable them.22:04
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ron___Hello I've installed ubuntu 14.04.01 via ISO disk It might re boot 1 time then start failing after successful instilation. I started with a freshly formateed empty hard drive.22:06
winterchillzwhat do you mean with 'start failing'? What's failing in particular ron___22:07
ron___not able to boot22:07
daftykinsron___: can you detail what actually happens?22:08
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ron___hard to get dvd to run the install disk to but sooner or later it will22:08
IPJunkieron___ Did you remove the installation CD/USB before booting it up?22:09
daftykinsuse a USB flash drive if you can.22:09
ron___error is boot disk failure I think i did22:09
ron___remove disk first22:09
daftykinssounds like GRUB didn't install or is on the wrong disk, if there's more than one22:10
daftykinsis it an old computer?22:10
ron___i tried the boot rescue via terminal but the ppa wasnt found22:10
ubottuBoot-Repair is a simple tool to repair frequent boot issues you may encounter in Ubuntu. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair for more info.22:11
ron___sot or had vista originally22:11
daftykinsthat one?22:11
ron___That's the one i tried22:11
ron___Don't think i was actually accessing the internet though22:12
daftykinsah, probably couldn't install it then yeah22:12
ron___It won't boot from disk right now22:13
ron___just tried it22:13
daftykinsas in, neither hard disk nor DVD?22:13
ron___I had no other program on the hd & formatted it with another computer for clean install22:14
OerHeksSata disk, bios mode ide/ahci ?22:14
ron___as in dvd22:14
daftykinsron___: is it a factory brand system? i.e. HP, Dell, etc?22:15
daftykinsi'd reload the BIOS defaults if possible22:15
jhutchinsron___: What does it actually do when you try to boot?  Do you get grub?  A blinking cursor?  A blank screen?  Disk not found?22:16
daftykinsok, typical sort of F2 to enter BIOS then reload defaults if possible then22:16
daftykinswe've already had the answer to that :)22:16
ron___disk boot failure insert sys disk22:16
ron___you can start with empty hard drive can't you22:19
daftykinsron___: of course. so, can you try reloading the BIOS defaults?22:19
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ron___ good idea22:19
Guest9244can somebody help me to get a black background and green foreground with xcalib?22:22
ron___Thanks to those who helped :)22:26
winterchillzDid it work, ron___22:26
daftykinsi'm going to imagine it did, and feel happy22:30
winterchillzdaftykins: It'd have just been useful to know for future cases. Plus it's always nice to try to locate the issue in the back end22:32
daftykins*nod* preaching to the choir there mate.22:33
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daftykinsgot a support question for us?22:43
cjeonno just came to say hi to this wonderful community22:43
daftykinsah ok. support here and chat in #ubuntu-offtopic22:44
rodney77Hello, I'm suddenly having problems where windows are becoming unresponsive, wi-fi is really spotty, and i'm wondering if it's a problem with x, or with my hardware. I have tried different kernels but the problem persists. could someone help point me in the right direction to troubleshoot?22:44
rodney77I have been using this computer with 14.04 for months with no problem. This only started a few weeks ago22:45
twilerHello, I need a little bit of help with instaliung the dogecoin client qt... After I downloaded it, and extracted it, I am left with three files: dogecoin-qt, dogecoin-cli, and dogecoind... But, no matter which one of them i double click, I get this response: Could not display “Filename”. There is no application installed for “shared library” files.22:48
twilerDo you want to search for an application to open this file?22:48
twilerBut, if I do, it doesn't find anything at all22:48
twilerSoo any help whatsoever would be GREATLY appreciated.22:48
IPJunkietwiler: Do you need to make them executable first?22:49
daftykinsopen a terminal, navigate to the folder those are in and run "file <filename>" to check what they are22:49
twilerIPjunkie: I don't know, do I? LOL I didn't even know I could do that.22:50
daftykinsare you sure the page you got this thing from doesn't have documentation?22:50
twilerIs that option somewhere in properties, IPJunkie?22:50
whac-a-retroBy the way, you can left click on the desktop and press Ctrl+Alt+T to open the Terminal22:51
daftykinsdon't just follow that advice right-off, you don't even know which of those is a program yet.22:51
twilerdaftykins, are you talking to me>\??22:52
twilerOh ok lol22:52
daftykinsyou can tell because there's nobody else here ;)22:52
twilerHaha!! LOVE it!22:52
twilerok, so, I'll reread what you already typed, and I'22:53
daftykinstwiler: cool, if you want to share any results of the command mentioned, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com22:53
twilerI'll hit you back real soon, ok?22:53
twilerOK, daftykins, thanks a lot22:54
daftykinstwiler: btw i don't know if you got that from here: https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin/tree/master/doc but that doc says install libqtgui4 then run dogecoin-qt22:56
* daftykins keeps highlighting to bug22:57
mrqtrosHi all22:57
mrqtrosHow can I upgrade from 14.10 to 15.04 from command line?22:57
ikoniamrqtros: you shouldn't do that22:57
daftykinsit's not out yet, please ask in #ubuntu+122:57
ikonia15.04 is in development22:57
mrqtrosikonia, thanks for advice, but why not?22:58
mrqtrosikonia already beta 2 :)22:58
ikoniamrqtros: if you can't figure out how to upgrade - you shouldn't be using beta software22:58
twilerDaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10457213/22:58
daftykinstwiler: looks good, you can right click on that file and go to properties then enable execute permissions on it, then double click to run after installing the above package as mentioned22:59
krigohey, i'm having an issue with my radeon working with my drivers, i have an xorg log: http://pastebin.com/0vpEqGpb23:00
krigoit appears to be using software rendering23:00
twilerOK, thanks bunches, daftykins!23:00
jesus1hey guys23:00
twilerwhat did I do wrong there23:01
jesus1is there any way to get a clean install without any extra software?23:01
jesus1not even a DE23:01
mrqtrosikonia you even don't know how I am using it, how can you judge? :)23:01
daftykins!mini | jesus123:01
ubottujesus1: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:01
ikoniamrqtros: becuse you don't know how to upgrade23:01
jesus1hey thanks dude!23:02
daftykinskrigo: do you have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? if so, rename that file to xorg.conf.old then try another boot and repastebin the Xorg.0.log please23:02
krigowill do23:02
krigothanks daftykins23:02
mrqtrosikonia okm someone else will help me than, no problem :)23:02
ikoniamrqtros: you've  been told where to get help23:02
douglhow can I tell if my operating system is 32 or 64 bit23:03
mrqtrosikonia what do you mean?23:03
krigodaftykins: I don't have an xorg.conf in /etc/X1123:03
daftykinsdougl: open the terminal and run "uname -a" then paste the single line into here23:03
ikoniamrqtros: you have been told where to get help on it23:03
twilerhey there, Daftykins, what am I supposed to be installing from that github page you referenced?23:04
mrqtrosikonia that's clear, but wrong, and I have no idea why do you thought that23:04
daftykinstwiler: see the "sudo apt-get install..." line? run that in the terminal23:04
dougldaftykins, Linux kubuntu 3.13.0-45-generic #74-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 13 19:37:48 UTC 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux23:04
ikoniamrqtros: it's not wrong, daftykins told you where to get help23:04
mrqtrosikonia thought that's true23:04
twilerOhh ok, thanks again, dafty23:04
dougldpkg complains it is i386?23:04
daftykinsdougl: looks like a 32-bit install to me23:05
twilerI don't know what I'd do without you! LOL23:05
krigoshould I make an xorg.conf daftykins?23:05
whac-a-retroyea, that's 32 bit23:05
daftykinskrigo: nah, hang on i'm trawling your log again for some clues23:05
krigookay, thanks man!23:05
whac-a-retrodougl: can you pastebin the output of "cat /proc/cpuinfo"23:07
daftykinskrigo: hrmm, is this a clean install of 14.10 ?23:07
douglthanks guys23:07
krigowell, not exactly23:07
daftykinskrigo: have you done much else since, or?23:07
douglwhac-a-retro, i723:07
whac-a-retrodougl: okay23:07
krigoit's xubuntu 14.10 with mesa-3d ppa's installed and graphics drivers updated23:07
krigoto try and get gallion nine working, installation is a day old23:08
krigo#d3d9 told me to come here because for some weird reason i'm using software rendering23:08
daftykinskrigo: ooh-err, PPAs ok. that might complicate things. was this after attempting to get an fglrx driver on then, or just wanting to use 'radeon' ?23:08
krigoI used the fglrx driver originally23:08
daftykinswhich one? :D23:08
krigoand then swapped to radeon23:08
krigouh give me a second, it was the updated one23:08
daftykinskrigo: tell you what if you run: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "dpkg -l | grep fglrx | pastebinit" then link me, i'll be back in 5 as i have to attend to a quick house chore!23:09
krigookay, thanks!23:09
krigogood luck with the chore23:09
jesus1what is the difference between minimal cd and network installer?23:09
vince__drt` y5aeh23:10
krigodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10457353/23:11
twilerOK daftykins, I ran the terminal commands to install that package you pointed me to on github, and then, I checked "allow executing file as a program" in properties, but,now, when I doubleclick dogecoin-qt, I get the following error: Could not display “dogecoin-qt”. There is no application installed for “shared library” files.23:12
twilerDo you want to search for an application to open this file?23:12
twilerSo.. what gives?23:12
[FR]DaeBonsoir, l'un d'entre vous pourrais t'il m'aider avec mon problème ? je n'ai plus de son =) --- Hi ! i have some problemes, i don't have sound can you help me ?23:13
bprompt!fr | [FR]Dae23:14
krigotwiler: daftykins brb'd23:14
ubottu[FR]Dae: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:14
twilerOH did he ,krigo?23:14
krigohe's doing some chores23:14
twilerThanks for the heads up, dud23:14
krigono problem23:14
jesus1Dae alsa or pulseaudio?23:14
krigohe'll get back to you23:14
twilerDo you like, live with him or something?23:15
[FR]Daebprompt please open your eyes ...23:15
[FR]Daejesus1 i have alsa and pulse23:16
bprompt[FR]Dae:   ahemm they're sorta open :), I sorta read your last line after I posted =)23:16
jesus1is this after a clean install?23:16
twilerWhat are you two talkin about?23:16
daftykinstwiler: in the same terminal where you ran "file dogecoin-qt" try running "./dogecoinqt"23:17
[FR]Daejesus1 heuuu nop i have instal / unstall some paquet23:17
twilerOJK daftykins!23:17
twilerWB, btw :)23:17
daftykinskrigo: ok doesn't look like anything left that'd be a problem, wouldn't hurt to run "sudo apt-get purge fglrx* " though (note the asterisk)23:18
jesus1[FR]Dae there's the ubuntu-fr channel if you want to write in french23:19
[FR]Daejesus1 i have testing purge and install all alsa pkg23:19
twilerAww snap, dafty!23:19
daftykinsdid we win?23:19
[FR]Daewhat is the good word for pkg ?23:19
twilerSo, that worked like a charm23:19
Jordan_Uintrader: No. Superfish is adware bundled with Lenovo's Windows machines. It has no relation to Ubuntu at all.23:19
twilerYeah, we did23:19
krigodaftykins: dpkg: warning: while removing fglrx, directory '/usr/lib32/fglrx' not empty so not removed23:20
krigoany problem with that, or am i good to restart?23:20
jesus1Dae what was the pack you installed before problems started?23:20
daftykinskrigo: no need for reboot right now, nothing relevant has changed yet really. can you run "lspci" in a terminal and paste in your graphics card line here?23:21
twilerdaftykins: So, I was meaning to ask you earlier about that "./" command, will i need to enter that EVERY time I want to run a program, or just iummediately after installing one?23:21
krigodaftykins: http://pastebin.com/99d8CqgQ23:21
[FR]Daejesus1 [FR]Dae  for hl23:22
daftykinstwiler: i think it's something to do with running apps meant for another desktop environment (KDE) on unity (standard ubuntu DE) so right now for this app, you'd have to do it each time yep - but i'm sure a more knowledgable volunteer can answer how to get them running by double click23:22
[FR]Daei have install à QT update23:22
[FR]Daeand ... maybe GTK pkg23:23
hfoundi'm using quake in ubuntu 14.04 trusty does anyone know a way to make it show up on the other monitor as i'm using 223:23
hfoundtrying to make it show up by default on the other monitor23:23
daftykinskrigo: hrmm, so what was the galion (sp) thing you mentioned? and what was the PPA to add?23:24
twileraww maaan, I was afraid of that, daftykins, oh well; you still get a cookie! If you remind me how to do it, that is lol23:24
krigodaftykins: https://wiki.ixit.cz/d3d923:24
krigoand the ppas:23:25
twiler!=cookkie | daftykins23:25
twiler!= Cookie23:25
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!23:25
twilerdaftykins != Cookie23:26
krigothey brought me here from the irc, because for some weird reason I'm getting software rendering on Ubuntu instead of the radeon driver.23:26
twiler!= Cookie daftykins23:26
ikoniatwiler: enough please23:26
daftykinskrigo: pretty sure it's line 395 that's the culprit, [    29.803] (II) [KMS] drm report modesetting isn't supported.23:26
twilerikonia: What?23:27
ikoniatwiler: please stop trying to blindly invoke the bot23:27
daftykinskrigo: do you get any output if you type "sudo modprobe radeon" in the terminal?23:28
twilerIkonia: Surely my whopping THREE attempts to give daftykins a cookie couldn't have REALLY affected you that much?23:28
krigodaftykins: i get this, modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:816 kmod_module_insert_module() could not find module by name='off'23:28
krigomodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'off': Function not implemented23:28
ikoniatwiler: I asked you not to do it after the bot had already repsonded and you kept going23:28
jesus1Dae i don't se how that kills your sound23:29
jesus1sorryi'm at a loss here23:29
twilerikonia: The bot had responded to a blank attempt, not one for daftykins, but, you know what? YOU are right. I apologize.23:29
ikoniatwiler: no need for sorry23:30
EbonyDDRWayomg hi guys23:30
daftykinskrigo: hrmm not really sure what to make of that error! give it a reboot then to be sure and give me a fresh "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"23:31
EbonyDDRWaymy name is ebony dark'ness dementia raven way23:31
krigosure, just give me a second, just reported my dmesg on #d3d9\23:31
twilerwow, Ebony, that's quite a name for yourself!!23:32
EbonyDDRWayfangs (Geddit cos im gothic)23:33
EbonyDDRWayits not my real name lol23:33
daftykinsEbonyDDRWay: i would love to discuss the family origins of your name over in #ubuntu-offtopic , but if we could keep this to ubuntu support only please, that'd be great :)23:33
EbonyDDRWayoh, my sincerest apologies23:33
twilerHey, daftykins, how does one go about changing rooms again?23:35
twiler"/join #channel_name_here"23:35
daftykinsthat's the one23:36
EbonyDDRWayok as long as I'm here I was wondering, a bit unused to having two operating systems on the one computer but would it be easy to switch between ubuntu and windows23:36
EbonyDDRWaylol you guys must think im a right moron23:37
daftykinsonce installed, it's a simple case of rebooting and picking which one you want to start from a menu23:37
EbonyDDRWayoh right23:37
EbonyDDRWaylol i thought it'd be more complicated than that23:38
votlonhey guys i installed openvpn on ubuntu 14.04 on a virtual machine, and im not able to connect to it to test it. Would i not be able to access it from the host machine?23:38
EbonyDDRWayalthough i could do a virtual machine too like VMWare23:38
EbonyDDRWayI think23:38
daftykinsvotlon: depends if you used bridged networking and so they're both on your home network's IP set23:38
daftykinsEbonyDDRWay: yeah that's another option, definitely avoids the install and boot hassles that can arise - especially with modern windows 8 laptops and so on23:39
votlondaftykins: Are you talking about inside server.conf? or on the virtual machine settings. To my knowledge they both are correct :)23:40
EbonyDDRWayah I have win 8.123:40
EbonyDDRWaymaybe a virtual machine would be easier then, thanks23:40
daftykinsvotlon: so both are on a 192.168.x.x kind of address on your physical LAN?23:40
votlondaftykins: my virtual machine is a static ip outside of my dhcp and the host is on dhcp. Both have the same subnet23:41
daftykinsgood stuff, yeah well that's the main part then. are you reading the logs to see what's up?23:42
votlondaftykins: no i havent checked the openvpn logs, i guess i should have done that xD23:43
votlonlemme google where they are located23:43
daftykinsyip whenever you're dealing with a new service, logs logs logs :D23:43
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krigodaftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10457855/23:46
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* daftykins reads23:47
daftykinskrigo: hmm i think those PPAs are just changing too much of the default install i'm afraid, is this a heavily modified system? if you're not far off i'd start again with a clean install and be sure you see 'radeon' working fine to start, then add those other things one by one23:50
votlondaftykins: I dont really know what to make of the log its kinda empty. http://pastebin.com/zygUTR0u This leads me to assume that maybe my configuration is wrong.23:50
daftykinsvotlon: i'm not familiar with openvpn to tell you i'm afraid, i'd just browse all around /var/log to see if anything is relevant. some stuff VPN related comes up in "dmesg | tail" or syslog too i think23:52
votlondaftykins: okay ill look around, thanks for the advice23:52
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magnuluI have a logitech k400r keyboard - and the volume up-down and mute buttons have stopped working.. other "special" buttons work as expected - any idea how to troubleshoot this?23:59

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