TylerCardon | Hi! | 02:22 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Hi | 02:23 |
TylerCardon | I'm interested in developing | 02:23 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Cool. | 02:23 |
zequence | I'm the project lead. Not many people involved atm. Lots of room for lots of things | 02:24 |
TylerCardon | Sweet | 02:24 |
zequence | Mostly up to you | 02:24 |
zequence | You want any information at all, you can always ask me. I'm not in 24/7, but my client is, so I might take some time to answer | 02:25 |
zequence | client being a raspberry PI with a creen IRC client on it | 02:26 |
TylerCardon | Do people choose from available fixes or projects or is it mostly delegated? | 02:26 |
holstein | there can be delegation | 02:27 |
holstein | but, right now, things are more like, "as needed" | 02:29 |
holstein | should/could be developement meetings, etc.. | 02:29 |
TylerCardon | I use CentOS and Debian at work so I am new to Ubuntu, but am interested in multimedia applications or kernel | 02:29 |
holstein | if the team developed.. | 02:29 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Most of what we have is directly imported from Debian | 02:30 |
zequence | The kernel is specific to Ubuntu. We maintain linux-lowlatency, or at least the diff compared to linux-generic | 02:30 |
zequence | Compared to Debian, there is some difference in kernel maintenance | 02:31 |
holstein | we, being zequence | 02:31 |
zequence | Well, we being the Ubuntu Studio Kernel Team, which for now, is me | 02:31 |
holstein | well, its you and TylerCardon , looks like | 02:33 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Anyway, you should know that any at all input or interest you have is more than welcome here. | 02:34 |
zequence | There are things to learn, of course. | 02:34 |
zequence | And, for that, there is the wiki, and us who are here, mainly me. | 02:34 |
TylerCardon | Are there any introductory projects I could help with? I am downloading 14.04.2 and installing on a virtualbox | 02:34 |
zequence | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio | 02:35 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Testing is probably the most introductionary there is | 02:35 |
zequence | We just finished testing beta1 for vivid | 02:36 |
zequence | To try to explain the whole thing simply: | 02:37 |
zequence | We decide on what packages end up on our ISO. The choice is mostly on covering workflows, not making sure everything ever ends up there | 02:38 |
zequence | We have the opportunity to simplify the experience for users | 02:39 |
zequence | ..and for that we are able to use all our creative freedom - coding, as well as packagin | 02:39 |
zequence | We don't package software for Ubuntu, if it can not be packaged Debian | 02:40 |
zequence | Most of the work is actually done in Debian | 02:40 |
zequence | In particular, the Debian Multimedia Team | 02:40 |
zequence | If you want to help with packagin, make sure to look that up, and become a member. | 02:40 |
zequence | Any packagin work should be done in Debian first, if possible, so that all Debian based can make use of it | 02:41 |
zequence | Makes sense, right? | 02:41 |
zequence | We could make more updates to packages, as long as someone is willing to do the packagin work | 02:42 |
zequence | Sorry for the missing g's. Not sure why they seem to fall out. | 02:42 |
TylerCardon | Yeah that all makes sense | 02:42 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Getting a bit late for me today, but hope to see you around. If you have any questions, you can write to me personally on irc, or email, or on this channel, or on mail lists, or whatever. All good | 02:44 |
TylerCardon | Ok thanks for your time | 02:44 |
zequence | no problem at all | 02:44 |
zequence | TylerCardon: Oh, most of what is documented is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio | 02:49 |
zequence | It's not documented well, but it's what there is | 02:49 |
zequence | Some of it outdated. | 02:50 |
TylerCardon | Ok | 02:50 |
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