
Kyrosgood evening :-)17:19
KyrosMay I ask one of you to kindly help me on the edubuntu installation please?17:22
KyrosI have installed Lubuntu on an old family laptop of a friend and want to install edubuntu preschool edition on it as well17:23
KyrosLubuntu has version 14.0417:23
KyrosUnfortunately there are no edubuntu packages available in the Lubuntu Software Center application17:24
Kyros... and I couldn't find the ppa source information on the Edubuntu website by now. Can anyone here help me with this please?17:26
highvoltagehey Kyros17:37
Kyroshi :-)17:37
highvoltagelook for ubuntu-edu in software center17:37
Kyrosyes, but unfortunately no result found there.17:39
Kyrosonly edubuntu menu editor seems to remained there as a rest of old packages.17:40
highvoltageKyros: odd, did you update your pacakge indexes? (apt-get update)17:41
Kyrosyes, of course17:41
KyrosDo you know the pps sources? So I could add them.17:42
highvoltageand if you do something like "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-edu-preschool" in a terminal, what happens?17:42
highvoltageit's not in a ppa, it's directly in the ubuntu archives17:42
Kyrosthank you... seem this works17:43
Kyrosstrange that this wasn't shown in the software center17:43
Kyrosthank you very much for your kind help, highvoltage :-)17:44
highvoltageyes, that's very odd, since it uses the same backend17:45
Kyrosmay I add another question?17:46
KyrosThank you again and good night to oyu all.18:00

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