
akerbeltzAnyone familiar with this CurucĂș module which has appeared in l10n for mobile?00:49
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RobbyF2whats this clone error about? Invalid clone.bundle file; ignoring.04:01
nhainesIt means your clone.bundle file wasn't valid, so it ignored it and continued working.04:03
peat-psuwitRobbyF2: Don't worry about it. repo wants to speed up cloning, but Ubuntu's git doesn't support that yet. repo will fail back to old method anyway.04:04
RobbyF2keeps failing04:04
RobbyF2never syncs04:05
RobbyF2thanks though, i'll just be patient and keep trying04:05
Dr|Craighow could I tell if phablet-dev-bootstrap is downloading?04:18
RobbyF2typically it shows, but i think it's not working right now04:18
Dr|Craigfor mr its saying invalid clone.bundle; ignoring.04:19
RobbyF2yup, same04:19
RobbyF2I've been tryhing for 2 hours04:19
Dr|Craigubuntu/ gppgle is breaking things04:28
lotuspsychjemariogrip_: nice youtube on the oneoneplus man!05:57
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ybonAnyone aware of an attempt to have glowing-bear.org in the store?11:09
ogra_just do it ;)11:11
ybonAre you trying to convince me to by shoes?11:12
ogra_(it will have the same probs as kiwiirc and the freenode web client in the store ... if the app is backgrounded, it disconnects after a while)11:13
ogra_well, rolling a lick for a website is very trivial :)11:13
ogra_your biggest issue is to find an icon ;)11:13
ogra_s/lick/click/ (indeed :) )11:13
ybonI'll try to do that :)11:14
VercHi. Yesterday I've "sudo apt-get upgrade"d my Nexus 4 (15.04 r1). It couldn't start so somebody here advised me to reflash the system. I did so but after that gmail, calculator, reminders does not work. When launched they swipe the black screen from the right border, go to the middle of screen and crash. The telephone also reboots when it wants to. Eg. I read something on webbrowser and it reboots. HELP12:24
popeyVerc: check the log files for the apps in ~/.cache/upstart12:43
Vercwhat should I look for?12:44
ogra_but if you made your system writable to use apt and didnt flash with --wipe or --bootstrap, you need to make it readonly again ...12:44
Verchow to do so?12:44
ogra_(though effectively you should really back up your data and do a bootstrap flash if you used apt ... )12:45
ogra_(to get a clean install ... )12:45
VercI've used a lot of "apt"s12:45
popeyyeah, that too12:45
popeyyeah, don't do that :)12:45
VercNooooo :<<<<<<12:45
Vercbut Music on Console works12:45
VercI've installed gcc12:46
popeybut don't install it the way you did12:46
ogra_use a chroot for such stuff12:46
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ogra_apt will definitely trash the system at some point12:47
ogra_bein able to enable it is really more for special cases where you need to work on the underlying system12:48
ogra_(and are sure you wipe it anyway later)12:48
Vercbut why reflashing has not fixed it?12:51
popeybecause you haven't removed the files you installed via apt12:53
ogra_because you didnt use --wipe or --bootstrap ... which in the first case clears the rw data (apt packages) and in the latter fomats the partitions (which clears the rw bits too)12:53
ogra_so you have some kind of weird hybrid now12:53
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Vercwill --wipe delete my music?12:55
popeyit deletes _everything_12:56
popeythe word works well at describing what it does12:56
VercI hoped that it will only "wipe" cache or something12:57
Vercbut not my precious music and contacts12:57
popeyi backup my phone every day :)12:58
popey4 times a day12:58
Verchow to backup?12:58
Vercis there some app?12:58
popeyi use rsnapshot from another host12:59
popeyso it uses rsync and ssh under the covers12:59
Vercis there any tutorial?12:59
popeynot really12:59
popeybut there's plenty of rsnapshot tutorials around13:00
popeyi mean, just not specific for ubuntu phone13:00
Vercooops I cannot export my contats to a file13:00
popeypersonally, what I would do, is just backup your entire /home/phablet13:01
popeyrelfash the phone, and put /home/phablet back13:01
popeyjob done13:01
popeyall your contacts are in your home directory13:01
Vercanother problem: I cannot see the telephone when it's plugged in my Nautilus13:03
VercUnable to open MTP device '[usb:001,005]'13:03
Vercadb shell works fine13:04
Vercfalse alarm13:09
VercI'm back with another problem13:17
VercI've created folder called Books in my home directory13:17
Vercls shows it13:17
Vercbut desktop's nautilus doesn't13:18
ogra_is it owned by the phablet user ?13:18
ogra_mtp will only show dirs owned by the user13:18
VercI have "chmod 777 Books" and still nothong13:19
ogra_might be it only shows it if it is in a folder mtp exports ... (i.e. the ones you can see on the desktop) ... not sure13:20
Vercin my telephone's terminal I've created it by mkdir Books13:29
Vercis it possible to connect via divverent protocol?13:31
Vercor as if it were a pendrive?13:31
popeyyeah, it only shows specific folders13:32
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crutchcornHey guys, I am was hoping I could get some help. I want to bring Ubuntu Touch to my phone (the LG L70), and I ran phablet-dev-bootstrap phablet, and even tried the -c command, but all I get is error: Cannot fetch aosp/platform/prebuilts/qemu-kernel14:06
crutchcornerror: Exited sync due to fetch errors14:06
crutchcornERROR:phablet-dev-bootstrap:Error while trying to sync repository14:06
crutchcorn... What can I do to fix this? I don't know what to do.14:06
crutchcornI have Google's Repo tool installed correctly and I have all the correct packages installed installed14:09
crutchcornJust tried again and got this issue:14:25
crutchcornInvalid clone.bundle file; ignoring.14:25
crutchcornfatal: cannot obtain manifest https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/p/aosp/platform/manifest.git14:25
crutchcornERROR:phablet-dev-bootstrap:Error while trying to sync repository14:25
crutchcornWhat's going on???14:25
crutchcorn(not with the IRC, the syncing :) )14:25
popeynot sure anyone is around who can help14:26
crutchcornDern. Alright. I'll stick around just in case. Not got much going on anyway.14:27
crutchcornSorry if I'm being a bother14:27
popeynot a problem14:28
crutchcornEven tried 'repo init -u https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/p/aosp/platform/manifest.git' and it comes out with the same issue14:36
crutchcornpopey I just realized that I've actually seen you around Google+. Lol14:41
VercIs there possibility to change the bootsplash ?14:52
VercI like the one which appears after flashing14:55
Vercpurple screen and bigger ubuntu logo14:55
crutchcornErm.. I would have NO idea. :P I tried looking into it a little and couldn't find anything much of help.15:04
crutchcornHave you tried looking where Ubuntu normally stores it's boot logo +Verc?15:05
lotuspsychjedoes document viewer have a folder where to put a pdf so it opens right away instead of searching the pdf?15:08
ryan_evosmariogrip: you see my pm to you?15:19
ryan_evosmariogrip ^15:19
crutchcornNot supprised. Actually, I am as it seems fairly new. Why am I not suprised? It's the friggin OPO. That thing has about as much community lovin as a Nexus15:21
mariogripryan_evos COOL!!15:32
l3onHi.. according with this doc (https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/html-5/tutorials/meanings-app-html5-tutorial/) ... if I type:15:33
l3onubuntu-html5-app-launcher --www=www --inspector15:34
l3onit should run the Inspector server .. but here nothing appears:15:34
popeylotuspsychje: no, it has content hub integration now15:37
lotuspsychjepopey: what does it mean15:37
popeythat you can put documents anywhere15:37
popeylike ~/Documents15:37
popeyand then in docviewer it will ask for docs, and you tell it where they are15:38
* popey is testing a new version of docviewer15:38
lotuspsychjethe docviewer is fantastic by the way15:38
lotuspsychjereal smooth scrolling my pdf's15:38
popeyStefano has done a good job15:38
popeyits getting better too15:38
popeyhas history now15:39
popeyso you can re-open files15:39
lotuspsychjelemme test that :p15:39
popey2 mins15:39
lotuspsychjepopey: hmm i dont see history here, maybe its because im on 14.09 rtm?15:44
popeyyou haven't got latest docviewer15:44
popeyits not in the store yet15:44
lotuspsychjeah ic15:44
peat-psuwitPulseaudio doesn't start. Assertion 'pa_droid_input_port_name(cur_device, &name)' failed in add_i_ports.15:44
peat-psuwitLog is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/10469999/15:44
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popeylotuspsychje: looks like this now http://people.canonical.com/~alan/screenshots/device-2015-02-28-154510.png15:45
lotuspsychjepopey: thats looking nice15:45
* lotuspsychje wants that :p15:45
popeylotuspsychje: want to test it?15:48
popeylotuspsychje: http://people.canonical.com/~alan/com.ubuntu.docviewer_0.3.latest_armhf.click15:48
lotuspsychjepopey: tnx!15:48
popeyyou know how to install clicks?15:48
lotuspsychjepopey: no15:49
popeyok. on the phone:-15:49
popeywget http://people.canonical.com/~alan/com.ubuntu.docviewer_0.3.latest_armhf.click15:49
popeypkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com.ubuntu.docviewer_0.3.latest_armhf.click15:49
popeyclose docviewer, then pull down to refresh the app scope, start docviewer15:49
popeyif it breaks, just long press on the app and uninstall it15:50
lotuspsychjeok cool ill try in a bit15:50
popeyand install the version in the store15:50
popeyok, cool15:50
popeycheck out the description at https://code.launchpad.net/~verzegnassi-stefano/ubuntu-docviewer-app/document-hub2/+merge/25116615:50
popeyit details things that changed15:50
popeynow, you get what you want :_)15:50
popeyJust put any pdf in ~/Documents and it will find them15:50
lotuspsychjenice list of changes15:51
popeymulti-core rendering is nice too15:51
lotuspsychjefor the meizu :p15:51
lotuspsychjeback lter tnx for hint popey15:52
dakerl3on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-html5-theme/+bug/142456016:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1424560 in Ubuntu HTML5 UI SDK "qml: [JS] (file:///usr/share/ubuntu-html5-ui-toolkit/0.1/ambiance/js/core.js:166) Uncaught ReferenceError: ActionBar is not defined" [Undecided,In progress]16:11
l3onoh daker .. intersting, thank you!16:12
VercI was roaming throuh Ubuntu folders and I played "front center" sound16:16
dakerl3on: you can just include actionbar.js file16:16
Vercand now it's in my Songs16:16
Verchow to remove it?16:16
dakerl3on: like here https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-html5-theme-devs/ubuntu-html5-theme/trunk/view/head:/examples/html5-theme/widgets/Tabs.html#L3716:16
l3ondaker, fixed, thanks16:28
jgdxcyphermox, hi, how will an app ever be able to set wpasupplicant properties? It will need to talk to a service with privileges, I guess?16:50
VercOk I16:51
Verc've done it16:51
VercHelp help. I have done as I was said to: Reflashed with --wipe and --bootstrap and now  my mako reboots when it wants to. And sometimes the swipes from the marigins does not work17:36
cyphermoxjgdx: yes, or we adjust some of the dbus policy to allow access to just t hat18:17
cyphermoxI don't expect an app would ever have to touch the properties themselves, but rather ask something like the indicator-network-service or some form of SDK18:17
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Lisa_Wonder if anyone can help me I have messed up upgradtion to 14.04. I only have the Black Screen. I have tried a lot of things but doesn't seem to work. Please advise18:50
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Azelphurquestion, can you apt-get ubuntu-desktop on ubuntu touch?19:11
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DonkeyHoteithere isn't supposed to be apt-get19:11
DonkeyHoteiit will be removed in the future19:12
Azelphuraww :(19:12
Azelphurjust as I was thinking it was gonna be cool like the N900 :P19:14
DonkeyHoteiat UDS-Q nokia raffled off an N919:16
DonkeyHoteimy jaw dropped when my friend won19:17
Azelphurhehe lucky19:17
AzelphurI'm after getting something desktoppy working on my nexus 7, which is why I asked19:17
DonkeyHoteiit was likely thrown out with the rest of his possessions when he died19:17
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estulticiahello, is there any remaining image for grouper on the servers? I can't find any suitable channel20:24
Adocasmaalguien mas se ha quedado sin poder recibir llamadas en los nexus?20:33
ChloeWolfieGirl_Mariogrip did you end up getting the wi-fi working? you said it seemed like there was only a bit of code you needed to do to get it working so I was just wondering how that was going, I'm sorry for askling I just get excited, I'm like a kid >.>21:00
DonkeyHoteinever grow up.21:02
mariogripChloeWolfieGirl_ nope, not yet. still some more to do, I will work extra hard for you to get it working as fast as i possible :D21:02
ChloeWolfieGirl_mariogrip no no, no need to work extra hard for me x'D and ok I greatly appreciate the work xD21:04
ChloeWolfieGirl_You're already working super hard x321:05
mariogripChloeWolfieGirl_ :D21:08
ChloeWolfieGirl_mariogrip :321:11
DonkeyHoteiyour conversation seems vaguely naughty21:12
ChloeWolfieGirl_DonkeyHotei, ;-;21:16
DonkeyHoteisome people just prefer phones21:17
ChloeWolfieGirl_DonkeyHotei, hnn?21:22
mariogripDonkeyHotei, isn't what the Internet is made for?21:23
DonkeyHoteia certain youtube link would be cogent here, but it would violate the CoC21:24
mariogrip:P btw, isn't it you that is thinking naughty, when you can make a conversation about getting wifi working into something naughty :P21:32
DonkeyHoteipersonally, i wouldn't be so appreciative of being told to code faster21:34
mariogripDonkeyHotei, I that is in a positive way, because than i know that there is someone that want what i'm making :)21:39
mariogripI takes it in**21:40
mariogripthen i*21:40
VercIs anybody here with Nexus 4?21:41
DonkeyHoteimariogrip: yes being wanted is nice21:41
mariogripdo you guys have a vps company you wuld recomend, i use digitalocean now, but they uses ssd so you don't get so much space, i need some space (about 100gb) to a OTA/build server21:47
mariogripprobably more than a 100gb21:48
Vercdo your phones drain the battery?21:50
mariogripVerc, for some reason it drains more the battery with ubuntu touch than android (on the oneplus one at least)21:53
Vercand does the device get hot?21:53
mariogripVerc, Sometimes21:54
Vercok thanks21:54
Verchave you got working system?21:54
mariogripVerc, Yes! i did21:54
Vercbut I need you to check something21:55
Verchave you got headspeakers?21:55
mariogripyeah, no sound is working on the oneplus one at the moment21:55
mariogripbrb, i gonna change to my desktop, so i will swith mariogrip_21:56
popeymariogrip_: I recommend bitfolk.com22:14
mariogrip_popey: may try that one22:17
popeyI have had a vps from them since ~200722:17
mariogrip_popey, have you seen the this? http://news.softpedia.com/news/Ubuntu-Touch-Is-Being-Ported-for-OnePlus-One-Phones-474530.shtml22:25
popeyyes :)22:25
ChloeWolfieGirl_Ubuntu is amaze, OPO is amaze, them together is even moar amaze!23:03
* mariogrip_ approvers!23:05
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=== KathyReid_ is now known as KathyReid

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