
Demon_JesterHey guys was wondering if someone can help me out. I am running xubuntu as a temporary home server, and when I go to reboot it via SSH, it reboots but it leaves it at a blinking _ symbol at boot. Was wanting to know if there is a way around that with a different command?02:45
knomewell, it might help if you told which command you are using now...02:48
geniitry shutdown -r now03:13
Demon_Jesterknome sorry I fell asleep, and realize I forgot to provide which command I used.03:48
sergio-br2weird behavior in guest session, after some time it locks, so if I enter again, it opens a new guest session04:10
sergio-br2first of all, why guest session locks?04:11
sergio-br2I borrowed my laptop to my family for 3 days, and when I returned it had dozen of guest sessions locked04:12
sergio-br2using 14.0404:14
cfhowlettsergio-br2, boot into your admin account and kill them04:18
sergio-br2I only want to know why you don't return to the previous guest section04:19
sergio-br2*you can't04:19
sergio-br2or, why lock screen is enabled by default in the guest section04:19
sergio-br2IHMO, it's wrong design04:20
sergio-br2I know how to enter in the admin account, other peoples don't (they even have the sudo password)04:21
cfhowlettsergio-br2, does seem weird.04:22
sergio-br2cfhowlett, it does not happen to you? What happens if you enter guest session and go to bathroom?04:24
cfhowlettsergio-br2, actually, I've disabled guest sessions.04:25
cfhowlettbut I agree, that design might be implemented better04:25
sergio-br2I'm surprise that nobody noticed it, in a LTS version after 1 year of the release04:28
sergio-br2or someone noticed it, but it's hard to fix?04:28
cfhowlettsergio-br2, file a bug report on it?04:29
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:29
sergio-br2yeah, I know04:29
sergio-br2too lazy right now :p04:29
holsteini dont think its all that bad.. its still sanitizing the session.. and not granting sudo or anything04:30
holsteinits strange that it cant just wake back up..04:30
cfhowlettholstein, and they survived a reboot ... scary04:31
holsteinanyways, step one for me would be, a fresh install, and test.. then, get someone else to verify..04:31
sergio-br2I Ctrl+Alt+Fxx and I managed to see firefox and other programs open in many guest sections, for a short period of time04:32
sergio-br2cfhowlett, they didn't survived to reboot04:32
cfhowlettsergio-br2, AH!  good.04:33
sergio-br2my family has a habit of use suspend04:33
sergio-br2*use the suspend04:34
holsteinsure.. maybe the suspend is what is breaking the session?04:34
sergio-br2I have a fresh install in other machine, will see it04:35
holsteinshoud be a way to address that as well ,regardless04:35
sergio-br2nope, if you go to the bathroom, it'll lock the section04:35
sergio-br2suspend will lock as well04:35
holsteinwell, the session is set to lock04:36
holsteinits not your bathroom habits that make that happen ;)04:36
sergio-br2you can go to kitchen too04:36
sergio-br2need to go04:53
wonkyHI all, I just installed Xubuntu-14.04.02-desktop-amd64, went well, updated then went to install GCC and it all went ugly, am having issues similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/1426069, what is the likely cause?06:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1426069 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "package libc6-dev:amd64 2.19-0ubuntu6.6 failed to install/upgrade: package libc6-dev:amd64 is already installed and configured" [Undecided,Invalid]06:31
holsteinwonky: can you get your exact error message?06:32
wonkyHave it screencapped, where to please?06:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:33
holsteinsee if that helps ^06:33
wonkyholstein, thanks, shortly06:33
holsteinwonky: if im not here, and the channel is slow, you can use #ubuntu06:34
wonkyholstein, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10462950/06:35
wonkyBut OK06:35
nomicwant to disable ALL notifications on xfce07:38
nomicinformational ones07:38
nomicwhich appear as black square white text to right of any button - some panel applets07:38
wonkynomic, try this => http://askubuntu.com/questions/104273/how-do-i-disable-pop-up-notifications-in-xubuntu07:42
nomicthats gone and they're still there07:42
nomicmouse over time shows time notification  http://i.imgur.com/jgt9bcw.png07:43
nomicthey;'re all over place07:43
wonkynomic, beats me, that's weird07:47
kashelhi people08:25
kashelI need your help with Plymouth08:26
kashelafter installing graphics card drivers, Plymouth stopped working08:28
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balanceif I open a file with gedit, and also open the terminal, I cant save it because the file is busy... why?09:52
htqpbalance: I can save here on xubuntu 14.0409:53
htqpbalance: ... using the 'nano filename' command in the terminal. what command are you using in the terminal?09:54
balancehtqp, nothing just started it09:54
balancehtqp, 1. start VM 2. start terminal 3. start gedit and open file 4. save -> error09:56
htqpwhat's the exatc error message09:57
balancehmm, actually it's rather like: every 2nd save request fails.(I waited like 30 seconds) htqp could not save file xxx : unexpected error: error renaming temporary file: text file busy09:59
intheryeHi, since Firefox 36 links from external applications (e.g. clicking a link in Thunderbird) opens a new Firefox window, with my homepages, but not the desired link, instead of opening the URL in a new tab. Cause seems to be that the --remote option has been removed from Firefox 36. Is there any workaround or fix to get back the old behaviour?10:23
elfyintherye: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/142597210:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1425972 in exo (Ubuntu) "Firefox no longer supports -remote parameter" [Medium,Confirmed]10:24
intheryeThanks elfy! That was what I was searching for, but I was looking the bugs for Firefox package.10:27
elfytwo line edit fix10:27
intherye.. and works :-)10:38
elfyI know :p10:38
xubuntu45wXubuntu website has no - NOT ONE WORD - about color profiles.11:22
xubuntu45wThere seem to be NO program installed to set color profiles.11:22
xubuntu45wI find diverse source in the internetz about this issue, but I would like to have one canonical source for this kind of information.11:23
htqpxubuntu45w: looking for this? https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/color-whatisprofile.html11:24
xubuntu45wWhere do you see on this specific page any information that helps you setting up a color profile?11:24
xubuntu45wAnd where do you see the settings > color dialgo in XUBUNTU ???11:25
xubuntu45wYou did not seem to get the problem here - "color profile" is not existing in xubuntu.11:26
htqpman, this is unpaid support from volunteers - first of all be polite and check your tone11:27
xubuntu45wsorry if you feel me being unpolite, I did not offend anybody, i asked questions.11:28
xubuntu45won that page there is zero information about color profile in xubuntu11:29
xubuntu45wand the general problem is that color profile seems to be completely forgotten in xubuntu11:29
xubuntu45wI just checked on this and could not believe it. There are zero tools for color profile in xubuntu. like xubuntu devs have never heard of color profile anywhere.11:29
bazhangach quit11:35
elfybazhang: yea - I'd just found that too11:36
bazhangelfy, seems pretty simple from what I read11:37
bazhangeven a pretty easy google11:37
elfythough I don't think they'd have been happy - still not on xubuntu.org :)11:37
user__anyone can possibly help me solve this: can not use a usb inside virtualbox,i have extension pack installed and enabled the usb 2.0 in the settings11:49
htqpuser__: ask in channel #virtualbox11:51
htqpuser__: make sure the extension pack is same version as virtualobx11:52
user__it is same version and will do as you suggested on #virtualbox thank you htqp11:52
bazhangits #vbox11:52
user__thanks bazhang11:54
htqpoh yea thanks11:55
user933hello,what distro is considered most secure for linux? considering xubuntu vs mint vs debian15:31
koegsuser933: asking this in the xubuntu support-channel...15:31
htqpthey are equivalent, they share the same package base15:32
koegsuser933: for a more general discussion #xubuntu-offtopic would suit better15:32
user933well still can get objective opinion but where would you suggest asking this htqp15:32
irgendwer4711hi, how to put paramter in start menu entries for a program?17:05
sohail-ahmedMy question is not related to xubuntu, therefore I am sorry if this offends somebody. how can I connect to oftc irc network, actually I have to use TOR channel19:28
holsteinsohail-ahmed: http://www.oftc.net/19:28
sohail-ahmedhoisten,  I am sorry to say that I am coming from this website and all I have understood is that their IRC channel is on oftc network. What I have understood that at present I am writing in #xubuntu which is over freenode network.19:32
holsteinsohail-ahmed: sure.. the link i gave shows the server and settings19:33
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you can add the settings into your client.. for irssi, i would use /connect to connect to the server listed19:33
sohail-ahmedhoistein, again sorry for being a noob, though I can see the Connection Details section but have no idea what it is talking about or how to use those addresses to access them.19:35
holsteinsohail-ahmed: what irc client are you using? i suggest something simple like xchat. use the GUI to connect to the server you want to connect to19:36
craigbass76I had to shut off lightlocker (unless someone knows a workaround for the "asks for a password then goes black" problem on laptops when waking from shutting the lid) and now I'm wondering how to lock the screen with a shortcut.  What's the command to lock the screen?19:38
bazhangask in #pidgin sohail-ahmed19:38
sohail-ahmedbazhang, holstein, thanks for your time. I guess my problem is more of a client usage.19:39
brainwashcraigbass76: xflock419:42
holsteinsohail-ahmed: try a simpler client.. try xchat19:42
holsteinsohail-ahmed: you dont have to close pidgin..19:42
brainwashcraigbass76: you have to install some screen locker though (like xscreensaver), xflock4 is only a wrapper script19:43
sohail-ahmedholstein: I already have invested time to understand pidgin and its really embrassing to use xchat merely for another network.19:44
holsteinsohail-ahmed: sure.. as i said, dont close it, and stop using it19:45
holsteinsohail-ahmed: i think, you will find, that in the menu of xchat, you will simply find the connection.. then, you will learn, from that experience, how to connect to other irc servers in pidgin19:45
sohail-ahmedholstein: ok. I am installing it.19:46
craigbass76brainwash, so I've got xscreensaver installed, and hit Ctrl Alt Del (because that's already setup)?  Not happening, but I'm wondering if I've got to get out of the desktop and come back in.19:46
brainwashcraigbass76: a relog may be needed, there should be an autostart entry for xscreensaver19:47
brainwashcraigbass76: or you start it manually19:48
sohail-ahmedholstein, thankyou very much, with the help of people at #pidgin I have a managed to connect to oftc channels. The key was to create another account/username.20:04
Orioacan someone help me i wanna disable graphical log in20:10
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:10
Orioaty im installing boot repair20:17
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Orioainstalled boot repair didn't work totally messed up gui20:31
arun_guys, is xfce 4.12 depends upon gio 3 or 2 ?21:04
xubuntu36wis anyone here?21:25
knomewe're definitely all hiding21:25
xubuntu36wwell ive problem with my ethernet connection (now using wireless), im using xubuntu, my network card is Realtek 8168, done everything written here: https://unixblogger.wordpress.com/2011/10/18/the-pain-of-an-realtek-rtl8111rtl8168-ethernet-card/ but it still dont work21:27
xubuntu36wi dont know how to debug on what step sth goes wrong. can anyone tell me, please?21:27
holsteinxubuntu36w: in those cases, i'll try and test the NIC with a known good live iso, and/or a supported operating system.. it could be, the NIC broke, and its being assumed a linux support issue21:30
holsteini personally like to rule that out.. if its easy to do so..21:30
xubuntu36wi have 2 os on my pc, on windows it works perfectly21:31
holsteinso, what i would do is, see if applying updates helps.. i would note what made it "break", and try an ealier kernel if i have one still installed21:31
xubuntu36wwell i've done some sh!t, trying to reboot21:32
holsteinsure.. and you can use a live iso to isolate out the things you are doing, that you are not really sure about what the commands do21:33
phre4kI wanted to install Xubuntu, error "(initramfs) unable to find medium containing live file system" – tried all the boot options, still doesnt work22:11
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ricksebakdoes anyone know if xfce 4.12 (released today) will be coming to the xubuntu 14.04 repositories?22:43
bekksMost likely it wont.22:43
knomesecurity update will, not much else22:44
knomewell, potential security updates22:44
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wisoi have an isssue23:23
wisoxubuntu 10.0423:24
knomexubuntu 10.04 is not supported any more23:24
wisosmplayer cant play youtube online23:24
wisook excuse me i mean 14.0423:26
knomeumm.. why should i believe you now?23:27

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