
alketkubuntu 15.04 doesn't have audio for me10:01
lordievaderGood morning.10:46
alketgood morning10:47
lordievaderHey alket 10:48
BluesKajHiyas all11:55
alket-tabHi i cant boot12:29
alket-tabOnly black screen12:30
alket-tabPls help12:30
BluesKajalket-tab, try holding the left shift key down after the bios page12:32
BluesKajimmediately after 12:33
BluesKajgrub should appear12:33
alketthanks BluesKaj12:37
alketi wen one kernel down12:37
alketalsi I dont have audio :s12:38
BluesKajalket, which kubuntu ?12:39
lordievaderalket: Shall we more to #ubuntu+1? This is not a user support channel.12:41
soeehiho, i see kernel 3.19 has been added :)15:07
alketsoee: yes that kernel is a bit problematic with nvidia16:17
alketi get black screen16:17
BluesKajno nvidia problems here with 3.1916:20
alketI use xorg edgers16:22
alketbecause without nvidia-346-updates, its useless for me16:22
sitterRiddell: are ye here?16:29
soeemakin nvidia driver to work in vivid is almost impossible16:31
alkethow come soee ?16:37
alketbcs of wayland ?16:37
Riddellhi sitter 16:37
BluesKajalket, xedgers support is behind the curve mostly 16:38
alketwell it worked well for me in 14.1016:39
alketwithout xorg, i get a very lows FPS on games16:39
sitterRiddell: forgot what I wanted.. ah yeah, did you talk to the l10n people about documentation?16:41
sitterRiddell: also, your log creating tool is very dumb it doesn't even do html escaping :S16:42
sittergood news is that latter I can fix with some 50 lines of proper code 16:42
Riddellsitter: log creating tool? that's just a for loop over git log --oneline isn't it?16:43
Riddellsitter: no I've failed to talk about docs, it's on my todo16:43
alketis kdevelop 4.7 coming to vivid ?16:43
sitterRiddell: and then generates html from that and the html is 99% of the time not standard compliant because html markup characters are not escaped16:44
soeealket: no, sddm lightdm etc. 16:48
soeenvidia-prime broken for iptimus tech laptops16:48
alketyes, it showed me like that when i was installing16:48
alketI jsut clicked at something xD16:48
Riddellsitter: fair point, the output is intended to be human edited but stuff like that can be fixed easier with some code indeed16:49
sitterRiddell: I wrote a dirty logme.rb. completely untested and very naughty code. just in case you fancy testing that on an existing release_data16:53
* sitter actually things such a log should be an artifact created by tarme anyway16:53
alketdobule clicking in windows headers doesn't maximise it17:15
KDDAalket: how are you getting on, anything major?17:23
alketwhat do you mean ?17:23
KDDAwith 15.0417:23
KDDAhave you found any major issues?17:24
alketwell, just the Maximise window thing17:24
alketand also sometimes Dolphin crashes when i want to edit a file with kate17:24
soeealket: it gets broken sometimes but i dont know why, for me works fine for most of the time, than somme app od other thing mages it broken17:25
soeehardto investigate17:25
alketwell i think it happens to me when i do: kdesu kate 17:26
alketthen for w hile it crashes17:26
yofelnvidia 340.76 works fine for me so far in vivid (sadly my card got retired so I'm stuck with that)18:14
soeeyofel: does it have dependency to lightdm ?18:15
yofelI'm using sddm, but I only have one GPU18:15
BluesKajI don't see the 3.19 kernel ppl are complaining about, guess I don't have correct repos18:18
soeeBluesKaj: it was todayin updates18:18
BluesKajdodd I didn't see it18:18
BluesKajerr odd :)18:18
soeeyofel: but nvidia-prime or nvidia driver has lightdm deps ?18:18
yofelnvidia-prime depends on lightdm | gdm | kdm18:20
yofeland I do have lightdm installed, I'm just not using it18:20
soeeBluesKaj: http://wstaw.org/m/2015/03/01/worksace11.png18:20
yofelhm, 3.19.0-7 already18:21
BluesKajnope, 3.18 here18:22
soeewell ill wait a bit, maybe my bugreport will get some attention (@ nvidia-prime)18:22
BluesKajno ppas here, and partners is commented18:22
soeeBluesKaj: prbably different mirror ?18:22
soeeim using the main server18:22
BluesKajusually the ca.archives are up to date 18:23
BluesKaji'm in no hurry to break my setup anyway :)18:24
soeefontconfig/ and logs/ dirs in home are related to new konversation ?19:32
sitterlogs is, fontconfig/ sounds very wrong though19:35
soeein fontconfig there is a lot of hashed names .cache-3 files19:39
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alketDolphin crashing got too anyoning now20:08
soeealket: when doing what ?20:10
alketalmost anything20:11
shadeslayersitter: the ruby json module is stupid20:11
shadeslayerdoesn't even know how to serialize classes20:12
shadeslayerI had to use a gem20:12
soeealket: on Vivid ?20:12
alketbrb have to go, will be back soon20:13
shadeslayersitter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10492017/20:13
sitterdump needs backing in the class20:15
shadeslayeryeah exactly20:15
shadeslayer>> YAML.dump magic20:15
shadeslayer=> "--- !ruby/object:Magic\nmagic: magic\n"20:15
shadeslayerso the JSON module is just stupid20:16
sitterno you just don't know how to read documentation20:16
sitteryaml and json do not feature the same API20:16
shadeslayer"This method is part of the implementation of the load/dump interface of Marshal and YAML."20:18
shadeslayerthat sounds wrong20:18
shadeslayersurely that should say JSON20:18
shadeslayersitter: they don't but if YAML can dump arbitary objects, then JSON should be able to too20:18
shadeslayersurely they have access to the same data20:19
sittershadeslayer: http://www.rubydoc.info/stdlib/json/JSON.generate20:20
sitter[21:16] <sitter> no you just don't know how to read documentation20:20
sitterwhy are you messing with object dumping again anyway20:20
sitterare you sending objects over the network again?20:20
shadeslayerI needed to dump data into JSON20:21
shadeslayerfrom my classes20:21
shadeslayeras a static file20:21
shadeslayerJSON::GeneratorError: only generation of JSON objects or arrays allowed20:21
shadeslayersitter: data for a website20:21
shadeslayersitter: what I suggested as well20:35
sittershadeslayer: but?20:46
shadeslayersitter: they wanted static data :p20:46
sitterhow is a dataship less static than a jsonship?20:48
sitterhttps://www.pullreview.com/github/apachelogger/releaseme/reviews/rewrite :'<20:49
BluesKajwhich repos is the 3.19 kernel available from?20:57
BluesKajit's not in the ca archive yet20:58
shadeslayersitter: dunno20:58
shadeslayeralso what20:58
sittershadeslayer: what what20:58
shadeslayerI'm just tired20:58
alketis this Dolphin crash being fixed ?21:04
yofeldoesn't crash here, got a stacktrace?21:04
alketwell , idk how to get one21:05
yofelno drkonqi?21:06
yofelmaybe ~/.xsession-errors will have something when it happens21:07
alketthat file is very big21:18
alketalso no audio, amarok has it but not games21:18
KDDAdolpin is fine with me too21:38
shadeslayersitter: we should rewrite our tooling in ruby21:45
shadeslayercrysttal I Mean21:45
shadeslayersitter: http://crystal-lang.org/21:45
alketanyone wants to help me with audio ?21:48
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
KDDAwhat was wrong with audio alket?22:07
alketi fixed it22:26
valorieo/ from my vivid lappy23:58
KDDAhi valorie23:59
alkethint: dolphin doesn't swim :p23:59

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