
blrcjwatson: thanks for those MPs, hope the charm wasn't too painful to work with.21:06
cjwatsonTolerable :)21:07
cjwatsonMore juju unfamiliarity than anything else.21:07
cjwatsonThere are one or two other things I'd like to fix up when I get a moment, but it's looking pretty close.  Did you get a stagingstack tenant?21:08
thomihey cjwatson, I don't suppose you know where I can find buildbot logs for launchpad?21:11
cjwatsonthomi: like http://lpbuildbot.canonical.com/waterfall ?21:12
thomicjwatson: perfect - thanks!21:12
cjwatsonmaximal irc inefficiency, whee21:12
blrcjwatson: see ops21:13
thomicjwatson: hmmm, I'm really looking for the importfascist logs. I expected them to appear in the test stdout (as they do when running ./bin/test), but I don't see them there21:18
cjwatsonthat I don't know21:19
cjwatsonthe seven (I think) failures there have been there as long as I can remember though21:19
thomiyeah, I wont to see if I can fix at least one of them21:20
thomibut without a log of them.... and running the tests is slow :D21:20
cjwatsonThey show up even when running just a single test IIRC.21:20
thomiplus, I don't know how many tests to run before the message will be triggered21:20
cjwatsonSo just pick something and use -t.21:20
thomiwell, that'd be faster21:20
thomihah - they get printed when you Ctrl+c a test run as well :D21:21
cjwatsonSomething in the unit test layer is quick enough, so say bin/test -vvct TestDpkgArchitectureCache.test_any21:23
wgrant_thomi: The importfascist isn't a test, as such.21:55
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
wgrantIt's just an import wrapper which reports warnings, so any non-subunit bin/test invocation that imports the entire codebase (ie. pretty much anything without -m) will give you them all.21:55
thomiwgrant: ahh ok.21:58
thomiwgrant: if you upgraded to subunit v2 you could report that even on test results :D21:58
thomiactually, that's not strictly true21:58
wgrantblr: How'd you fix the routing issue?22:05
blrwgrant: oh, it was stupidly easy, a pyramid regex matcher works.22:12
blre.g. {ref:.*}22:14
wgrantblr: I guess that's not a problem if there are no segments afterwards, true.22:14
blryep, in that case the ref is always the last var to match22:14
blralways nice when things are easier than you anticipate.22:15
blrwgrant: thomi was showing me testtool's matchers this morning, it might be nice to have some custom matchers for git objects or ref collections22:17
wgrantblr: Yeah, that will make a lot of sense once we start introducing lots of functionality that writes to repos.22:18
thomiwoooo! there's now only *6* import policy violations :D22:38
wgrantthomi: Yay!22:43
wgrantYou worked out the ZCML etc?22:43
thomiwgrant: I think so. Just proposing a merge so you can tell me what I did wrong :D22:43
wgrantblr: What's left of the initial API server work?22:43
thomithen I'll feel more confident about handling the others22:43
blrwgrant: the hairy ones, diff and merge22:44
blrerr diff and clone22:44
wgrantYeah, they're not quite obvious. I suspect we'll need to redesign them a few times as their uses become clearer.22:44
blrwas thinking I would start in on diff22:45
wgrantYeah, diffing two specified commits directly is probably a good place to start. We'll work from there.22:47
blrthat sounds sensible22:48
wgrantcjwatson: python-pygit2 doesn't seem to actually work for me without libgit2-dev and python-dev, and doesn't depend on them. Does that affect Debian too?23:20
wgrantoh derp23:20
wgrantI was trying to import it while inside a clone of it.23:21
thomiwgrant: any chance I could get some feedback on https://code.launchpad.net/~thomir/launchpad/devel-fix-import-violations-specificationworkitem/+merge/251395 please?23:21
wgrantthomi: Ah, looked before but it had no diff.23:22
thomiwgrant: yeah, I had to poke the branch scanner a few times :(23:22
wgrant'tis Monday :(23:22
thomiI thought that'd make it better though23:22
thomiMonday == few users?23:22
wgrantMonday == 48 hours of no LP branch pushes, so caches get cold.23:23
wgrantthomi: Any chance of a quick test of that new method?23:24
thomiwgrant: on the *Set class?23:24
thomigood idea..23:24
blrwgrant: thanks for the review, will tidy that up.23:49
wgrantblr: I hunted around for a built-in pygit2 map of object types to their normal identifiers, but I couldn't find one.23:50
wgrantOther than, like, using obj.__class__.__name__.lower()23:50
blrwgrant: I know, weird eh, I did the same23:50
blrwgrant: was thinking I should send them a pull request for that.23:50
wgrantWe're gooing to need to do a bit of that, particularly around MPs.23:51
wgrantThere are features in libgit2 that they've wrapped too deeply.23:51
blryeah, some of the library doesn't strike me as very pythonic.23:51
wgrantIt's better than it was 18 months ago.23:53
wgrantthomi: I'd create say three workitems, two with one milestone and one with another, then unlinkMilestone(milestone_with_two_items) and assert that all three now have the correct state.23:54
wgrant'cause that test is passed by a trivial "UPDATE specificationworkitem SET milestone = NULL" :)23:55
wgrantAlso, we normally use assertIs with None, though it doesn't matter on CPython.23:55
thomiwgrant: good point - changing now...23:55
wgrantthomi: Fortunately the factory makes that quite painless.23:56
thomiyeah :D23:56
wgrantYou'll see a lot of older tests do awkward stuff or use sampledata when they could easily use the factory. It's always appropriate to fix those in a driveby if you feel the need.23:57
thomiwgrant: do you mind the asserts that ensure that the factory created things correctly? I add them to assure myself that it's doing what I think it is, and I'm never sure if I should remove them afterwards or not...23:57
thomiI like the kind of "asserts to demonstrate prior state > ACTION > asserts to demonstrate resulting state" pattern23:58
wgrantthomi: No, I usually do that myself.23:59

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