
ianorlinremline, which version of lubuntu?00:00
remlineianorlin, neither W-r nor Alt-F2 works. This is lubuntu-desktop package installed in Xubuntu 14.04.00:00
remlineIn .config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml, W-r was mapped to 'lxsession-default launcher_manager'.00:01
remlineI tried changing that to 'lxpanelctl run', still no go.00:01
ianorlinActually this is a stupid typo in the config file replace launcher_manager with launcher manager that fixes it if you plan to stay on trusty00:04
ianorlinand then run openbox --reconfigure to load new shortcuts00:04
ianorlinlxpanelctl run would probably work if you ran openbox --reconfigure00:05
ianorlinas otherwise it still has old keybindings loaded00:05
remlineThanks ianorlin, I stuck with 'lxpanelctl run', but 'openbox --reconfigure' did the trick to get the hook installed. I'm good to go now.00:07
acecipherHey all, My sound doesn't seem to be working after I did a huge update to a ton of my packages a few days ago. Alsa seems to say that everything is fine on the volume; not sure if Pulse is doing something silly yet. Any advice?02:51
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.03:24
holsteinacecipher: i would try a "known good" live iso, or supported operating system to see that the hardware is still functional.. then, i run "lspci" or "lsusb" looking for the audio device.. if i see it there, i run "aplay -l" and/or "arecord -l"03:25
holsteinif you dont see anything in aplay -l, then, you wont hear anything03:25
holsteinthen, *if* im using pulse, i use a known good file playing in something i know how to use, like vlc.. and i run "pavucontrol" to make sure things are routing as i expect to the proper device03:26
holstein!info pavucontrol03:26
ubottupavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (utopic), package size 111 kB, installed size 962 kB03:26
acecipherI can run the hardware on my phone fine03:26
holsteini'll use "alsamixer" in the terminal, and check for anything that may be muted, or turned down, *not* trusting any of the labels, and tweaking *everything*03:26
holsteinacecipher: you can run the hardware on your phone?03:27
acecipherI did alsa in the terminal, and muted/unmuted03:27
holsteinanyways, back to the list..03:27
acecipherLike, I can take my speakers and run my phone's sound throught hem]03:27
acecipherAnd yeah, I have the audio; let me run aplay03:27
holsteinthen, i'll make certain i have any keyboard controls as they need be.. and i'll look in the bios.. etc03:27
holsteinacecipher: yeah, you have the audio?03:27
holsteinthe command is "aplay -l".. if you dont see alsa presenting a device there, you wont hear anything03:28
acecipherYeah, I see my audio chipset03:28
holsteinyou shouldnt03:28
acecipherboth analog and digital03:28
holsteinyou should see the actual ports.. the audio outputs03:28
holsteinthe "chipset" may be reference in someway, but, you need to see the actual outputs, or, you will never hear anything03:29
holsteinif you do, then, the audio device is present, and likely, you just have something muted somewhere, or the device is physically damaged03:29
holsteini unplug *all* external speakers.. i keep known-good headphones handy03:30
acecipherOhhhh I don't03:30
holsteinyou dont what?03:30
acecipherLike, I just see my chipset03:30
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:30
holsteinfirst thing i do is look and make sure i have all updates applied.. "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and reboot if there is a kernel update03:31
acecipherI prefer pastebin.03:31
acecipherYeah, this happened after an update >.>03:31
holsteini then, may try simply booting an older kernel, if i feel that the newer kernel isnt supporting my device03:31
holsteinacecipher: well *something" happened some time after you did some update03:32
holsteinacecipher: i dont think its constructive, or helpful to assume that that was definitely related, but rather, just test from the top down..03:32
acecipherIt was immediately after I rebooted after the update03:32
holsteinif you find the update caused an issue with your specific device, you can decide to use an older kernel, or alsa03:33
acecipherBefore which everything worked fine03:33
acecipherIf it's unrelated then there is that. But Iunno.03:33
holsteincool.. you can always work with someon in #ubuntu as well, since, this is not related to lubuntu or lxde specifically03:33
acecipherI also reinstalled alsa and pulse already03:33
holsteinotherwise, i would start at the top, and see what is what03:33
holsteintry as another user, to see if your user config is the issue03:34
holsteinthere is a wall o text with things to try above ^03:34
holsteinthe sub devices look like you should be able to use them.. what would i do? boot the live iso that i *know* worked on the hardware.. test the audio, make sure the hardware works.. then, run "aplay -l" and refer to your paste03:36
acecipherOH I KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON03:41
ianorlinacecipher, caps lock03:41
acecipherI did pacmd and listed sinks03:42
acecipherAnd the active one seems to be hdmi-output-003:42
acecipherI don't use HDMI, I need the Alsa Analog stereo03:42
holsteinshould be able to set the output easily in one of the tools i referenced above03:42
holsteinalsamixer or pavucontrol03:42
acecipher...wait maybe03:42
holsteinthats what i meant by" check the routing..03:43
ianorlinI think that is mainly in pauvcontrol03:43
acecipherInstalling that03:44
holsteinyou can select a device in alsamixer as well. but, pavucontrol, if you are using pulse anyway, is a nice easy way to route, and test what you are saying you think the issue may be03:44
nemaonahelp, I'm new to lubuntu, and linux. How can I make russian letters show in terminal. I just have weird characters shown?23:49

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