
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
smallfoot-Anyone know when AMD will release the new driver with support for X 1.17? Or when 1.17 will be moved from staging into the repository?12:42
mlankhorstI've filed a ffe, no idea about amd really.. 1.17 will be moved when fglrx exists for 1.17..12:50
smallfoot-I see12:54
smallfoot-Ubuntu/Canonical needs better contact and feedback from AMD12:55
tjaaltonwhy do you want 1.17 btw?14:04
tjaaltonit merged -modesetting in the server, what else?14:05
tjaalton1504 will have it, and it's on the ppa for everyone to use in the meantime..14:06
ricotztjaalton, mlankhorst, hi, did you here about drawing issues of cairo running with ati 7.5.0 and xserver 1.17.x15:20
ricotzmlankhorst, https://bugs.launchpad.net/plank/+bug/142684715:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1426847 in Plank "Graphical issues when the dock auto-hides" [Undecided,New]15:35
ricotzthis must be some cairo/backend bug, maybe triggered by the newer xserver15:36
mlankhorstmight also be a glamor bug? :P15:39
ricotzyeah, please leave a comment then15:40
ricotzmlankhorst, it seems ickle thinks the same15:42
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant

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