
VolUTFanif its a big message, I would use pastebin.com00:00
bprompt_OutOFNoWhere_:     install update?    whatever happened to bcmwl-kernel-source?00:02
winterchillzyou have to write 'update' instead of 'install update'00:02
winterchillzdid you try to reboot your machine and see if the bcmwl-kernel-source will run through00:02
bprompt_OutOFNoWhere_:     a better apt-get message would have been,   "come on now man, make up your mind, do you want to "update" or install something? install? ok, what package name?"  =)00:03
OutOFNoWhere_should I retry, the bcmwl-kernel-source?00:04
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
OutOFNoWhere_will be back after rebooting00:08
beta-sqlthis is like a hacker movie!00:10
Geodoes anyone have any thoughts on this error? http://pastebin.com/jT21mLjF ... I suspect its vga-related? Trying to install ubuntu from a liveUSB stick via a serial console connection. It just hangs from this point on, no matter what I enter.00:14
freeroutedo you guys actually recommend me to remove openssh-client if I'm compiling openssh-client from source? According to the people on ##linux I can have as many ssh clients as I want, but I'm still afraid it will cause some conflicts.00:19
bekksGeo: you cannot use any graphics modes with a serial connection. Try using the server ISO.00:20
backboxsome backbox experts around ?00:22
jhutchinsfreeroute: Why not build a package and install that?00:22
SchrodingersScatfreeroute: you have many options, I'm not sure if any one is that unrecoverable, what's the worst case scenario, apt-get install openssh-client ?  backups.  you can do what you like.  man update-alternatives might be something ?00:23
freeroutejhutchins: I thought I was doing just that, is that process detailed in this doc? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware00:23
freerouteSchrodingersScat: actually the reason I'm doing this is to work out my backup strategy :p00:24
backboxbackup strategy...00:24
freerouteI'm afraid of a situation where even apt-get install openssh-client can't help00:24
jhutchinsfreeroute: Should be.00:25
bekksbackbox: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?00:26
bekksbackbox: Which isnt Ubuntu.00:26
backboxwhich is ubuntu-based ?00:26
backboxmore than kali, imo00:26
freeroutejhutchins: or did you mean this? http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html00:27
bekksbackbox: And still not an official derivative, so please seek the backbox support.00:27
backboxok chief00:27
backboxjust a question00:27
backboxis that you that kept the jews and opened the gas robinets in birkenau ?00:27
backboxcuz it seems so00:27
freeroutebackbox: pls don't be such a cool hacker00:28
gr33n7007hbackbox: bye!00:28
bpromptbackbox:   on that note, one could say also that, Darwin apple's kernel core is BSD, and so is Linux and so is android's and chormeOS and thus all would be covered as well... which sorta makes the categorization not very meaningful00:28
freerouteur too cool for us00:28
bekks!ops | backbox00:28
ubottubackbox: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:28
gr33n7007hbackbox: seeya!00:28
backboxyou should be categorized00:28
SchrodingersScatfreeroute: what's missing from the openssh-client in the repos that you need?00:28
backbox!ops | bekks00:29
ubottubekks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:29
freeroutebackbox: well, at least gives you some good time to think about _your_ backup strategy ;)00:29
elkybackbox: let me guess, you're not going to start behaving?00:29
* bprompt throws a deflated bike pneumatic tire at backbox 00:29
backbox!ops | elky00:29
ubottuelky: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang00:29
elkybprompt: don't feed trolls kthx00:29
freerouteSchrodingersScat: new crypto, check this article out - https://stribika.github.io/2015/01/04/secure-secure-shell.html00:29
elkyfreeroute: you either00:30
freeroutesorry, guilty as charged00:30
freerouteSchrodingersScat: basically it requires openssh v 6.5+00:30
SchrodingersScat!info openssh-client00:32
ubottuopenssh-client (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines. In component main, is standard. Version 1:6.6p1-8 (utopic), package size 612 kB, installed size 4081 kB00:32
bekksthanks, elky00:32
freerouteSchrodingersScat: I'm on 12.0400:33
freerouteI'm reading up on update-alternatives(8)00:33
freeroutedamnit eyes are starting to burn, brb00:34
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
freerouteok, I suppose I can use update-alternatives to link to the newer ssh version00:40
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
MrBarryGreetings, all. I have a Buffalo NAS and I have two laptops running 12.04 that connect to it over the network (mine, wife's). Both have the same entry in fstab to mount the share: // /mnt/FileServer cifs username-guest,uid-1000 0 0   However, my laptop connects to the share read/write, but my wife's connects read-only. Any suggestions?00:46
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
MrBarryHello? I'm seeing arrivals and departures, but no conversation.00:54
Knight80Good morning from Spain00:54
MrBarryHello, Knight80. It's good to see that there is conversation here.00:55
Knight80Yes, indeed00:55
Knight80How can I execute Lightdm?00:55
Knight80I mean, when I sudo apt-get install lightdm it tells me it's already installed00:56
Knight80But I can't go to Lightdm00:56
Knight80What am I doing wrong?00:56
MrBarryWhat happens with00:56
Bashing-omKnight80: -> sudo service lightdm start <- ?00:56
MrBarrywhich lightdm00:56
Knight80Thank you00:57
Knight80Bashing-om start: Job is already running: lightdm00:57
krabadorpaolo, questo server non è adibito a quello che "cerchi"00:57
MrBarryI'm having problems with getting my wife's 12.04 laptop to connect to a NAS I have. My 12.04 laptop connects read-write. Hers connects read-only. Both laptops have the same fstab entry. Any suggestions?00:57
Knight80And I'm with Unity00:57
Bashing-omKnight80: OK, so what is the basic problem ? not able to log into your desktop ?00:58
Knight80Bashing-om Yes, that's right00:58
Bashing-omKnight80: When you try to login from the login screen with proper credentials you are looped back to the login screen ?00:59
MrBarryThe fstab entry is:00:59
MrBarry// /mnt/Fileserver cifs username=guest,uid=1000 0 000:59
Knight80Bashing-om When I try to login from the login screen I can't choose but two different desktop environments, Cairo-Dock and Unity01:00
Geodoes anyone have any thoughts on this error? http://pastebin.com/jT21mLjF ... I suspect its vga-related? Trying to install ubuntu from a liveUSB stick via a serial console connection. It just hangs from this point on, no matter what I enter.01:00
darthweezeri am going to school at itt tech and using ubuntu 14.04 but it will not let me connect to wifi and keeps asking for certificate but there is none. Any ideas01:01
=== kokut is now known as croco
dak0Hello guys whats the easiest way to sync Photos from my Android phone to Ubuntu, thanks01:02
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Bashing-omKnight80: multi DEs are not in my experience. But, we can try and poke at it. At the login screen, key combo ctl+a;t+F1 to gain a console, what results with the terminal command -> sudo service lightdm start <-. Looking for errors that are reported.01:04
Knight80Bashing-om Ok, thank you very much. I'll be right back.01:07
GeoBashing-om, you've helped me before.. .any experience with installs via serial console?01:10
Bashing-omGeo: No, sorry, have not had the pleasure to be there before .01:11
=== rpp601__ is now known as rpp601
MrBarryIs there a better environment for looking for help with fstab than here?01:11
Geokeep it that way01:12
Geomy recommendation, atleast01:12
Geojust have this little embedded dude w/ no other way01:12
Bashing-omGeo: Look at it like this, doing the serial thing keeps you occupied, not in trouble, and not going to jail; .01:14
Geountil my fit of rage from this frustration pushes me over the edge and I go on a killing spree01:14
Geo(too dark?)01:14
MrBarryGeo: ... and not sleeping, and not eating, and not thinking straight...01:15
MrBarryThis is the quietest I've ever seen this room. Alas, there are no fstab gurus here.01:16
trismGeo: did you see this? https://lists.debian.org/debian-boot/2012/08/msg00815.html (adding the options "console=ttyS0,38400 video=off")01:19
owen1i /CLOSE01:20
Geotrism: in different variations, yes01:21
GeoI have have 115200 set, as thats the speed (I dont think thats an issue as I do get some text)01:21
Geoif I do video=off I don't get any text at all after the BIOS hands off01:21
Geoas in, I dont get that error, but I also dont get anything01:21
GeoI guess I could drop the speed, just for funsies01:22
MrBarryGeo: What's the exchange rate for funsies these days?01:22
trismGeo: which iso are you using?01:23
GeoI trism: both 14.04.0 & .2 of server01:25
=== chrobert is now known as croberts
maarhartI try to connect my external display and get just the screen filled with a primary color: black, red, blue, yellow, white01:42
maarhartthis is my xrandr output: http://pastie.org/999079701:43
=== Guest18654 is now known as TheEternalAbyss
dsyntaxi have a question... i am running 15.04 beta 1 of ubuntuMATE... when it is out of beta will i be able to apt-get dist-upgrade?02:10
=== croberts is now known as oldbasilbear
dsyntax??????????????? anyone :D02:11
Squall5668dsyntax: please discuss unreleased versions in #ubuntu+102:13
dsyntaxthanks Squall566802:13
oldbasilbeardsyntax: you should be able to use02:13
dsyntaxoldbasilbear, thank you02:13
Bashing-omdsyntax: Yes, as it is not released all other questions /join #ununtu+102:13
oldbasilbeari asked that a few days ago02:13
oldbasilbearand was told yes02:13
dsyntaxBashing-om, i'm new to this channel, sorry guys.02:13
oldbasilbearnp man02:14
dsyntaxoldbasilbear, freenode wouldn't be hated if everyone was like you, justa respond :D02:14
dsyntax<-- rule hater... i didn't sign no contract02:14
AirForce590How can I share my computer's internet connection through ethernet to a router, but have the router addresses 'pass through' back to my internet?02:14
Bashing-omdsyntax: NP, see ya when 15.04 is releasd ( and mate will then be a supported release ) .02:14
dsyntaxBashing-om, <3 i'm loving it so far /endstalkinthisroom02:15
AirForce590I want to use the router as an ethernet switch02:15
dsyntaxAirForce590, disable dhcp02:15
AirForce590dsyntax: It won't let me ssh back to my ethernet-connected devices on my router while I'm on wireless02:16
AirForce590How can I do this?02:17
TiKare you trying to connect using a local ip AirForce59002:18
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo
CountryBoydoes anyone know a good page to learn to configure irssi to handle nickserv reg and other things on startup?02:21
dsyntaxCountryBoy, this may go off topic, but i'd use znc as a bouncer and let that handle all of that.02:22
Squall5668CountryBoy: irssi has "autosendcmd" which I personaly use02:23
Bashing-omCountryBoy: See also: http://www.andrews-corner.org/ubuntu/irssi.html .02:23
rwwCountryBoy: http://freenode.net/sasl/02:23
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rwwspecifically https://freenode.net/sasl/sasl-irssi.shtml02:24
CountryBoySquall5668, Bashing-om you both rock02:25
CountryBoykeep on rocking02:26
CountryBoyjust what I was looking for02:26
CountryBoythis text based IRC reminds me of the 90s!02:26
CountryBoyrww you rock too02:27
Bashing-omCountryBoy: irssi is fast and does the job well, hoin #irssi on this server .02:28
Bashing-omwin 302:29
=== Harrowed is now known as DaddyCool
=== DaddyCool is now known as Harrowed
sjellyHow do I remove multiple device nodes from my sd card? When I plug it in, it appears as /dev/sde, /dev/sdb, /dev/sdf, /dev/sdc and /dev/sdd in the graphical "Disks" utility.02:35
philwongis there a way to "restore settings that worked?( like in windows)02:38
philwongMy Ubuntu does not work properly now, when it loads, its just black02:38
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philwongthe mouse works though02:38
Bashing-omphilwong: recent update, and now a broken proprietary graphics driver ?02:41
abreuhello! :) Where can i learn more advanced linux information? I read in a lot of web sites that ubuntu it's very different that arch linux and other examples, but i don't understand very good why... So, where can i learn this tipical knowlde? :) (sorry if my english is bad)02:41
philwongI think it happned after I installed kde02:42
philwongBut I am not sure if thats the problem02:42
cfhowlettabreu, www.fullcirclemagazine.org/downloads        get and read issue #0, #1, #2 ...02:42
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
DrStephenStrangephilwong: I had a similar problem recently, are you using nvidia by any chance?02:44
philwongyes I am02:44
philwongga video card: gtx56002:44
cfhowlettabreu, also, #1 - #4 of of www.linuxvoice.com are available free downloads02:44
DrStephenStrangephilwong: hold on, let me see if I can find you the link02:44
abreuoh my god cfhowlett!! In a lot of lenguages! thanks, this is a exactly way that i need :)02:44
philwongcool thanks :)02:45
abreui read that too! thanks again02:45
cfhowlettabreu, happy2help!02:45
cfhowlettabreu, hey, what languages do you need?02:45
MrBarryI'm having problems with getting my wife's 12.04 laptop to connect to a NAS I have. My 12.04 laptop connects read-write. Hers connects read-only. Both laptops have the same fstab entry:02:45
MrBarry// /mnt/Fileserver cifs username=guest,uid=1000 0 002:45
MrBarryAny suggestions?02:45
Squall5668MrBarry: is uid=1000 correct for your not-working laptop?02:46
DrStephenStrangephilwong: http://askubuntu.com/questions/579169/after-ubuntu-14-04-update-nvidia-331-gives-black-screen-at-startup02:47
abreucfhowlett spanish is my mother lenguage, but english is fine too :)02:47
MrBarrySquall5668: I'm afraid I don't know. Does that need to be the UID of the user who is logged in and attempting to access the NAS?02:47
Squall5668please go to that laptop and run 'id -u'. What is the result02:47
DrStephenStrangephilwong: The first answer worked for me, however, I wouldn't reinstall the proprietary drivers working again02:48
DrStephenStrangephilwong: oops, I couldn't get the proprietary drivers working again02:48
cfhowlettabreu, check for local Ubuntu Loco's and LUG's - Linux User Group in your area.02:48
DrStephenStrangephilwong: basically you need to reboot, and get a console, then purge nvidia's drivers02:48
MrBarrySquall5668: Good call, Squall. That gives me 1001.02:48
DrStephenStrangephilwong: it may be possible to get them working again, but I'm holding off on doing that since I need to work :)02:49
Squall5668MrBarry: that's probably it then. Please edit that fstab with the new uid and run 'mount -a'02:49
MrBarrySquall5668: I'll do that, just as soon as I can get the laptop back from my wife. (Patience is a virtue.)02:50
lafrancisanyones ubuntu crashing like crazy?02:51
abreucfhowlett: taked! If any spanish reader need information about linux: http://ubuntu-españa.org/  thanks cfhowlett for your effort :)02:51
Squall5668MrBarry: homework: setup sshd on your wife's laptop! :)02:51
cfhowlettabreu, de nada02:51
cfhowlettlafrancis, https://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf02:52
lafranciscfhowlett, dude serious02:54
l_rdo you know the command name to open the gui for adding users? it's a long story why I need this. but it's urgent. I need the name for GUI in ubuntu02:55
cfhowlettlafrancis, "is anyone having problems" is a meaningless question.  answer: "Yes" or "no".  How about you give details of YOUR issue and ask the questions that matter.02:55
lafranciscfhowlett, i dont know how topull up  the error report. there was a ton of stuff.02:56
philwongDrStephenStrange:  ok thanks anyway :)02:57
=== Oink is now known as Harrowed
rupertbgyo is only way to teamviewer in to headless ubuntu to plug in a dummy vga plug?03:03
daftykinsyou're doing remote viewing wrong03:05
DaveyGhi all, off topic, cant remember the room for general chat. someone here once pointed me to it?03:07
rupertbgdaftykins : explain?03:07
rupertbgi tried vnc but that's slow and clunky03:07
rupertbgteamviewer is great for connecting securely from outside my network too03:08
daftykinsteamviewer is for remote support :>03:08
daftykinsalso try adding 'please'03:08
rupertbgalso vnc opens a new display so you can't see currently open windows03:08
dupingpingwow, dog's sound03:08
Bashing-omDaveyG: #ubuntu-offtopic .03:08
rupertbgso there's a better way?03:09
tootheI am having an immense amount of trouble getting Virtualbox's guest additions installed on Ubuntu03:13
toothein a VM, of course.03:13
rwwtoothe: is the Ubuntu VM guest command-line-only or graphical?03:14
tootheI'm trying to use Ubuntu desktop.03:14
rwwInstall virtualbox-guest-x11 from the multiverse repository.03:15
rwwCommand-line instructions for doing it: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x11     If that doesn't work, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/89096/how-do-i-enable-the-multiverse-repository03:15
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toothehm..let me try that.03:16
ConsuelaSo is #TheDress black and blue or white and gold?03:20
NikolaiToryzinIt's green and yellow actually03:21
=== Rez is now known as Guest63429
Joebeanhello all03:31
DaveyGhows it going03:32
daftykins*not* a chat channel03:33
Joebeananyone no anything about backbox?03:33
daftykinsbackbox Linux? unsupported here. as per topic and channel name, this is for *Ubuntu*03:35
daftykinsnothing else.03:35
tootheapt-get tells me that when I try to install virtualbox-guest-x11, I have unmet dependencies.03:36
toothexorg-video-abi-15. How do I fix that?03:36
Joebeanbackboxs uses the same reposisory as ubuntu03:38
daftykinsJoebean: does not make it a supported distro. no support here03:38
daftykinsmaybe they have their own channel?03:39
toothegod dman it.03:39
tootheI tried installing virtualbox-guest-additions-x11 and all that, never works.03:40
Rez1700hi ya03:43
Joebeananyone running 14.1003:46
daftykinsyou're going to have to be a lot more specific than that03:46
cfhowlettJoebean, backbox not supported here.  at all.  sorry.03:47
cfhowlett!flavors | Joebean03:47
ubottuJoebean: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.03:47
rwwnot relevant03:47
* daftykins wonders what specifically isn't relevant03:48
rwwyou were probably looking for !derivatives, but the content of that already got covered more than once03:48
rwwJoebean: Backbox's IRC channel is #backbox on irc.autistici.org . There is also https://forum.backbox.org/03:49
daftykinswe might need a factoid for that, that's at least the fourth time i've seen backbox mentioned03:50
Joebeanthanks rww03:50
daftykinsalso, what a ridiculous name =|03:50
rwwubottu: backbox is <reply> Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.03:51
ubottuI'll remember that, rww03:51
daftykinsty sir03:51
cfhowlett! cool !03:52
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
Scriptcxhello everyone03:55
Geodoes anyone have any thoughts on this error? http://pastebin.com/jT21mLjF ... I suspect its vga-related? Trying to install ubuntu from a liveUSB stick via a serial console connection. It just hangs from this point on, no matter what I enter.03:58
=== sleepypc is now known as `hypermist`
=== `hypermist` is now known as hypermist
=== hypermist is now known as `hypermist`
econdudeawesomeHowdy all! Got a mystery on my hands. My root directory is almost full, and I can't figure out why. Running Ubuntu 14.04 64bit04:13
econdudeawesomeWhen I first checked I had an "overflow", but after rebooting thats gone04:13
daftykinswhat action are you trying to perform?04:14
daftykinscan you use http://paste.ubuntu.com to share the output of "df -h" in a terminal?04:14
econdudeawesomedaftykins: nothing in particulr, just trying to figure out what is causing it to fill up (dont think its files). http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10480465/04:15
daftykinsecondudeawesome: yeah it is, your / (root) partition is full. it will be set to allocate 5% reserved space to the root user, so likely that's full even right now04:16
econdudeawesomeHow should I proceed?04:16
kostkonecondudeawesome, check the size of all the files in your /var/log folder04:16
daftykinsecondudeawesome: well, you might be able to make some free space. can you paste (using the same site) "ls -al /boot" ?04:16
econdudeawesomeyuck. I did do an update yesterday, wonder if that's the cause. Dafty: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10480511/ , kostkon: good call: -rw-r-----  1 syslog adm      30931697585 Feb 28 23:11 kern.log04:18
econdudeawesomeand -rw-r-----  1 syslog adm      30931189760 Feb 28 08:02 syslog.104:18
econdudeawesomeso... these are okay to delete?04:19
daftykinsecondudeawesome: "sudo apt-get autoremove" should remove some older kernels and so on04:19
econdudeawesomewhat can I do about the 31GB logs that seem to want to hang out?04:19
daftykinslol is that kern.log 30GB or am i too drunk to read numbers 0o04:19
econdudeawesomeyep, wtf04:20
zykotick9econdudeawesome: i'd suggest figuring out what's using your space.  "cd /" then "du -sh * 2>/dev/null" might shed some light.  good luck.04:20
econdudeawesomezykotick9: apparently I have two log files taking up 30GB each04:20
kostkonecondudeawesome, tail /var/log/kern.log04:21
kostkonecondudeawesome, yeah, 60gb04:21
econdudeawesomekostkon: looks legit. Want a pastie?04:21
kostkonecondudeawesome, why not04:21
Squall5668how the heck...04:21
_aoe-uhoeua-423Hello, all! This is my first time on IRC, so can someone tell me what this thing is?04:22
daftykinsa chat channel for ubuntu support - and right now you're off topic04:22
econdudeawesome.. intuition says log files are okay to delete, but I have no idea.04:22
wafflejock_aoe-uhoeua-423, this room is for people seeking support using Ubuntu, IRC in general is just this topic based channels for chatting04:22
_aoe-uhoeua-423Oh, Well in that case, I need support04:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:23
daftykinsecondudeawesome: best way would be to rename them first, then reboot and see if they're recreated.04:23
daftykinsbut your system is seriously full, i don't know how you've done that :)04:23
econdudeawesomeSeem to have a LOT of this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10480586/04:24
econdudeawesomedarn it04:24
econdudeawesomehang on04:24
daftykinsecondudeawesome: does "sudo apt-get autoremove" offer to remove lots of junk?04:24
econdudeawesomeFeb 28 08:02:47 ogre kernel: [61656.935876] ehci-pci 0000:00:13.2: PCI-DMA: Out of IOMMU space for 16 bytes04:24
econdudeawesomethat message appears a lot04:24
econdudeawesome daftykins it removed the old kernels04:24
daftykinsgood stuff, a tiny bit more free space now then?04:24
econdudeawesomethose logs man... what is IOMMU?04:25
econdudeawesomeFeb 28 08:02:47 ogre kernel: [61656.935876] ehci-pci 0000:00:13.2: PCI-DMA: Out of IOMMU space for 16 bytes04:25
econdudeawesomeah, wireless connection04:26
daftykinsi gotta call it a night i'm afraid, but 220GB of / ? that 's not enough space to even swing a virtual penguin in anymore.04:26
econdudeawesomeBest I got--1TB is all im working with04:27
daftykinsi would probably look for a nice version of the "find" command which finds files of size 10MB+ to see what's eating space, other than those logs.04:27
daftykinse.g. "find / -size ..."04:27
econdudeawesomesudo find / -xdev -type f -size +3000M04:27
wafflejockncdu is nice too04:27
daftykinsyeah that'll work.04:27
wafflejockncdu is command line scans a folder and gives you an ncurses (window in the terminal) with folders sorted by file size04:28
wafflejocklike k4dirstat or disk usage but works at the CLI if you need it and don't want extra bloat from a GUI04:28
ianorlinbut not sure want to install with stuff the full04:29
wafflejockyeah ncdu is small relative to the other ones too though, so long as you can clear up like a few megs or something you're all good04:30
econdudeawesomewell one was a rotated log file, removed without issue04:31
econdudeawesomethe other is kern.log--so I set /etc/cron.daily/logrotate04:31
econdudeawesomehopefully that will move it to a .gz in a few days and I can nerf it04:31
econdudeawesomehad internet issues last night with the router--wonder if this had something to do with it04:32
wafflejockyeah not sure about that problem I've only had logs blow up on me once or twice but don't recall the root reason04:32
econdudeawesomewafflejock: what should I do in the meantime with the kern.log? Is there any way to make the log rotate manually?04:33
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Squall5668logrotate --force04:33
wafflejockecondudeawesome, Squall5668 ah didn't know that I would typically do what daftykins had mentioned just rename it and reboot then can always put it back from a liveCD in the worst case scenario04:34
econdudeawesomeSquall5668: didnt rotate it (did sudo logrotate -f kern.log)04:35
daftykinsor !recovery :D04:35
Squall5668econdudeawesome: I believe it's logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.conf, but...04:37
econdudeawesomehere goes...04:38
econdudeawesometook a little bit ;-)04:38
laskoThat moment when you have to force logrotate even when it thinks it doesn't need to. Oh log rotate04:39
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant04:39
econdudeawesomeYou guys rock. Thanks for the help!04:39
econdudeawesomelasko: what is one to do with 60 GB of log files, the vast majority coming from a whiney USB wireless adapter?04:40
laskoI hear you though. I have quite a few servers who do the same thing but with actual data I need. Parsing those 60GB files is a pain sometimes.04:41
miroesqHi, I am compiling an app in Ubuntu 10.04.4 and am getting an openssl error. I've been researching it for over 5 hours now and have gotten no where. Can someone please lead me in the right direction?04:55
miroesqchecking for SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_use_srtp in -lssl... configure: error: OpenSSL >= 1.0.1e and associated developement headers required04:55
miroesqyeah, I need it for compatability purposes04:55
aeon-ltdmiroesq: well have you tried getting the development headers?04:56
miroesqaeon-ltd: yest, libssl-dev is already installed04:56
miroesq i read somewhere that this error may be resolved by configuring openssl with shared option, but have no idea how to go about that as the package was no installed manually04:58
ritgiehi all05:01
=== `hypermist` is now known as sleepypc
TheHackOpsJust a quick question, Fresh install of ubuntu and i finally fixed all my other weird issues but I get this screen flicker sometimes05:02
TheHackOpsIm not sure what it is05:02
TheHackOpsAlso the ubuntu software centre crashes05:02
TheHackOpswhen i try to install something05:02
thed0xI removed windows 7 and installed ubuntu on my machine05:02
thed0xi will not be going back to windows for sure05:02
TheHackOpsthed0x, Why were you on windows ever 0.005:03
thed0xcame on the machine lol05:03
TheHackOpsAnd you let it boot into windows?05:03
thed0xlets put it this way, never again.05:04
TheHackOpsCant remember a time i used windows, even if ubuntu or w/e dist is being a difficult to me having a linux kernal is always better05:04
bparkerno, this is never again: https://i.imgur.com/584EpEc.jpg05:04
thed0xnow im making it a task to remove windows of my gf computer05:04
bparkerdo not click if you value your life05:04
TheHackOpswhy u do that05:04
TheHackOpsbparker, I clicked it05:04
* TheHackOps cries05:04
TheHackOpsbparker, Now you gotta help me fix 14.0405:05
TheHackOpsWait what im on 14.1005:05
zerowaitstatethed0x: the only time I use Windows is to run Steam. For all of the actual useful things I would use a computer for, I use Linux05:06
DaveyGanyone bored enough to educate me for a few minutes?05:06
DaveyGon iptables05:06
Squall5668!ask | DaveyG05:07
ubottuDaveyG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:07
rypervencheDaveyG: Sure, what do you need to know?05:07
thed0xYeah a friend of mine has a saying. I "like" windows but i use linux to get the job done05:07
zerowaitstatethed0x: I actually don't even like Windows.05:07
thed0xI can understand why05:08
zerowaitstatethed0x: I'm one of those guys who would gladly pay for Linux support as opposed to a Windows license.05:09
thed0xWhat are your thoughts on OSX?05:09
zerowaitstatethed0x: OSX is like chocalate cake for breakfast05:09
Squall5668zerowaitstate, thed0x please move non-support related discussions to #ubuntu-offtopic05:09
thed0xAh Squall5668, first day here.05:10
* tnkhanh say hi05:10
* tnkhanh smiles friendly05:10
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`nik`hi whats a good map program for ubuntu05:15
`nik`like a map of the world05:15
tnkhanh`nik`: google maps!05:15
Squall5668`nik`: you mean like google earth? You can install that in ubuntu05:16
tnkhanhI don't even find a good map program for Windows..05:16
`nik`what is the package name?05:16
`nik`i cant find it with `apt search google`05:17
`nik`i guess.. i'm on trisquel tho05:17
wafflejock!info google-earth-stable05:17
ubottuPackage google-earth-stable does not exist in utopic05:17
wafflejockhmm strange shows up here in apt-cache search05:17
wafflejockI think I just installed from a deb possibly though05:18
kostkon!info googleearth-package05:18
ubottugoogleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.2.2 (utopic), package size 9 kB, installed size 60 kB05:18
`nik`is google earth open source?05:18
`nik`hmm thats all i found lol05:19
Squall5668`nik`: Unfortunately, trisquel is not supported here05:19
GraemeLionisn't googleearth pretty much eol'd?05:19
kostkon`nik`, trisquel? that's why05:19
shurtagulCan someone help me with ncmpcpp? I cant get it to show any music, dont think its configured right..05:19
wafflejockGraemeLion, I think so, heard they stopped with the commercial licenses so probably won't put much more work into it but it still works for now (think it's mostly just been integrated with maps and didn't have enough enterprise users to justify keeping the program going)05:20
kostkon!details | shurtagul05:20
ubottushurtagul: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)05:20
jellowis there a gui/ncurses that goes along with rsync somewhere that is pleasant to use?05:20
shurtagulI dont know much about it. Nothing shows up in the media library, I try to drag and drop a file in, but it says its unable to find it.05:22
shurtagulIt also has problem setting volume for some reason05:25
wafflejockjellow, grsync perhaps seems pretty decent never used it in practice though05:29
kostkonshurtagul, ncmpcpp is a client for mpd http://www.musicpd.org/   so you cannot just add your music library and press play. It's more complicated than that.  If you need a console -based player, see this article http://www.tuxarena.com/2011/12/10-console-music-players-for-linux/05:30
jellowwafflej0ck_: lovely thanks05:31
scriptwarlockanyone tried transparent nautilus?05:34
scriptwarlockops i think wrong send sorry05:34
abdulwhat is this?05:35
abdulare people even talking05:35
wafflejockabdul, this channel is for support05:35
abduloh crap05:35
wafflejock!ot | abdul05:36
ubottuabdul: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:36
wafflejockabdul, if you want more general chat with ubuntu users you can go there not sure how active it is though05:36
abdulwell I have no idea how to get out of there05:36
zerowaitstatewafflejock: it is quite active atm05:36
* hackerx waves hands05:40
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heedlyHow do I unmap PgUp and PgDown05:54
heedlyIt seems like xmodmap isn't used anymore and xkb, which was to replace it, doesn't exist...05:56
curseraHi. in my country Portugal. there is a new law to tax devices to compensate autors (private copy law). my question is if my country charges money for the copy and for devices runing linux.arent they comting a ilegality? the  text is in http://www.jn.pt/PaginaInicial/Cultura/Interior.aspx?content_id=4100819&page=-105:58
curseratext can be tranlated05:58
EriC^nope you can charge for linux, i think05:59
curserayes but tax for autor05:59
curserathe tax revert to autors05:59
curserabasicly they keep the money05:59
curserand if they charge they have to pay to linux autorsright?06:00
shurtagulIn a fit of frustration I removed everything to do with ncmpcpp06:08
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hay207hi guys06:11
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hay207is running ubuntu froma usb stick slower than on hard?06:12
aeon-ltdusb is slower than sata06:12
aeon-ltdhay207: for the most part you'll be working from ram, like most installs06:14
zerowaitstatedoes anyone know how to administratively kill a tcp socket in use by a process?06:21
rypervenchezerowaitstate: kill06:23
tnkhanhMJ4life: the channel name contradicts the video content xD06:23
zerowaitstaterypervenche: i don't want to kill the process, just abort the socket06:24
rypervenchezerowaitstate: http://superuser.com/questions/127863/manually-closing-a-port-from-commandline06:25
rypervenchezerowaitstate: See the second reply.06:25
zerowaitstaterypervenche: ah good deal. I can get the fd from strace, so that works well06:26
mehdi_hey fellas is there any notifier for terminal  for example when i run the ssh user@server i have to wait for input password prompt06:53
mehdi_i want to be notified when the password prompt pops up06:54
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omar_Hi all.07:23
omar_Why does Apport still has this buggy behavior of producing "internal error" pop-us? This bug has been around since at least 2012, and nothing has been done to solve it once and for all yet? :\07:25
omar_I know I can simply disable apport and this will stop, but the question is why do I still have to do that? :\07:25
Artemis3which is why i disable/uninstall it all the time :P07:26
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maarhartI try to connect to an external display and all I get is the display flashing black, then red, then yellow, then white07:37
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shalkeranyone there??07:48
tnkhanhshalker: hello07:59
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Gregor3000hello - a simple quesitons - what is the tool for GPU stress test in 32bit linux. not 64bit but 32 bit. GPU test is 64 bit only.08:14
=== Tokyo is now known as Zachary_DuBois
boodllebatCan i do this switch off my ssh and access my server via virtual console given by my service provider ?08:30
kwesidevis there a ppa for tomcat 8?08:31
bekksboodllebat: Why do you want to do that?08:31
boodllebatbekks: i dont want to show my ssh deamon and i feel port knocking and all are very hectic process ! to accomplish08:32
bekksboodllebat: So how do you access the virtual console offered by your provider?08:33
boodllebatbekks: i'm using digitalocean they have a virtual console maybe some sort of interface on physical access , as digitalocean says about it !08:34
boodllebatbekks: they say it is not ssh !08:34
bekksboodllebat: I'd not use it because when I want to use ssh, I want ssh, not some sort of whatever shell.08:34
boodllebatbekks: hmm maybe i should give it a try i mean using ssh for a while !08:35
boodllebatbekks: hey rsync ! does it only trasfer chnages ?08:36
boodllebatbekks: i mean modified filesto server ?08:36
bekksboodllebat: And you should stop ending every sentence with " !". Just use "."08:36
bekksboodllebat: And rsync transfers file differences basically.08:37
boodllebatbekks: ok.08:37
tiresiasi have a problem when reading a bluray on my tv with HDMI: some horizontal artefact08:46
zefyrone must exclamation hyperbole09:17
Bray90820Prob now but would there be a way to find out what PSU is in your system from ubuntu09:18
meganerdBray90820: not unless it is one of the fancy ones that connects to the motherboard with USB09:20
Bray90820meganerd: They make those?09:21
Squall5668There is such a thing? Why?09:21
meganerdBray90820: I though Corsair did a little while ago09:21
meganerdBray90820: they had a whole line of random things that would connect to USB headers on the motherboard.  For overclocking and stats and stuff I presume09:22
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
Bray90820meganerd: Alright09:22
Bray90820Well it's not one of those09:22
meganerdBray90820: there is no data connection between the PSU and your computer, so there is no way to tell from within any OS09:22
meganerdBray90820: Squall5668 For your amusement and or enjoyment: http://www.corsair.com/en-us/blog/2013/september/rm_series_psu_to_corsair_link09:24
internetmani remember there is another project similar to owncloud and syncthing in sort of early development, but I cant find it :/ anyone know what im thinking about?09:25
Bray90820meganerd: That's funny09:25
meganerdinternetman: there are a lot of projects like that09:26
internetmanmeganerd: yup ofc but not all are promising :p09:26
meganerdinternetman: I have been looking for such a solution for more than a decade... not promising is an understatement09:27
internetmanmeganerd: :) well you have never been closer!09:28
meganerdinternetman: I am skeptical09:28
Bray90820meganerd: off topic from the channel but what would you think of replacing a PSU fan with one with less dba09:30
meganerdinternetman: so far btsync + encfs is the closest I have come to what I want09:30
meganerdBray90820: depends on your budget and requirements.  I will spend more on a PSU that is quiet for my DAW.  I will mod at the drop of a hat, though I draw the line at touching the PSU.09:32
meganerdBray90820: So I wouldn't do it.  I would not think twice about buying a quieter one.09:33
Bray90820I once moded a PSU and it has worked well for the past 3 years09:33
Bray90820But on an always on PC idk09:33
meganerdBray90820: I don't cheap out on or mess with PSUs, so I am not the guy and this is probably not place to ask :)09:34
SienteHello guys, can I use the PenDriveLinux for 64-bit Ubuntu 14.1009:35
Bray90820meganerd: Alright09:35
Bray90820Thanks for what you could answer09:35
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mehdi_hi fellas how can i add lines to my resolve.conf? since it will be overwritten10:02
pvinishello. i got a vps and it has 14.04 lts but with 2.6.32 kernel10:02
pvinisis there a way to upgrade it to 3?10:03
mehdi_have you tried apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ?10:03
bekkspvinis: Most likely no, since your hoster uses a customized kernel for your VPS being able to boot.10:05
pvinisok. then im canceling it10:05
bekksCancelling what?10:05
pvinisdo you know any normal cheap vps in europe?10:05
pviniscanceling the vps i got from them10:06
bekkspvinis: As the V in CPS indicates, all VPS are _virtuall_ private servers, running customized kernel for being able to boot.10:06
bekksV in VPS.10:06
=== NEON is now known as Guest92306
pvinisyea ok but other vps have kernel 3.10 etc10:06
bekksYou need to get a dedicated root server (as they are called in Europe), for getting around that limitation.10:07
pvinisso if i get a vps at least i should have a new ekrnel10:07
bekkspvinis: 3.10 isnt the current 14.04 kernel either.10:07
monkwitdafunkWhat you run is the userspace aside from the kernel10:07
pvinisi want to run docker10:07
bekkspvinis: And just because they are using 2.6.32 or 3.10 it doesnt indicate that they did not apply latest security patches.10:07
monkwitdafunkMe too10:08
pvinisand docker says it wants 3.1010:08
winterchillzgood morning ... or afternoon, not sure10:08
monkwitdafunkI believe ubuntu has kernel 3.1610:08
Crucidalmorning :-)10:08
bekks!info linux-image trusty10:09
pvinisyea i mean >310:09
CrucidalI'm quite new to ubuntu (and linux in general)10:09
ubottuPackage linux-image does not exist in trusty10:09
pvinisso i have to find another vps provider with >3 kernel10:09
bekks!info linux-image-generic trusty10:09
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB10:09
winterchillz'Linux version 3.16.0-31-generic' that's 2 days old Ubuntu 14.04 LTS install10:09
Crucidaland of course... Iḿ running into problems that I cannot solve 0=)10:09
bekkswinterchillz: Thats the utopic hardware enablement stack kernel version.10:10
winterchillz!ask | Crucidal10:10
ubottuCrucidal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:10
msodrewi just did a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.10 in a VMWare Fusion 7 vm.... only to find out after an hour that the shared folders / hgfs mount feature does not work with the 14.10 kernel and/or 64-bit linux :|10:10
CrucidalOh, ok10:10
bekksmsodrew: Works fine with 64bit vms.10:10
msodrewgcc fails10:10
msodrewi think it has to do with the 3.16 kernel10:10
winterchillzbekks: I'll just pretend I know what you mean until I get better knowledge in Ubuntu :)10:10
bekksmsodrew: Do you mind to pastebin the entire output and provide the URL?10:11
cpthi, why when i install/boot ubuntu i get this error :SMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr10:12
msodrewhttps://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches/issues/21 << same issue10:12
msodrewbekks: https://github.com/rasa/vmware-tools-patches/issues/21 << same issue *10:12
bekksmsodrew: And whats the output YOU see? :)10:13
msodrewbekks: https://communities.vmware.com/thread/493566 << note that the kernel version matters10:13
msodrewthats the same output i get10:13
msodrewi can copypasta it for you10:13
bekksmsodrew: Thats what I asked for.10:13
CrucidalI have a Radeon R9 270x. using Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS. The current hardware in a Windows enviroment has no problem to load Minecraft with x64 resourcepacks. But in this environment everything becomes white. afaik I cannot install proprietary software. Can I treak the x.org drivers somehow?10:13
msodrewbekks: word, thanks. hold on10:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:14
msodrewbekks: https://gist.github.com/drewlustro/d8bd9ab0ff25c8c8356610:17
bekksmsodrew: So did you read the post with the patch for 3.16, in the link you provided?10:19
msodrewthat patch is for open-vmware-tools10:19
msodrewi tried to get that via git after uninstalling the official vmware-tools10:20
msodrewthere's not much documentation on the sourceforge project page10:20
msodrewand then i just decided screw it.. i should probably install the LTS version @ 32-bit and save myself some hours (or days)10:20
msodrewunless you have a magic solution, bekks ;)10:20
bekksmsodrew: USe the 64bit 14.04 :)10:20
msodrewbekks: does that have an older kernel?10:21
msodrewpre 3.16?10:21
bekksmsodrew: 3.1310:21
msodrewbekks: coolsauce10:22
msodrewbekks: i will try that now, thank you10:22
gojira_ubuntu cannot see an os on my hdd when tryin to install it...10:23
gojira_sees it as a blank slate for some reason10:23
gojira_but at one point i had it working on that same hard-drive10:25
cptwhy when i install/boot ubuntu i get this error :SMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr     |     please any help?10:25
gojira_i'm thinkin the grub file got corrupted on the hdd10:26
gojira_which is a variation of my problem :/10:26
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:29
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/10:29
darthdeushey guys, if anyone has a sec http://serverfault.com/questions/672228/how-should-i-manage-a-long-running-server-process-on-ubuntu :)10:29
Squall5668cpt: I can recall that error on a virtual machine only. It did nothing really and you could safely ignore it10:30
cptsquall5668 so its ok? if i ignore?10:30
Squall5668cpt: Ofcourse if you are on a physical install then disregard10:30
bekksdarthdeus: and whats the actual issue?10:31
darthdeusbekks: the issue is that I don't know how to do this10:32
bekksdarthdeus: you dont know how to do what?10:32
darthdeusbekks: managing processes as described in the question in the link http://serverfault.com/questions/672228/how-should-i-manage-a-long-running-server-process-on-ubuntu10:32
bekksdarthdeus: Yeah, whats the actual issue?10:32
bekksdarthdeus: That post describes your end goal, but not a specific issue you are dealing with :)10:33
darthdeusbekks: well the specific issue is that I have a process that I want to run on the background, but I don't know how to do it in a proper way10:33
bekksdarthdeus: Is that a third party application, or what is it? :)10:34
genoabekks:  Daemon is the keyword you are looking for10:34
darthdeusbekks: it's my own app10:34
bekksgenoa: Nope, thats not what I am looking for ;)10:34
darthdeusbekks: i've only ever deployed ruby apps, where the app has daemonization built in, but this app doesn't, so i need to manage it externally10:34
darthdeusbut I don't know if ubuntu has any builtin features that make this easier10:34
bekksdarthdeus: So which Ubuntu release are you on?10:35
genoabekks: what does this "app" do?10:35
bekksgenoa: I dont know what his app does.10:35
bekksgenoa: You need to ask him ;)10:35
darthdeusbekks: 14.0410:35
bekksdarthdeus: you need to create an upstart service then.10:35
darthdeuswell it listens on a port and i forward to it through nginx as a reverse proxy, but that part is taken care of10:35
bekks!upstart | darthdeus10:35
ubottudarthdeus: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/10:35
darthdeusbekks: upstart is like /etc/init.d ?10:36
bekksdarthdeus: No, as ubottu just said, upstart is a replacement for SYSV init.10:36
genoabekks: who is this "he"?10:38
bekksgenoa: "darthdeus"10:39
darthdeusupstart seems to be doing what I need :) thanks guys10:41
darthdeuswow it actually works :O10:47
msodrewbekks: 14.02 LTS 64-bit worked immediately. thanks ;]10:50
Bl3u2orquestion for experienced programmer. i have set up apache and installed phpstorm on ubuntu 14.04. ready to learn some php now, but... how to go about It? Do I work with files in var/www or hook up phpstorm with that directory, or do some linking to the home folder? Im not sure what to do. please help me get started.10:58
kwesidevwhen will ubuntu 15.04 be released??11:06
vltkwesidev: In 04-2015?11:06
floodplainHi all, I'm on 14.04 and trying to install a package when I get this error: qt4-dev-tools:i386 but it is not installable - any suggestions?11:09
bibi-23What happens if I create a user with "useradd" and I haven't set a paswword yet?11:16
bibi-23I mean is it already a valid user?11:17
bekksbibi-23: Sure. The user just cant login.11:18
bibi-23bekks: ok I see, I've made some tests and I think without password the only way to "be" this user is to "sudo -u username command" right?11:20
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
BubbaIs there anyone here could help me with Ubunti wireless please?11:21
vltbibi-23: You could place an ssh pubkey in ~user/.ssh/autorized_keys and log in.11:22
nodedfreei executed by mistake the command > # rsync -ave ssh .11:26
nodedfreewhat just append??11:26
nodedfreei stopped as quickly as i could, but many files where doing something11:27
Bubba< -- trying to get some help with ath9k wireless11:27
Squall5668nodedfree: you did put it in -v (verbose). Did you not get an output?11:28
nodedfreeSquall5668, no, i've pasted the command as executed11:28
nodedfreei saw many lines of files, i don't know where they were copied11:29
Squall5668The directory you are currently in11:35
Bubba*sits on the sofa and opens pringles11:36
nodedfreeSquall5668, so actually nothing were affected ?11:36
Squall5668Yeah, most likely11:37
nodedfreei tried to located the files and i didn't see any duplicated11:37
nodedfreei won't fix this again11:37
Squall5668what were you trying to do with rsync?11:37
bekksnodedfree: What was the command you executed?11:38
nodedfreersync -ave ssh .11:39
nodedfreethere is a dot11:39
bekksnodedfree: but no target specificuation.11:39
nodedfreei know that what is weird11:39
nodedfreestill files were flying11:39
bekksSo pastebin a few lines that are "flying".11:40
Bubba*looks in Pringles tube (empty) and no ath9k wifi either :(11:40
Squall5668!patience | Bubba11:40
ubottuBubba: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:40
Bubbaubotto, no one has replied to ask what the problem is yet so won;t know the answer11:41
Bubbaand yeah, been googling for months :)11:41
bekks!bot | Bubba11:41
ubottuBubba: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone11:41
k1l_Bubba: did you give a full detailed support question yet?11:41
BubbaNot yet, I asked for help though and thought someone may ask whats up11:42
k1l_Bubba: that is not how it works here. ask  tha full detailed question and see if someone can help. but asking to ask is not leading anywhere11:42
Bubbaproblem is, ath9k driver fails to compile and I can;t see any 5GHz channel11:43
Bubbamy bad11:43
Bubbaam running 14.10 Utopic and tried to recomile ath9k driver from compat drivers, but still fails to compile - idk enough to find out why11:45
k1l_is this a known issue with your card? what card is it? why does the compile fail? what exact messages do you get?11:45
k1l_Bubba: details matter "my car is broken" will not help the mechanic find whats wrong, too :)11:45
Bubbathere's lots of problems with Ubuntu and ath9k - reg dom setting blocking 5GHz channels - tried lots of workarounds using CRDA (one of which is to recompile the drivers using compat drivers) but none seem to work11:46
bekksBubba: "lots of problems" and "none seem to work" are just meaningless generic statements11:47
Bubbawow poeple full of attitude today11:49
daftykinslooks fine to me, you're reading them wrong.11:50
Bubbayou want me to list everything i've tried since 12.10 and why it's not worked?11:50
daftykinswe only care about current supported releases :)11:50
Bubba14.04 LTS supported yes?11:50
daftykinsof course.11:51
lambertBubba: Currently supported: 10.04 LTS (server), 12.04 LTS, 14.04 LTS, 14.10]11:51
Bubbaok, well comile also failed in 14.04 :)11:51
daftykinsright well you have to actually show us some errors to get anywhere11:52
daftykins"it dun work" doesn't give us much to go on :)11:52
daftykins!paste | Bubba share it via this11:52
ubottuBubba share it via this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:52
BubbaI upgraded to 1.10 Utopic yesterday nad tried to recompile the ath9 driver with followin error:11:52
daftykinsmake sure you don't paste in here11:52
Bubbascripts/Makefile.build:263: recipe for target '/home/<user>/Desktop/compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s/net/rfkill/rfkill-gpio.o' failed make[3]: *** [/home/<user>/Desktop/compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s/net/rfkill/rfkill-gpio.o] Error 1 scripts/Makefile.build:404: recipe for target '/home/<user>/Desktop/compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s/net/rfkill' failed make[2]: *** [/home/<user>/Desktop/compat-drivers-3.9-rc4-2-s/net/rfkill] Error 2 Makefile:1333: reci11:52
SCHAAP137Bubba, use a paste website11:53
SCHAAP137pastie.org, paste2.ca, something like that11:53
daftykinsi've already invoked the factoid, you're just repeating11:53
lambertBubba: make &> results.txt11:54
BluesKajHiyas all11:55
animalroam!help libtool11:55
lambertpaste the content of the resulting file results.txt to here http://paste.ubuntu.com/11:55
ntspHow can I start an X11 based application on boot on ubuntu server?11:55
ntsp(yes Xorg is installed and setup correctly11:56
lambertntsp: startx  ??11:57
gwagsihello guys just wana know if backbox is the best linux11:57
ubottuBackbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.11:57
ntsplambert I meant on boot, I already have the command to start it and the user that  I want it to run on but cant seem to set it up to run on boot11:57
daftykinsgwagsi: there is no such thing as best11:57
daftykinsbut joining channel 'A' to talk about distribution 'B' is definitely never a good start ;)11:59
lambertntsp: lightdm11:59
BubbaLambert: results.txt No such file or directory12:00
lambertBubba:  make &> results.txt <--- type this ?12:01
BubbaThat's what I typed, also tried it to run it with sudo and same output12:01
Bubbawrong directory, 1 min (sorry)12:02
lambertBubba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pastebinit then12:03
BubbaLambert: now pasted12:09
bekksBubba: Now you need to tell us the URL :)12:09
bekksBubba: Why are you using a mainline kernel?12:10
BubbaIf I knew the answer to that I would probably be helping myself :)12:11
bekksWell, the mainline kernel is not installed automagically, but by the user.12:11
Bubbaonly updates I;ve installed are either via Sunapitics or recommnded by google search to resolve my problem12:12
k1l_Bubba: see if "linux-generic" is installed12:12
k1l_with "sudo apt-get install linux-generic12:12
Bubbais just installing, so it wasn't already12:14
k1l_when its done please show a "dpkg -k | grep linux-image" in a pastebin12:15
rnatlambert is now rnat :P12:15
MagePsycho getting error on cron mysql backup: /var/www/db-backup.sh: line 17: /backup/cron-dump-2015-03-01.sql.gz: Permission denied12:16
MagePsychomysqldump: Got errno 32 on write12:16
bekksMagePsycho: So fix your permissions, and please do not crosspost.12:16
Bubbadpkg -k unknown option12:17
MagePsychobekks: i can write any thing12:17
bekksMagePsycho: Obviously you cant.12:17
MagePsychoso it’s not related to permission i guess12:17
k1l_Bubba: sorry typo: "dpkg -l |grep linux-image"12:17
MagePsychobekks: context permission ;)12:17
bekksMagePsycho: It clearly IS a permission issue, the error states: "Permission denied". What do you think is it? :)12:17
bekksMagePsycho: What is "context permission"?12:17
MagePsychobekks: /usr/bin/mysqldump -u $username -p$password $dbName | gzip > $backupDir/$fileName.sql.gz12:18
bekksMagePsycho: and you dont have permission to write that target file.12:18
MagePsychobekks: is the cron command12:18
Bubbaresults here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10486004/12:18
MagePsychoif i run the same command manually then everything works12:19
MagePsychobekks: so wondering..12:19
bekksMagePsycho: So which permissions does "/backup" have? And which user is running that cron?12:19
k1l_Bubba: "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.16.0-031600-generic"  that will remove the mainline kernel. after a reboot you will be on the regular ubuntu kernel back again.12:19
MagePsychobekks: makes sense.. backup has root permission and crontab is running as mager user12:20
Bubbaok, so purge reboot and try to recompile again?12:20
bekksMagePsycho: So you have a permission issue.12:20
barcelosk1l_: are you an ubuntu employee?12:20
MagePsychobekks: Yup man12:20
k1l_Bubba: i dont know if that works then, but then we removed a manually installed old kernel from august 2014 and can sort that out as a possible issue12:21
Bubbaok, brb after reboot12:21
k1l_barcelos: no. but what is your actual ubuntu support issue?12:22
barcelosk1l_:  none12:22
blackjack_pardon me but im trying to port ubuntu touch but tripped up over this particular issue12:22
blackjack_cananyone point me in the right direction?12:23
k1l_blackjack_: better ask in #ubuntu-touch but keep in mind that most specialists are on weekend sparetime :)12:23
blackjack_ah thanks12:23
blackjack_yea I understand, I just now found the time to start porting lol12:24
rnatporting it to ?12:24
blackjack_samsung galaxy s2 (t-mobile version)12:24
rnatblackjack_: have you ported touch to any device in the past?12:26
blackjack_rnat, no12:26
rnatblackjack_: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/ubuntu-for-devices/porting-new-device/ read this??12:26
blackjack_read through the whole guide before starting though, the process looked pretty straight forward enough for me to give it a shot12:27
natusWhen I shutdown my computer and when I restart it, I have always crash messages. Not because there are bugs, because Ubuntu shutdowns to quickly and maybe it doesn't wait that the applications are closed. How can I resolve my problem?12:27
blackjack_yea that's exactly what im following12:27
natusOn Windows, we can modify the reg to change the shutdown session time. In Ubuntu, is like "Shutdown" and immediately it's done and it crashes softwares that give me messages after the restart.12:27
natusI thought about doing a script that deletes the crash folder after the restart but I want to understand the problem here and find a better solution.12:27
rnatblackjack_: you must be rich to take such a huge risk on an expensive device ;)12:28
blackjack_rnat, lol I got only for 100 bucks from a friend last year12:28
vojtahi dronr12:29
vojtasory dron12:29
Bubbaam just re running make after a rebot12:30
rnatblackjack_: If I were you , I would have done some research on exonys soc with touch .12:31
blackjack_it's a qualcomn chipset this version12:31
blackjack_the i900 is the one with the exynos12:31
rnatblackjack_: I see12:32
k1l_rnat: blackjack_ you are free to put the mobile device talking into #ubuntu-touch  :)12:32
Bubbaupdated results here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10486171/12:32
blackjack_oh yea my bad12:32
rnatk1l_: could not resist my curiosity :P12:34
hardtailis rEFInd still required to dual boot Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?12:34
rnatBubba: remove -Werror from Makefile12:35
rnatBubba: is your Makefile pointing to the right directory?12:36
Bubbahow do I check that? I just downloaded compat drivers and unzipped them12:36
k1l_Bubba: did you try "linux-backports-modules" already before compiling?12:37
BubbaI seem to recall reading over the last month or two ath9k is included in the newer kernels so not needed?12:38
natusHow can we change the shutdown conditions (for instance the shutdown session time) in Ubuntu? My problem: Ubuntu shutdown too quickly and it's not waiting that all applications are closed.12:44
Bubbano more ideas?12:53
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Bubbatried looking around, still fails to compile http://paste.ubuntu.com/10486171/13:08
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BubbaIs there anyone here who can actually help or am I wasting my time?13:21
tewardBubba: patience helps, but have you actually checked to see if the drivers are already present for your system?13:21
jattwhy are you compiling a new kernel? instead of using one from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/13:22
FinnenHello guys! I do have a problem when I am gonna connect with VNC. It do say "Too many authentication failures". I have no idea why :/13:22
tewardIf they aren't, did you make sure you got the right driver package for that kernel / compiler13:22
Bubbateward, am being patiently (ignored) and problem is I;m trying to compile the driver and it's failing13:22
maimsterMorning all.13:23
Bubbabecause I was told earlier to uninstall the mainline kernel13:23
jattif you don't feel comfortable compiling the kernel you should use the pre-packaged ones13:24
derrzzaacurrently I'm unable to view my display in graphics mode / terminal mode cause display settings are screwed13:25
derrzzaaany ideas how i can reset them to a supported setting?13:25
derrzzaaI can't ssh into my machine atm either :|13:25
Bubbanot that I don;t feel comfortable jatt, is more I;m asking for some help (and so far receiving a load of attitude)13:25
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cfhowlett!kernel | Bubba13:26
ubottuBubba: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)13:26
jatttry a mainline kernel first, only if that doesn't fix your issue, try to compile it yourself13:26
FinnenDoes anyone know how to fix "Too many authentication failures" VNC error?13:27
Bubbaidk if you guys have discovered Google yet, but it's riddled with Ubuntu users struggling with Qualcomm Atheros wifi drivers13:27
k1l_Bubba: sorry but your attitude is getting more and more aggressive. people tried to help you but they lost motivation since you dont give informations but keep telling them they have a attitude when they ask for details.13:27
k1l_Bubba: you did not even once tell what actual wifi card you got there.13:27
Bubbaok, don't mean to come across as agressive, but I think being ignored is rude13:28
k1l_Bubba: and telling people about google like you did is more attitude than i saw in a week in this channel. so please dont make it more drama than it needs to be13:28
Bubbaand I said quite a few times issue is with ath9k drivers13:28
cfhowlettBubba, everyone here is a volunteer.  Experts are rare.  A volunteer may or may not have specific knowledge of your issue at any given time.  Your patience goes a long way. Your courtesy goes even further.13:29
k1l_Bubba: so you are unable to tell what card you got?13:29
BubbaI'm almost 50 years old, and within forst 5 minutes here was told off for asking questions (in a support channel)  O.o13:29
k1l_Bubba: or is it a secret?13:29
BluesKajBubba, whynot just tell those who are trying to help you what they need to know, is that too difficult for you?13:30
jellowFinnen: What are you trying to connect to ? Do you have access to the server.13:31
BubbaIt's a qualcom athereos wifi card (installed in a laptop) running 14.10 Utopic - 2.4 GHz is really slow and I can;t see any 5GHz channel13:32
k1l_what gives you "lspci"13:33
BubbaAccording to google it's a common problem, and that' what I;m trying to solve - I've tried since 12.1013:33
BubbaQualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter <<<<<<<<<< this is the card13:34
cfhowlettBubba, open terminal.  run the command    lspci            copy and paste the output to fpaste.org13:35
giuseppe_Salve, sto con ubuntu 12.04 e già da parecchio che non mi fa fare più l'aggiornamento di versione, mi esce l'errore problema di rete, ho provato anche diversi server ma non cambia niente13:35
giuseppe_Qualcuno mi può aiutare?13:36
cfhowlett!it | giuseppe_13:36
ubottugiuseppe_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:36
BluesKajcfhowlett, why lspci, he's already posted the device13:36
giuseppe_ok scusate13:36
Bubbas'ok BlueSka will do as I'm told :)13:36
BubbaResult here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10486964/13:36
k1l_Bubba: you got pastebinit installed?13:39
Bubbanot that I know of13:39
BluesKajlooks like the qualcom atheros alright, but could this be a router setting Bubba ? the 5Ghz isn't being broadcast perhaps?13:39
k1l_please install that with "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" and then run "dmesg | pastebinit" and give the url here13:39
=== Commentator is now known as Guest33455
BubbaIt is being broadcast because I have other (non Uuntu devices) connected using 5GHz13:40
BluesKajok Bubba, then that's eliminated13:41
BubbaBlueSka there are 2 problems here - Eeprom setting on the Atheros card using 'default' RegDom setting and restricting the use of GHz but I can't get CRDA to override the default value + 2.4GHz runs incredibly slowly (common problem apparently)13:43
BubbaSo I'm trying to recompile the ath9k driver to make sure it's installed properly, but it fails to compile13:43
Bubbafailure message here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10486171/13:44
NeldogzHi all, i am having trouble sharing folders between my Ubuntu host and Windows computer. I want to be able to share a folder on my Ubuntu so I right clicked on the folder and selected Local Network Share --> Share this folder .. I can see the folder but cant authenticate to it. Any ideas?13:44
k1l_<k1l_> please install that with "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" and then run "dmesg | pastebinit" and give the url here13:44
k1l_Bubba: ^13:45
_jackHi, I'm using Ubuntu 15.04 MATE, and I'm quite new to MATE, is it normal that there is no Software Center here?13:47
_jackAh, nevermind, was in the "System" section, not the "Applications". Sorry!13:48
Ben64_jack: please note 15.04 support is in #ubuntu+1 until release13:48
_jackAh, ok. Thanks!13:48
Squall5668Is Mate even supported?13:48
Bubbakll result here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10487084/13:49
k1l_Squall5668: yes, and mate ubuntu is official flavour since 15.04. or better "will be"13:49
Ben64Squall5668: looked it up earlier when someone mentioned it, apparently ubuntu mate is an official flavor starting 15.0413:49
Squall5668I see, thanks13:49
k1l_Bubba: [   13.063674] cfg80211: Regulatory domain changed to country: IN13:51
k1l_did you set it to IN somewhere?13:51
Bubbaapology for appearing agressive, but if I knew the answers to this stuff I wouldn;t be here asking for support so I;m expecting you to ask me questions so I can help you understand the problem13:51
DorfenHey! I just installed ubuntu, fixed some small issues and setup openconnect vpn for cisco anyconnect, after restart when i select the vpn nothing happens?13:52
DorfenWhere would i go to see a log or such?13:52
DorfenI am pretty sure it's some graphical issue, i tried reinstalling alle the vpn plugins, still nothing! Normally i would get the login window appearing?>13:53
BubbaI've tried setting it to GB kll13:54
k1l_Bubba: what gives "sudo iw reg get"?13:56
Bubba'sudo iw reg set GB' is the command I used after installing crda13:56
Bubbacountry GB: DFS-UNSET13:56
k1l_what does "cat /etc/default/crda" tell you in the last line?13:57
k1l_so you did change that to IN manually?13:58
k1l_are you in IN or GB?13:58
BubbaI haven't changed anything to IN, I'm not there13:58
Bubba'sudo iw reg set GB'13:59
k1l_yes, but that is just temporary13:59
k1l_sudo nano /etc/default/crda13:59
Bubbahm, ok?13:59
k1l_then change the laste line to be just "REGDOMAIN=GB". then ctrl+o    for saving and ctrl+x for exit14:00
Bubbaok, done14:00
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k1l_maybe that was it already. try a reboot to see if its better now.14:02
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TheBigDealis there a way to install GNOME in Kubuntu with KDE and use them both together?14:04
Bubbatried 'sudo service network-manager restart' and still the same14:04
jattsure you can install both. but why?14:05
k1l_TheBigDeal: you can install any other desktop enviroment and choose that on the login screen, yes14:05
TheBigDealk1l_: Alright!14:05
k1l_Bubba: what gives sudo iwlist wlan0 chan?14:05
TheBigDealjatt: but why?, is that a personal question?14:05
Bubbaoutput of 'dmesg | grep ath' here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10487320/14:05
jattnope, you installed Kubuntu, why install gnome14:06
k1l_jatt: that is not helping14:06
Bubbaalso, output of 'iwlist wlan0' here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10487333/14:07
TheBigDealjatt: Yeah, that was really messy, i don't want to reinstall everything again and decide to use GNOME i just wanted to install it alongside with KDE.14:08
TheBigDealjatt: your question is like : why you've installed Kubuntu since you want to use GNOME, right? if yes : that was a late decision.14:09
jattin any case you can install both and try them out, your system will be messy though :)14:11
nitei wanna be a rockstart14:11
k1l_Bubba: and "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" ?14:11
nitewhat u talking bout dude?14:11
nitewhere are the helpers?14:11
jellow!ot | nite14:11
ubottunite: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:11
k1l_nite: stop that trolling. thanks14:11
nitedude i aint trollin14:12
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tangim_grow up nite14:12
niteisnt it the ubuntu help chat?14:12
TheBigDealjatt: I understand you :)14:12
nitestfu motherfucker14:12
Bubba'iwlist wlan0 scan' output here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10487378/14:14
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k1l_Bubba: i dont see a 5ghz network there14:20
Bubbafrom the output 5GHz channel is being blocked by 'default' eeprom value and crda isn;t overriding it - hence no 5GHz wifi availble + 2.4GHz incredibly slow14:20
Bubbakll, if 5GHz is being blocked by 'default' eeprom setting you wont see one because that atenna will be ignored14:21
BubbaI can ignore slow 2.4GHz if I can fix 5GHz problem14:22
k1l_Bubba: honestly: i would file a bug and talk there to the kernel/wifi guys.14:25
Bubbakll, as I said earlier I;ve tried to fix this problem since 12.10 - afaik there are already bugs for it, but hoped it would be fixed by 14.1014:26
Bubbawhat I don't know is why crda override seems to be ignored14:27
k1l_Bubba: well how should one know and fix it if its no filed as bug?14:27
BluesKajI don't understand why 2,4Ghz is so slow ..it's not here, and there must be an underlying problem so i don't think 5Ghz will solve it14:28
k1l_i am no wifi specialist. but there are some realy strange mainboard and hardware regulations from manufacturerers. so i would ask the kernel/wifi guys and if there is a known fix the describe/attach it to the bug,14:28
Bubbatrue, hence why I'm trying to recompile the ath9k driver to make sure it's not some underlying problem with the driver itself - but I can;t get it to compile14:29
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BubbaUbuntu connections manager shows 2.4GHz connection at 65Mb/s whereas speed is up to 300Mb14:33
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dupingpingHi everybody14:38
dupingpingthere are no man?14:38
dupingpingno woman?14:39
netanI am here14:39
k1l_dupingping: this is the technical ubuntu support channel (and you know that)14:39
Bubbaso is there a way to have crda respect the overridge?14:40
dupingpingIt's a Dock in Ubuntu. It's very beautiful one.14:40
dupingpingI am looking one that donate me to develop completely dock.14:40
dupingpingk1l_, ?14:41
k1l_dupingping: stop spoiling this channel. you know the guidelines about your "women" talks and your advertising and offtopic donations requests.14:41
dupingpinghmm? it's not woman14:42
Protomanhey im new to linux whats the first thing i should do or try with it ?14:42
EriC^^!manual | Protoman14:43
ubottuProtoman: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:43
k1l_Protoman: use it as our daily OS :)14:43
ldiamondI'm on 14.14.02 and when I sleep my laptop and wake it up, I lose internet access. I'm still able to access my local network (I can connect to my router) but I can't access anything else outside (ping google.com doesnt work).14:45
EriC^^ldiamond, how do you connect to the internet?14:46
ldiamondI actually have to reboot to fix it (sudo service networking restart fails to stop the service)14:46
EriC^^ldiamond, try sudo service network-manager restart14:46
ldiamondEriC^^: Wifi, I tried disconnecting and reconnecting, disabling my wifi with the hardware buttons and reenabling it14:46
sgo11hi, just fresh install ubuntu 14.04.2 to my thinkpad x201 laptop. did dist-upgrade. there is no sound. any help please? thanks.14:46
EriC^^ldiamond, oh14:46
Protomanhow do i remove channels from the side of my chat14:48
EriC^^Protoman, you mean leave a channel?14:48
k1l_Protoman: right click, close14:48
sgo11btw, pulseaudio is not installed. do I need it?14:49
ProtomanI cant right click im on a mac14:49
EriC^^Protoman, press ctrl+w14:49
EriC^^( while in the channel )14:49
Protomanthanks eric14:49
Daekdroomsgo11, yes.14:49
sgo11Daekdroom, this is very weird. why it's not installed by default?14:50
Daekdroomsgo11, did you see whether anything was removed during dist-upgrade?14:50
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DaekdroomIt should be installed by default.14:51
sgo11Daekdroom, I can't remember. I didn't check the output of dist-upgrade14:51
TheBigDealwhat's the cleanest way to read the kernel system logs on ubuntu?14:51
hardtailare there any disadvantages of running ubuntu on a virtual machine14:51
EriC^^sgo11, you could check /var/log/apt/history.log14:51
sgo11Daekdroom, and I didn't test the audio before dist-upgrade. just did directly after the fresh install. so I have no idea.14:51
Daekdroomhardtail, performance; you likely won't have accelerated 3D support.14:52
Squall5668TheBigDeal: all logs are in /var/log. The kernel one too14:52
hardtailok so probably best to install native on this laptop then14:52
TheBigDealSquall5668: thanks14:53
hardtailthanks Daekdroom14:53
sgo11EriC^^, I checked history.log file and search the keyword pulseaudio. nothing there. I just installed pulseaudio. i think I need to reboot the system to see if the audio is working now or not.14:53
EriC^^sgo11, ok, give it a try14:53
sgo11ok. brb. need to reboot. thanks. EriC^^14:53
sgo11EriC^^, Daekdroom Installed pulseaudio and rebooted. ps -ef shows pulseaudio is running. still no sound.14:58
EriC^^sgo11, is alsa installed too?14:58
sgo11EriC^^, I can run alsamixer. and nothing is muted.14:59
Bubbakll, I have an update (possibly call it a fix)14:59
BubbaQuite why Google is riddled with poeple having the same issue and trying to fix 5GHz is a mystery14:59
Bubbaaccording to https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/drivers/ath9k the Qualcomm Atheros card is single band only supporting 2.4GHz15:00
sgo11EriC^^, worked now. I pressed the volumn up button on the keyboard.15:00
EriC^^sgo11, great!15:00
sgo11EriC^^, I have no idea if I pressed the volume up physical button before installing pulseaudio, what will happen...15:01
k1l_Bubba: well, i did not look up if that card can go 5ghz at all. you did call it 5ghz capable all the time15:03
BubbaUnderstood kll :) there is one tweak to the tale 2.4GHz running slowly15:03
EriC^^sgo11, hmm15:04
Bubbato resolv this 'sudo gedit /etc/nsswitch.conf' and change [hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns4] to read the following [hosts: files dns]15:04
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DeepSilenceCan anyone help me with a GRUB problem?15:28
tewardDeepSilence: not without details15:29
delinquentmeIS there a difference between installing apt-get packages on a single line vrs multiple lines with single packages on each?15:32
Squall5668You save time. That's about it15:32
Saberuhow do i start the x server for x11 forwarding? it says no screens found15:34
OpenTokixSaberu: you need to install xbase-clients15:35
Saberuok thanks15:37
Saberudoes xbaseclients need to be started or configured ? i just installed it with apt get15:38
Saberudo i need to restart the kernel?15:38
rastajah bless. do i need nscd?15:40
rastaI'm trying to flush dns cache but everything points to Nscd. I dont have it, should i install it?15:41
OpenTokixSaberu: just install on the host you are trying to x11-forward from15:43
bijoo_How to install server unattended (e.g. no monitor, but have keyboard); otherwise may be known as preseeding; I have never done this, may you help me?15:44
OpenTokixbijoo_: It is quite complicated to boot without monitor15:45
rasta I'm trying to flush dns cache but everything points to Nscd. I dont have it, should i install it? or rather, how do i flush DNS cache without NSCD?15:45
OpenTokixbijoo_: how will you know the installation is done?15:45
bijoo_OpenTokix: I have network; I'd like to SSH.15:46
bijoo_OpenTokix: right, but how to enable that at first; I can also blindly login to it15:46
bijoo_OpenTokix: I have other server as well here; can I put the hard disk on that, install?15:47
bijoo_OpenTokix: thing is, that's Ubuntu server as well15:47
bijoo_OpenTokix: not done OS install from commandline15:47
Charlie_hallo, a test or sombody can read this..15:48
bijoo_OpenTokix: I think there may be a way through VM; any way to install server through that?15:48
bijoo_Charlie_: ping pong15:48
Charlie_Thx :)15:49
SaberuOpenTokix  i am connecting from putty/windows15:49
poomanI installe kde in ubuntu and now it just shows a black screen however the mouse-cursor is still visible and working15:49
poomanThis seems to have occured after installing KDE15:50
SaberuError: Can't open display: localhost:12.015:52
OpenTokixSaberu: you need to install a xserver on your windows machine15:52
OpenTokixSaberu: I dont know of any15:52
OpenTokixbijoo_: yeah, you can bootstrap from another machine15:53
OpenTokixbijoo_: its quite compllicated things you want to do, kind of hard to cach thru irc15:53
bijoo_OpenTokix: I think I figured out what I will do15:55
bijoo_OpenTokix: I'll start up VirtualBox on laptop; go through Ubuntu installation there; and mimic keyboard on faceless machine15:55
bijoo_OpenTokix: technically the options should be same15:55
bijoo_OpenTokix: it would be great to get some beep feedback ;) but it's the only thing I have right now (other than trying to VM install ; and install from one serv to the other)15:56
SaberuOpenTokix so putty by itself will not work with x11 forwarding?16:00
Saberuwithout an xserver on my local machine?16:00
Saberuso x11 forwarding forwards screens from the remote to the local x server ?16:01
Saberuthen i connect putty to the local x server?16:01
stegohello! could anybody help me reset the settings of my unity-greeter / lightdm login screen?16:05
Exagone313hello, I have two problems: 1) with apt-get update, i am blocked with "100% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (2001:67c:1562::14)]"16:05
Exagone3132) how to activate ipv6 for fail2ban v0.8.1116:06
daytenExagone313: Add -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true when running apt-get16:07
Exagone313dayten: why?16:07
Exagone313i have ipv616:07
Exagone313security.ubuntu.com ipv6 does not work?16:07
daytenok, can you ping security.ubuntu.com ?16:07
daytentelnet security.ubuntu.com 80 ?16:07
Exagone313hmm ipv6 no longer work16:08
Exagone313so thanks for the tip dayten16:11
lusyhow do I burn an ISO file with KB316:11
daytenExagone313: you're welcome!16:11
Exagone313i restart my server, maybe ipv6 will work again16:11
k1l_lusy: burn to what? cd or dvd?16:11
k1l_lusy: i dont have k3b but i bet its in the menu16:13
k1l_lusy: that should be the same workflow to the task doing on a windows machine. so where is the issue exactly?16:14
kennysmithubuntu newbie, question for anyone: trying to run firefox from an unzipped file. Not working to run using  the following:   sh ./firefox   or sh ./firefox-bin or run-mozilla.sh ? Any help greatly apprecaited16:14
pavloslusy, find the option to burn an image to dvd, select the iso, that's it. I dont have k3b installed but this is how I remember ...16:14
k1l_kennysmith: set the file the +x flag to mark it as executable. but do you need to run it and not use the build in firefox?16:15
noumeakennysmith: just try ./firefox16:15
lusythen I click button image to be written and then nserisco the iso file16:16
stegohello! could anybody help me reset the settings of my unity-greeter / lightdm login screen to the default?16:16
noumeastego: this is the place where you should look at '/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf'16:18
pavlosstego, http://askubuntu.com/questions/403477/restore-unity-greeter16:18
kennysmiththanks noumea16:19
fdmdmcwhy no poples?16:20
fdmdmcgive redhat irc pls16:20
stegonoumea, pavlos, thank you. but my greeter is working correctly, only all the settings are messed up. for example the icon theme is wrong, no background image etc. what can i do to restore these settings?16:20
k1l_fdmdmc: this is the ubuntu suppor channel. so ubuntu only in here. if you need help with freenode ask in #freenode16:20
lusyk1l_,    I extracted the files of two rar files (rar 1 and rar 2) I have broken down and inside there is an iso.file and an .exe file,     how do I burn?16:21
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pavlosfdmdmc, you can search the List of channels for redhat ...16:21
k1l_lusy: open k3b, press the "burn iso image to dvd" button. burn it. done16:22
andy__Hey guys. I have to force my second  monitor using xrandr and then rejig the posistions under settings each boot. I was wondering if there was a way to automate this so it can just do it on boot?16:26
noumeaandy__:  have you tried tinkering .xprofile / xorg.conf files?16:29
codeviper\nick says hello everybody. This is my first attempt for ubuntu dev16:31
noumeacodeviper: try forward slash16:32
codeviper#noumea thanks16:34
lusyk1l_,    I burned to dvd iso file, now I can put on this dvd-rw  mastered other files not iso?16:44
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Novice201yHi. After changing from init to systemd in 15.04 my netbook doesn't see an usb modem. How to fix this?16:50
xangua!15.04 | Novice201y16:50
ubottuNovice201y: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142516:50
Exagone313hello, how to activate ipv6 on Fail2Ban v0.8.11?16:54
Exagone313i found something for v0.916:54
winterchillzHey guys, I'm having issues with Grub on another PC - I wanted to enable Grub to load into terminal instead of GUI since the PC is not as powerful so I went on and changed /etc/default/grub, the line where it says to boot into console. I ran sudo update-grub and then rebooted the machine17:00
winterchillznow I only get Blue screen instead of the GRUB menu and the PC freezes17:00
rnatExagone313: http://www.fail2ban.org/wiki/index.php/Fail2ban:Community_Portal#IPv6_Experimental_support17:00
Exagone313rnat: thanks17:03
Exagone313rnat: it sais to patch the 2 python files, how to do it?17:05
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pretodorguys, story time:17:08
pretodori have a oneplus one;17:08
pretodorwhenever I put the phone in recovery mode I can use it as a storage device;17:08
pretodoronly then it shows up on my computer;17:08
pretodorthat's how i transfer files from my laptop to my phone;17:08
pretodori put the phone in recovery mode and voila, instant gratification;17:08
pretodornow it's time for my question:17:09
pretodorwhy doesn't the phone show up as an external drive when it's running normally;17:09
TheNumbpretodor: well, my android phone works no problem.17:09
SchrodingersScatidk what oneplus is, but I know my phone prefers MTP? is that the protocol? for reasons.17:10
xanguapretodor: please avoid using enter as a puntuation sign, also what ubuntu release are you using?17:10
pretodorxangua, 14.04 LTS17:11
rnatExagone313: patch failregex.py and filter.py files17:11
Exagone313rnat: where?17:11
xanguathen as SchrodingersScat, mtp should work out of the box pretodor17:12
Exagone313I don't know wich is the directory of the current files to patch17:12
pretodorxangua, I didn't mean to flood. sorry about that.17:12
Exagone313"failregex.py" and "filter.py"17:13
pretodori asked the same question on the Oneplus one channel where nobody could help me. i had all the text ready and i didn't want to re-type everything again.17:13
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k1l_pretodor: so its a oneplusone issue that its not offering itself as mtp correctly?17:14
Exagone313rnat: of i found it /usr/share/fail2ban/server/17:14
rnatExagone313: yup17:14
philwongAfter I installed KDE, my ubuntu just starts into a black screen, the mouse works however I see absolutely nothing but black17:15
pretodork1l_, looks like it. as i said, the laptop detects the device when i reboot it in Recovery Mode17:15
pretodorbut when it's running normally i have no luck.17:15
k1l_pretodor: so get it solved in oneplusone17:15
pretodork1l_, nobody managed to help me there17:15
k1l_try xda-developers17:16
snizzo_philwong: did you install nvidia proprietary drivers?17:16
philwongsnizzo_: I am using a vmware17:17
TheNumbpretodor: are you running the factory firmware?17:17
winterchillz'm having issues with Grub on another PC - I wanted to enable Grub to load into terminal instead of GUI since the PC is not as powerful so I went on and changed /etc/default/grub, the line where it says to boot into console. I ran sudo update-grub and then rebooted the machine. Now I get blue screen instead of Grub menu and the screen freezes. Any idea?17:17
TheNumbpretodor: please pastebin the output od dmesg right after you plug in your phone.17:17
rnatphilwong: did you install desktop or netbook17:17
philwongI can confirm that this issue only happens when starting in the KDE environment, in "Default" it will load perfect17:17
rnatwinterchillz: what is your boot priority17:19
snizzo_philwong: plasma5 or kde4?17:19
pretodorTheNumb, just a sec17:19
winterchillzrnat: boot priority?17:19
philwongI just used this command17:19
rnatwinterchillz: in BIOS17:19
philwongsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:19
snizzo_15.04 or 14.10?17:19
philwongThats the version I downloaded17:19
winterchillzrnat: Unsure right now, the PC is at the office17:19
snizzo_or what version17:19
TheNumbphilwong: there's no such version.17:20
snizzo_TheNumb: I think he means 14.1017:20
TheNumb14.04.2 or 14.04.217:20
rnatwhat exactly did you type into /etc/default/grub17:20
philwongsorry 14.0417:20
winterchillzrnat: could it be happening because of the boot priority of the devices? Second, let me find an example config17:20
rnatis it a dual boot windows/ubuntu?17:20
rnatblue screen sounds like windowish17:21
danbowerhey. i'm trying to get all the packages i need in order to correctly build from .deb files. however when i do `apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)` there's no matches.17:21
philwongI am runnin it in vmware17:21
philwongIt works fine with ubuntus standard environment17:21
winterchillzwell, it's just blue background screen, there's a Win 7 though. In grub config I changed 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT' to text and uncommented the 'GRUB_TERMINAL=console' line.17:22
philwongits only with kde it shows a totaly black screen with only the mouse working17:22
winterchillzthen I ran update-grub17:22
xanguadanbower: did you run apt-get update first? what ubuntu release? are you using a kernel from official repositories?17:22
pretodorTheNumb, there you go: http://pastebin.com/ZNsW0ifn17:22
pavlospretodor, http://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/help/adb-devices-returns-permissions-t2840807 ... there is a solution on a post dated 15 Okt 201417:23
danbowerxangua: yes i've updated. i'm on the trusty release and it seems i'm on 3.10.18. i've used crouton (https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton) to install this17:23
danbowerit seems to be a very minimal install in-light of it running on a chrome book17:23
TheNumbpretodor: also, I've found this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/505932/ubuntu-14-04-mtp-error17:24
TheNumbProbably oneplusone is missing a udev rule.17:24
rnatwinterchillz: it seems like the mbr has been overwritten , try windows rescue cd17:25
winterchillzDoh, I'll just format it tomorrow17:25
winterchillzbloody windows17:25
danboweri've tried installing stuff with dpkg but the lack of linux headers seems to be the culprit for some things failing17:26
rnatno bloody grub17:26
philwongwhat is the command to reboot17:26
philwongsudo-apt-get reboot right?17:26
rnatwinterchillz: grub is a tiny atom bomb17:26
winterchillzphilwong: sudo shutdown -r 117:26
Exagone313rnat: i've a problem with patching, the date is wrong17:26
winterchillzrnat: Yea, I guess you're right. No time to look for Win CD and try to rescue it, I'll just format it17:26
winterchillzthanks for your time17:26
pretodorTheNumb, thank you. The askubuntu link did the trick.17:27
Exagone313rnat: http://pastie.org/private/nhkjxj1vf1dch4rkjx6rha17:27
TheNumbpretodor: yw :)17:27
jelen_whats this17:27
danbowerany ideas what would be best to do xangua ?17:27
jelen_whats xangua17:27
xanguadanbower: well I know anything about crouton, arm?17:28
winterchillzjelen_: Ubuntu support channel. If you're about to post something big, use paste.ubuntu.com17:28
pretodorpavlos, thanks for looking up the other solution. you guys are awesome17:28
xanguaI know nothing I mean*17:28
jelen_a strange place17:28
k1l_!ot | hele17:29
ubottuhele: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:29
danboweri was just elaborating. i'm just curious what the best thing to do in my situation. that being none of the ubuntu repositories have linux headers for my kernel version for whatever reason. nov 2013 doesn't seem that old?17:29
TheNumbdanbower: which kernel version?17:30
rnatExagone313:  https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues try raising an issue here17:30
TheNumboh, crouton17:30
TheNumbdanbower: It's most likely a customized kernel.17:30
k1l_danbower: what ubuntu are you on?17:30
TheNumbSo you won't find the headers in the repo.17:31
GraemeLiondanbower, That's likely because the 3.10 series' long term current kernel is
danbowerthe install seemed to be pulling stuff from ubuntu repos17:31
k1l_oh crouton. yes, that is best to ask the crouton guys17:31
ubuntuHello, guys!17:31
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Exagone313rnat: I think I can edit the fiels myself17:31
danbower`apt-get install linux-headers` does give back some stuff, just the versions are too high17:31
danbowershall i just try upgrade my kernel? sounds rather daunting17:31
rnatExagone313:  :)17:32
TheNumbdanbower: it's probably using the kernel provided by chromeos17:32
Guest75337this thread didn't help me fixing my problem. http://askubuntu.com/questions/28099/how-to-restore-a-system-after-accidentally-removing-all-kernels17:32
TheNumbdanbower: can you pastebin "cat /proc/version"?17:32
rnatGuest75337:  that's more like an archlinux way of doing it17:33
rnatGuest75337: you can try netinstaller17:33
Exagone313rnat: the patch try to replace a regex, but it changed17:34
TheNumbrnat: what for?17:34
danbowerTheNumb, http://hastebin.com/ayevujuquh.coffee17:34
TheNumbdanbower: yup, it's using the chromeos kernel.17:34
k1l_Guest75337: what didnt work with that solution?17:34
TheNumbAs you can see.17:34
Exagone313both patch failed17:35
Novice201yHow to fix: PolicyKit authorization failder: challenge needed for org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Device.Control17:35
TheNumbdanbower: https://github.com/dnschneid/crouton/wiki/Build-chrome-os-kernel-and-kernel-modules17:35
Guest75337rnat:k1l: the very first steps got me an error.17:35
Guest75337rnat:k1l:mount: mount point /mnt/dev does not exist17:35
k1l_danbower: crouton is like a chroot on the underlying chromeOS. so that is not like a real install17:35
TheNumbGuest75337: where did you mount your ubuntu partition?17:35
k1l_Guest75337: you missed already one step17:36
danbowerthanks TheNumb. i'll give that a read17:36
Guest75337k1l: I did the first one17:36
k1l_Guest75337: be very varefull with howtos and commands you already removed all kernels, that should have made you wake up17:36
k1l_Guest75337: please show the command you used17:36
danbowercould i just find the linux headers for my version and install or am i likely to encounter further problems? i'm aiming to get vagrant installed which requires virtualbox17:37
k1l_Guest75337: so is sdb1 the ubuntu partition on the harddisk?17:37
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TheNumbGuest75337: please include sudo fdisk -l17:37
TheNumbGuest75337: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb17:37
TheNumbshould be enough17:37
rnatExagone313: maybe it has something to do with "host"17:38
Guest75337TheNumb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10489963/17:38
k1l_Guest75337: so you know about your setup that you installed?17:39
Guest75337k1l: dvdrom17:39
TheNumbGuest75337: /dev/sdb1 is only 243M big.17:39
TheNumbIt can't be your root filesystem.17:39
k1l_Guest75337: do you have your ubuntu install encrypted?17:39
k1l_or why do you have a seperated /boot partition? (if sdb1 is /boot)17:40
Guest75337k1l:TheNumb: I've booted from cdrom, it doesn't show my hard disk at all17:40
k1l_Guest75337: see my other questions: what sort of install is that?17:40
Guest75337k1l_: not sure to be honest. I'm newbie to ubuntu, I didn't install it, just trying to recover it17:41
TheNumbGuest75337: umount /dev/sdb1 and try mounting /dev/sdb3 instead17:42
Guest75337k1l_ basically I had ubuntu 14.10 and my brother accidentally removed all the kernels so I booted through the ubuntu 14.10 iso file on cd17:42
philwongI always used sudo apt-get restart17:43
philwongor reboot17:43
k1l_!ru | mod17:43
ubottumod: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.17:43
philwongand it worked, why the heck does it not work anymore17:43
Guest75337TheNumb: mount: special device /dev/sdb3 does not exist17:44
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k1l_Guest75337: looks like you got a seperate /boot partition. so unmount sdb1 and mount sdb5 instead17:44
TheNumberr /dev/sdb517:44
winterchillzphilwong: apt-get is a package manager and has nothing to do with rebooting the system. Using 'sudo shutdown -r now' will reboot your system immediately17:44
mguyphilwong: you used it to restart what? whole computer? a certain process?17:44
philwongthe whol thing17:45
philwongit would reboot17:45
Guest75337k1l:TheNumb: mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'17:45
mguyphilwong: you sure you weren't using sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now :)17:45
philwong100% sure17:45
TheNumbso it's encrypted17:45
k1l_Guest75337: ok, so its a encyrpted install (that explaines why sdb1 is the /boot partition)17:45
Guest75337k1l_: ok, what now?17:46
k1l_Guest75337: but i am not aware of that sort of setup. so i cant help there17:46
Guest75337k1l_: thank you anyway :)17:46
TheNumbGuest75337: try sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb517:47
TheNumbGuest75337: try sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 ubuntu_root17:47
Guest75337TheNumb: did that, it asked the password, I typed that17:49
Guest75337TheNumb: now on the left side of the screen ir shows 996 GB Volume17:49
TheNumbyou should be able to mount the volume now17:50
Guest75337TheNumb: on sbd5?17:50
TheNumbsee if there's /dev/mapper/ubuntu_root17:50
Guest75337TheNumb: how to check that?17:51
TheNumbGuest75337: try mounting it?17:52
TheNumbmount /dev/mapper/ubuntu_root /mnt17:52
Guest75337TheNumb: mount: unknown filesystem type 'LVM2_member'17:52
TheNumbah right17:53
derrzzaaanyone recommend a usb soundcard?17:53
TheNumbGuest75337: just click the icon17:53
TheNumbsee where it gets mounted17:53
TheNumband follow the tutorial from there17:54
k1l_and think of mounting the /boot partition into that17:54
TheNumbthat too17:54
TheNumbAlmost forgot about that one17:54
Guest75337how can I know where it gets mounted?17:55
Guest75337sorry for dumb questions though17:55
TheNumbGuest75337: type in "mount" in the terminal17:55
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TheNumbit should be mounted in /media17:55
Guest75337tons of them popped out17:56
Guest75337but I might thinks it's this one17:57
Guest75337/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root on /media/ubuntu/e1784e0c-eacf-49ed-8873-c0ae2f1a638d type ext4 (rw,nodev,nosuid,uhelper=udisks2)17:57
TheNumbGuest75337: do that now: "cd  /media/ubuntu/e1784e0c-eacf-49ed-8873-c0ae2f1a638d; mount /dev/sdb1 boot"17:57
TheNumbcopy&paste should do ;p17:57
TheNumbGuest75337: now please pastebin the output of "mount".17:58
Guest75337mount: only root can do that17:58
TheNumbas root17:58
TheNumbsudo mount /dev/sdb1 boot17:59
Guest75337mount said everything is already mounted18:01
Guest75337when I entered in root18:01
TheNumbsudo umount /mnt/boot18:02
k1l_told you at the beginning to unmount sdb118:02
TheNumbread the instructions18:02
TheNumbor fix the problem yourself18:02
k1l_Guest75337: if you want your data back you should be more carefull18:02
TheNumbYou've got two choices.18:02
Guest75337it opened a folder after I unmounted the /mnt/boot18:03
TheNumbGuest75337: just to be sure umount /dev/sdb118:04
Guest75337TheNumb: thank you. Which partition now I should use?18:04
TheNumband mount in again while you're inside /media/ubuntu/e1784e0c-eacf-49ed-8873-c0ae2f1a638d18:04
TheNumbGuest75337: can you pastebin "mount" again?18:05
Guest75337there's nothing to pastebin18:05
TheNumbsudo mount18:06
TheNumbor mount -v18:06
TheNumbGuest75337: now: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/ubuntu/e1784e0c-eacf-49ed-8873-c0ae2f1a638d/boot"18:07
TheNumbfollow the tutorial from now on18:08
TheNumbbut remember to substitute /mnt with  /media/ubuntu/e1784e0c-eacf-49ed-8873-c0ae2f1a638d/18:08
ConanDaCimmerianHey, how is it going?18:09
Guest75337from which step should I go now?18:09
TheNumbGuest75337: sudo mount --bind /dev /media/ubuntu/e1784e0c-eacf-49ed-8873-c0ae2f1a638d/dev18:09
TheNumbGuest75337: adjust the remaining commands yourself18:09
Guest75337TheNumb: thank you so much! You're genius!18:09
TheNumbGuest75337: don't leave the channel just yet.18:10
TheNumbGuest75337: any issue?18:13
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tnkhanhhi guyz18:23
* tnkhanh waves hand18:23
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twilerHello, Everyone! I need help installing a program called "namecoin" on my machine. Every time I try to install it, I get errors that are extremely frustrating, so, I am turning to you guys for help! The following website has the directions I've been following, and I'll also pastebin my results.. OK, website:http://namecoin.info/?p=download (click ubuntu at the bottom), an my pastebin results: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10490733/18:33
=== ubuntu is now known as col7
col7I need help with my ubuntu os... it's 14.10.18:33
col7I am unable to even boot it, due to a black screen, which I suspect is from changing the driver to nvidia18:34
col7is there a way to restore system defaults?18:34
winterchillzGuys, does 'chmod' = chown + chgrp?18:35
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winterchillzwait, never mind, my question was retarded18:36
k1l_winterchillz: no, it sets the permissions18:36
winterchillzright, thanks k1l_18:36
demozHello, i am a bit confused with ubuntu's graphic details, right now i see "Gallium 0.4 on AMD SUMO". Under options i see several GPU drivers, and in previous tries i ended up messing the whole system. Could anyone advice me which driver to choose : Right now selected "Using X.Org X server - AMD/ATI...", fglrx proprietary,fglrx-updates (proprietary. Which one is best,and could actually show my GPU info ?18:36
twilerI guess not... I am so sorry guys, I really don't think Ubuntu is for me, since I can't seem to every get anything right. I'm very sorry  I wasted everyone's time here over the last week and a half.. I think I'm gonna have to go back to windows ::sigh:: again, I AM sorry.. Bye everyone..18:38
ConanDaCimmeriantwiler - do you like learning?18:39
col7How can I restore the default Xorg graphics driver on my ubuntu machine, if I really can't get it to boot without a black screen? Alternatively: Is there a method to backup my home folder?18:39
kostkon!patience | twiler18:39
ubottutwiler: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:39
twilerConanDaCimmerian, Yes, I love learning.18:39
ConanDaCimmerianthen why go back to m$?  every question you have is a chance to help someone else down the road...18:40
ConanDaCimmerianI have a stupid question to ask, but im just waiting18:40
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twilerkostkon: I hear what you're saying, or what you're having the bot say.. but I always feel like I just don't get it, and, I'm afraid everyone is gonna think I'm retarded!18:41
ConanDaCimmerianEveryone starts somewhere...18:42
winterchillztwiler: what ConanDaCimmerian said18:42
k1l_twiler: you installed a 14.10 repo on to your 14.04. that is meant to break apart.18:42
ioriatwiler:  why don't you  build itfromsource ?18:42
bekkstwiler: And noone learned everything withing a week and half.18:42
ConanDaCimmerianIt is important to never forget where you came from.18:43
winterchillzUbuntu and Linux can be tricky to get into and breaking it every now and then can happen18:43
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k1l_twiler: so that is the same on windows 8 if you want to install stuff only made for windows9518:43
winterchillzbut don't feel discouraged, with time, everything starts to make sense :)18:43
bekkswinterchillz: The same applies for other OS.18:43
winterchillzbekks: I guess you're right, I'm speaking from personal experience. Or maybe I'm disregarding the fact of how long it took me to get used to Windows since I was very young when I started using a PC18:44
twilerLast time I asked for help installing the eclipse IDE, this guy in here told me I should fu** off cause if  was "too stupid to figure out the terminal, I was too stupid to EVER program an app.."18:44
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ConanDaCimmerianthere are always dicks on the internet18:45
k1l_guys. can we focus on actual support again?18:45
twilerI don't understand what "building it from source" even means18:46
winterchillztwiler: Again,  I second ConanDaCimmerian opinion. Now, let's focus on support again and get that eclipse IDE installed if you still need it ;)18:46
CodmadnessproHow would I setup a proxy server for the ps3? I can't find any tutorials on doing this.18:46
twilerLOL, thanks a lot, winterchillz!18:47
ioriai remember when installed code:block on slackware ... i spent 4 days18:47
demozCodmadnesspro why do you need proxy server for the ps3(playstation 3 right?) if i may ask?18:47
k1l_twiler: did you read the error messages you posted in the pastebin? do you understand them?18:48
CodmadnessproSo i can use hulu18:48
ConanDaCimmerianare there any adverse side effects of addign 'acpi=off apm=off' to the grub default entry?  (This is for a headless server that is randomly dropping from the network)18:49
bekksConanDaCimmerian: Yes, you will not be able to use ACPI features.18:49
ConanDaCimmerianIs that an issue? or I just want a server that doesnt drop off my network lol.  Im not to worried about power management yet18:50
CodmadnessproSince I can't use a vpn on the ps3 I need a proxy server setup18:51
bekksConanDaCimmerian: And do you know its related to ACPI, when it drops networking?18:51
ConanDaCimmerianNot at all18:51
ConanDaCimmerianmy guess is it goes to sleep, but it is headless, so im not 100% sure18:51
bekksConanDaCimmerian: Is it a VPS?18:52
ConanDaCimmeriannope, old standalone machine18:52
bekksConanDaCimmerian: So just take a look at the logs.18:54
ConanDaCimmerianany one in particular? just /var/log/syslog ?18:57
clint_I've a problem - I logged into xubuntu shell and cant see my mouse to logoff and switch shells - cant open terminal either19:01
clint_any way to force boot into gnome shell?19:03
wlodpolmctrl alt backspace?19:04
clint_ctrl alt backspace?19:04
wlodpolmit should log out out of x19:04
EriC^clint_, press ctrl+alt+f1 and type sudo service lightdm restart19:04
EriC^clint_, or sudo service gdm restart19:05
Knight80Hello everyone!19:05
Knight80Good evening from Spain19:05
clint_ok got it...19:06
winterchillzhello Knight80, just fyi19:06
winterchillz!es | Knight8019:06
ubottuKnight80: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.19:06
clint_entered command login and password... now it's waiting...19:06
Knight80winterchillz Thank you, but I can speak English :)19:06
Knight80Is there anyway to get rid of Unity, once I have installed Lxde?19:06
winterchillzAlright :) Just wanted to make sure you're feeling comfortable19:07
bekksKnight80: Just uninstall it.19:07
cfhowlettKnight80, logout.  choose lxde.  login19:07
Knight80winterchillz Thank you very much19:07
Knight80bekks Yes, but... Will my computer stop working without Unity, which is the default desktop environment?19:08
Knight80I'm with Ubuntu 14.1019:08
cfhowlettKnight80, no it will not stop working19:08
Knight80thank you19:09
cfhowlettKnight80, BUT if you truly prefer lxde, consider installing lubuntu19:09
Knight80cfhowlett I will, thanks again19:09
cfhowlettKnight80, happy2help19:09
p1und3rHello, does anyone know how to use initmkramfs and kvm to boot custom kernels in VM on ubuntu?19:12
twilerHey guys, does anyone here use a ps2 emulator that would be willing to walk me through setting it up?19:25
twilerI have downloaded the files, but, sadly I cannot seem to run it!19:26
twilerHello, Mr_Hales, what's up?19:27
Mr_HalesI am thinking about getting a pair of HP Pavilion 23xt's for my kids as a decent, entry-level computer. The problem I am having is that, according to Ubuntu.com, these computers come pre-installed with Ubuntu in some regions of which the United States is apparently not one. This pre-install is evidentally a special mix of Ubuntu developed by HP but I can't locate the image for that version of Ubuntu and HP support is less than he19:27
Mr_Haleslpful. Refers to installing Ubuntu as a downgrade, for instance.19:27
Mr_HalesHi, twiler.19:27
Mr_HalesAnybody know where I might be able to get my hands on the image HP uses for the Pavilion 23?19:27
Mr_HalesI am worried that a vanilla install may not work out of the box, as it were.19:28
cfhowlettMr_Hales, gotta ask HP but the image may not be so exclusively customized19:28
cfhowlettMr_Hales, for instance, I just bought a precision dell m3800 and with UBUNTU oem.  I installed ubuntustudio, added the nvidia driver and everything works fine19:29
twilerLOL, dude, if they come pre-installed with windows 8 (or 8.1), it invovles entering the bios and changing the boot sequence, and altering spmething called the EEFI, which is a pain in the butt!19:29
wlodpolmubuntu works with eufi19:29
twilerWindows 8 uses ASICs to assist it in booting up.19:29
twilerI know that, wlodpolm, I'm running ubuntu on a toshiba windows 8 laptop right now.19:30
ozbrkhi guys I need help with firefox in ubuntu accutaly. My facebook experience is just hell with that browser firefox is really slow even if I tried to disable plugins what should I do ( Google chrome doesn't rendering correctly and opera has the same problem either )19:30
Mr_HalesI don't mind the idea of exploring UEFI. Never done so before but I don't imagine it can be too terribly difficult.19:30
twilerI'm just lettin Mr_Hales know that its' a pain in  the a$$19:30
Mr_HalesWhat's EEFI?19:30
cfhowlettMr_Hales, for sanity sake, spend some time tracking down the ubuntu/linux product manager at HP.19:31
cfhowlett!uefi | Mr_Hales19:31
ubottuMr_Hales: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:31
twilerIt's a windwS 8 THING, dude:19:32
DJonestwiler: UEFI dual boot for me was simple, go into bios, disable secure boot, install Ubuntu alongside windows, nothing else to do19:32
twilerCheck that out, and then you'll understand what I'm talking about!19:32
twilerYeah, Djones, it's not very complicated, it's just a littel bit different than it used to be, is all19:33
wlodpolmi didn't even have to go in my bios of course i immediately made a restore image of win8 then wiped and installed linux19:33
EriC^^twiler, uefi isn't hard or anything, it's just that some manufacturers make it very hard to install non-windows os as the primary os19:33
Mike9863Ubuntu is playing sounds through both my speakers and headphones when I have the headphones plugged in. This just started happening today and I'm not sure why. I tried restarting my computer and it still happens. I have not made any recent changes. Any help?19:34
EriC^^twiler, hp and toshiba have some products that make it harder, afaict19:34
twilerDjones: That's exactly what I was tring to warn Mr_Hanes about, sakme to you , EriC^^19:34
twilersame to you*19:34
tnkhanhhi guys19:34
* tnkhanh waves hand19:34
twilerHey, tnkhanh! sup?19:35
EriC^^twiler, it's still pretty ok19:35
twilerEriC^^: Does this message appear red to you?19:36
twilerOK, that's good. Does this one ,too? EriC^^19:37
winterchillzWhich is the Ubuntu log file that contains the information about failed sudo authentication and users that used 'sudo'? I can't see /var/log/secure on my system19:37
EriC^^winterchillz, auth.log19:38
winterchillzthank you EriC^^19:38
ioriasyslog ?19:38
twilerAwesome, dude, EriC^^, so as long as your screen name appear somewhere in the text, it alerts you! Now we hve to see if it works on multiple people, Tinkanh, and winterchillz! Does this nessaqge appear red to you guys as well.19:39
ikoniatwiler: enough19:39
ikoniatwiler: this channel is not for you to test your IRC client - people use different clients so will see different things,19:39
winterchillzioria: the sudo actions are within auth.log, I failed to see them within syslog, thanks though19:40
twilerikonia: I don't particularly care about that. No one is being bothered by my testing it out, except you, who apparently just sit there and wait for somebody to commit some arbitrary infraction so that you may "scold" or "discipline" them, ok?19:41
ikoniatwiler: please don't do it and there will be no problem. Thanks.19:41
twilerSo, can anyone help me with installing an emulator for PS2?19:42
ikoniayou want to install a PS2 emmulator on ubuntu ?19:42
twilerikonia: Roger that. 10-4.19:42
twilerYeah, ikonia, why>19:42
twilerIs that gonna be difficult?19:42
ikoniathere are a couple in the repos, I know they have various experiences for different people19:43
ikoniaeg: they are game specific how well they work19:43
ikoniahave a look in the package manager and see which ones are availble first19:43
ikoniaI think there are 2 from memory19:43
Mr_HalesFrom what I am seeing, and I could be mistaken, installing Ubuntu actually looks pretty straightforward. Turn off Secure Boot, change boot order I'm sure so I can boot from the install DVD. Turn off FastBoot and SRT and the rest is fairly automagic from what I can see. Has anyone here installed vanilla Ubuntu on any of the HP All-in-Ones lately and could provide further information about gotchas I should be aware of?19:43
csstwiler, I am bothered too by you peace of shit.19:44
twilerOk, ikonia, could you help me install them, or point ne to someone who can?19:44
ikoniacss: that is unacceptable19:44
cfhowlettcss, no need for profanity.  stop.19:44
ikoniacss: pleae do not name call or use bad langage in here19:44
twilercss: what??19:44
ikoniatwiler: ignore him - it won't happen again19:44
ikoniatwiler: open the package manager and search for PS2 - see what packages are offered19:45
Mr_HalesI am actually botherd more about the misspelling of piece.19:45
winterchillzlet's just drop it19:45
twilerHow do you know it won't happen again?19:45
ikoniatwiler: focus on your question please,19:45
ikoniahe's left the channel19:45
twiler I apologize.. I just got my feelings hurt, is all.19:45
twilerLike, why would he say that to me?19:46
TPoJtwiler: PCSX2 but I have never used it http://www.noobslab.com/2013/01/install-ps2-emulator-in-ubuntu.html19:46
ikoniatwiler: ignore it please19:46
twilerWhat did I do to him?19:46
ikoniatwiler: IGNORE IT, some people just want to cause trouble19:46
twilerTPoJ, thanks for the advice19:47
winterchillztwiler: focus on what ikonia & TPoJ are saying19:47
twilerSo, what is the best one?19:47
Mr_HalesI plan on having my kids do all of the installation themselves. It will be a good experience for them and I think it will increase their confidence with computers knowing that, no matter what they do to the system, they can simply reinstall the operating system if it comes to that. Other than the guide on UEFI I am currently reading, is there any advice about HP's version where I might need more specific instructions?19:47
arcskydo you guys use ? https://fixubuntu.com/19:47
ikoniatwiler: personally I don't think any are good19:47
twilerWould you guys recmmend?19:47
ikoniaarcsky: no, not at all19:47
ikoniaarcsky: it's a nonsense website,19:48
twilerWhy not, ikonia?19:48
ikoniatwiler: I think they are poor and have lots of problems and variations depending on games/hardware19:48
EriC^^Mr_Hales, i've no idea about installing on the all-in-ones, but i've an hp laptop and i've seen a few others where after you install ubuntu you will still boot to windows directly, you'll have to press esc and choose boot options and select ubuntu19:48
twileroh ok, well despite that, could you still walk me through installng one?19:49
Mr_HalesI won't be dual-booting. I have religious issues with Microsoft.19:49
ikoniatwiler: a.) check in the package manager b.) read the link you where given19:49
ikoniatwiler: do you know how to use the package manager ?19:49
EriC^^Mr_Hales, the reason is that the bios is hard coded to only boot windows efi files, so what you'll need to do if that happens is rename the grub efi files ( shimx64.efi ) as the windows efi file and delete the entry from the efibootmgr19:49
twilerikonia, I'd greetly appreciate any help you provide me!19:49
EriC^^Mr_Hales, in that case, ignore the above19:49
twilerNo, I don't ikonia19:49
ikoniatwiler: do you know how to use the package manager ?19:49
ikoniatwiler: ok, https://help.ubuntu.com I suggest you read through this and learn the basics of how to use the ubuntu system19:50
ikoniatwiler: that link includes how to use the package manager to install software19:50
twilerikonia, I've never used it before, to the best of my recollection, which, I admit isn't that great!19:50
Mr_HalesSo the renaming info I don't need then, yes?19:50
EriC^^Mr_Hales, if it doesn't boot, which is highly unlikely, it could be cause some uefi need efi/Boot/bootx64.efi to be present, it won't come to that though, i dont think19:50
twilerOK, ikonia ,thanks19:50
Mr_HalesOkay, great. Thanks!19:51
twilerI am reading it right now!19:51
Mr_HalesBye, all.  :-)19:52
twilerDoes it include things like why certain files are "executable" just like in windows, and why certain other ones can only be started by "cd\ "-ing into their directory, followed by ./program_name??19:52
ikoniatwiler: rad it19:52
arcskyikonia: what is that about?19:52
twilerLater on, Mr_Hales!19:53
ikoniaarcsky: it's nonsense19:53
twilerYes, ikonia, what is that crap about restoring your privacy no arcsky's post?19:53
ikoniatwiler: read the link I've given you19:54
arcskyikonia: hehe ok19:54
ikoniatwiler: ignore the stupid link19:54
twilerI don't want peeple being able to spy on me!19:54
ikoniatwiler: they can't19:54
twilerOK, but, ikonia, how do you know that it's bull$hit?19:54
ikoniatwiler: tone down the languge, there is no need for it19:55
bazhang!ot | twiler19:55
ubottutwiler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:55
bazhangtwiler, stick to the topic, stop cursing19:55
ikoniatwiler: the link is nonsnse, if you believe the link - thats up to you19:55
twilerOops, I apologize!19:55
twilerOK, thankas a ;pt for the variable cornicopia of infohatr uou hgave provided me with!19:56
twilerOK,, ikonia!19:57
twilerThanks a lot, buddy!19:58
locolocoHi all!19:58
twilerI'mj sorry for snapping at you earlier, too, ikonuia!19:58
twilerI feel badly about it, ikonia.19:58
bazhangtwiler, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here19:58
mcaustin1Can someone help me?19:59
EriC^^mcaustin1, with?19:59
mcaustin1Im trying to install Ubuntu onto a toshiba laptop and it wont install19:59
mcaustin1I click install and the screen just goes dark20:00
EriC^^mcaustin1, did you checksum the iso?20:00
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:01
twilerikonia: Do you forgive me? bazhang: it is ok to apologize to someone here, dude it's totally appropriate to do so, and doesn't / shouldn't  warrant an invitation to an entirely different room just to say "Im sorry", dude, ok? And, while I'm at it, you need to chill out and stop being so strict about whether or not something qualifies as a "social conversation", dude, ok? Jut chill out, and relax a little bit, boss, I'm not hurting anyone20:04
twiler or anything here.20:04
mcaustin1EriC^^, I checked and the checksum thing is the same20:10
EriC^^mcaustin1, you could try booting using nomodeset , who knows20:11
=== kde is now known as Guest75492
mcaustin1EriC^^, I dont know much about this can you private message me and help me20:12
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:12
bazhangmcaustin1, ^20:13
EriC^^mcaustin1, hold shift when the pc boots and if you get a screen with a menu press f6 and choose nomodeset , if you get a purple screen called grub follow the above ^20:13
mcaustin1EriC^^, when I boot up it is just a black and white screen with 4 options, Try Ubuntu, Install Ubuntu, OEM Install, and check Disk20:18
EriC^^mcaustin1, try pressing f620:19
mcaustin1@EriC^^, It does nothing20:19
EriC^^is there anything at the bottom?20:20
ThmsI have an ubuntu instance running on a Hyper-V server. So far everything works. I resize the VHD from 10 to 30Gb, but df -h still shows 10Gb.20:20
ThmsIs that an ubuntu issue, or Hyper-V ?20:20
locolocoIs there a way to SSH to an Ubuntu box using only one IP - whether local or remotely?  When local, I access with user@192.168.*.*.  Remotely, I access it with user@69.87.*.*.  How to access with only IP?20:20
ikonialocoloco: you can't20:21
ikoniathey are two different networks20:21
locolocoikonia: I figured as much. No way of piping the local IP to a public IP or something like that?20:22
ikonialocoloco: thats 2 different IP's then20:22
meganerdlocoloco: not easily20:23
meganerdlocoloco: why does it matter?20:23
locolocoikonia: How about trying to get to the public IP when I'm on a local network?20:23
bigbrovar hi guys.. am trying to setup ACL for my openldap installation but am having some problems ..  I would like some ldap users to be have write entries on everything under a specified ou however when I try to make modification as said user in this case dhcpuser and pykotaadmin  I get an error saying insufficient access to parent20:23
ikonialocoloco: if you can route to it fine, but I suspect this is a home setup, so you won't be able to20:24
mcaustin1EriC^^, It does nothing20:24
bigbrovarhere is my olcAccess.ldiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/10484117/20:24
locolocomeganerd: lazy, I guess. Simply trying to find a way to access the share using only one IP.20:24
meganerdlocoloco: that would be outside the network, the router may or (usually) has issues routing that back in.  NAT is ugly20:24
EriC^^mcaustin1, is there any info at the bottom of the screen? try pressing esc too20:24
meganerdlocoloco: I use DNS.  I also use IPv6 so there is only 1 IP20:25
meganerdlocoloco: have a look at sixxs.net20:25
locolocomeganerd: sixxs.net, okay, I'll take a look. Thanks!20:26
laskolocoloco: You could write a script t (or bash function) o check your NIC to see if you are located on the same network and if so to SSH to the RFC1918 space address, or if not then to use the external address.20:26
=== JeDaYoshi_ is now known as Guest12174
meganerdlocoloco: unless your ISP has IPv6 natively.  You would want to use that instead20:26
NBhostingpython django20:26
mcaustin1EriC^^, It says just move the arrow keys to change which entry is highlighted and also it says press enter to boot the selected OS then it has two things about e to edit the command and c for command line then press esc to return to previous menu20:27
laskoIt wouldn't be pretty but it could work for what you want... or just use IPv6 as suggested. either Sixxs or Hurricane Electric can do that for you.20:27
locolocomeganard: IPv6 is out, sadly. Thanks though!20:27
meganerdlocoloco: if this is for ssh, just create entries in your ~/.ssh/config, one for host-local and host-remote, then you just type "ssh host-local" or "ssh host-remote"20:27
EriC^^mcaustin1, ok, press e and go to the line with Linux vmlinuz ... quiet splash , and add nomodeset at the end20:28
locolocolasko: great suggestion! Thanks!20:28
EriC^^mcaustin1, then press ctrl+x20:28
=== ideopathic_ is now known as ideopathic
ThePendulumOn a server, I have a few directories with user-uploaded content. How can I prevent users from executing PHP (etc.) files in the scenario they managed to upload one?20:29
mcaustin1Ok the screen just went black again, EriC^^20:29
laskolocoloco: no problem. If you need help let me know. I might be able to provide some assistance20:29
EriC^^mcaustin1, did you press try ubuntu before?20:30
locolocomeganerd: I figured I could edit entries to make the connections more easily accessed but pref wanted to find a way to access it with just one IP (regardless of location).20:30
EriC^^mcaustin1, ok, did you edit try ubuntu right now?20:30
EriC^^mcaustin1, btw does try ubuntu usually work?20:31
mcaustin1EriC^^, nope20:31
EriC^^mcaustin1, did you disable fastboot?20:34
EriC^^and disable secureboot?20:34
mcaustin1I disabled secureboot20:34
mcaustin1Not fastboot20:34
twilerHere is my issue, gentlemen: I don't know where to go, or how to insall eithe of the two playstation emulators; I have downloaded and extracted pcx2-1.2.2 but, after that is done, and I enter the folder, and double click the icon for pcsx2 ,nothing happens at qalll, and yes, I have checked the box that says allow this file to be executed as a progam or whaever it says; (I may not be repeating it verbatim, is all I mean..) So, coule someo20:35
twilerne help me out here? Thanks in advanc3, even if you just took the time to read this!!20:35
EriC^^mcaustin1, do you have fastboot?20:35
mcaustin1EriC^^, I dont know20:35
EriC^^mcaustin1, check your bios, turn it off if you find it20:36
laskolocoloco: no problem. If you need help let me know. I might be able to provide some assistance20:36
laskostupid uparrows lol20:36
OpenTokixSunday - 21:36 - ipmi not working, - Datacenter - wonderful20:37
mcaustin1Turn fastboot off you said? EriC^^20:37
EriC^^mcaustin1, correct20:37
mcaustin1EriC^^, It was already disabled but I'll disable it again20:37
EriC^^mcaustin1, wait,20:37
EriC^^mcaustin1, try to enable secure boot20:38
mcaustin1EriC^^, ok20:38
OerHekstwiler, normally you would browse in terminal to that location and execute it, or use the pcsx2 ppa > https://launchpad.net/~gregory-hainaut/+archive/ubuntu/pcsx2.official.ppa20:38
mcaustin1EriC^^, Didnt even boot to the usb just a boot failure20:39
twilerOK OerHeks, so what do I type to execute it? ./Program20:40
OerHekstwiler, i don't know, depends on that the startprogram is, a .py script, .sh shell script?20:40
laskochmod +x Program && ./Program20:41
game0I have installed ubuntu server, and I'm facing a problem is how to set the DNS for local use?20:42
game0can someone share me, what he knows?20:42
dsyntaxgame0, do you have BIND installed and running?20:43
game0I think I have install it20:44
bekksgame0: Just use dnsmasq20:44
bekksYou dont need bind for local usage.20:44
game0can you tell me the steps?20:44
dsyntaxi was gonna say if its local only i'd just edit /etc/hosts XD20:44
game0cause I'm new20:44
EriC^^mcaustin1, how did you make the usb?20:44
mcaustin1EriC^^, Downloaded the ISO from Ubuntu then burned it to my USB20:45
laskogame0: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Dnsmasq20:45
EriC^^mcaustin1, using unetbootin ?20:45
EriC^^mcaustin1, lili?20:46
mcaustin1EriC^^, No20:46
laskogame0: That link will describe to you how to setup a local DNS cache server using dnsmasq20:46
game0cause I'm getting in some program domain_name is required20:46
mcaustin1EriC^^, Should I use it?20:46
meganerdlocoloco: really the way to solve this is either with IPv6 or DNS (well DNS makes IPv6 so much nicer to work with).  With DNS you want to look at split horizon.20:46
game0what does that mean?20:46
EriC^^mcaustin1, lili is good20:46
mcaustin1EriC^^, Ok20:47
laskogame0: It means its looking for a domain name (FQDN) os some kind I would imagine.20:47
game0does it need dnsmasq?20:48
game0lasko: or it can solved20:48
laskogame0: What program are you running thats giving you that message?20:48
game0alfresco ECM20:49
game0lasko: I'm trying to test the script on ubuntu20:50
laskogame0: I've never used it but based on the parameters in the README -- domain_name is is a required value to install. So its looking for a FQDN. Put one in and it'll work.20:50
laskoDoes your server have a FQDN? or are you doing everything by IP?20:51
game0lasko: whats FQDN?20:51
arveniusfqdn said.20:51
laskoYou might be able to hack it by just putting an entry into /etc/hosts to resolve that IP to a nonexistant domain.  FQDN (fully qualified domain name)20:51
daytengame0: you need to pass domain_name to class alfresco20:51
game0OK, I'm confused a little20:52
game0can you tell me in very clear way20:52
daytenyou get this error from puppet ?20:53
game0sorry in a very clear way20:53
game0when I run ./install.sh20:53
game0it gives me domain_name is required20:53
game0so I don't know what does that mean20:53
dayteni'm reading for code, to help you20:54
game0cause this is the first time that I have worked with linux as servers, I passed the exam on EDX20:54
game0and I took the certificate20:54
daytenok, you need to install puppet on your server ?20:55
game0dayten :I eneed to install this puppet on my server and test it there20:57
daytengame0: try to set domainname with `domainname $mydomainname`20:57
twilerOerHeks: I have a launch_pcsx2_linux.sh, is that what we're looking for.20:57
game0dayten still the same problem20:59
daytengame0: when you run install.sh, can you set 1 parameter ?20:59
supsuphi i just installed ubuntu, in sound settings it lists my sound card and it acts like it is playing music, but no sound is coming out21:00
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game0OK, it worked21:00
ThePendulumsupsup: have you tried the other options, if there are any?21:01
game0dayten: OK, it worked21:01
supsupThePendulum only other options are my nvidia graphics card21:01
game0thanks, when I pressed one it worked, cause it's showing me here I letter21:01
daytenwhen nothin is helping, read documentation )21:01
game0OK, tell me I have a laptop and I need to access the application from my laptop21:02
game0on the same network21:02
game0how can I configure that ?21:02
laskoIs the application a commandline app, web service, or something else?21:04
supsupSorry I crashed if anyone said anything about my sound issue21:05
supsupin sound settings there is Profile settings, does it matter which one I choose?  I'm choosing Digital Stereo.21:06
daytensupsup: open terminal and run speaker-test21:06
NikeshI installed ubuntu on my chromebook. Where would Print Screen be mapped to?21:06
supsupdayten:  nothing happens21:06
supsupi mean it's doing the test21:07
supsupbut i don't hear anything21:07
daytenwithout errors?21:07
supsupdayte: 021:07
daytendo you see your card in aplay -l output?21:08
daytendid your check volume, mute switcher ?21:08
supsupdayten:  it seems like it is even working I can see the sound moving in the System sounds, but i hear nothing21:08
daytensupsup: is connection sound card <-> speakers/headphones correct ?21:10
nopingcan't get ping working between Ubuntu PC and MacBook. both hooked up to same router.21:10
supsupi think so21:10
daytennoping: can you ping other hosts ?21:11
supsupwhat latency offset should be?21:11
nopingdayten: yes. the MacBook can ping gnu.org, for example21:11
supsupnm i got it to work i had to choose Analog Stero Output21:11
nopingI'll try the ubuntu machine now21:11
daytensupsup: good )21:12
supsupwhy does digital not work?21:12
daytennoping: is there any rules in sudo iptables-save output ?21:12
ThePendulumDoes anyone know how to disallow, say, PHP files from being executed in a directory, but allowing files to be viewed/read?21:12
supsupthanks dayten21:13
daytensupsup: connection between card and speaker digital ?21:13
SchrodingersScat!permissions | ThePendulum21:13
ubottuThePendulum: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:13
supsupi thought it was all digital21:14
ThePendulumSchrodingersScat: I'm aware of those, but apparently it's not nearly that simple21:15
ThePendulumWhenever I disable execution, the directories can't be accessed all together21:16
SchrodingersScatThePendulum: are you changing it for the files?21:16
ThePendulumI'm not sure how to set -x for files within a directory, even ones that don't exist yet, but not for the directory itself21:16
ThePendulumSchrodingersScat: I want to change it for any file that will exist within a directory21:17
ztaneanyone know how can I enable GTK menu icons (actually Eclipse) on 14.10, Unity21:21
ikoniagtk menu icons ?21:23
j1398Hi, does anyone know some software which can automatically paste negative text over an image? like black text on white background and White on black background. Example image: http://i.imgur.com/kYgiS6V.jpg21:23
ztanewonder if menuproxy is at fault21:24
Slartj1398: any question regarding images that starts with "is there some kind of software that can do..." ususally ends up with the answer... imagemagick =)21:24
Slartj1398: it's a bit of a learning curve but there is little it can't do when it comes to images21:25
j1398So it's a better choice than gimp?21:30
Slartj1398: different goals.. imagemagick is a console app.. Gimp can do it as well but for something like putting a watermark on thousands of images or automatic handling of stuff for a webserver imagemagick might be better21:31
Slartj1398: this link, http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/annotating/ , has some info on adding text to images .. see if it suits your purposes21:32
ztaneikonia: https://ask.fedoraproject.org/en/question/23116/how-to-fix-missing-icons-in-program-menus-and-context-menus/ <- the first answer does what I wanted (along with UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0)21:33
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ma11When I use OpenVPN with Ubuntu my IPv6 address is exposed. (this doesn't happen with Windows e,g.) Any chance to stop this from happening? (d-lite connection)21:35
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ikoniama11: exposed where ?21:38
j1398hmm can't manage to do it..21:39
ma11ikonia: services that support ipv6 communicate with my local ipv6 address. When I open a site that shows my external IPv4 and IPv6 it shows the IPv4 from OpenVPN and local IPv621:41
ikoniama11: what sort of site ?21:41
ikoniama11: you need to be specific as you're not making much sense until you do21:41
laskoma11: Its likely that youen instance of OpenVPN doesn't have IPv6 support configured properly in which case your IPv6 traffic wont go across the tunnel.21:42
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ma11ikonia: a site that shows your external IP addresses, like this one http://ip6tools.com/check_client.php21:43
laskoma11: Do you have "proto udp6" setup in the configurations on both sides of the tunnel?21:44
Deithrianwhy /media/sf_%1 doesn't work in a config file for /media/sf_sharedfolder ?21:44
ma11lasko: thank you. Do you know how I can disable IPv6 altogether? I'm afraid my provider IPv6 will still show, regardless openvpn settings21:44
ikoniama11: so there are many reasons for this, 1.) you are not routing traffic down the VPN for the browser 2.) your openvpn setup is wrong so it's tunneling the internal IPv6 over ipv4,21:45
ikoniathose are the most likley21:45
laskoma11: pastebin.com/ix805vMR21:45
laskoma11: http://pastebin.com/ix805vMR21:46
ma11thank you lasko and ikonia21:46
laskoma11: make those changes in your sysctl.conf21:46
laskothen you'll need to reboot or sudo sysctl -p21:46
laskoHonestly though, I would suggest just fixing your OpenVPN configuration because thats what it sounds like the problem is.21:47
ma11lasko: this might disconnect me from the internet altogether, since I only get a IPv6 address from my provider. IPv4 is carrier grade NAT21:47
azi`lasko: is your nickname related to the beer?21:48
laskoazi`: Indeed it is. Good eye21:48
laskoma11: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/IPv6 --- Go there and make sure you have everything configured properly. That'll resolve the issue you are having (more than likely)21:49
ma11lasko: thank you21:49
laskoazi`: Actually my name comes from two things.. I like Lasko beer, and I also am a fan of Lasko the Fan company lol21:49
azi`lasko: haha21:50
* lasko is away for a bit21:51
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:54
bindiGreetings, I have a raid0 volume (3x60GB) on ICH10R (fakeraid). Can I shrink the NTFS partition on it (180GB) without dismantling and re-doing the raid? gparted/diskgmt.msc/intel raid bios wont let me do that22:04
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bekksbindi: Then the answer is "no".22:06
laskoObjection over ruled.22:07
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sazawalWhat would be the best channel to ask for data recovery from a dead hard disk?22:14
bekkssazawal: Thats not to be done in IRC, but by a professional service, like OnTrack, rtc.22:15
sazawalI want to try it myself, I will take full responsibility. I am trying to use TestDisk for that22:16
daftykinssazawal: what happened?22:16
daftykinsbad sectors?22:16
k1lsazawal: first make a iso and than work on the iso22:17
sazawalI had an external hard disk of 500 gb22:17
baheerI would like to run .run file but when I double click or running from the terminla22:17
k1llike dd_rescue etc.22:17
baheernothing appears22:17
sazawaland its not visible on laptop now22:17
sazawalI have allso tried on windows but its not visible22:17
daftykinsbaheer: what is it? if it's nvidia graphics drivers you're not really doing it the best way22:17
baheerNo it is Yawl22:18
baheerI need to install YAWL22:18
daftykinsnever heard of that22:18
sazawalThe power unit of the hard disk is fine, as a person repairing computers told me. He removed my disk and placed a different disk to check the power unit, and it was working.22:19
compdocsazawal, the only way to know if your disk is good is by reading SMART22:20
k1lsazawal: so the disk doesnt even spin? like hardware failure?22:20
sazawalcompdoc, from the application Disks?22:20
compdocsazawal, the gnome disk utility. you can search just: disk utility22:21
baheerdoes anyone can help me with YAWL installation on Ubuntu22:21
sazawalkll, yes i can feel the vibration of the spinning disk22:21
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compdocsazawal, you dont need to run any SMART tests, just look for errors22:21
sazawalcompdoc, its not visible in the disk utility22:22
compdocsazawal, oh, is it external?22:22
daftykinssazawal: run "dmesg | tail" in a terminal, plug the drive in, then run it again22:22
sazawalcompdoc, yes it is external22:22
daftykinsshould report seeing something if it's alive22:22
compdocI missed that part22:22
JoadrHello guys.. I've got dual boot.. windows7 and ubuntu.. I installed windows before of course... now.. my windows partition got a virus, a real anoying one.. the AV cannot delete it so I want to format and reinstall windows... Is there a way of doing this without formatting the ubuntu one as well?22:23
sazawaldaftykins, all i know is that the disk is spinning and the power systems are alight22:23
JoadrI mean.. the boot will be changed when windows install am I right?22:23
OerHeksbaheer, i read that YAWL needs java 6? that is old ..  http://yaug.org/node/2122:23
daftykinsJoadr: yes22:23
k1lJoadr: reinstall grub after you are done with the windows install22:24
baheerSo it means that I have to downgrade to 622:24
daftykins!grub | Joadr read the link in here22:24
ubottuJoadr read the link in here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:24
k1lJoadr: the windows bootmanager doesnt show other OSs, so reinstall grub22:24
JoadrThank you both :D!22:24
BlitzHereMy time indicator applet disappeared. I googled about a bit but I haven't managed to fix it. Can anyone help? Ubuntu 14.1022:32
OerHeksbaheer, open terminal, cd /to/the/path/ & start the .run file, carefull, you need java 6 first.22:32
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philwongI am trying to install propeierity drivers but it keeps saying "no propierity drivers found"22:35
OerHeksphilwong, for what device?22:36
baheerHow can I install Java 622:36
OerHeksbaheer, openJDK 6 is available, oracle java 6 is gone22:36
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:37
OerHeksphilwong, for what nvidia card? open terminal:  lspci | grep VGA22:37
BlitzHereNm, I just reinstalled indicator-datetime and ran killall unity-panel-service and it works now22:38
baheerI installed OpenJDK java 6 Runtime22:38
tewardis there a way to use pepper flash in Firefox?  I can't seem to find the instructions for it if there is22:38
teward(pepper flash from Chrome, or from the repos)22:39
kostkonteward, look it up on webupd8.org22:39
philwong00:0f.0 VGA compatible controller: VMware SVGA II Adapter22:39
baheerI can't open the YAWL.run file yet,22:39
OerHeksoh vmware, i don't know about that22:40
baheerDo I still need any configuration,22:41
baheere.g Classpath or making some links22:41
k1lphilwong: you know that is a virtual machine?22:42
philwongso this may not be a driver issue22:43
OerHeksbaheer, seen the url with installation help ?22:43
k1lphilwong: i dont know if or where vmware ships drivers like vbox does22:43
philwongIts apparantly very popular22:44
philwongI dont mind using virtual box]22:44
philwongDoes virtual box run good? any lag?22:44
OerHeks"any lag" ? one way to find out: try it yourself philwong22:45
philwongOerHeks: well ok I just wanted to know if someone had experienced any, if they did then I would not bother22:46
OerHeksphilwong, that depends on the hardware, i guess, unanswerable question22:46
laskonoob23: Hello22:52
noob23Having trouble getting audio to work in Flash on my computer, my ALSA info can be found here: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=3d3778e5e373d2070d10762161ffc5f64565c46722:53
laskoDoes your audio work using something other than Flash?22:53
VolUTFanany idea how I can switch from gui to terminal in ubuntu running inside of vbox?  Usually its ctrl-alt F122:54
noob23Yes, but I think I also can't have any audio going thru headphones22:54
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noob23system sounds work and sounds in Pidgin are working22:54
k1lVolUTFan: use right ctrl key22:55
k1llike right_control+f122:55
VolUTFanlet me give that a shot22:56
Giwrgarashi, ive tgot a resolution problem ion my second screen22:56
Giwrgarasive got an ATI video card22:56
Giwrgarasany idea how to correct this?22:57
laskoVolUTFan: Alternatively you could go into Virtualbox Preferences -> Input and tick the Autocapture Keyboard which should allow you to use the Ctrl-Alt F122:57
Vbazhi i want to create an iso , based on ubuntu and just add some dependencies -for dev ...- to it also i want to mode FireFox-Simply adding some Plugins- and use it as a live usb ! , is it possible ? i'm a newbie so , is it possible to do by me ?22:59
laskonoob23: One sec let me re-read what you said. Maybe i can help22:59
VolUTFanlasko, I don't see that option in vbox imput preferences23:00
laskoVolUTFan: Whats the Host OS?23:00
VolUTFanits version 4.3.1823:00
VolUTFanodd thing is, I remember seeing that mention to hit the right control to release the control of the vm23:01
laskoHmm, not sure then. They may have changed it recently I dunno. Been a while since I've used Vbox but I remember that being an option somewhere23:01
VolUTFanill keep looking for it23:03
winterchillzVolUTFan: Sorry, didn't follow the conversation; Did you try the Host key + F1 | lasko23:03
VolUTFanwinterchillz:  yes23:04
winterchillzI see. Sorry23:04
laskonoob23: if you open a terminal and type alsamixer do you see proper volume levels for the selected sound card?23:05
laskoVolUTFan: Have you installed the guest additions services?23:06
laskoI think thats what its called.23:07
VolUTFani thought I did.  I was in the iso, and ran the command, and it looked like it did.  Problem I am having is a botched upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10, and I am having to go to the command line to try and correct it23:07
VolUTFanwhen I log in right now in X, i have no control over the screen, top menu bars missing, can't type in konsole, etc23:08
AudaxNovusI just can not get sendmail to sto23:08
AudaxNovusI've tried sudo service sendmail stop23:08
AudaxNovussudo /etc/init.d/sendmail stop23:08
laskoyou could just go into a terminal and   sudo service gdm stop   ?23:09
laskoreplacing whatever manager you use.23:09
AudaxNovusIt's conflicting with postfix and I want it GONE23:09
AudaxNovusI've even tried apt-get purge'ing it23:10
daftykinswhat makes you say it's still running? :)23:10
AudaxNovussudo service --status-all23:10
laskoVolUTFan: Or just reboot the machine and boot into textmode23:10
VolUTFanlasko, I found the autocapture keyboard and it was already ticked23:10
lasko!text VolUTFan23:11
daftykinsAudaxNovus: have you confirmed via PID?23:11
daftykinsor log23:11
AudaxNovusdafty how might I go about doing either of those things23:11
VolUTFanwas a link supposed to pop up from the !text command?23:11
daftykinsAudaxNovus: "ps -ef"23:11
AudaxNovusOkay one sec23:12
laskoOne sec23:12
daftykinsthrow it in a pastebin23:12
laskoVolUTFan: I'll find it23:12
daftykinsor run "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "ps -ef | pastebinit"23:12
VolUTFanis there a key i can press during boot to force it into text mode?23:12
daftykinsyes left shift23:13
k1lVolUTFan: add the text parameter in grub23:13
laskoVolUTFan: Right well I can't find the link but just reboot and change the boot line in grub to have "text" (without quotes" at the end23:13
daftykinsthen edit the boot line to read 'text' next to 'quite splash'23:13
k1l!text | VolUTFan23:13
ubottuVolUTFan: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:13
daftykinsooh factoid \o/23:13
laskok1l: Thank you. I forgot the |23:13
lotuspsychjeis there a trick/package to print in another color when black is out on ubuntu?23:14
VolUTFanthanks lasko let me try that23:14
laskoVolUTFan: no problem.23:14
daftykinsAudaxNovus: so i see postfix but no sendmail23:15
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AudaxNovusBecause when I do sudo postfix start23:18
AudaxNovusIt gives me an error23:18
AudaxNovusAnd according to AskUbuntu daftykins it's because sendmail is running23:18
daftykinsyou mean 'sudo service postfix start' ?23:19
AudaxNovusNoo, postfix actually has a command23:19
daftykinscan we see a pastebin of the error?23:19
AudaxNovusI've tried that too and it says it starts but when I do the postfix one it says it doesn't23:19
daftykinsok well this is where system logs come in handy23:20
daftykinsis it fair to say you're new to server admin?23:20
VolUTFani think my vm is completely botched up lol.  good thing its just a test box, and that I have a snapshot23:20
VolUTFantext mode didn't work.23:20
daftykinsdefine didn't work?23:20
VolUTFanoh well, could be worse23:20
daftykinsthat's true, when VMs start tying your shoelaces together, that's when it's time to be worried.23:22
winterchillzdaftykins: lmao23:23
noob23I am running the alsamixer23:24
mauihi guys, wuick question, how can i make a live-usb of my own current linux system (runnin 12.04) thanks23:27
noob23I see the channels, I try to turn on the soundcard23:28
noob23I can't seem to get any sound23:28
Bashing-om!aptoncd | mau : maybe::23:29
NegativeFlaremaui: not really possible23:29
ubottumau : maybe::: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline23:29
noob23ran alsamixer, chosen the internal soundcard, trying to get it turned on23:29
noob23how do I disable automute?23:30
lotuspsychje!sound | noob2323:30
ubottunoob23: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:30
mauiNegativeFlare, well, I read it is possible, there are various ways, systemback, linux-livecd-kit, etc. just wanted to know which one is best according to you or if there is an easier way... thanks23:31
lotuspsychjemaui: you want to build an unattended livecd with your own preferences?23:32
NegativeFlareWell its beyond me then.23:32
mauilotuspsychje, call it like that if you want, but i want to do it for me, yeah23:32
lotuspsychjemaui: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization23:34
daftykinsseems like a fruitless exercise to me23:34
lotuspsychjesomeone knows howto run a gksu firefox session with the guest user from the current user?23:36
daftykinsas in to rule out profile?23:37
lotuspsychjedaftykins: no, i want to obtain the same sux does23:37
mauilotuspsychje, not what i thought of cuz that does not make an iso-live out of my current running system23:37
Giwrgarashow can i fix the resolution on my second tv screen? is it possible that it is a graphics card problem? it doesnt have the right resolution23:37
daftykinsthe same what?23:37
lotuspsychje!info sux precise | daftykins23:37
ubottudaftykins: sux (source: sux): wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-6 (precise), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB23:38
lotuspsychjedaftykins: but it has been removed from trusty, it can su X programs from any user to any user23:38
lotuspsychjedaftykins: i had to sux firefox username to run a session of the other user23:39
lotuspsychjedaftykins: i know gksu can do the same but forgot command23:39
dekonhello,  cannot edit connection trough nm-applet is greyed out in ubuntu 12.04, can you help please?23:40
lotuspsychjeGiwrgaras: are your grafix drivers installed?23:40
AudaxNovusBecause I'm that guy. :')23:40
shurtagulHello. How do I stream a local video to a friend using vlc 2.2?23:40
daftykinslotuspsychje: ah no idea sorry23:40
lotuspsychjedaftykins: tnx anyway :p23:41
laskoshurtagul: VLCs documentation shows you how to use vlc as a streaming server.23:42
shurtagullasko, thanks Ill check into it..23:42
Giwrgaraslotuspsychje: i have from the repository i just used the sudo update-upgrade command23:42
Giwrgarasso yes i suppose23:42
laskoshurtagul: https://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/23:42
lotuspsychjeGiwrgaras: can you still doublecheck additional drivers icon?23:42
=== corey84_ is now known as Corey84
Giwrgaraswhere is that23:43
lotuspsychjeGiwrgaras: the hardware icon from start button23:43
Paul2hi, what's the current best way to make a bootable USB stick from Windows, particularly with a writeable partitions/ability to save to the USB stick once booted from it23:43
Giwrgarasi see the ati x.org driver23:44
Giwrgarasand it is unchecked23:44
mauiso nobody has a clue?23:44
daftykinsPaul2: universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com23:44
lotuspsychjeGiwrgaras: you can try to switch and reboot23:44
daftykinsPaul2: or from the same site, grab YUMI then you can load multiple ISOs onto the same drive :)23:45
Paul2daftykins: oh yumi sounds interesting not heard of that, thanks!23:45
lotuspsychjePaul2: or multisystem is also something like yumi23:45
Giwrgaraslotuspsychje: yes, i tried also the xrandr addmode solution but failed. hope this works23:45
lotuspsychjeGiwrgaras: you can try xrandr --auto also23:46
shurtagullasko, That documentation is outdated.23:46
Paul2daftykins: looks like yumi doesn't have the step 4 persistant storage option (from the screenshots)23:46
laskoshurtagul: lol you are right. Sorry It was in my bookmarks. Let me pull up their more recent docs23:46
lotuspsychjeshurtagul: apt-cache search strem23:46
daftykinsPaul2: ah you want that?23:47
daftykinsPaul2: oh i should've read your full question, doh23:47
Paul2Yeah, I want to be able to boot into it, get packages, make changes etc and it to survive a reboot23:47
buntugnu/linux rocks!23:47
laskoshurtagul: https://wiki.videolan.org/Documentation:Streaming_HowTo/ there you go23:47
daftykinsPaul2: i think you can do that manually23:47
daftykinsi'm no persistent expert though :D23:47
shurtagullasers, Thanks!23:47
laskoshurtagul: And now I can update my bookmark lol23:47
shurtagullasko, oops wrong person23:48
daftykinslol lasers23:48
Paul2daftykins: ok well thanks23:48
daftykinslasko: please don't shoot those things at me23:48
laskolol anyways, I'll be afk for a bit. Baby just woke up and isn't happy.23:48
* lasko is away for 2023:48
bindihey, so i decided to get rid of fakeraid and i changed my bios disk mode to AHCI23:50
bindinow i have /dev/sda, sdb, sdc 3x55GB23:50
bindiand on top of that, a /dev/mapper that is 167GB.. remnants of the fakeraid. how do i get rid of it/23:50
lotuspsychje!raid | bindi23:51
ubottubindi: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto23:51
bindiCan't have a partition outside the disk!23:51
bindigparted telling me this..23:51
nemaonahelp, I'm new to ubuntu and linux. How can I make it show russian letters in terminal. Now it shows only some weird characters.23:52
bindilotuspsychje: this doesnt really help23:52
bindiThe GUI partitioner will duplicate the partition listings on the base array, these need to be set "unused" during the install.23:53
bindithis is from like 7 years ago23:53
yartnemaona: did you set up unicode characters properly?23:53
nemaona:( I don't know, can you please tell me some keywords so I can google properly23:53
nemaonaI used this: locale-gen en_US.UTF-823:54
bindialright. i fixed it, with sudo dmraid -rE23:54
nemaonaor something similar I tried locale-gen UTF8_ru23:55
intraderAnyone, question about xchat - is in possible to only display my own thread?23:57
intraderAnyone, question about xchat - is it possible to only display my own thread?23:57
k1lwhat do you mean by "own thread"?23:57
shurtagulHe probably means channel.23:58
shurtagulI dunno23:58
buntuU mean like a chat between u and another person?23:58
intraderkll, showing only my questions and answers23:58
yartnemaona: do other applications show russian characters23:59
k1lintrader: you can remove the join and part messages if you rightclick the channel name in the channel list on the left23:59
aumhow do I insert all the elements of array x at the start of array y?23:59

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