
Demon_JesterHey guys I am back, This hasn't bothered me but I am in search of a solution. Yesterday I tried sudo reboot, and sudo shutdown -r, and both just boot my pc with flashing _ and the only solution I have to turn off the pc complete and turn it back on, is there a command that does same thing?02:01
Demon_Jesteryeah when it boots back up there is black background with flashing cursor "_" in the quotes.02:05
Demon_JesterI could be wrong I will try again.02:05
uzvermodewin 306:30
dane111anyone able to help me install xubuntu and answer a few questions please?11:16
klopsi-u3i am here to help but dont know much11:17
dane111more then me hopefully11:17
dane111i've got an empty drive that i want to install on, if I just choose that drive to install to, will whatever partitions I need be created automatically or do I need to do it myself?11:18
klopsi-u3google says "you can make a new partition"11:19
klopsi-u3do you want to dual boot windows and xubuntu?11:19
dane111ok, and do you know if more is involved if im installing on a uefi system instead of bios?11:20
dane111well i've windows installed already, but i'm on going through bios setup and then change boot order when I want to use xubuntu, as i won't be using it that often11:21
dane111but im planning on*11:21
klopsi-u3ah so xubuntu gets its own drive?11:21
dane111yes, but i'd also like to make partitions on that drive, to store system independent files. ie music videos etc.11:22
dane111so i could  access a music library etc no matter what os Im in.11:22
klopsi-u3yes good plan, unfortunately i have no efi experience (running with compatibility module here)11:23
dane111think i'll just dive in and give it a shot ;)11:23
dane111disconnect windows drives, so worst case I just wipe the linux hard drive and start again. and again.. ad nauseum11:24
dane111but yeah I wasn't sure if xubuntu makes its own partitions for boot, /, swap etc or whether ill have to do it manually? but i guess ill find out.11:25
klopsi-u3i would select in the installer to manually partition the disk so you can set up your data drive11:26
klopsi-u3possibly also make two identical partitions for xubuntu11:26
klopsi-u3so you can use dd to make a backup11:26
klopsi-u3dd lets you make a byte-for-byte copy of one partition to another11:27
klopsi-u3or one partition to a file11:27
dane111is dd a linux command or how do I use that. or what is that?11:27
klopsi-u3it is a linux shell command11:27
dane111ok, so three partitions, two for linux, and one for data, and then i can 'dd' from one partition to the other. is that right?11:28
klopsi-u3yeah i like to do it that way11:28
dane111instead of re-installing, bit quicker?11:29
klopsi-u3well it lets me experiment more with less worry about breaking things11:29
dane111 ok. thanks for the link and help :)11:30
natusWhen I shutdown my computer and when I restart it, I have always crash messages. Not because there are bugs, because Xubuntu shutdowns to quickly and maybe it doesn't wait that the applications are closed. How can I resolve my problem?12:23
natusOn Windows, we can modify the reg to change the shutdown session time. In Xubuntu, is like "Shutdown" and immediately it's done and it crashes softwares that give me messages after the restart.12:25
klopsi-u3not familiar with that issue12:26
natusI thought about doing a script that deletes the crash folder after the restart but I want to understand the problem here and find a better solution.12:26
klopsi-u3not finding anything in google12:28
Bwithmore19hello guys how can i install xfce 4.12 on xubuntu 14.04 lts12:28
natusklopsi-u3: I searched already, I sended the same message on the ubuntu irc to see if there is a solution.12:28
ochosijust give it some time12:29
ochosi4.12 was only released a few hours ago12:29
ochosiafter almost three years, i guess you can wait a few more hours/days ;)12:29
Bwithmore19it will go to xubuntu main repo or not ?12:30
Bwithmore19or i will just use ppa ?12:30
natusBwithmore19: you can use ppa look here https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/xfce-4.1212:34
ochosiBwithmore19: this answers your question: https://twitter.com/bluesabredavis/status/57038712302443315212:34
natusbut it is not the stable version xubuntu devs said12:35
elfynatus: ochosi IS one of them :)12:35
natuselfy: haha :D12:35
elfyBwithmore19: give people a chance to get anything that will turn up in 14.04 there12:36
elfyand if things need testing with 14.04 - wait a while longer as it is a long haul actually getting anyone to do so12:37
Bwithmore19ok man i will12:37
Bwithmore19wait and see if will go to xubuntu 14.04 main repository12:37
jattis there a official ppa to upgrade to the latest xfce 4.12?12:41
elfyDalePayman: https://twitter.com/bluesabredavis/status/57038712302443315213:47
DalePaymanHey All! What's the best way to upgrade to Xfce 4.12 on my Xubuntu 14.04? Thx in advance!13:47
DalePaymanso i have to wait :-|13:50
elfyyep - and it appears patience is foreign13:57
Alftandanyone need a hand?16:26
Alftandanyone here?16:28
klopsi-u3hi Alftand16:28
pleia2Alftand: hi there, folks will ask questions when they need help, and you're encouraged to do the same :)16:28
pleia2(we try to keep the non-support chatter here to a minimum, so our helpers only look here when someone asks a question)16:29
klopsi-u3Alftand: join #xubuntu-offtopic for random chat16:33
xubuntu288I already installed xubuntu, but UEFI woes made me rethink going dual boot. What is the best way to wipe windows and install xubuntu as my sole operating system?16:58
Alftandi have an idea16:59
Alftandonce i installed xubuntu on a UEFI computer16:59
Alftandwhat i did was that i went into bios settings and set it to CSM boot16:59
Alftandlike compatibility mode16:59
Alftandthen i installed it16:59
Alftandalthough windows wont boot when u set it to CSM17:00
Alftandkeep it on UEFI17:00
Alftandwhen u imaged the xfce install disc17:00
xubuntu288Gotcha. It does not offer "Wipe Windows" as it did the first round. The previous install involved manual partitioning. It seems grubx64 did not find a place in the ESP partition17:00
Alftandset the PC to CSM then boot the install disc17:00
Alftandall i say is change it from UEFI to CSM17:01
Alftandit will work like a dream and install normally17:01
xubuntu288Esentially, I can see the xxx.efi's in the firmware control. Yeah, completely avoiding EFI would be nice, especially since am at the point where I could care less about Windows.17:02
xubuntu288Oh, to complete the first sentence... but they dont show up as an option upon boot... Yup, CSM it is.17:03
Alftand(wow, im only 13 and im already helping other linux users)17:05
AzelphurAlftand: age doesn't dictate what you can and cannot do, when I was 13 I was already well into programming and was building my own computers, etc. Another guy I know is 14 and manages a lot of Mozillas UK online presence17:25
drcInstalled 15.04B1...where are we talking about it (not necessarily bug/reports, but) questions to see if it is a local/regional/global problem, observations and things like that?  Here, -devel, +1 ?17:45
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142517:45
holsteinthough, likely also relevant in the #xubuntu-devel channel for xubuntu specific discussion, drc17:45
drcwhat if it is a purely XFCE/Xbuntu problem, such a panel oddities?17:45
drcRead my mind :)17:46
holsteindrc: as far as "observations", that might be more like a wishlist bug.. im not sure where the "complaints department" is, these days ;)17:46
drcbitbucket? :)17:46
holsteinyou can always go upstream to the xfce project its self17:46
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klopsi-u3hi CrossPope1618:45
CrossPope16is Thunderbird always this buggy or is it like that only on xubuntu?18:45
elfywell - works fine for me and I'm using Xubuntu18:46
CrossPope16yeah well, I guess it's okay18:46
CrossPope16but you see, I have like 8000 emails on my yahoo acount18:46
elfywhy not just say what the problem is :)18:47
CrossPope16I ticked the option to "Synchronize the most recent 30 days" emails18:47
CrossPope16it still downloads all 8000 of them :/18:47
CrossPope16oh bloody hell now it's downloading 13 thousand message headers18:48
elfymmm no idea about that I'm afraid, but if no-one else can help in here, try  #ubuntu as tbird is the same regardless18:48
CrossPope16tho I like Xubuntu so far18:51
CrossPope16but I think there's a bug for the desktop can you guys test it?18:51
elfyCrossPope16: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=267451718:52
CrossPope16thanks elfy, I think I found the fix!18:55
CrossPope16do you know whether I will still receive email if I close Thunderbird?18:58
kashelplymouth help18:59
bazhang!info plymouth18:59
kasheli can help with Plymouth on Xubuntu 14.04.118:59
ubottuplymouth (source: plymouth): graphical boot animation and logger - main package. In component main, is required. Version 0.9.0-0ubuntu7 (utopic), package size 108 kB, installed size 537 kB18:59
kashelply-boot-client.c]                       ply_boot_client_connect:could not connect to /org/freedesktop/plymouthd: Connection refused19:00
kashel<kashel> [./ply-boot-client.c]                       ply_boot_client_connect:trying old fallback path /ply-boot-protocol19:00
kashel<kashel> [./ply-boot-client.c]                       ply_boot_client_connect:could not connect to /ply-boot-protocol: Connection refused19:00
kashel<kashel> [./plymouth.c]                                          main:daemon not running19:00
kashelplymouth --debug19:00
user__hello,my host is ubuntu but my problem is with macchanger-gtk ,any suggestion on appropriate room to ask about it? once i get the mac changed in macchanger-gtk i can (wlan0) i get disconnected and my network is not showing,thank you19:10
cfhowlettuser__, ask in main #ubuntu ... or ##linux or #networking19:11
user__question got cut off,meant to say i am having problem with macchanger-gtk and not sure which room to use if someone can suggest or help me solve it here19:11
user__thank you cf19:11
cfhowlettuser__, happy2help!19:11
bcowanlatest beta looks nice....dri is b0rked and grub is hosed on install but everything works after that20:51
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supsuphi i just installed ubuntu, in sound settings it lists my sound card and it acts like it is playing music, but no sound is coming out21:01
klopsi-u3supsup what are you using to play sounds?21:11
klopsi-u3?what do you mean it is acting like it is playing music?21:12
supsupklopsi-u3 i figured it out thanks! i use using digital profile vs analog21:23
klopsi-u3ah good deal21:24
klopsi-u3test successful22:05
spk_I have just installed Xubuntu in an old comp I built and have strange video issues that I haven't seen described anywhere else22:07
klopsi-u3maybe you have bad video ram22:07
spk_screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/qxy6778e1/22:08
klopsi-u3cool, 60s22:08
spk_but very hard to read22:08
spk_has anyone seen something similar?22:09
bcowanwhere can i set to not show mounts on the desktop22:14
bcowanerr where in settings22:14
drcDesktop...Appearence...Default Icons.22:15
drcUnclick what you don't want.22:15
bcowanhmm did that and home and trash disapeared too22:17
bcowanoh well22:17
majorgrubHi all22:17
majorgrubI kind of have an issue with the sleep mode configuration...22:18
drcbcowan: The re-click the Home and Trash and NOT the removable Devices.22:18
majorgrubI configured my xubuntu so that it never goes to sleep nor turn off the screen but it doesn't seem to be working22:18
majorgrubWhen I'm watching a movie, it goes to sleep after like 15minutes22:19
bcowandrc, thanks22:19
majorgrubMaybe it's because I didn't turn off "light locker"22:20
majorgrubI just did, will see if it changes something22:20
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supsuphey guys I just installed this today, quick question:  How do I make my monitor changes done in ARandR persist per session?23:11
supsupwhen i log out they revert back23:11
crondQuestion: Can I cp -a /usr, /home, and /opt to new partitions on a drive, edit /etc/fstab with the UUID's for those partitions and the mountpoints, and then reboot to effectively migrate without reinstalling?23:13
pleia2crond: and /boot and /etc and /lib and /var... you'd need to copy almost everything and install grub23:15
crondpleia2, no, I only want to move those directories actually23:17
crondI have 16gb SSD, and I've added a 1TB HDD, so I just want to move the big stuff23:18
crondpleia2, so is that the right way to do it?23:18
pleia2crond: oh, I see, you aren't reinstalling the whole disk23:18
pleia2crond: yeah, that should work ok23:18
supsup_i logged out so unsure if anyone said something about how to make ARandR settings not reset per session23:19
pleia2you don't really need to reboot though, just mount the new ones over the old23:19
pleia2I suppose you might want to reboot to test that fstab is working properly, but there's no actual need to do so23:19
crondpleia2, okay, awesome, thanks23:20
supsup_pleia2 do you use two screens?23:20
pleia2supsup_: nope, sorry23:20

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