
Kiloshi Neo31  and everyone else10:12
Neo31hi Kilos10:42
Neo31gotta go offline today10:42
Neo31c u at night maybe10:42
=== Padroni is now known as Padroni-brb
=== Padroni-brb is now known as Padroni
=== Padroni is now known as Pad-a-way
Kiloshi tsega17:23
Kilosand elacheche17:23
Kilosand you other guys17:23
stickyboytsega: Hey, man.18:29
tsegaHi stickyboy, how have you been?18:29
stickyboytsega: Good18:41
stickyboyPlaying with nginx lately18:41
Kilosstickyboy  do you have a how to to get nikola working on win7 somewhere?19:13
stickyboyKilos: Negatory19:13
Kilosseems like its a major mission19:14
stickyboyKilos: Yah, I don't even know how to use Windows.19:14
Kilosmy son has no choice19:15
Kilosall his boimetric stuff is for windows19:15
stickyboyRegistered : Feb 08 00:56:28 2004 (11y 3w 4d ago)19:29
inetproKilos: you really think stickyboy even wants to use Nikola?20:08
Kilostime he learned20:08
Kilosyoung peeps must learn everything they can20:09
inetproI think he prefers Pelican much more than Nikola20:09

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