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hazmatmarcoceppi: rename to ouija ;-)01:29
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Muntanergood morning, jujuers08:46
Muntanercan anybody tell me exactly when the hooks are called? I mean departed, broken, etc.09:02
halcyonMuntaner : u mean when is it the hook are shown?09:05
Muntanerfrankban, if you are interested, I discovered another very-little bug in juju-gui09:46
frankbanMuntaner: I am09:47
Muntanerfrankban, it's a very little problem. I am reproducing it right now, in google chrome, xubuntu 14.0409:47
Muntanerwell, I am in the "services" canvas, and zooming out and in with the mouse wheel. Then, I go on the "machines" tab, and back again to "services" tab. Into the canvas, the icons of the single charms are very very little and don't care about mouse wheel scrolling. They come back to normal by clicking on the charm and then clicking on the canvas again09:49
frankbanMuntaner: yes, that's a known bug in chrome, we are tracking it09:50
frankbanMuntaner: it shoud not affect other browsers, for instance firefox09:51
Muntanerfrankban, I need to expose my charm into the store on the left10:24
Muntanercan I do that offline?10:24
frankbanMuntaner: offline?10:25
Muntanerfrankban, I mean10:25
Muntanermantaining my charm on the laptop10:25
frankbanMuntaner: without pushing the charm on lp it's not possible to have that on the left pane10:28
Muntanerok frankban, actually it is a very experimental and rude charm, can I push it anyway?10:29
frankbanMuntaner: sure, it will be under your user namespace10:29
Muntanerfrankban, how should I do that?10:35
frankbanMuntaner: push your charm as lp:~{yourself}/charms/trusty/{yourcharm}/trunk10:36
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Muntanerfrankban, or others: can I execute an hook inside another hook?11:51
MuraliHi Jamespage11:54
MuraliHi lazyPower11:55
MuraliI tried the https://github.com/whitmo/bundle-kubernetes/blob/master/specs/local.yaml example11:55
MuraliI am seeing some issue with it11:56
Muralicould you please check what is missing in my .yaml code11:57
Muraliwhere to mention the local repository path for the charm to deploy via local11:58
hazmatMurali: you can't target arbitrary machines12:26
hazmatyour picking 23 there for example12:26
hazmattry 012:26
hazmatMurali: http://pythonhosted.org/juju-deployer/config.html#placement12:27
AnzIs there a way I can use bundles with services from both charm store and my local machine ?13:02
rick_h_Anz: yes, using the juju-deployer directly you can do that.13:04
Anz@<rick_h>Thanks rick. Is there an example bundles.yaml for such a deployment which I refer to ?13:04
rick_h_Anz: I was just poking at http://pythonhosted.org/juju-deployer/config.html#services but it doesn't have an example there. looking13:05
rick_h_Anz: this bug references it https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-deployer/+bug/127406713:08
mupBug #1274067: juju-deployer local-mods command is counter intuitive and thus confusing <micro-cluster> <juju-deployer:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1274067>13:08
rick_h_Anz: just make sure your ones from the charmstore are cs: urls13:08
gnuoyjamespage, have you got a sec for https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/nova-compute/1427660/+merge/251596 ?13:38
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nicopacewhit, marcoceppi, asanjar, jcastro, arosales: any news about the merge of the tests? https://code.launchpad.net/~nicopace/+activereviews There are still 9 pending branches13:52
nicopacewhit, marcoceppi, asanjar, jcastro, arosales: good morning BTW :D13:52
nicopacewhit, marcoceppi, asanjar, jcastro, arosales: i know that you have other stuff to do. i just wanted to know because i have 2 hours left in this project :D13:53
nicopace(at least for now)13:53
frankbanrbasak: FYI we just released quickstart 2.0: https://jujugui.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/juju-quickstart-2-0/14:09
frankbanrbasak: note that it now includes a functional test suite: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-quickstart/trunk/view/head:/HACKING.rst#L7014:09
jcastronicopace, I think the other guys have a plan to get that stuff in asap14:14
nicopacejcastro: great! :D14:14
jcastromthaddon, if any of you guys are available to do some charm reviews, we could really use a hand14:15
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lazyPowerMurali: o/14:31
lazyPowerMurali: do you have the ENV variable JUJU_REPOSITORY set?14:32
lazyPowerthats required to gain support for the local:foo/bar directive ina yaml14:32
thierry-ibmHello - while trying to deploy my charm under "local" env, when it tries to downlload pip package for charmhelpers purpose I get messages like: unit-kimchi-0[871]: 2015-03-03 15:09:55 INFO unit.kimchi/0.install logger.go:40 E: Failed to fetch http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/universe/p/python-pip/python-pip_1.5.4-1_all.deb  Cannot initiate the connection to ports.ubuntu.com:80 (2001:67c:1360:8001::18). - connect (101: Network is unreac15:13
thierry-ibmlike if it is willing to use IPv6 when network is configured as : ubuntu@u0016001-local-machine-3:~$ ifconfig -a15:13
thierry-ibmeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:16:3e:d3:41:fb15:13
thierry-ibm          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
thierry-ibm          inet6 addr: fe80::216:3eff:fed3:41fb/64 Scope:Link15:13
thierry-ibm          UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:115:13
thierry-ibm          RX packets:2996 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:015:13
thierry-ibm          TX packets:1773 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:015:13
thierry-ibm          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100015:13
thierry-ibm          RX bytes:12274149 (12.2 MB)  TX bytes:219103 (219.1 KB)15:13
thierry-ibmMy lxc config file is: k$ cat /etc/lxc/default.conf15:13
thierry-ibmlxc.network.type = veth15:13
thierry-ibmlxc.network.ipv4 = auto15:13
thierry-ibmlxc.network.link = lxcbr015:13
thierry-ibmlxc.network.flags = up15:13
thierry-ibmlxc.network.hwaddr = 00:16:3e:xx:xx:xx15:13
lazyPowerthierry-ibm: o/15:13
lazyPowerthierry-ibm: can you please put multi-line output in a paste and link to it instead of flooding the channel?15:14
lazyPowerthierry-ibm: http://paste.ubuntu.com is a great resource for this15:14
thierry-ibmsure - sorry about that - thanks for the advise: - doing it immediately15:15
lazyPowerThanks thierry-ibm15:15
jcastrocan someone peer review my answer please?15:19
hazmatjcastro: looks sane, there's extant feature requests for the machine non zero thing, but its not implemented15:27
hazmatthierry-ibm: are you on ipv6 net on the host?15:29
thierry-ibmhazmat: I connected using ipv4 but ifconfig gives both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses which is may be the issue15:31
jcastrohazmat, I don't suppose there's a bug # for it?15:40
hazmatjcastro: there is15:40
arosalesnicopace: ack, thanks for checking on those reviews this week. We'll see if we can get those reviews turned around soon.15:41
nicopacearosales: great! let me know!15:59
Muntanerhey guys16:04
Muntanerfrankban, I need to call the "install" hook into another hook. Can I do that?16:04
frankbanMuntaner: 1min on call16:04
marcoceppiMuntaner: you just put "hooks/install" as an invokation16:05
Muntanermarcoceppi, thanks16:05
marcoceppiMuntaner: that's for a bash charm16:05
Muntanermarcoceppi, it's my case, I'm writing in bash16:05
marcoceppiMuntaner: then that's what you'd do16:06
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sebas5384lazyPower: ping17:24
lazyPowersebas5384: pong17:24
stokachuhttp://juju-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/charm-tests.html - theres no mention of running tests via 'make test'17:25
stokachuis that still supported?17:25
lazyPowerstokachu: we're moving more to the bundletester side of testing, and that document warrants refactoring due to changes in our testing infra and tooling17:26
sebas5384yesterday did the first version of the mount feature of vju https://github.com/sebas5384/vju/issues/717:26
sebas5384now you can make: vju mount drupal/0:/var/www ./www17:26
marcoceppistokachu: that document is so far out of date it's worth purging it forever17:26
marcoceppistokachu: https://jujucharms.com/docs/17:26
lazyPoweror that ^17:27
sebas5384and would it be mounted using sshfs :P17:27
lazyPowersebas5384: nice bro :)17:27
lazyPowerI wonder why not just use the vagrant bind mount directive vs using sshfs though?17:27
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sebas5384lazyPower: someday of these i'll make the .deb package hehe17:27
sebas5384because nfs haves some problems with permissions17:28
sebas5384and it stucks17:28
lazyPowersebas5384: are you guys doing a lot of NFS work?17:28
sebas5384we where trying to use here directly to the /var/lxc containers rootfs17:28
sebas5384we where using17:29
sebas5384till some people of the team stop using17:29
stokachumarcoceppi: lazyPower: is tests/* a hard requirement on where tests are located?17:29
marcoceppistokachu: yes17:29
lazyPowerstokachu: bundletester sniffs for tests in tests/* that are +x17:29
marcoceppistokachu: unit tests should be stored in unit_tests17:30
marcoceppiif that's what you're getting at17:30
stokachuim reading https://github.com/juju-solutions/bundletester17:30
stokachuso theoretically if tests are written in ruby, executed with a Rakefile, i'd need to set virtualenv: false, and add a Makefile with specific targets?17:31
sebas5384lazyPower: I would prefer nfs actually, but we had some bad experiences hehe17:31
sebas5384and its a little tricky since you have to do an inverse nfs17:32
lazyPowersebas5384: if sshfs works for you, im' all for it :) I was more curious than anything17:32
sebas5384lazyPower: :)17:32
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gnuoyjamespage, if you get a sec https://code.launchpad.net/~gnuoy/charms/trusty/rabbitmq-server/vhost-fix/+merge/251627 . It's very slightly different to your  solution18:10
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blahdeblah_Hi guys. Can anyone explain why this merge is telling me that it has failed automated testing, but the test results page is blank? https://code.launchpad.net/~paulgear/charms/trusty/memcached/correct-nagios-service/+merge/25071622:44
lazyPowerblahdeblah_: looking now22:46
blahdeblah_thanks lazyPower22:47
blahdeblah_The same thing happened for several different charm merges.22:48
lazyPowerlooking at CI there is a heap of things in the build queue22:48
marcoceppiblahdeblah_: CI has changed recently and the bot hasn't caught up: http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-test-details/charm-bundle-test-11063-results22:50
marcoceppithe URL format changed22:50
lazyPoweraahhh, thats right, i forgot the routes were changed22:51
marcoceppithere should be a redirect put in place while the bot gets updated22:51
marcoceppiso historical links will also work22:51
blahdeblah_marcoceppi, lazyPower: Is there an easy way to see the test results of the revision from which my merge was branched?  That was a fix for showstopping typos (the variables provided didn't match what is used in the template), and I find it hard to believe my merge is the cause of those fails.22:53
lazyPowerblahdeblah_: http://reports.vapour.ws/charm-tests/memcached22:54
blahdeblah_Is there anyone who can help me explain why these changes are failing?  I really don't think the trivial nature of the changes in https://code.launchpad.net/~paulgear/charms/trusty/memcached/allow-rsync-firewall/+merge/250717 and https://code.launchpad.net/~paulgear/charms/trusty/memcached/correct-nagios-service/+merge/250716 could cause the sort of failures the test suite is seeing.  Plus I've confirmed that they're working23:00
blahdeblah_ on a real stack where I can see the charm's full logs.23:00
blahdeblah_(Did that whole line come out?  I just realised it might be a bit long)23:01
marcoceppiblahdeblah_: the logs are being collected here, just not linked inthe interface, not sure where they are atm23:01
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