
josemhall119: still around?03:27
dholbachgood morning07:31
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
* dholbach relocates to the office, bbiab10:57
mhall119jose: I am now14:10
balloonsdholbach, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-devices-help/1426304/+merge/251589 looking more interesting14:27
dholbachthanks for taking a look!14:28
imnicholI think I found an error in a piece on insights.ubuntu.com, but I'm not sure who to talk to about it.  Can anyone point me in the right direction?15:50
popeyimnichol: wassup?15:55
imnicholI was doing a writeup for the UWN and I noticed that the article in question has the text "A number of Dell-Ubuntu SKUs will be on offer across the retail estate including the Inspiron 14 3000 series which offers laptops with 4GB of storage" which I'm pretty sure is incorrect15:56
imnichollink: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2015/03/02/dell-launches-ubuntu-loaded-machines-across-500-stores-in-latin-america/15:56
imnicholPretty sure that they meant 4G of RAM15:57
imnicholI know if I were Dell I'd appreciate accuracy there ;)15:57
popeyimnichol: ah okay. thanks16:02
josemhall119: lmk when you've got time for a hangout16:49
mhall119jose: I've got time now16:53
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:06
jcastromhall119, for nexus4 I should be on 14.10 right?20:07
popeyvivid isnt ready yet20:08
popeyyou'd be on rtm which is based off utopic20:08
jcastropopey, ok so 14.10r16 is what I am on20:11
popeysuper :)20:11

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