
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
pittiGood morning04:30
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?06:12
larsupitti: gut danke! Und dir?06:18
* larsu ist müde06:18
pittilarsu: ganz gut, danke, obwohl ich schon 5:30 aufgestanden bin..06:18
pittibut I want to get this NFS systemdification done :)06:18
larsupitti: ah cool how is that coming along?06:21
pittilarsu: quite some work, but just now I have a VM where stuff starts to work06:21
larsuneat. happy hacking!06:22
darkxsthey seb128,  pitti, larsu06:41
larsuhi darkxst!06:41
seb128good morning desktopers06:41
darkxstI have also done a titlebar patch for gnome-contacts (on ppa:ubuntu-gnome-packaging/staging) can you guys review the UI?06:42
pittibonjour seb128 -- tu es plus tôt que didrocks !06:42
pittihey darkxst06:42
darkxstI suspect it might need some sort of menu brought back?06:42
seb128pitti, oui, régulièrement en ce moment :-)06:43
larsudarkxst: can you point me to the branch for that please? Or the upstream bug06:43
darkxstlarsu havent filed upstream yet06:45
darkxstat this point wondering if any other UI changes are required like menu's etc06:46
darkxstlarsu this is the patch http://pastebin.com/G9zZYd7g06:47
larsudarkxst: I'll have a look06:51
larsudarkxst: most certainly - it doesn't have a traditional menu bar right now, does it?06:51
darkxst3.14 has no menu06:52
darkxst(not even gear menu's)06:52
larsunot even and app menu?06:53
larsuoh, I'm on 3.806:53
larsudo you want to update it to 3.14? Isn't it a bit late in the cycle for that?06:54
darkxstlarsu, yes, seb128 said it would probably be ok FFe if we fix the UI06:57
darkxstlarsu it does have an appmenu, with just one entry for change address book07:00
larsudarkxst: unity is not displaying that for me right now, but I think that's its fault...07:01
larsudarkxst: if we fix the ui, let's do it right and add a menubar07:02
darkxstlarsu ok, will do07:05
darkxstlarsu, and what about the headerbar buttons in add/edit contact?07:06
darkxstare they ok? or not07:07
larsugive me a second, haven't built it yet07:07
didrocksgood morning07:10
larsubonjour didrocks!07:10
didrockshey larsu, how are you?07:10
larsudidrocks: great thanks! How about you?07:11
didrocksI'm good, thanks :)07:11
larsudarkxst: I still have window controls in the toolbar...07:11
larsudarkxst: http://i.imgur.com/IxOeMBb.png07:12
larsualso: it doesn't have a proper window title07:12
larsuugh, this is a really weird UI07:13
larsuis this a default app?07:13
darkxstlarsu, oh I didn't disable window controls for the left toolbar07:14
larsuseb128: ^^? I think updating gnome-contact's ui might not be worth it. It's weird no matter what we do07:14
larsuah, it makes more sense in Adwaita where the headerbar changes color when in edit mode07:15
darkxstlarsu, what do you mean by default? it is for GNOME and Ubuntu07:15
larsudarkxst: i'm asking if we ship it by default07:16
larsuon unity07:16
darkxstlarsu, yes07:16
larsuseriously? Why?07:17
larsuoh, csd crashed compiz again :/07:18
darkxstlarsu to manage contacts for UOA I guess07:18
darkxst(still need to merge those patches though07:18
pittibonjour didrocks!07:20
larsudarkxst: the avatar chooser dialog uses a header bar as well07:20
didrockshey pitti! how is it going?07:20
larsuprobably doesn't listen to Gtk/DialogsUseHeaderbar07:21
pittididrocks: quite well, thanks! still fighting a few ordering cycles, but my VM has NFS mounts/server under systemd now07:21
didrockspitti: I'll have time to start on this today if you wish07:21
darkxstlarsu, will look into that07:22
didrockspitti: btw, did you see my autopkgtests? (I subsribed you to the bug IIRC)07:22
pittididrocks: I did, thanks! I'll look at them ASAP07:22
didrockspitti: sweet, so once I have proceeded some small changes on ubuntu make, I will setup the vm07:22
didrockspitti: if you need help…07:23
seb128larsu, yeah, looks weird, what features/other things changed that makes us want to update?07:23
pittididrocks: I need a bit more time to fix rpcbind, and another fix in my package, then I'll upload it to a PPA and we can have a quick discussion about the TODOs?07:23
didrockspitti: sounds like a plan07:23
larsuseb128: I don't know. This is the first I hear of us wanting to update. To be honest, the version we have now is not much better07:24
larsufor example, it has theming errors07:25
seb128larsu, it's not like the app was very useful or something users interact with daily07:29
seb128so even if it looks a bit weird it's not the end of the world07:29
darkxstdon't think there are really any new features, we really just want it for the more coherent UI on GNOME07:31
darkxstand in GNOME contacts come up in the overview search, which then open contacts, so maybe it gets used a little more on our side07:33
larsufair enough07:34
larsuui sucks on unity for both versions07:34
larsuso we might as well update and have a better experience on gnome07:34
darkxstok, I will fix remaining issues in the next couple of days07:37
didrockslarsu: ah, I found the other app I was using which has transparent background (what we discussed the other day)08:05
didrockslarsu: it's gnome-boxes08:05
larsudidrocks: uh oh, /me tests08:13
larsudidrocks: works for me... where exactly do you see a transparent bg?08:15
larsuit also has a headerbar now?!08:15
didrockslarsu: the main view is transparent08:16
* larsu wonders why he doesn't see that08:16
didrockslarsu: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/gnome-boxes.png08:17
larsudidrocks: I believe you ;)08:17
didrockslarsu: I'm not up to date since Friday, but I doubt anything changed theme-wise?08:17
larsudidrocks: ah! I have it when clicking on new08:17
didrockslarsu: can be triggered only when you have some vms, and back08:18
didrocksmaybe ;)08:18
larsudidrocks: ok I have a patch08:19
larsuin gtkinspector...08:19
larsudidrocks: the transparent background you have is almost an inversion of the new design :)08:20
larsuthey want to do this with different images for all apps08:21
didrockslarsu: ahah, indeed!08:22
didrockslarsu: I have the experimental version. TBH, it's really cool08:22
didrocksnot easy to read though :p08:22
didrockslarsu: the one with the inverse design (j/k)08:23
larsuoh, haha :D08:24
larsudidrocks: bah, finding more and more issues with it :/08:39
didrocksargh :/08:40
larsudidrocks: I think we'll need to blacklist that one. Seems like it overwrites its own css sometimes. I can't do anything about that from within the theme08:52
didrockslarsu: I guess as long as we can avoid transparency, it will be at least usable08:54
larsuoh great, the blacklist is hardcoded :(08:55
larsudidrocks: right08:55
didrockslarsu: yeah, that wasn't an engineering decision08:56
larsuoh, really?08:57
didrocksyep :)08:57
Laneyhey ho09:07
didrocksmorning Laney09:07
seb128hey Laney09:10
larsuhi Laney!09:10
larsuLaney: do we SRU stuff like in bug #1427352 ?09:10
ubot5bug 1427352 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "TreeView never display horizontal scrollbar so columns gets squashed together" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142735209:11
* larsu would probably say its not worth it09:11
Laneylarsu: could batch it up for the next SRU I guess09:13
larsusounds good to me09:17
seb128those changes look a bit non trivial09:18
seb128but I guess we are pretty confident they are safe?09:18
seb128the upstream bug mentioned a regression following the revert, but that's what the second patch fixes?09:18
larsuyeah that's what I figured09:20
jibelogra_, yeah09:23
ogra_heh ... ECHAN ?09:24
jibelogra_, indeed, that's the second time I switch from ci-eng to desktop without noticing :(09:28
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flexiondotorgLaney, gave the /etc/skel stuff some thought lastnight and have a solution I'll be working on.11:12
flexiondotorgThe new GTK2 appears to have a regression affecting Ubuntu MATE and Xubuntu.11:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1425401 in xfce4-panel (Ubuntu) "Notification area crashed upon booting to the live DE (i386 only)" [High,Confirmed]11:34
flexiondotorgI'll poke at that a bit more later.11:34
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=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Laneyanyone remember offhand what the indicator calls to shutdown?12:02
Laneyis it the method on gnome-session?12:03
larsuLaney: I think so. Let me check12:04
Laneylarsu: no bother, I can just as easily check it12:04
Laneyjust wondered if anyone knew already12:04
Laneyaha, logind calls it PowerOff12:07
* Laney sees movement towards switching the default and has decided to actually file this shutdown hang12:07
Laneydoesn't happen with sudo poweroff -> testing logind12:08
Laneymaybe the problem has gone...12:09
Laneyno, wtf, when I use the indicator directly it's still buggy12:13
Laneyis the difference whether I'm on the debug shell or not?12:13
xnoxLaney: policykit not working right via indicator?12:36
LaneyI don't know12:37
Laneythe monitors go blank so I think it's doing some work12:37
Laneybut I can't change vt and network is down ... hard to poke into the system12:37
Laneyit sounds like this bug https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=76302812:37
ubot5Debian bug 763028 in systemd-sysv "systemd-sysv shutdown and reboot hang system" [Normal,Open]12:37
Laneyah yes, I see in the journal that shutdown did reach systemd12:39
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desrtLaney: poke14:20
Laneyhi desrt14:34
desrtLaney: wanted to chat about dconf and what the plan is14:35
Laneydo we need the split in vivid?14:36
desrtno.  we don't.14:36
Laneypast the freeze now you see14:36
desrtya.  that's why i wanted to talk :)14:36
desrtit would be perfectly fine, imo, to just leave the old version in place14:36
desrtgood talk :)14:36
didrocksuntil then, Laney is happy ;)14:36
* didrocks waits for the "BUT"14:36
Laneywell, the only thing I can think of is if there are fixes required to our version14:37
didrocksLaney: or maybe, desrt was just teasing you, so that you hold on your breath :)14:37
Laneycherry-picks or keep the branch going upstream for a bit14:37
desrtLaney: there were some minor changes to the editor14:37
desrtdconf had a pretty slow cycle though14:38
desrtand now i'm intentionally holding off on further changes :p14:38
Laneyya, I checked git out14:38
desrta few UI tweaks in the editor14:38
desrtupdated translations14:38
desrtstuff like that14:38
LaneyI'll get it in experimental at some point soon14:39
desrtturns out i botched the split anyway14:39
desrtdconf-editor's manpage is still in dconf :p14:39
desrtwhich is all kinds of annoying14:40
desrtit's written in docbook14:40
desrtand i really don't want to strap the gtk-doc monster back into dconf-editor just for one manpage14:40
desrt...for a GUI app with no commandline arguments14:40
desrti'd probably just drop it entirely if i didn't think i'd catch flak from you debian types14:41
Laneytime to brush up on your troff?14:43
didrocksdesrt: like if anybody cared about man pages… but shhhh, don't repeat that to Laney :p14:44
didrocksOH WAIT!14:44
didrocksLaney: tbh, as long as foo --help doesn't run anything else than printing an help on my machine, I'm happy :)14:45
didrocksLaney: THAT should be part of the policy!14:45
Laneydebian-policy@lists.debian.org for you14:46
desrtLaney: i was actually thinking about taking the generated output and copying it into the dconf-editor package14:46
desrtit's not like anyone is ever going to touch it ever again14:46
desrtwanna check with robert_ancell first, though, since he wrote it14:46
* Laney nods14:48
desrtcan people check two things for me?15:01
desrt1) the value of gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility15:01
desrt2) whether or not at-spi is running15:01
Laneywhich process is indicative of (2)?15:04
desrta bunch of them with "at-spi" in the name15:05
Laneyit's false and I have at-spi-bus-launcher and at-spi2-registryd15:05
desrtat-spi2-registryd, dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf, at-spi-bus-launcher, etc15:06
desrtannoying bug.15:06
desrtgnome-session is careful not to start at-spi if toolkit-accessibility is false15:06
desrtbut when gtk starts up, atspi client library tries to figure out how to contact the accessibility bus15:06
desrtwhich it does by making a dbus call to the registry service -- which is dbusactivatable...15:07
desrtnot sure why something is both dbusactivatable and autostart.....15:07
qenghoI got notification that our meeting is an hour later than usual. Seem right?15:25
didrocksqengho: no, it should be in 4 minutes15:27
seb128Laney, just as sa fyi https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74553615:28
ubot5Gnome bug 745536 in .General "Regression between gtk+ 2.24.25 and gtk+ 2.24.26 with spotify linux client" [Normal,New]15:28
seb128Laney, the gdk_event_apply_filters change makes spotify segfault15:28
Laneythe famous commit!15:29
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seb128ok, seems like it's meeting time15:30
seb128attente_, desrt, dgadomski, didrocks, Laney, larsu, qengho, Sweet5hark1, tkamppeter, hey15:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar  3 15:31:54 2015 UTC.  The chair is seb128. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:31
seb128let's get started15:32
seb128#topic attente15:32
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seb128attente_, hey15:32
attente_finished porting fcitx-qimpanel to Qt 5, so fcitx should work once we have all required qtmir support15:32
attente_next up: ibus investigation15:32
attente_the port is proposed upstream15:33
seb128did you get the fcitx u-s-d/u-c-c/indicator ffe?15:33
attente_no, i'm not sure who to ping for that, the ffe is there, i just resubscribed ubuntu-release15:33
seb128k, let's wait a bit, otherwise Laney might be able to help you?15:34
seb128thanks attente_15:34
Laneydidn't see any mail about it, maybe do something to generate one15:34
seb128#topic desrt15:34
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seb128desrt, hey15:34
desrtdid really a lot of cleaning up on bugs and reviewing patches in the past weeks15:34
desrtrejected lots of stuff =)15:34
desrtalso finally did the long-requested split of dconf and dconf-editor15:35
desrtmade releases on both of those yesterday, along with a new glib release15:35
desrtlanded my mount-monitor rework branch yesterday, moving on to rebasing the filemonitor cleanup work next, hopefully can land that son15:35
desrtat the same time, looking into a11y issues -- atspi is being started even when it has no reason to be, and i want to stop that from happening15:36
desrtalso: i'm sick (again/still?) >:|15:36
desrtthe end.15:36
seb128desrt, thanks, and get better!15:37
seb128#topic dgadomski15:37
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seb128dgadomski, hey15:37
dgadomskihey guys15:37
dgadomskiI've written to the desktop mailing list today about the nautlius mount options we discussed last week15:38
dgadomskiI would appreciate any hints regarding this15:38
seb128dgadomski, you just sent the email today, let's wait a bit15:38
dgadomskiand that's pretty much it in the desktop are this week from me15:38
seb128but I expect the topic is complex enough that we are going to need upstream involvement15:38
seb128I don't see that being handled in a distro specific hack15:38
ogra_why would nautilus be involved at all ?15:39
dgadomskiI agree, it would surely be useful for other distros as well15:39
ogra_isnt it just calling udisks2 ?15:39
ogra_(which doesnt allow any mount options unless you create custom udev rules)15:39
seb128ogra_, they want an UI to change the options15:40
ogra_right, that would mean hacking udisks2 first15:40
seb128ogra_, could be in nautilus properties for the drive15:40
ogra_to actually accept options15:40
seb128which is why I said it's not likely that we handle it on our side alone15:40
seb128dgadomski, anything else?15:40
dgadomskiI was expecting it to be pretty complex15:41
dgadomskiseb128: no, that's it, thanks15:41
seb128dgadomski, k, let's see how the list discussion goes then15:41
seb128dgadomski, thanks15:41
seb128#topic mlankhorst15:41
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mlankhorst- Adding cursor support to Xmir, works with mir_demo_server and lp:mir-team/mir/animated-cursors15:41
seb128mlankhorst asked to go next15:41
mlankhorst- Uploading mesa 10.5-rc2 and rc3 to archive15:41
mlankhorst- Remotely debugging root cause of https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9074115:41
ubot5bugzilla.kernel.org bug 90741 in Video(DRI - non Intel) "Radeon: System pauses on TAHITI" [Normal,New]15:41
mlankhorst- Getting Xmir in shape for the mwc demo with tons of last minute fixes!15:41
seb128mlankhorst, great work there!15:41
mlankhorst- Leaving for intel, last day is thursday 26th :)15:41
mlankhorstty :)15:42
seb128mlankhorst, it was nice to have you in the team! Good luck at Intel, have fun there :-)15:42
mlankhorstit was a blast :)15:42
ogra_teach them that mir is ood :)15:42
didrocksgood luck with your new adventure mlankhorst :)15:42
ogra_*good ... sih15:42
ogra_*sigh even15:43
seb128ogra_, nice typo :-)15:43
larsuogra_: I read it as 'odd'15:43
ogra_i need a new kbd :)15:43
mlankhorstwill doo15:43
Laneyoh bye!15:43
Laneythat's both people who started at the same time as me ...15:44
seb128Laney, don't be next!15:44
seb128mlankhorst, thanks15:44
seb128#topic didrocks15:44
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seb128didrocks, hey :-)15:44
didrocksoh, I was ready to complain about being forgotten :)15:45
didrocksUbuntu Make:15:45
didrocks- did some bug triaging and minor enhancements based on users' feedback15:45
didrocks- patched and uploaded all ubuntu flavors plymouth themes to be compatible with progress report and cancellation of systemd-fsckd (gnome ubuntu, ubuntu MATE, kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, edubuntu, ubuntu studio). We have different kind of themes (no unified versions :/) btw…15:45
didrocks- patched 2 of the default plymouth themes (one script and one C plugin) and posted that to the upstream mailing list. Waiting on feedback15:45
didrocks- some debian discussions about… plymouth and fsckd!15:45
didrocks- worked on autopkgtests for fsckd as well, commited now. It brings some new best practices to have autopkgtests tests with multiple reboots inside the tests themselves (and still using unittests python frameworks. Ensure that even if we kill fsck or any systemd/plymouth process, we can still boot successfully.15:45
didrocks- sponsoring and archive admin duties15:45
seb128didrocks, sorry, mlankhorst asked if he could go next15:47
didrocksno worry ;)15:47
seb128didrocks, thanks15:47
seb128#topic Laney15:47
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seb128Laney, hey15:48
Laney• Release: wrangle beta 1 (block, unblocks, freeze, ISO wrangling, some sponsoring), some FFe reviews, get pinged by IS about low space on the image building machine - clear some stuff out15:48
Laney• Patch pilot15:48
Laney• DMB: finish election, try to poke on outstanding issues, some packageset poking15:48
Laney• Some gst components got 1.4.5, update those15:48
Laney• Integrate the wrapper into gnome-terminal packaging, upload to desktop PPA, plz to test15:48
Laney• Review & then cherry-pick a fix from Kylin guys to file-roller15:48
Laney• Find out that gdk-pixbuf broke introspection ABI, revert commit, try to look at adding an (alias) annotation to g-i, get stuck & park that for now15:48
Laney• Revert python2.7 commit which broke python-gobject-2 (old static bindings)15:48
Laney• Updates: librsvg, glib2.0 (in progress)15:48
Laney• Attempt some debugging of systemd not powering off machine issue, not much progress (LP: #1427672)15:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1427672 in systemd (Ubuntu) "System doesn't power off when shutting down" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142767215:48
larsuLaney: thanks for the terminal wrapper!15:48
desrtLaney: does that mean we actually have two gnome-terminal wrappers now? :)15:48
larsuwhat's the other one?`15:49
LaneyI noticed some gnome-terminal.wrap thing15:49
desrtthe one for matching the commandline args of x-terminal-emulator15:49
didrocksLaney: on the not powering down, you don't have squid install on your machine by any chance?15:49
* larsu is amazed15:49
seb128didrocks, I don't and I have the issue still15:49
Laneyit's like pass the parcel15:49
Laneydidrocks: doubt it15:49
desrtLaney: fwiw, there is some request upstream to prefer x-terminal-emulator before gnome-terminal on debian systems....15:49
didrocksfor me, that really "fixed" it15:49
desrtLaney: i said that if debian wants to do that patch then they should do it, but we won't change the behaviour upstream (since it's very distro-specific)15:50
Laneyprefer where?15:50
seb128didrocks, was that an issue in the squid unit?15:50
desrtLaney: when launching desktop files that have RunInTerminal=true (or whatever it is)15:50
desrtfrom GIO15:50
Laneyoh right, yeah, whatever15:50
Laneymight want to do that I guess15:50
didrocksseb128: the init script, yeah, I need to now debug and fix it, but there are more urgent things15:50
desrtthat's sort of my attitude about it as well :)15:50
seb128didrocks, k, maybe other scripts have similar bugs...15:50
desrtdebian alternatives are a bit crap imho15:50
larsudesrt: gio hard-codes gnome-terminal?15:51
Laneyhow does this thing work now?15:51
desrtit has a list of terminals that it tries in order15:51
didrocksseb128: can be… will keep you posted15:51
seb128didrocks, thanks15:51
larsudesrt: madness..15:51
Laneyit's annoying having to remember to shut the computer down in a special way every day :-)15:51
desrtthe request was to put x-terminal-emulator at the top of this list, as it naturally represents the user's preferred choice15:52
desrtignore that this is only true if user == admin, on a one-user system...15:52
larsudesrt: don't we have some xdg-XXX thing for that?15:52
larsumaybe we ought to15:52
desrtit's been the topic of speculation that we could make some weird terminal URI scheme15:52
desrtand then shoehorn that into our weird URI scheme pseduo-mimetypes15:52
seb128larsu, desrt, Laney, that discussion seems like something you can continue after the meeting if you want15:52
desrtseb128: indeed15:53
seb128Laney, thanks15:53
seb128#topic larsu15:53
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seb128larsu, your turn then :-)15:53
larsulots of discussion about headerbars, traditional menubars, etc15:53
larsulooked at some patches for gnome apps15:53
larsu(didn't like what I saw in general)15:53
desrtlarsu: you should probably just skip that topic update.  we already know it happens every week ;)15:54
larsuso... bluetooth!15:54
desrtfresh blood...15:54
larsuturns out we don't like the new ui and changing it subtly doesn't really work (needs more design thinking)15:54
larsuso I imported a gnome-bluetooth version that does what we want into u-c-c15:55
larsuuploaded the branch today15:55
larsuit's hacky, I hate it, but it works15:55
larsu(did I mention I hate it?)15:55
didrocks"but it works" :)15:55
desrtlarsu: thanks for working on bluetooth :)15:55
larsudesrt: meh15:55
desrtbluetooth is freaking awesome15:55
seb128it works which is the important bit :-)15:55
larsudesrt: would rather take some time doing it right15:55
larsuseb128: indeed :)15:55
desrtmore people would use it if we gave our UIs for it a bit more love...15:55
larsulastly, I ported gnome-terminal to use GMenuModel for its menubar15:56
didrocksas desrt is a bluetooth freak, would be nice to have you testing some config with our ppa if possible :)15:56
larsuwhich means (a) it doesn't need unity-gtk-module anymore15:56
didrocksI guess you are the one here using bluetooth a lot compared to us15:56
larsu(b) we can get rid of that pesky "show menubar" option15:56
desrti mostly just use it for going online with my phone15:56
desrtlarsu: gnome-terminal has a menubar? ;)15:57
larsuit's not going to land in 3.16 (too big of a patch)15:57
larsudesrt: :P15:57
desrtlarsu: is chpe playing nice?15:57
larsuwe should think about backporting it15:57
larsudesrt: no.15:57
larsuno surprise there15:57
desrttoo bad...15:57
larsuanyway, like I said, we could backport. Not sure if it is worth it15:58
seb128larsu, didrocks, let me know when the new u-c-c is in a ppa for testing, I can try it15:58
larsuI also started hacking on headerbars15:59
larsumaking the buttons look like our window controls15:59
seb128ah, nice15:59
larsumaking good progress - just a few details to iron out15:59
desrtare we talking theme refresh?  we should be talking theme refresh....15:59
larsuI'm drawing the backgrounds with gtk css15:59
Laneytheme refresh is on the cards for 15.1015:59
larsuwhich means they're very slightly different looking16:00
Laneylast I heard16:00
larsubut I think that's ok16:00
desrtLaney: good...16:00
larsuand: we don't need to copy all of those pngs to yet another place16:00
desrtlarsu: might want to get hooked into whoever is driving that16:00
seb128larsu, slightly different is ok I think, we are not going to have perfect consistancy anyway16:00
larsuseb128: I agree. And those are quite some .pngs (all buttons times all states)16:00
desrtin addition to getting sneak-peek at the new resources, maybe you could help drive the process in a way that makes consistency with headerbar apps a bit nicer16:00
larsuand we get nice transitions now, but I haven't added those yet16:00
larsudesrt: driving what?16:01
desrtthe next-cycle theme refresh16:01
desrtie: make sure they're aware of the constraints for headerbars and produce something that will be compatible with them16:01
larsuyeah that makes sense16:01
larsuI don't know who'll be doing that16:01
larsuanyway, </larsu>16:02
seb128larsu, thanks16:02
seb128#topic qengho16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: qengho
seb128qengho, hey16:02
seb128no qengho?16:03
seb128k, next then16:04
seb128#topic Sweet5hark16:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Sweet5hark
seb128Sweet5hark, hey16:04
Sweet5hark- slow week16:04
Sweet5hark- got LibreOffice to build on arm6416:04
Sweet5hark-- needs MIRs though (at least for coinmp, possibly also for libetonyek), so not for vivid anymore16:04
Sweet5hark- working on getting LibreOffice to build on ppc64el16:04
Sweet5hark-- got pretty far, same: some patches, possibly some MIRs, thus shouldnt be slammed into vivid unless there an urgent need16:04
Sweet5hark- various upstream tidbits: some event orga, some budget foo etc.16:04
Sweet5hark- some bug tracker grind16:04
Sweet5hark- 4.4.1 in the PPA looks good, will finalize it for vivid-proposed this week16:04
qenghoI'm here!16:04
seb128Sweet5hark, slow but steady? ;-)16:05
seb128Sweet5hark, I guess you saw the email from doko?16:05
Sweet5harkqengho: shh, i stole your slot in the cookie queue ...;)16:05
seb128about builders use for arm64&co?16:05
Sweet5harkseb128: yesh16:05
seb128would be nice to reply16:05
flexiondotorgLaney, Do you have a sec/16:05
seb128(or did you talk to him out of the email?16:05
seb128flexiondotorg, we are in a meeting16:05
Sweet5harkseb128: it started out with "just one try" and then when down in a civilization game "just one more turn fashion" :/16:06
seb128hehe, I know the feeling :-)16:06
seb128Sweet5hark, thanks16:07
seb128let's go back to qengho then16:07
Sweet5harkseb128: anyway: using a porterbox now16:07
seb128Sweet5hark, great16:07
seb128#topic qengho16:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: qengho
qengho- looking into reason GPU-threads in chromium lag long enough that the internal heartbeat monitor thinks they're dead. Extended the time for now. Added apport info so we can collate bug reports better. (Also fixed an apport bug that has made Py3 never work for some..)16:07
qengho- releasing Cr 40.0.2214.115 tomorrow.16:07
seb128qengho, thanks16:07
seb128let's see what comes out of those changes, that bug is annoying for sure16:07
seb128#topic tkamppeter16:08
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: tkamppeter
seb128tkamppeter, hey16:08
seb128no tkamppeter I guess16:09
seb128#topic happyaron16:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: happyaron
seb128happyaron, not sure if you are around?16:09
seb128happyaron, your turn then :-)16:10
happyaronlast week I worked on some arm64 cross compile stuff for NUDT project as well as the sogou project16:11
happyaronmostly about setting up cross toolchains, helping them producing related packages16:11
happyaronover, :)16:12
seb128happyaron, thanks16:12
seb128#topic FJKong16:13
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: FJKong
seb128FJKong, hey, around?16:13
seb128no FJKong I guess?16:15
seb128back to tkamppeter then16:15
seb128#topic tkamppeter16:15
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: tkamppeter
seb128tkamppeter, hey16:15
FJKongseb128: coming..16:15
tkamppeterMainly bug work, releasec cups-filters 1.0.66 with a security fix.16:15
tkamppeterGot Google's result for GSoC participation, this year Google did not accept the Linux Foundation, after so many years where my application got accepted.16:16
tkamppeterAlso some organizational work for the OpenPrinting Summit.16:16
seb128tkamppeter, :-( for the linux foundation GSoC16:16
larsumozilla also didn't get accepted this year16:17
larsuI wonder if they changed some of the rules?16:17
tkamppeterPerhaps there are many more orgs applying than in the previous years?16:18
seb128do they want to encourage new/small projects maybe, rather than fund projects backed up by quite some funding?16:18
larsumight be16:18
seb128tkamppeter, thanks16:18
seb128#topic FJKong16:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: FJKong
seb128FJKong, ok, your turn :-)16:18
FJKonghey seb128 not much to update this time16:19
tkamppeterIt is not a high loss for me, usually for OpenPrinting there come up only one or two students anyway, for LSB or kernel it is worse.16:19
seb128tkamppeter, k16:20
seb128FJKong, k, maybe next week then :-)16:20
seb128#topic seb12816:20
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: seb128
seb128then my turn16:20
seb128• looked at non translated gallery strings, was due to an outdated template, submitted update16:20
seb128• SRUed libpwquality translation fixes to trusty and utopic16:20
seb128• nautilus bugfix SRU to trusty16:20
seb128• spent quite some time to play with the ubuntu-touch dev experience (from installing the toolkit to write and publish an application), things are mostly working nicely, hit a few annoying issues on the way though (most due to specifics in my setup like ecryptfs use), reported some bugs against the documentation and tools16:20
seb128• reported some phone issues (gvariant warnings, store details issues, here map not showing info where it should, ...) and providing debug info16:20
seb128• ubuntus-system-setting16:20
seb128∘ bluetooth, debugged car-pairing issue, figured out the problem and discussed a solution with cyphermox, tested/confirmed the fix16:20
seb128∘ bluetooth, fixed a segfault issue16:20
seb128• usual share of desktop related bugs triages and discussions16:20
Sweet5hark FWIW, LibreOffice won a GSOC spot again this year.16:21
seb128#topic other topics16:22
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: other topics
seb128do we have any other topic this week?16:22
seb128(or did I forget anyone?)16:22
seb128k, seems not16:24
seb128thanks everyone16:24
didrocksthanks guys!16:24
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Issues with GTK 3.14? Check here: http://pad.ubuntu.com/gtk-update-v
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar  3 16:24:41 2015 UTC.16:24
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2015/ubuntu-desktop.2015-03-03-15.31.moin.txt16:24
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
qenghoIf anyone is using* my chromium stage PPA, I'd be happy if you upgraded and smoke-test chromium.18:30
qengho* $ apt-cache policy chromium-browser |grep /stage/18:30
kenvandineqengho, updating now :)18:57

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