
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
ikonia/join #fedora11:58
Tm_Tikonia: busted12:20
phunyguy[08:25:43] <Bing0> maybe i get a ban untill thern13:30
popey@comment 66491 useless commentary14:06
ubottuComment added.14:06
Picithanks popey14:12
bazhanghe wants to run kde and gnome to run simultaneously, or the like16:24
k1l_awesome and lxde switching but not with a dm.16:25
k1l_wait what? now he want to run gnome and icewm together?16:25
bazhanghis demands keep changing, and he takes answers here then crossposts elsewhere16:26
geniixnest or some other nested X server16:27
bazhangthe ar9271 has kernel support iirc16:50
rwwuses ath9k_htc, requires firmware16:52
bazhangat least in the 3.1616:52
rwwfirmware-atheros in Debian, idk whether Ubuntu just has it in-kernel or not16:52
bazhangin kernel16:52
bazhangperhaps rhardian is on debain then16:53
rwwone of these days I'm going to wander into Mint's support channel with the attitude that Ubuntu and Mint have the same base so it should be okay for them to give me support with Kubuntu19:54
Piciyou should.19:54
geniiI wonder if the Archlinux ops have this kind of conversation in their channel once in a while.19:55
Jordan_Urww: Do you know if they have a policy against that? They might be fine with it.19:55
rwwThey do with Manjaro. It annoys them even more than Mint annoys us.19:55
rwwJordan_U: no idea, my investigation into there so far has just been idling there for a while and realizing why people come to #ubuntu instead19:55
k1l_they even send mint support over to #ubuntu, so why should they support ubuntu there :)20:39
Jordan_Uk1l_: Do they really send people from #mint to #ubuntu, or is that just something users decide to do on their own?20:43
k1l_they do20:43
geniiWait, isn't it something like #mintsupport on a different network?20:44
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org20:44
Jordan_UWell if that's something that's being condonded by their ops (they, like us, can control what random users of the channel recommend all of the time) then we should have a discussion with them about it, if that hasn't already happened.20:44
Jordan_Us/can/can't/ :)20:44
geniirww: You're on the spotchat.org channel, or some freenode mint channel?20:45
rwwgenii: i was on spotchat20:45
k1l_fyi: bynarie_> trust me if i want in all i gotta do is change my nick and get on a different server, not that hard.. do u just sit there and watch people and check them against the ban list?21:35
geniiYes, yes we do21:35
rwwi do, when i'm entirely too bored21:35
bynariehow do i get my ban lifted from #ubuntu.. i called 1 person a foul name, big deal21:36
rwwHeh, looks like he actually called the entire channel (but specifically two people) a foul name.21:39
k1l_and rejoined asap to evade the ban and call ikonia a foul name again.21:39
rwwfunny how people always forget half of what gets them banned21:40
rwwi am glad that he correctly identified it as a big deal, though /s21:42

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