
TRPrechtGreetings. 01:02
belkinsao/ TRPrecht01:02
TRPrechtIs the Ohio LoCo pretty active? or are there relocos in Ohio that are pretty active?01:06
belkinsaWe are very, very inactive and our ReLoCos don't exist anymore.  But you are welcome to try to start one up.  Where do you hail?01:06
belkinsaWe only have 2-8 active members online but not really in person.01:07
belkinsaWe are scattered and makes the problem greater.01:07
TRPrechtAh.  I'm actually in KY but I see Cincinnati out my window. 01:08
belkinsaAh.  I'm also from the Greater Cinny area myself.01:09
TRPrechtI've been looking for a lug/loco for a couple years now, I've seen that there were at one time many groups in the area and they all seem to have gone dark. :-/01:10
belkinsaI see, I think most of the LUGs and LoCos of USA are dying or are dead.  Ohio is one of the few who is still trying to be active.01:12
* belkinsa shouldn't said "I think"01:12
belkinsaIt's a truth.01:12
TRPrechtKY's is still somewhat active, but it is about 2 hours away and they meet on a weekday.. thus no go.  Unless I can leave work in Springdale and shoot striaght to Lexington and hope for no traffic. LOL01:13
Unit193TRPrecht: I know a few people do some stuff in some LUGs, guy not far from me goes to the Akron LUG as they have active, informative meetings.01:14
dzhohackerspaces and makerspaces seem to be a slightly more current thing, and depending on the space, sometimes attract those with free software sympathies or inclinations01:14
belkinsaKY is?  Hm, never knew that.  If you have friends who are seeking a group, we could start a ReLoCo for the Greater Cincinnati area.01:15
dzhoTRPrecht: so, covington?01:15
TRPrechtYeah, they meet once a month to every other month. 01:15
belkinsadzho, or Newport.01:16
TRPrechtdzho: pretty close. Fort Mitchell actually. 01:16
TRPrechtGrew up in Newport though.  01:16
dzhooh, neat, I see US42 goes on through there01:17
belkinsaI thought 42 was just a state route, or is this a different one?01:17
TRPrechtI've got some friends that like/use Ubuntu or Arch and they are pretty geeky, however they draw the line at the concept of a LUG. say its too geeky. :-/ lol01:17
* belkinsa isn't a developer, but a community builder01:18
belkinsahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/belkinsa <--- this is me.01:18
jenni[ belkinsa - Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/1eqs1VA01:18
* dzho has got to go make sure bedtime is happening01:18
dzhoTRPrecht: nice to see  you drop in.01:19
dzhobelkinsa, Unit193 will see you around01:19
belkinsaSlaapwel, dzho01:19
TRPrechtnah, US42 runs a LONG way.  I can get to pretty far south on it and up to my work north of Cincy.01:19
drkokandyhowdy all01:19
TRPrechtWithout being a developer, or a graphic artist, it seems like it is very difficult to 'get involved' in supporting a project...other than financially... which I guess can be hard too at time. :-)01:22
TRPrechtIts a hard clique to crack. lol01:23
Unit193TRPrecht: Indeed, nice to have you drop in.  If you don't mind me asking, what do you use?01:23
belkinsaIt is, but you can do it with the skills you have.  Spearding the word is one.01:24
TRPrechtUbuntu on my System76 machine... and I use my dinky laptop to test out various distros. 01:24
Unit193drkokandy: And howdy!  Just mentioned you, though not by name. :)01:25
belkinsao/ drkokandy as I forgot to say hey to you01:25
drkokandyOh, yeah? hopefully good things Unit193 - my intenet died earlier this afternoon apparently so my IRC's been down01:25
drkokandyo/ belkinsa01:25
drkokandybeen awhile!01:25
drkokandyTRPrecht: I've missed most of this conversation, but Ubuntu has a tool called find-a-task that might help you see just what options are out there: http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/find-a-task/01:27
jenni[ Ubuntu Community | Find a Task ] - https://j.mp/1GdwRIm01:27
belkinsadrkokandy, thanks for sharing that link!  I would of if I wasn't working on my homework.01:27
drkokandyThat helped me see what options are available... I'm neither a developer nor a graphic designer, but I was able to get started with bug triage & QA testing01:27
Unit193drkokandy: Yes, that you have found a nice LUG in Akron.01:28
* belkinsa started with Ubuntu Women01:28
drkokandyoh, good luck with your homework, belkinsa - probably midterms, right?01:28
Unit193https://sigma.unit193.net/dump/find-a-task-fix.user.js :P01:28
drkokandyoh, yeah! I haven't been to ALUG in a little while, but I should be able to make it this week01:28
belkinsaYes, but I only have one this week.  My bioinformatics one was last week but I still have the takehome part of it to do.01:29
drkokandyfind-a-task-fix.js... is there something broken with find a task?01:29
belkinsaI'm trying to gain time for this week by finishing the rest for my other classes to study for the midterm and do the takehome.01:29
drkokandygood plan belkinsa - good luck!01:30
TRPrechtNice, thanks for the link. I've been slowly converting people since a former coworker got me started in this direction with Gusty.01:30
Unit193drkokandy: Perhaps take a look at the page with and without that?  I didn't create it, but tend to agree with the thought of the person that did.01:30
belkinsaTRPrecht, why isn't KY's LoCo not verflied?01:31
TRPrechtI dual booted for years.... but finally got my last hold out application running under wine... been linux only at home for ~2 years01:31
jennibelkinsa meant to say: TRPrecht, why isn't KY's LoCo not verified?01:31
TRPrechtUnknown... during my search I found the Bluegrass LUG page and on there is said they had merged and went with the Bluegrass name instead of staying Ubuntu KY LoCo?01:33
Unit193Fun fact, Xubuntu's technical lead is from KY.01:34
drkokandyah I see01:34
belkinsaTRPrecht, hm, isn't that against the rules having a LoCo without the Ubuntu part in the name?01:35
Unit193drkokandy: Laying out all your choices just seems like a better idea to me.01:35
TRPrechtI think so... 01:36
* belkinsa wishes skellat was here01:36
TRPrechtah http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2060028 is where I saw where they were aka Bluegrass LUG01:37
jenni[ ANNOUNCEMENT: Ubuntu Kentucky LoCo Team Meeting Tomorrow (9/20) at 7pm! ] - https://j.mp/1Gdz7PI01:37
TRPrechtalmost 3yr old post... one of the most recent. lol01:38
belkinsaBut that was three years ago, well, under three.01:38
belkinsaThat's tells me that it's an inactive one.01:38
jennibelkinsa meant to say: That tells me that it's an inactive one.01:38
TRPrechtThey are on Google+ as BlueGrass Linux User Group and are (semi) active under that name only. 01:39
belkinsaIsn't a mixed group in terms of distro useage?01:39
TRPrechtQuick look at the G page shows more talk about *insert fruit* Pi projects and cloud solutions more times than not.... scrolled a while to find a distro and it was Xubuntu01:43
belkinsaMay I have the link to that page?01:43
TRPrechtSure. 01:46
TRPrechthttps://plus.google.com/communities/116333842588031601371 01:46
jenni[ Blue Grass Linux User Group - Community - Google+ ] - https://j.mp/1GdB2Uk01:46
TRPrechtBRB, going to get food for the wife while she takes care of the fussy baby. 01:46
belkinsaAlright, see you around.  Nice to meet you.01:47
belkinsaAnyways, it's bed time for me.  Night everyone.01:49
drkokandyI'm going to need to blow away my desktop... something went wrong with an update & even apt-get -f install isn't working :(01:50
drkokandymaybe it can be fixed, but I don't have time01:51
Unit193Oh dear.  What's the error(s)?01:51
drkokandyseems like something pretty serious01:52
drkokandylinux-headers-generic : Depends: linux-headers-3.13.0-46-generic but it is not installed01:53
drkokandyIf I try -f I get01:53
drkokandyoh, can't generate it now01:55
drkokandybut it's something about a disk full error (no disk is full)01:55
Unit193Was wondering if outdated sources or proposed enabled, in that case I'd make sure /boot/ wasn't full or filling, and remove all but the latest functioning kernel.01:56
drkokandytried autoremoving lots of old kernels, but same result - paste.ubuntu.com/1050946102:06
drkokandyer http://paste.ubuntu.com/1050946102:06
jenni[ Ubuntu Pastebin ] - https://j.mp/1GdF5jG02:06
drkokandy/usr/src is getting pretty big (this is an old installation & has a lot of cruft), but not full... All the important data is on other (non-boot) disks, so I really am tempted just to blow this parition away and start fresh02:09
drkokandyIn addition to this error with apt-get, my dual monitors are now mirrored (but Unity doesn't realize there are two monitors anymore) and all visual effects are way slower than ever before02:10
=== TRPrecht is now known as TRP
TRPrechtAh, much better with an IRC client. :-002:25
Unit193Hah, yeah webchat is decent enough, but quassel is a bit better, more so if you're using quassel-core. :P02:27
TRPrechtoh? i have't used anything other than xchat...02:31
Unit193Oh?  Looked like you were/are using Quassel. :P02:31
* Unit193 uses Irssi anyway. :P02:31
TRPrechtI meant prior to just installing quassel.02:32
TRPrechtfirst time using it. I like it better than xchat for sure. lol02:32
drkokandyQuassel is my client of choice02:34
Unit193Quassel as a graphical client isn't the best, but because of the client/core relationship, it gets a few extra points.02:40
TRPrechtOnce again I thank who shared the link for the find a task. . . So far I'm crusing the advocacy option and on spread ubuntu site... seems like it needs some TLC. 02:46

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