
daftykinsBergcube: i suppose, but undernet support would seem more relevant00:00
mntmseikonia:  I'm gettin the "missing operating system" message...   i'm guessing this is something to do with my partiions?00:00
mntmseor maybe a boot loader issue?00:00
ikoniamntmse: that means it's booting a partition with nothing to boot00:00
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Bergcubedaftykins, Sure.  But they don't have a channel here that I can find.  And getting ON undernet is the first step to get the help channel there.00:01
daftykinsnot if they have a website00:01
daftykinsnaturally i had already thought of that ;)00:02
mntmseikonia:  what do you think is the best way to fix?00:02
ikoniamntmse: install a supported version00:02
ikoniathat would be the first thing00:02
mntmseok i will do this00:02
Bergcubedaftykins, They probably do!  But you know...  Inertia...  :-D00:02
ikoniaBergcube: how we "fix" undernet ?00:03
daftykinshmm nope don't follow you there.00:03
ikoniaor how do you expect us to ?00:03
mntmseikonia:  do you think i need to make that swap partition bigger?00:03
ikoniathe logical thing to do would be to engage with undernet and get the correct settings for your client after verifying the network is up00:03
ikoniamntmse: that seems a random question considering I don't know how big you set it00:03
Bergcubeikonia, I do not expect anything.  I am asking for help in case it's in my Ubuntu setup or in the ubuntu provided package.00:03
mntmseikonia:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10508238/00:03
ikoniamntmse: that seems a pointless swap partition size00:04
ikonia133mb is worthless00:04
mntmsei know i made it by mistake00:04
mntmsei dont know what i was thinking to be honest00:04
mntmsei should make it 4 gig?00:04
ikoniayou're re-installing, so fix it00:04
daftykinsBergcube: also - http://www.undernet.org/webchat.php google is wonderful \o/00:05
mntmsedo i need to change anything with the bootloader?00:05
mntmsei'm using rEFInd00:05
Lovichwhat is the linux equivalent of installing a program and having it be contextual with right clicking in windows00:05
ikoniamntmse: the installer will put the bootloader on00:07
mntmseok thanks00:07
mntmsei will try this tomorrow00:07
mntmsebut i just leave rEFInd on my computer?00:07
Bergcubedaftykins, Thanks.  I do know how to google.  I was there, and the web client timed out without connecting every time.  I would not have been here asking if something as rudimentary as that had worked.  I cannot see that I have been rude or impolite.  I do not feel I have deserved tongue in cheek humour that isn't funny.00:08
McMidohow to search for a file in the terminal ?00:09
McMidoand i shouldn`t really ask that here :D00:09
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bekksMcMido: "find /path/ -type f -name "filename"   or   find /path/ -type f | grep "searchstring"00:12
McMidothanks you.00:12
nrdbI am booting a VM from nfs ... it is working find :-) .... I purge grub as it wasn't needed and was interfering with updates ... but now whenever I do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' it want to reinstall grub .... :-( .... how do I stop this?00:14
daftykinsBergcube: it's... not meant to be humour at all.00:15
bekksnrdb: grub shouldnt be interfering with updates at all, unless you are using third party package sources.00:15
nrdbbekks, yes it does... it keeps asking on what device to install itself on.00:16
bekksnrdb: So you are booting a diskless vm?00:16
nrdbnrdb, yes ... via nfs00:17
Bergcubedaftykins, Then the content of the Ubuntu code of conduct must be quite different from what I had the impression it is.  I must have missed the part about trying to ridicule or humiliate those that come looking for help.00:17
daftykinsi promise you, you're getting that yourself00:18
daftykinsi see no point at which i did that, i think you're a bit too sensitive for IRC.00:18
BubuntuHello, i want to fix an usb key00:20
maddawg2what is the difference betweeen chmod 0777 and chmod 77700:20
nrdbmaddawg2, as far as I know nothing!00:21
bekksA big difference actually ;)00:21
Bubuntudo you have tools to fix an usb key ?00:21
k1lBubuntu: what means "fix?00:21
k1lBubuntu: or better: what is broken?00:22
bekksmaddawg2: nrdb: See this: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/Numeric-Modes.html#Numeric-Modes00:22
Bubuntuit's an usb key of my friend (on windows 7) he can't mount it00:22
Bubuntusorry, he can't read it00:23
bekksmaddawg2: In detail: specifying the leading 0, you UNSET the special modes described in the link above00:23
nrdbbekks, oh ... I see small but potentially important difference.00:25
k1lBubuntu: it depends on the error you get with that usb drive00:25
k1lbut since usb keys dont have the best storage chips in most cases there is a chance its just gone00:26
Night_girlHi so my wifi is not working in Linux, however I tried with cable and it doesn't work either.  The Internet is working as my mobile from which im texting works00:26
bekksnrdb: 8 bit difference ;)00:27
Night_girlCan anyone help I just installed 14.04 as discussed00:28
nrdbbekks, only if those bits where set in the first place, and most times they wouldn't be... but if they where it could be big trouble.00:29
pavlosNight_girl, I assume 14.04 ... have you enabled networking?00:29
bekksnrdb: Yeah, indeed.00:29
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voyceyHi Everyone, does anyone know if there is a package list for snappy on Ubuntu Core?00:31
nrdbNight_girl, have you tried to see if there any restricted drivers needed by your system?00:31
tnkhanhhi guys00:31
sudormrfhey all00:32
j_tHow can I find the boot order on a trusty box? This new systemd/upstart stuff confuses me. I'm used to /etc/rc? runlevels00:33
nrdbvoycey, you can search for packages uses the command 'apt-cache search <something>'00:33
j_tI'm trying to find out if a program called cloud init runs before some other script00:33
voyceynrdb: Ubuntu core doesnt use apt-get00:33
voyceyor apt-*00:33
voyceyI can use snappy to search but id just like to see a list of available packages before going to the effort of setting it up00:34
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nrdbI am booting a VM from nfs ... it is working fine :-) .... I purged grub as it wasn't needed and was interfering with updates ... but now whenever I do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' it want to reinstall grub .... :-( .... how do I stop this?00:35
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musclesnrdb, maybe try using dpkg? echo "grub hold" | dpkg --set-selections00:37
maddawg2i know this isn't a vmware channel but i kind of have a ubuntu question....  i increased the size of my drive in vmware esxi and it's placed unallocated space after my Swap partition which is in EXTENDED format and i want to resize my / partition to include the unallocated00:37
bekksmuscles: apt-get hold should do the job.00:38
maddawg2is it safe to delete the swap partition and increase the space00:38
maddawg2then recreate it?00:38
musclesbekks, nice - thanks for the tip00:38
maddawg2or will that mess up my boot00:38
daftykinsmaddawg2: swapoff, delete, delete extended, resize /, recreate swap00:38
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bekksmaddawg2: when deleting swap, make sure you delete /etc/fstab entry too.00:38
bekksmaddawg2: when just recreating swap, you dont have to delete the fstab entry00:39
Night_girlLet's see it works fine, I'm able to connect I get an IP address etc this is an easy one. Last time it was cause Firefox came wit an option. To use systems proxy so I just disabled it and said no procy00:39
maddawg2bekks good to know00:40
Night_girlSo I do not know why is not working this time :(00:40
maddawg2so if i just delete the extended then expand my drive and turn swap back on I wont need to change anything00:40
maddawg2in fstab that is00:41
maddawg2since swap will be back on00:41
Bashing-omNight_girl: Terninal command -> ping -c3 <- completes ?00:45
nrdbmuscles, thanks the command 'echo "grub-common hold" | dpkg --set-selections' seemed to fix things00:47
musclesnrdb, no prob - i forgot the name of the grub package - nice catch00:48
j_tI'm trying to use update-rc.d to have a scrip start at a certain point on boot, say defaults 70, or say 80, or 99. but I want to make sure it starts after cloudinit. Does anyone know how to find out how say something like cloudinit which uses upstart... boots relative to something using update-rc.d?00:49
j_tHow can I figure out what runlevel this would correlate to for cloudinit/upstart00:49
bekks!upstart | j_t00:49
ubottuj_t: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/00:49
j_tbekks: Does that mean you don't know the answer?00:50
bekksj_t: upstart does not correlate to SYSV, it replaces it.00:51
bekksj_t: Did you take a look at that link?00:51
j_tbekks: well sysv is still available for backwards compatibility00:51
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bryancan 14.10 be downgraded back to 14.0400:51
bekksj_t: Yeah, and runlevels 2, 3, 4, 5 are mapped to the same result.00:51
bekksbryan: No.00:51
k1lbryan: no00:51
nrdbj_t, I put custom stuff like that in '/etc/rc.local'00:52
bekksnrdb: Dont do that. Instead, create a proper service definition for upstart.00:52
j_thaha, I just found that while searching google00:55
Secret-Fireplease help i cant add this repository : http://pastebin.com/n8hwYMta00:56
bekksSecret-Fire: Are you running debian?00:56
k1lSecret-Fire: kali linux has nothing to do with ubuntu00:57
Secret-Firebekks : yes00:57
bekksSecret-Fire: So please seek their support then.00:57
spaceindaverHi all, I am experiencing intermittent crashes when running applications with primusrun. The applications run fine but everything freezes when I try to close it. I am running Ubuntu 14.10 with nvidia 340 driver. Any ideas?00:59
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voyceywhy is cdimage.ubuntu.com SO horrifically slow?01:04
bekksvoycey: Because people are actually using it :)01:05
voyceyI feel like its the 90's again - 32kb/s download :(01:05
VolUTFanmaybe that will help you01:06
voyceythey dont have ubuntu core on them :(01:06
VolUTFanwhat do you mean by ubuntu-core?  you mean the bare minimum installation of ubuntu?01:09
k1li think he means the new snappy ubuntu.01:09
VolUTFannever heard of snappy..  is it a spinoff of the ubuntu distro?01:10
k1lVolUTFan: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/snappy/01:10
voyceyits for Docker01:11
bekksDocker, thats a thing now, is it?01:11
locsmifHi all. Is it normal that lsmod and /proc/modules show no output on Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS on a VPS?01:14
k1llocsmif: that is possible for some (old) vserver technologies01:15
locsmifk1l: I'm using Strato, and their kernel version is: 3.13.0-042stab092.301:16
k1llocsmif: its not the kernel its the technic. so if its eopnvz or such its a common issue. if you need modules talk to the hoster01:18
locsmifk1l: thanks for elaborating.01:18
t0th_-_i am using rcconf but is not savind my changes, how i can solve this?01:19
Bashing-omwin 701:20
locsmifk1l: some German talk on a Debian forum seems to confirm what you're saying for Strato.01:21
k1llocsmif: seems like they use virtuozzo and that is a known issue there01:22
locsmifk1l: ah, I was trying to find that out but couldn't... where did you get more info?01:22
locsmifk1l: nvm :) German, but informative (I happen to understand German, so, that helps :) http://blog.strato.de/server-sicher-konfigurieren/01:23
Bubuntui can see my usb key in disk utilitary01:24
k1llocsmif: yes, down there in an comment a employee tells they use virtuozzo01:24
Bubuntubut i can't mount it01:25
k1lBubuntu: what tells you "dmesg" after you have put the usb drive in?01:25
Bubuntuwith fdisk -l, i can't see it01:25
teomaIs it possible to use sudo somehow rather than having mount.ecryptfs_private setuid?  The problem I'm running into is that it then looks for the private directory in /root instead of $HOME.01:25
Bubuntui can't copy01:27
locsmifteoma: the man page doesn't reference directly accessing /root : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/utopic/man1/mount.ecryptfs_private.1.html01:28
TerryCI'm trying to install 14.04.2-server and it doesn't matter if I use a dvd, flash drive, or cd, I get a bunch of mount errors and an extremely slow install. I'm using a xeon on a 8gt/s motherboard, so I can't really guess why this is going so slow. Anyone know why all the mount errors? I've tried multiple iso's and multiple media types.01:29
TerryCmaking me question if this is really ready to be out in the public...01:29
k1lBubuntu: its "sdb"01:30
Bubuntuit's a question ?01:30
LoshkiTerryC: I'm still on 12.04.4 because it's solid as a rock.01:31
locsmifteoma: so it seems $HOME genuinely contains /root, since the only setuid operation according to the manpage is the call to mount(8) or umount(8) ?01:31
Bubuntuk1l, the name of my usb key is : Generic USB Flash Disk (7.76) in disk utilitary01:31
k1lTerryC: did you md5sum the isos?01:31
TerryCloshki: I am starting to think that might be the right route to go. 14 seems to be very flaky.01:32
k1lBubuntu: it gets linked to the /dev/sdb device. so where is the issue now?01:32
TerryCk1l: no, I downloaded using 3 different pc's, so I assumed on eof them got it right, but same results.01:32
Bubuntui can't mount it01:33
k1lTerryC: well. we will never know if you dont check the md5sum. you could also research if there are known issues with your hardware. i bet someone would have mentioned it already if that was a common thing01:33
Bubuntui can't to see the content of my key01:33
LoshkiTerryC: also, what k1l said...01:34
locsmifBubuntu: best provide the error you get01:34
TerryCI'm currently trying to use the cd I downloaded whiel at work01:34
TerryCI'll run the integrity check and see what it says01:34
locsmifTerryC: you can check the CD or the ISO, same difference.01:34
teomalocsmif: Yes, sudo is changing HOME.  This may be related to the env_keep setting in the sudoers file.01:35
LoshkiTerryC: a badly burned cd/dvd needing a lot of retries might produce exactly those symptoms...01:35
Bubuntusorry for the french GUI01:36
locsmifteoma: sudo -E perhaps?01:36
Bubuntuif i push the button to ON, it change nothing01:36
locsmifYou want to keep the environment of the user you are elevating from, right?01:36
Loshkilocsmif: or just try setting HOME explicitly, manually, to what you want before you invoke the mount command?01:37
teomalocsmif: Thanks, yes!  That looks very helpful.01:37
hardtailanyone familiar with installing Ubuntu on a Mac so it can dual boot? I followed the guide and installed rEFInd Boot Manager successfully. when I rebooted and started the usb I made it to GRUB and selected Try Ubuntu. No device controller found is all that appears on the next screen01:41
locsmifBubuntu: can you open a terminal and do: sudo blkid /dev/sdb ?01:42
locsmifJust a thought01:42
ChrisF-hi everyone.  I installed google-chrome-stable using apt.  If I go to unity and type Google Chrome, I can click the icon and it opens.  I then lock it to the launcher.  But, if I closei t and click teh launcher icon, it doesn't open.  Any idea why?01:42
Bubuntuyes, wait a moment locsmif01:43
Bubuntunothing locsmif01:44
locsmifk1l: it gets weirder. fdisk -l returns nothing, cannot read from the root device.. strange stuff, virtuozzo01:44
locsmifBubuntu: if you put that USB stick into a different machine now, can you see any files on it there?01:46
Bubuntui haven't different machine01:46
Bubuntui stop here, thanks for all01:48
locsmifdd if=/dev/sdb count=1 | hexdump -C01:48
locsmifSorry I couldn't help you further, Bubuntu01:48
locsmifBubuntu: wait a minute01:48
hardtailno device controller has to do with the installer finding my gpu right?01:48
locsmifBubuntu: were there supposed to be files on the USB stick in the first place?01:48
Paterocan I ask a question01:48
locsmifPatero: shoot01:49
Paterowhat is bubuntu01:49
Bubuntui don't know, good night and thantks01:49
locsmifHeh. What if Bubuntu just wanted to format an USB stick for use?01:50
locsmifHe took off before we got there. Oh well.01:50
locsmifPatero: apparently: http://bubuntu.net/Bubuntu.html01:51
eikon81gAnyone have time to help with a bluetooth issue?01:51
eikon81g I looked into it a bit and it seems like it may be a bug in xubuntu but I saw some possible fixes regarding edits to audio.conf01:51
eikon81gI get the error: Connection Failed: Stream setup failed after adding the device (JBL Pulse BT Speaker) and trying to use audio sink01:52
locsmifeikon81g: for what it's worth: using regular Ubuntu, I was able to connect and use bluetooth speakers which didn't work under Win 701:52
locsmifI'm a bit of an audio guy. But what is audio sink/01:53
eikon81gwell that's hopeful lol, It's odd because the adapter is present and funtioning but for whatever reason the bluetooth manager won't allow the stream to initialize01:53
muscleslocsmif, people will probably correct me, but i believe it is just an audio output01:53
eikon81gbasically after pairing the speaker you select the audio sink for that device and the audio will output through the selected device01:54
locsmifeikon81g: when you say stream, are you just trying to play a wav or an mp3?01:54
eikon81gwell it is before you can get to that it has to pair successfully before any audio could output01:55
locsmifeikon81g: I have to add that I had to fiddle like ten times with some on/off switch in the configuration before I got it working.01:55
voyceybekks: Docker is indeed a thing :)01:55
locsmifeikon81g: so pairing does work, or?01:55
eikon81gmy adapter is enabled and sees the bluetooth device I am trying to pair to it just fails01:55
eikon81git does, I can "trust" the device and I use the 0000 pin to connect it01:56
locsmifHmm, I never had to enter a pin code01:56
eikon81gbut once I set it to "Audio Sync" to use it as an output device it gives me the error01:56
eikon81gmost devices no longer need the pin but if it does ask 0000 is generally universal01:56
eikon81g**"Audio Sink"01:57
TerryCSo, thisis kinda weird, but it seems my problem was being caused because bios was reporting that I had a 1.44mb floppy drive, but I don't because... well, because. who uses those anymore. But ubuntu server was repeatedly trying to mount it and failing over and over, causing delays and errors in dmesg.01:57
TerryConce I disabled it in bios (not sure why it was on in the first place) it's now working like 80% faster01:58
OerHeksTerryC, after a bios reset, floppy is turned on standard01:59
locsmifeikon81g: is this related? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/128300301:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283003 in Ubuntu "[Bluetooth + 14.04] Bluetooth headsets are not working after last couple of updates" [High,Confirmed]01:59
eikon81glocsmif checking.01:59
eikon81gI don't think so mine is regarding the error Stream Failed to connect02:01
eikon81g**Connection Failed: Stream setup failed02:01
locsmifeikon81g: and this? http://askubuntu.com/questions/329278/connection-failed-stream-setup-failed-when-using-a2dp02:02
locsmifWell, I have to admit I'm just launching trial balloons here.02:03
locsmifhey, nice FF skin! :)02:04
eikon81gthx.. I am looking at that one it is close but I don't know if it is exactly the same I may try some of the commands02:05
locsmifeikon81g: since you're using xubuntu, you might try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214484102:06
locsmifMy last wild guess, I can't test, only you can :)02:06
eikon81gI think I can narrow it down to something in the audio.conf just not sure which changes need to be made02:06
eikon81gchecking that one now02:06
locsmifeikon81g: they are discussing inserting sleep commands in that thread, near the end. Some other things as well.02:06
poo-and-nachoswhat kernal does lubuntu use?02:07
locsmifeikon81g: this stands out to me a little: "Device doesnt require a pin, but in blueman your forced to enter one"02:07
locsmifIt almost feels as if this is analogous to a WIFI connection with the wrong PSK set.02:08
eikon81gyea, it may be something to do with it but whats so weird is the speaker actually beeps like it is paired and connected to audio and then it drops the connection within about a second02:08
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eikon81gI see what you are saying I actually tried alternate pins like 1234 and a few others and it would report back authentication failed02:09
eikon81gI'm leaning on a bug but it seems that it's a forgotten topic02:09
k1lpoo-and-nachos: which lubuntu?02:10
locsmifeikon81g: aha02:10
k1lpoo-and-nachos: 3.1602:10
poo-and-nachoslatest one I beleave02:10
poo-and-nachosthank you02:10
eikon81gI think the pin is good it takes an initial connection but then the error pops up02:10
locsmifeikon81g: if it were me in your shoes, I'd start doing everything manually, from the terminal, step-by-step where possible to isolate the error02:11
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locsmifAlso this: "I'm not familiar with xubuntu but do you have just the regular bluetooth assistant? I found that blueman doesn't work, but as soon as I remove/purge it, everything works just fine. I have to re-add the device every time, but it's better than no bluetooth audio at all."02:11
eikon81gk I can try that out the blueman bluetooth software may be to blame02:11
SienteHello guys, when I scan the ubuntu disk for errors from my USB it's giving me 2 erros is it normal?02:12
eikon81gok I am gonna dig in a little bit thanks man02:12
locsmifyou're welcome, I hope it works out02:12
eikon81gI'll pop back in and let you know in a bit02:12
locsmifeikon81g: "Without music, life would be a mistake.." -- Nietzsche02:13
eikon81gnice, that's a jewel :)02:13
locsmifSiente: what kind of errors?02:13
Sientelocsmif, it's just saying errors found in 2 files!02:14
locsmifSiente: are you booting from USB to scan your harddrive?02:15
hardtailso my hdd has no encryption on it, still get the error when trying to install 'i8042 no controller found', I added in i8042.nomux=1 i8042.reset to my boot flags but still the same error and response from my machine, keyboard lit and then freezes. anyone have an idea ?02:15
Sientelocsmif, yes from usb02:15
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locsmifSiente: ok. Can't say I know what to tell you from so little info :)02:16
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Sienteand I am using the Universal USB Installer on windows for creating the usb stick02:16
Sientelocsmif, MD5 Check Sums are the same so the iso file is okay02:18
locsmifSiente: but the errors reported are on your harddisk, right? Not on your USB device... that you aren't scanning, you said.02:19
locsmifOr implied, rather.02:19
locsmifhardtail: from what I can tell i8042 is an old keyboard controller not in use anymore02:20
locsmifWhat does this have to do with hdd encryption?02:20
Sientelocsmif, when I boot from the USB and when I choose Check disc for defects it's giving me 2 erros found02:20
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hardtaillocsmif I found the same error on stack overflow and the user had to turn of disk encryption to get his to work - then another like me who has done that and the error still persists02:20
Sientesame problem02:21
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully02:22
locsmifSiente: maybe it's related to this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/127398/usb-drive-install-of-ubuntu-12-04-server-fails-cant-find-components-from-cd-r02:25
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locsmifhardtail: are you installing to a Macbook Pro?02:26
hardtailyes locsmif, I found another article saying to try with 'nomodeset' so I will go try this02:26
hardtailI will brb02:27
Sientelocsmif, I am able to install the OS I mean here https://www.howtoforge.com/images/ubuntu_14.10_utopic_unicorn_minimal_server/2.png when I choose Check disc for defects02:27
SienteIt's saying errors found in 2 files02:28
locsmifSiente: I understand. Have you read the link I posted and the responses?02:30
Sientelocsmif, but he's not able to install the OS there?02:33
locsmifSiente: that's not what I'm reading :)02:33
locsmifThey're seeing file name cut-off based errors, they're proposing workarounds, and they've also tried other means of installing to USB, which worked02:34
Sientelocsmif, ah okay02:35
hardtailLocsmif it worked with nomodeset. I am now in the installer and when I select my free space it tells me not root file system defined please correct this from the partitioning menu02:36
voyceyis there a way to see what repository was used to install something in ubuntu?02:38
locsmifhardtail: nomodeset relates to graphical mode settings of your video card. So it appears your latest problem was caused by interoperability problems with your onboard video card. As for the problem you're having now: it seems you need to partition your harddisk before installing.02:38
eikon81gbluetooth fail. LOL I think I will end up just scrapping blueman and using pulse audio but I already know it will mess up my hardkeys for the vlume up down and mute on this machine02:39
eikon81gso I am thinking is it really worth it.. LOL02:39
locsmifvoycey: apt-cache show <package> may help. There should be a line saying "Origin"02:39
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shamaanhallo!! is somebody from holland here..??02:40
hardtailLocsmif makes sense. How can I go about partitioning the free space, must it be done outside the installer?  It only allows me to modify my os x partition02:40
aeon-ltdshamaan: do you have a support question?02:41
shamaannoo... :(02:41
voyceylocsmif: they all just show Ubuntu - pretty sure they came from PPA's02:41
locsmifshamaan: me02:42
locsmifeikon81g: damn02:42
eikon81gyea, It's a 50/50 I guess I could remove blueman (since it's bugged anyway) and try another manager02:43
k1lvoycey: apt-cache policy package02:43
eikon81gI am looking into that now02:43
voyceyk1l: perfect thanks :)02:43
locsmifeikon81g: I do remember that I forgot that volume was handled by my laptop and no longer by the volume dial on the speakers when I got it working, I damn near blew my ears off02:43
eikon81glol whoops..02:44
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locsmifhardtail: you're going for dual boot?02:44
TerryCwhen i tried to bring up one of my ethernet interfaces, I got a "leaking memory" error... downloading the drivers now, but still, that seems a tadbit bad.02:45
hardtailYes sir02:45
locsmifoof... you may need to use an advanced partioning tool like Acronis to make space first02:45
TerryCit's a intel i210 gigabit adapter, I didn't get that error with my dual port 10gigabit card though... just the i21002:45
locsmifhardtail: or is there free space on the disk already/02:46
TerryCmight just be an error with the inbox driver02:46
Hardtaillocsmif i used osx's disk utility to create 100 gb of free space, not sure if that was ok02:46
locsmifHardtail: ah, that's good :)02:46
Hardtailbut it would not give me the option to format it in the installer02:47
locsmifHardtail: http://askubuntu.com/questions/462360/macbook-air-how-to-install-a-dual-bootable-ubuntu-14-04-lts02:47
locsmif"At partitioning stage, select manual partitioning, select as your / partition the partition that you created in Disk Utility (and swap if you created a partition for that)"02:48
locsmifI would create a swap partition, too.02:48
Hardtailhmm  odd when I got to that stage and selected it all the options were greyed out, only the partitions for my OSX could be altered02:49
eikon81ghey what format is the partition in? hfs or fat?02:49
eikon81gthe reason the installer may not see it is because the format of the partition may not be recognizable..02:50
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully02:50
locsmifHardtail: you're supposed to create a new partition in the empty space..02:50
eikon81g(just a thought) I think I started out with a FAT partition02:50
Hardtailyes I understand that locsmif but it won't let me create a partition in it02:51
locsmifDoes it even show the empty space?02:51
Hardtailbah, it's probably me doing this all incorrectly :D02:51
Hardtailyes it does02:51
eikon81gwhat format is the partition when you see it in osx?02:52
Hardtailit says free space only02:53
eikon81gso in OSx disk utility does it show the Mac OS partition only?02:53
eikon81gthe free space is good but to utilize it you need to create a partition on that space to separate it from your osx partition02:54
Hardtailthat is correct eikon81g02:54
Hardtailah, so that was my mistake then02:55
eikon81gright but BE CAREFUL02:55
eikon81gwhen you start messing with partitions it's easy to mess things us and trash your osx partition and lose all your data02:55
locsmifWhat about this? http://cdn5.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/install-ubuntu-linux-alongside-mac-os-x.png02:55
Hardtailyeah that option was not there locsmif02:56
locsmifI guess you never got that far..02:56
eikon81g^^ locsmif is good there are some tutorials and instructions available for dualbooting a mac02:56
Hardtailwell I installed the boot manager and everything, just needed the right flags02:56
eikon81gI would look for a step by step on how to dual boot a mac so that you don't lose any data or cause yourself grief02:56
eikon81gok well I was just chiming in on the partition question you have me beat with the rest but it sounds like you still need a valid partition to install onto02:57
locsmifhttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/10/dual-boot-os-ubuntu <- "Proceed to install Ubuntu on the .free space. partition you created earlier. Ubuntu may prompt you to install it on freespace (double check the size) or, if it doesn.t or you just want to be super-cautious choose the .Advanced. option from the partition screen."02:57
eikon81gso I would find the best way to allocate some of your free disk space into a new partition without wrecking your working osx install02:58
locsmifDid you chose the "Advanced" option? ;)02:58
Hardtailyes..that's what I was descrbing the buttons greyed out02:58
Hardtailand those guides are outdated that version of the bootloader is no longer ind evelopment02:59
eikon81g^^ you got it locsmif good luck yall.. sorry I can't help more I am ballsdeep on my issue atm LOL02:59
locsmifWell I give up02:59
locsmifeikon81g: just make sure you turn the volume down ;)02:59
eikon81gI think a workaround for that issue is to have a partition ready to go when you load up the ubuntu installer.....02:59
Hardtaileikon81g i can partition the free space as exfat02:59
eikon81gLOL yes sir ty02:59
eikon81gso manually creating a partition using OSx maybe one way to get it done03:00
Hardtaili can partition it as mac os journalled ex fat or dos03:00
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully03:01
locsmifHardtail: that won't work, I would guess..03:01
eikon81gexfat or fat should work to get your ubuntu installer to see the partition03:01
Hardtailright now osx sees both partitions03:01
Hardtailthis should work guys thanks. i will brb03:01
eikon81gsee if u use the os x disk utility to partition some of the free space you have then you can get ubuntu to install on that partition03:02
eikon81gok.. be careful don't over write your osx partition03:02
locsmifBut can Ubuntu boot from exFAT?03:02
eikon81git sees exfat in the ubuntu installer03:02
eikon81gIdk if it is native to ubuntu or not03:02
eikon81gwell if he pops back in he should try just FAT that's bound to be accessible03:03
eikon81git puckers up my butthole when it gets down to messing with the partitions because I hate to trash stuff by accident lol03:03
eikon81gI ran into an issue earlier and got some great help on this channel03:04
eikon81gthe LVM feature has a bug and it made my /boot partition way small03:04
eikon81gthe guys got me going but to repair it I need to re-install and I was like well crap so needless to say I am saving that for another day LOL03:05
locsmifYeah, LVM can be difficult03:05
eikon81gI think hardtail will get it tho.. sounds like he was close and he had the boot loader already working so hopefully he gets it03:06
eikon81gYea, they said there was a bug report on it but I was unaware until they walked me through some steps and looked @ my partition sizes smh.. some people are so good it makes me sick LOL03:06
locsmifThe problem is you seem to be wanting to help him get his free space *visible* by partitioning it and *formatting* it with an exFAT or other FAT-based filesystem, which doesn't work for Ubuntu installations, except for configurations such as ISOLINUX and the like.03:07
eikon81ghumm.. I was just under the impression he was lacking a second partition at all..03:07
locsmifWell, let's see what happens, I'm curious03:08
locsmifWe're indemnified, right?03:08
eikon81gme 2 lol I just remember when I installed xubuntu and ubuntu I started with a fat partition on my drive idk03:08
eikon81gindemnified indeed.. hopefully I didn't cause a boo boo03:09
locsmifWhat I'm really missing here is a boot-time TeamViewer to help hardtail install Ubuntu remotely03:10
eikon81gI run an mac sometimes I just like os x too much to use anything else on that machine..03:10
eikon81gyea, Teamviewer is a lifesaver03:10
locsmifeikon81g: well I haven't seen the guy yet. I'm out.. Cheerio! lol.03:11
locsmifhardtail: hi. We were just talking about you03:11
locsmifHow's it going? ;)03:11
hardtailhahaha just peachy my friend XD03:12
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locsmifhardtail: great!03:12
locsmifWe're available for children's parties too03:12
hardtailit was able to read the drive after formatting it in disk utility03:13
hardtaillol ^03:13
locsmifhardtail: so now you're able to install?03:14
hardtailyes when i assigned a mount directory of / it would work but asked me to create a swap partition03:14
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully03:16
eikon81gLocsmif you're up! LOL03:16
locsmifhardtail: you assigned that to a different partition than the OSX parition, yes? And you formatted the partition you assigned / to with a file system Ubuntu supports?03:16
locsmifeikon81g: hold my confetti, I'm going in03:17
TerryCWhen I reboot, my eth1 is down, and I have to manually bring it up. Any idea how to make it come up normally?03:17
hardtaillocsmif yes, i created 140 gbs as exfat. it will allow me to format it as ext4 and then assign mounting point of / but it asked me to create another partition for swapping otherwise memory issues can occur, so it says03:17
locsmifTerryC: /etc/network/interfaces would be interesting in this regard. But it may contain some privacy sensitive information, such as your public ip address.03:18
locsmifhardtail: how much memory do you have?03:18
TerryClocsmif: I set my ip addresses in there, but it still comes up disabled.03:18
locsmifhardtail: oh, forget about swap then. It's very much recommended, but with 16GB of memory, well.. I'd take the gamble.03:19
locsmifYou could repartition later, maybe.03:19
TerryCand if I manually up eth1 it does not use the ip I set in interfaces03:19
locsmifhardtail: it's just that it's been a rough ride even getting to this point, I suggest moving forward03:19
locsmifTerryC: I was more or less suggesting you pastebin /etc/network/interfaces, so we could look at it, perhaps with some sensitive info obscured with x's.03:20
hardtailunderstood locsmif. well, sort of a curve ball here. this laptop is an i7, 16gb ram, has a dedicated gpu. if i just installed ubuntu in virtualbox would the performance be drastically different from native boot? i wont be running any 3d applications03:21
locsmifWell, why would you install in Virtualbox now?03:21
locsmifYou're nearly there!03:21
locsmifI would avoid Virtualbox, it's nice but inferior compared to Vmware03:21
* eikon81g dropped the confetti03:22
locsmifSo you may run into some problems using Virtualbox you wouldn't otherwise have, indeed.03:22
hardtailno worries it was just a thought03:22
locsmifhardtail: I wish I could connect to your box remotely so I could see this installation screen for myself. I could easily switch to a terminal and do the patitioning manually03:22
eikon81gmy vote is on the standalone install as well too many variables with virtualbox03:23
locsmifI'm oldschool, I'm not germane to all these fancy GUI installers03:23
TerryClocsmif: I spelled auto atuo :)03:23
locsmifTerryC: ! =)03:23
TerryCthat's why it wasn't coming up :)03:23
hardtailim actually installing this to take a linux course locsmif lol03:23
locsmifTerryC: I figured as much.03:23
xubuntu25wHow do you compile a source code without install.sh? I try to compile this one: https://github.com/irssi/irssi03:23
locsmifhardtail: haha03:24
hardtailok well if you guys don't think the memory swap isnt a big deal then ill just proceed the way it is03:24
locsmifxubuntu25w: make03:24
eikon81goh man.. well mention us in your notes!! lol JKJK03:24
xubuntu25wlocsmif: I know but it doesn't work03:24
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hardtaili will for sure :p03:24
eikon81ghardtail when it asks you to create the partition why can't you?03:24
eikon81git's kind of just an automated part of the install I saw that too03:25
locsmifhardtail: with 16GB? No.. you're like 10GB clean of any problems, unless, perhaps, you go nuts in a browser like Chrome or Firefox03:25
eikon81ghaha ^^03:25
hardtailnono it will let me I believe eikon81g i just came back on osx to make another partition for swap lol03:25
hardtailbut i dont need to now03:25
eikon81gto be honest I just cruised through that part03:26
eikon81gI would let the ubuntu installer do it's own thing don't do it manually03:26
locsmifhardtail: moreover, if you were to actually create a swap partition, it would have to be ~16GB or perhaps even 20 or 32GB.03:26
eikon81gyou could omit the swap like locsmif says or just let the installer create you a partition03:26
eikon81glocsmif this is the second person today I've seen in this channel that had to install ubuntu as part of a class03:27
locsmifWell, good! My college years weren't half as cool03:27
eikon81gyou taking students this semester?03:27
TerryCAs a general rule, I usually set my swapspace to 1.5x the amount of ram. so for 4gb=6gb swap, 8gb=12gb swap... and so on03:27
* eikon81g signs up03:27
* tnkhanh says hi and waves hand to everyone03:27
TerryCbut to each their own, it's just a easy way for me to figure it, and I usually round up to the next gb03:27
eikon81gI was reading about that today a little bit, good tip03:28
hardtailwell maybe not a traditional class in the sense eikon81g lol03:28
tnkhanhhi guys03:28
hardtaillinux foundation edx, just want to learn03:28
locsmifTerryC: thing is, 16GB memory will net you 24GB swap space that way. And 16GB is what hardtail here has :)03:28
TerryCYou never really seem to notice how much swap space you need till you have too little :)03:28
locsmifhardtail: may I say I'm rather jealous at your hardware specs?03:29
eikon81ghardtail I think if you just let the installer create you a new partition it will be fine use the default settings it brings up and next on through03:29
locsmifhardtail: so what do you intend on doing? Run a simulation of the universe?03:29
eikon81gI agree locsmif.. I am upset.03:29
TerryClocsmif: I've got servers with 128gb and 512gb ram, and I still follow that rule..03:29
eikon81ggood god. LOL03:30
* eikon81g walks away with head down03:30
locsmifTerryC: have you checked back with swap usage?03:30
locsmifMy 8GB ram-carrying VPS has no swap at all03:31
TerryClocsmif: never really paid any attention to swap usage, these servers are pushing 40gbit nics, and the swapspace is probably rarely even used if at all unless being used for Chariot controllers03:31
locsmifTerryC: great stuff03:31
hardtaillol i intend to take over the interwebz locsmif *dr evil voice*. well this laptop i actually thought was dead but just going to use it to learn linux for the time being03:32
eikon81gsmh.. pass it this way when your done! lol03:32
TerryCI work at intel in CSIG (Computing Server Information Group) and we basically play around with servers and try to see what we can break, before the product ships.03:32
eikon81ghey locsmif!! I got my bluetooth working!03:32
locsmifhardtail: dead?!?03:32
hardtaili will be back in a couple, going to complete the install, thank you all03:32
eikon81gInstalled pulseaudio bluetooth and initialized it03:32
locsmifhardtail: good luck03:32
hardtailyes ill fill you in when i get back03:33
eikon81gnp! good luck03:33
locsmifeikon81g: =))03:33
eikon81gsudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and then sudo pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover < BOOM!03:33
locsmifTerryC:  :(){ :|:& };:  ?03:34
TerryCforkbombs! yummy03:34
locsmifeikon81g: so what changed exactly?03:34
locsmifTerryC: would be a great waste of such hardware03:35
TerryCI did that on a quad xeon with 1tb ram, took about 5 or 6 minutes to run out of resources03:35
locsmifTerryC: do you use testing frameworks at all?03:35
eikon81gwell i needed to install the pulse audio bluetooth module for whatever reason03:35
locsmifeikon81g: lol! Now what reason could that possibly be?03:36
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully03:36
eikon81gand after that I had to run the command to load the module and then in blueman it connected without an error03:36
TerryCwe mostly custom build for the tests we do, but we use IXIA chassis, Chariot, and Lauterbach/pcie analyzers03:36
locsmifeikon81g: I need to remember what you did because I may run into it myself03:36
eikon81gthen in the audio settings I changed the audio device from built in speakers to the now present jbl pulse in the list :)03:36
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eikon81g sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and then sudo pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover03:36
eikon81gI had made some edits to my /etc/bluetooth/audio.conf but they seem to be fine as of now once I installed the pulse bluetooth module it was easier to work with03:37
locsmifTerryC: well, you have an awesome job, I tell you that.03:37
locsmifeikon81g: excellent03:38
eikon81gyea I envy TerryC03:38
locsmifTerryC: sounds almost like you're supplying IXPs03:38
eikon81gyea hopefully you don't run into it.. what a mess03:38
eikon81gconsidering i got 2 cheap ass bluetooth adapters off amazon for 2.00 shipped I am happy! lol03:39
TerryCIn my department, we take stuff that is nearly ready for the market, and test them, try to break them, so that we can fix it before a customer breaks them in these ways.03:40
laskoAlso known as Quality Assurance03:40
TerryClike, setup a tagged vxlan between multiple switches, generate traffic over them, push 20 servers into it with 300 clients... and see if anything breaks, or any CRC errors or whatnot.03:41
eikon81gI gotta step away I will bbl yall thanks!03:41
TerryCQA is more for production, I work in Validation Engineering03:41
laskoSame principles being applied ultimately. Find broken stuff before someone else does ;)03:42
sienteHello guys, when I type sudo apt-get update it's saying E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:44
sientehow to fix it? I am using the latest release 14.1003:44
bodhi_zazensiente, use another mirror or post your /etc/apt/sources.list03:44
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TerryCSome of the stuff I do is kindof silly, like recently installed windows 10 tech preview on a server with 128gb ram, but it was 32bit win10.... just to see if our 40gig cards would work at all on it. Suprisingly it did. but nobody really cared, we just wanted to make sure the system would turn on with 32bit os's, even though they will never be supported for 40gig cards.03:45
sientebodhi_zazen, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10510332/03:45
TerryCstill pretty sad to see 128gb, 2.5gb usable03:45
locsmifTerryC: wildest thing I've been working on was programming Windows certificate stores03:46
bodhi_zazensiente, unless you are installing from source, you do not need any of the deb-src repos03:47
locsmifComplex, to the point where I had to trace certutil.exe line by line to see what was happening and imitate03:47
bodhi_zazenand which repo is giving the error ?03:47
locsmifAnyways ;)03:47
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sientebodhi_zazen, I am newbie what should I do?03:48
TerryCwe jsut shipped like 30 servers (dell r730's) to Microsoft with dual port 40gigabit cards in them (will later be designed built-on the motherboards) for certs.03:48
TerryCfun stuff, just weird building up servers to ship, then waiting to get them back for mroe testing03:49
pluc_pilouI need to compare the output of `fontforge --version` with the one on my machine. Could one of you kind persons post the output of that command to paste.ubuntu.com?03:49
hardtailwow terryc that sounds very interesting03:49
hardtailit installed rather quick locsmif but then when reboot time came the screen was blank and you could hear the ubuntu chime for the login lol03:50
sientebodhi_zazen, how to remove that error ?03:51
sientebodhi_zazen, if it's even an error E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:51
pluc_pilouAgain, could anyone paste the output of `fontforge --version` to paste.ubuntu.com? Pretty please?03:54
cknoxI am seeing an issue where Firefox will randomly type what it wants (although it seems somewhat related to what I have copied but I can't be sure). This seems to go away when I close Firefox and reopen it, and it not present at all in other programs03:54
MalgorathI installed windows 8.1 first then I installed 14.04.2 on a second hard drive, but when it boots I don't see any menu options and boot-repair does not see the windows partition but I can mount it and access files on it03:55
cknoxalso it doesn't matter which keys I type as even the arrow keys insert seemingly random characters03:56
locsmifhardtail: ?03:57
locsmifTerryC: what was the coolest way you broke stuff? :P03:57
locsmifcknox: you may want to create a new FF profile with firefox -P (close firefox first)03:58
locsmifThen test that profile for a while to isolate possible causes03:58
cknoxI like Windows 10, but if it's not a free perpetual license locsmif I will certainly try that, but I did install Ubuntu less than a week ago ;)03:58
cknoxI forgot irssi doesn't have a different input line for each window03:59
locsmifI don't even know what that's about cknox03:59
pluc_pilouI thought all things windows were off-topic here...04:00
hardtaillocsmif um yes sir lol it just rebooted into that violet ubuntu screen04:00
cknoxany reason I can't remove the Ubuntu Firefox extensions?04:00
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully. Here is my rdesktop.log: http://pastebin.com/UDRRusp2, and here my rsession-kgalahassa.log : http://pastebin.com/1JiuSHEw04:00
locsmifcknox: they were isntalled machine-wide?04:01
locsmifusing .debs ?04:01
locsmifhardtail: is nomodeset still active as a bootoption?04:01
hardtaili did not get a chance to verify, when it rebooted it did not load the rEFInd boot manager either, just went straight to ubuntu so i was not able to check the flags04:02
TerryClocsmif: We were testing Sea of Sensors, (a HP technology) and we had to test a thermal sensor...04:02
locsmifTerryC: I like where this is going04:03
TerryCfirst we tried a hair-dryer, full temp (after blowing a few, we remembered we run 220 in the lab, so had to find one that could plug into 220 :) ) so we point it at the chip with the sensors... get's up to like 200degrees, and still functions....04:03
locsmifhardtail: that ought to be configurable in the Grub config04:03
TerryCso then we're like, ok, realisticly... this chip should never get this hot... so we figure, what if it does...04:03
somsipTerryC: you win March 2015 award for offtopicness by mentioning hair dryers in the ubuntu support channel. Well done, now maybe #ubuntu-offtopic would be better :)04:04
TerryCso we get a hot-air gun, heats up to about 400 degrees or so... still works....04:04
locsmifOkay I can't miss out on this, joining #ubuntu-offtopic04:04
locsmifhardtail: but Ubuntu works?04:05
rjewould anyone know if its possible to get the updated opensource radeon driver into 14.04?04:05
TerryCso then we're thinking, what is our upper limit here? so we get an industrial heat gun..... The freaking chip was literally melting off the board, still sending data, we had it on a highspeed camera and the chip was literally sliding while still sending data.04:05
TerryCthen finally, it stopped. Our limit seemed to be right around 525-550F04:05
locsmifTerryC: awesome. I'm going to be quiet now about this so as not to provoke the ops04:06
hardtaillocsmif i was not able to login the screen was blank and purple but i could just hear the chime so sounds like it works lol04:06
locsmifTerryC: but that's the craziest thing I've ever heard /OT04:06
hardtailit's alright i will continue again tomorrow on this thank you for everything locsmif04:06
locsmifhardtail: I guess trying nomodeset again may help04:07
locsmifhardtail: you're welcome04:07
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kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully. Here is my rdesktop.log: http://pastebin.com/UDRRusp2, and here my rsession-kgalahassa.log : http://pastebin.com/1JiuSHEw04:21
detorrhow do i install teamviewer on ubuntu 14.10 64-bit??04:25
detorrgetting a lot of errors04:25
esrHelp, apt-get upgrade was interrupted by power failure, am seeking recovery advice.04:26
laskoesr: You'll need a live cd that you can use to perform the recovery04:28
esrSystem is running.  CD still needed?04:28
laskoSo you have a usable system at the moment then?04:29
esrYes.  And it looks like apt-get check was a good first step, I have a clean source list again.04:30
esrRestring the upgrade...04:30
esrThat looks normal. Looks like apt-get check was the right response.04:31
lakmalwhat is the best remote software from windows to ubuntu .. tried VNC having several issue04:31
laskoand what particular issues are you seeing then?04:31
cknoxlakmal: what type of remote connection are you looking for?04:31
laskolakmal: Do you need a visual connection or command line?04:31
cknoxactually, try mobiterm04:32
lakmali need a visual connection04:32
lakmali have sone04:32
cknoxit has a built in X server04:32
lakmalthat works04:32
cknoxso you ssh to your system and then just run the apps you want04:32
laskolakmal: Well for command line I would just utilize SSH, and for visual I would use VNC because thats going to be the best option04:32
cknoxsorry, mobaxterm* http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/04:32
cknoxlakmal: unless you want to be able to view your screen and continue, then as lasko said vnc will be your best bet04:33
esrlasko: apt-get update was throwing messages about file mismatches.  I was reading the apt-get man page while I was waiting for a response here and found the check command. That seems to have cleared up my issues.04:33
laskoesr: Well I'm glad the issue is resolved heh.04:34
lakmalchnox: thanks, is there any thing better than VNC04:34
le_pigesr: thanks for bringing that up. i've often wondered what to do, myself.04:35
cknoxwell VNC will let you control the system as it's seen as the console. Mobaxterm will let you SSH to the system and run GUI apps...04:35
lakmalcknox: thanks , i will try that option.. are you aware with any VNC issue with Ubuntu 14.0404:35
laskolakmal: VNC just utilizes the RDP protocol to allow you to access a devices visual terminal. All other types of applications will do that same thing and use the same protocol. VNC just has the best configuration options.04:35
laskolakmal: But there are other options if you find VNC overwhelming04:36
esrle_pig: I love it whe n I come looking for help and end up giving it.  Feels like good karma. :-)04:36
lakmallasko: thanks, are you aware with any VNC issues with Ubuntu 14.0404:36
cknoxlakmal: to be honest I've only ever used VNC or RDP, but it's always been in a windows based environment04:36
laskolakmal: None that I'm aware of no.04:36
laskoWhat particular issues are you having with VNC?04:37
lakmallasko: please provide the other options that best suite for windows04:37
lakmalcknox: thanks04:37
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully. Here is my rdesktop.log: http://pastebin.com/UDRRusp2, and here my rsession-kgalahassa.log : http://pastebin.com/1JiuSHEw04:38
laskolakmal: I honestly don't know any others that I could recommend.04:38
lakmallasko: i only get the command prompt loaded .. as i ve read in google it seems to be a Xwindows issue , with how it was configured at the linux box.. but havent found a good solution.. i can login but gets only the terminal and gray brackground04:38
lakmallasko: thanks04:38
vr-desktopsorry am irc noob04:41
vr-desktopexit ubuntu04:41
aeon-ltdvr-desktop: '/quit'04:41
cfhowlettvr-desktop, /quit04:41
vr-desktopwould anyone mind pointing me towards how to change my username04:41
laskovr-desktop: /nick username04:42
cfhowlett!nick | vr-desktop04:42
ubottuvr-desktop: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with freenode.04:42
vr-desktopthank you!04:42
vr-desktop./nick vicR04:42
laskowithout the .04:42
=== vr-desktop is now known as vicR
vicRgot it!04:42
vicRthanks all04:42
laskoWell.. that04:42
laskowas interesting hehe04:42
cknoxprobably wanted /part...04:42
=== lakmal is now known as subha
=== subha is now known as lakmal
kgalahassahi, i have installed rstudio on my ubuntu 14.04, but it don't start since, I'm trying by anyway but nothing, the software had been installed successfully. Here is my rdesktop.log: http://pastebin.com/UDRRusp2, and here my rsession-kgalahassa.log : http://pastebin.com/1JiuSHEw04:56
SchrodingersScat!info rstudio04:58
ubottuPackage rstudio does not exist in utopic04:58
cfhowlettkgalahassa, best you contact rstudio directly to support their product04:58
Jarvixubuntu 14.10, installed pulseaudio, afterwards my system froze so I sudo autoremove pulseaudio, now my sound is wrecked. no sound output device found04:59
kgalahassacfhowlett: have you seen my log files?05:00
cfhowlettkgalahassa, nope.  pastebin blocked in China and I've never seen rstudio until your mention05:01
Jarvix!info pulseaudio05:01
ubottupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.0-0ubuntu22 (utopic), package size 699 kB, installed size 3712 kB05:01
shiv_actually i am using ubuntu 12.04 and when i am connected mouse to my laptop its detecting and immediately after that it automatically removes and i am not able to use USB mouse05:16
shiv_can anyone help me on this regard05:16
MichaelHabib1hi, I have few downloaded ISOs os ubuntu-based OSs , how can i check if they are based on the LTS version of ubuntu using the ISO content ?05:17
meatmanekMichaelHabib1: there's a command for identifying the version of an iso; let me see if I can remember it05:20
MichaelHabib1meatmanek: ty05:21
meatmanekMichaelHabib1: http://dev.man-online.org/man1/ubuntu-iso/05:24
Nikesh10 years of using a Debian system and I just found out that APT is an abbreviation05:24
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MichaelHabib1Nikesh: is it !05:24
j4rh3rDNikesh, what does it stand for?05:25
meatmanek!info apt05:26
ubottuapt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version (utopic), package size 974 kB, installed size 3667 kB05:26
NikeshMichaelHabib1: Well, this blog i am reading says "Advanced Packaging Tool"05:26
NikeshBut maybe that is a retro-active acronym05:26
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)05:26
EriC^^MichaelHabib1, you could browse the dists/*/Release05:27
NikeshIs there a way to visually indicate the level of screen brightness? When I press the volume up/down on my keyboard, an indicator pops up showing the volume level; but for the screen brightness buttons, nothing shows up05:29
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EriC^^Nikesh, an indicator is supposed to show up05:31
EriC^^Nikesh, which de are you using?05:31
j4rh3rDIs there a way to get Skype to use system notifications on Unity?05:33
j4rh3rDI'm on ubuntu 14.0405:33
NikeshEriC^^: Unity05:34
shiv_anyone help me out with this problem05:35
shiv_actually i am using ubuntu 12.04 and when i am connected mouse to my laptop its detecting and immediately after that it automatically removes and i am not able to use USB mouse05:35
EriC^^shiv_, check dmesg05:36
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shiv_@EriC its not giving clear msg05:36
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centrichello alll /me05:41
centrici'm new to irc05:42
Nikeshaloha centric05:45
centrichello nikesh!!05:45
NikeshEriC^^: is there a way to enable/disable it that i could check?05:46
tnkhanhhi anyone use apt-search05:46
tnkhanhjust found out and it's great05:46
andy__how to play xpilot?05:47
centricanyone here know how to disable sidebar launcher in unity?05:47
EriC^^Nikesh, no idea05:48
EriC^^centric, you can't disable it, you can hide it though05:49
centrici have already hidden it ..but instead installing new DE i was wondering if dere any chance to disable it05:51
pegasus500hey guys06:11
pegasus500wan to setup vpn06:11
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=== Tokyo is now known as Zachary_DuBois
Wuggedit hard locks when you open files if it's running over x forwarding sometimes06:29
Wugit might be a problem specific to xming, I'm not neckbeardly enough to say, but gedit will stop redrawing its window and consume 100% of one cpu06:30
mosshow can i add a user with a specific uid and gid? when i try to do useradd -u 151 -g 151 user - it gives me an error 'group does not exist'06:35
thorieanyone know where i can get support for ubuntu?06:37
sumitthorie what do u mean by support ?06:38
thoriei've been stuck on a problem for months now, and i need to get some professional help with my installation06:39
thoriefree support isn't cutting it and i'm losing money every day this system doesn't work06:39
thorieis there a place i can get some paid support?06:39
sumitu can try putting it on freelance website06:40
thoriei thought ubuntu had some kind of commercial support?06:41
thoriefrom canonical?06:41
thoriei don't understand, the website shows some weird stuff about "systems management" ? i only have my one personal laptop06:42
thoriedo i pay for support by the hour?06:43
thoriei don't have a desktop, server, or cloud06:43
somsipthorie: how about you say what your problem is?06:44
thoriei'm tired of trying to solve the problem myself :(06:45
somsipthorie: ok - I'm not going to persuade you to get help from here06:45
LJanyone really here?06:58
Squall5668no, we are ~1600 bots06:59
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SeveasSquall5668: looks like he believed you :)07:00
thorieyeah that answer would make me leave too07:01
Squall5668Perhaps I came across as offensive. It was a joke though.07:02
lotuspsychjeusers have to ask real questions07:05
Seveasthey can ask imaginary questions too, but the answers will be equally fictional07:06
lotuspsychjesomeone knows howto gksu a firefox session on the guest user from another user?07:08
lotuspsychjei want to do the same as 'sux' does, but they removed package for security issues07:09
lotuspsychje!info sux precise07:09
ubottusux (source: sux): wrapper around su which will transfer your X credentials. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-6 (precise), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB07:09
lotuspsychjewith sux i could do: sux firefox other-user (from current user)07:10
Squall5668lotuspsychje: can't you su otheruser first?07:13
lotuspsychjeSquall5668: what do you mean?07:14
gr33n7007hlotuspsychje: doesn't su <user> /usr/bin/firefox work?07:14
lotuspsychjegr33n7007h: lemme try07:14
Squall5668lotuspsychje: pretty much that. You can use su in guest iirc07:14
Squall5668But i don't have one to check right now07:14
lotuspsychjegr33n7007h: lotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ su guest /urs/bin/firefox07:15
lotuspsychjeNo passwd entry for user 'guest'07:15
lotuspsychjeguest hasnt a password at login07:15
somsiplotuspsychje: sudo -i, then su07:15
somsiplotuspsychje: of course, that could go horribly wrong if root's env variables end up in there...07:16
lotuspsychjesomsip: i know there's a gksu trick somehow, but i forget how07:16
Squall5668Just reading the manpage here, but what error would 'gksu -u guest firefox' give you?07:18
lotuspsychjeSquall5668: get a window: user guest does not exist07:19
Squall5668lotuspsychje: perhaps make another user and use that one to launch the firefox session?07:20
lotuspsychjeSquall5668: another existing user gives me this:07:20
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TB0X:~$ gksu -u nadia firefox07:20
lotuspsychjeNo protocol specified07:20
lotuspsychjeNo protocol specified07:20
lotuspsychjeError: cannot open display: :007:20
lotuspsychjesize == 0' failed07:20
htqpif you are fine with other users creating windows on that user's X session, run:   xhost +localhost07:21
lotuspsychjehtqp: yeah i think that was the trick, xhost07:21
htqpnote that his can be a security issue because now others can trick the target user to believe that a window was his/her own07:22
htqpe.g. nadia can now create a browser window asking for a password07:22
htqpor displaying fake data07:22
lotuspsychjehtqp: right, i guess thats why they removes sux from packages07:23
lotuspsychjehtqp: because its a security flaw messing with other X07:23
hillarymy ubuntu 14.04.2LTS cannot sense wireless what could be the issue07:24
Squall5668might I suggest a chroot jail instead? You could launch firefox there if you want07:24
lotuspsychjehillary: can you pastebin sudo lshw -C network plz07:24
lotuspsychjeSquall5668: how does that work?07:25
htqplotuspsychje: hm, it seems it was removed because nobody was interested in maintainig the sw https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=72654407:25
ubottuDebian bug 726544 in ftp.debian.org "RM: sux -- RoM: Upstream dead, outdated, low popcon" [Normal,Open]07:25
hillarylotuspyschje: ok a moment07:25
lotuspsychjehtqp: so i can still grab the precise .deb of sux and use it on 14.04 safely?07:26
htqplotuspsychje: anyway. Another solution is to create an internal window with ''Xephyr :21'' and then running ''DISPLAY=:21 firefox'' from nadia07:26
Squall5668lotuspsychje: you set up a secondary '/' to launch applications from07:26
htqplotuspsychje: (where 21 is an arbitrary number, replace with what you want)07:26
Squall5668lotuspsychje: I'll try to find you the wiki entry, will explain it better than me :)07:26
lotuspsychjehtqp: lol thats too much workaround for what i want, just want to open a session on another user of a package07:26
somsiplotuspsychje: can't you just assign a passwd to the user, then log in properly as them? SSH in as your normal user if you need to do something only you have permissions for. Reset the passwd when you are done07:27
htqplotuspsychje: it depends on implementation factors (soname?) so it may or may not be possible, try it and see07:27
gr33n7007hsomsip: yeah if he give guest a password it will work07:27
lotuspsychjesux is so easy, it will let you launch firefox on any user instantly07:27
somsipgr33n7007h: I can understand if there is a reason to avoid doing that, but it is something that can be removed later07:27
hillarylotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10512115/07:27
lotuspsychjehillary: without the plz :p07:28
gr33n7007hof course07:28
Squall5668gr33n7007h: but that would defeat the purpose of a 'guest'. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot Here it is, but that's also not 'too much workaround for what i want' :)07:28
lotuspsychjeill think ill stick to sux guys tnx for brainstorming07:29
hillarylotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10512162/07:30
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lotuspsychje!bc43 | hillary07:31
lotuspsychje!broadcom | hillary07:31
ubottuhillary: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:31
lotuspsychjehillary: check also your 'additional drivers' section before maybe there's an STA driver in there07:32
hillarylotuspsychje: checked it is there trying to enable but getting disabled07:33
lotuspsychjehillary: what happens when you try to install the driver?07:33
htqphillary: install package firmware-b43-installer07:34
htqphillary: then reboot and test the wifi07:34
hillarylet me ask. Can i check the canonical partners cos it uncheck?07:35
lotuspsychjehillary: try the trick from htqp07:36
hillaryin the software updates07:36
Avihay_workAnyone happens to know how I can add a virtual screen so that I can VNC it to another computer?07:39
Avihay_workI know I can VNC with the clip option, I know how to set a costum resolution on an output and use that, all I'm misssing is adding an output to manipulate07:41
hillaryhow can i stop this "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"07:43
lotuspsychjehillary: try a reboot07:43
GavloisHello all07:43
lotuspsychjeGavlois: welcome07:43
nomicanyone here07:43
nomiccan i be seen here07:44
nomiccan't mount nfs anymore with xubuintu 14.0407:44
nomicis there a known problem07:44
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Gavloisanyone familiar with slow wifi issues in 14.10?07:50
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
queertywhat kind of math is involved in programming puzzles?07:55
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lotuspsychjequeerty: maybe the ##programming guys can answer that08:02
queertylotuspsychje: i've been banned from there for supporting gay rights08:02
ChristWAnyone familiar with the accessibility stuff in Ubuntu? I have added Desktop Zoom for one user of our computer at home. When I move the mouse into the area where the menu entries are, and I click, the mouse moves to the left (of its own) so I can't select any menu entries.08:03
lotuspsychjequeerty: well this is an ubuntu channel for support questions08:03
lotuspsychjeChristW: maybe this can help you forward? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility08:06
ChristWlotuspsychje: Unfortunately, that page doesn't show anything related to Desktop Magnification at all.08:08
lotuspsychjeChristW: ccsm and unity-tweak-tool have some settings for desktop zoom, maybe there?08:09
=== john is now known as Guest39265
Guest39265do i have to worry avout someone getting my info if i encrypt my home folder? Thank you, I am new.08:10
somsipGuest39265: if you forget your password, you will lose all of your data08:10
Ben64Guest39265: probably not, but you might lose your own info08:11
Guest39265Can you direct me to a Hardware CHannel please?08:11
* someone has no interest in your home folder, encrypted or not.08:12
lotuspsychjeGuest39265: ##hardware08:13
lotuspsychjehillary: more luck with your wifi now?08:13
hillarylotuspsychje no08:14
lotuspsychjehillary: did you install that b43 firmware ?08:14
hillarylotuspsychje yes i did08:15
lotuspsychjehillary: you can see wifi icon?08:15
hillarylotuspsychje: and reboot08:15
hillarylotuspsychje yes but red instead of blue08:16
lotuspsychjehillary: hmm, wich ubuntu version did you have?08:16
White_Cathello EriC^^, around?08:16
hillarylotuspsychje. 14.04.2 LTS08:16
lotuspsychjehillary: and you have a wifi hardware button on your machine somewhere that could be disabled?08:17
hillarylotuspsychje: yes by pressing it either way08:18
lotuspsychjehillary: wich brand of laptop is this?08:18
hillarylotuspsychje: compaq presario CQ2008:20
lotuspsychjehillary: maybe you should check bios if you find something about wifi 'last state' option, some wifi's can be a pain with hardware button08:21
hillarylotuspsychje: let me check bios in a moment. Iwill report back08:21
ChristWlotuspsychje: I will check tonight and perhaps post a screen capture somewhere to shwo theproblem. That makes it easier, I guess...08:25
White_Catso I did a clean install of ubuntu server but it wont boot08:25
White_CatI am on live cd now08:25
White_CatI suspect problem may have to do with kernel08:26
Squall5668White_Cat: what is the error message when you try to boot?08:26
rpp601in the command 'apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)' is uname my username? or should i leave that the way it is08:27
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White_CatSquall5668 I end up in grub prompt08:29
White_Catit doesnt doo anything beyond that08:30
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=== antoniu is now known as antoniu_
White_Catlinux-image-3.16.0-31-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-31-generic08:32
White_CatI only have these two listed in dpkg --list | grep linux-image08:32
White_Catshould I not also have a versionless linux-image-generic ?08:32
Squall5668White_Cat: Well, you can go ahead and chroot in your install from the livecd08:34
Squall5668You can install any packages there and attempt to fix grub too08:35
=== antoniu_ is now known as antoniu
White_Catyeah that is what I am working on08:37
White_CatI am not 100% sure how kernel supposed to appear /08:37
White_CatI am only 1% confident with my abilities in regards to the kernel :)08:37
Squall5668Well, you can do that with 'mount /dev/partitionhere /mnt && mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev && mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc && mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys'08:38
Squall5668then just chroot /mnt08:38
EriC^^White_Cat: what's up?08:39
White_Catah yes08:39
White_Cathello EriC^^ :))08:39
White_Catguess what broke :p08:39
EriC^^hello :)08:39
White_Catto be fair I did do a clean reinstall08:39
White_Catgrub and ubuntu server itself08:39
White_Catwasnt exactly planned08:39
White_CatI just did a apt-get install linux-image-generic08:40
jpdsWhite_Cat: Server stuff's usually better in #ubuntu-server.08:40
White_CatI know but this is more of a grub issue08:40
White_Catnothing really server specific08:40
White_Catand esides I have EriC^^ here :D08:40
EriC^^hehe :D08:41
White_Catthats what my kernel config looks like now08:42
White_Catit used to only have linux-image-3.16.0-31-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-31-generic08:42
lord4163What is the thing called that asks for my password when I log in to a ssh server using a public key?08:42
White_Catpass phrase?08:42
White_CatI said it first :p08:43
White_CatI demand a web cookie08:43
EriC^^what happens when you boot?08:43
White_CatI end up in grub prompt08:43
White_CatI havent rebooted since I did all this kernel work08:43
lord4163Squall5668: ??08:43
lord4163Squall5668: command not found08:43
White_Catshould I update-grub for good measure?08:43
EriC^^are you chrooted right now?08:44
Squall5668White_Cat: do a grub-install and a --recheck08:44
Squall5668lord4163: What exactly are you trying to do?08:44
lord4163Squall5668: I want to log in to my servers through ssh with pubkey :)08:45
lord4163Squall5668: in i3wm08:45
Squall5668lord4163: sorry, don't know what i3wm is. But I can help with ssh keys. Have you created a pub & priv key already?08:46
somsiplord4163: possibly http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME_Keyring08:46
lord4163Squall5668: a window manager08:46
White_CatEriC^^ yup08:46
White_Catthat I am08:46
White_CatI did take notes when you were helping me the past time08:46
White_CatI even noted your for i line :)08:47
EriC^^ok cool08:47
White_Catis there a command to list items in grub from ubuntu live cd?08:47
White_CatI have 46 generic and 31 generic for kernels08:48
White_Cat31 came from the setup I think and didnt boot with it08:48
EriC^^grep -A20 menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:49
White_CatEriC^^ pastebinned it to you08:51
White_Catalso EriC^^ is EriC^ you too? :o08:51
Bing0EriC^: is the google boss08:52
EriC^^yeah ill brb in 1sec08:52
White_Catgoogle doesnt have a boss. You cannot google for that. :p08:52
EriC^^its a pc thats on keeps logging in08:53
White_CatI also did a nano /etc/default/grub08:54
White_CatI did save but I am unsure if that impacts my real grub08:54
White_Catdo I need to copy it?08:54
EriC^^White_Cat, i'm back08:58
EriC^^White_Cat, so you reinstalled ubuntu?08:58
White_Catand just did  reboot08:58
White_Catstill at grub prompt08:58
White_Catit doesnt even list kernels08:59
EriC^^ok, you reinstalled in uefi mode right?08:59
lord4163Funny, nginx just started showing the welcome page and purged my website!?08:59
White_CatEriC^ yes08:59
White_Catit created a partition for just that08:59
White_Catits the first one even08:59
EriC^^ok, and the bios is set to uefi mode right?08:59
White_Catbios didnt change08:59
EriC^^ok type sudo parted -l09:00
White_Catshoud I reboot on live cd?09:00
EriC^^are you still chrooted?09:00
White_CatI rebooted so I am at grub prompt09:00
White_CatI can boot back to live cd09:00
EriC^^ok, boot the live cd09:01
White_Catthis may take a short while09:01
White_Catokay ts booting on live cd09:03
White_Cat2.5 minute boot time is ridiclous IMHO but the bios on this thing is like an os09:04
White_Catit even boots to a variant of linux when you want to reconfigure raid09:04
White_Cathere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10512948/09:05
White_CatEriC^^ so its less complicated now09:05
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EriC^^White_Cat, ok, type sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt09:06
White_Catsudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt09:07
White_Catsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi09:07
White_Catfor i in /dev /dev/pts /sys /proc /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:07
EriC^^yes, great09:07
EriC^^also type ls -ld /sys/firmware/efi09:07
EriC^^just to make sure it's booted in efi09:07
EriC^^if the dir is there then it's ok09:08
White_Catits there09:09
EriC^^ok cool09:09
EriC^^sudo chroot /mnt09:09
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
EriC^^which ubuntu are you using?09:09
White_Cat14.04.2 I believe09:09
White_Catapt-get install efibootmgr pastebinit ?09:10
EriC^^not needed i think, if you're sure you're booting in uefi mode and you get grub then it should be ok09:10
EriC^^i think you should be using the .31 kernel though09:11
White_Catah indeed09:11
White_CatI can get as far a sgrub09:11
White_Catso its kernel again? :/09:11
EriC^^why do you have a 3.16 kernel?09:11
White_CatI honestly dont know09:11
EriC^^try to purge it09:12
White_Catpurge what? kernel in general?09:12
White_Catlike all kernels?09:12
EriC^^no just the 3.16 one09:12
Squall5668EriC^^: .2 releases come with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack09:12
EriC^^White_Cat, type apt-cache policy linux-image-generic09:13
EriC^^Squall5668, oh i see09:13
EriC^^White_Cat, last time i think you booted an older kernel and it worked?09:14
White_CatEriC^^ yes but that was the broken ubuntu server that worked09:14
EriC^^you had the grub menu appear and chose and older one for it to work right?09:14
White_Catthis is a clean install09:14
White_Catah yes09:15
White_Catthis time I dont get the menu09:15
EriC^^yeah it doesn't appear if you're not dual booting09:15
EriC^^White_Cat, you could use the older kernel, and see if any newer kernels boot i guess09:16
White_CatI can but I dont think it will boot09:16
White_Catit didnt boot before09:16
White_Catwhen I just had two items09:16
White_CatI only had linux-image-3.16.0-31-generic linux-image-extra-3.16.0-31-generic09:17
EriC^^yeah i mean you could use the older one for now09:17
White_CatI dont remember what worked :(09:18
EriC^^and when a newer kernel comes out you could see if it works or not and then have it boot by default if it does09:18
White_Catfirst off I need that menu back I think09:18
EriC^^ok type nano /etc/default/grub09:18
Squall5668White_Cat: just hold shift while booting09:18
EriC^^and add a # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT09:18
EriC^^Squall5668, wasn't working last time he tried, * shrug*09:19
White_CatI have that09:19
White_Catand also for hidden_timeout quiet09:19
Squall5668EriC^^: hm...09:19
EriC^^White_Cat, did you add it yourself?09:19
EriC^^did you update-grub afterwards?09:19
White_Catshould I give it a second go?09:20
EriC^^White_Cat, did you add the # before HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET?09:21
White_Catwith update-grub09:21
EriC^^ok, remove it and leave a # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT09:21
White_Catokay, its set to true09:21
White_Catshould i leace it as is?09:22
EriC^^ok type exit09:22
EriC^^then reboot09:22
White_Catone reboot a day keeps the doctor away, as he is to busy fixing grub :p09:23
Bing0EriC^^: send me some dough09:25
White_Cator she for that matter09:25
White_Catwe really need a gender unspecific pronoun09:25
hillaryI get this when i run update in my ubuntu 14.04.2LTS http://paste.ubuntu.com/10513147/09:27
White_Catit instantly drops to grub prompt09:27
White_Catno menu or countdown09:27
EriC^^White_Cat, i think there's an option in grub for the default option that boots the last booted one09:27
EriC^^like default=lastsomething09:28
White_Catis there a way I can manually tell grub to boot my os?09:28
EriC^^if you set that, then if newer kernels are installed with dist-upgrade it wouldn't boot them when you restart remotely and you'd be ok09:28
hillaryAnd still my wifi not working09:29
EriC^^and when you're on the p you can test them out and if they work you just boot into them and it boots them to next time, otherwise you'd just boot into the older one and it would keep booting it09:29
White_CatI currently cannot boot at all, it doesnt give me the list09:29
White_Catlike it did the last time. I have no menu to select from09:29
White_Catyeah I will like that setting but first I need to see the menu :/09:31
White_Cator at least have the ability to boot without the live cd09:31
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haythamhi guys, the cpufreq utility changes frequency back to performance shortly after i select a freq09:32
hillaryHelp correct this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/10513147/09:33
EriC^^White_Cat, are you still in grub?09:34
EriC^^type ls09:34
Bing0hillary: thas because your ip is blacklisted09:34
White_Cathd0 and hd1 exists09:34
EriC^^White_Cat, what partition in hd0?09:35
hillaryBing0 why?09:35
White_Catmsdos1 only09:35
White_Cathd1 has 3 gpts09:35
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, type ls (hd1,gpt2)09:36
EriC^^see which one is your "/"09:36
White_Catit just listed the file system09:36
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, type set root=(hd1,gpt2)09:37
White_Catit listed more stff with .09:37
White_Catit listed more stff with /09:37
White_Catls (hd1,gpt2)/09:37
Bing0do you think 400kbs is fast?09:37
feyruzhi ubuntu suddenly forgot my installed applications09:38
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, type configfile (hd1,gpt2)/boot/grub/grub.cfg09:38
Bing0is it fast?09:38
feyruzthe search box top left in unity doesnt find them anymore09:38
feyruzhow can this be fixed?09:38
White_CatEriC^^ it immidiately fell back to grub prompt09:39
White_Catlike a "clear" command09:39
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, type set root=(hd0,gpt2)09:40
White_Catno errors though09:40
White_CatEriC^^ done09:40
White_Catthough I tink hd0 is the backup drive09:40
EriC^^White_Cat, type ls /boot09:40
EriC^^and get the name of the kernel .3109:40
White_Cathd0,gpt2 not found09:41
EriC^^White_Cat, sorry, i mean hd1,gpt209:41
White_Catit returns a blank line09:41
gulzarGIMP help. when creating new working area (file >New), and it is smaller than the screen size. the outside is white. How to remove that non-working area?09:41
White_Catno information09:41
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, type ls /boot09:41
White_Catyep boot is empty09:41
EriC^^White_Cat, hmm?09:42
White_Catls /boot reveals nothing09:42
EriC^^type ls /09:42
White_Catlists a number of directories I am familiar with09:42
EriC^^ok, type cat /etc/fstab09:42
White_Catlib/ run/ poc/09:42
EriC^^do you have a separate boot partition?09:43
bazhang#gimp gulzar09:44
White_Cathow can I determine that?09:44
EriC^^White_Cat, is there an entry that says UUID=sigksjdghfs /boot09:44
EriC^^or /dev/sdxY /boot ?09:44
White_CatI have /boot/efi09:44
White_Catand both are UUIDs09:44
EriC^^ok, no /boot though right?09:45
EriC^^i guess you have to boot a live cd09:45
EriC^^and see what's going on09:45
EriC^^your /boot seems empty09:45
White_Catthis isnt my idea of saving disk space :)09:46
White_Catwhy would ubuntu install without a boot?09:47
White_Catdoes it want a boot to the head?09:48
White_Catin live cd09:49
White_Catmount as usual?09:49
EriC^^same old09:49
White_Catsudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt09:51
White_Catsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot/efi09:51
White_Catfor i in /dev /dev/pts /sys /proc /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done09:51
White_Catsudo chroot /mnt09:51
EriC^^type ls /boot for good measure09:51
EriC^^ls -la /boot09:51
White_Catit lists items09:51
White_Catthis is strange09:52
sheerhello. i have a small issue i was hoping someone could help me with...09:53
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, try apt-get install --reinstall grub-efi-amd64-signed09:53
winterchillz!ash | sheer09:53
winterchillz!ask | sheer09:54
ubottusheer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:54
sheeri can connect to the wireless network on my laptop and phone, but when i try on the computer...... nope09:54
winterchillzPlease elaborate09:54
sheercomputer being ubuntu OS, but yeah09:54
EriC^^White_Cat, maybe we were supposed to set boot=(hd1,gpt2) ? maybe grub looks for that when you do ls /boot ? that's the only thing i can think of09:56
winterchillzsheer: what happens exactly? Do you see the Wi-Fi card or the connection fails at some point?09:56
sheerit just doesn't connect09:56
sheeri don't know how to use linux so..09:57
sheeri just used the interface09:57
sheerno error09:57
sheerno connection either09:57
White_CatEriC^^ that does make sense09:57
White_CatI dont see why the backup is the first disk tbh09:57
EriC^^probaby a grub thing09:58
White_Catgrrrrr ub :p09:58
EriC^^White_Cat, did grub reinstall?10:00
White_Catso what do you propose I do?10:00
White_Catwithout errors10:00
EriC^^check cat /etc/default/grub real quick see if it didn't use another10:01
EriC^^i think it leaves it in tact and update-grub10:01
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hillaryCorrected the errors after changing servers to  http://ubuntu.mirror.neology.co.za10:03
EriC^^White_Cat, ok, looks good10:04
EriC^^White_Cat, type exit and then reboot10:04
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White_Cat_mobil_Eric back10:13
White_Cat_mobil_Ran out of batteries10:13
EriC^^did it work?10:14
White_CatEriC^^ still just grub10:18
EriC^^try set boot=(hd1,gpt2)/boot10:19
White_Catdirectory /boot still empty10:19
White_Catset boot=(hd1,gpt2)/boot -> then ls / returns an error10:20
EriC^^try ls /boot10:20
White_Caterror: disk '(hd1,gpt2)/boot' not found10:21
White_Catpermission issue?10:21
EriC^^ok try set root=(hd1,gpt2)10:21
White_Catls / works again10:22
White_Catmaybe ls just lists directories?10:22
EriC^^ok, is /boot there?10:22
White_Catboot/ is there10:22
White_Catnot /boot though10:22
EriC^^try ls boot10:23
White_Catinvalid file name10:23
EriC^^try ls /boot10:23
White_Catempty line10:24
White_Catmaybe they are hidden or something?10:24
White_Catthis makes no sense10:24
EriC^^is the whole file system there?10:25
White_Catwhat do you mean?10:25
EriC^^/etc /bin /home ...10:25
White_Catyeah /etc has stuff in it10:26
White_Catas does bin and home10:26
White_Cathome has the new username too10:26
White_Catthe only thing vacant seems to be boot10:26
White_Catwhich was there10:26
EriC^^type ls (hd0,1)10:29
White_Cattwo diectories10:29
White_Catits the backup drive10:29
EriC^^this is odd10:30
White_Caton many levels10:30
waterboy0911hi.. what's new in ubuntu?10:31
White_Catbugs and bug fixes? :p10:31
OpenTokixnew color scheme, white and gold10:31
White_Catah and features10:31
tos-1Secret-Fire: Yes and no; Ubuntu uses the Embedded GNU C Library. So libc6=eglibc. (Since eglibc is now abandoned, Debian announced to switch back, i.e. Ubuntu might also switch back in the near future; or already has?)10:33
White_CatEriC^^ what should I do?10:33
sheersooo $10 to whoever gets me connected to the internet on my desktop10:33
White_Cat$10 / second of work?10:34
White_Catif so you owe me $6010:34
k1lsheer: give more details and people will try to help without demanding money :)10:34
sheeri'm just not able to connect to my wifi network10:35
sheeridk why. i'm a complete ubuntu/linux noob10:35
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k1lsheer: please pastebin the output of "lspci" and "rfkill list" into a pastebin and show the link here10:35
EriC^^White_Cat, you could try to boot from the live cd and get it's grub menu10:37
EriC^^White_Cat, try holding shift while it boots10:37
White_Catwas reading https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=17076410:38
White_Cata bbs... really?10:38
White_CatI am on live cd grub10:41
White_CatI can boot to live cd if you like10:41
EriC^^ok wait10:42
EriC^^press c10:42
White_Catits the grub prompt10:42
EriC^^ok type ls10:42
White_Catthere is memdisk hd0 hd1 and hd210:42
White_Cata pretend drive for livecd probably10:43
White_Cathd2 has gpt10:43
EriC^^try ls (hd2,gpt2)/boot10:43
EriC^^ls (hd2,gpt2)/ ?10:44
White_Catvarious directories you would see ubuntu / has10:44
EriC^^you have 2 partitions right? fat32 the "/" and swap?10:44
EriC^^*3 partitions10:44
White_Catefi ubuntu swap10:44
geirhals @(hd2|gpt2)/10:44
geirhaoh wait, is it grub syntax? nevermind10:45
k1li hope fat32 is not a ubuntu partition.10:45
White_CatI think ubuntu partition is ext not fat10:45
White_Catbackup is fat for whatever the reason10:45
k1li hope, because ubuntu doesnt work on fat becasue of the missing file permissions in fat.10:46
EriC^^White_Cat, i dont get why grub won't see /boot10:46
EriC^^it's on the same filesystem as "/"10:46
White_Catefi partition is fat10:48
White_Catshould I boot to live cd? and can we do that from grub menu if I can get that back?10:48
White_Cata reboot takes 3 mins10:48
EriC^^this comes to mind http://xkcd.com/724/10:48
EriC^^it doesn't make sense10:49
White_Catbooting to live cd10:53
hillaryAssist me with a command to completely remove LAMP in ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS10:54
White_Cathttp://pastebin.com/K03YhVcf done10:55
White_Catboot is populated10:56
EriC^^type sudo efibootmgr -v10:56
EriC^^it's not needed but what the heck10:56
EriC^^looks good10:57
White_CatI think grub wasnt able to read the config file10:57
White_Catthats why it wasnt able to show me a list10:58
EriC^^so we know it's not cause of your grub, cause you used the live cd grub and it didn't see /boot either10:58
hillaryi need to purge Lamp in ubuntu 14.04.2 the reinstall. what do i do?10:59
hamedi want to boot from live cd and format my whole drive so that i can install windows 8.1, how should i do it? my windows DVD isntaller can't identify the hard disk due to some mess i did via an uncomplete ubuntu installation and messing with partition table and so ...10:59
EriC^^hamed, use gparted to create a new gpt partition table10:59
EriC^^hamed, then boot the windows installer11:00
White_CatEriC^^ what can I try really11:02
EriC^^White_Cat, i'd ask in ##linux about it11:02
EriC^^it's kind of odd grub doesn't see your /boot dir11:03
White_Catcan you show up as well? I mean I am unsure if I can explain this as well as you11:03
White_Cator maybe in #grub ?11:03
EriC^^yeah i'm already there11:03
White_CatIn my experience #linux hasnt been very helpful in the past11:05
gr33n7007hhamed: use dd to completely wipe it then create a fs with mkfs.ntfs11:05
EriC^^White_Cat, nah they are helpful11:05
White_CatI asked the same question in #grub as well11:06
hamedEriC^^: do you confirm "use dd to completely wipe it then create a fs with mkfs.ntfs"?11:06
EriC^^hamed, no11:08
EriC^^hamed, no need to dd, and before creating a filesystem you need to have a partition table and partitions11:08
hamedEriC^^: i couldn't find gpt option in gparted11:08
EriC^^hamed, create new partition table or something11:09
sheerk1l: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=wfJNb2kq11:09
k1lsheer: is this a usb wifi dongle? then please pastebin a "lsusb"11:11
crocketI'm on ubuntu 14.04. How do I add esperanto circumflexes and use it?11:13
solsTiCehi. I just noticed that /var/log/apt/history.log is empty. It is dated 1st mars so it has been log rotated. But I have run several apt-get command and nothing new seems to be recorded anymore!?11:14
solsTiCeI have rebooted since 1st mars too11:16
night_girlwhat is the easiest way of installing skype on ubuntu?11:18
cfhowlettnight_girl, enable partner repository.  install skype.  done11:19
night_girlhow do i enable partner repository from software center11:19
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga11:20
cfhowlettnight_girl, "software settings"11:20
night_girli dont see no software settings11:20
night_girlcanonical partners?11:21
cfhowlettnight_girl, yep11:21
night_girlof its taking a long time, i guess its getting a list of the sotwares and shit as its the first time (my ubuntu is just virgin installed)11:22
crocketI finally got it.11:22
cfhowlettnight_girl, this is a family friendly channel = zero profanity11:22
night_girli am so sorry about that :(11:23
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=== Guest33929 is now known as bipul
niervolhi all. How to find natty repo with ntp or .deb packege for ntp for 64-bit natty? It looks like it's not available. Which else .deb I could use? thank you11:30
niervol11.04 natty11:30
mjaykwhats the best tool for lvm snapshotting ?11:30
k1lniervol: you need to either upgrade or reinstall _asap_11:31
k1l!eol | niervol11:31
ubottuniervol: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:31
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic11:31
Bing0did you read the message channel?11:32
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daftykinsdid you ask something?11:45
daftykinsno you just joined. speak!11:45
night_girlhows that possible that i cant play html5/mp4 videos on firefox11:48
k1l!codecs | night_girl11:49
ubottunight_girl: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:49
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night_girlis there a flawless way to make my ubuntu install all of these things?11:50
flipsOn a 14.04LTS server, it gets a lot kernel updates requiring reboots all the time. I'd like security patches for kernels, but I don't need new features as often. What's the best path? Hold a package, or remove linux-image-generic, or some other way?11:50
night_girlwhy do i need to read things to just install something that should already bge installed?11:50
k1lnight_girl: you are not allowed to ship that with ubuntu since its a licence thingy. that is the reason11:50
night_girlkll morning ! you remember me from last night right11:51
EriC^^White_Cat, any progress?11:51
night_girlokie so what do i do now? just follow the link for freeformats installing?11:51
k1lnight_girl: install the codecs for the media formats you want to play11:52
night_girlfrom the sotware center?11:52
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White_CatEriC^^ none11:54
White_Catwhat I said in frustration seems like a good idea though11:54
EriC^^not really11:54
EriC^^you could reinstall ubuntu and use a separate boot partition maybe11:55
EriC^^it could be fixed though without doing so, it's up to you11:55
bipulIs there any tools for monitoring Mysql5.611:56
EriC^^White_Cat, if you want use your swap as /boot just for testing11:57
k1lnight_girl: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:57
EriC^^White_Cat, boot a live usb and use sudo cgdisk /dev/sda to make it a boot partition11:57
night_girlsudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras11:57
EriC^^White_Cat, you want to give it a shot?11:58
Squall5668KingK: what kind of monitor? If you need to monitor resources you can use top/htop, if you need to monitor queries you can log them (logging them on a high-traffic server is a bad idea)11:58
night_girlthanks kll!11:58
Squall5668sorry s/KingK/bipul11:58
k1lnight_girl: but gstreamer should ask you for install all the codecs needed11:59
bipulSquall5668: ?11:59
bipulMysql-server Squall566811:59
Squall5668bipul: what kind of monitor? If you need to monitor resources you can use top/htop, if you need to monitor queries you can log them (logging them on a high-traffic server is a bad idea)11:59
night_girlwhat is gstreamer?11:59
night_girli was playign a video on firefox11:59
night_girldo u have a list of "good" software i should install on my ubuntu to make it more lively and get the most of it?? I am going to use it actively to program on c++ btw12:00
k1lnight_girl: its a program that handles codecs.12:00
k1lnight_girl: well. install the software you need. that depends from the users usecase that is different from user to user12:01
daftykinsnight_girl: just install what you need as and when, hardly worth filling up a system with unnecessary junk because someone else said they use 'x'12:01
night_girlyes but i need to discover software how can i do this?12:01
night_girlif i never knew it existed12:02
daftykinsnight_girl: the software centre...12:02
night_girlall right12:02
k1lnight_girl: well. think about what you want to do and look out for a program that can handle that.12:02
daftykinsor the splended command line tools for searching, such as 'apt-cache search'12:02
night_girlbtw the canonical partners on software center only has 30 software12:03
night_girlis that normal?12:03
lpaalp1hi, how can I make sure removable media can only be mounted by my user and not others?12:08
Scooty-loohey there, is there a way to check ubuntu repo servers' status?12:20
Scooty-looit's really slow at the moment12:20
daftykinspick another mirror that's local to try12:21
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Scooty-loothe local one tends to mess up so I go with the US one...12:21
daftykinsi don't have a clue where you are so that's a tough thing to comment on :)12:22
LMNOPscotty there are a ton of ubunto mirrors12:22
Scooty-looHong Kong12:22
daftykinsplus there is a built-in mirror tester12:22
scott1Hi guy12:22
scott1anhy one experenced with ISO 27001 ??12:22
daftykinsthen you might want to pick something else :) international links always vary in speed12:22
Scooty-looI manually changed it back to US since it's usually faster and less likely to be down12:23
scott1anhy one experenced with ISO 27001 ??12:23
scott1one experenced with ISO 27001 ??12:23
scott1any one experenced with ISO 27001 ??12:23
daftykinsscott1: what relevance does that have to Ubuntu OS support?12:23
daftykinsand why are you repeating yourself like a rude person?12:23
scott1Regarding a compliance @daftykins12:23
daftykins'a compliance'12:23
daftykinsgood luck then if you're going to be vague :)12:24
scott1sorry buddy Just got stucked12:24
Scooty-looWell then I can only guess that there's a lot of people downloading packages atm12:24
scott1We are actually implementing some useractivity session recording application on Ubuntu Servers12:24
Scooty-looI see12:25
scott1and as per ISO 27001:2013 and PCI Compliance12:25
daftykinsScooty-loo: no harm in trying others12:25
daftykinsscott1: i think you'd be better off with #ubuntu-offtopic until you can actually come up with a specific question12:25
Scooty-loowell I'm doing some school work atm so I will just leave it in the background and be slow12:26
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kuldeepi am using ubuntu 14.04 lts12:41
kuldeepi am not able to open my home12:41
daftykinsvia what method?12:41
Luyinkuldeep: show output of ls -l /home/youruser12:42
kuldeepin home everything is lock how can i open it12:42
daftykinsexplain what you mean then perhaps we can get somewhere :)12:42
kuldeepin gui when i am open my home then every folder have a icon with lock12:43
opqwkuldeep: tell the doctor what did you do to screw it up12:43
Luyinkuldeep: open a terminal and enter what I wrote above12:43
opqwthat will save time to both us and you12:43
Squall5668sound like you did a recursive chown in your home folder12:44
kuldeepyeah i did ls -l12:44
daftykinsthe ol' permissions shotgun12:44
kuldeepmaybe now what i do12:45
daftykinskuldeep: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" ... "ls -al ~/ | pastebinit"12:45
kuldeepi don't think so because when i want to open any folder alert box open and say you have no valid permission to open it12:46
EriC^^that sounds like it12:46
daftykinskuldeep: can you run the two commands?12:46
Luyinkuldeep: I do think so ;) now do us the favour and run the commands12:46
kuldeepyeah sure why not12:46
daftykinsit's one o' those days where it's like blood from a stone (:12:47
kuldeepsend command plz12:47
EriC^^where's mosses when you need him12:47
daftykinsthey're above12:47
daftykinskuldeep: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" ... "ls -al ~/ | pastebinit"12:47
daftykinstwo ^12:48
daftykinsEriC^^: :D12:48
daftykinsprobably parting the FOSS sea12:48
daftykinsyou know those penguins and fish12:48
* daftykins gets back on topic12:48
kuldeephow to write permission to open it like chmod 77712:49
daftykinskuldeep: we need to see the link created by my commands first12:49
Luyinkuldeep: ANSWER THE QUESTION, srsly12:49
kuldeepsudo apt-get install pastebinit" .. i run the command12:50
daftykinsoh dear we've lost kuldeep12:51
LuyinI'm not sure if I'll survive the loss...12:52
BluesKajHiyas all12:52
daftykinshey BluesKaj12:52
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KrickDude i am unable to open music12:53
Krickin ubuntu 14.04 lts12:53
Krickthey say you have no permission to open it12:54
opqwHello, does this article about Dropbox  also apply to Ubuntu? http://www.e-siber.com/guvenlik/dropbox-accesses-all-the-files-in-your-pc-not-just-sync-folder-and-steals-everything/12:54
daftykinsKrick: renaming yourself from kuldeep doesn't really help us solve the initial problem.12:54
Kricksorry don't get it12:55
daftykinsKrick: so please just run the commands instructed earlier. "ls -al ~/ | pastebinit"12:55
BluesKajHi daftykins12:55
EriC^^i think he doesn't want us to know the names of his files12:56
EriC^^( maybe )12:56
McMidohello ,i just installed phpmyadmin but its not working correctly it just shows some php codes . how to fix that ??12:56
EriC^^it's happened before here :D12:56
Squall5668not a recursive ls, it'll just print the directories and their permissions. Besides he could just paste manually and edit the names...12:57
daftykinsso it's just down to making life hard for us to help12:57
daftykinswatch the IP, i'm sure Krick / kuldeep will be back shortly12:57
daftykinsperhaps it will be "i can't see my pictures" this time12:58
EriC^^he's probably asking his wife if she ever chats on #ubuntu right now12:58
McMidoany ideas guys ??12:58
daftykinsMcMido: apache?12:58
McMidophpmyadmin not apache . its shown only the php script not the php site it self.12:59
daftykinsEriC^^: with such neighbours i might consider moving12:59
daftykinsMcMido: yes but phpmyadmin is a web app, so it has to run on a web server12:59
daftykinsso i'm asking which web server...12:59
daftykinsMcMido: are you new to web server administration?13:00
McMidooh its apahce213:00
daftykinsyay there we go13:00
daftykinsok did you install php and enable the module?13:00
McMidoi did install the php but idk about modules13:00
=== Desu is now known as Pantsu
daftykinsok well - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP13:01
daftykinsseems relevant 0o13:01
daftykins"sudo a2enmod php5"13:02
Ben64McMido: is this a publicly accessible server?13:02
Ben64that's good13:02
MicrobeSerfmsg/ NickServ VERIFY REGISTER MicrobeSerf tmjtppepnlmt13:02
FuchsMicrobeSerf: msg is after the /13:03
Fuchs/msg nickserv     << like this13:03
Squall5668and probably change your password13:03
MicrobeSerfthanx fuchs13:03
Fuchsit's not his password13:03
Fuchsyou're welcome :)13:04
Squall5668ah freenode had activation stuff. Sorry13:04
daftykinsalso, always run IRC commands in the status window to avoid embarassment13:04
Fuchsno worries, and yes13:04
McMidoafter enabling the module i got this error13:05
McMidoEnabling module php5.13:05
McMidoTo activate the new configuration, you need to run:13:05
McMido  service apache2 restart13:05
McMidomcgyver@mcgyver-G41MT-S2P:/etc/apache2$ sudo service apache2 restart13:05
McMido * Restarting web server apache2                                                                                                         [fail]13:05
Ben64!paste | McMido13:05
ubottuMcMido: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:05
daftykinsMcMido: once you get -q'd feel free to paste a nice pastebin link13:06
Luyindoes the quieting in the channel work automatically?13:06
nect_Hi guys. I want to install multiple live OSes (what is the proper plural ? ) . Would creating a couple, fitting, partitions and dd the iso files on to them and then running grub-install  on the usb do the trick ?13:07
EriC^^Luyin, yeah Drone` takes care of it13:07
Luyinah nice13:07
EriC^^it was unopaste before that, wonder what happened to that bot13:07
daftykinsnect_: there's a nice Windows program called YUMI from pendrivelinux.com that allows loading up multiple ISOs on a single flash drive13:08
nect_daftykins: I don't have a nice windows though ;)13:08
hateball!windows | daftykins13:09
ubottudaftykins: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents13:09
daftykinsnect_: then there's definitely some method involving GRUB and placing the ISOs contiguously, i don't know it though13:09
EriC^^i think there was a program called multiboot or something13:10
EriC^^or two programs, and 1 was dead13:10
EriC^^anyways this covers doing it manually, should come in handy https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Multiboot_USB_drive13:12
MicrobeSerfwhois MicrobeSerf13:13
EriC^^this is it, i think it's still updated http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/13:13
EriC^^nect_, ^13:14
bipulEriC^^: But it's hard to boot with pendrive, when you are installing on VM.13:14
EriC^^i think i missed part of the conversation13:15
McMidoand thats the error :D http://paste.ubuntu.com/10514939/plain/13:15
hillarythe eclipse in the ubuntu software centre is old. is it adviseable i download another?13:15
EriC^^bipul, isn't he making a live usb with a bunch of different isos?13:15
OpenTokixhillary: no, learn a real editor. - If you are hell bent on eclipse, try that one - and if it misses some feature you need, get another one.13:16
nect_EriC^^ : Thank you.13:16
hillaryOpenTokix ok13:16
OpenTokixhillary: Are you a java programmer?13:16
bipulI gues, a single pendrive for a single .ios13:16
OpenTokixhillary: just out of curiosity, since only java programmers I have meet is obsessed with version numbers.13:16
hillaryOpenTkix ye13:17
daftykinsbipul: nope13:17
hillaryOpenTkix but i dont want to mess my os with other downloads13:17
OpenTokixhillary: so don't13:18
hillaryOpenTokix Ok thanks for the advice13:18
OpenTokixhillary: yw, happy coding13:18
ioriahillary: try this ... is very light  :http://sourceforge.net/projects/eje/13:20
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hillaryioria: Let me check13:21
hillaryioria: any best way of installing? or i have to download first13:22
ioriahillary:   just download and read the READme13:22
hillaryioria ok13:23
OpenTokixioria: hillarious  - "light-weight" and "written in java" in the same paragraph =)13:23
Squall5668OpenTokix: please don't13:23
ioriaOpenTokix,  :-P13:24
opqwOpenTokix: please bring offtopic or non-constructive discussion in #ubutnu-offtopic, thx13:24
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parlocosizarathuavete visto il nuovo ubuntu phone?13:29
parlocosizarathuche ne pensate?13:29
EriC^^!it | parlocosizarathu13:29
ubottuparlocosizarathu: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:29
daftykinsenglish only13:29
hillaryioria: ready to go eje 3.313:29
parlocosizarathudid anyone see the new ubuntu phone?13:29
daftykinsyou might want #ubuntu-touch13:29
ioriahillary:   :-P13:30
parlocosizarathudidn't like13:30
nitro282ciao ragazzi13:33
Bing0caio millie13:33
Bing0non ai ragazzi qui13:34
Bing0vade via subitu13:34
bazhang!it | Bing013:35
ubottuBing0: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:35
Bing0tell that to nitro13:35
daftykinsseems they travel in packs.13:35
bazhangBing0, do you have an ubuntu support question13:36
* Bing0 looksup ubuntu foruns13:36
Bing0let find a good one13:36
bazhangBing0, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here13:37
Bing0right on13:37
boodllebati'm confusted what is this , i just performed TCP dump on my system and i saw lot of request between akamaitechnologies13:39
popeyboodllebat: akamai provide cdn services.13:39
boodllebatpopey: why is my tcpdump populated with so many of akamaitechnologies  requests ?13:40
popeyboodllebat: depends what you're doing13:40
boodllebatpopey: i'm doing nothing !13:40
boodllebatpopey: just monitoring !13:40
daftykinslikely would be streaming services, downloads...13:40
OpenTokixboodllebat: close yoru webbrowser13:41
Myrttiboodllebat: facebook open in your browser?13:41
boodllebatseems like browser was the problem13:42
daftykinsi've got to be honest - if you're playing with tcpdump and see some traffic, having internet-based programs open... closing them is the #1 place to start.13:43
ioriause ping ,ftp or telnet or ssh13:43
boodllebatdaftykins: hmm you are right13:44
OpenTokixboodllebat: Akamai does some 30% of the combined total internet traffic in the world.13:47
OpenTokixboodllebat: They are pretty  significant13:48
EriC^^illuminati confirmed.13:48
pbxwhen i'm working with git and it launches $EDITOR (emacs) the app is not foregrounded, so i have to switch to it. is there a way to make that happen automatically?13:50
pbx(it may sound like a git question but i don't *think* it is...)13:50
boodllebatcan anybody tell me what is this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10515334/13:50
OpenTokixboodllebat: NTP, time server13:51
boodllebatOpenTokix: why am i sending request there ?13:51
ioriato syncronize i  think13:52
OpenTokixboodllebat: Because you are running ntpd, or ntpdate to keep your clock in sync13:52
OpenTokixboodllebat: it is adviceable to keep clock in sync13:52
Picipbx: thats not normal... vim comes up instantly for me... /me thinks13:52
boodllebatOpenTokix: thanks !13:52
OpenTokixPici: it depends what is EDITOR is set to - and he said emacs13:52
OpenTokixpbx: graphical emacs in x11?13:53
boodllebatOpenTokix: is there any way i can tcpdump all devices which are connected to my router13:53
Bing0vim me up scotty13:53
OpenTokixboodllebat: What do you mean?13:53
pbxOpenTokix, yes.13:53
OpenTokixpbx: It is a setting your window manager, to allow "new windows to take focus" - and it depends on your window manager, and your focus settings.13:54
OpenTokixpbx: I am running XFCE4, and I have disabled "new windows take focus" intentionally13:54
PiciOpenTokix, pbx: Ah. I must have misunderstood. I thought we were talking about foregrounding the process using 'fg'13:54
boodllebatOpenTokix: i have a router i have four systems at my home they all are connected to my  router i want to monitor my brother's tcpdump is there any way ?13:54
hillaryI keep getting this error "System program problem detected" ubuntu 14.04.2LTS13:54
OpenTokixboodllebat: Yes, but I wont help you spy on your brother.13:54
pbxOpenTokix, interesting.  running unity, will look for that13:55
boodllebatOpenTokix: i wont spy13:55
hillaryI keep reporting and nothing is solved13:55
Bing0XFCE arguably the most honest to god no nonsensical DE ever devised13:55
OpenTokixboodllebat: Then ask your brother for root on his machine, and dump the network traffic at his interface13:55
mysupperhmm , looks like krusader without KDE installation still has same bug. It show empty screen and can't do anything. after removing config , then the normal start was possible.13:55
OpenTokixBing0: like that sentence, I think ;)13:55
mcphailhillary: what is causing the system problem?13:55
hillaryi dont know exacly13:56
daftykinsboodllebat: why don't you tell us what you're *really* trying to achieve?13:56
OpenTokixhillary: check in dmesg13:56
hillaryit is justing poping up13:56
boodllebatdaftykins: i wanna montior all the HTTP requests going in and out via my home13:56
ioriahillay: http://www.binarytides.com/ubuntu-fix-system-program-problem-error/13:56
daftykinsboodllebat: no, that's a 'how' - not a 'why' :)13:57
mcphailhillary: the dialog comes up if something has written to /var/crash/. That may give clues as to the culprit. If you don't care what is causing the problem, you can try removing everything from /var/crash and see if the dialog goes away13:57
hillaryOpenTokix i run dmesg?13:57
OpenTokixhillary: open a terminal: sudo dmesg13:57
OpenTokixhillary: I am pretty sure you will find some "hung task for 120s"13:57
OpenTokixin there13:57
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boodllebatdaftykins: i wanna montior all requests fo security purpose , so that i can keep eye if any illegal or harmful thing is being opened or not13:58
boodllebatOpenTokix: "dump the network traffic at his interface" what do you mean by that ?13:58
OpenTokixboodllebat: log in as root on his machine, and tcpdump to a pcap file there13:58
daftykinsboodllebat: yeah, that doesn't make any sense13:59
daftykinsyou're never going to spot every single established TCP/UDP Session :)13:59
boodllebatOpenTokix: now how can i see his traffic , my router does not contain OS i guess13:59
hillaryOpenTokix yes i got chunks of text14:00
boodllebatdaftykins: i can grep for content fo what i'm looking for14:00
OpenTokixhillary: did you find any "hungtask"?14:00
* Bing0 likes it sounding chunky14:00
daftykinsboodllebat: that leads me to believe that there is a specific thing you're still not explaining :)14:00
boodllebatdaftykins: well i have to sniff a POST request14:01
hillaryOpenTokix: yes14:01
daftykins'have to' ?14:01
OpenTokixboodllebat: Are you trying to steal your brothers facebook credentials or something? - That is illegal14:01
boodllebatOpenTokix: no no no !14:01
daftykinsto be quite honest it sounds like you're just trying to play games with your sibling/family - and that is not acceptable here.14:01
Bing0i shar my FB with all my friends14:02
popeyBing0: enough with the social commentary, you know where chat goes.14:02
boodllebatdaftykins: its not a game ! it looks like a game cause description is similar that is why14:02
mysupperI should call his bro use SSL.14:02
boodllebatdaftykins: its not illegal14:02
jadesoturihi all. iv setup a vsftpd server and changed the owner of the folders to www-data user, and added my user to the www-data group and set 774 permission on the folder, but when im trying to delete the folders through an FTP client it fails.. but i can delete them over SSH, why is that?14:02
daftykinsboodllebat: i never used the word illegal.14:03
OpenTokixhillary: that is the application popping up the dialog box14:03
mysupperjadesoturi, did vsftpd run as user www-data?14:03
Bing0daftykins: you just did14:03
jadesoturimysupper, i imagine not.. :/ how do i check that?14:03
thechahow do i remove only old kernels from cli?14:03
hillaryOpenTokix How do i clear it14:03
XanoCan services be run as daemons through Upstart? E.g. are they disconnected from everything and able to run indefinitely?14:03
daftykinsBing0: either ask a support question or leave, please.14:04
mysupperI guess vsftpd,conf something like that has conf in /etc/vsfts..blah..14:04
OpenTokixhillary: Clear? - What process is it?14:04
boodllebatdaftykins: my router has no OS is this possible for me ?14:04
mysuppercheck it out.14:04
* Bing0 is looking for the door14:04
thechahow do i remove only old kernels from cli?14:04
hillaryOpenTokix. Not clear at all14:04
daftykinsboodllebat: yes but i am unwilling to help. try ##networking14:05
EriC^^thecha, sudo apt-get autoremove might cut it14:05
boodllebatdaftykins: anyspecific reason you dont wanna help me ?14:05
EriC^^thecha, check with dpkg -l | grep linux-image and manually remove the old ones14:05
thechathank you cartman! screw you guys i am going home14:05
popeyboodllebat: what you're asking sounds dodgy.14:05
OpenTokixhillary: on the line that say "hung task" it also say a binary name14:05
EriC^^( sudo apt-get purge <old kernel> )14:05
Bing0how does a technical question sound doggy?14:05
popeyboodllebat: and isn't technically an ubuntu issue14:05
boodllebatOpenTokix: my router does not support OS how does pcap file is going to help me ?14:06
daftykinsboodllebat: yes, your tasks are not sensible ones14:06
mysupperI recommand not to remove old kernels. There'ssome reason why it is there.14:06
OpenTokixboodllebat: I will not discuss this further.14:06
mysuppermaybe some tiny sym links..and so on.14:06
EriC^^mysupper, it's not like a stamp collection or something..14:07
mysupperwhy is this freenx so fast? amazing.14:07
mysupperEriC^^, right.14:07
osutapuHello guys, I have thins problem when I try to add any repo http://pastebin.com/cK6Chu5H14:07
mysupperEriC^^, but I recommnad not to do some root behavrio not knowing the real inside.14:07
jpdsmysupper: Noone uses SSL these days, the only people that do, hang out with their POODLEs.14:08
popeymysupper: we recommend apt-get autoremove for removing old kernels, it's a common support answer.14:08
mysupperjpds, So you mean freenx don't use SSL and not safe . right?14:09
mysupperpopey, accept that.14:09
osutapuHello guys, I have this problem when I try to add any repo http://pastebin.com/cK6Chu5H14:10
thechas/join #trisquel14:10
popeyosutapu: what version of ubuntu you running?14:11
osutapupopey: 14.1014:11
popeyosutapu: is it up to date?14:11
popeyosutapu: genuine ubuntu, not some derivative?14:12
osutapupopey: nope, xubuntu. but i deleted most of xubuntu-desktop stuff and installed cinnamon, but problem emerged after i tried to add a repo manually through 'software and sources'14:14
popeyosutapu: sounds like you're missing an update as a result of removing too much stuff14:14
popey(in my opinion)14:14
osutaputhat's not it probably14:14
Squall5668I look away for 5 minutes...14:14
popeyosutapu: just issued the exact same command here. works fine. I suspect you're missing an SSL security update, on account of you being missing the xubuntu-desktop package14:16
osutapupopey: it happened after i tried to add a repo manually through 'software and sources'. afterwards i typed in terminal sudo apt-get update - it said i require gpg key14:16
popeyyes, that I would expect14:16
popeybet if you "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^" it pulls in some ssl related libs14:16
popeylike python-openssl or something related.14:16
osutapuso i deleted that repo i just added, and made apt-get update.14:16
popeyprobably you're missing a certificate update which was sent out after a recent security vuln14:17
osutapupopey: then i try to add it properly (apt-add-repository), and this happens. it's not because of removing stuff, because i successfully added repose after removing stuff14:18
osutapualthough i'll try to install xubuntu-desktop again14:19
popeyosutapu: hang on14:19
popeyosutapu: what's the output of "apt-cache policy ca-certificates"14:19
popeyshould be 20141019ubuntu0.14.10.1 I think.14:19
osutapuit is so, yes14:20
popeyok. so not that.14:20
Knight80Hello everyone!14:20
popeyosutapu: what about apt-cache policy nss ?14:20
Knight80Good afternoon from Spain14:20
daftykinsKnight80: got a question?14:21
osutapupopey: Unable to locate package nss14:21
Knight80daftykins I actually do have a question14:22
popeyosutapu: oh, the package name is libnss3 i think..14:22
Knight80daftykins I'm trying to watch movies stored in a remote windows machine from Ubuntu's mythtv14:23
osutapupopey: ok, i'll install it14:23
popeyosutapu: bit of a guess...14:23
boodllebathello my router is using linux but i have only access to its web interface i.e on local address , i'm trying to get its shell access also i have its physical access but i dont to how get its shell or cli access14:23
daftykinsKnight80: right, mythtv actually isn't anything to do with ubuntu, but the package is probably in the repos.14:23
daftykinsboodllebat: already told you this is off topic, keep it in ##networking thanks.14:24
popeyboodllebat: that's not really an ubuntu problem14:24
osutapupopey: libnss3 is already the newest version, but still Unable to locate package nss :D14:24
Knight80daftykins I have already installed mythtv, but I can't set the path of the remote windows machine without getting an error14:25
popeyosutapu: yeah, there is no nss, it's libnss3, so not that. Sorry, I don't know what it could be then (but I still think something is missing or not up to date)14:25
=== samba is now known as Guest74744
Knight80daftykins In mythtvbackend14:25
tc__How can I replace ubuntu for xubuntu?14:25
daftykinsKnight80: how are you trying to access it? SMB?14:25
popeyosutapu: you're not using tor or a vpn are you?14:25
=== Guest74744 is now known as samba_
Knight80daftykins Yes, that's right.14:26
daftykinsKnight80: i have never touched myth so i don't have a clue. i'm more familiar with Kodi/XBMC wherein smb://IP/share mounts are easy14:26
osutapupopey: nope. btw, apt-cache policy libnss3 says14:26
osutapupopey: and reinstalling xubuntu-desktop did not help14:27
Knight80daftykins Can I watch DVB-T with those as well?14:27
tc__ubottu you like you anderstand things how can I replace ubuntu for xubuntu14:27
ubottutc__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:27
popeyosutapu: did you add the ^ on the end? sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop^  <--- ?14:27
pbx OpenTokix , found my window focus fix. compiz settings > focus & raise > focus prevention level (setting to 'low' fixed it)14:28
OpenTokixpbx: yw, glad to help14:28
daftykinsKnight80: i'm not saying switching to them will solve your problems :)14:28
osutapupopey: nope, but right now it's obviously 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:28
Symmetriaerrr, so, I rebooted a box that has /dev/md0 as a mount point, that has been like that for ages, and it randomly decided to rename it to /dev/md12714:28
Symmetriaanyone got any idea why that would happen?14:28
popeyosutapu: try with the ^14:28
Knight80daftykins I know, but I could try at least.14:29
tc__neurot: you like you anderstand things how can I replace ubuntu for xubuntu14:29
osutapupopey: well i said, i tried and the result is 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.14:29
daftykinsKnight80: nah, likely you're just missing libraries to smb mount. read myth's log file and see, or just mount the Windows box in your /etc/fstab then point to it in myth as alocal path14:29
popeyosutapu: sorry, with the ^?14:29
osutapupopey: yes14:29
popeyosutapu: okay, thanks. sorry.14:29
popeyKnight80: yeah, I'd mount it in /etc/fstab - more reliable imo14:30
popeyKnight80: takes away the complexity14:30
daftykinsalthough such media centre programs tend to perform vastly differently with smb mounts native versus OS provided, so your success may vary14:30
osutapupopey: i guess i'll go and reinstall xubuntu :D14:31
Knight80daftykins I'm setting the path as follows --------> smb://REMOTE_WINDOWS_MACHINE/REMOTE_WINDOWS_FOLDER14:31
osutaputhanks anyway14:31
Knight80Am I doing it properly?14:31
daftykinsKnight80: ok, well be sure to use IP address instead of hostname as that might be where your issue is coming from14:31
Knight80daftykins Thank you very much, I'm going to try that.14:32
popeyKnight80: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently14:32
jadesoturihow to fix this: W: GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com trusty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 16126D3A3E5C119214:33
Knight80popey Thank you :)14:33
=== [willwh] is now known as willwh
jadesoturinvm.. fixed:)14:33
popeyjadesoturi: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 3E5C119214:34
jadesoturithx.. exactly what i did.. just last time i tried, it threw me an error of invalid key somethingsomething.14:34
mysupperQuestion: I can't resize opened window fast cause mouse pointer is not so sensitive or the mouse sensibe window corner is too slender. how can I solvethis?14:36
daftykinsi've found that for years with Ubuntu, no idea why it's made so ridiculously ungrabbable14:37
OpenTokixmysupper: learn to youse alt + right and middle button, to pick any part of the window14:38
daftykinsmysupper: do you have a middle mou... ^14:38
mysupperdaftykins, yes.14:38
mysupper5 button mouse.14:38
OpenTokixmysupper: alt or "windows"-button also known as "super" + right mouse buttoon14:39
daftykinsso make the window active, hold left alt, then click in and hold the middle button... then move the mouse14:39
OpenTokixmysupper: will, or is possible to configre for resize14:39
mysupperOk, alt button increases sensible area.14:41
daftykinsbug 16031114:41
mysupperI wish this large sensible area should be default setting of me.14:41
ubottubug 160311 in metacity "Resizing windows by grabbing window borders is difficult" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16031114:41
mysupperoh..that's bug. he.14:42
daftykinslove the way they claim it's fixed14:42
OpenTokixmysupper: or you can just adjus the sensitivity of your mouse?14:42
mysupperOpenTokix, I guess this behaviour is not related to sensitivity of my mouse.14:43
daftykinsit's a design issue, not a mouse settings one14:43
mysupperdaftykins, ok.14:43
daftykinsinstall any supported version of ubuntu and open say, 'Files', try and grab the window borders... it's an exercise in frustration :)14:44
mysupperhehe.espeak is funny.14:44
mysupperdaftykins, right14:44
mysupperdaftykins, for me, quite nervous14:44
daftykins1800dpi mouse here, can't do it14:44
mysupperpuha..really funny. espeak even can read Korean words.14:45
mysupperBut this man's voice is very stiff.14:46
daftykinsmysupper: please keep it to support queries, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic :)14:46
mysupperdaftykins, sorry14:47
Knight80I forgot to tell you that the remote windows folder has a username and password access14:47
=== anandas is now known as Guest76827
daftykinsKnight80: can't speak for myth, but after entering a share in the mentioned format, i know XBMC/Kodi prompt for login details. otherwise, try smb://username:password@IP/share14:48
ntspsda1: WRITE SAME failed. Manually zeroing. - Any idea what this means?14:48
daftykinsnot without context14:49
Knight80daftykins Thans a lot, again :)14:49
Knight80Thanks a lot14:49
ntspjust popped up on my console/syslog sda1 is my main backup drive (2TB), this appeared while writing to it14:49
daftykinsntsp: anything unhappy looking from dmesg?14:50
daftykinscheck the drives SMART info perhaps. "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | pastebinit"14:50
ntspdaftykins nope just that line14:51
ntspsmartmontools? not installed give me a min14:51
daftykinsmight need pastebinit too14:51
=== dofokol is now known as dofof
Senpos Hello. Could you tell me please where can i find a page to create feature request for 15.04 Xubuntu? I've not found correct page on Xubuntu's Launchpad site.14:56
ntspapt-get doesnt want to connect to archite.ubuntu.com -.-14:56
daftykinsSenpos: #ubuntu+1 might be of more help14:57
daftykinsntsp: *archive14:57
daftykinsrepo typo?14:57
ntspnope just IRC typo :p14:57
dofofSenpos: find the package and file a wishlist bug report on launchpad, e.g. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xubuntu-default-settings/+bug/21480914:57
daftykins'dig archive.ubuntu.com' work?14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 214809 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Add/Remove... should (also?) be a direct child of the Applications" [Wishlist,Fix released]14:57
dofofSenpos: you may want to ask in #xubuntu however14:57
ntsptoday its just too slow... I downloaded the latest kernel at like 50kB/s14:57
daftykinsntsp: pick a more local mirror?14:58
storayarchive.ubuntu.com is always slow, for me atleast14:59
Senposdofof, i've done it already, but this channel is more popular14:59
SenposThanks for answers. Will try to.14:59
daftykinsit's the main mirror, probably gets hammered by those that don't pick a local one :)14:59
k1l_storay: choose another mirror in system settings14:59
ntspdaftykins just did now stuck on security :p 100% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (]            40.2 kB/s 0s15:01
spacegh0sti'm running 14.04, it's set up just the way i like, but everytime i boot up i have system errors to report...anyone know what i can do about this?15:02
ntspspacegh0st check /var/crash15:03
daftykinsspacegh0st: purge them from ^15:03
dominik_Just to say Hello to all.15:03
daftykinsdominik_: such actions are best over in #ubuntu-offtopic rather than here where it's support only :)15:04
spacegh0stthanks guy, i'll give it a try15:04
=== Guest76827 is now known as ananda
ntspAha done15:05
ntspdaftykins http://paste.ubuntu.com/10515965/ <-- here are the SMART data15:05
daftykinsntsp: hmm nope, SMART is disabled 0o anywho i did a little search before... though this issue seems irrelevant, the replies have some insight as to what that error means - http://askubuntu.com/questions/449232/problem-installing-14-04-in-vmplayer15:07
ntspAlso, is there a way to wake up a terminal screen from ssh?15:09
EriC^^ntsp, you mean go to tty1 or tty2 etc. ?15:10
daftykinssounds like waking up a physical display from an SSH Session15:10
daftykinsthough i can't think how that'd ever be relevant XD15:10
ntspdaftykins starting X11 on a server that sometimes its used as a media serve15:11
ntspit doesnt want to work if I start it with the screen off15:11
daftykinsoh that weird use-case you mentioned yesterday where you have a server you manually plug HDMI into...15:11
daftykinsyeah no idea :P15:11
daftykinsi have a dedicated HTPC for that ;)15:12
hateballMaybe you can probe using DDC or something15:12
hateballIt's... perhaps possible15:12
ntspdaftykins I do too but msot of the time its running without X11 just for file sharing :p15:12
daftykinsthat seems unnecessary?15:12
ntspnope, runs a samba server, and a few other things(web server to testing websites etc)15:13
ntspfor testing websites*15:13
ntspdat grammar15:13
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v0lksmanwhat is the "ubuntu" way to set the hostname on 14.04 server?15:18
OpenTokixv0lksman: edit /etc/hostname and reboot15:18
OpenTokixv0lksman: reboot needed to get correct hostname in all logs and such.15:19
EriC^^!hostname | v0lksman15:19
ubottuv0lksman: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.15:19
ntspOpenTokix hostname command does that15:19
OpenTokixntsp: it will not change /etc/hostname afaik15:19
Squall5668ntsp: that's temporary15:19
EriC^^there's also /etc/hosts15:20
ntspOpenTokix well you need to do that yourself ofc15:20
OpenTokixWhat idiot wrote that note in ubottu ?15:20
freeroutehi, I'm trying to install from this PPA so I can have the latest git. This is my /etc/apt/sources.list.d/git_12.10_Seveas.list - http://apaste.info/9uH. This is my /etc/apt/preferences.d/git_12.10_Seveas.pref - http://apaste.info/WHg and this is the output to 'apt-cache policy git' - http://apaste.info/WIs.15:20
OpenTokixv0lksman: I am assuming you wanted to change the hostname permanently?15:20
v0lksmanyeah...kinda convoluted...but I'm already doing those steps.  thought it would be a simple command at this point15:20
qenghov0lksman: There may be hostname references elsewhere in /etc .  $ sudo find /etc -type f -exec grep $(hostname) {} /dev/null \;15:20
v0lksmannaw...hosts and the hostname file are really all that is needed...15:21
Seveasohai freeroute :)15:21
qenghoThat^ is before changing /etc/hostname15:21
v0lksmanwas just looking for something more intelligent... :)15:21
freeroutelol hi Seveas :D15:21
Seveasfreeroute: what's the problem?15:21
freerouteit won't install :(15:22
freeroutedespite it showing up on apt-cache policy git15:22
freerouteso I pinned it and gave it higher prio15:22
Seveascan you pastebin the output of the apt-get install command?15:22
qenghov0lksman: things like DHCP server and MTA will have hard-coded host names. You should check.15:22
freeroutesure, moment15:22
SeveasI'm guessing it's not quite as compatible with 12.04 as I had hoped :(15:22
freeroutethat's apt-get install git15:24
freeroutebut otherwise I won't be annoying, I should have upgraded to a newer version a long time ago15:24
c0d3w4rri0rI'm sorry to say I have what I think is a really stupid question15:24
Seveasfreeroute: that looks like you aborted the install15:24
k1l_freeroute: press y15:25
Seveasah the bash-completion conflict is annoying I guess15:25
freerouteoh wait, you want the actual install? K, I'll do apt-get -y install git15:25
c0d3w4rri0rI'm trying to get ubuntu to rule book on my new macbook pro. but I can't seem to get rEFInd to work15:25
OpenTokixv0lksman: it is! sed -i 's/oldhostname/newhostname/g' /etc/host*15:25
Seveasfreeroute: neh, best to just give up, this won't properly install :(15:25
c0d3w4rri0rattempting to set it up to duel boot.15:26
freerouteSeveas: lol actually it did - http://apaste.info/Yw715:26
c0d3w4rri0rThe instal script ran, and the EFI volume mounted but there was no config file15:27
freerouteweird, when I did aptitude show git it didn't show me your version15:27
Seveasfreeroute: hmm, but now you lost bash-completion. Not sure if you care about that.15:27
qenghoA night loses his sword and bow. Only weilding his footwear will save him. Duel boot.15:27
freerouteoh, I thought it got removed and something better got in place.15:28
freerouteqengho: lol15:28
* qengho hates his eyboard.15:28
Seveasfreeroute: nope. It got removed because the built-in bash completion for git in older versions of bash-completion conflicts with what git ships15:28
Seveasso now you get to choose: fancy bash completion or newer git :)15:29
Seveas(normal file/directory completion still works)15:29
Squall5668No bash completion sounds... scary15:29
freerouteSeveas: yeah that's a tough one, I got bash-completion installed though. Could that be of some help?15:29
qenghoSquall5668: it's only command-specific completion. Files and programs still match. Not "commit" after "git" though.15:30
ntspHardest thing you have to do while setting up a server: come up with a hostname -.-15:30
Squall5668qengho: yeah I know, but this can seriously slow you down a lot assuming you can even get used to it15:30
c0d3w4rri0r\list *ubuntu*15:32
EriC^^/msg alis list *ubuntu*15:32
EriC^^c0d3w4rri0r, you'll probably be better off using a guide to install ubuntu on your specific macbook15:34
JethroTuxhello everybody15:35
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c0d3w4rri0rEriC^^: yep tried that. The guide told me to edit a file that didn't exist15:36
EriC^^which file15:36
EriC^^and which guide15:36
c0d3w4rri0rand this guide -> https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2014/11/ubuntu-on-a-macbookpro-82-running-yosemite/15:37
JethroTuxhow can I possibly set two different DE/WM (ex. LXDE and awesome) in .xinitrc willing to run xinit without any displaymanager? for istance is that possibile to set "exec startlxde" and "exec awesome" in the same file? I've read that .xinitrc would execute only the first "exec" line. I'm a little confused :S15:38
k1l_JethroTux: why not use the ubuntu way and use lightdm?15:39
c0mrad3is 15.04 a LTS ??15:39
EriC^^c0d3w4rri0r, does /Volumes/esp contain anything at all?15:39
k1l_c0mrad3: no15:39
JethroTuxit's utopic15:40
JethroTuxanyway I know i should change those through update.alternatives15:40
k1l_JethroTux: again: why dont you just start lightdm and choose the desktop to login there?15:40
JethroTuxk1l_, i don't want to use any display manager15:41
JethroTuxi log in tty and then run startx wrapper15:41
dipoootsare you trying to run two displays?15:42
dipoootswhich is to say one on alt+f7 and one on alt+f815:42
JethroTuxdipooots, you mean two DM?15:42
dipoootsnaw, two 'startx' sessions15:42
JethroTuxno just one15:43
dipoootsif you want to cycle between you'd have to change .xinitrc each time15:43
dipoootsi'd say make a script to do that for you and do startx15:43
c0d3w4rri0rEric^^: yep BOOTLOG and EFI15:43
JethroTuxit don't need to run two xinits15:43
EriC^^JethroTux, i think you'd have to set lxde to use awesome instead of openbox15:43
EriC^^not sure15:43
JethroTuxrightnow lightdm executes "lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE"15:44
dipoootsoh sorry i misunderstood :)15:44
c0d3w4rri0rEFI should contain a folder called refind in it. it doesnt15:44
JethroTuxand i don't need to set any WM coz openbox is aready set in config file etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf15:45
JethroTuxand ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu15:45
lfounddoes ubuntu support the mac wired mouse15:45
JethroTuxthat's why the " -s Lubuntu"15:45
JinBabaHi, how do I elevate my privilege to root on GUI (Nautilus) like I do with SU terminal command?15:46
SchrodingersScat!gksu | JinBaba15:46
cfhowlettJinBaba, gksu nautilus15:46
ubottuJinBaba: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:46
jhutchinslfound: It's a standard USB mouse, so yes.15:46
JethroTuxEriC^^ You mean installing awesome and change it through "update-alternatives --config"?15:46
JethroTuxi mean change it to default instead of openbox?15:46
k1l_JinBaba: use gksu. but mind what you do then15:46
dipoootslfound, running in live mode is a good way to test hardware15:47
lfoundjhutchins: what about the scroll wheel (or scroll ball in this case)15:47
c0d3w4rri0rEriC^^: Initially I tried skipping step 6 when I couldn't find the file. the reboot showed no new boot loader just the standard mac login.15:48
jhutchinslfound: Again, it's a standard usb mouse.15:48
somsipJethroTux: just checking - you want awesomewm to start up from startx or from lighdm?15:48
OerHekslfound, doesn't it work for you?15:48
JethroTuxsomsip, from startx!15:48
lfoundOerHeks: i'm not totally familiar with the apple mouse but from what i can tell, no15:49
EriC^^c0d3w4rri0r, are you running yosemite?15:49
somsipJethroTux: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=184401 though I ended up installing slim (login manager) to solve some other problems that I cant remember now. Don't think it's a requirement though15:49
lfoundthe scroll ball doesn't seem to function15:49
k1l_JethroTux: any reason you dont want a dm?15:49
dipoootsit should be okay, bearing in mind if it's an issue you can manually setup the mouse with an xorg.conf file15:49
EriC^^c0d3w4rri0r, so that is yosemite?15:50
dipoootsyou can probably find one already for your mouse that you just drop in place15:50
JethroTuxsomsip, I know ruuning "update-alternatives --config  x-window-manager" would fix anything15:50
somsipJethroTux: direct answer on ubuntu says the same sort of thing http://askubuntu.com/questions/112838/starting-awesome-wm-when-using-startx15:50
EriC^^c0d3w4rri0r, ok, it says there are special instructions for it15:50
_crazzyI've been struggling for hours with grub after installing 14.04. Boot disk is /dev/sdb, and grub tools generates a grub.cfg pointing to hd1, but it should generate config pointing to hd0, otherwise the system wont boot. Can someone please point me into the right direction to fix this?15:50
somsipJethroTux: dont see any point in that. it's an easy fix15:50
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JinBabaThanks guys! That worked. Can I use gksu in any way without typing in the terminal? If I close the terminal, Nautilus also quits.15:51
c0d3w4rri0ryeah that's why I found a guide specifically for yosemite -> https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2014/11/ubuntu-on-a-macbookpro-82-running-yosemite/15:51
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EriC^^JinBaba, it's better to leave it that way so you dont go nuts with it15:51
EriC^^c0d3w4rri0r, yes but on that page it says if you're using yosemite press here and there are a million other steps15:52
JethroTuxsomsip, ok that's for the WM i had already read it. But what about setting the desktop environment? For istance cinnamon or kde or gnome? how can I possibly get the two run together?15:52
somsipJethroTux: you dont15:53
JinBabalol alright thanks all!15:53
JethroTuxsomsip, that's kinda strange15:53
c0d3w4rri0rEric^^: yep read that. those are instructions for if you already had rEFInd installed under a previous OS15:53
somsipJethroTux: awesomewm does not run 'under' a DE15:54
JethroTuxsomsip, that's the thing. Ok now I get it :) Is it a DE itself?15:55
JethroTuxor a session-manager?15:56
deloriccan anyone point me in the direction on how to strip everything from a text file after a specific word such as epub? everything after that one the line I would see stripped15:56
somsipJethroTux: no, it's a window manager15:56
c0d3w4rri0rEric^^: note step 6 and 7 of the Yosemite specific instructions still tell me to look for the refind.conf in a folder that doesn't exist15:56
JethroTuxwell it needs a session-manager or a DE then15:57
JethroTuxyou can't run standalone WM!15:57
* somsip looks at monitors15:57
somsipJethroTux: I disagree15:57
dipoootsJethroTux, you can, depending on how minimal you want things15:57
OpenTokixJethroTux: ofc you can15:58
somsipJethroTux: I've been on awesomewm about 4 years. Read up on it a bit. It seems like you dont really understand15:58
deloriccan anyone point me in the direction on how to strip everything from a text file after a specific word such as epub? everything after that one the line I would see stripped15:58
dipoootsopenbox is an example of a very customizable way to do things, you can start with openbox then add on whatever else you want15:58
OpenTokixsomsip: Awesome is indeed aweomse, learning curve is a bit steep15:58
dipoootsstartx  will invoke whatever you have set in .xinitrc bypassing the need for a session manager15:59
JethroTuxi have openbox run as a WM with lxsession. I know I could use it as a session mang. too through openbox-session15:59
dipoootsyeah, personally i prefer a 'full desktop'16:00
OpenTokixWhat is this off topic discussion about anyway?16:01
_DBhow can I install windows 7 through linux? for dual booting? my laptop doesnt have a cd drive16:01
_DBso I cant use my cd16:01
mateusz_jest może ktoś z Polski?16:01
ntsp_DB do you have the iso?16:01
somsip!pl | mateusz_16:01
ubottumateusz_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:01
k1l__DB: ask the windows guys how to make a windows usb to install that16:01
_DBbut when I mount the iso it has exe's in it16:01
ntspk1l_ isnt it the same thing? (just make a drive with the iso on it)16:02
JethroTuxdipooots, do you mean I could only set a WM in xinitrc to run with a default DE?16:02
k1l_no, he needs to install windows. he cant run that from ubuntu16:02
dipoootsJethroTux, i mean you only need the wm, linux desktops are modular16:03
ntspk1l_ he has the iso, he can create a bootable drive from ubuntu?16:03
k1l_install in like: reboot from the iso in what ever way that supports it16:03
dipoootsJethroTux, you could then set your own 'task bar' etc by adding that in .xinitrc too16:03
dipoootsso startx would invoke for example openbox and tint216:03
somsipJethroTux: This will give you better understanding of the terms http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment16:04
dipoootsJethroTux, bearing in mind openbox on it's own is very bare bones16:05
dipoootsabout as bare bones as it comes16:05
JethroTuxdipooots, what about fluxbox? or icewm?16:07
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EriC^^JethroTux, fluxbox has tabs at the bottom, it's blackbox with more options16:08
JethroTuxEriC^^, btw in xinitrc either I set a DE, or if i want to "customize" with my own different WM i cant run both!16:09
dipoootsJethroTux, if you install fluxbox you willl get a better idea the difference between desktop and wm16:09
dipoootsfluxbox is a wm + some small stuff to make it more functional16:10
somsipJethroTux: gave you a link to do that earlier. .xinitrc will just have something like "awesomewm" or "lxce-session" and one will be commented out with a #16:10
dipoootsit's worth remember the term learning curve, go ahead and try a stand alone wm (like fluxbox), no session manager needed in most cases, only way to learn really16:11
somsipJethroTux: dipooots makes a good point. If you are struggling to do this, maybe awesomewm is not for you. I'd upvote for open/flux box as a simple light wm that's different16:12
JethroTuxdipooots, ok, Some WM ​contain relatively sparse desktop environment elements16:12
somsipJethroTux: ..or none16:13
dipoootsyes openbox alone contains just a wm and a right click option16:13
dipoootsfluxbox is right click, much menus and stuff plus a clock and task bar and 'run command' wired to alt+f216:14
luciusAnyone using fglrx on ubuntu 14.04 trusty ?16:14
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JethroTuxThe thing is: to have both a DE or a SM (lxde-lxsession) with a different WM, is a must to have a DM?16:15
JethroTuxor I can change settings through alternatives16:15
JethroTuxmaybe that's the way two make them live together16:15
JethroTuxdipooots, right?16:16
dipoootsa certain session manager will start the desktop or wm it relates to, bearing in mind you don't need one, it's optional16:16
=== [willwh] is now known as willwh
JethroTuxright, lxsession is used by LXDE for example16:17
dipoootsif you have the kitchen sink, a display managger and session manager you can switch between whatever session managers you want and they will start the relating desktops16:17
EriC^^JethroTux, this is one of those things where ... /me pushes JethroTux into the swimming pool16:17
winterchillzGuys where can I get help with the configuration of exim4 or postfix?16:18
JethroTuxEriC^^ ..16:18
EriC^^JethroTux, try it out and stuff..16:18
EriC^^go for it16:18
dipoootshe  means you're thinking too much, time to try indeed :)16:18
JethroTuxi've read all google forum and howtos!16:19
JethroTuxdipooots, can i query a min?16:20
EriC^^JethroTux, feel free to talk here it doesn't matter16:21
Pantsuwinterchillz: http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/02/how-to-run-your-own-e-mail-server-with-your-own-domain-part-1/16:23
dipoootsyes please stay within the channel, also bear in mind this is kind of off topic to the channel too16:23
JethroTuxi just don't get it. in https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Xinitrc it says: "Now, edit ~/.xinitrc and uncomment the line that corresponds to your DE/WM". But also: "Make sure to uncomment only one exec line, since that will be the last command run from the script"16:23
winterchillzthank you, Pantsu!!16:23
JethroTuxso I can't get two working together!16:23
k1l_JethroTux: arch uses another setup with the root user account.16:24
JethroTuxsorry for my english myabe i can't explain myself16:24
EriC^^JethroTux, which two? i think somsip said awesomewm can't be used with lxde it's almost a de itself or something16:24
JethroTuxok what about gnome-session and icewm together?16:25
EriC^^why are you trying to mix and match these?16:25
EriC^^JethroTux, i dont know what you've modified, but maybe sudo apt-get install icewm would work16:26
EriC^^if you just added exec icewm or whatever it uses to start in .xinitrc16:26
dipoootsanother example would be fluxbox, it's a stand alone wm, and lxde and xfce are full desktops comprising of different parts16:26
JethroTuxdipooots, right!16:26
EriC^^JethroTux, or fluxbox16:27
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JethroTuxbut on my lubuntu I have lxde and openbox WM runing together! Is that default lxde package?16:27
JethroTuxi mean, does lxde use openbox WM in deafult package?16:27
EriC^^i think so16:28
dipoootsopenbox is a part of lxde16:28
JethroTuxdipooots, only thing i can do is try different confs16:29
dipoootsyou could have installed openbox without the rest oof the parts if you had wanted, and started openbox16:29
JethroTuxpersonally i think that is all fixable through alternatives!16:29
dipoootswhich means you don't need lxsession16:29
dipoootshowever lxde explicitly depends on openbox16:30
EriC^^JethroTux, https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/desktop_environment#Comparison_of_desktop_environments16:30
JethroTuxon lbuntu i have lxsession running together with openbox. i don't have a pure DE16:30
dipoootsif you removed openbox, lxde woulld be removed by apt as welll16:30
JethroTuxEriC^^, ty16:31
RhardianI boguht a tp-link wn722n, installed the latest backport and installed the latest firmware from the tree16:31
Rhardianhowever i get  htc_9271.fw download failed16:31
Rhardianin dmesg16:31
bazhangRhardian, is ubuntu on that16:32
JethroTuxdipooots, but i should keep openbox and install fvwm and get it work with lxde!16:32
RhardianI am running ubuntu16:32
bazhangRhardian, on that device?16:32
bazhangRhardian, thats a router?16:33
Rhardianit's a wireless network card16:33
Rhardianto connect to the router16:33
JethroTuxi'm making some tests, too much theory! thank you guyz :16:33
bazhangRhardian, check the chipset via lsusb16:33
Rhardian0cf3:9271 Atheros Communications, Inc. AR9271 802.11n16:34
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kriskropddoes anyone know if somebody started working on a Tamagotchi replica toy/game that runs within a bash shell using ncurses gui?16:35
ThePendulumHas anyone had the issue with Chrome creating a new icon on the Unity sidebar before? I'm not certain if some other programs might do it as well.16:35
ThePendulumkriskropd: Was this an existing concept at some point or are you just wondering if it exists at all?16:36
RhardianAR9271 bazhang16:36
kriskropdThePendulum: just wondering - im actually thinking of making something like it and wanted to know if I'd be reinventing the wheel starting from scratch16:37
EriC^^ThePendulum, all programs do that16:37
ThePendulumkriskropd: There are some basic console animals but they're mostly primitive animations like the locomotive of 'sl', not interactive animals you can feed16:37
ThePendulumEriC^^: Most use the same icon and append a > to it16:37
EriC^^you just right click and unlock from launcher to remove them16:37
EriC^^oh you mean a new icon for each instance16:38
ThePendulumEriC^^: I mean when I am using a locked program16:38
ThePendulumit then creates yet another icon16:38
=== sayan_ is now known as sayan
ThePendulumso I now have an 'unused' Chrome icon so to say where I put it, and an icon with the window arrows stacked below16:38
ThePendulumkriskropd: let me know if you need any help, sounds like a fun project. Might want to do some research into how much demand there is though, depending on what your intent is16:39
Rhardianbazhang I am just confused as to why it wants to download it even thoguh it's already in my firmware directory16:40
ThePendulumkriskropd: perhaps something for another channel though, if you were to elaborate on it16:40
ThePendulumEriC^^: http://i.imgur.com/lRkAaxO.jpg <-- to the left; as you can see, Pidgin uses its original icon for the activity pointers16:40
ThePendulumhm, brb, dinner16:40
kriskropdThePendulum: considering it's a bit like AMOR, which seems to have died in obscurity, i doubt there would be any demand for it at all16:41
kriskropdThePendulum: it was mostly a personal interest thing - thanks for the information :)16:41
abdulhakimif trying to set up dual boot between Windows and Linux, does Windows have to be installed first even if they're on two separate hard drives?16:46
cfhowlettabdulhakim, no it doesn't have to be first, just makes the process a lot easier if it is16:46
cfhowlettespecially setting the /boot properly.  if windows 8+ you have efi requirements16:47
kriskropdabdulhakim: the reason you install windows first is because the windows install overwrites the boot information - that means you need to reinstall GRUB or whatever boot system you are using afterwards (again)16:47
abdulhakimokay so right now I've got Ubuntu installed on my SSD, but I have a separate HDD that I want to install windows on. But when I get to the installation process, windows won't let me install onto the hard drive, even though it's empty16:47
cfhowlettabdulhakim, best to ask ##windows I think.  doesn't sound like an ubuntu issue.16:48
abdulhakimword will do16:49
ioriaabdulhakim, windows dosen't like competitors16:49
abdulhakimhaha right16:49
cfhowlettabdulhakim, OR you could maybe install windows inside a virtualbox on your ubuntu machine16:49
gaconsaltнужно на русский канал16:53
cfhowlett!ru | gaconsalt16:53
ubottugaconsalt: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:53
vinizhola alguien ha probado de instalar ubuntu touch a una tablet, pero como sistema principal, no como emulador16:54
cfhowlett!es | vindex16:55
ubottuvindex: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:55
realloc1hoi, do you know, when the mesa packages get updated in the ubuntu package sources (utopic unicorn)?16:55
realloc1There is a bug in version 10.3 which got fixed in 10.4 i think16:55
rprakash#vote +116:56
realloc1i found the xorg edgers ppa for the latest versions, but i don't know whether it would be a good idea to use it ^^16:56
ioriacfhowlett, it's  possible  remove the ssd ,boot from cd,install  windows on hdd,put again in the ssd  with ubu    ,as master  to get a dual boot  ?16:57
cfhowlettioria, never doen it.   BUT: before you muck with hardware, I'd go into bios and disable the ssd.  reboot and install to hdd.  then reinitialize the ssd and run update-grub.16:58
ioriacfhowlett, thanx :-)16:59
fromanwhat sup17:01
Pantsutomato soup17:02
infektedpchow do i kill systemd-udevd?17:02
Pantsuinfektedpc: why?17:03
infektedpc100% cpu usage when i plug in this flash drive to my computer17:03
infektedpcsystemd-udevd 100%17:03
Pantsusounds like a broken udev rule possibly17:03
Pantsugo and spy on it17:03
lostatworkthat is just the NSA firmware loading17:03
Pantsuudevadm etc17:03
infektedpcchange   /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-8/3-8:1.0/host6/target6:0:0/6:0:0:0/block/sdc (block)17:04
msghey all17:05
infektedpcthe flash drive acts like a cdrom has some weird kingston or sandisc lock utility that opens in windows17:05
msgI have a huge file (110Gb) and I want to ftp it over from my computer to another17:05
infektedpcand you cant write to the disk unless password i just wanted to flash the damn thing17:06
msgBut, the connection isn't stable enough to do this in one go17:06
msgSo i need to break my file down into bits17:06
msgHow would you guys do this?17:06
msgI dont need compression, just chuking it up into bits...17:06
msgjust split command?17:08
msgI was going to try that next - but my file is binary...17:08
msgis that a problem?17:08
msg(also, how do i put it back together again..?)17:08
ioriadon't know :-).... man split17:08
=== msg is now known as John
OerHeksmsg, filezilla has got a continue option if the connection fails.17:09
Pantsum1dnight_: xyproblem17:09
Pantsuer... msg^17:09
dimitrismsg: you can use hjsplit17:10
jgutierrez76what up guys17:10
OerHeksinfektedpc, is that USB an U3 device? there is u3-tools to remove that portable software17:10
dimitrisI don't know if there is a linux version of the app but it works fine under wine17:10
infektedpcu3 device?17:11
Squall5668dimitris: no need for all that, cat can join split files just fine17:11
jgutierrez76                                     ?/$="'"  """^=<&&R$~\17:12
jgutierrez76                                   .&?/'              `""$$,17:12
jgutierrez76                                 ,/?/'       /-"^\.   .-=~\T,17:12
jgutierrez76                               ,/?/'        /\|6?`|  |<<q- ,??17:12
jgutierrez76                             ./?/'          `\??dp'  `$??,/|,i\.17:12
ThePendulumJohn: you might not need compression, but I think there are options to zip up a file into several files? It wouldn't hurt either, but it would solve your issue17:12
ThePendulumjhutchins: pls.17:12
ThePendulumeh, sorry, the other guy17:12
infektedpcso far udevd stays busy cant mount the flash drive nothing17:12
JohnThePendulum:  yeah but it seems all these programs consume huge amounts of RAM when doing any kind of splitting/compressing17:13
JohnAnd i think just split -b 100000m will do the trick without using up all my RAM17:13
infektedpcoops caps sorry17:13
JohnBUT, how the hell do i merge it back together again, heheh, i dont know17:13
Johnmaybe cat ./* >> someEmptyFile?17:13
ioriaJohn : you use cat to rebuild it17:14
Johnioria:  oh ok great :D17:14
ThePendulum!jp | firecat17:14
ubottufirecat: 日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。17:14
ioriaJohn : and cmp to   check it17:15
ThePendulumI might've recognized the wrong language there, sorry if I did17:15
JohnNah im pretty sure thats Japanese17:16
ThePendulumGT says Chinese17:16
geirhaJohn: you probably rather want -b 100GB17:16
ThePendulumI don't know the command for Chinese, someone please?17:16
Johnch is china17:16
ace_mewhere is the default php.ini in ubuntu 12 precise ?17:16
Johnno, wait, switzerland17:16
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw17:16
Johnyeah, cn17:16
daftykinsace_me: /etc/php...17:16
ace_meetc/php5/cli I see one17:16
geirhaWith emphasis on the B to get base 10 units17:16
pavlos!cn| firecat17:16
ubottufirecat: please see above17:16
Johnoh yeah, 入 is chinese17:16
JohnI thought it was Japanese :/17:17
ace_medaftykins in etc/php/cli17:17
ace_meI have memory_limit = -117:17
ThePendulumJohn: you and me both17:17
daftykinsace_me: any chance you can type in a single sentence?17:17
tagSo is unity going to continue to use compiz, given it appears to not really be actively developed anylonger?17:18
tagOr is it headed somewhere else for 15.10?17:18
geirhaJohn: Also, when putting them back together, keep in mind that it sorts the filenames alphabetically, based on your locale. Which means it might sort them in the wrong order. setting LC_COLLATE=C; first avoids that.17:18
JohnThank you geirha - that is very good advice :)17:22
infektedpcthanks for the info on u3-tool fixed my problem17:23
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OerHeksinfektedpc, have fun!17:25
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ntspWho is manintainning transmission on the official repos? its a *bit* outdated17:40
Squall5668ntsp: which ubuntu release are you on?17:41
ntspSquall5668 14.0417:41
ntspits 2 versions behind with the latest not included being a security fix(not sure if backported)17:41
Squall5668I'm willing to bet a number off my nick that it is17:42
rwwso if the security bug you mean is CVE-2014-4909 then yes, it's backported17:42
ubottuInteger overflow in the tr_bitfieldEnsureNthBitAlloced function in bitfield.c in Transmission before 2.84 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted peer message, which triggers an out-of-bounds write. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-4909)17:42
k1l_2.84 will be in 15.0417:43
Squall5668ubottu has CVA lookup too? Nice17:43
ubottuSquall5668: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:43
Squall5668CVE* eh17:43
bazhangredhat bugzilla as well17:43
Potato1does anyone know how to enter a name in html so that it shows up in a sentence17:44
ntspbtw is there a rolling version of ubuntu?17:46
k1l_ntsp: no17:47
ntsp>:( I want to find a distro to use on laptops that is STABLE rolling\17:47
pavlosntsp, 14.0417:47
k1l_stable and rolling in one sentence, wow :)17:47
omgitsmitk1l_: thats what i was thinking17:47
omgitsmitntsp: rolling = development = unstable17:48
ioriaarch is rolling    release17:48
daftykinsntsp: as above, you basically asked for a paradox :)17:48
ntspioria arch: "it compiled! stable?"17:48
ioriantsp :  wait...17:49
ntspaka too bleeding edge 4 me17:49
ioriantsp :  it's not so easy to  install ;-)17:49
ioriantsp :  aka it's a nightmare17:49
ntspioria it is easy :p just format and run the isntall script... and then install a bootloader17:50
ntsp(yes, have installed it)17:50
omgitsmittry installing it without a helper script ;)17:50
iggymydogi got a ubuntu laptop converted from a dell....and it wont boot up it says no int found try passing init=bootarg17:50
omgitsmitiggymydog: you have a live cd to boot off of?17:51
iggymydogomgitsmit: no17:52
ntspomgitsmit the wiki actually makes it easy, archlinux has the best documentation I have ever seen17:52
omgitsmitntsp: the arch documentation is the most messed up thing ive ever followed17:52
_Rocky_Hi, I am using Ubuntu 14.04. I usually use GNOME DE. But I am trying to switch over to xmonad. I am using xmobar + trayer. I use nm-applet for network management. I would like to know if it is possible to get the sound and brightness applets running in trayer just like the nm-applet.17:52
omgitsmitiggymydog: run check disk on the drive, it may be corrupted.17:53
=== aktx_ is now known as aktx
* ntsp agrees to disagree with omgitsmit17:53
_Rocky_Thanks for your help in advance. Many google links suggest the use of the following commands which dont seem to work: gnome-power-manager, gnome-sound-applet, gnome-volume-manager etc.17:53
iggymydogomgitsmit: how do i go about that? the dam thing worked this morning17:53
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* omgitsmit at least doesn't use helper scripts17:53
omgitsmitiggymydog: live cd would be the best bet17:53
omgitsmitiggymydog: or bootable USB, same thing17:54
=== dunebuggie_ is now known as dunebuggie
_Rocky_the gnome-sound-applet.desktop file itself has Exec=/usr/bin/gnome-sound/applet though I dont see that bin file in  /usr/bin17:54
omgitsmit_Rocky_: did you just copy the .desktop file over without actually installing the software?17:55
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iggymydogomgitsmit: darn i was afraid of that......tho it looks like it could be a hard ware problem prehaps like with the hard drive....yet the diagnostic didnt find anyhing17:55
_Rocky_omgitsmit: Thank you for your reply, I didnt copy any desktop file. Its already just there. Since I do have a GNOME desktop also17:55
pavlos_Rocky_, there is a gnome-sound-applet file in /usr/bin17:56
_Rocky_omgitsmit: At the location /etc/xdg/autostart/gnome-sound-applet.desktop17:56
_Rocky_pavlos: Thank you for the reply. I am using Ubuntu 14.04. Which version do you have that in?17:57
iggymydogomgitsmit: im past the boot screen and am able to type in commands....is there a command to check the hard drive?17:57
pavlos_Rocky_, 14.0417:57
st34lthanyone familiar with evga uv plus + 3917:57
st34lthlooking for it's linux drivers17:57
_Rocky_I did a ls /usr/bin | grep applet. and I get only 2 files with applet. nm-applet and system-config-printer-applet17:58
omgitsmit_Rocky_: you can try to apt-get install gnome-sound17:58
_Rocky_pavlos: strange that I dont have it17:58
daftykinsst34lth: what is it?17:58
_Rocky_omgitsmit: Let me try that now17:58
st34lthit's a displaylink hdmi/vga/dvi to usb 3.017:58
omgitsmitiggymydog: type in commands? you mean its working?17:58
DiplomatHey guys, when I write cat /proc/loadavg I get 0.07 0.17 0.21 4/470 5829, I know what those first 3 numbers are, but what are 4/370 and 5829 ?17:59
_Rocky_omgitsmit: Unable to locate package. And apt-cache search gnome-sound shows only one entry. gnome-sound-recorder17:59
iggymydogomgitsmit: i cant get to my desktop but it says "(initramfs) _"17:59
omgitsmit_Rocky_: its probably under some other name, i wouldnt know17:59
omgitsmit_Rocky_: apt-cache search gnome-sound17:59
daftykinsst34lth: have you tried booting up fully from powered off with it attached, as well as just plugging it in?17:59
iggymydogomgitsmit: and its allowing me to type stuff in17:59
omgitsmitiggymydog: "it", what is "it"? grub? ubuntu?18:00
_Rocky_omgitsmit Like I said, it is only showing me gnome-sound-recorder. I find all this very strange :(18:00
iggymydogomgitsmit: im not entirely sure.....my screen is all black with white letters and no mouse curser.....sorry i cant tell you more i dont know what this is called18:01
st34lthlet's try that daftykins18:01
omgitsmit_Rocky_: sound is working otherwise?18:01
omgitsmitiggymydog: looks like busybox from Grub18:01
_Rocky_omgitsmit: Sound is working. I am trying to get the applet so that I can control the volume.18:01
iggymydogomgitsmit:....ok? is that good or bad? ...18:01
omgitsmitiggymydog: well bad, grub was unable to boot the drive18:02
_Rocky_omgitsmit: Also, I do get the applet in GNOME DE though18:02
iggymydogomgitsmit: darn it.....is there any checks i can do to be sure of this so i dont waste my time downloadeing a sick?18:02
imnicholHi, I want to be able to get GPS data on my laptop, but I'm blanking on what the search terms are.18:02
omgitsmitiggymydog: can you run fdisk -l?18:03
imnicholIs that even possible on Ubuntu18:03
omgitsmitiggymydog: im not to familiar with that18:03
omgitsmitimnichol: do you have a GPS reciever?18:03
iggymydogomgitsmit: leeme type it in and see...i ment to type disk it was a type18:03
iggymydogomgitsmit: f disk not found18:04
omgitsmitiggymydog: there is no space, fdisk -l18:04
pavlos_Rocky_, dpkg -S gnome-sound-applet ... seems to belong to gnome-control-center18:04
z0randoes anyone have any idea why is my dmesg looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/10517729/18:05
omgitsmitiggymydog: i honestly only know how to fix it from a live cd (im a noob)18:05
iggymydogomgitsmit: what do you mean theres no space? the comp only says /bin/sh: fdisk: not found18:05
omgitsmitiggymydog: you're missing root18:05
_Rocky_pavlos: "apt-get install gnome-control-center" says package is already the latest version18:05
iggymydogomgitsmit: so i need to log into root>18:06
omgitsmit_Rocky_: pavlos: maybe try running the gnome-control-center from terminal and see if there are any problems with it running?18:06
omgitsmitiggymydog: no, the root partition cannot be found by grub. which is why it cannot boot up.18:06
iggymydogomgitsmit: so how would i fix that18:06
omgitsmitiggymydog: the only way ive fixed that before was from a live cd, maybe someone else can walk you through the steps since you dont have one available.18:07
dakronecan anyone tell me how to get NetworkManager to show the gui for a forwarded X11 session? I keep getting "NetworkManager is already running"18:07
iggymydogomgitsmit: i can get one but its a pain on my slow internet to download it and go find a empty or good disk18:07
iggymydogomgitsmit: thanks for your help though.....18:07
omgitsmitiggymydog: well who installed the system in the first place? couldn't you acquire the disk from them that they used?18:08
_Rocky_omgitsmit: I see a clue! Not all the options are available in xmonad when I run control center18:08
omgitsmit_Rocky_: you're on the right track :D18:08
_Rocky_I do get all the options in gnome session itself18:08
_Rocky_omgitsmit: I do remember some OnlyShowIn entries in the .desktop files18:09
iggymydogomgitsmit: i installed the system lol ironicly enough i fix computers for a liveing i just dont do much with linux18:09
st34lthdaftykins, that didn't work18:09
_Rocky_should I include xmonad in there?18:09
st34lthIt s just hard finding even a single driver I can install online18:09
omgitsmitiggymydog: so you're saying that one day you woke up and linux was magically installed on the syste,?18:09
daftykinsst34lth: ok, well identifying the device with 'lsusb' would probably be important but i doubt you're going to have much luck with a thing like that18:09
omgitsmit"Sudden acts of Linux"18:10
iggymydogomgitsmit: no like i said i installed it on there.....4 years agao or so it WAS a ubuntu 12. something18:10
rdfileomgitsmit: if only every MS PC did this, the world would be a better place.18:10
omgitsmit+1 rdfile18:10
ChristerHi, i just created a new user that can SSH into my ubuntu server, but on a successfull login to the server, its like it doesnt allow me to do anything. Kind of like an empty path with only $ displaying and limited / no-access to commands.18:11
daftykinsst34lth: that's probably because in Linux, you don't install drivers like Windows.18:11
omgitsmitiggymydog: i'm also in the same field as yourself and use ubuntu live cd's for troubleshooting almost on a weekly basis.18:11
daftykinsChrister: you needed to create a /home for that user and give it bash as the default shell ideally.18:11
VolUTFanhow do I back up the sudo crontab with rsync....or can I?18:11
BluesKajiggymydog, 4yrs ago it would ubu8ntu 10 or 11 someting18:11
omgitsmitiggymydog: its a good way to determine issues with an OS when the live cd works just fine.18:11
iggymydogomgitsmit: ok ill download one18:12
ReddyHello experts, please help me with the drivers for PCIe SSD. Installed Ubuntu on SAS drive, OS cant see PCIe SSD drives18:12
iggymydogBluesKaj: it was an estimate18:13
ReddyHello experts, please help me with the drivers for PCIe SSD. Installed Ubuntu on SAS drive, OS cant see PCIe SSD drives18:13
ReddyHello experts, please help me with the drivers for PCIe SSD. Installed Ubuntu on SAS drive, OS cant see PCIe SSD drives18:14
daftykins!repeat | Reddy Don't do that.18:14
ubottuReddy Don't do that.: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:14
bazhangReddy, no drivers are needed for that18:14
iggymydogwell imma go now ttyl guys thanks again18:14
BluesKajiggymydog, in the console , lsb_release -a , look beside Release18:15
ReddySorry ubottu18:15
BluesKajoops too late again18:15
bazhangReddy, there is no need for drivers for that18:15
ReddyHi Bazhang, how do I resolve the issue18:15
bazhangReddy, what issue, drivers are not needed18:16
Christerdaftykins - Thank you so much :) Completly new to setup18:16
Reddyinstalled 12.04 LTS on a Dell M820 blade with 1xSAS and 2xPCIe SSD drives18:16
daftykinsReddy: sudo parted -l | pastebinit18:16
VolUTFanI found this is where the crontab tables for all of the servers are listed /var/spool/cron/crontabs , however I can't cd into the directory.  I am getting "bash: cd: crontabs/: Permission denied"  any ideas how to look in that directory18:17
VolUTFannm, I figured it out18:18
VolUTFanwow, interesting...  the crontab file for root, in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs is different than the entries listed in sudo crontab -e or -l....  any ideas as to why?18:20
VolUTFanits got some of the entries in there, but its still missing current entries18:20
omgitsmitVolUTFan: user cron would be different than roots18:20
VolUTFanomgitsmit, I don't have a user cron in that directory...18:21
VolUTFanI have my user and the root18:21
omgitsmityou just said you dont have the user cron, then you said you have two users crons.18:22
VolUTFaneither way, the root crontab, where I have been making entries, using sudo crontab -e, is different than the crontab file for root in the /var/spool/cron/crontabs directory18:22
LordDeathdoes ubuntu 14.04 with installed KDE still have a "/etc/init.d/kdm"?18:22
omgitsmitVolUTFan: yes, each user has their own seperate cron18:22
VolUTFanno, I didn't say anything about a user named cron18:22
omgitsmit<    VolUTFan>| I have my user and the root18:22
VolUTFanright... so why is the file in that directory for root...  differerent than what I see when I hit the terminal and type sudo crontab -e18:23
VolUTFanim just simply trying to understand.  I am confused lol.  I think it was either rberg, lordievader or BluesKaj that suggested I throw these in the root crontab since it required sudo rights for my commands.18:24
ZeroBeholderhello, anyone else have ssh go out after the kernel update or is it just me?18:27
ZeroBeholderAlso, all of a sudden my freenode connection blows up & resets...18:27
BluesKajVolUTFan, it wasn't me, never used a cronjob, just a simple home user here18:27
VolUTFanhahahahaha, I figured it out.  Although I saved the file in nano, I didn't close the file with Ctrl-X so...  it didn't right its temp file back to the actual file18:27
VolUTFanBlues... my main man...  how are you doing today?  I couldn't remember.  its usually one of us few that does most of the talkin18:28
daftykins!ot | VolUTFan18:29
ubottuVolUTFan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:29
VolUTFanI had a perverbial brain fart with the writing of the file18:29
* BluesKaj prefers #kubuntu-offtopic18:29
ZeroBeholderWell, I'll have to guess it is just me with the most recent kernel update-- my ssh woes may be completely unrelated, but it is the only thing I did since it worked last this morning.18:30
ZeroBeholderBluesKaj: #kubuntu!18:30
ZeroBeholderthe emphasis added probably breaks the link...18:31
TeamTeslaNLi have a small question does anyone has some experience with streaming to USTREAM with for example a raspberry running Linux18:32
VolUTFanusing rsync can you specify to backup multiple folders, instead of just 1 directory, to a final destination folder?18:33
crstHi, can anybody recommend me a routine (command line welcome) for changing the date of many files. The date is contained as a string in each filename in the following format [2009-04-09_T14-22-38]. Any quick suggestions?18:34
rwwyes, just list multiple sources one after another, with the destination container folder at the end18:34
bekksVolUTFan: Yes.18:34
VolUTFanok, so that syntax would be ok...  it would be just like saying I want to mv -R dir1 dir2 dir3 /home/user/backupfolder...18:35
EriC^^crst, i think touch can do that18:35
KaiForceanyone familiar with syslinux/isolinux?18:36
crstEriC^^: Cool, I'll take a look at it. Thank you for your tip18:36
EriC^^np, you can use find if you want to do it recursively18:36
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PantsuVolUTFan: I suggest that you read the manual18:38
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bazhangKaiForce, for a bootable usb stick?18:38
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=== Remy is now known as TeamTeslaNL
KaiForcebazhang: I'm actually using it for Leaf Bering uclibc, but yes it is used for bootable USBs also...18:39
bazhangKaiForce, pendrivelinux.com is a great resource for that18:39
KaiForcethe Leaf developers have the boot files in a /syslinux directory, but I'm not sure how to get them to boot there.  I can move them to the root of the drive and they'll boot fine.18:40
KaiForcethanks bazhang i I will look there.18:40
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spacegh0sthey, when my 14.04 goes to sleep i wake it up to a crash error for xorg, anyone have a solution for this?18:43
EriC^^spacegh0st, report the error if you want18:44
donniezazenOracle VirtualBox's repos are impossibly slow.18:44
EriC^^and you could try disabling apport error logging if it keeps appearing18:44
spacegh0sti report all my errors =/ i jsut don't want them18:44
EriC^^spacegh0st, you can try disabling apport18:45
spacegh0stok, thanks EriC^^18:45
EriC^^or look into the error and if there's a fix on launchpad or somewhere18:45
Guest11288русскоязычные есть?18:45
bazhang!ru | Guest1128818:46
ubottuGuest11288: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:46
Mandeep_Singhhey guys, when I put my 14.04 into sleep mode and sometimes it doesn't wake up and just restarts the system. Reported error many times. My some friends also faced that problem.18:47
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, are you using fglrx or fglrx-updates?18:48
_jomoAbout half a year ago I decided to finally run dist-upgrade (12 to 14). At some point my x session crashed. I just went to console 1 and waited. After some time it still told me to run dist-upgrade, so I did it again. When that was done I had to reboot and suddenly I'm "running in low graphics mode" and pretty much all of the `apt-get` commands failed because sub-command dpkt returned an error or because too many errors occured (looks lik18:49
EriC^^_jomo, you're supposed to use sudo do-release-upgrade to upgrade to a newer release18:49
bazhang_jomo, dist-upgrade will NOT change versions18:50
_jomoI think that was the command I used, was half a year ago sorry18:50
_jomo/etc/issue Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l18:51
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, I searched about fglrx. I think it's for amd catalyst or related. I am using HP notebook intel i3 integrated intel graphics card only.18:51
Mandeep_SinghPlease correct and suggest me.18:51
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, that's true18:51
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, i've no idea, sometimes coming from sleep issues are related to graphics drivers18:52
EriC^^i get a similar issue using fglrx-updates18:52
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, I see.18:52
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, I don't think there is need for graphics drivers for the integrated intel ones.18:53
EriC^^yeah i dont think so18:54
EriC^^_jomo, so what's the problem?18:54
_jomoEriC^^: apt-get upgrade tells me about "134 not fully installed or removed" and then drowns in "dependency problems" and finally exists with "Processing was halted because there were too many errors"18:55
_jomoand when I boot I can only run in "low graphics mode" for some reason18:55
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, does /var/log/syslog mention anything?18:56
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, or /var/log/kern.log maybe?18:56
EriC^^_jomo, ok, run sudo apt-get -f install18:57
EriC^^and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and pastebin the output18:57
EriC^^run sudo apt-get update first then -f install18:57
_jomoEriC^^: http://hastebin.com/wipakosiyo19:00
_jomoEriC^^: this is what I see after boot: http://i.stack.imgur.com/AiwJH.png19:02
oslo2015Anyone know why Ubuntu Mate isn't updated to 14.04.2?19:02
EriC^^_jomo, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall tex-common19:03
daftykinsoslo2015: you mean, their downloads?19:03
oslo2015Yes daftykins19:03
daftykinsoslo2015: probably haven't respun media. there's no point waiting for one, just install .0 or .1 then dist-upgrade. simple.19:03
EriC^^oslo2015, do you have the trusty-updates repo enabled?19:03
EriC^^ah nevermind19:03
daftykinsoslo2015: the greatest truth never told is the version # is just a text file :P19:04
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, Can't figure out what is going on in both /var/log/kern.log and syslog. But this line is repeating:     Mar  4 00:29:18 hp kernel: [11300.902017] ieee80211 phy0: rt2x00queue_flush_queue: Warning - Queue 2 failed to flush19:04
_jomoEriC^^: E: Internal Error, No file name for tex-common:amd6419:04
oslo2015daftykins, what do you mean my dist-update? sudo apt-get update?19:04
daftykinssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:05
daftykins(doesn't mean to change version, it just gets the latest packages for everything)19:05
oslo2015daftykins, thanks19:05
Mandeep_Singh_jomo, do have a amd one?19:05
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, are you using the latest kernel?19:05
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_jomoMandeep_Singh: my CPU is AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor, if that's what you mean. I'll just try purging tex-common. Never used latex anyway :P19:07
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oslo2015Would Ubuntu Mate or regular Ubuntu (Unity) be perferrable on an old computer?19:07
daftykinsoslo2015: mate, lubuntu or xubuntu.19:07
daftykinsdefinitely not unity19:07
oslo2015So, Mate is more lightweight than Unity?19:08
* _jomo would chose mate because it tastes good19:08
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oslo2015thanks daftykins19:09
Mandeep_Singh_jomo, yes i meant that and the graphics card too. Have you installed graphics drivers? Many get problems due to that.19:09
pavlososlo2015, ubuntu mate seems to be like gnome 2 (classic)19:09
_jomoMandeep_Singh: well I was definitely working before the release upgrade19:10
oslo2015pavlos, design-wise yes19:10
_jomoThe graphics card is AMD as well IIRC, will double check19:10
Bashing-om_jomo: graphics card; terminal command -> lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 <- .19:12
_jomoEriC^^: seems like purgin tex removed all the apt-get / dpkg issues so far.19:12
EriC^^_jomo, great19:13
_jomoMandeep_Singh, Bashing-om it's an AMD/ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5430 (cheapest thing out there but used to work)19:13
_jomoEriC^^: thanks for the help so far19:13
Mandeep_Singh_jomo, try installing again the graphics drivers ( may solve)19:13
EriC^^_jomo, open the dash and type drivers and check if there's any drivers you can install19:13
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Bashing-om_jomo: Naw, mine is cheaper "  VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV515 [Radeon X1300/X1550] " .19:15
Mandeep_SinghOne more thing I want to ask that the bluetooth is not working in my 14.04. Tried many times, it turns on and when I click on 'setup new device' it shows error 'no adapter found'.19:15
Mandeep_SinghThough it works on window$19:16
_jomoEriC^^: https://i.imgur.com/36m2714.png (clicked on the bottom one by accident when I took the screenshot) I guess "recommended" is the open source one?19:17
_jomo"Revert" switches back to the open source driver19:17
emsy2015k1l_: hello, arghh, I gave up yesterday. We did everything right, at least it seemed like that because we didn't have any errors, but rebooting didn't help.19:18
EriC^^_jomo, yeah the first one is the open source one19:19
EriC^^_jomo, you could try fglrx or fglrx-updates if you want19:19
oslo2015will battery savings be noticeable if I disable bluetooth?19:19
oslo2015in any ubuntu version19:19
ThePendulumIs it possible to automatically execute a command whenever a given terminal command can not be found?19:20
EriC^^ThePendulum, yeah19:20
_jomoEriC^^: Ah well I'll just try turning it off an on again, Moss said that should work :D If it doesn't, I can still try the proprietary ones19:20
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, which kernel version is recommended for 14.04?19:20
SburAny program out there to (if possible, automatically) "cut up" an album into the various songs in it? (make, for example, 20 seperate songs rather than a one lump song containing an entire album?19:20
ThePendulumEriC^^: Could you give me a hint in the right direction? :P19:20
daftykinsSbur: why not just rip it from the CD properly? 0o19:20
emsy2015k1l_: Missing modules. /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist19:21
EriC^^ThePendulum, well if you type set | grep command19:21
EriC^^i think that's what runs when a command isnt found19:21
ThePendulumEriC^^: this is the first time I got a hint that's complete enough to work with yet not so complete it solves the issue entirely, love it :D19:21
oslo2015will battery savings be noticeable if I disable bluetooth?19:22
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, my one is 3.13.0-24-generic19:22
ThePendulumnow to find out where this 'set' thing lives19:22
qenghooslo2015: use "powertop" to measure.19:22
oslo2015qengho, great idea, thanks19:22
Sburdaftykins: What I mean is ... I downloaded an album, thinking that it was like an RAR archive and that I'd be able to just extract seperate titles.  It wasn't that way.  Any cdrip program wil "feel" the pauses in the songs and seperate them?19:22
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, that's pretty old i think19:23
qenghooslo2015: besides, it's silly to ask. Hardware varies. Mine is not yours.19:23
daftykinsSbur: sorry, sounds unlawfully obtained.19:23
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, which ubuntu version are you using?19:23
oslo2015qengho, gotcha19:23
Sburdaftykins: Never mind19:23
emsy2015Guys, anyone? Black screen, Missing modules (cat /proc/modules;ls /dev)19:24
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, yes, run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:24
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, is 14.10 stable enough?19:24
emsy2015ALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist19:24
EriC^^Mandeep_Singh, that will only upgrade the packages, it will stay 14.0419:25
Bashing-omMandeep_Singh: EriC^^ :: real old kernel, makes one wonder what is going on in /boot . Maybe look ? -> ls -al / , ls -al /boot <- symlinks broke, no disk space ?19:26
emsy2015Black screen, Missing modules (cat /proc/modules;ls /dev) /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root does not exist19:27
Jordan_Uemsy2015: Chroot in from a LiveCD/USB and update your initramfs.19:28
EriC^^Bashing-om, he probably never dist-upgraded ever, i think that's the first kernel 14.04 came out with19:28
EriC^^no idea how that space came btw19:28
Bashing-omEriC^^: Agreed it is it is .. to the best of my poor memory .19:28
Mandeep_SinghEriC^^, true that19:28
ChristW_I have a problem with Desktop Zoom in accessibility. I have a movie showing the problem,. When I click in the menu area, the mouse cursor jumps to the far left and I can’t reach my menu. Here’s a video showing the problem: http://dna.ik.nu/rinske/Output.mp419:29
emsy2015Jordan_U:how to update them?19:29
ntspmy external disk drive never goes to sleep even when its idle(ubuntu server) any ideas?19:31
Jordan_Uemsy2015: update-initramfs -c -k all19:32
emsy2015Jordan_U: thank you, will try that19:32
Jordan_Uemsy2015: Do you know how to prepare a proper chroot, including bind mounting of /dev/, /proc/, and /sys/?19:32
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ThePendulumhmmm, if I wish to run a command whenever a command cannot be found, can I not simply add if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ]; to ~/.bashrc?19:33
emsy2015Jordan_U: well actually yes, because I' ve been doing this for 3 days now. All my kernels were accidentally removed so I booted from live cd. Even now I' m booted from live cd19:33
_jomoEriC^^: Restart didn't help, here's the Xorg log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10518611/19:34
emsy2015Jordan_U: I tried to fix it after the thread on ubuntu forums and after rebooting I got this initframs error19:34
Jordan_UThePendulum: Just checking for the existance of /usr/lib/command-not-found isn't going to accomplish anything in and of itself. What do you plan to do if /usr/lib/command-not-found exists and is executable?19:35
ThePendulumJordan_U: Yeah, I just realized I'm an idiot; it's not at all what I'm looking for :P19:35
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EriC^^ThePendulum, you could add the command you want to run after the printf part19:36
FarsusDoes Ubuntu offer paid user support? (For individual users rather than big business.)19:36
Farsussankarsana: /quit19:36
* ThePendulum imagines sankarsana yelling at his screen to turn off19:37
ThePendulumEriC^^: I've found this is /etc/bash.bashrc (or something named similarly)19:37
ThePendulumI tried adding something simple but failed, perhaps I should try an actual reboot19:37
FarsusI can't find pricing info for paid user support on Ubuntu website.19:38
EriC^^ThePendulum, what builds the set19:38
FarsusIs it affordable?19:38
ThePendulumEriC^^: I'm not sure how to find out if that's indeed what the set result came from19:38
spv /load .xchat2/budus.so19:38
EriC^^ThePendulum, it looks like it19:38
EriC^^did you add a command to it?19:39
ThePendulumI did; I might've failed to reload it properly though19:39
EriC^^try to do sudo login <user> in a terminal19:39
ThePendulumor it's not doing what I'm expecting it to do19:39
FarsusRedHat user support is apparently only for very wealthy users. Would Ubuntu be similar?19:39
EriC^^and check set | grep -A10 command_not19:39
rwwFarsus: Ubuntu does not offer paid user support.19:40
Farsusrww :(19:40
=== [willwh] is now known as willwh
rwwCanonical offers paid business support, but it sounds like you don't want that, so yeah.19:40
Farsusrww: I see.19:40
ThePendulumrww: huh, I thought that was their primary business model19:40
ThePendulumin that boat, sorry, yeah :p19:40
rwwOther third-party companies presumably do too. #ubuntu doesn't have any insight into their or Canonical's support programs.19:40
Farsusrww: I need an equivalent of Windows hotline, but with a libre OS. Any OS.19:41
rwwI don't know of one. ##linux may be more useful for general Linux questions.19:41
Farsus*any libre OS19:41
emsy2015Jordan_U: after trying to update initramfs19:41
emsy2015Jordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10518696/19:41
ThePendulumEriC^^: I must have some fundamental misunderstanding; http://pastie.org/private/dwkxvnvgojrtaoh3c0rig19:42
ThePendulumEriC^^: The above is the output of set grep19:42
Jordan_Uemsy2015: Do you have an encrypted root filesystem?19:42
Farsusrww: (1) ##Linux is not hotline. They are volunteeers, aren't they? Under no duty to help me. (2) Voice is switched off for unregistered Freenode users (such as me) in ##Linux. I'm not going to create an e-mail to be able to talk on IRC.19:43
emsy2015Jordan_U: maybe, I' m not sure19:43
rwwFarsus: re: (1): I meant they may know of some place that does Linux support19:43
rwwsince as I said, we don't (and we just do Ubuntu specific support anyway)19:43
Farsusrww: Ok.19:43
daftykinsFarsus: with my respect, you won't get far with open source software if you're unwilling to even create a free account to get it.19:44
Farsusdaftykins: I don't need "free as free beer", I need "free as freedom".19:45
emsy2015Jordan_U: it shouldn' t been because I did this to get into it: sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 ubuntu_root19:45
_jomomost open source software is both though, not sure why everyone keeps omitting that fact19:46
ThePendulumEriC^^: I got it now by moving it out of that if clause; I think that case just never happes and command-not-found is executed instead19:46
EriC^^ThePendulum, oh ok19:47
ThePendulumalright, now my computer tells me "I'm afraid I can't do that, Dave" whenever I enter the wrong command. Truly an engineering marvel.19:47
ThePendulum(it actually speaks it) oh well, it was fun; thanks EriC^^!19:47
daftykinsFarsus: i don't see how that has any relevance to what i said :)19:48
Farsusdaftykins: ...and having to let yourself track by ##linux ops is contrary to that kind of freedom. not to mention burdensome.19:48
Farsus*to let ##linux ops track you19:48
EriC^^ThePendulum, haha :D no problem19:48
Jordan_Uemsy2015: The answer is "yes" then. Just because you've unlocked it at the moment doesn't make it not encrypted. Are you trying to convert from unencrypted to encrypted, or did you install to LUKS from the Ubuntu installer?19:48
daftykinsFarsus: this sounds like far too paranoid approaches to just getting help on a chat network, i'd like no further part in this discussion, goodbye19:49
emsy2015Jordan_U: I didn' t install LUKS19:49
Jordan_Uemsy2015: So you're trying to convert from unencrypted to encrypted, correct?19:50
emsy2015Jordan_U: I tried to get into it, yeah19:50
dcopehey all, how is it possible for my machine to have no tmp directory?19:50
MrSunshineis it possible to "restore" to original linux mint packages everything if ive been installing stuff from ppa:s and dont know what has been installed but it borked my system some ?19:51
MrSunshineoh sorry .. mint but same base so should apply :P19:51
bekks!mint | MrSunshine19:52
ubottuMrSunshine: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:52
_jomoEriC^^: Just noticed that ther's no xorg.conf, just an xorg.conf-backup from around the time I upgraded. I copied that file to xorg.conf. Do you know how to (properly) restart the x server without rebooting?19:52
emsy2015Jordan_U: just tried to recover my system with http://askubuntu.com/questions/28099/how-to-restore-a-system-after-accidentally-removing-all-kernels19:53
emsy2015Jordan_U: couldn' t do without luks open19:54
EriC^^_jomo, you could type sudo service lightdm restart19:54
Jordan_Uemsy2015: You aren't answering the question I actually asked.19:54
emsy2015Jordan_U: The answer is yes!19:54
FarsusSo I may choose Ubuntu rather than CentOS or other big distro... simply because this channel is NOT like:19:55
Farsus"Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services"19:55
Jordan_Uemsy2015: OK, what guide are you following to do so? I ask because you've clearly not setup your /etc/cryptab correctly.19:55
hillbickshey guys, where is the right place to ask questions about ubuntu touch? I didn't see a specific place on the ubuntu forums and the xda subsection is relatively quiet. any suggestions?19:56
emsy2015Jordan_U: just followed step by step from some guy in this chat19:56
EriC^^hillbicks, is your nickname related to bill hicks?19:57
Jordan_Uemsy2015: It may be simpler to just re-install and configure encryption at install time.19:57
hillbickswell, I'll be damned :P thanks EriC^^19:57
EriC^^no problem :D19:57
hillbicksyeah, it's a word play on his name :)19:57
EriC^^i see :)19:57
Paddy_NII don't see it19:57
Paddy_NICould you explain it for me19:57
emsy2015Jordan_U: isn' t there any risk losing all the files on hdd ?19:57
Jordan_Uemsy2015: You'll need to back them up first.19:58
emsy2015Jordan_U: here' s the chat history if you're interested, starting from 17:3219:58
Farsushillbicks: Good question! I have a related question myself: can I install Ubuntu Touch on any Intel-based device with touch screen? Examples: Lenovo Yoga Tablet Pro 2, Microsoft Surface (sic!).19:59
KXStudio_Ptobshello can someone help me with my installation of kxstudio. It won't connect to any wireless networks even though I put in the correct password19:59
emsy2015Jordan_U: I don' t have a place to back up them19:59
emsy2015k1l_: are you here?19:59
rypervencheFarsus: Uhhhh....that's not necessarily a good/bad thing. Being registered on freenode helps keep out the spammers.19:59
Farsusrypervenche: hmm.20:00
hillbicksFarsus: I think you need an android port as basis to get ubuntu touch running on your device.20:00
emsy2015TheNumb: are you here? :)20:00
OerHeksemsy2015, if you have no backup space, your data is not important to you.20:00
emsy2015OerHeks: kinda true to be honest20:01
Farsushillbicks: Damn... I dislike Android. I'm trying to avoid it. The good thing about it might be that one line of Yoga tablets runs on Android. (While another one runs on Windows.)20:01
ChristW_I  have a problem with Desktop Zoom in accessibility. I have a movie showing the problem,. When I click in the menu area, the mouse cursor jumps to the far left and I can’t reach my menu. Here’s a video showing the problem: http://dna.ik.nu/rinske/Output.mp420:01
emsy2015OerHeks: you just made a really good point. I don' t have any important files there, maybe I just should re-install the system20:02
Jordan_Uemsy2015: Even then you were only talking about having deleted /boot/, but your problem is that you have improperly converted from an unencrypted installation to an encrypted one. How did you try to convert from a system that was not using LUKS to one that now is?20:02
emsy2015Jordan_U: I guess it was using crypto_LUKS because I had an error when I tried to mount. mount: unknown filesystem type 'crypto_LUKS'20:04
emsy2015Jordan_U: so I did sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdb5 ubuntu_root20:04
Jordan_Uemsy2015: OK. I'm going to ask this question again. Did you configure encryption while you were initially installing Ubuntu? If you're not sure, then say you're not sure.20:05
KXStudio_Ptobscan someone help ubuntu kxstudio won't connect to wifi networks20:05
emsy2015Jordan_U: I' m not sure, I' d rather say no. Let me explain, I' m newbie to ubuntu as you could already see. I had my kernels removed accidentally by my brother. So I installed an ubuntu iso file on cd and booted from it, pressed Try ubuntu and tried to recover it by link I' ve sent you20:07
emsy2015Jordan_U: sorry for my bad english20:07
Jordan_Uemsy2015: OK. It appears that even if you didn't intend to, you did configure your root filesystem to be encrypted when you initially installed Ubuntu. I would not recommend this for new users.20:08
HyP3rI'm trying to set a custom resultion permantly20:08
HyP3rCan someone help me? I don't know how to do this20:08
Jordan_Uemsy2015: Please pastebin the /etc/crypttab from your installed system.20:08
EriC^^HyP3r, you can add the xrandr commands in ~/.profile in an if statement20:09
EriC^^if [ $DISPLAY ]; then <xrandr commands>; fi20:10
sha1sumHey all... Setting up a new laptop and I've got the Nvidia drivers installed, however the nvidia-settings tool only recognizes my external display and not the built-in one (the displays are extending and I don't want that)20:10
HyP3rEriC^^: I did http://askubuntu.com/a/22638420:10
emsy2015Jordan_U: permission denied, should I go as a root?20:11
jschallnetwork-manager isn't prompting me for a wifi password - i can enter one by going into "edit connections" and it works, but it can't prompt me. do i have a problem with gnome-keyring or something? ubuntu 14.1020:11
sha1sumI'm not exactly sure what the second step is to troubleshooting this (I've attempted the first step, which is googling)20:11
HyP3rAnd it's working well20:11
Jordan_Uemsy2015: What is the exact command you used to try to read or pastebin the installed system's /etc/crypttab ?20:12
EriC^^HyP3r, ok, the last command would be xrandr --output <output> --mode <your mode>20:12
EriC^^( i think )20:12
HyP3rBut then I created this .xprofile http://pastebin.com/kMXRuMnB20:12
HyP3rBut it doenst work20:13
EriC^^HyP3r, i think ubuntu doesn't use .xprofile20:13
EriC^^you can add those in .profile in an if statement if you want, that's what i'd do20:13
EriC^^not sure if there's a better way20:14
emsy2015Jordan_U: oh, I' m sorry, haha, I' m so dumb. I just pasted the directory into terminal. Anyway, what command should I use?20:14
HyP3rAfter logon I have a short time full hd (1920) but after a while its resets to 102420:14
Jordan_Uemsy2015: pastebinit /mountpoint/etc/crypttab20:14
HyP3rI don#t know why :(20:15
Jordan_Uemsy2015: Where /mountpoint/ is the directory that you mounted ubuntu_root to.20:15
HyP3rEriC^^: I think I should do something like http://askubuntu.com/a/18743020:15
HyP3rBut I dont know what I shold place in the brackets <>20:15
HyP3rCan some help me with this weird thing?20:16
_jomoEriC^^: I purged and installed gdm again, seems like that fixed the "low graphics mode" error :]20:17
emsy2015Jordan_U: there' s no such file or directory20:18
EriC^^_jomo, cool :)20:18
Jordan_Uemsy2015: pastebinit /proc/mounts20:18
HyP3rNo one :(20:19
EriC^^HyP3r, modeline is what you get from the cvt command, device name is the output name i think, and modename is an arbitrary name you choose ( i think )20:21
HyP3rhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution/#Adding_undetected_resolutions also helps until restart and I need something which fixes that all20:21
HyP3rEriC^^: how to get the device name?20:21
EriC^^HyP3r, xrandr -q20:21
EriC^^it's what you used with --output earlier20:21
Jordan_Uemsy2015: What is the exact and complete output of "pastebinit /proc/mounts"?20:21
HyP3rYep but what should I use?20:22
HyP3rVGA1 ?20:22
EriC^^if that's the device yeah20:22
emsy2015bash: /proc/mounts: Permission denied20:22
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Jordan_Uemsy2015: That is *not* the output of "pastebinit /proc/mounts". Please run exactly the command I gave, with no modifications.20:23
setuidWhere might the LXD folks be hanging out?20:23
HyP3rEriC^^: like that ?  http://pastebin.com/dbHSyXD820:24
setuidwoop, on a whim, n/m, found them in #ubuntu-cloud20:24
oslo2015how can i see current ubuntu version in terminal?20:25
EriC^^HyP3r, drop the "1920x1080_60.00" in the modeline20:25
EriC^^oslo2015, lsb_release -d20:26
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HyP3rEriC^^: can you create this I really don't get it20:26
oslo2015thanks, <EriC^^>20:26
EriC^^HyP3r, don't put the 1920... in the modeline, just the numbers that follow20:27
HyP3rEriC^^: and what should I do if I want to add the other resolution 1280x720 ?20:28
sam_hello world!20:28
EriC^^HyP3r, i've no experience with xorg.conf sorry20:29
HyP3rSomeone  else?20:30
sam_hey i would help you if i could20:31
sam_i am glad to even be having this conversation (monologue?)20:31
sam_i.e. network is working20:31
sam_sitting here experimenting with an old pentium 3 machine20:32
sam_remember those folks?20:32
sam_no lols coming my way yet?20:33
ChristW_I remember those. I even remeber 8086...20:33
ChristW_(I’m probably dating myself now…)20:33
sam_lol :)20:34
sam_made me laugh20:34
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ChristW_My three favorite bytes are: EB 03 C320:35
FarsusI remember when computers were made from paper.20:36
geniisam_: If you have a support question relating to your Ubuntu, this is the place to ask it... if you just want to basically chat then #ubuntu-offtopic is a better channel for that20:36
sam_Farsus: oh you were lucky... in the old days, i would even be happy to have piece of paper... and a pencil!20:38
sam_genii: ok20:38
sam_i would love to chat, but i have to go now20:39
Farsussleep well, sam_20:39
sam_keep the old junk humming! ;)20:39
Farsushe lives in the nuclear bunker!20:40
bekksNucular... It's pronounced Nucular :P20:42
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Boywowhey smart people... what is dejavu ?21:08
janotHi, everybody. I have a problem with very long/endless logout/restart in Ubuntu. This happens not every time, but maybe every 1 of 4 logouts/restarts...Should I file a bug report or ask at Askubuntu?21:08
k1l_Boywow: you mean the font?21:08
BoywowI mean the real meaning of deja vu.. not connected with ubuntu. By I know here you are people type ,,neo from matrix''21:09
Boywowthat's why I ask here21:09
k1l_!ot | Boywow21:10
ubottuBoywow: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:10
OerHeksBoywow, it is a font, in ubuntu. other meanings you can find on the interwebs21:11
apb1963Why is that:  find . -iname "medi*pdf" fails to find a file I know exists and matches?21:14
apb1963ubuntu 14.0421:15
ntspapb1963 try find -iname medi\*pdf21:16
apb1963ntsp: still doesn't find it21:17
Patero-angieI have 10.04 on a pc that has its motherboard damaged21:17
dreamcat5hi. how can i set these options below vv to persist across reboots ?21:18
dreamcat5    sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.accept_ra=221:18
dreamcat5    sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=121:18
kahtahsapb1963: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind21:18
ntspdreamcat5 /etc/sysctl.conf21:19
ntspadd the settings there21:19
dreamcat5thanks ntsp21:19
Patero-angieI didn't know dreamcat was a command to edit files21:20
ntspPatero-angie 10.04 is ancient :)21:21
Patero-angieis still the best to me and it runs smoothie on my athlon xp21:21
dreamcat5Patero-angie: i shall make a new program then, and call it 'dreamcat'. it shall do all the things.21:21
Patero-angiedreamcat5: magnificu21:22
ntspPatero-angie 10.04 has passed the EOL on May 2013, that means no security fixes21:22
apb1963kahtahs: ok, they use single quotes instead of double quotes.  That finds it, as long as I'm not in my home director and am one directory down.  Once found with single quotes, then it will find it with double quotes.  Bizarre.  Broken.21:22
dreamcat5when people type the command 'dreamcat' it send the program arguments over TCP connecion to my computer. then wakes me up. and i type what it should be, and it goes back to their computer the result.21:23
apb1963kahtahs: and thank you.21:23
ntspdreamcat5 slowest text editor in the world :p21:23
kahtahs< ntsp> Patero-angie 10.04 has passed the EOL on May 2013, that means no security fixes <- server is still supported till may 201521:25
ntsphe said pc, assumed desktop21:26
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AudaxNovusI have an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS machine on a subdomain (iplayguitar0702.koding.io)21:37
AudaxNovusThe host is koding.com21:37
AudaxNovusDuring Postfix initial installation, what should I enter as the "mail name"?21:37
AudaxNovusShould I enter the subdomain (which is all this machine has access to) or the full thing?21:37
daftykinsyou just stated two different TLDs 0o21:38
dtscodefishif i installed ubuntu to my whole hdd, and wanted to change it so it was only on half of the hdd, how would i dothat?21:38
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daftykinsdtscodefish: boot live session, resize with gparted21:38
dtscodefishdaftykins: ty. a live session would be via the usb stick i installed it to right?21:40
daftykinsdtscodefish: installed from21:42
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kaotic_Hey did anybody else getting an error booting up ubuntu today?21:46
multiverseHello, I recently installed 14.10, and tried to start NFS, but I get the following messages:  Not starting NFS kernel daemon: no support in current kernel.21:46
multiverseI don’t know what to do for a quick fix, cause I’m a newbie.21:46
kaotic_I had the same problem but , so how my issue fixed itself21:47
YukonSpectormultiverse, Article I used to solve that problem. http://askubuntu.com/questions/507983/nfs-kernel-daemon-no-support-in-current-kernel21:48
kaotic_multiverse , i'm a newbie as well um did you try to google it?21:48
YukonSpectorinstalling the nfs-kernel-server and a reboot did it for me.21:48
multiversealas, not for me.  But I will review that article.  kaotic, I did.21:48
kaotic_Hey and i'm also new to this whole irc , and i'm not familiar with it what so ever , anybody want to give me some pointers that i can use?21:49
SchrodingersScat!irc | kaotic_21:49
ubottukaotic_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines21:49
SchrodingersScat!tab | kaotic_21:50
ubottukaotic_: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:50
SchrodingersScatkaotic_: because !who21:50
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kaotic_How would i go about setting up my own IRC server is that all in there as well or what?21:51
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YukonSpectormultiverse, bummer. Guess I got off easy then.21:52
kaotic_How do I log out of this irc chat and then log into another?21:53
daftykinskaotic_: you mean change server? depends what client you're typing from21:54
daftykinstypically just "/server servernamehere.com" might work21:54
bprompt_kaotic_:   you can just /part a channel and /join another, same server, if that's what you mean21:54
kaotic_daftykins: Thanks!21:54
GuiriHi.  I think I botched my `service` command somehow.  `sudo service nginx status` returns nothing, and nginx isn't running.21:59
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MegabyteHello, everyone22:03
MegabyteCould you please enlighten me here?22:03
Megabyte"Ubuntu will always be free of charge, along with its regular enterprise22:03
Megabytereleases and security updates."22:03
budddits free i'm on it i didn't pay anything22:03
PiciMegabyte: Whats the question?22:03
budddthey're real and they're wonderful22:03
MegabytePici, It says "Ubuntu will always be free of charge". Does it mean we only have one Ubuntu?22:04
MegabyteWhy is it listing "regular enterprise releases" separately?22:04
daftykinsMegabyte: nothing in those words indicates quantity of editions22:04
Megabytedaftykins, What is it referring to?22:04
k1l_Megabyte: its not excluding anything22:05
Bashing-omMegabyte: The term 'ubuntu' is collective in that there are many releases under that umbrella .22:05
Danatosome software are free for home users, but really expensive for companies22:05
Danatoits saying its not the case with Ubuntu22:05
Megabytek1l_, Can't it just say then, "All releases of Ubuntu will be free"?22:05
PiciSure, but thats boring, and not what Marketing people get paid to do.22:05
daftykinsMegabyte: is English not your first language? it makes total sense22:06
IdleOneMega: tomato/tomato22:06
k1l_Megabyte: because than you would join here and ask what is meant with "all" ;p22:06
Danatothey want to make it clear for enterprises, to make it clear that there are no tiny phrases somewhere saying that only applies to home computers22:06
Megabytedaftykins, It's not my first language22:07
MegabytePici, lol22:07
MegabytePici, I guess I'm a boring person22:07
MegabyteThanks, guys22:08
multiverseHow do I load the NFS kernel module on 14.10?22:09
geniiMaybe something like sudo modprobe nfs   ( or nfsv4 or nfsv3, etcetera)22:10
junixhello everyone...22:10
multiversemodprobe nfs22:10
multiversemodprobe: FATAL: Module nfs not found.22:10
junixi'm new to this here, and i would like to know if anyone here can help me with a problem that i have with a server.22:11
acz32is this ubuntu-only or can we ask about other flavors22:11
daftykinsjunix: you can ask but #ubuntu-server might make more sense22:12
acz32nobody is answering in #lubuntu22:12
rwwacz32: you can ask about other official flavors. Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.22:12
rwwLubuntu is fine22:12
acz32i'm unable to start lubuntu in a live environment or install it. i end up with the center image. what's going on https://imgur.com/a/XMf5U22:12
acz32using virtualbox22:12
mircx1hello i have problem i try install smtp22:12
multiverseGood idea, thanks22:12
mircx1and i get this22:12
mircx1Escape character is '^]'.22:13
mircx1220 ubuntu.ubuntu-domain ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)22:13
mircx1421 4.4.2 ubuntu.ubuntu-domain Error: timeout exceeded22:13
mircx1Connection closed by foreign host.22:13
k1l_mircx1: please put the command and output into a pastebin and show the link here22:13
junixthank you dftykins will try that channels22:14
htqphow can I have kernel 3.18 on trusty?22:14
k1l_htqp: only with a mainline kernel22:14
k1l_!mainline | htqp22:15
ubottuhtqp: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds22:15
mircx1ok this my problem22:15
mircx1i try install smtp and i get error22:15
htqpk1l_: thank you22:15
k1l_mircx1: what command? please put all output in there22:16
mircx1i put in paste22:17
mircx1this command22:17
mircx1telnet localhost 2522:17
mircx1but i change this to my ip22:17
daftykinsmircx1: please press enter less22:17
k1l_i dont understand what you want to do there or what you use there at all.22:18
daftykinslooks like an attempt at banner grabbing then sending spam manually22:18
mircx1i used with this guide22:19
mircx1and i install this in ubuntu 1222:19
jattis google chrome 41.0.2272.76 (64-bit) broken on ubuntu? scrolling doesn't seem to work anymore22:20
OerHeksjatt, current official chrome is 40.0.2214.115, how did you get 41.x ?22:21
jattii  google-chrome-stable                  41.0.2272.76-1                             amd64        The web browser from Google22:22
jattupgraded just now22:22
OerHeksi just checked updates, noticed 41.x ..22:22
jattscroll doesn't work at all, after upgrade22:23
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junixi will ask the question here anyway of my problem....22:23
OerHeksjatt, file a bugreport ? use their own "help> report a bug" menu22:23
junixi have a virtual server that was powered off wrong and i have a problem rebooting, and a message as follows: "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!"22:24
jattdoes it work fine for you?22:24
OerHeksjatt, i keep 41.x on hold now, i think22:24
OerHeksor wait, i just update and sewe if i have that issue too22:24
jattok fair enough22:24
bekksjunix: What are the lines before that?22:25
OerHeksjatt, scrolling up/down and left/right works fine here22:25
jattOerHeks: ok great, thanks. it should be something with my setup then22:26
k1l_jatt: check plugins. maybe try a clean one22:26
bruce927I've just installed xubuntu on my hp stream, and most everything works, but because the trackpad is one solid button it won't let me drag when hold down the button and moving my finger22:26
junixbekks: two lines before.... sd 2;0:0:0: timing out command, waited 180s22:26
bruce927Is there any sort of xconfig or something to mark the bottom portion of the trackpad as not touchable, just a button?22:27
junixend_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 541535222:27
daftykinsjunix: what kind of virtual server?22:27
bekksjunix: your disk is broken.22:27
junixbekks: this has happen before and it took about 3 to 4 hours to reboot22:27
bekksjunix: Contact your hoster, the host running your VPS is broken.22:28
Squall5668junix: if this has happend before, your physical disks are about to get trashed. Still try to run fsck from a live cd22:28
OerHeksjatt, you might want to clean chrome, ~/.config/google-chrome22:28
bekksjunix: your virtual server.22:28
yorwosguyz, i run the application RecordMyDekstop and i dont know how to stop the recording ?22:29
junixbekks: in house hosted22:29
SchrodingersScatyorwos: do you see a red circle somewhere in your indicator icons?22:29
bekksjunix: Doesnt matter. It hsa a broken disk.22:29
SchrodingersScatyorwos: actually it's probably a grey square22:29
yorwosno , just a tiny border grey ariound my screen22:29
SchrodingersScatyorwos: that may be gtkrecordmydesktop I'm thinking of, did you run this from commandline?22:30
junixSquall5668: i have a some disk partition where the OS is install and a mounted parttion of 4 tbytes22:30
yorwosno,i jsut used application finder it was preinstalled already22:30
bekksjunix: And your disk is broken.22:31
geniijunix: I/O error is hardware22:31
junixbekks: its a san where drive space is shared22:31
bekksjunix: So contact the admin of that SAN.22:31
yorwosin my task manager i can see recordmydesktop -o blabla running, should i just kill the proccess ?22:32
daftykinsSquall5668: sorry but if a disk had bad sectors fsck is not what you'd even consider doing ;)22:32
bekksSquall5668: And fsck will not repair bad sectors.22:33
junixdaftulins: what would be the fix22:33
bekksjunix: Replace the disk.22:33
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daftykinsjunix: as bekks says :) but if you could boot a live session on whatever host machine is running this server, we could prove this.22:33
junixbekks: let me ask the SAN admin if there is any problems with hardware22:34
bekksOr contact the SAN admin, who will replace the disk and restore the backups. :)22:34
bekksjunix: Obviously there are problems.22:34
junixdaftykins: i will reboot the server and bootup with a live cd22:35
daftykinsjunix: is this machine some kind of vmware ESXi host or similar?22:35
junixdaftykins:is a virtual inside a vmware esxi hosts22:35
bekksjunix: So contact the VMware admin as well.22:36
junixall off the windows vm boot up ok but not the linux one22:36
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GerowenI'm trying to connect to a wireless network via the terminal, and I've got my password entered, but when I hit enter it just jumps down one line to a > character instead of accepting the command.  I'm guessing it has something to do with the special characters in my password.  How would I fix this?22:37
luis_Gerowen: try quotes22:38
Gerowentried that, right now it's:22:38
jonas_:vipah ???22:38
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Gerowensudo iwconfig wlan0 essid AdamsFamily key passwordhere22:38
junixdaftykins: after booting the vm with a live cd, what would i do to see what is wrong. i'm not to good in linux...22:38
bruce927Does anyone know how to mark a certain bit of my trackpad as a dead zone?22:39
daftykinsjunix: is it an ubuntu 12.04+ ?22:39
daftykins10.04 desktop is EOL :S22:39
daftykinsunsupported and dead as the dodo22:39
Guest14082donny e du där22:39
nibblerGerowen: > results when you open quotes and don't close them. maybe you have a quote in your password22:39
daftykins!info smartmontools lucid22:39
bekksbruce927: colored pen, there you go ;) Honestly, i doubt there is a chance to do so, using a trackpad.22:39
ubottusmartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-3ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 323 kB, installed size 804 kB22:39
junixyes, i was in the proccess of upgrading22:40
Gerowennibbler: I probably do, I'll just hardwire it for the time being, it's no biggie.22:40
daftykinsjunix: "sudo apt-get install smartmontools pastebinit" then "sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit" (where sdX is the hard disk you want to check, "sudo fdisk -l" or "sudo parted -l" would let you see the disks22:40
daftykins!info pastebinit lucid22:40
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-1ubuntu0.1 (lucid), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB22:40
junixdaftykins: the installation of the smartmontools will be install in the live cd session?22:42
junixnot on the server itself22:42
daftykinsjunix: yep22:42
budddneed to write a raw_input statement that asks for 2 parameters: from x to y. Is there an elegant way to do this?22:42
daftykinsin RAM, technically22:42
daftykinsbuddd: #bash22:42
junixdaftykins: let me try that will post the out come22:42
budddsorry meant to send to python22:43
nibblerGerowen: if you have single quote in the password, quote the whole password in doubles, or vice versa. or escape the quote22:44
junixdaftykins: there is not need to let the vm trying to boot from where it is, just power off and boot from live cd?22:44
daftykinsjunix: correct22:45
yorwosi killed recordmydesktop application while recording the video and i got a msg ur video is saved program closed unexpected or something , now i go to the directory and i cant find any saved file, either any file on /tmp22:45
bruce927buddd, Probably something like  if 1 <= input < 10: :P22:45
Gerowennibbler: I was trying to connect to the wireless with Clonezilla to make a backup image of a laptop to my server over the network, and the wireless is secured with a 63 character WPA2 password, so I just went ahead and sat it beside the router and hardwired it.22:47
amancer1Hey, someone up?22:49
freerouteI'm laying in bed22:49
amancer1Good enough for me, I guess22:49
k1l_amancer1: better ask your question before all 1800 users start to greet everyone22:49
dtscodefishhey guys i cant get unetbootin started. someone help/22:49
freerouteyou guys22:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:50
josephleonI know I can use the mv command to mv files on my server but what is the best way to move files from one server to another?22:50
freeroutealso more details won't hurt dtscodefish22:50
k1l_josephleon: "scp"22:50
dtscodefishfreeroute: theres not much. it runs gksudo, then nothing happens22:50
k1l_josephleon: or even rsync using ssh22:50
josephleonk1l_ right thanks22:51
a7i3nubotto is so wordy :)22:51
dtscodefishwhen i run it from the terminal it says it cant connect to the xserver22:51
amancer1Is it normal to have usernames called "colord, rtkit, nobody, whoopsie, avahi" listed when executing: "ls -l /proc"?22:51
freeroutedtscodefish: on what are you running unetbootin from? What are you trying to do with unetbootin? How are you trying to start it up?22:52
cimbakahn"overwrite files to hide contents"    <------ Does it lay down ONES and ZEROS?22:52
freerouteamancer1: yes22:52
amancer1freeroute: Thanks.22:52
cimbakahnThank you so very much for answering!22:52
dtscodefishrunning it from ubuntu 14.04. trying to install an iso to a flashdrive. im trying to start it by clicking the top button thing you use to find your apps22:53
nibblerGerowen: ah, okay. i guess thatsa good idea anyway, considering the ammount of data22:53
daftykinsdtscodefish: i would not use unetbootin22:54
lulimayHi! I have installed openjdk-7-jre using apt-get and an application has asked me to create a path to jps, however jps doesn't seem to exist where people say it's going to. Can anyone help me out?22:54
daftykinsdtscodefish: you want to make up a flash drive with an ubuntu, from within ubuntu?22:54
dtscodefishwhat do you recommend daftykins?22:54
dtscodefishno, i want to make a windows flashdrive on ubuntu22:55
daftykinsdtscodefish: oh, that's really buggy with unetbootin i think22:55
daftykinsdtscodefish: 7 or 8? legacy boot or EFI?22:55
dtscodefish7 legacy22:55
freerouteamancer1: those are just system users, if you check out /etc/passwd you can see that those system users don't have a shell22:55
daftykinsah, yeah that's gonna be a challenge from what i've heard22:55
Ben64should probably ask ##windows22:55
dtscodefishif its that hard ill just grab a dvd22:56
freeroutedtscodefish: try to run it from terminal22:56
amancer1freeroute: Cool, thanks!22:56
amancer1freeroute: I'm currently trying to set up i2p and get "Cannot find /proc/version - is /proc mounted?" when trying to launch it. That's how I originaly got there.22:57
freeroutelol there's definitely something wrong if /proc/version is not found22:58
Steve33`Hello. Is there any way I can generate arrays in bash from Xaa to Xbx without actually typping 52 times? Xaa Xab...Xax...Xba...Xbx ? Thanks22:59
daftykinsSteve33`: ask #bash perhaps22:59
Steve33`ok thanks23:00
NikeshHow can I change how Unity scrolls through alt+tab? i.e. If I have four firefox windows open, I need to pause at Firefox, then it will show the four windows open, But i would rather see all of those windows by default23:00
WugSteve33`: echo Xa{a..z} Xb{a..x}23:00
AudaxNovusIf I have access to a VM on a subdomain and subdomain only, dhring the initial setup after doing apt-get install postfix, what should I set the 'mail name' to?23:00
amancer1freeroute: That doesn't sound good, I'll guess I'm going to look into that.23:01
WugSteve33`: wait, your case is even simpler. echo X{a,b}{a..x}23:01
syriusfor distributing a binary, would building on 14.04 or 12.04 be more appropriate for reaching the max # of people able to run it?23:02
Steve33`Wug, thanks a lot!23:02
daftykinswell, consider 12.04 support ends April 201723:02
WugI've got a question too23:03
daftykinsso it'd make sense to make something work on both right now23:03
syriusdaftykins: people on 14.04 should be able to run 12.04 binaries with little to no issue, yeah?23:03
Steve33`Wug, yes23:03
daftykinssyrius: not sure on that one, i'm no dev i'm afraid23:03
syriusdaftykins: ah, ok.. ty23:04
amancer1freeroute: I can open /proc/version: Linux version 3.2.0-77-generic (buildd@phianna) (gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) ) #112-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 10 15:22:22 UTC 2015"... So it's there I guess?23:04
Wugsay I have a desktop ubuntu machine running an X environment, and I also have a windows machine running xming.  I want to be able to launch programs somehow such that they are displayed simultaneously on both X screens23:04
syriusWug: you'd be better off running a NoMachine connection23:05
freerouteamancer1: yeah (btw, always use cat or echo for that)23:05
freerouteerr, cat I meant23:05
Wugsyrius: I don't know what that means.23:05
m1dnight_guys, is /usr/local/sbin in the environment for a user that is not allowed to have sudo rights?23:05
syriusWug: it's a remote desktiop application that allows simultaneous viewing of the remote desktop23:05
syriusand it's free23:05
freeroutemircx1: no, sbin is for users with root privs23:05
daftykinsWug: teamviewer would make most sense i think there23:05
freeroutem1dnight_: I meant23:06
m1dnight_aha! :)23:06
syriusdaftykins: NX is a free teamviewer essentially but can work on local networks directly for far increased performance23:06
amancer1freeroute: How do I echo/cat the content of a file?23:06
syriusamancer1: cat file23:06
Wugthis would be for working remotely, and you can't use teamviewer commercially without a license23:06
daftykinssyrius: ah-har good to know, thanks23:06
Wugand TV licenses are hella expensive.23:06
syriusWug: exactly, which is why NX is a good alternative23:06
amancer1syrius: I feel like such a noob. Thanks to you guys, thanks to the community, thanks to this channel (Y)23:07
syriusamancer1: np23:07
WugI'll look into it, but under the circumstances and given the configurations I've tried I've been more impressed with single-window forwarding as opposed to whole-session forwarding23:07
Wugi.e. something like vnc23:08
syriusbut wouldn't single-window forwarding be pretty awkard for the person on the other end?23:08
syriussince you have no peripheral of anything else on their screen23:08
stijndgsince when is teamviewer not free? been using it for 2 years without me paying anything...23:08
Wugthere is only one person, and it's me. it's just a question of me being in the office, or at home23:08
syriusthen why not just use X11 forwarding for the specific program?23:08
Wugthat's what I'm currently doing23:09
syriusbut you want it there when you get into the office as well23:09
Wugyes, precisely23:09
WugX forwarding through some magical x proxy that outputs to multiple displays simultaneously would probably be sufficient23:09
Wugwhich is how I found dmx23:10
Wugbut I have no idea if that will actually work for this, so I figured I'd ask to see if someone else has tried something like this23:10
syriusWug: no, i think most people just use remote screen view... and are you only planning on running 1 program at a time on the remote server?23:10
freerouteamancer1: http://linuxcommand.org/23:11
Wugif I found something that worked really well but had a 1-program limitation, I could probably make it work23:11
freeroutethat helps23:11
syriusstijndg: teamviewer has always cost $$$ for commercial use23:11
syriusif you're using it in the office that's against their license terms23:12
Wugwell, if you're using it for work that's against their license23:12
syriusyou CAN download it and use it all you want, but when you install/run it you select what your usage is23:12
Wugchances are if you're using it from the office to do non-work things on your home computer, that's technically ok23:12
ikoniaI doubt thats "ok"23:13
ikoniamost offices will block that23:13
ikoniaand most offices will have an interenet usage policy to stop that23:13
daftykinsi think the idea is that which you profit from23:13
Wugyes, but that's not a license issue with teamviewer23:13
daftykins(for what commercial purposes means)23:13
daftykinsso if someone paid you to fix their system remotely...23:13
Wugthat's the sort of thing teamviewer was designed for23:14
WugI'm not sure they license it with the use case of remotely working on one computer in mind23:14
Wugit's like $900 for a single-connection license23:14
ikoniaemail the teamviewer team and ask them for clarification23:14
Squall5668daftykins: it's very 'loose'. You'd be better off blocking it in your office. If you are using it from there to connect to home and trasnfer files for work that you forgot, is it commercial or personal use?23:14
ikoniaany doubt, ask the people wh owrite it23:15
daftykinsi'd hope i weren't using teamviewer for that kind of task :D23:15
Squall5668Heh, point. Back to topic!23:16
Wugregardless I don't want to use teamviewer for this, because I would have to jump through hoops to make it work. the office has an external SSH proxy already so X forwarding is a triviality, but anything beyond that I need all sorts of tunnels for23:16
_DBhey guys I have a external cd drive anyway I can boot from it?23:17
ikoniaif your bios supports it23:17
_DBor set it to boot on next start up23:17
Wugthat question has different answers depending on what hardware you have. have you tried it?23:17
_DByeah I went to the boot menu23:17
_DBbut it doesnt show up23:17
ikoniathen it doesn't support it23:18
Wugcan you boot from other usb devices23:18
Wugmaybe try disconnecting all of the other boot devices, plug just that one in, and see if it works automatically23:18
_DBhow can I run a windows install inside ubuntu?23:19
ikonia_DB: you don't23:19
_DBthrough wine? or virtual box?23:19
Wug"inside" ubuntu, you'd need some sort of virtualization platform23:19
_DByeah thats what I figured with wine or virtual box23:19
burkmat_DB: VirtualBox works.23:19
burkmat_DB: Wine doesn't provide what you're looking for.23:20
k1l__DB: wine can only run windows apps. but not windows23:20
Wugyou can run windows programs (to a degree) without virtualization using wine, and installing one alongside the other is trivially easy to do but will not let you run both at once, obviously.23:20
ikoniathats is not an install inside ubuntu23:20
ikoniathat will install to a virtual machine23:20
_DBIve made 2 bootable usb with windows 7 none have worked23:20
_DBno no23:20
_DBI want to dual boot23:20
ikonia_DB: the ##windows channel can help you with that23:20
Wugikonia: potato potato *inflection differences*23:20
_DBbut I cant seem to get windows 7 installed23:20
ikoniaWug: no, thats significant23:20
burkmat_DB: How did you make the USBs? Did you use Unetbootin?23:20
_DBno I used winUSb23:21
Wugrunning windows inside a virtual machine inside ubuntu is running windows inside ubuntu via the transitive property.23:21
k1l__DB: you cant install windows from a running ubuntu. please ask the ##windows guys how to proceed with that install23:21
_DBthen I used rufus on a windows environment23:21
Wug_DB: windows is not particularly friendly to live USB configurations23:21
GreencloudDoes the latest version of ubuntu still uses GRUB?23:22
ikoniaGreencloud: yes23:22
Wuggrub2 in fact23:22
Wugthey ultimately behave similarly, but much of the configuration process is different23:23
Wugmake sure you read the documentation for the correct version23:23
acz32my installation is aborting due to "unsafe swap space". but i haven't even defined swap yet. i just selected to encrypt disk and use LVM. what should i do? https://i.imgur.com/C91Fxdd.png23:24
Greencloud@_DB: if thats the case you can try install windows first then let grub in ubuntu sort of auto detect ur windows. Worked for me before when i was still using ubuntu23:24
Wug_DB: if you want to dual boot, I suggest you use gparted to repartition (shrinking other partitions as necessary to create a 40GB empty primary partition) and run the windows installer, which should do the rest for you23:24
_DBhow would I run the windows installer?23:25
Ben64_DB: ask ##windows23:25
Wug_DB: it's the windows install CD.23:26
Wugyou'd boot from it23:26
Ben64acz32: do you actually need encryption23:26
daftykinsacz32: what is that? doesn't really look like a standard ubuntu to me 0o but granted i've not seen them all23:26
Wuglike I said, windows gets cranky running from USB devices. you may manage to get it to work but YMMV23:26
_DBwhat if I resize my partition and run virtual box?23:26
acz32Ben64: no, i'm just experimenting in a vm23:26
acz32daftykins: lubuntu23:27
acz32i don't even want swap space23:27
Wug_DB: I don't know why you'd bother to do that, since if you're virtualizing it you can keep the windows filesystem on your linux filesystem as a flat file23:27
Ben64acz32: encryption in general is more trouble than its worth, id suggest doing away with it23:27
Wugacz32: can you ctrl+alt+f1 to bring up a tty, and run swapoff?23:28
acz32Ben64: thanks for sharing your opinion but it doesn't answer my question23:28
Greencloud_DB: after u successfully install windows, u can then set the partitions u need for ubuntu, like ur boot, swap, home, drive, etc..23:28
Ben64acz32: thats why i asked if you needed encryption, to which you replied "no"23:28
acz32Wug: i'll try that thanks23:28
acz32Ben64: i don't NEED it. so what?23:29
acz32i am trying to do it either way23:29
burkmat_DB: What do you intend to use your Windows installation for? Gaming? Or just certain Windows applications?23:29
Ben64acz32: ok then do what the error message you posted says. stop being so combative23:29
_DBcertain windows apps23:29
_DBIm developing games in unity23:29
WugBen64: while that's a pretty valid point, there is definitely an argument for experimentation for the sake of experimentation23:29
_DBand it only runs on windows and mac23:29
_DBi recently had to format my HDD when I botched a windows 8 removal23:30
burkmat_DB: If a Virtual Machine is good enough, I wuold recommend it. It has a lot of benefits in my opinion, and is a lot easier to set up.23:30
acz32Wug: your suggestion worked. i didn't know you could access a shell during the installer process. thanks23:30
burkmat_DB: You should know that a virtual machine is good for most things you might want to do in a Windows environment, except high-performance video/audio stuff like gaming.23:30
Wugacz32: idk where it got the swap from, maybe it found a swap partition already on the disk and used that?23:31
_DBI probably shouldnt try to develop games23:31
_DBin a virtual environment23:31
_DBas soon as I start stress testing or importing big models it will probably crash23:31
Wugdeveloping them in a virtual environment will be fine. testing them or playing them not so much23:31
acz32Wug: i don't know. it's in its own VM in virtualbox. shouldn't have any swap, just an empty disk23:32
arveniusctrl-f5 is your friend23:32
burkmat_DB: It won't crash, but it will take a lot longer and if you're doing advanced video stuff you might get issues.23:32
burkmat_DB: You should probably have dual boot though.23:32
_DBthats what im aiming for23:32
_DBbut windows 7 doesnt want to install for some reason lol23:32
_DBI have a external cd drive but it wont boot23:32
Ben64_DB: ask ##windows !!23:32
_DBI also have a iso saved on my ubuntu in my downloads23:32
_DBsepeck  then figure that out first. 6:25:31 PM sepeck  we're not really a dual boot channel, just fyi23:33
_DBI did ^^23:33
k1l__DB: please stick to ubuntu support in here. (already asked you several times now)23:33
_DBi hate windows23:38
jtlloYou love Windows!23:38
_DBive spent two weeks unable to install this because the OS selection was set to windows 823:38
_DBand im trying to install 723:38
jtllothat sux23:39
Squall5668no, THAT sucks23:39
k1l__DB: this is not a "talk about windows" channel. stick to ubuntu support in here.23:39
WugI once got muted in this channel for like 4 months because I said "god damnit ubuntu". I was angry (and I am still angry) because my editor crashed (and still crashes, bug remains unfixed) and I assert that my fury was justified23:40
Wugcrashing editors is not ok23:40
k1l_!ot |  Wug23:40
ubottuWug: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:40
McMidohmm any idea why my ubuntu freezes suddenly ?23:44
k1l_McMido: see the logs23:45
McMidoK1rk: alright ill check it23:45
k1l_like dmesg or syslog in /var/log23:46
LadonCan I change the default local lftp directory?23:48
McMidok1l_: is thats normal ?? , http://paste.ubuntu.com/10520808/23:50
MoPacMcMido: Are the freezes happening when you're doing something like changing the volume or starting to watch a video?23:55
McMidojust surfing like 10+ web sites. thats all23:56

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