
thumperI'm finally happy with the tests around create environment now01:45
thumperon to manual testing01:45
* thumper crosses fingers01:47
mattywmenn0, ping?02:15
menn0mattyw: pong02:23
thumpermenn0: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/173102:48
thumpermenn0: waiting for RB to pick it up02:48
menn0thumper: RB doesn't seem to want to02:49
menn0thumper: shall I just review on GH02:50
davecheneymwhudson: the output from 7g -g is a total dogs breakfast03:15
davecheneyit also appears this particular dog has barfed up the response, twice03:16
davecheneyfor good effect03:16
mwhudsonis 6g -g any better?03:16
davecheneyprobaly not03:16
davecheneyi've narrow the current crapping out03:16
davecheneyto a nil check03:16
davecheneyx := *y03:16
davecheneywill generate a nil check03:16
davecheneyand the encoding on that is screwed03:16
mattywmenn0, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1063/ when you have a moment03:17
menn0mattyw: looking03:18
menn0mattyw: ship it!03:19
mattywmenn0, thanks very much03:20
axwwallyworld: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1420049 -- can you please see my latest comments on this03:28
mupBug #1420049: ppc64el - jujud: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") <deploy> <openstack> <regression> <uosci> <juju-core:Fix Committed by dooferlad> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1420049>03:28
wallyworldaxw: i think it might be reasonable to say that when deploying containers, we match the machine arch. even if they bootstrap with an env arch, and start a machine with a different explicitly set arch for that machine, it doesn't seem useful to go and use the env constraint when deploying a container without an arch when what we really want is just to match the host arch for lxc03:34
wallyworlddeploying containers = lxc containers03:34
axwwallyworld: I suppose they only get into this scenario when using placement, so in that sense it's okay03:35
wallyworldyeah, i think so03:35
axwwallyworld: I'm worried about cornering ourselves though, where we might want to start adding containers to non-empty machines03:35
axwin that case it would be up to the placement code to match the constraint...03:36
wallyworldeven in that case, add lxc container - arch should match host03:36
wallyworldif they explicitly speify an arch when deploying that is incompatible, then we error03:36
wallyworldbut if we are just falling back to env arch, then we should "do the right thing"03:36
wallyworldeg, for kvm thy can specify different arch03:37
beisnero/  howdy03:38
beisner+ addl response on bug 142004903:38
mupBug #1420049: ppc64el - jujud: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") <deploy> <openstack> <regression> <uosci> <juju-core:Triaged by axwalk> <juju-core 1.22:In Progress by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1420049>03:38
axwbeisner: thanks. sorry, I glanced over the repro the first time (I can't easily repro since I don't have a multi-arch MAAS)03:39
beisneraxw, np.  understandable.  the attached file count is growing on that bug ;-)03:39
beisneraxw, feel free to ping me if we should try something different.  also, if/when you have a build to test, please point me at whatever ppa or CI/jenkins job has the debs?03:43
axwbeisner: will do, thanks. the package building is a black box to me, but I'll keep an eye out for when they're available03:44
beisneraxw, could also set up access for you, though that would take an RT -> vpn acl addition.   from there, we could coordinate access/creds.03:44
beisneraxw, wallyworld & co., appreciate your work on this bug.03:45
wallyworldmainly axw :-)03:45
axwbeisner: no worries, sorry it didn't get fixed the first time03:45
wallyworldit's been interesting because we don't normally deploy the same way03:45
wallyworldbut it's a good use case to know about03:46
beisneraxw - well actually it appears to really be 2 different bugs.  you got the 2-for-1 special.   i think one bug was fixed, revealing another.  but go is a blackbox to me.  ;-)03:46
beisnerfirst issue being:   that funky syntax error03:47
axwI just shifted the bug :)03:47
beisnerthat was fixed03:47
beisner2nd issue:  juju doesn't wanna use the same tools it just used to successfully deploy a unit onto the same dang box.  ;-)03:48
beisnerwallyworld, yeah this is also an edge case for us.  normally everything is 1 arch.03:49
wallyworldfor sure a customer will ht the issue too at some point03:50
wallyworldbetter we find it than them03:50
beisneryep indeed03:55
wallyworldaxw: remind me, what's that lib for printing human readable volume sizes04:05
axwwallyworld: github.com/dustin/go-humanize04:06
wallyworldaxw: ta, doesn't look like we use that in master?04:07
axwwallyworld: nope, I added it in the feature branch04:07
wallyworldok, i'll look to add it04:07
mattywmenn0, still around?04:30
menn0mattyw: yep04:31
axwwallyworld: how would we surface an error like that? in the provisioner, we don't know the origin of the constraints04:53
wallyworldaxw: at add-machine or deploy time we have the info04:54
axwwallyworld: placement explicitly overrides constraints though, so I don't think it makes sense?04:54
wallyworldso we can return the error from apiserver layer04:54
wallyworldyes, i forgot that04:55
wallyworldwhat abut add machine04:56
wallyworldwill placement override constraints there too04:56
axwwallyworld: I'm under the impression that placement always overrides constraints04:57
wallyworldso juju add-machine --constraints mem=2G lxc04:57
wallyworldwill ignore the constraints?04:58
wallyworldi guess there it doesn't matter04:58
wallyworldas a new machine will be created04:58
wallyworldso arch will not skew04:58
wallyworldi'll revert my comment04:59
axwwallyworld: ignore is too strong a word I guess. it may override aspects of them, or all of them05:00
axwwallyworld: e.g. add-machine ssh:... will ignore the env constraints (or should)05:01
wallyworldok, i was just concerned about surprising behaviour05:02
thumperaxw: thanks for fixing the lxc tools selection05:02
wallyworldie if the user specifies an arch constraint of one thing and the lxc container comes up on another arch05:02
axwthumper: no worries05:02
axwwallyworld: that was my complaint before. I'm not sure how to resolve it05:03
axwyou could prevent "deploy --constraints=<incompatible> --to lxc:N"05:03
axwdoesn't seem worthwhile though05:04
wallyworldmaybe something to fix to improve UI, but not for now05:07
wallyworldaxw: at first read the TestLxcContainerUsesConstraintsArch() seems wrong? host arch set to ppc64, expect arch amd64?05:08
axwwallyworld: I just named the tests back-to-front05:09
axwwill fix05:09
wallyworldta, i thought i was going mad05:09
wallyworldi misse dthe mrthod param05:09
wallyworldthumper: cmd/juju/environment/create.go:128: no formatting directive in Errorf call05:15
axwwallyworld: have you pulled master today? are the tests in environs/manual failing for you?05:29
axwlooks upstart/systemd-related05:29
wallyworldaxw: i'll check05:30
wallyworldaxw: this? FAIL: provisioner_test.go:47: provisionerSuite.TestProvisionMachine05:31
axwwallyworld: yes05:31
axwle sigh05:31
wallyworldhow the fark did that get past the bot05:31
jw4wallyworld: do you know why the build didn't fail when the verify.bash script got the "no formatting directive in Errorf call" ?05:34
jw4wallyworld: I'm nervous it was due to my IGNORE_VET_WARNINGS change from a couple weeks ago05:34
wallyworldjw4: i don't think we run vet on the bot05:34
wallyworldor i seem to recall we used not to05:34
jw4wallyworld: hmm - I see the warning in the last build output05:35
jw4maybe we just don't fail if it exits non-zero05:35
wallyworldyes, i think that may be what we do :-(05:35
jw4wallyworld: well I feel better if I didn't break it :)05:36
wallyworldi don't think you did05:36
jw4FWIW, I've been getting a lot of provisioner test failures too05:36
wallyworldwhich package?05:36
wallyworldseems they started today05:36
jw4for me it seems to be related to OpenSSH and ubuntu@lxc05:36
jw4I've been getting it for at least a week05:37
wallyworldNFI how the bot let any breakage through05:37
wallyworldoh i see05:37
axwwallyworld: there's a map05:37
axwlinuxExecutables in service/service.go05:37
wallyworldwell that would explain it05:37
wallyworldi'm on go 1.305:38
wallyworldthe bot runs 1.205:38
wallyworldle sigh indeed05:38
axwI'm on 1.4 :)05:38
axwI'll fix05:38
jw4yeah, I'm on 1.4 too05:38
jw4my first recorded error there was on 2/28 fwiw05:38
axwwallyworld: small one please: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/173805:50
wallyworldaxw: LGTM. i have to go get kid, could you please send email to juju-dev highlighting what happened and cc curtis and wes. We need to change how we land to stop this happening again05:52
wallyworldwe will likely gate landings on gccgo tests passing05:52
wallyworldthis will add another reason for doing that05:53
axwwallyworld: ok05:53
axwjw4: what was the problem that let to IGNORE_VET_WARNINGS again?06:09
jw4axw: I've brought up go vet warnings from newer versions of go several times06:10
jw4axw: most times the answer is... go 1.2.1 is the official version06:10
jw4axw: to make it easy for folks to use newer versions of go and still have the pre-push hook06:10
jw4axw: I added that envar so that at least bypassing it is explicit rather than implicit06:10
axwjw4: I see. and we can't modify the rules to work with both 1.2 and 1.4?06:10
jw4axw: I'm not sure I understand - as I understand it the vet rules are largely determined by the version of go you're using06:11
jw4axw: we have flags we pass in but those don't seem to be useful for this sort of thing06:12
axwjw4: you can customise the functions that are considered printf-style, as in scripts/verify.bash06:12
jw4axw: yeah - tweaking those hasn't addressed the issue in the past06:12
=== Murali_ is now known as Murali
axwjw4: I don't see any vet warnings/errors, I'm on 1.4. do you still need to do this at the moment?06:13
axwor was the source changed?06:13
jw4axw: the source was changed06:13
jw4axw: I think it makes sense to have that guard in there anyway06:13
axwjw4: yep, it's fine since it's explicit - just wanted to understand06:14
jw4yw, thank you06:14
mattywmenn0, are you done for the day?06:26
wallyworldaxw: thanks for email, was well written06:56
axwwallyworld: cool, nps07:09
jamfwereade: when you're around say hi08:35
tasdomasdimitern, ping?09:00
dimiterntasdomas, hey09:00
tasdomasdimitern, mattyw is afk at the moment, but he asked me to ask you to take a look at http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/994/09:01
dimiterntasdomas, yes, I know - will get to it at some point09:01
tasdomasdimitern, ok - no problem09:01
dimiterntasdomas, cheers09:01
tasdomasdimitern, another question - with the laster master of juju, I'm getting test failures in api/networker and apiserver/networker09:02
tasdomasis this a known issue?09:03
dimiterntasdomas, oh - can you paste them?09:03
tasdomasdimitern, sure, one sec09:03
dooferladMorning! o/09:03
dimiterndooferlad, morning!09:04
dimiterndooferlad, did you know that it's valid in go to do: x, y = y,x ?09:04
dooferladdimitern: I had forgotten. Not a language feature I am used to.09:04
tasdomasby the way, is there a recommendation as to which version of go should be used for juju development ?09:05
dimiterntasdomas, 1.2.1 - the version in precise and trusty09:05
dimiterntasdomas, we need to make sure it works on 1.2.1 that is, it's fine if you use a more recent version otherwise09:06
dimiterndooferlad, yeah, I was looking at that PR of yours and noticed a place where you swap two volume items in a deeply nested set of slices09:07
dooferladdimitern: I think other than rebasing it to the head of trunk the code is OK now. Just need to get code.google.com/p/gcfg ok as a dependency.09:08
dimiternjam, I know we discussed a policy about having 2 team leads at least approve adding a new external dependency, but how about if it's only used for tests?09:09
TheMuemorning o/09:10
TheMuedimitern: thanks for retry my merge. just wanted to do it and wondered where it is. :D09:11
dimiternTheMue, morning, np :)09:11
jamdimitern: probably the biggest thing for me is that if it is just for testing, then it can't be a strong enough dependency that we should actually need it09:11
jamdimitern: in this case, we have a pretty strong preference for YAML in our codebase (or possibly JSON)09:12
dimiternjam, it's just for testing09:12
dimiternjam, and it's a about parsing INI-style files (like systemd uses)09:12
dimiternjam, the alternative is to implement an INI parser ourselves09:13
jamdimitern: that's definitely something I see creeping past "just testing" very quickly09:13
jamI'm not saying we don't want it, just that it should follow the normal review for dependencies09:13
dimiternjam, this is the dependency in question - code.google.com/p/gcfg and the PR that uses it is this https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/171809:14
jamdimitern: "some tests don't generate valid ini files" doesn't sound like a good mix with nondeterministic ordering09:20
jamat best it feels like the test is "more likely to pass" but it doesn't actually get us to determinism09:21
dooferladjam: it isn't about generating the files, it is parsing them. The order of items in those files isn't deterministic.09:21
jamdooferlad: I fully understand that part.09:22
jambut your fix is that "sometimes we'll parse them because sometimes the data can't be parsed"09:22
jamand what happens when the "data that can't be parsed" ends up the one that is non-deterministic order09:22
dimiterndooferlad, yeah, that statement is a bit worrying09:22
jamdooferlad: offhand I'd rather we just made the way config files are *written* deterministic09:23
jameven if it means sorting the map keys before iterating them09:23
dooferladjam: it compares the strings because sometimes we don't output an ini file during the test. Sometimes we have "a\nb\nc" for example.09:23
jamdooferlad: put another way. It sounds like a problem if our config writer is iterating over maps as much as it is a problem if our tests do09:23
tasdomasdimitern, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10524916/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/10524897/09:23
dimiterntasdomas, this looks like a map ordering issue - which version of go are you using?09:25
tasdomasdimitern, 1.409:25
tasdomasdimitern, I can try switching to 1.209:25
dimiterntasdomas, yeah, it will pass with 1.2, but the test needs to be fixed nevertheless09:26
dooferladjam: agreed. I would rather that the configs were outputted with sorted keys just from a user POV - I would rather we could diff our ini files to see what changed.09:26
dimiterntasdomas, would you do me a favor and file a bug for it if it doesn't exist yet?09:26
TheMuedimitern: where to investigate next regarding networking?09:28
tasdomasdimitern, sure09:29
dimiternTheMue, I'll have a review for you shortly09:29
dimiterntasdomas, thanks!09:29
TheMuedimitern: great, pressing refresh in dashboard every second now *lol*09:29
jamdimitern: dooferlad: so aside from the specifics of these tests, being able to easily parse the files we're writing sounds useful, and reasonable to have as a dependency so we don't have to reimplement it ourselves09:30
jamone small concern09:30
jamis that gcfg doesn't have any sort of guarantee that it parses the way systemd does. does it?09:30
dooferladjam: No, ini files are not standardised.09:31
dimiternTheMue, :) it's a long one let me warn you, but it does 99% of what's left around container addressability09:32
TheMuedimitern: it's ok, can imagine what to expect09:33
dimiternTheMue, I was live testing it (and fixing some places as a result) on both EC2 and MAAS for the past 2 days09:33
* dimitern well now! isn't this just beautiful: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10525017/09:34
dooferladdimitern: :-D09:35
TheMuedimitern: ouch, neat, that looks cool09:35
dimiternTheMue, dooferlad, there it is http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1072/09:42
* dimitern looks at the diff, which is slightly shy of 1000 lines 09:43
dooferladjam, dimitern: Oops. We already have go-systemd, which has a unit Deserialise function. Will switch to that. I will still need to work around unparsable strings, but it won't add a dependency.09:45
dimiterndooferlad, oh, that sgtm then09:45
dooferladdimitern: you are the reason why http://www.internetslang.com/ exists :-)09:46
dimiterndooferlad, I knew it :)09:47
axwdimitern: FYI there were some changes to worker/provisioner for LXC today, may need a minor merge if you haven't already done so09:50
axwthe pastebin looks nice :)09:50
dimiternaxw, I did - fortunately small conflict09:50
dimiternaxw, it does, doesn't it? :) and here's the one for maas: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10525174/09:51
dimitern(some stuff needs ironing out it seems)09:52
axwvery cool, glad to see it come to fruition09:54
dimitern:) thanks axw09:57
dimiterndooferlad, TheMue, I'm omw in ~2m10:00
gnuoyHi, I'd like to start prodding at the leadership election function. I had thought it was in 1.23-alpha1.1 but it seems not. Is there anywhere I can grab an alpha version of juju that has it in ? Failing that is there a bug I can track?10:05
wallyworldnatefinch: is there anyone on your team who knows about mongo replica sets who can look at bug 1346597? the relevant error seems to be "not authorized for query on local.system.replset"10:33
mupBug #1346597: cannot get replset config: not authorized for query on local.system.replset <cloud-installer> <landscape> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1346597>10:33
wallyworldthis is currently blocking 1.22 and 1.2310:33
natefinchwallyworld: sure10:41
natefinchwallyworld: usually it's just that we'10:41
natefinchwe're not running as admin somehow10:41
wallyworldwe've fixed or are fixing the other 2 so are close to being able to release 1.2210:41
wallyworldnatefinch: it's on oil so maybe a deployment or setup issue?10:42
perrito666hey, there is not much worth of me as I am about to go back to bed and feel bad, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1346597 after comment 4 looks all kinds of invalid to me10:45
mupBug #1346597: cannot get replset config: not authorized for query on local.system.replset <cloud-installer> <landscape> <oil> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core 1.22:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1346597>10:45
natefinchwallyworld: it could be a bug... looking at the logs now10:46
wallyworldperrito666: get well soon :-)10:46
perrito666wallyworld: tx, I think soup and wather should get me on my feet soon and in the mean time getting some more sleep could help10:47
perrito666anyway, comment 4 on taht bug says that the mongo was a leftover from a dirty machine10:47
wallyworldperrito666: i could run your status-get hook tool to poll your health :-)10:47
* perrito666 imagines getting paper notes with rpc calls every couple of seconds10:48
wallyworldperrito666: i *think* they said the latest occurrence was on a fresh instance, but am not sure10:49
perrito666wallyworld: that bug means you are neither admin nor the machine-0 tag user (which is odd)10:49
wallyworldperrito666: yeah, it may pay to ping jason on irc to ask some questions about their set up10:50
natefinchI'm assuming any comments on that bug from earlier than this month are unrelated10:51
perrito666you might notice in the logs that all credentials are empty in the dial info10:57
perrito666anyway, I would ask for the agent.conf as it might shed some light, ill go to sleep before I die on my laptop bbl10:58
mupBug #1428074 was filed: api/networker and apiserver/networker tests fail <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428074>11:05
mupBug #1428074 changed: api/networker and apiserver/networker tests fail <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428074>11:06
mupBug #1428074 was filed: api/networker and apiserver/networker tests fail <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428074>11:16
dimiterndooferlad, btw I've discovered that (for maas at least) in addition to enabling ip forwarding we need to enable proxy_arp as well, otherwise containers on another host cannot resolve the state server's ip11:17
TheMuedimitern: you've got a review11:24
dimiternTheMue, thanks!11:24
TheMuedimitern: yw11:24
TheMueaaargh, once again a map ordering issue11:28
tasdomasdimitern, re the bug I filed - I can still reproduce it using go 1.2.1 (built from source)11:36
dimiterntasdomas, oh really? that's worse than I though then11:37
tasdomasdimitern, the fact that nobody else has reproduced this makes me think that I'm doing something wrong11:38
dimiterntasdomas, let me try11:38
wallyworlddimitern: bug 1428074 - IMHO any test failure related to map ordering should be no lower than high, even critical11:39
mupBug #1428074: api/networker and apiserver/networker tests fail <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428074>11:39
dimiterntasdomas, why don't you try using golang-go package from the trusty main archive?11:39
tasdomasdimitern, that's what Im about to do11:40
wallyworldthey will fail on gccgo and for those of us running go > 1.2 (there are many)11:40
wallyworldand they are easy to fix11:40
dimiternwallyworld, I'm investigating11:40
dimiternwallyworld, will change as needed11:40
wallyworldi just saw the triage to medium :-)11:40
dimiternwallyworld, I was not aware of that decision (about map ordering issues needing to be no less than high)11:41
dimiterntasdomas, I can't reproduce it with 1.2.1 gccgo, which means it's not a map ordering issue then11:42
tasdomasdimitern, it is or it isn't ?11:43
wallyworlddimitern: it's my opinion - i think it's a fundamental code flaw that shold be fixed as it is almost guaranteed to fail unit tests11:43
dimiterntasdomas, :) sorry - it is not11:43
dooferladdimitern: I have a fix without a new library. It does involve a change to juju/testing/checkers/checker.go though.11:43
dimiterndooferlad, I'll have a look shortly11:43
wallyworlddeterministically failing tests are critical, especially those we can fix11:43
dimiterndooferlad, why the change to checkers?11:43
dimiternwallyworld, fair enough11:44
dooferladdimitern: so I can optionally dereference pointers in checkSameContents11:44
wallyworlddimitern: ty. it means that gccgo and those of us running > 1.2 can get clean test runs11:44
dooferladdimitern: created a new check: SameContentsDeref11:44
wallyworldand avoid nasty tech debt for later11:44
wallyworldwhen we upgrade go toolchain11:45
dimiternwallyworld, +1 that sgtm11:45
dimiterntasdomas, bad news - I can't reproduce it with 1.4.2 either11:46
tasdomasdimitern, great, thanks11:46
dimiterntasdomas, I'll comment on the bug11:46
tasdomasdimitern, ack11:47
dimiterndooferlad, have you pushed the changes?11:52
dooferladdimitern: just doing so now11:52
dooferladdimitern: pushed11:53
dooferladdimitern: https://github.com/juju/testing/compare/master...dooferlad:master-deref is the testing branch change11:53
dooferladdimitern: Oh, and I need to remove the change to dependencies.tsv. That will arrive shortly.11:54
dimiterndooferlad, can you expand a bit why the Indirect was needed?11:55
dooferladdimitern: because comparing pointers wasn't useful :-) Basically, we were comparing two lists of pointers and reflect.DeepEqual wasn't following them, only examining their value.11:57
dooferladdimitern: or at least that seemed to be the case.11:57
dooferladdimitern: without the change, the test failed. With the change it passed 100 times in a row.11:57
mupBug #1428074 changed: api/networker and apiserver/networker tests fail <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428074>11:57
dimiterndooferlad, ok, great11:58
dimiterndooferlad, this change seems useful enough to be unconditionally applied to SameContents checker I think11:59
dooferladdimitern: do I propose the juju/testing branch in the same way as juju/juju?11:59
dimiterndooferlad, but it needs more tests as well in juju/testing11:59
dooferladdimitern: seems reasonable12:00
dimiterndooferlad, however, I'd like you to scan our juju/* repos for places SameContents is used and see if making the change will break anything12:00
dimiterndooferlad, there should be a very few places indeed12:00
dimiterndooferlad, as for how to propose it - the usual way - fork juju/testing to your account, wipe out your $GOPATH/src/github.com/juju/testing/ repo, clone your fork in the same place, add upstream remote to the master repo, etc.12:02
anastasiamacdimitern: goamz v3 regions is missing 2 that i can see... is it possible or m i looking in the wrong place?12:09
dimiternanastasiamac, which ones?12:09
anastasiamacdimitern: EU (Frankfurt)eu-central-112:09
dimiternanastasiamac, that one was never added12:10
anastasiamacdimitern: i was looking at prices and there is a price for it...12:10
anastasiamacdimitern: another one that comes up is AWS GovCloud in US12:10
anastasiamacdimitern: shall i just ignore these 2 then?...12:10
dimiternanastasiamac, prices?12:11
dimiternanastasiamac, you mean in juju source?12:11
anastasiamacdimitern: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/12:11
anastasiamacdimitern: and putting updating them in juju for bug 142784012:11
mupBug #1427840: ec2 provider unaware of c3 types in sa-east-1 <juju-core:In Progress by anastasia-macmood> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1427840>12:11
dimiternanastasiamac, oh, of course - they are indeed available and used (not sure about the gov one - you should be working for the us gov perhaps)12:12
dimiternanastasiamac, but since both are fairly new goamz doesn't yet have them12:12
dimiternanastasiamac, there was even a bug  filed somewhere that eu-central-1 is missing12:13
anastasiamacdimitern: k, so m put n them in on our side intoec2/instancetype12:13
dimiternanastasiamac, yes, unless you need them I think you can safely ignore them :)12:13
dimiternanastasiamac, that was too concise for me to understand, sorry :)12:14
anastasiamacdimitern: i think that i could get away with putting them into struct as string... and then goamz will need to be updated...12:14
anastasiamacdimitern: m adding the prices for these 2 regions into ec2/instancetype as they are specified by string :D12:15
anastasiamacdimitern: but on goamz side they r still missing as regions :D12:15
dimiternanastasiamac, ah, so you do need them?12:15
anastasiamacdimitern: if the pricing is on aws website, do i need to have it in juju?... I would have thought that the answer is "yes"12:16
anastasiamacdimitern: unless our point of truth is goamz and not aws source...12:16
anastasiamacdimitern: no?12:16
dimiternanastasiamac, well, think about it this way: we only support what we have tested, so unless you need to test stuff on those regions and need the pricing for them12:17
dimiternanastasiamac, then yes, add them but also update goamz and test it works on the new regions12:18
anastasiamacdimitern: k. considering that we are close to 1.23, I'd rather file a bug and deal with these 2 rgions once we branch :D12:18
dimiternanastasiamac, in any case I'd suggest posting a message to juju-dev first12:18
dimiternanastasiamac, sgtm12:18
anastasiamacdimitern: tyvm :D12:19
dimiternTheMue, btw here's the PR with megawatcher tests I was talking about - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1588/files12:25
TheMuedimitern: ah, great, just creating a card for it12:26
dimiternTheMue, cheers!12:26
mupBug #1428117 was filed: EC2 eu-central-1 region not in provider <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428117>13:00
mupBug #1428119 was filed: EC2 provider does not include C4 instance family <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428119>13:00
wallyworldnatefinch: forgot to ask, you still working on bug 1415671 as it is assigned to 1.23 beta1?13:45
mupBug #1415671: Joyent provider uploads user's private ssh key by default <joyent-provider> <juju-core:Triaged by natefinch> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1415671>13:45
natefinchwallyworld: oh, sorry, I dropped the ball on that one.  I'll send an email to the list and maybe we can discuss at the team lead meeting if there's no resolution on it - it's kind of tricky.14:39
wallyworldsure, ok14:39
natefinchwallyworld: basically... the thought had been to generate an SSH key, but we can't just upload a new key for someone to their joyent account14:40
wallyworldmay need to do something that's less automatic but secure14:40
wallyworlddocument the process14:40
natefinchI think the right answer might just be "you have to specify the SSH key in the config, and if you don't, we'll complain about it"14:41
natefinchThat's basically the way the rest of the providers work - you have to provide the auth, we don't make it for you14:42
* dimitern steps out for ~30m14:48
ericsnownatefinch, wwitzel3: standup?15:05
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ericsnowdooferlad: I've followed up on your review request15:32
ericsnowdooferlad: thanks for tackling that15:32
ericsnowdooferlad: what can I do to help get that landed today?15:33
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
dooferladericsnow: I just landed a change to juju/testing, which should be all I need now.15:34
dooferladericsnow: just updating dependencies.tsv and re-testing15:35
ericsnowdooferlad: you've already rebased/merged against master?15:35
dooferladericsnow: yes, it is now ready to land once I have confirmed my change to juju/testing is being picked up correctly.15:36
ericsnowdooferlad: sweet!15:36
katcolol oops15:50
dimiternmgz, hey there15:53
mgzdimitern: I will have good news for you shortly15:54
dimiternmgz, :) awesome15:54
mgzdimitern: we may was to add a dependecy.tsv to goose at some point though, atm I've passing through at the merge level which is annoying if deps change15:54
dimiternmgz, sorry, could you rephrase that a bit? :)15:55
mgzdimitern: we don't manage dependencies of goose currently (it only has a few) - if we get to adding more we may want something explicit like a dependencies.tsv otherwise a dep change means a jenkins job change15:57
mgzany clearer?15:57
dimiternmgz, yes, thanks15:57
dimiternmgz, that sounds good to me - we'll add dependencies.tsv then15:57
mgzdon't need it quite yet, but worth it later I think15:58
dimiternmgz, is that also the main obstacle to adding other sub-repos under the merge bot?15:58
mgznah, there are a few minor differences that mean it's some extra each time but it gets easier to add new jobs every time15:59
mgzlike, some of them down't pass their own test suites currently15:59
dimiternok, great15:59
mgzso, it's just stuff to get fixed16:00
dimiternreally? that's pretty bad16:00
dimiternmgz, I'd really appreciate if you can send me a list of these failures, if you have it16:00
ericsnowfwereade: you free to meet?16:01
alexisbdimitern, ping16:24
dimiternalexisb, pong16:24
alexisbhey there16:24
dimiternhey, what's up?16:24
alexisbfor that mailing list thread "unit-get and ipv6 addresses"16:25
alexisbwe should have jake open a bug16:25
dimiternyes, i've looked at it briefly, but still couldn't find a reason why it's happening16:25
dimiternI'll respond and ask for a bug report16:26
dimiterntasdomas, 994 is reviewed16:40
dimiternalexisb, replied16:41
alexisbdimitern, saw it and thank you16:42
ericsnowdooferlad: thanks for landing that!17:28
dooferladericsnow: no worries!17:29
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tasdomasdimitern, thanks20:47
* thumper sadface21:11
thumper/ The config generate here will be store in a config file and in the state DB.21:11
thumperdoes not make grammatical sense21:11
thumperit is like someone doesn't like 'd's21:11
perrito666thumper: that is almost not politically correct21:12
natefinchnot everyone speaks english as a first language... I tend to give people a pass if they make minor grammatical errors (I do correct them, but don't make a big deal of it)21:13
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
natefinchpeople that write unit tests which start web servers should be flogged21:16
perrito666natefinch: not everyone speaks unit tests as a first testing choice... :p21:17
natefinchhttp: panic serving runtime error: slice bounds out of range21:19
* perrito666 had to google flogged, in Argentina is an anglicism meaning "added an entry in his/hers foto log"21:19
* thumper frowns21:19
thumperI'm sure this code exists elsewhere21:19
* thumper hunts21:19
natefinchjoyent tests evidently run not one but two http servers21:19
perrito666adding fields to status is a royal pain in the rear21:21
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
ericsnowmenn0: FYI, I addressed your comments in and added tests to http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1059/21:41
menn0ericsnow: looking21:43
mwhudsonthumper: i bet you know this, is there a way when using flag.FlagStr to tell the difference between the arg being passed with the default value and the arg not being passed?21:54
mwhudsonflag.StringVar rather21:55
menn0ericsnow: ship it with tiny fixes21:55
ericsnowmenn0: cool, thanks21:55
mupBug #1428345 was filed: unit-get private-address returns ipv6 address <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428345>22:06
mupBug #1428345 changed: unit-get private-address returns ipv6 address <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428345>22:06
mupBug #1428345 was filed: unit-get private-address returns ipv6 address <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428345>22:07
mupBug #1428345 changed: unit-get private-address returns ipv6 address <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428345>22:07
mupBug #1428345 was filed: unit-get private-address returns ipv6 address <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1428345>22:07
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
perrito666here I was trying to fix my 4 broken tests... now I have 15 ... how did that happened22:13
cheryljmwhudson: I'm curious why you ask?  I think you could not set a default value (use ""), and then in the Init set that value if it's not specified22:14
mwhudsoncherylj: wanted to have a flag use a computed default value, but have -r "" be different22:15
mwhudsonit's probably a bad idea :)22:15
mwhudson(it's also for something that's only going to be invoked by the go tool in practice so something more explicit can be done instead)22:15
cheryljmwhudson:  ah, I was just curious.  I've been digging through the gnuflag docs to determine if there's a way to say you can only specify a flag once.22:16
thumperanyone up for a quick review? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1076/diff/#22:23
ericsnowthumper: I'll look22:25
thumperericsnow: cheers22:25
ericsnowthumper: was it very hard adding that to GCE?22:25
ericsnowthumper: oh good22:25
thumperjust moved functions around22:25
ericsnowthumper: I've posted a review (just 1 issue to resolve)22:55

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