
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
whithey guys, jcastro wants to know why https://jujucharms.com/q/cloudfoundry is bring up snake eyes for lp:cf-charmers/cloudfoundry/trunk17:26
* whit has to bounce17:26
jcastrohe's going to want to know if we pass proof, etc.17:26
jcastroso I'm digging in the testing stuff17:26
hatchI'm not sure what snake eyes is :)17:28
jcastrowe can't find it in search17:28
jcastro~cf-charmers/cloudfoundry is the charm we're looking for17:28
hatchahh right, it's not there17:28
hatchI'm guessing the push was >1h ago17:28
jrwrenand it is here: https://jujucharms.com/u/cf-charmers/cloudfoundry/trusty  I am not sure why it is not in search results.17:29
jcastrono it's been there a long while17:29
hatchwas just going to say17:29
hatchjcastro: I think this is a bug with the search 17:29
jcastrowell yeah, of course it is. :)17:30
hatchhaha - I mean, because the charm is in the system17:30
jcastroshould I file one now17:30
hatchyes please17:30
rick_h_because it's not promulgated17:30
rick_h_I filed that in the bug around it17:31
rick_h_eco needs to mark it as promulgated and it'll show up17:31
jcastrobut it's not showing up as search at all17:31
rick_h_yes, I konw17:31
* rick_h_ looks for the bug with the full written out explanation17:31
jcastrobut you're showing other personal namespace results?17:31
rick_h_jcastro: yes, but nothing with charmers at the end of the usernmae shows17:31
rick_h_they're filtered due to a bug we're working on17:32
rick_h_as I said, I wrote it all out in a but on the CF charm to whit17:32
jcastroOh ok, so basically you meant to match "~charmers" but catch-alled "~cf-charmers" by mistake17:32
rick_h_no, we do it on purpoise because landscape-charmers openstack-charmers and so on are normally promulgated17:32
rick_h_so do reduce duplicate results we only show the promulgated charm and we filter out the one that ends in -charmers17:33
jcastrook, so basically, you want me to get a charmer to promulgate it17:33
rick_h_so if a -charmers owned charm isn't promulgated it'll be hidden17:33
rick_h_jcastro: yes please17:33
jcastroso move it to the store? Or is there another definition?17:33
rick_h_no, it's in the store, just hidden17:33
jrwrenits there, right there: https://jujucharms.com/u/cf-charmers/cloudfoundry/trusty17:34
rick_h_jcastro: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+bug/142506917:34
mupBug #1425069: cloud foundry icon has svg error <Juju Charms Collection:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1425069>17:34
rick_h_jrwren: right but search filters 17:34
jrwrenrick_h_: right. thanks for reminding me.17:34
rick_h_due to the dupe results bug we had17:34
jrwrenrick_h_: right.17:35
rick_h_while we fix promulgation in the charmstore which is in progress17:35
jcastrodo you have a timeline for a fix? Because promulgating it opens a new can of worms17:35
jrwrensoon we will have no dupes and search results unfiltered.17:35
rick_h_jcastro: I'm hoping it's in the next release scheduled for hte 16th17:35
jcastrobecause then we'll need to make sure it has tests, is maintained, and all the other policy bits17:35
rick_h_jcastro: yep17:35
jcastrook, so like, I think we'll just wait then17:36
rick_h_jcastro: ok, that's fine17:36
rick_h_but atm we're working between the lesser of two bugs and this is a known corner case that gets bit17:36
rick_h_while we try to fix both bugs17:36
hatchwhile doing this refactoring I really wish we were using typescript, dart, or the like so that I could catch odd-man-out bugs without manual testing17:39
jrwrenhatch: how is one of those going to help?17:42
hatchjrwren: because you define the signature of methods with the systems so on compile if the data being passed to it doesn't match then it'll fail17:43
hatchsimilar to any typed language17:43
jrwrenhatch: cool.17:43
hatchyeah it really is - of course it adds yet another layer of abstraction but sometimes it's worth it17:44
hatchalso saves from having to write that part of the integration tests :)17:44
hatchdoesn't replace integration tests of course though17:45
hatchjrwren: just in case you're interested, it's like this https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScriptSamples/blob/master/todomvc/js/todos.ts#L7117:51
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hatchuiteam lf a trivial review and qa for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/699 thx18:04
hatchuiteam I also need one more for https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/69818:04
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* rick_h_ goes to get food before next round of calls18:23
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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