
DaekdroomIs anyone else able to use Friends app for Twitter?00:34
DaekdroomMine isn't loading tweets at all, despite having a twitter account enabled.00:34
johnjohn101hi, noticed that there is no tabs for the gnome terminal in 15.0401:59
Daekdroomjohnjohn101, there is a setting for changing that. Let me check where.02:02
Daekdroomjohnjohn101, Edit > Settings > 1st tab > drop down menu02:02
johnjohn101i just sent instructions to work02:03
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=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
=== Malsasa is now known as Guest94873
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
elfyk1l: switch to systemd is imminent bug 142765407:44
ubottubug 1427654 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu Vivid) "FFE: switch system init to systemd [not touch] in 15.04" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142765407:44
lordievaderGood morning.08:21
elfymorning lordievader08:22
lordievaderHey elfy, how are you doing?08:23
elfyjust chilling for a bit before the day08:23
lordievaderDoing good, having coffee/08:23
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
bdb__can i join09:21
lordievaderbdb__: Can you join what?09:24
bdb__sorry sir its first time to use arssi09:24
bdb__how can i use this09:24
bdb__lordievader_ kindly help thanks...09:26
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines09:27
bdb__thanks -ubottu09:27
lordievaderbdb__: http://irssi.org/beginner/09:28
bdb__thanks -lordievader09:29
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=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
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BluesKajHiyas all13:22
=== TheNumb is now known as OpenRC
=== OpenRC is now known as TheNumb
=== TheNumb is now known as GRUB2
=== GRUB2 is now known as TheNumb
SonikkuAmericaIs there a bug somewhere in upstream that prevents Unity from loading correctly?17:55
SonikkuAmerica(7, not the 8 preview)17:55
SonikkuAmericaOr is 8 just not in the daily build yet?18:01
TheNumbSonikkuAmerica: what?18:03
SonikkuAmericaAm I sounding weird?18:03
TheNumbUnity loads fine here.18:04
TheNumbunity 7 that is18:04
SonikkuAmericaI grabbed the latest daily last night, and it's not joading.18:04
SonikkuAmerica* loading. (Excuse my Colemak.)18:04
solsTiCehi. what's the diff between Ubuntu Desktop Next 15.04 and Ubuntu 15.04 ? which of the one will be the next ubuntu 15.04 ?18:15
smallfoot-When I get to LightDM, my USB keyboard and mouse are not powered up. After waiting 30 seconds, then they get powered up. Why?18:20
trismsolsTiCe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8Desktop that's what the desktop next isos are18:27
smallfoot-When I get to LightDM, my USB keyboard and mouse are not powered up. After waiting 30 seconds, then they get powered up. Why?18:46
solsTiCetrism: ok18:55
arssonHello! So here not seems to be src-sinc resample method in pulseaudio anymore?19:22
smallfoot-When I get to LightDM, my USB keyboard and mouse are not powered up. After waiting 30 seconds, then they get powered up. Why?19:49
soeeguys someone can confirm this issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1428328 ?21:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1428328 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "nvidia-prime needs sddm support" [Undecided,New]21:13
smallfoot-When I get to LightDM, my USB keyboard and mouse are not powered up. After waiting 30 seconds, then they get powered up. Why?22:47
SonikkuAmericaUh, yeah... installing the daily onto a hard disk leaves Unity dysfunctional on login.23:21
DaekdroomSonikkuAmerica, have you used a previously existing /home ?23:22
SonikkuAmericaDaekdroom: Not a /home partition ... do I need to have it completely cleaned off for new config files to be installed?23:23
SonikkuAmericaI can do that and try again.23:23

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