
dholbachgood morning07:47
elfymorning dholbach08:22
MooDoomorning all08:23
elfymorning :)08:23
dholbachhi elfy08:28
* dholbach relocates to the office, brb08:39
czajkowskiI find this fascinating ,http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2xto6a/i_was_at_the_canonical_stand_and_spent_5_minutes/11:01
czajkowskiI wish more people could meeet and har fmr Jane11:02
czajkowskinot enough people see her as the CEO of CAnonical and still assume Mark is the CEO11:02
czajkowskione useful feedback would be to see Jane speak at more events  just a thought11:02
balloonshowdy everyone; I occassionally am getting a database error trying ot load: http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/find-a-task/14:04
jcastrojose, for you: http://www.cheero.net/usa/lp/ingress/14:34
mhall119balloons: a Wordpress error?14:56
balloonsmhall119, literally it's a page with only 'could not connect to database'15:01
mhall119balloons: sounds like wordpress then, you should tell IS about it15:05
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
jcastropopey, is there a way to shut the gmail app up from notifications?16:17
jcastroI want texts and stuff to notify me, but not email16:17
popeysystem settings -> notifications16:18
popeyswitch off gmail16:18
josejcastro: oh, I have one on the way (not for me though, it's too expensive)16:44
jcastroit seems to be a pretty niche product16:44
joseit's not that good though, only 2Amp out16:48
joseI need 3A out or my phone won't charge16:48
dholbachall right my friends - have a great rest of your day - see you all tomorrow!16:55
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
elfypopey well it turned up and I appear to be successfully updating it \o/18:09
popeyelfy: que?18:09
elfythis nexus 718:09
popeyoh, neato!18:09

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